1c program qqq
2c with diis implementation
3       implicit none
4       integer  nu, nv, ngr ,icr,icl,i,dd
5       real*8 r1, r2, tau, solperm,t, tol,lambd,dr
6c parameters(nv number of solute sites  nu number of solute sites ngr number of grid points)
7c solperm solvent relative permittivity
8c tau(aa-1) separation between short and long range functions in 1/angstroms
9c icr type of combination rule: 1-arithmetic; 2-geometric
10c t(k)  temperature in kelvins
11c tol residue tolerance
12c lamd mixing parameter
13c icl closure type: 1-hnc; 2-kh
14c tau debye parameter for spliting potnetial into short and long part
15c solperm dielectric permitivity of the solvent
16c dd number of diis basis vectors
17c      ngr=4096
18c      nu=12
19c      nv=4
20c      tau=1
21c      solperm=1
22c      icr=1
23c      t=298
24c      tol=1e-5
25c      lambd=0.5
26c      icl=2
27       open(3, file='uvpar.data', status='old')
28       read(3,102) nu,nv,icr,icl,ngr,tau,solperm,t,tol,lambd,dd
29       print*, nu,nv,icr,icl,ngr,tau,solperm,t,tol,lambd,dd
30       close(3)
31c parameters(r1 first grid point r2 second grid point)
32c      reading of r1 and r2
33       open(3, file='full.data', status='old')
34        read(3,104) r1,r2
35       close(3)
36104    format(1x,f12.7)
37       dr=r2-r1
38!      print*, r1,r2,dr
39       call risminput(nv,nu,ngr,dr,r1,tau,
40     * solperm,icr,t,tol,lambd,icl,dd)
41 102   format(4(1x,i4),1x,i8,5(2x,e9.4),1x,i4)
42       stop
43       end
45       subroutine risminput(nv,nu,ngr,dr,r1,tau,
46     * solperm,icr,t,tol,lambd,icl,dd)
47       implicit none
48       integer  nu, isu(1:nu), mu(1:nu)
49       real*8 wu(1:nu,1:nu,1:ngr),sgvv(1:nv)
50       real*8 xu(1:nu),yu(1:nu),zu(1:nu),sigu(1:nu)
51       real*8 epsiu(1:nu),qqu(1:nu)
52       integer  nv, ngr, isv(1:nv), mv(1:nv)
53       real*8 den(1:nv),xv(1:nv),yv(1:nv),zv(1:nv),sigv(1:nv)
54       real*8 epsiv(1:nv),qqv(1:nv)
55       real*8 sigvv(1:nv), epsvv(1:nv),qvv(1:nv)
56       integer  i, icr, icl,nvv,ims(1:nv),nd,k,dd
57       real*8 r1,dr, dk, rgrid(1:ngr),kgrid(1:ngr),pi
58       character (4) tv(1:nv), tu(1:nu)
59       real*8 tau,solperm,t, tol,lambd,kb
60       integer j1,j
61       real*8 c3(1:nu,1:nv,1:ngr),hu(1:nu,1:nv,1:ngr)
62       real*8 gam(1:nu,1:nv,1:ngr)
64c      solvent input
65c tv type of cite isv type of species mv multiplicity  den density (1/a3) xvyvzv[xyz](a)
66c sigv  sigma(a) epsiv epsilon(kj/mol) qqv charge(e)
67c      number of lines in solvt..data should be equal nv
68       open(3, file='solvent3.data', status='old')
69        do i=1,nv
70         read(3,103)tv(i),isv(i),mv(i),den(i),
71     *   xv(i),yv(i),zv(i),sigv(i), epsiv(i),qqv(i)
72!        print *, tv(i),isv(i),mv(i),den(i),
73!    *   xv(i),yv(i),zv(i),sigv(i), epsiv(i),qqv(i)
74        enddo
75       close(3)
76 103   format(a4,2x,i4,2x,i4,7(2x,e10.4))
78c      sorting
79       call sort(nv,tv,isv,mv,ims,nvv)
80!      print*, (ims(i), i=1,nv)
81c      calculations interaction parameters for reduced matrix
82       call vpot(nv,ims,nvv,sigv,epsiv,qqv,sgvv,epsvv,qvv)
83!      do i=1,nvv
84!       print*, sgvv(i),epsvv(i),qvv(i),i,ims(i)
85!      enddo
87c      solute input
88c tu type of cite isu type of species mu multiplicity  xuyuzu[xyz](a)
89c      sigu sigma(a) epsiu epsilon(kj/mol) qqu charge(e)
90       open(3, file='solute2.data', status='old')
91        do i=1,nu
92         read(3,102)tu(i),isu(i),mu(i),
93     *   xu(i),yu(i),zu(i),sigu(i),epsiu(i),qqu(i)
94         print *,tu(i),isu(i),mu(i),
95     *   xu(i),yu(i),zu(i),sigu(i),epsiu(i),qqu(i)
96        enddo
97       close(3)
98 102   format(a4,2x,i4,2x,i4,6(2x,e10.4))
100c      creat rgrid rgrd(i) creat kgrid kgrid(i)
101       pi=2*asin(1.0)
102c      the zero point is excluded
103       r1=dr
104       dk=pi/(ngr+1)/dr
105       do i=1,ngr
106        rgrid(i)=r1+dr*(i-1)
107        kgrid(i)=i*dk
108       enddo
110c      wu(i,j,k) intramolecular solute function
111       call wucreat(nu,ngr,kgrid,tu,isu,xu,yu,zu,wu)
112!      do k=1,ngr,40
113!       print*, (wu(1,i,k), i=1,9)
114!      enddo
116       call rism(nu,nv,nvv,ngr,icl,kgrid,rgrid,tv,isv,den,mv,xv,yv,zv,
117     * icr,ims,tau,solperm,sgvv,epsvv,qvv,sigu,epsiu,qqu,t,lambd,
118     * tol,wu,dd)
119       return
120       end subroutine
123c subroutine for rearrangement of the solvent data which excludes the same sites
124c defined by paramters tv and mv
126       subroutine sort(nv,tv,isv,mv,ims,nvv)
127       implicit none
128       integer  nv, isv(1:nv), mv(1:nv),ims(1:nv),mvt(1:nv)
129       integer  i,i1,j1,j2,icc,imm(1:nv),max,nvv
130       character (4) tv(1:nv)
132c      initialization of connectivity vector
133       do i=1,nv
134        ims(i)=i
135        imm(i)=1
136        mvt(i)=mv(i)
137       enddo
138c      sorting
139       do j1=1,nv-1
140        do j2=j1+1,nv
141         if((tv(j1).eq.tv(j2)).and.(isv(j1).eq.isv(j2))
142     *    .and.(mv(j2).ne.1)) then
143c         replace current value of ims by the first found
144          ims(j2)=ims(j1)
145c         change indicator of replacement
146          imm(j2)=2
147c         change multiplicity
148          mv(j2)=1
149c         shift all others except replaced by 1
150          if(j2.ne.nv) then
151           do i1=j2+1,nv
152            if(imm(i1).eq.1) then
153             ims(i1)=ims(i1)-1
154             else
155             ims(i1)=ims(i1)
156            endif
157           enddo
158          endif
159          else
160          ims(j2)=ims(j2)
161         endif
162!       print*, j2,ims(j2),mv(j2),imm(j2)
163        enddo
164       enddo
165c      evaluation of maximal value of different sites
166       max=ims(1)
167       do i=2,nv
168        if(ims(i).ge.max) then
169         max=ims(i)
170         else
171         max=max
172        endif
173       enddo
174       nvv=max
175c      replace changed mv by the initial one
176       do i=1,nv
177        mv(i)=mvt(i)
178       enddo
179       return
180       end subroutine
182c      subroutine for calculation potential parameters for reduced matrix
184       subroutine vpot(nv,ims,nvv,sigv,epsiv,qqv,sgvv,epsvv,qvv)
185       implicit none
186       integer  nv,nvv
187       real*8 sgvv(1:nvv),epsvv(1:nvv),qvv(1:nvv)
188       real*8 sigv(1:nv),epsiv(1:nv),qqv(1:nv)
189       integer  i,ims(1:nv),j1,j2,icr
190       do i=1,nv
191        sgvv(ims(i))=sigv(i)
192        epsvv(ims(i))=epsiv(i)
193        qvv(ims(i))=qqv(i)
194!       print*, sgvv(ims(i)),sigv(i),i,ims(i)
195       enddo
196       return
197       end subroutine
199c      prepration of wu(i,j,k) intramoplecular solute matrix
201       subroutine wucreat(nu,ngr,kgrid,tu,isu,xu,yu,zu,wu)
202       implicit none
203       integer  nu, ngr, isu(1:nu), mu(1:nu)
204       real*8 wu(1:nu,1:nu,1:ngr), dist(1:nu,1:nu)
205       real*8 xu(1:nu),yu(1:nu),zu(1:nu)
206       integer  i, j1,j2,icr
207       real*8 kgrid(1:ngr),sik
208       character (4) tu(1:nu)
209c      dis(i,j) intramolecular distances
210       do i=1,ngr
211        do j1=1,nu
212         do j2=1,nu
213          dist(j1,j2)=(((xu(j1)-xu(j2))**2+(yu(j1)-yu(j2))**2+
214     *    (zu(j1)-zu(j2))**2))**(1.0/2)
215          wu(j1,j2,i)=sik(kgrid(i)*dist(j1,j2))
216         enddo
217        enddo
218       enddo
219       return
220       end subroutine
222       real*8 function sik(x)
223       real*8 x
224       if(x.lt.1d-22)then
225        sik=1
226       else
227       sik=sin(x)/x
228       endif
229       return
230       end
232c creat susceptibility of solvent
234       subroutine chicreat(nd,nv,ngr,ims,nvv,kgrid,tv,
235     * isv,den,mv,xv,yv,zv,chi)
236       implicit none
237       real*8 wv(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr), chi(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr),hd(1:ngr)
238       integer  nv, ngr, isv(1:nv), mv(1:nv)
239       real*8 den(1:nv),xv(1:nv),yv(1:nv),zv(1:nv),sigv(1:nv)
240       integer  i,j,j1,j2,icr,nvv,ims(1:nv),nd
241       real*8 r1, r2, dr, dk, rgrid(1:ngr),kgrid(1:ngr),pi
242       real*8 hsol(1:nd,1:ngr), rr(1:ngr)
243       real*8 h1(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr),h2(1:ngr),h3(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr)
244       character (4) tv(1:nv)
245       pi=2*asin(1.0)
248c reading of solvent rdfs
249        open(3, file='full.data', status='old')
250        do i=1,ngr
251         read(3,104) rr(i), (hsol(j,i), j=1,nd)
252        enddo
253       close(3)
254104    format(11(1x,f12.7))
255       dr=rr(2)-rr(1)
256!      do i=1,ngr,40
257!       print*, (hsol(j,i), j=1,9)
258!      enddo
260c      sin fft transform of rdfs with proper arrangement in array
261       do j=1,nvv
262        do j1=j,nvv
263         do i=2,ngr
264          h1(j,j1,i)=(hsol(nvv*(j-1)-j*(j-1)/2+j1,i)-1)*rr(i)
265          h2(i)=h1(j,j1,i)
266         enddo
267         call sinft(h2,ngr)
268c        normalization of sin-fft with excluding the zeropoint (x=0)
269         do i=1,ngr-1
270          h3(j,j1,i)=h2(i+1)/kgrid(i)
271         enddo
272         h3(j,j1,ngr)=h3(j,j1,ngr-1)
273        enddo
274       enddo
275c      symmetric indeces
276       do j=1,nvv
277        do j1=j,nvv
278         do i=1,ngr
279          h3(j1,j,i)=h3(j,j1,i)
280         enddo
281        enddo
282       enddo
283!      do i=1,ngr,40
284!       print*, (h3(j,3,i), j=1,4)
285!      enddo
287c wv(i,j,k) intramolecular solvent function
289       call wcreat(nv,ngr,nvv,ims,kgrid,tv,isv,xv,yv,zv,wv)
290!      do i=1,ngr,40
291!       print*, (wv(1,j1,i), j1=1,nvv)
292!      enddo
294c chi(i,j,k) solvent susceptibility
296       dr=rr(2)-rr(1)
297       do i=1,ngr
298        do j1=1,nv
299         do j2=1,nv
300          chi(ims(j1),ims(j2),i)=wv(ims(j1),ims(j2),i)
301     *    +4*pi*dr*mv(j1)*mv(j2)*den(j1)*h3(ims(j1),ims(j2),i)
302         enddo
303        enddo
304       enddo
305!      do i=1,ngr,40
306!       print*, (chi(2,j,i), j=1,4)
307!      enddo
308       return
309       end subroutine
311c caculation of reduced solvent matrix
313       subroutine wcreat(nv,ngr,nvv,ims,kgrid,tv,isv,xv,yv,zv,wv)
314       implicit none
315       real*8 wv(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr),dist(1:nv,1:nv)
316       real*8 ws(1:nv,1:nvv,1:ngr)
317       integer  nv, ngr, isv(1:nv),mv(1:nv)
318       real*8 den(1:nv),xv(1:nv),yv(1:nv),zv(1:nv),sigv(1:nv)
319       integer  i, j1,j2,nvv,ims(1:nv),t
320       real*8 kgrid(1:ngr),pi,sik,co(1:nv,1:nv,1:ngr)
321       character (4) tv(1:nv)
322       pi=2*asin(1.0)
324c      initialization of wv(i,j,k) & calculating of the 11 element
326       do i=1, ngr
327        do j1=1,nv
328         do j2=1,nv
329           wv(ims(j1),ims(j2),i)=0
330           ws(j1,ims(j2),i)=0
331         enddo
332        enddo
333       enddo
334c      dist(i,j) distance between i and j sites
335c      co(i,j,k) sik between i and j sites
336c      reducing number of coloumns
337       do i=1,ngr
338        do j1=1,nv
339         do j2=1,nv
340c         calculations all other columns
341c         if they belong to the same molecule
342          if(isv(j1).eq.isv(j2)) then
343           dist(j1,j2)=(((xv(j1)-xv(j2))**2+
344     *     (yv(j1)-yv(j2))**2+(zv(j1)-zv(j2))**2))**(1.0/2)
345           co(j1,j2,i)=sik(kgrid(i)*dist(j1,j2))
346           ws(j1,ims(j2),i)= ws(j1,ims(j2),i)+co(j1,j2,i)
347          endif
348         enddo
349        enddo
350       enddo
351c      reducing the number of rows
352       do i=1,ngr
353        do j2=1,nvv
354         do j1=1,nv
355          wv(ims(j1),j2,i)=wv(ims(j1),j2,i)+ws(j1,j2,i)
356         enddo
357        enddo
358       enddo
359!      do i=1,ngr,40
360!       print*, (wv(1,j1,i), j1=1,nvv)
361!      enddo
362       return
363       end subroutine
365c  creat solute-solvent potentials
367       subroutine potcreat(nvv,nu,ngr,icr,kgrid,rgrid,tau,solperm,
368     * sgvv,epsvv,qvv,sigu,epsiu,qqu,plj,ul)
369       implicit none
370       integer  nu,nv, ngr,nvv
371       real*8 sigu(1:nu),epsiu(1:nu),qqu(1:nu)
372       real*8 sgvv(1:nvv),epsvv(1:nvv),qvv(1:nvv)
373       integer  i, j1,j2,icr
374       real*8 r1, r2, dr, dk, rgrid(1:ngr),kgrid(1:ngr),pi
375       real*8 sigvv(1:nu,1:nvv), epsivv(1:nu,1:nvv)
376       real*8 ul(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),plj(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
377       real*8 nav,tau, echar,solperm,uthre,ck
378c      constants for potential
379       pi=2*asin(1.0)
380       nav=6.02214179e+23
381       echar=4.803e-10
382       ck=nav*echar**2/solperm*0.01
383       uthre=1000
385c calculation lj parameters
386       call combrule(nu,nvv,icr,sgvv,sigu,epsiu,epsvv,sigvv,epsivv)
388c plj(j1,j2,r) lj potential+short part from coulomb
389c ul(j1,j2,k) is the fourier trasnform of long range interactions
390       do i=1,ngr
391        do j1=1,nu
392         do j2=1,nvv
393          ul(j1,j2,i)=4*pi*ck*qqu(j1)*qvv(j2)*exp(-kgrid(i)**2/4/tau**2)
394          ul(j1,j2,i)=ul(j1,j2,i)/kgrid(i)**2
