1C> \ingroup nwad_tests
2C> @{
4C> \brief test the implementation printing of the TAN function
6C> This is an NWAD unit test for the multivariate implementation.
7C> The derivatives of TAN function are compared
8C> against analytic derivatives. The function is 3-dimensional as that is
9C> sufficient for this test. The input data set is randomly generated.
11      program test_tan_p3
12      use nwadp1
13      implicit none
14      integer :: npt, i, mmvar
15      integer :: i1, i2, i3
16      integer :: ix, ix2, ix3
17      parameter (mmvar = 3)
18      parameter (npt = 1)
19      integer :: iv(mmvar)
20      integer :: numvar
21      type(nwad_dble) :: x, y, z, f
22      double precision fa,dfa(mmvar),dfa2(mmvar*(mmvar+1)/2)
23      double precision dfa3(mmvar*(mmvar+1)*(mmvar+2)/6), tol
24      double precision tmp(3), tf, df
25      parameter( tol = 1.0d-10)
26      call random_seed
27      open(UNIT=60,FILE="test_tan_p3.txt")
28      call set_unitno(60)
29      do i = 1, npt
30        call random_number(tmp)
31        tmp = tmp*2.0d0*acos(-1.0d0)
32        x = set_gamma_aa(tmp(1))
33        y = set_gamma_ab(tmp(2))
34        z = set_gamma_bb(tmp(3))
35        call submaxima_tan_p3(x%d0,y%d0,z%d0,fa,dfa)
36        call subad_tan_p3(x,y,z,f)
37        if (abs((fa-f%d0)/(fa+f%d0)).gt.tol) then
38          write(*,*)"F  : fail:",i,x%d0,y%d0,z%d0,fa
39          write(*,*)"F  : fail:",i,x%d0,y%d0,z%d0,f%d0
40          write(*,*)
41        endif
42        numvar = get_nvar(f)
43        do i1 = 1, numvar
44          call get_d1(f,i1,tf,iv(i1))
45          if (abs((dfa(i1)-tf)/(dfa(i1)+tf)).gt.tol) then
46            write(*,10)i,i1,x%d0,y%d0,z%d0,dfa(i)
47            write(*,10)i,i1,x%d0,y%d0,z%d0,tf
48            write(*,*)
49          endif
50        enddo
51      enddo
52 10   format("DF : fail:",i4, i2,3e10.3,e18.10)
53      end
55C> \brief The test routine
57      subroutine subad_tan_p3(x,y,z,f)
58      use nwadp1
59      implicit none
60      type(nwad_dble) :: x, y, z, t, f
61      t = 1.57d0 * sin(x) * sin(y) * sin(z)
62      f = tan(t)
63      end
64C> @}
65c $Id: test_add.F 26056 2014-08-26 19:03:07Z d3y133 $