395          plj(j1,j2,i)=4*epsivv(j1,j2)*
396     *    ((sigvv(j1,j2)/rgrid(i))**(12)-(sigvv(j1,j2)/rgrid(i))**(6))
397          plj(j1,j2,i)=plj(j1,j2,i)+ck
398     *    *qqu(j1)*qvv(j2)/rgrid(i)*(1-erf(tau*rgrid(i)))
399          if (plj(j1,j2,i).ge. uthre) then
400           plj(j1,j2,i)=uthre
401          endif
402         enddo
403        enddo
404       enddo
405!      do i=1,40
406!       print*, (plj(1,j1,i), j1=1,4)
407!      enddo
408       return
409       end subroutine
411c   calculations of parameters for solute-solvent interactions
413       subroutine combrule(nu,nvv,icr,sgvv,sigu,
414     * epsiu,epsvv,sigvv,epsivv)
415       implicit none
416       integer  nu, nv, icr,nvv
417       real*8 sigu(1:nu), epsiu(1:nu), sgvv(1:nvv), epsvv(1:nvv)
418       real*8 sigvv(1:nu,1:nvv), epsivv(1:nu,1:nvv)
419       integer  i, j1,j2
420       do j1=1,nu
421        do j2=1,nvv
422         epsivv(j1,j2)=(epsiu(j1)*epsvv(j2))**(1.0/2)
423         if (icr.eq.1) then
424          sigvv(j1,j2)=(sigu(j1)+sgvv(j2))/2
425          else
426          sigvv(j1,j2)=(sigu(j1)*sgvv(j2))**(1.0/2)
427         endif
428!        print *, sigvv(j1,j2), epsivv(j1,j2), j1,j2
429        enddo
430       enddo
431       return
432       end subroutine
434c site-site ornstein-zernike in k-space
436       subroutine ssoz(nvv,nu,ngr,nv,ims,mv,wu,c3,chi,hu)
437       implicit none
438       integer  nu, nvv, nv, ngr, i,j1,j,k1,ims(1:nv),mv(1:nv)
439       real*8 rgrid(1:ngr),kgrid(1:ngr)
440       real*8 pi,ct
441       real*8 c3(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),hu(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
442       real*8 ctt(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),h1(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
443       real*8 wu(1:nu,1:nu,1:ngr), chi(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr)
444c      calculations of right product of matrix via summation over solvent sites
445       do i=1,ngr
446        do j1=1,nu
447         do j=1,nvv
448          ct=0
449          do k1=1,nvv
450           ct=c3(j1,k1,i)*chi(k1,j,i)+ct
451          enddo
452          ctt(j1,j,i)=ct
453         enddo
454        enddo
455       enddo
456!      do i=1,ngr,40
457!       print*, (ctt(1,j,i), j=1,4)
458!      enddo
459c      calculations of left product of matrix via summation over solute sites
460       do i=1,ngr
461        do j1=1,nu
462         do j=1,nvv
463          ct=0
464          do k1=1,nu
465           ct=wu(j1,k1,i)*ctt(k1,j,i)+ct
466          enddo
467          hu(j1,j,i)=ct
468          h1(j1,j,i)=hu(j1,j,i)
469         enddo
470        enddo
471       enddo
472       do i=1,ngr
473        do j1=1,nu
474         do j=1,nv
475          hu(j1,ims(j),i)=h1(j1,ims(j),i)/mv(j)
476         enddo
477        enddo
478       enddo
479!      do i=1,ngr,40
480!       print*, (hu(1,j,i),h1(1,j,i), j=1,4)
481!      enddo
482       return
483       end subroutine
485c  subroutine for closure
487       subroutine clos(nvv,nu,ngr,t,plj,cr,gam,icl)
488       implicit none
489       integer  nu, nvv, ngr, i,j1,j,icl
490       real*8 plj(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
491       real*8 t, kb,pi,lexp
492       real*8 cr(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),gam(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
493       kb=8.13441e-3
494       do i=1,ngr
495        do j=1,nu
496         do j1=1,nvv
497          if(icl.eq.1) then
498           cr(j,j1,i)=exp(-1.0/kb/t*plj(j,j1,i)+gam(j,j1,i))
499     *     -gam(j,j1,i)-1
500          endif
501          if(icl.eq.2) then
502           cr(j,j1,i)=lexp(-1.0/kb/t*plj(j,j1,i)+gam(j,j1,i))
503     *     -gam(j,j1,i)-1
504          endif
505         enddo
506        enddo
507       enddo
508       return
509       end subroutine
511       real*8 function lexp(x)
512       real*8 x
513       if(x.le.0.0)then
514        lexp=exp(x)
515        else
516        lexp=1+x
517       endif
518       return
519       end
523       subroutine rism(nu,nv,nvv,ngr,icl,kgrid,rgrid,tv,isv,
524     * den,mv,xv,yv,zv,
525     * icr,ims,tau,solperm,sgvv,epsvv,qvv,sigu,epsiu,qqu,t,
526     * lambd,tol,wu,dd)
527       implicit none
528c      parameters
529       integer  nu, nv,nd,nvv, ngr, i,j1,j,k1,icl,k
530       real*8 rgrid(1:ngr),kgrid(1:ngr)
531       real*8 pi,dk,t,tau,solperm,tol,lambd,del0,kb,dr
532c      solute
533       real*8 wu(1:nu,1:nu,1:ngr), chi(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr)
534       real*8 sigu(1:nu),epsiu(1:nu),qqu(1:nu)
535c      solvent
536       integer  icr,isv(1:nv),mv(1:nv),ims(1:nv)
537       real*8 den(1:nv),xv(1:nv),yv(1:nv),zv(1:nv)
538       real*8 wv(1:nvv,1:nvv,1:ngr)
539       real*8 sgvv(1:nvv),epsvv(1:nvv),qvv(1:nvv)
540       character (4) tv(1:nv)
541c      potential
542       real*8 plj(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr), ul(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
543c      functions
544       real*8 cr(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),c2(1:ngr),tt(1:nu,1:nvv)
545       real*8 ht(1:ngr),c3(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),cf3(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
546       real*8 cold(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),cnew(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
547       real*8 gfold(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),hu(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
548       real*8 gold(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr), gnew(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
549       real*8 hold(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr), hnew(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
550       real*8 del(1:nu,1:nvv),mmaxi,mmax(1:nu),mmmax
551c      diis functions and counts
552       real*8 ggo(1:dd,1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),dgg(1:dd,1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
553       integer kd,dd
555       pi=2*asin(1.0)
556c      nd total number of different rdfs
557       nd=(nvv+1)*nvv/2
558c      chi(i,j,k) solvent susceptibility
560       call chicreat(nd,nv,ngr,ims,nvv,kgrid,tv,isv,den,mv,xv,yv,zv,chi)
561!      do i=1,ngr,40
562!       print*, (chi(2,j,i), j=1,4)
563!      enddo
565c      plj(j1,j2,r) lj potential+short part from coulomb
566c      ul(j1,j2,k) is the fourier trasnform of long range interactions
568       call potcreat(nvv,nu,ngr,icr,kgrid,rgrid,tau,solperm,
569     * sgvv,epsvv,qvv,sigu,epsiu,qqu,plj,ul)
570!      do k=1,40
571!       print*, (plj(i,1,k), i=1,9)
572!      enddo
573cc     initial value of c_short(r)
574       kb=8.13441e-3
575       do i=1,ngr
576        do j=1,nu
577         do j1=1,nvv
578          gold(j,j1,i)=0
579          cold(j,j1,i)=0
580         enddo
581        enddo
582       enddo
583c      starting counts for diis (kd) and for iterations k1
584       k1=1
585       kd=1
586  1    continue
587c      calculating c_new(r) and h_new(r) from closure
588       call clos(nvv,nu,ngr,t,plj,cnew,gold,icl)
589       do j=1,nu
590        do j1=1,nvv
591         do i=1,ngr
592          hold(j,j1,i)=gold(j,j1,i)+cnew(j,j1,i)
593         enddo
594        enddo
595       enddo
596!      do i=1,ngr,40
597!       print*, rgrid(i),(cnew(1,j,i), j=1,4)
598!      enddo
599c      fast fourier transform
600       dr=rgrid(2)-rgrid(1)
601       do j=1,nu
602        do j1=1,nvv
603         c2(1)=0
604         do i=1,ngr-1
605          c2(i+1)=cnew(j,j1,i)*rgrid(i)
606         enddo
607         call sinft(c2,ngr)
608c        normalization of sin-fft with excluding the zeropoint (x=0)
609         do i=1,ngr-1
610          cf3(j,j1,i)=4*pi*c2(i+1)/kgrid(i)*dr
611         enddo
612         cf3(j,j1,ngr)=cf3(j,j1,ngr-1)
613        enddo
614       enddo
615!      do i=1,40
616!       print*, kgrid(i), (cf3(1,j1,i), j1=1,4)
617!      enddo
618       dk=kgrid(2)-kgrid(1)
619       pi=2*asin(1.0)
620c       adding the long-range potential to c_short
622       do i=1,ngr
623        do j=1,nu
624         do j1=1,nvv
625          cf3(j,j1,i)=cf3(j,j1,i)-1.0/kb/t*ul(j,j1,i)
626         enddo
627        enddo
628       enddo
629c      calculations of fourier transform of h(i,j,k) by
630c      site-site ornstein-zerinike equations
632       call ssoz(nvv,nu,ngr,nv,ims,mv,wu,cf3,chi,hu)
633!      do i=1,ngr,40
634!       print*, (hu(1,j,i), j=1,4)
635!      enddo
636c      inverse fourier transform of h(i,j,k) & calculations of gamma(i,i,r)
637       do j=1,nu
638        do j1=1,nvv
639         ht(1)=0
640         do i=1,ngr-1
641          ht(i+1)=hu(j,j1,i)*kgrid(i)
642         enddo
643         call sinft(ht,ngr)
644         do i=1,ngr-1
645          hnew(j,j1,i)=ht(i+1)*dk/2/rgrid(i)/pi**2
646          gnew(j,j1,i)=hnew(j,j1,i)-cnew(j,j1,i)
647         enddo
648         gnew(j,j1,ngr)=gnew(j,j1,ngr-1)
649         hnew(j,j1,ngr)=hnew(j,j1,ngr-1)
650        enddo
651       enddo
652!      do i=1,40
653!       print*, (gnew(1,j,i), j=1,4)
654!      enddo
655c      intialization del
656       do j=1,nu
657        do j1=1,nvv
658         del(j,j1)=0
659        enddo
660       mmax(j)=0
661       enddo
662       mmaxi=0
663c      evaluation of accuracy
664       do j=1,nu
665        do j1=1,nvv
666         do i=1,ngr
667          del(j,j1)=del(j,j1)+(gnew(j,j1,i)-gold(j,j1,i))**2
668         enddo
669         mmax(j)=del(j,j1)+mmax(j)
670        enddo
671        mmaxi=mmaxi+mmax(j)
672       enddo
673!      do j=1,nu
674!      print*, (del(j,j1), j1=1,4),mmmax
675!      enddo
676c      normalization
677       del0=(mmaxi/ngr/nu/nvv)**(1.0/2)
678c      diis procedure
679       call  diis(nu,nvv,ngr,lambd,kd,dd,gold,gnew,ggo,dgg)
680c      old functions as new functions for new cycle
681       do j=1,nu
682        do j1=1,nvv
683         do i=1,ngr
684          gold(j,j1,i)=gnew(j,j1,i)
685          cold(j,j1,i)=cnew(j,j1,i)
686         enddo
687        enddo
688       enddo
689  107  format(9(1x,e10.4))
690       k1=k1+1
691       print*, k1,kd,del0
692       if(k1.ge.700) goto 2
693        if(del0.ge.tol) goto 1
694 2     continue
695       open(3, file='g1.data', status='old')
696        do k=1,ngr
697         write(3,107)(gnew(1,i,k)+cnew(1,i,k), i=1,4)
698        enddo
699       close(3)
700       return
701       end subroutine
703c      subroutine for evaluation diis residues dgg and matrix coefficients ss
705       subroutine diis(nu,nvv,ngr,lam,k1,dd,hold,hnew,ggo,dgg)
706       implicit none
707       real*8 ggo(1:dd,1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr),dgg(1:dd,1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
708       real*8 ss(1:dd+1,1:dd+1),hold(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
709       real*8 s0(1:dd+1),s1,lam,hnew(1:nu,1:nvv,1:ngr)
710       integer k1,dd,jd,jd1
711       integer j,j1,i,nu,nvv,ngr
712       integer ipiv(1:dd+1),info
713c      initialization of overlap matrix for diis
714       do jd=1,dd
715        do jd1=1,dd
716         ss(jd,jd1)=0
717        enddo
718        s0(jd)=0
719        ss(jd,dd+1)=-1
720        ss(dd+1,jd)=-1
721       enddo
722       ss(dd+1,dd+1)=0
723       s0(dd+1)=-1
724c      calculation of basis
725       do j=1,nu
726        do j1=1,nvv
727         do i=1,ngr
728          ggo(k1,j,j1,i)=hnew(j,j1,i)
729          dgg(k1,j,j1,i)=hnew(j,j1,i)-hold(j,j1,i)
730c         calculation of elements of overlaping  matrix
731          if(k1.eq.dd) then
732           do jd=1,dd
733            do jd1=jd,dd
734             ss(jd,jd1)=(dgg(jd,j,j1,i)*dgg(jd1,j,j1,i))/ngr+ss(jd,jd1)
735c            symmerization
736             ss(jd1,jd)=ss(jd,jd1)
737            enddo
738           enddo
739          endif
740         enddo
741        enddo
742       enddo
743c      solution of diis equation and change of baisis
744       if(k1.eq.dd) then
745        do jd=1,dd
746c        print*, (ss(jd,jd1), jd1=1,dd)
747        enddo
748        call dgesv(dd+1,1,ss,dd+1,ipiv,s0,dd+1,info)
749        do i=1,ngr
750         do j=1,nu
751          do j1=1,nvv
752           s1=0
753c          calculation sum for new solution
754           do jd=1,dd
755            s1=s1+s0(jd)*ggo(jd,j,j1,i)+lam*s0(jd)*dgg(jd,j,j1,i)
756           enddo
757c          change of  diis basis
758           do jd=1,dd-1
759            ggo(jd,j,j1,i)=ggo(jd+1,j,j1,i)
760            dgg(jd,j,j1,i)=dgg(jd+1,j,j1,i)
761           enddo
762           hnew(j,j1,i)=s1
763          enddo
764         enddo
765        enddo
766       endif
767c      matrix singular or has illegal value see dgeesv
768       if((k1.eq.dd).and.(info.ne.0)) then
769        k1=1
770        print*, info
771        go to 1
772       endif
773c      change count for diis
774       if(k1.lt.dd) then
775        k1=k1+1
776        else
777        k1=dd
778       endif
779 1     continue
780       return
781       end subroutine
783c uses realft
784c calculates the sine transform of a set of n real-valued data points stored in array y(1:n).
785c the number n must be a power of 2. on exit y is replaced by its transform. this program,
786c without changes, also calculates the inverse sine transform, but in this case the output array
787c should be multiplied by 2/n.
789      subroutine sinft(y,n)
790      integer n
791      real*8 y(n)
792      integer j
793      real*8 sum,y1,y2
794      double precision theta,wi,wpi,wpr,wr,wtemp
795      theta=3.141592653589793d0/dble(n)
796      wr=1.0d0
797      wi=0.0d0
798      wpr=-2.0d0*sin(0.5d0*theta)**2
799      wpi=sin(theta)
800      y(1)=0.0
801      do 11 j=1,n/2
802        wtemp=wr
803        wr=wr*wpr-wi*wpi+wr
804        wi=wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi
805        y1=wi*(y(j+1)+y(n-j+1))
806        y2=0.5*(y(j+1)-y(n-j+1))
807        y(j+1)=y1+y2
808        y(n-j+1)=y1-y2
80911    continue
810      call realft(y,n,+1)
811      sum=0.0
812      y(1)=0.5*y(1)
813      y(2)=0.0
814      do 12 j=1,n-1,2
815        sum=sum+y(j)
816        y(j)=y(j+1)
817        y(j+1)=sum
81812    continue
819      return
820      end subroutine
822cc uses four1
823c calculates the fourier transform of a set of n real-valued data points. replaces this data
824c (which is stored in array data(1:n)) by the positive frequency half of its complex fourier
825c transform. the real-valued rst and last components of the complex transform are returned
826c as elements data(1) and data(2), respectively. n must be a power of 2. this routine
827c also calculates the inverse transform of a complex data array if it is the transform of real
828c data. (result in this case must be multiplied by 2/n.)
830      subroutine realft(data,n,isign)
831      integer isign,n
832      real*8 data(n)
833      integer i,i1,i2,i3,i4,n2p3
834      real*8 c1,c2,h1i,h1r,h2i,h2r,wis,wrs
835      double precision theta,wi,wpi,wpr,wr,wtemp
836      theta=3.141592653589793d0/dble(n/2)
837      c1=0.5
838      if (isign.eq.1) then
839        c2=-0.5
840        call four1(data,n/2,+1)
841      else
842        c2=0.5
843        theta=-theta
844      endif
845      wpr=-2.0d0*sin(0.5d0*theta)**2
846      wpi=sin(theta)
847      wr=1.0d0+wpr
848      wi=wpi
849      n2p3=n+3
850      do 11 i=2,n/4
851        i1=2*i-1
852        i2=i1+1
853        i3=n2p3-i2
854        i4=i3+1
855        wrs=sngl(wr)
856        wis=sngl(wi)
857        h1r=c1*(data(i1)+data(i3))
858        h1i=c1*(data(i2)-data(i4))
859        h2r=-c2*(data(i2)+data(i4))
860        h2i=c2*(data(i1)-data(i3))
861        data(i1)=h1r+wrs*h2r-wis*h2i
862        data(i2)=h1i+wrs*h2i+wis*h2r
863        data(i3)=h1r-wrs*h2r+wis*h2i
864        data(i4)=-h1i+wrs*h2i+wis*h2r
865        wtemp=wr
866        wr=wr*wpr-wi*wpi+wr
867        wi=wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi
86811    continue
869      if (isign.eq.1) then
870        h1r=data(1)
871        data(1)=h1r+data(2)
872        data(2)=h1r-data(2)
873      else
874        h1r=data(1)
875        data(1)=c1*(h1r+data(2))
876        data(2)=c1*(h1r-data(2))
877        call four1(data,n/2,-1)
878      endif
879      return
880      end subroutine
881cc replaces data(1:2*nn) by its discrete fourier transform, if isign is input as 1; or replaces
882c data(1:2*nn) by nn times its inverse discrete fourier transform, if isign is input as -1.
883c data is a complex array of length nn or, equivalently, a real array of length 2*nn. nn
884c must be an integer power of 2 (this is not checked for!).
885      subroutine four1(data,nn,isign)
886      integer isign,nn
887      real*8 data(2*nn)
888      integer i,istep,j,m,mmax,n
889      real*8 tempi,tempr
890      double precision theta,wi,wpi,wpr,wr,wtemp
891      n=2*nn
892      j=1
893      do 11 i=1,n,2
894        if(j.gt.i)then
895          tempr=data(j)
896          tempi=data(j+1)
897          data(j)=data(i)
898          data(j+1)=data(i+1)
899          data(i)=tempr
900          data(i+1)=tempi
901        endif
902        m=n/2
9031       if ((m.ge.2).and.(j.gt.m)) then
904          j=j-m
905          m=m/2
906        goto 1
907        endif
908        j=j+m
90911    continue
910      mmax=2
9112     if (n.gt.mmax) then
912        istep=2*mmax
913        theta=6.28318530717959d0/(isign*mmax)
914        wpr=-2.d0*sin(0.5d0*theta)**2
915        wpi=sin(theta)
916        wr=1.d0
917        wi=0.d0
918        do 13 m=1,mmax,2
919          do 12 i=m,n,istep
920            j=i+mmax
921            tempr=sngl(wr)*data(j)-sngl(wi)*data(j+1)
922            tempi=sngl(wr)*data(j+1)+sngl(wi)*data(j)
923            data(j)=data(i)-tempr
924            data(j+1)=data(i+1)-tempi
925            data(i)=data(i)+tempr
926            data(i+1)=data(i+1)+tempi
92712        continue
928          wtemp=wr
929          wr=wr*wpr-wi*wpi+wr
930          wi=wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi
93113      continue
932        mmax=istep
933      goto 2
934      endif
935      return
936      end subroutine
937ccc lapack subroutines
939      subroutine dgesv( n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info )
941*  -- lapack driver routine (version 3.2) --
942*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
943*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
944*     november 2006
946*     .. scalar arguments ..
947      integer            info, lda, ldb, n, nrhs
948*     ..
949*     .. array arguments ..
950      integer            ipiv( * )
951      double precision   a( lda, * ), b( ldb, * )
952*     ..
954*  purpose
955*  =======
957*  dgesv computes the solution to a real system of linear equations
958*     a * x = b,
959*  where a is an n-by-n matrix and x and b are n-by-nrhs matrices.
961*  the lu decomposition with partial pivoting and row interchanges is
962*  used to factor a as
963*     a = p * l * u,
964*  where p is a permutation matrix, l is unit lower triangular, and u is
965*  upper triangular.  the factored form of a is then used to solve the
966*  system of equations a * x = b.
968*  arguments
969*  =========
971*  n       (input) integer
972*          the number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
973*          matrix a.  n >= 0.
975*  nrhs    (input) integer
976*          the number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
977*          of the matrix b.  nrhs >= 0.
979*  a       (input/output) double precision array, dimension (lda,n)
980*          on entry, the n-by-n coefficient matrix a.
981*          on exit, the factors l and u from the factorization
982*          a = p*l*u; the unit diagonal elements of l are not stored.
984*  lda     (input) integer
985*          the leading dimension of the array a.  lda >= max(1,n).
987*  ipiv    (output) integer array, dimension (n)
988*          the pivot indices that define the permutation matrix p;
989*          row i of the matrix was interchanged with row ipiv(i).
991*  b       (input/output) double precision array, dimension (ldb,nrhs)
992*          on entry, the n-by-nrhs matrix of right hand side matrix b.
993*          on exit, if info = 0, the n-by-nrhs solution matrix x.
995*  ldb     (input) integer
996*          the leading dimension of the array b.  ldb >= max(1,n).
998*  info    (output) integer
999*          = 0:  successful exit
1000*          < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
1001*          > 0:  if info = i, u(i,i) is exactly zero.  the factorization
1002*                has been completed, but the factor u is exactly
1003*                singular, so the solution could not be computed.
1005*  =====================================================================
1007*     .. external subroutines ..
1008      external           dgetrf, dgetrs, xerbla
1009*     ..
1010*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1011      intrinsic          max
1012*     ..
1013*     .. executable statements ..
1015*     test the input parameters.
1017      info = 0
1018      if( n.lt.0 ) then
1019         info = -1
1020      else if( nrhs.lt.0 ) then
1021         info = -2
1022      else if( lda.lt.max( 1, n ) ) then
1023         info = -4
1024      else if( ldb.lt.max( 1, n ) ) then
1025         info = -7
1026      end if
1027      if( info.ne.0 ) then
1028         call xerbla( 'dgesv ', -info )
1029         return
1030      end if
1032*     compute the lu factorization of a.
1034      call dgetrf( n, n, a, lda, ipiv, info )
1035      if( info.eq.0 ) then
1037*        solve the system a*x = b, overwriting b with x.
1039         call dgetrs( 'no transpose', n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb,
1040     $                info )
1041      end if
1042      return
1044*     end of dgesv
1046      end
1048      subroutine dgetrf( m, n, a, lda, ipiv, info )
1050*  -- lapack routine (version 3.2) --
1051*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
1052*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
1053*     november 2006
1055*     .. scalar arguments ..
1056      integer            info, lda, m, n
1057*     ..
1058*     .. array arguments ..
1059      integer            ipiv( * )
1060      double precision   a( lda, * )
1061*     ..
1063*  purpose
1064*  =======
1066*  dgetrf computes an lu factorization of a general m-by-n matrix a
1067*  using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
1069*  the factorization has the form
1070*     a = p * l * u
1071*  where p is a permutation matrix, l is lower triangular with unit
1072*  diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and u is upper
1073*  triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n).
1075*  this is the right-looking level 3 blas version of the algorithm.
1077*  arguments
1078*  =========
1080*  m       (input) integer
1081*          the number of rows of the matrix a.  m >= 0.
1083*  n       (input) integer
1084*          the number of columns of the matrix a.  n >= 0.
1086*  a       (input/output) double precision array, dimension (lda,n)
1087*          on entry, the m-by-n matrix to be factored.
1088*          on exit, the factors l and u from the factorization
1089*          a = p*l*u; the unit diagonal elements of l are not stored.
1091*  lda     (input) integer
1092*          the leading dimension of the array a.  lda >= max(1,m).
1094*  ipiv    (output) integer array, dimension (min(m,n))
1095*          the pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(m,n), row i of the
1096*          matrix was interchanged with row ipiv(i).
1098*  info    (output) integer
1099*          = 0:  successful exit
1100*          < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
1101*          > 0:  if info = i, u(i,i) is exactly zero. the factorization
1102*                has been completed, but the factor u is exactly
1103*                singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
1104*                to solve a system of equations.
1106*  =====================================================================
1108*     .. parameters ..
1109      double precision   one
1110      parameter          ( one = 1.0d+0 )
1111*     ..
1112*     .. local scalars ..
1113      integer            i, iinfo, j, jb, nb
1114*     ..
1115*     .. external subroutines ..
1116      external           dgemm, dgetf2, dlaswp, dtrsm, xerbla
1117*     ..
1118*     .. external functions ..
1119      integer            ilaenv
1120      external           ilaenv
1121*     ..
1122*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1123      intrinsic          max, min
1124*     ..
1125*     .. executable statements ..
1127*     test the input parameters.
1129      info = 0
1130      if( m.lt.0 ) then
1131         info = -1
1132      else if( n.lt.0 ) then
1133         info = -2
1134      else if( lda.lt.max( 1, m ) ) then
1135         info = -4
1136      end if
1137      if( info.ne.0 ) then
1138         call xerbla( 'dgetrf', -info )
1139         return
1140      end if
1142*     quick return if possible
1144      if( m.eq.0 .or. n.eq.0 )
1145     $   return
1147*     determine the block size for this environment.
1149      nb = ilaenv( 1, 'dgetrf', ' ', m, n, -1, -1 )
1150      if( nb.le.1 .or. nb.ge.min( m, n ) ) then
1152*        use unblocked code.
1154         call dgetf2( m, n, a, lda, ipiv, info )
1155      else
1157*        use blocked code.
1159         do 20 j = 1, min( m, n ), nb
1160            jb = min( min( m, n )-j+1, nb )
1162*           factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact
1163*           singularity.
1165            call dgetf2( m-j+1, jb, a( j, j ), lda, ipiv( j ), iinfo )
1167*           adjust info and the pivot indices.
1169            if( info.eq.0 .and. iinfo.gt.0 )
1170     $         info = iinfo + j - 1
1171            do 10 i = j, min( m, j+jb-1 )
1172               ipiv( i ) = j - 1 + ipiv( i )
1173   10       continue
1175*           apply interchanges to columns 1:j-1.
1177            call dlaswp( j-1, a, lda, j, j+jb-1, ipiv, 1 )
1179            if( j+jb.le.n ) then
1181*              apply interchanges to columns j+jb:n.
1183               call dlaswp( n-j-jb+1, a( 1, j+jb ), lda, j, j+jb-1,
1184     $                      ipiv, 1 )
1186*              compute block row of u.
1188               call dtrsm( 'left', 'lower', 'no transpose', 'unit', jb,
1189     $                     n-j-jb+1, one, a( j, j ), lda, a( j, j+jb ),
1190     $                     lda )
1191               if( j+jb.le.m ) then
1193*                 update trailing submatrix.
1195                  call dgemm( 'no transpose', 'no transpose', m-j-jb+1,
1196     $                        n-j-jb+1, jb, -one, a( j+jb, j ), lda,
1197     $                        a( j, j+jb ), lda, one, a( j+jb, j+jb ),
1198     $                        lda )
1199               end if
1200            end if
1201   20    continue
1202      end if
1203      return
1205*     end of dgetrf
1207      end
1209      subroutine dgetf2( m, n, a, lda, ipiv, info )
1211*  -- lapack routine (version 3.2) --
1212*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
1213*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
1214*     november 2006
1216*     .. scalar arguments ..
1217      integer            info, lda, m, n
1218*     ..
1219*     .. array arguments ..
1220      integer            ipiv( * )
1221      double precision   a( lda, * )
1222*     ..
1224*  purpose
1225*  =======
1227*  dgetf2 computes an lu factorization of a general m-by-n matrix a
1228*  using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
1230*  the factorization has the form
1231*     a = p * l * u
1232*  where p is a permutation matrix, l is lower triangular with unit
1233*  diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and u is upper
1234*  triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n).
1236*  this is the right-looking level 2 blas version of the algorithm.
1238*  arguments
1239*  =========
1241*  m       (input) integer
1242*          the number of rows of the matrix a.  m >= 0.
1244*  n       (input) integer
1245*          the number of columns of the matrix a.  n >= 0.
1247*  a       (input/output) double precision array, dimension (lda,n)
1248*          on entry, the m by n matrix to be factored.
1249*          on exit, the factors l and u from the factorization
1250*          a = p*l*u; the unit diagonal elements of l are not stored.
1252*  lda     (input) integer
1253*          the leading dimension of the array a.  lda >= max(1,m).
1255*  ipiv    (output) integer array, dimension (min(m,n))
1256*          the pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(m,n), row i of the
1257*          matrix was interchanged with row ipiv(i).
1259*  info    (output) integer
1260*          = 0: successful exit
1261*          < 0: if info = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value
1262*          > 0: if info = k, u(k,k) is exactly zero. the factorization
1263*               has been completed, but the factor u is exactly
1264*               singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
1265*               to solve a system of equations.
1267*  =====================================================================
1269*     .. parameters ..
1270      double precision   one, zero
1271      parameter          ( one = 1.0d+0, zero = 0.0d+0 )
1272*     ..
1273*     .. local scalars ..
1274      double precision   sfmin
1275      integer            i, j, jp
1276*     ..
1277*     .. external functions ..
1278      double precision   dlamch
1279      integer            idamax
1280      external           dlamch, idamax
1281*     ..
1282*     .. external subroutines ..
1283      external           dger, dscal, dswap, xerbla
1284*     ..
1285*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1286      intrinsic          max, min
1287*     ..
1288*     .. executable statements ..
1290*     test the input parameters.
1292      info = 0
1293      if( m.lt.0 ) then
1294         info = -1
1295      else if( n.lt.0 ) then
1296         info = -2
1297      else if( lda.lt.max( 1, m ) ) then
1298         info = -4
1299      end if
1300      if( info.ne.0 ) then
1301         call xerbla( 'dgetf2', -info )
1302         return
1303      end if
1305*     quick return if possible
1307      if( m.eq.0 .or. n.eq.0 )
1308     $   return
1310*     compute machine safe minimum
1312      sfmin = dlamch('s')
1314      do 10 j = 1, min( m, n )
1316*        find pivot and test for singularity.
1318         jp = j - 1 + idamax( m-j+1, a( j, j ), 1 )
1319         ipiv( j ) = jp
1320         if( a( jp, j ).ne.zero ) then
1322*           apply the interchange to columns 1:n.
1324            if( jp.ne.j )
1325     $         call dswap( n, a( j, 1 ), lda, a( jp, 1 ), lda )
1327*           compute elements j+1:m of j-th column.
1329            if( j.lt.m ) then
1330               if( abs(a( j, j )) .ge. sfmin ) then
1331                  call dscal( m-j, one / a( j, j ), a( j+1, j ), 1 )
1332               else
1333                 do 20 i = 1, m-j
1334                    a( j+i, j ) = a( j+i, j ) / a( j, j )
1335   20            continue
1336               end if
1337            end if
1339         else if( info.eq.0 ) then
1341            info = j
1342         end if
1344         if( j.lt.min( m, n ) ) then
1346*           update trailing submatrix.
1348            call dger( m-j, n-j, -one, a( j+1, j ), 1, a( j, j+1 ), lda,
1349     $                 a( j+1, j+1 ), lda )
1350         end if
1351   10 continue
1352      return
1354*     end of dgetf2
1356      end
1358      subroutine dger(m,n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy,a,lda)
1359*     .. scalar arguments ..
1360      double precision alpha
1361      integer incx,incy,lda,m,n
1362*     ..
1363*     .. array arguments ..
1364      double precision a(lda,*),x(*),y(*)
1365*     ..
1367*  purpose
1368*  =======
1370*  dger   performs the rank 1 operation
1372*     a := alpha*x*y' + a,
1374*  where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element
1375*  vector and a is an m by n matrix.
1377*  arguments
1378*  ==========
1380*  m      - integer.
1381*           on entry, m specifies the number of rows of the matrix a.
1382*           m must be at least zero.
1383*           unchanged on exit.
1385*  n      - integer.
1386*           on entry, n specifies the number of columns of the matrix a.
1387*           n must be at least zero.
1388*           unchanged on exit.
1390*  alpha  - double precision.
1391*           on entry, alpha specifies the scalar alpha.
1392*           unchanged on exit.
1394*  x      - double precision array of dimension at least
1395*           ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( incx ) ).
1396*           before entry, the incremented array x must contain the m
1397*           element vector x.
1398*           unchanged on exit.
1400*  incx   - integer.
1401*           on entry, incx specifies the increment for the elements of
1402*           x. incx must not be zero.
1403*           unchanged on exit.
1405*  y      - double precision array of dimension at least
1406*           ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( incy ) ).
1407*           before entry, the incremented array y must contain the n
1408*           element vector y.
1409*           unchanged on exit.
1411*  incy   - integer.
1412*           on entry, incy specifies the increment for the elements of
1413*           y. incy must not be zero.
1414*           unchanged on exit.
1416*  a      - double precision array of dimension ( lda, n ).
1417*           before entry, the leading m by n part of the array a must
1418*           contain the matrix of coefficients. on exit, a is
1419*           overwritten by the updated matrix.
1421*  lda    - integer.
1422*           on entry, lda specifies the first dimension of a as declared
1423*           in the calling (sub) program. lda must be at least
1424*           max( 1, m ).
1425*           unchanged on exit.
1427*  further details
1428*  ===============
1430*  level 2 blas routine.
1432*  -- written on 22-october-1986.
1433*     jack dongarra, argonne national lab.
1434*     jeremy du croz, nag central office.
1435*     sven hammarling, nag central office.
1436*     richard hanson, sandia national labs.
1438*  =====================================================================
1440*     .. parameters ..
1441      double precision zero
1442      parameter (zero=0.0d+0)
1443*     ..
1444*     .. local scalars ..
1445      double precision temp
1446      integer i,info,ix,j,jy,kx
1447*     ..
1448*     .. external subroutines ..
1449      external xerbla
1450*     ..
1451*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1452      intrinsic max
1453*     ..
1455*     test the input parameters.
1457      info = 0
1458      if (m.lt.0) then
1459          info = 1
1460      else if (n.lt.0) then
1461          info = 2
1462      else if (incx.eq.0) then
1463          info = 5
1464      else if (incy.eq.0) then
1465          info = 7
1466      else if (lda.lt.max(1,m)) then
1467          info = 9
1468      end if
1469      if (info.ne.0) then
1470          call xerbla('dger  ',info)
1471          return
1472      end if
1474*     quick return if possible.
1476      if ((m.eq.0) .or. (n.eq.0) .or. (alpha.eq.zero)) return
1478*     start the operations. in this version the elements of a are
1479*     accessed sequentially with one pass through a.
1481      if (incy.gt.0) then
1482          jy = 1
1483      else
1484          jy = 1 - (n-1)*incy
1485      end if
1486      if (incx.eq.1) then
1487          do 20 j = 1,n
1488              if (y(jy).ne.zero) then
1489                  temp = alpha*y(jy)
1490                  do 10 i = 1,m
1491                      a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(i)*temp
1492   10             continue
1493              end if
1494              jy = jy + incy
1495   20     continue
1496      else
1497          if (incx.gt.0) then
1498              kx = 1
1499          else
1500              kx = 1 - (m-1)*incx
1501          end if
1502          do 40 j = 1,n
1503              if (y(jy).ne.zero) then
1504                  temp = alpha*y(jy)
1505                  ix = kx
1506                  do 30 i = 1,m
1507                      a(i,j) = a(i,j) + x(ix)*temp
1508                      ix = ix + incx
1509   30             continue
1510              end if
1511              jy = jy + incy
1512   40     continue
1513      end if
1515      return
1517*     end of dger  .
1519      end
1521      subroutine dscal(n,da,dx,incx)
1522*     .. scalar arguments ..
1523      double precision da
1524      integer incx,n
1525*     ..
1526*     .. array arguments ..
1527      double precision dx(*)
1528*     ..
1530*  purpose
1531*  =======
1533*     dscal scales a vector by a constant.
1534*     uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one.
1536*  further details
1537*  ===============
1539*     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
1540*     modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0.
1541*     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
1543*  =====================================================================
1545*     .. local scalars ..
1546      integer i,m,mp1,nincx
1547*     ..
1548*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1549      intrinsic mod
1550*     ..
1551      if (n.le.0 .or. incx.le.0) return
1552      if (incx.eq.1) go to 20
1554*        code for increment not equal to 1
1556      nincx = n*incx
1557      do 10 i = 1,nincx,incx
1558          dx(i) = da*dx(i)
1559   10 continue
1560      return
1562*        code for increment equal to 1
1565*        clean-up loop
1567   20 m = mod(n,5)
1568      if (m.eq.0) go to 40
1569      do 30 i = 1,m
1570          dx(i) = da*dx(i)
1571   30 continue
1572      if (n.lt.5) return
1573   40 mp1 = m + 1
1574      do 50 i = mp1,n,5
1575          dx(i) = da*dx(i)
1576          dx(i+1) = da*dx(i+1)
1577          dx(i+2) = da*dx(i+2)
1578          dx(i+3) = da*dx(i+3)
1579          dx(i+4) = da*dx(i+4)
1580   50 continue
1581      return
1582      end
1584      subroutine dswap(n,dx,incx,dy,incy)
1585*     .. scalar arguments ..
1586      integer incx,incy,n
1587*     ..
1588*     .. array arguments ..
1589      double precision dx(*),dy(*)
1590*     ..
1592*  purpose
1593*  =======
1595*     interchanges two vectors.
1596*     uses unrolled loops for increments equal one.
1598*  further details
1599*  ===============
1601*     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
1602*     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
1604*  =====================================================================
1606*     .. local scalars ..
1607      double precision dtemp
1608      integer i,ix,iy,m,mp1
1609*     ..
1610*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1611      intrinsic mod
1612*     ..
1613      if (n.le.0) return
1614      if (incx.eq.1 .and. incy.eq.1) go to 20
1616*       code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal
1617*         to 1
1619      ix = 1
1620      iy = 1
1621      if (incx.lt.0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
1622      if (incy.lt.0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
1623      do 10 i = 1,n
1624          dtemp = dx(ix)
1625          dx(ix) = dy(iy)
1626          dy(iy) = dtemp
1627          ix = ix + incx
1628          iy = iy + incy
1629   10 continue
1630      return
1632*       code for both increments equal to 1
1635*       clean-up loop
1637   20 m = mod(n,3)
1638      if (m.eq.0) go to 40
1639      do 30 i = 1,m
1640          dtemp = dx(i)
1641          dx(i) = dy(i)
1642          dy(i) = dtemp
1643   30 continue
1644      if (n.lt.3) return
1645   40 mp1 = m + 1
1646      do 50 i = mp1,n,3
1647          dtemp = dx(i)
1648          dx(i) = dy(i)
1649          dy(i) = dtemp
1650          dtemp = dx(i+1)
1651          dx(i+1) = dy(i+1)
1652          dy(i+1) = dtemp
1653          dtemp = dx(i+2)
1654          dx(i+2) = dy(i+2)
1655          dy(i+2) = dtemp
1656   50 continue
1657      return
1658      end
1660      subroutine xerbla( srname, info )
1662*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (preliminary version) --
1663*     univ. of tennessee, univ. of california berkeley and nag ltd..
1664*     november 2006
1666*     .. scalar arguments ..
1667      character*(*)      srname
1668      integer            info
1669*     ..
1671*  purpose
1672*  =======
1674*  xerbla  is an error handler for the lapack routines.
1675*  it is called by an lapack routine if an input parameter has an
1676*  invalid value.  a message is printed and execution stops.
1678*  installers may consider modifying the stop statement in order to
1679*  call system-specific exception-handling facilities.
1681*  arguments
1682*  =========
1684*  srname  (input) character*(*)
1685*          the name of the routine which called xerbla.
1687*  info    (input) integer
1688*          the position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list
1689*          of the calling routine.
1691* =====================================================================
1693*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1694      intrinsic          len_trim
1695*     ..
1696*     .. executable statements ..
1698      write( *, fmt = 9999 )srname( 1:len_trim( srname ) ), info
1700      stop
1702 9999 format( ' ** on entry to ', a, ' parameter number ', i2, ' had ',
1703     $      'an illegal value' )
1705*     end of xerbla
1707      end
1709      subroutine dgetrs( trans, n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info )
1711*  -- lapack routine (version 3.2) --
1712*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
1713*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
1714*     november 2006
1716*     .. scalar arguments ..
1717      character          trans
1718      integer            info, lda, ldb, n, nrhs
1719*     ..
1720*     .. array arguments ..
1721      integer            ipiv( * )
1722      double precision   a( lda, * ), b( ldb, * )
1723*     ..
1725*  purpose
1726*  =======
1728*  dgetrs solves a system of linear equations
1729*     a * x = b  or  a' * x = b
1730*  with a general n-by-n matrix a using the lu factorization computed
1731*  by dgetrf.
1733*  arguments
1734*  =========
1736*  trans   (input) character*1
1737*          specifies the form of the system of equations:
1738*          = 'n':  a * x = b  (no transpose)
1739*          = 't':  a'* x = b  (transpose)
1740*          = 'c':  a'* x = b  (conjugate transpose = transpose)
1742*  n       (input) integer
1743*          the order of the matrix a.  n >= 0.
1745*  nrhs    (input) integer
1746*          the number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
1747*          of the matrix b.  nrhs >= 0.
1749*  a       (input) double precision array, dimension (lda,n)
1750*          the factors l and u from the factorization a = p*l*u
1751*          as computed by dgetrf.
1753*  lda     (input) integer
1754*          the leading dimension of the array a.  lda >= max(1,n).
1756*  ipiv    (input) integer array, dimension (n)
1757*          the pivot indices from dgetrf; for 1<=i<=n, row i of the
1758*          matrix was interchanged with row ipiv(i).
1760*  b       (input/output) double precision array, dimension (ldb,nrhs)
1761*          on entry, the right hand side matrix b.
1762*          on exit, the solution matrix x.
1764*  ldb     (input) integer
1765*          the leading dimension of the array b.  ldb >= max(1,n).
1767*  info    (output) integer
1768*          = 0:  successful exit
1769*          < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
1771*  =====================================================================
1773*     .. parameters ..
1774      double precision   one
1775      parameter          ( one = 1.0d+0 )
1776*     ..
1777*     .. local scalars ..
1778      logical            notran
1779*     ..
1780*     .. external functions ..
1781      logical            lsame
1782      external           lsame
1783*     ..
1784*     .. external subroutines ..
1785      external           dlaswp, dtrsm, xerbla
1786*     ..
1787*     .. intrinsic functions ..
1788      intrinsic          max
1789*     ..
1790*     .. executable statements ..
1792*     test the input parameters.
1794      info = 0
1795      notran = lsame( trans, 'n' )
1796      if( .not.notran .and. .not.lsame( trans, 't' ) .and. .not.
1797     $    lsame( trans, 'c' ) ) then
1798         info = -1
1799      else if( n.lt.0 ) then
1800         info = -2
1801      else if( nrhs.lt.0 ) then
1802         info = -3
1803      else if( lda.lt.max( 1, n ) ) then
1804         info = -5
1805      else if( ldb.lt.max( 1, n ) ) then
1806         info = -8
1807      end if
1808      if( info.ne.0 ) then
1809         call xerbla( 'dgetrs', -info )
1810         return
1811      end if
1813*     quick return if possible
1815      if( n.eq.0 .or. nrhs.eq.0 )
1816     $   return
1818      if( notran ) then
1820*        solve a * x = b.
1822*        apply row interchanges to the right hand sides.
1824         call dlaswp( nrhs, b, ldb, 1, n, ipiv, 1 )
1826*        solve l*x = b, overwriting b with x.
1828         call dtrsm( 'left', 'lower', 'no transpose', 'unit', n, nrhs,
1829     $               one, a, lda, b, ldb )
1831*        solve u*x = b, overwriting b with x.
1833         call dtrsm( 'left', 'upper', 'no transpose', 'non-unit', n,
1834     $               nrhs, one, a, lda, b, ldb )
1835      else
1837*        solve a' * x = b.
1839*        solve u'*x = b, overwriting b with x.
1841         call dtrsm( 'left', 'upper', 'transpose', 'non-unit', n, nrhs,
1842     $               one, a, lda, b, ldb )
1844*        solve l'*x = b, overwriting b with x.
1846         call dtrsm( 'left', 'lower', 'transpose', 'unit', n, nrhs, one,
1847     $               a, lda, b, ldb )
1849*        apply row interchanges to the solution vectors.
1851         call dlaswp( nrhs, b, ldb, 1, n, ipiv, -1 )
1852      end if
1854      return
1856*     end of dgetrs
1858      end
1860      subroutine dgemm(transa,transb,m,n,k,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb,beta,c,ldc)
1861*     .. scalar arguments ..
1862      double precision alpha,beta
1863      integer k,lda,ldb,ldc,m,n
1864      character transa,transb
1865*     ..
1866*     .. array arguments ..
1867      double precision a(lda,*),b(ldb,*),c(ldc,*)
1868*     ..
1870*  purpose
1871*  =======
1873*  dgemm  performs one of the matrix-matrix operations
1875*     c := alpha*op( a )*op( b ) + beta*c,
1877*  where  op( x ) is one of
1879*     op( x ) = x   or   op( x ) = x',
1881*  alpha and beta are scalars, and a, b and c are matrices, with op( a )
1882*  an m by k matrix,  op( b )  a  k by n matrix and  c an m by n matrix.
1884*  arguments
1885*  ==========
1887*  transa - character*1.
1888*           on entry, transa specifies the form of op( a ) to be used in
1889*           the matrix multiplication as follows:
1891*              transa = 'n' or 'n',  op( a ) = a.
1893*              transa = 't' or 't',  op( a ) = a'.
1895*              transa = 'c' or 'c',  op( a ) = a'.
1897*           unchanged on exit.
1899*  transb - character*1.
1900*           on entry, transb specifies the form of op( b ) to be used in
1901*           the matrix multiplication as follows:
1903*              transb = 'n' or 'n',  op( b ) = b.
1905*              transb = 't' or 't',  op( b ) = b'.
1907*              transb = 'c' or 'c',  op( b ) = b'.
1909*           unchanged on exit.
1911*  m      - integer.
1912*           on entry,  m  specifies  the number  of rows  of the  matrix
1913*           op( a )  and of the  matrix  c.  m  must  be at least  zero.
1914*           unchanged on exit.
1916*  n      - integer.
1917*           on entry,  n  specifies the number  of columns of the matrix
1918*           op( b ) and the number of columns of the matrix c. n must be
1919*           at least zero.
1920*           unchanged on exit.
1922*  k      - integer.
1923*           on entry,  k  specifies  the number of columns of the matrix
1924*           op( a ) and the number of rows of the matrix op( b ). k must
1925*           be at least  zero.
1926*           unchanged on exit.
1928*  alpha  - double precision.
1929*           on entry, alpha specifies the scalar alpha.
1930*           unchanged on exit.
1932*  a      - double precision array of dimension ( lda, ka ), where ka is
1933*           k  when  transa = 'n' or 'n',  and is  m  otherwise.
1934*           before entry with  transa = 'n' or 'n',  the leading  m by k
1935*           part of the array  a  must contain the matrix  a,  otherwise
1936*           the leading  k by m  part of the array  a  must contain  the
1937*           matrix a.
1938*           unchanged on exit.
1940*  lda    - integer.
1941*           on entry, lda specifies the first dimension of a as declared
1942*           in the calling (sub) program. when  transa = 'n' or 'n' then
1943*           lda must be at least  max( 1, m ), otherwise  lda must be at
1944*           least  max( 1, k ).
1945*           unchanged on exit.
1947*  b      - double precision array of dimension ( ldb, kb ), where kb is
1948*           n  when  transb = 'n' or 'n',  and is  k  otherwise.
1949*           before entry with  transb = 'n' or 'n',  the leading  k by n
1950*           part of the array  b  must contain the matrix  b,  otherwise
1951*           the leading  n by k  part of the array  b  must contain  the
1952*           matrix b.
1953*           unchanged on exit.
1955*  ldb    - integer.
1956*           on entry, ldb specifies the first dimension of b as declared
1957*           in the calling (sub) program. when  transb = 'n' or 'n' then
1958*           ldb must be at least  max( 1, k ), otherwise  ldb must be at
1959*           least  max( 1, n ).
1960*           unchanged on exit.
1962*  beta   - double precision.
1963*           on entry,  beta  specifies the scalar  beta.  when  beta  is
1964*           supplied as zero then c need not be set on input.
1965*           unchanged on exit.
1967*  c      - double precision array of dimension ( ldc, n ).
1968*           before entry, the leading  m by n  part of the array  c must
1969*           contain the matrix  c,  except when  beta  is zero, in which
1970*           case c need not be set on entry.
1971*           on exit, the array  c  is overwritten by the  m by n  matrix
1972*           ( alpha*op( a )*op( b ) + beta*c ).
1974*  ldc    - integer.
1975*           on entry, ldc specifies the first dimension of c as declared
1976*           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   ldc  must  be  at  least
1977*           max( 1, m ).
1978*           unchanged on exit.
1980*  further details
1981*  ===============
1983*  level 3 blas routine.
1985*  -- written on 8-february-1989.
1986*     jack dongarra, argonne national laboratory.
1987*     iain duff, aere harwell.
1988*     jeremy du croz, numerical algorithms group ltd.
1989*     sven hammarling, numerical algorithms group ltd.
1991*  =====================================================================
1993*     .. external functions ..
1994      logical lsame
1995      external lsame
1996*     ..
1997*     .. external subroutines ..
1998      external xerbla
1999*     ..
2000*     .. intrinsic functions ..
2001      intrinsic max
2002*     ..
2003*     .. local scalars ..
2004      double precision temp
2005      integer i,info,j,l,ncola,nrowa,nrowb
2006      logical nota,notb
2007*     ..
2008*     .. parameters ..
2009      double precision one,zero
2010      parameter (one=1.0d+0,zero=0.0d+0)
2011*     ..
2013*     set  nota  and  notb  as  true if  a  and  b  respectively are not
2014*     transposed and set  nrowa, ncola and  nrowb  as the number of rows
2015*     and  columns of  a  and the  number of  rows  of  b  respectively.
2017      nota = lsame(transa,'n')
2018      notb = lsame(transb,'n')
2019      if (nota) then
2020          nrowa = m
2021          ncola = k
2022      else
2023          nrowa = k
2024          ncola = m
2025      end if
2026      if (notb) then
2027          nrowb = k
2028      else
2029          nrowb = n
2030      end if
2032*     test the input parameters.
2034      info = 0
2035      if ((.not.nota) .and. (.not.lsame(transa,'c')) .and.
2036     +    (.not.lsame(transa,'t'))) then
2037          info = 1
2038      else if ((.not.notb) .and. (.not.lsame(transb,'c')) .and.
2039     +         (.not.lsame(transb,'t'))) then
2040          info = 2
2041      else if (m.lt.0) then
2042          info = 3
2043      else if (n.lt.0) then
2044          info = 4
2045      else if (k.lt.0) then
2046          info = 5
2047      else if (lda.lt.max(1,nrowa)) then
2048          info = 8
2049      else if (ldb.lt.max(1,nrowb)) then
2050          info = 10
2051      else if (ldc.lt.max(1,m)) then
2052          info = 13
2053      end if
2054      if (info.ne.0) then
2055          call xerbla('dgemm ',info)
2056          return
2057      end if
2059*     quick return if possible.
2061      if ((m.eq.0) .or. (n.eq.0) .or.
2062     +    (((alpha.eq.zero).or. (k.eq.0)).and. (beta.eq.one))) return
2064*     and if  alpha.eq.zero.
2066      if (alpha.eq.zero) then
2067          if (beta.eq.zero) then
2068              do 20 j = 1,n
2069                  do 10 i = 1,m
2070                      c(i,j) = zero
2071   10             continue
2072   20         continue
2073          else
2074              do 40 j = 1,n
2075                  do 30 i = 1,m
2076                      c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
2077   30             continue
2078   40         continue
2079          end if
2080          return
2081      end if
2083*     start the operations.
2085      if (notb) then
2086          if (nota) then
2088*           form  c := alpha*a*b + beta*c.
2090              do 90 j = 1,n
2091                  if (beta.eq.zero) then
2092                      do 50 i = 1,m
2093                          c(i,j) = zero
2094   50                 continue
2095                  else if (beta.ne.one) then
2096                      do 60 i = 1,m
2097                          c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
2098   60                 continue
2099                  end if
2100                  do 80 l = 1,k
2101                      if (b(l,j).ne.zero) then
2102                          temp = alpha*b(l,j)
2103                          do 70 i = 1,m
2104                              c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp*a(i,l)
2105   70                     continue
2106                      end if
2107   80             continue
2108   90         continue
2109          else
2111*           form  c := alpha*a'*b + beta*c
2113              do 120 j = 1,n
2114                  do 110 i = 1,m
2115                      temp = zero
2116                      do 100 l = 1,k
2117                          temp = temp + a(l,i)*b(l,j)
2118  100                 continue
2119                      if (beta.eq.zero) then
2120                          c(i,j) = alpha*temp
2121                      else
2122                          c(i,j) = alpha*temp + beta*c(i,j)
2123                      end if
2124  110             continue
2125  120         continue
2126          end if
2127      else
2128          if (nota) then
2130*           form  c := alpha*a*b' + beta*c
2132              do 170 j = 1,n
2133                  if (beta.eq.zero) then
2134                      do 130 i = 1,m
2135                          c(i,j) = zero
2136  130                 continue
2137                  else if (beta.ne.one) then
2138                      do 140 i = 1,m
2139                          c(i,j) = beta*c(i,j)
2140  140                 continue
2141                  end if
2142                  do 160 l = 1,k
2143                      if (b(j,l).ne.zero) then
2144                          temp = alpha*b(j,l)
2145                          do 150 i = 1,m
2146                              c(i,j) = c(i,j) + temp*a(i,l)
2147  150                     continue
2148                      end if
2149  160             continue
2150  170         continue
2151          else
2153*           form  c := alpha*a'*b' + beta*c
2155              do 200 j = 1,n
2156                  do 190 i = 1,m
2157                      temp = zero
2158                      do 180 l = 1,k
2159                          temp = temp + a(l,i)*b(j,l)
2160  180                 continue
2161                      if (beta.eq.zero) then
2162                          c(i,j) = alpha*temp
2163                      else
2164                          c(i,j) = alpha*temp + beta*c(i,j)
2165                      end if
2166  190             continue
2167  200         continue
2168          end if
2169      end if
2171      return
2173*     end of dgemm .
2175      end
2177      subroutine dtrsm(side,uplo,transa,diag,m,n,alpha,a,lda,b,ldb)
2178*     .. scalar arguments ..
2179      double precision alpha
2180      integer lda,ldb,m,n
2181      character diag,side,transa,uplo
2182*     ..
2183*     .. array arguments ..
2184      double precision a(lda,*),b(ldb,*)
2185*     ..
2187*  purpose
2188*  =======
2190*  dtrsm  solves one of the matrix equations
2192*     op( a )*x = alpha*b,   or   x*op( a ) = alpha*b,
2194*  where alpha is a scalar, x and b are m by n matrices, a is a unit, or
2195*  non-unit,  upper or lower triangular matrix  and  op( a )  is one  of
2197*     op( a ) = a   or   op( a ) = a'.
2199*  the matrix x is overwritten on b.
2201*  arguments
2202*  ==========
2204*  side   - character*1.
2205*           on entry, side specifies whether op( a ) appears on the left
2206*           or right of x as follows:
2208*              side = 'l' or 'l'   op( a )*x = alpha*b.
2210*              side = 'r' or 'r'   x*op( a ) = alpha*b.
2212*           unchanged on exit.
2214*  uplo   - character*1.
2215*           on entry, uplo specifies whether the matrix a is an upper or
2216*           lower triangular matrix as follows:
2218*              uplo = 'u' or 'u'   a is an upper triangular matrix.
2220*              uplo = 'l' or 'l'   a is a lower triangular matrix.
2222*           unchanged on exit.
2224*  transa - character*1.
2225*           on entry, transa specifies the form of op( a ) to be used in
2226*           the matrix multiplication as follows:
2228*              transa = 'n' or 'n'   op( a ) = a.
2230*              transa = 't' or 't'   op( a ) = a'.
2232*              transa = 'c' or 'c'   op( a ) = a'.
2234*           unchanged on exit.
2236*  diag   - character*1.
2237*           on entry, diag specifies whether or not a is unit triangular
2238*           as follows:
2240*              diag = 'u' or 'u'   a is assumed to be unit triangular.
2242*              diag = 'n' or 'n'   a is not assumed to be unit
2243*                                  triangular.
2245*           unchanged on exit.
2247*  m      - integer.
2248*           on entry, m specifies the number of rows of b. m must be at
2249*           least zero.
2250*           unchanged on exit.gchuev-874
2252*  n      - integer.
2253*           on entry, n specifies the number of columns of b.  n must be
2254*           at least zero.
2255*           unchanged on exit.
2257*  alpha  - double precision.
2258*           on entry,  alpha specifies the scalar  alpha. when  alpha is
2259*           zero then  a is not referenced and  b need not be set before
2260*           entry.
2261*           unchanged on exit.
2263*  a      - double precision array of dimension ( lda, k ), where k is m
2264*           when  side = 'l' or 'l'  and is  n  when  side = 'r' or 'r'.
2265*           before entry  with  uplo = 'u' or 'u',  the  leading  k by k
2266*           upper triangular part of the array  a must contain the upper
2267*           triangular matrix  and the strictly lower triangular part of
2268*           a is not referenced.
2269*           before entry  with  uplo = 'l' or 'l',  the  leading  k by k
2270*           lower triangular part of the array  a must contain the lower
2271*           triangular matrix  and the strictly upper triangular part of
2272*           a is not referenced.
2273*           note that when  diag = 'u' or 'u',  the diagonal elements of
2274*           a  are not referenced either,  but are assumed to be  unity.
2275*           unchanged on exit.
2277*  lda    - integer.
2278*           on entry, lda specifies the first dimension of a as declared
2279*           in the calling (sub) program.  when  side = 'l' or 'l'  then
2280*           lda  must be at least  max( 1, m ),  when  side = 'r' or 'r'
2281*           then lda must be at least max( 1, n ).
2282*           unchanged on exit.
2284*  b      - double precision array of dimension ( ldb, n ).
2285*           before entry,  the leading  m by n part of the array  b must
2286*           contain  the  right-hand  side  matrix  b,  and  on exit  is
2287*           overwritten by the solution matrix  x.
2289*  ldb    - integer.
2290*           on entry, ldb specifies the first dimension of b as declared
2291*           in  the  calling  (sub)  program.   ldb  must  be  at  least
2292*           max( 1, m ).
2293*           unchanged on exit.
2295*  further details
2296*  ===============
2298*  level 3 blas routine.
2301*  -- written on 8-february-1989.
2302*     jack dongarra, argonne national laboratory.
2303*     iain duff, aere harwell.
2304*     jeremy du croz, numerical algorithms group ltd.
2305*     sven hammarling, numerical algorithms group ltd.
2307*  =====================================================================
2309*     .. external functions ..
2310      logical lsame
2311      external lsame
2312*     ..
2313*     .. external subroutines ..
2314      external xerbla
2315*     ..
2316*     .. intrinsic functions ..
2317      intrinsic max
2318*     ..
2319*     .. local scalars ..
2320      double precision temp
2321      integer i,info,j,k,nrowa
2322      logical lside,nounit,upper
2323*     ..
2324*     .. parameters ..
2325      double precision one,zero
2326      parameter (one=1.0d+0,zero=0.0d+0)
2327*     ..
2329*     test the input parameters.
2331      lside = lsame(side,'l')
2332      if (lside) then
2333          nrowa = m
2334      else
2335          nrowa = n
2336      end if
2337      nounit = lsame(diag,'n')
2338      upper = lsame(uplo,'u')
2340      info = 0
2341      if ((.not.lside) .and. (.not.lsame(side,'r'))) then
2342          info = 1
2343      else if ((.not.upper) .and. (.not.lsame(uplo,'l'))) then
2344          info = 2
2345      else if ((.not.lsame(transa,'n')) .and.
2346     +         (.not.lsame(transa,'t')) .and.
2347     +         (.not.lsame(transa,'c'))) then
2348          info = 3
2349      else if ((.not.lsame(diag,'u')) .and. (.not.lsame(diag,'n'))) then
2350          info = 4
2351      else if (m.lt.0) then
2352          info = 5
2353      else if (n.lt.0) then
2354          info = 6
2355      else if (lda.lt.max(1,nrowa)) then
2356          info = 9
2357      else if (ldb.lt.max(1,m)) then
2358          info = 11
2359      end if
2360      if (info.ne.0) then
2361          call xerbla('dtrsm ',info)
2362          return
2363      end if
2365*     quick return if possible.
2367      if (m.eq.0 .or. n.eq.0) return
2369*     and when  alpha.eq.zero.
2371      if (alpha.eq.zero) then
2372          do 20 j = 1,n
2373              do 10 i = 1,m
2374                  b(i,j) = zero
2375   10         continue
2376   20     continue
2377          return
2378      end if
2380*     start the operations.
2382      if (lside) then
2383          if (lsame(transa,'n')) then
2385*           form  b := alpha*inv( a )*b.
2387              if (upper) then
2388                  do 60 j = 1,n
2389                      if (alpha.ne.one) then
2390                          do 30 i = 1,m
2391                              b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
2392   30                     continue
2393                      end if
2394                      do 50 k = m,1,-1
2395                          if (b(k,j).ne.zero) then
2396                              if (nounit) b(k,j) = b(k,j)/a(k,k)
2397                              do 40 i = 1,k - 1
2398                                  b(i,j) = b(i,j) - b(k,j)*a(i,k)
2399   40                         continue
2400                          end if
2401   50                 continue
2402   60             continue
2403              else
2404                  do 100 j = 1,n
2405                      if (alpha.ne.one) then
2406                          do 70 i = 1,m
2407                              b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
2408   70                     continue
2409                      end if
2410                      do 90 k = 1,m
2411                          if (b(k,j).ne.zero) then
2412                              if (nounit) b(k,j) = b(k,j)/a(k,k)
2413                              do 80 i = k + 1,m
2414                                  b(i,j) = b(i,j) - b(k,j)*a(i,k)
2415   80                         continue
2416                          end if
2417   90                 continue
2418  100             continue
2419              end if
2420          else
2422*           form  b := alpha*inv( a' )*b.
2424              if (upper) then
2425                  do 130 j = 1,n
2426                      do 120 i = 1,m
2427                          temp = alpha*b(i,j)
2428                          do 110 k = 1,i - 1
2429                              temp = temp - a(k,i)*b(k,j)
2430  110                     continue
2431                          if (nounit) temp = temp/a(i,i)
2432                          b(i,j) = temp
2433  120                 continue
2434  130             continue
2435              else
2436                  do 160 j = 1,n
2437                      do 150 i = m,1,-1
2438                          temp = alpha*b(i,j)
2439                          do 140 k = i + 1,m
2440                              temp = temp - a(k,i)*b(k,j)
2441  140                     continue
2442                          if (nounit) temp = temp/a(i,i)
2443                          b(i,j) = temp
2444  150                 continue
2445  160             continue
2446              end if
2447          end if
2448      else
2449          if (lsame(transa,'n')) then
2451*           form  b := alpha*b*inv( a ).
2453              if (upper) then
2454                  do 210 j = 1,n
2455                      if (alpha.ne.one) then
2456                          do 170 i = 1,m
2457                              b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
2458  170                     continue
2459                      end if
2460                      do 190 k = 1,j - 1
2461                          if (a(k,j).ne.zero) then
2462                              do 180 i = 1,m
2463                                  b(i,j) = b(i,j) - a(k,j)*b(i,k)
2464  180                         continue
2465                          end if
2466  190                 continue
2467                      if (nounit) then
2468                          temp = one/a(j,j)
2469                          do 200 i = 1,m
2470                              b(i,j) = temp*b(i,j)
2471  200                     continue
2472                      end if
2473  210             continue
2474              else
2475                  do 260 j = n,1,-1
2476                      if (alpha.ne.one) then
2477                          do 220 i = 1,m
2478                              b(i,j) = alpha*b(i,j)
2479  220                     continue
2480                      end if
2481                      do 240 k = j + 1,n
2482                          if (a(k,j).ne.zero) then
2483                              do 230 i = 1,m
2484                                  b(i,j) = b(i,j) - a(k,j)*b(i,k)
2485  230                         continue
2486                          end if
2487  240                 continue
2488                      if (nounit) then
2489                          temp = one/a(j,j)
2490                          do 250 i = 1,m
2491                              b(i,j) = temp*b(i,j)
2492  250                     continue
2493                      end if
2494  260             continue
2495              end if
2496          else
2498*           form  b := alpha*b*inv( a' ).
2500              if (upper) then
2501                  do 310 k = n,1,-1
2502                      if (nounit) then
2503                          temp = one/a(k,k)
2504                          do 270 i = 1,m
2505                              b(i,k) = temp*b(i,k)
2506  270                     continue
2507                      end if
2508                      do 290 j = 1,k - 1
2509                          if (a(j,k).ne.zero) then
2510                              temp = a(j,k)
2511                              do 280 i = 1,m
2512                                  b(i,j) = b(i,j) - temp*b(i,k)
2513  280                         continue
2514                          end if
2515  290                 continue
2516                      if (alpha.ne.one) then
2517                          do 300 i = 1,m
2518                              b(i,k) = alpha*b(i,k)
2519  300                     continue
2520                      end if
2521  310             continue
2522              else
2523                  do 360 k = 1,n
2524                      if (nounit) then
2525                          temp = one/a(k,k)
2526                          do 320 i = 1,m
2527                              b(i,k) = temp*b(i,k)
2528  320                     continue
2529                      end if
2530                      do 340 j = k + 1,n
2531                          if (a(j,k).ne.zero) then
2532                              temp = a(j,k)
2533                              do 330 i = 1,m
2534                                  b(i,j) = b(i,j) - temp*b(i,k)
2535  330                         continue
2536                          end if
2537  340                 continue
2538                      if (alpha.ne.one) then
2539                          do 350 i = 1,m
2540                              b(i,k) = alpha*b(i,k)
2541  350                     continue
2542                      end if
2543  360             continue
2544              end if
2545          end if
2546      end if
2548      return
2550*     end of dtrsm .
2552      end
2554      subroutine dlaswp( n, a, lda, k1, k2, ipiv, incx )
2556*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.2) --
2557*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
2558*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
2559*     november 2006
2561*     .. scalar arguments ..
2562      integer            incx, k1, k2, lda, n
2563*     ..
2564*     .. array arguments ..
2565      integer            ipiv( * )
2566      double precision   a( lda, * )
2567*     ..
2569*  purpose
2570*  =======
2572*  dlaswp performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix a.
2573*  one row interchange is initiated for each of rows k1 through k2 of a.
2575*  arguments
2576*  =========
2578*  n       (input) integer
2579*          the number of columns of the matrix a.
2581*  a       (input/output) double precision array, dimension (lda,n)
2582*          on entry, the matrix of column dimension n to which the row
2583*          interchanges will be applied.
2584*          on exit, the permuted matrix.
2586*  lda     (input) integer
2587*          the leading dimension of the array a.
2589*  k1      (input) integer
2590*          the first element of ipiv for which a row interchange will
2591*          be done.
2593*  k2      (input) integer
2594*          the last element of ipiv for which a row interchange will
2595*          be done.
2597*  ipiv    (input) integer array, dimension (k2*abs(incx))
2598*          the vector of pivot indices.  only the elements in positions
2599*          k1 through k2 of ipiv are accessed.
2600*          ipiv(k) = l implies rows k and l are to be interchanged.
2602*  incx    (input) integer
2603*          the increment between successive values of ipiv.  if ipiv
2604*          is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order.
2606*  further details
2607*  ===============
2609*  modified by
2610*   r. c. whaley, computer science dept., univ. of tenn., knoxville, usa
2612* =====================================================================
2614*     .. local scalars ..
2615      integer            i, i1, i2, inc, ip, ix, ix0, j, k, n32
2616      double precision   temp
2617*     ..
2618*     .. executable statements ..
2620*     interchange row i with row ipiv(i) for each of rows k1 through k2.
2622      if( incx.gt.0 ) then
2623         ix0 = k1
2624         i1 = k1
2625         i2 = k2
2626         inc = 1
2627      else if( incx.lt.0 ) then
2628         ix0 = 1 + ( 1-k2 )*incx
2629         i1 = k2
2630         i2 = k1
2631         inc = -1
2632      else
2633         return
2634      end if
2636      n32 = ( n / 32 )*32
2637      if( n32.ne.0 ) then
2638         do 30 j = 1, n32, 32
2639            ix = ix0
2640            do 20 i = i1, i2, inc
2641               ip = ipiv( ix )
2642               if( ip.ne.i ) then
2643                  do 10 k = j, j + 31
2644                     temp = a( i, k )
2645                     a( i, k ) = a( ip, k )
2646                     a( ip, k ) = temp
2647   10             continue
2648               end if
2649               ix = ix + incx
2650   20       continue
2651   30    continue
2652      end if
2653      if( n32.ne.n ) then
2654         n32 = n32 + 1
2655         ix = ix0
2656         do 50 i = i1, i2, inc
2657            ip = ipiv( ix )
2658            if( ip.ne.i ) then
2659               do 40 k = n32, n
2660                  temp = a( i, k )
2661                  a( i, k ) = a( ip, k )
2662                  a( ip, k ) = temp
2663   40          continue
2664            end if
2665            ix = ix + incx
2666   50    continue
2667      end if
2669      return
2671*     end of dlaswp
2673      end
2675      integer function ilaenv( ispec, name, opts, n1, n2, n3, n4 )
2677*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.2.1)                        --
2679*  -- april 2009                                                      --
2681*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
2682*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
2684*     .. scalar arguments ..
2685      character*( * )    name, opts
2686      integer            ispec, n1, n2, n3, n4
2687*     ..
2689*  purpose
2690*  =======
2692*  ilaenv is called from the lapack routines to choose problem-dependent
2693*  parameters for the local environment.  see ispec for a description of
2694*  the parameters.
2696*  ilaenv returns an integer
2697*  if ilaenv >= 0: ilaenv returns the value of the parameter specified by ispec
2698*  if ilaenv < 0:  if ilaenv = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value.
2700*  this version provides a set of parameters which should give good,
2701*  but not optimal, performance on many of the currently available
2702*  computers.  users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to set
2703*  the tuning parameters for their particular machine using the option
2704*  and problem size information in the arguments.
2706*  this routine will not function correctly if it is converted to all
2707*  lower case.  converting it to all upper case is allowed.
2709*  arguments
2710*  =========
2712*  ispec   (input) integer
2713*          specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of
2714*          ilaenv.
2715*          = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked
2716*               algorithm will give the best performance.
2717*          = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine
2718*               should be used; if the usable block size is less than
2719*               this value, an unblocked routine should be used.
2720*          = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for n less
2721*               than this value, an unblocked routine should be used)
2722*          = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsymmetric
2723*               eigenvalue routines (deprecated)
2724*          = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used;
2725*               rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m,
2726*               where k is given by ilaenv(2,...) and m by ilaenv(5,...)
2727*          = 6: the crossover point for the svd (when reducing an m by n
2728*               matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds
2729*               this value, a qr factorization is used first to reduce
2730*               the matrix to a triangular form.)
2731*          = 7: the number of processors
2732*          = 8: the crossover point for the multishift qr method
2733*               for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems (deprecated)
2734*          = 9: maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the
2735*               computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm
2736*               (used by xgelsd and xgesdd)
2737*          =10: ieee nan arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
2738*          =11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
2739*          12 <= ispec <= 16:
2740*               xhseqr or one of its subroutines,
2741*               see iparmq for detailed explanation
2743*  name    (input) character*(*)
2744*          the name of the calling subroutine, in either upper case or
2745*          lower case.
2747*  opts    (input) character*(*)
2748*          the character options to the subroutine name, concatenated
2749*          into a single character string.  for example, uplo = 'u',
2750*          trans = 't', and diag = 'n' for a triangular routine would
2751*          be specified as opts = 'utn'.
2753*  n1      (input) integer
2754*  n2      (input) integer
2755*  n3      (input) integer
2756*  n4      (input) integer
2757*          problem dimensions for the subroutine name; these may not all
2758*          be required.
2760*  further details
2761*  ===============
2763*  the following conventions have been used when calling ilaenv from the
2764*  lapack routines:
2765*  1)  opts is a concatenation of all of the character options to
2766*      subroutine name, in the same order that they appear in the
2767*      argument list for name, even if they are not used in determining
2768*      the value of the parameter specified by ispec.
2769*  2)  the problem dimensions n1, n2, n3, n4 are specified in the order
2770*      that they appear in the argument list for name.  n1 is used
2771*      first, n2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are
2772*      passed a value of -1.
2773*  3)  the parameter value returned by ilaenv is checked for validity in
2774*      the calling subroutine.  for example, ilaenv is used to retrieve
2775*      the optimal blocksize for strtri as follows:
2777*      nb = ilaenv( 1, 'strtri', uplo // diag, n, -1, -1, -1 )
2778*      if( nb.le.1 ) nb = max( 1, n )
2780*  =====================================================================
2782*     .. local scalars ..
2783      integer            i, ic, iz, nb, nbmin, nx
2784      logical            cname, sname
2785      character          c1*1, c2*2, c4*2, c3*3, subnam*6
2786*     ..
2787*     .. intrinsic functions ..
2788      intrinsic          char, ichar, int, min, real
2789*     ..
2790*     .. external functions ..
2791      integer            ieeeck, iparmq
2792      external           ieeeck, iparmq
2793*     ..
2794*     .. executable statements ..
2796      go to ( 10, 10, 10, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120,
2797     $        130, 140, 150, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160 )ispec
2799*     invalid value for ispec
2801      ilaenv = -1
2802      return
2804   10 continue
2806*     convert name to upper case if the first character is lower case.
2808      ilaenv = 1
2809      subnam = name
2810      ic = ichar( subnam( 1: 1 ) )
2811      iz = ichar( 'z' )
2812      if( iz.eq.90 .or. iz.eq.122 ) then
2814*        ascii character set
2816         if( ic.ge.97 .and. ic.le.122 ) then
2817            subnam( 1: 1 ) = char( ic-32 )
2818            do 20 i = 2, 6
2819               ic = ichar( subnam( i: i ) )
2820               if( ic.ge.97 .and. ic.le.122 )
2821     $            subnam( i: i ) = char( ic-32 )
2822   20       continue
2823         end if
2825      else if( iz.eq.233 .or. iz.eq.169 ) then
2827*        ebcdic character set
2829         if( ( ic.ge.129 .and. ic.le.137 ) .or.
2830     $       ( ic.ge.145 .and. ic.le.153 ) .or.
2831     $       ( ic.ge.162 .and. ic.le.169 ) ) then
2832            subnam( 1: 1 ) = char( ic+64 )
2833            do 30 i = 2, 6
2834               ic = ichar( subnam( i: i ) )
2835               if( ( ic.ge.129 .and. ic.le.137 ) .or.
2836     $             ( ic.ge.145 .and. ic.le.153 ) .or.
2837     $             ( ic.ge.162 .and. ic.le.169 ) )subnam( i:
2838     $             i ) = char( ic+64 )
2839   30       continue
2840         end if
2842      else if( iz.eq.218 .or. iz.eq.250 ) then
2844*        prime machines:  ascii+128
2846         if( ic.ge.225 .and. ic.le.250 ) then
2847            subnam( 1: 1 ) = char( ic-32 )
2848            do 40 i = 2, 6
2849               ic = ichar( subnam( i: i ) )
2850               if( ic.ge.225 .and. ic.le.250 )
2851     $            subnam( i: i ) = char( ic-32 )
2852   40       continue
2853         end if
2854      end if
2856      c1 = subnam( 1: 1 )
2857      sname = c1.eq.'s' .or. c1.eq.'d'
2858      cname = c1.eq.'c' .or. c1.eq.'z'
2859      if( .not.( cname .or. sname ) )
2860     $   return
2861      c2 = subnam( 2: 3 )
2862      c3 = subnam( 4: 6 )
2863      c4 = c3( 2: 3 )
2865      go to ( 50, 60, 70 )ispec
2867   50 continue
2869*     ispec = 1:  block size
2871*     in these examples, separate code is provided for setting nb for
2872*     real and complex.  we assume that nb will take the same value in
2873*     single or double precision.
2875      nb = 1
2877      if( c2.eq.'ge' ) then
2878         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
2879            if( sname ) then
2880               nb = 64
2881            else
2882               nb = 64
2883            end if
2884         else if( c3.eq.'qrf' .or. c3.eq.'rqf' .or. c3.eq.'lqf' .or.
2885     $            c3.eq.'qlf' ) then
2886            if( sname ) then
2887               nb = 32
2888            else
2889               nb = 32
2890            end if
2891         else if( c3.eq.'hrd' ) then
2892            if( sname ) then
2893               nb = 32
2894            else
2895               nb = 32
2896            end if
2897         else if( c3.eq.'brd' ) then
2898            if( sname ) then
2899               nb = 32
2900            else
2901               nb = 32
2902            end if
2903         else if( c3.eq.'tri' ) then
2904            if( sname ) then
2905               nb = 64
2906            else
2907               nb = 64
2908            end if
2909         end if
2910      else if( c2.eq.'po' ) then
2911         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
2912            if( sname ) then
2913               nb = 64
2914            else
2915               nb = 64
2916            end if
2917         end if
2918      else if( c2.eq.'sy' ) then
2919         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
2920            if( sname ) then
2921               nb = 64
2922            else
2923               nb = 64
2924            end if
2925         else if( sname .and. c3.eq.'trd' ) then
2926            nb = 32
2927         else if( sname .and. c3.eq.'gst' ) then
2928            nb = 64
2929         end if
2930      else if( cname .and. c2.eq.'he' ) then
2931         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
2932            nb = 64
2933         else if( c3.eq.'trd' ) then
2934            nb = 32
2935         else if( c3.eq.'gst' ) then
2936            nb = 64
2937         end if
2938      else if( sname .and. c2.eq.'or' ) then
2939         if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'g' ) then
2940            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
2941     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
2942     $           then
2943               nb = 32
2944            end if
2945         else if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'m' ) then
2946            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
2947     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
2948     $           then
2949               nb = 32
2950            end if
2951         end if
2952      else if( cname .and. c2.eq.'un' ) then
2953         if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'g' ) then
2954            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
2955     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
2956     $           then
2957               nb = 32
2958            end if
2959         else if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'m' ) then
2960            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
2961     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
2962     $           then
2963               nb = 32
2964            end if
2965         end if
2966      else if( c2.eq.'gb' ) then
2967         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
2968            if( sname ) then
2969               if( n4.le.64 ) then
2970                  nb = 1
2971               else
2972                  nb = 32
2973               end if
2974            else
2975               if( n4.le.64 ) then
2976                  nb = 1
2977               else
2978                  nb = 32
2979               end if
2980            end if
2981         end if
2982      else if( c2.eq.'pb' ) then
2983         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
2984            if( sname ) then
2985               if( n2.le.64 ) then
2986                  nb = 1
2987               else
2988                  nb = 32
2989               end if
2990            else
2991               if( n2.le.64 ) then
2992                  nb = 1
2993               else
2994                  nb = 32
2995               end if
2996            end if
2997         end if
2998      else if( c2.eq.'tr' ) then
2999         if( c3.eq.'tri' ) then
3000            if( sname ) then
3001               nb = 64
3002            else
3003               nb = 64
3004            end if
3005         end if
3006      else if( c2.eq.'la' ) then
3007         if( c3.eq.'uum' ) then
3008            if( sname ) then
3009               nb = 64
3010            else
3011               nb = 64
3012            end if
3013         end if
3014      else if( sname .and. c2.eq.'st' ) then
3015         if( c3.eq.'ebz' ) then
3016            nb = 1
3017         end if
3018      end if
3019      ilaenv = nb
3020      return
3022   60 continue
3024*     ispec = 2:  minimum block size
3026      nbmin = 2
3027      if( c2.eq.'ge' ) then
3028         if( c3.eq.'qrf' .or. c3.eq.'rqf' .or. c3.eq.'lqf' .or. c3.eq.
3029     $       'qlf' ) then
3030            if( sname ) then
3031               nbmin = 2
3032            else
3033               nbmin = 2
3034            end if
3035         else if( c3.eq.'hrd' ) then
3036            if( sname ) then
3037               nbmin = 2
3038            else
3039               nbmin = 2
3040            end if
3041         else if( c3.eq.'brd' ) then
3042            if( sname ) then
3043               nbmin = 2
3044            else
3045               nbmin = 2
3046            end if
3047         else if( c3.eq.'tri' ) then
3048            if( sname ) then
3049               nbmin = 2
3050            else
3051               nbmin = 2
3052            end if
3053         end if
3054      else if( c2.eq.'sy' ) then
3055         if( c3.eq.'trf' ) then
3056            if( sname ) then
3057               nbmin = 8
3058            else
3059               nbmin = 8
3060            end if
3061         else if( sname .and. c3.eq.'trd' ) then
3062            nbmin = 2
3063         end if
3064      else if( cname .and. c2.eq.'he' ) then
3065         if( c3.eq.'trd' ) then
3066            nbmin = 2
3067         end if
3068      else if( sname .and. c2.eq.'or' ) then
3069         if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'g' ) then
3070            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
3071     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
3072     $           then
3073               nbmin = 2
3074            end if
3075         else if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'m' ) then
3076            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
3077     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
3078     $           then
3079               nbmin = 2
3080            end if
3081         end if
3082      else if( cname .and. c2.eq.'un' ) then
3083         if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'g' ) then
3084            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
3085     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
3086     $           then
3087               nbmin = 2
3088            end if
3089         else if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'m' ) then
3090            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
3091     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
3092     $           then
3093               nbmin = 2
3094            end if
3095         end if
3096      end if
3097      ilaenv = nbmin
3098      return
3100   70 continue
3102*     ispec = 3:  crossover point
3104      nx = 0
3105      if( c2.eq.'ge' ) then
3106         if( c3.eq.'qrf' .or. c3.eq.'rqf' .or. c3.eq.'lqf' .or. c3.eq.
3107     $       'qlf' ) then
3108            if( sname ) then
3109               nx = 128
3110            else
3111               nx = 128
3112            end if
3113         else if( c3.eq.'hrd' ) then
3114            if( sname ) then
3115               nx = 128
3116            else
3117               nx = 128
3118            end if
3119         else if( c3.eq.'brd' ) then
3120            if( sname ) then
3121               nx = 128
3122            else
3123               nx = 128
3124            end if
3125         end if
3126      else if( c2.eq.'sy' ) then
3127         if( sname .and. c3.eq.'trd' ) then
3128            nx = 32
3129         end if
3130      else if( cname .and. c2.eq.'he' ) then
3131         if( c3.eq.'trd' ) then
3132            nx = 32
3133         end if
3134      else if( sname .and. c2.eq.'or' ) then
3135         if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'g' ) then
3136            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
3137     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
3138     $           then
3139               nx = 128
3140            end if
3141         end if
3142      else if( cname .and. c2.eq.'un' ) then
3143         if( c3( 1: 1 ).eq.'g' ) then
3144            if( c4.eq.'qr' .or. c4.eq.'rq' .or. c4.eq.'lq' .or. c4.eq.
3145     $          'ql' .or. c4.eq.'hr' .or. c4.eq.'tr' .or. c4.eq.'br' )
3146     $           then
3147               nx = 128
3148            end if
3149         end if
3150      end if
3151      ilaenv = nx
3152      return
3154   80 continue
3156*     ispec = 4:  number of shifts (used by xhseqr)
3158      ilaenv = 6
3159      return
3161   90 continue
3163*     ispec = 5:  minimum column dimension (not used)
3165      ilaenv = 2
3166      return
3168  100 continue
3170*     ispec = 6:  crossover point for svd (used by xgelss and xgesvd)
3172      ilaenv = int( real( min( n1, n2 ) )*1.6e0 )
3173      return
3175  110 continue
3177*     ispec = 7:  number of processors (not used)
3179      ilaenv = 1
3180      return
3182  120 continue
3184*     ispec = 8:  crossover point for multishift (used by xhseqr)
3186      ilaenv = 50
3187      return
3189  130 continue
3191*     ispec = 9:  maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the
3192*                 computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm
3193*                 (used by xgelsd and xgesdd)
3195      ilaenv = 25
3196      return
3198  140 continue
3200*     ispec = 10: ieee nan arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
3202*     ilaenv = 0
3203      ilaenv = 1
3204      if( ilaenv.eq.1 ) then
3205         ilaenv = ieeeck( 1, 0.0, 1.0 )
3206      end if
3207      return
3209  150 continue
3211*     ispec = 11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
3213*     ilaenv = 0
3214      ilaenv = 1
3215      if( ilaenv.eq.1 ) then
3216         ilaenv = ieeeck( 0, 0.0, 1.0 )
3217      end if
3218      return
3220  160 continue
3222*     12 <= ispec <= 16: xhseqr or one of its subroutines.
3224      ilaenv = iparmq( ispec, name, opts, n1, n2, n3, n4 )
3225      return
3227*     end of ilaenv
3229      end
3231      integer          function ieeeck( ispec, zero, one )
3233*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.2.2) --
3234*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
3235*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
3236*     june 2010
3238*     .. scalar arguments ..
3239      integer            ispec
3240      real               one, zero
3241*     ..
3243*  purpose
3244*  =======
3246*  ieeeck is called from the ilaenv to verify that infinity and
3247*  possibly nan arithmetic is safe (i.e. will not trap).
3249*  arguments
3250*  =========
3252*  ispec   (input) integer
3253*          specifies whether to test just for inifinity arithmetic
3254*          or whether to test for infinity and nan arithmetic.
3255*          = 0: verify infinity arithmetic only.
3256*          = 1: verify infinity and nan arithmetic.
3258*  zero    (input) real
3259*          must contain the value 0.0
3260*          this is passed to prevent the compiler from optimizing
3261*          away this code.
3263*  one     (input) real
3264*          must contain the value 1.0
3265*          this is passed to prevent the compiler from optimizing
3266*          away this code.
3268*  return value:  integer
3269*          = 0:  arithmetic failed to produce the correct answers
3270*          = 1:  arithmetic produced the correct answers
3272*     .. local scalars ..
3273      real               nan1, nan2, nan3, nan4, nan5, nan6, neginf,
3274     $                   negzro, newzro, posinf
3275*     ..
3276*     .. executable statements ..
3277      ieeeck = 1
3279      posinf = one / zero
3280      if( posinf.le.one ) then
3281         ieeeck = 0
3282         return
3283      end if
3285      neginf = -one / zero
3286      if( neginf.ge.zero ) then
3287         ieeeck = 0
3288         return
3289      end if
3291      negzro = one / ( neginf+one )
3292      if( negzro.ne.zero ) then
3293         ieeeck = 0
3294         return
3295      end if
3297      neginf = one / negzro
3298      if( neginf.ge.zero ) then
3299         ieeeck = 0
3300         return
3301      end if
3303      newzro = negzro + zero
3304      if( newzro.ne.zero ) then
3305         ieeeck = 0
3306         return
3307      end if
3309      posinf = one / newzro
3310      if( posinf.le.one ) then
3311         ieeeck = 0
3312         return
3313      end if
3315      neginf = neginf*posinf
3316      if( neginf.ge.zero ) then
3317         ieeeck = 0
3318         return
3319      end if
3321      posinf = posinf*posinf
3322      if( posinf.le.one ) then
3323         ieeeck = 0
3324         return
3325      end if
3330*     return if we were only asked to check infinity arithmetic
3332      if( ispec.eq.0 )
3333     $   return
3335      nan1 = posinf + neginf
3337      nan2 = posinf / neginf
3339      nan3 = posinf / posinf
3341      nan4 = posinf*zero
3343      nan5 = neginf*negzro
3345      nan6 = nan5*zero
3347      if( nan1.eq.nan1 ) then
3348         ieeeck = 0
3349         return
3350      end if
3352      if( nan2.eq.nan2 ) then
3353         ieeeck = 0
3354         return
3355      end if
3357      if( nan3.eq.nan3 ) then
3358         ieeeck = 0
3359         return
3360      end if
3362      if( nan4.eq.nan4 ) then
3363         ieeeck = 0
3364         return
3365      end if
3367      if( nan5.eq.nan5 ) then
3368         ieeeck = 0
3369         return
3370      end if
3372      if( nan6.eq.nan6 ) then
3373         ieeeck = 0
3374         return
3375      end if
3377      return
3378      end
3380      integer function idamax(n,dx,incx)
3381*     .. scalar arguments ..
3382      integer incx,n
3383*     ..
3384*     .. array arguments ..
3385      double precision dx(*)
3386*     ..
3388*  purpose
3389*  =======
3391*     idamax finds the index of element having max. absolute value.
3393*  further details
3394*  ===============
3396*     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
3397*     modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0.
3398*     modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
3400*  =====================================================================
3402*     .. local scalars ..
3403      double precision dmax
3404      integer i,ix
3405*     ..
3406*     .. intrinsic functions ..
3407      intrinsic dabs
3408*     ..
3409      idamax = 0
3410      if (n.lt.1 .or. incx.le.0) return
3411      idamax = 1
3412      if (n.eq.1) return
3413      if (incx.eq.1) go to 20
3415*        code for increment not equal to 1
3417      ix = 1
3418      dmax = dabs(dx(1))
3419      ix = ix + incx
3420      do 10 i = 2,n
3421          if (dabs(dx(ix)).le.dmax) go to 5
3422          idamax = i
3423          dmax = dabs(dx(ix))
3424    5     ix = ix + incx
3425   10 continue
3426      return
3428*        code for increment equal to 1
3430   20 dmax = dabs(dx(1))
3431      do 30 i = 2,n
3432          if (dabs(dx(i)).le.dmax) go to 30
3433          idamax = i
3434          dmax = dabs(dx(i))
3435   30 continue
3436      return
3437      end
3439      logical function lsame(ca,cb)
3441*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.1) --
3442*     univ. of tennessee, univ. of california berkeley and nag ltd..
3443*     november 2006
3445*     .. scalar arguments ..
3446      character ca,cb
3447*     ..
3449*  purpose
3450*  =======
3452*  lsame returns .true. if ca is the same letter as cb regardless of
3453*  case.
3455*  arguments
3456*  =========
3458*  ca      (input) character*1
3460*  cb      (input) character*1
3461*          ca and cb specify the single characters to be compared.
3463* =====================================================================
3465*     .. intrinsic functions ..
3466      intrinsic ichar
3467*     ..
3468*     .. local scalars ..
3469      integer inta,intb,zcode
3470*     ..
3472*     test if the characters are equal
3474      lsame = ca .eq. cb
3475      if (lsame) return
3477*     now test for equivalence if both characters are alphabetic.
3479      zcode = ichar('z')
3481*     use 'z' rather than 'a' so that ascii can be detected on prime
3482*     machines, on which ichar returns a value with bit 8 set.
3483*     ichar('a') on prime machines returns 193 which is the same as
3484*     ichar('a') on an ebcdic machine.
3486      inta = ichar(ca)
3487      intb = ichar(cb)
3489      if (zcode.eq.90 .or. zcode.eq.122) then
3491*        ascii is assumed - zcode is the ascii code of either lower or
3492*        upper case 'z'.
3494          if (inta.ge.97 .and. inta.le.122) inta = inta - 32
3495          if (intb.ge.97 .and. intb.le.122) intb = intb - 32
3497      else if (zcode.eq.233 .or. zcode.eq.169) then
3499*        ebcdic is assumed - zcode is the ebcdic code of either lower or
3500*        upper case 'z'.
3502          if (inta.ge.129 .and. inta.le.137 .or.
3503     +        inta.ge.145 .and. inta.le.153 .or.
3504     +        inta.ge.162 .and. inta.le.169) inta = inta + 64
3505          if (intb.ge.129 .and. intb.le.137 .or.
3506     +        intb.ge.145 .and. intb.le.153 .or.
3507     +        intb.ge.162 .and. intb.le.169) intb = intb + 64
3509      else if (zcode.eq.218 .or. zcode.eq.250) then
3511*        ascii is assumed, on prime machines - zcode is the ascii code
3512*        plus 128 of either lower or upper case 'z'.
3514          if (inta.ge.225 .and. inta.le.250) inta = inta - 32
3515          if (intb.ge.225 .and. intb.le.250) intb = intb - 32
3516      end if
3517      lsame = inta .eq. intb
3519*     return
3521*     end of lsame
3523      end
3525      integer function iparmq( ispec, name, opts, n, ilo, ihi, lwork )
3527*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.2) --
3528*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
3529*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
3530*     november 2006
3532*     .. scalar arguments ..
3533      integer            ihi, ilo, ispec, lwork, n
3534      character          name*( * ), opts*( * )
3536*  purpose
3537*  =======
3539*       this program sets problem and machine dependent parameters
3540*       useful for xhseqr and its subroutines. it is called whenever
3541*       ilaenv is called with 12 <= ispec <= 16
3543*  arguments
3544*  =========
3546*       ispec  (input) integer scalar
3547*              ispec specifies which tunable parameter iparmq should
3548*              return.
3550*              ispec=12: (inmin)  matrices of order nmin or less
3551*                        are sent directly to xlahqr, the implicit
3552*                        double shift qr algorithm.  nmin must be
3553*                        at least 11.
3555*              ispec=13: (inwin)  size of the deflation window.
3556*                        this is best set greater than or equal to
3557*                        the number of simultaneous shifts ns.
3558*                        larger matrices benefit from larger deflation
3559*                        windows.
3561*              ispec=14: (inibl) determines when to stop nibbling and
3562*                        invest in an (expensive) multi-shift qr sweep.
3563*                        if the aggressive early deflation subroutine
3564*                        finds ld converged eigenvalues from an order
3565*                        nw deflation window and ld.gt.(nw*nibble)/100,
3566*                        then the next qr sweep is skipped and early
3567*                        deflation is applied immediately to the
3568*                        remaining active diagonal block.  setting
3569*                        iparmq(ispec=14) = 0 causes ttqre to skip a
3570*                        multi-shift qr sweep whenever early deflation
3571*                        finds a converged eigenvalue.  setting
3572*                        iparmq(ispec=14) greater than or equal to 100
3573*                        prevents ttqre from skipping a multi-shift
3574*                        qr sweep.
3576*              ispec=15: (nshfts) the number of simultaneous shifts in
3577*                        a multi-shift qr iteration.
3579*              ispec=16: (iacc22) iparmq is set to 0, 1 or 2 with the
3580*                        following meanings.
3581*                        0:  during the multi-shift qr sweep,
3582*                            xlaqr5 does not accumulate reflections and
3583*                            does not use matrix-matrix multiply to
3584*                            update the far-from-diagonal matrix
3585*                            entries.
3586*                        1:  during the multi-shift qr sweep,
3587*                            xlaqr5 and/or xlaqraccumulates reflections and uses
3588*                            matrix-matrix multiply to update the
3589*                            far-from-diagonal matrix entries.
3590*                        2:  during the multi-shift qr sweep.
3591*                            xlaqr5 accumulates reflections and takes
3592*                            advantage of 2-by-2 block structure during
3593*                            matrix-matrix multiplies.
3594*                        (if xtrmm is slower than xgemm, then
3595*                        iparmq(ispec=16)=1 may be more efficient than
3596*                        iparmq(ispec=16)=2 despite the greater level of
3597*                        arithmetic work implied by the latter choice.)
3599*       name    (input) character string
3600*               name of the calling subroutine
3602*       opts    (input) character string
3603*               this is a concatenation of the string arguments to
3604*               ttqre.
3606*       n       (input) integer scalar
3607*               n is the order of the hessenberg matrix h.
3609*       ilo     (input) integer
3610*       ihi     (input) integer
3611*               it is assumed that h is already upper triangular
3612*               in rows and columns 1:ilo-1 and ihi+1:n.
3614*       lwork   (input) integer scalar
3615*               the amount of workspace available.
3617*  further details
3618*  ===============
3620*       little is known about how best to choose these parameters.
3621*       it is possible to use different values of the parameters
3622*       for each of chseqr, dhseqr, shseqr and zhseqr.
3624*       it is probably best to choose different parameters for
3625*       different matrices and different parameters at different
3626*       times during the iteration, but this has not been
3627*       implemented --- yet.
3630*       the best choices of most of the parameters depend
3631*       in an ill-understood way on the relative execution
3632*       rate of xlaqr3 and xlaqr5 and on the nature of each
3633*       particular eigenvalue problem.  experiment may be the
3634*       only practical way to determine which choices are most
3635*       effective.
3637*       following is a list of default values supplied by iparmq.
3638*       these defaults may be adjusted in order to attain better
3639*       performance in any particular computational environment.
3641*       iparmq(ispec=12) the xlahqr vs xlaqr0 crossover point.
3642*                        default: 75. (must be at least 11.)
3644*       iparmq(ispec=13) recommended deflation window size.
3645*                        this depends on ilo, ihi and ns, the
3646*                        number of simultaneous shifts returned
3647*                        by iparmq(ispec=15).  the default for
3648*                        (ihi-ilo+1).le.500 is ns.  the default
3649*                        for (ihi-ilo+1).gt.500 is 3*ns/2.
3651*       iparmq(ispec=14) nibble crossover point.  default: 14.
3653*       iparmq(ispec=15) number of simultaneous shifts, ns.
3654*                        a multi-shift qr iteration.
3656*                        if ihi-ilo+1 is ...
3658*                        greater than      ...but less    ... the
3659*                        or equal to ...      than        default is
3661*                                0               30       ns =   2+
3662*                               30               60       ns =   4+
3663*                               60              150       ns =  10
3664*                              150              590       ns =  **
3665*                              590             3000       ns =  64
3666*                             3000             6000       ns = 128
3667*                             6000             infinity   ns = 256
3669*                    (+)  by default matrices of this order are
3670*                         passed to the implicit double shift routine
3671*                         xlahqr.  see iparmq(ispec=12) above.   these
3672*                         values of ns are used only in case of a rare
3673*                         xlahqr failure.
3675*                    (**) the asterisks (**) indicate an ad-hoc
3676*                         function increasing from 10 to 64.
3678*       iparmq(ispec=16) select structured matrix multiply.
3679*                        (see ispec=16 above for details.)
3680*                        default: 3.
3682*     ================================================================
3683*     .. parameters ..
3684      integer            inmin, inwin, inibl, ishfts, iacc22
3685      parameter          ( inmin = 12, inwin = 13, inibl = 14,
3686     $                   ishfts = 15, iacc22 = 16 )
3687      integer            nmin, k22min, kacmin, nibble, knwswp
3688      parameter          ( nmin = 75, k22min = 14, kacmin = 14,
3689     $                   nibble = 14, knwswp = 500 )
3690      real               two
3691      parameter          ( two = 2.0 )
3692*     ..
3693*     .. local scalars ..
3694      integer            nh, ns
3695*     ..
3696*     .. intrinsic functions ..
3697      intrinsic          log, max, mod, nint, real
3698*     ..
3699*     .. executable statements ..
3700      if( ( ispec.eq.ishfts ) .or. ( ispec.eq.inwin ) .or.
3701     $    ( ispec.eq.iacc22 ) ) then
3703*        ==== set the number simultaneous shifts ====
3705         nh = ihi - ilo + 1
3706         ns = 2
3707         if( nh.ge.30 )
3708     $      ns = 4
3709         if( nh.ge.60 )
3710     $      ns = 10
3711         if( nh.ge.150 )
3712     $      ns = max( 10, nh / nint( log( real( nh ) ) / log( two ) ) )
3713         if( nh.ge.590 )
3714     $      ns = 64
3715         if( nh.ge.3000 )
3716     $      ns = 128
3717         if( nh.ge.6000 )
3718     $      ns = 256
3719         ns = max( 2, ns-mod( ns, 2 ) )
3720      end if
3722      if( ispec.eq.inmin ) then
3725*        ===== matrices of order smaller than nmin get sent
3726*        .     to xlahqr, the classic double shift algorithm.
3727*        .     this must be at least 11. ====
3729         iparmq = nmin
3731      else if( ispec.eq.inibl ) then
3733*        ==== inibl: skip a multi-shift qr iteration and
3734*        .    whenever aggressive early deflation finds
3735*        .    at least (nibble*(window size)/100) deflations. ====
3737         iparmq = nibble
3739      else if( ispec.eq.ishfts ) then
3741*        ==== nshfts: the number of simultaneous shifts =====
3743         iparmq = ns
3745      else if( ispec.eq.inwin ) then
3747*        ==== nw: deflation window size.  ====
3749         if( nh.le.knwswp ) then
3750            iparmq = ns
3751         else
3752            iparmq = 3*ns / 2
3753         end if
3755      else if( ispec.eq.iacc22 ) then
3757*        ==== iacc22: whether to accumulate reflections
3758*        .     before updating the far-from-diagonal elements
3759*        .     and whether to use 2-by-2 block structure while
3760*        .     doing it.  a small amount of work could be saved
3761*        .     by making this choice dependent also upon the
3762*        .     nh=ihi-ilo+1.
3764         iparmq = 0
3765         if( ns.ge.kacmin )
3766     $      iparmq = 1
3767         if( ns.ge.k22min )
3768     $      iparmq = 2
3770      else
3771*        ===== invalid value of ispec =====
3772         iparmq = -1
3774      end if
3776*     ==== end of iparmq ====
3778      end
3780      double precision function dlamch( cmach )
3782*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.3.0) --
3783*  -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee,    --
3784*  -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
3785*     based on lapack dlamch but with fortran 95 query functions
3786*     see: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~luszczek/lapack/lamch.html
3787*     and  http://www.netlib.org/lapack-dev/lapack-coding/program-style.html#id2537289
3788*     july 2010
3790*     .. scalar arguments ..
3791      character          cmach
3792*     ..
3794*  purpose
3795*  =======
3797*  dlamch determines double precision machine parameters.
3799*  arguments
3800*  =========
3802*  cmach   (input) character*1
3803*          specifies the value to be returned by dlamch:
3804*          = 'e' or 'e',   dlamch := eps
3805*          = 's' or 's ,   dlamch := sfmin
3806*          = 'b' or 'b',   dlamch := base
3807*          = 'p' or 'p',   dlamch := eps*base
3808*          = 'n' or 'n',   dlamch := t
3809*          = 'r' or 'r',   dlamch := rnd
3810*          = 'm' or 'm',   dlamch := emin
3811*          = 'u' or 'u',   dlamch := rmin
3812*          = 'l' or 'l',   dlamch := emax
3813*          = 'o' or 'o',   dlamch := rmax
3815*          where
3817*          eps   = relative machine precision
3818*          sfmin = safe minimum, such that 1/sfmin does not overflow
3819*          base  = base of the machine
3820*          prec  = eps*base
3821*          t     = number of (base) digits in the mantissa
3822*          rnd   = 1.0 when rounding occurs in addition, 0.0 otherwise
3823*          emin  = minimum exponent before (gradual) underflow
3824*          rmin  = underflow threshold - base**(emin-1)
3825*          emax  = largest exponent before overflow
3826*          rmax  = overflow threshold  - (base**emax)*(1-eps)
3828* =====================================================================
3830*     .. parameters ..
3831      double precision   one, zero
3832      parameter          ( one = 1.0d+0, zero = 0.0d+0 )
3833*     ..
3834*     .. local scalars ..
3835      double precision   rnd, eps, sfmin, small, rmach
3836*     ..
3837*     .. external functions ..
3838      logical            lsame
3839      external           lsame
3840*     ..
3841*     .. intrinsic functions ..
3842      intrinsic          digits, epsilon, huge, maxexponent,
3843     $                   minexponent, radix, tiny
3844*     ..
3845*     .. executable statements ..
3848*     assume rounding, not chopping. always.
3850      rnd = one
3852      if( one.eq.rnd ) then
3853         eps = epsilon(zero) * 0.5
3854      else
3855         eps = epsilon(zero)
3856      end if
3858      if( lsame( cmach, 'e' ) ) then
3859         rmach = eps
3860      else if( lsame( cmach, 's' ) ) then
3861         sfmin = tiny(zero)
3862         small = one / huge(zero)
3863         if( small.ge.sfmin ) then
3865*           use small plus a bit, to avoid the possibility of rounding
3866*           causing overflow when computing  1/sfmin.
3868            sfmin = small*( one+eps )
3869         end if
3870         rmach = sfmin
3871      else if( lsame( cmach, 'b' ) ) then
3872         rmach = radix(zero)
3873      else if( lsame( cmach, 'p' ) ) then
3874         rmach = eps * radix(zero)
3875      else if( lsame( cmach, 'n' ) ) then
3876         rmach = digits(zero)
3877      else if( lsame( cmach, 'r' ) ) then
3878         rmach = rnd
3879      else if( lsame( cmach, 'm' ) ) then
3880         rmach = minexponent(zero)
3881      else if( lsame( cmach, 'u' ) ) then
3882         rmach = tiny(zero)
3883      else if( lsame( cmach, 'l' ) ) then
3884         rmach = maxexponent(zero)
3885      else if( lsame( cmach, 'o' ) ) then
3886         rmach = huge(zero)
3887      else
3888         rmach = zero
3889      end if
3891      dlamch = rmach
3892      return
3894*     end of dlamch
3896      end
3899      double precision function dlamc3( a, b )
3901*  -- lapack auxiliary routine (version 3.3.0) --
3902*     univ. of tennessee, univ. of california berkeley and nag ltd..
3903*     november 2010
3905*     .. scalar arguments ..
3906      double precision   a, b
3907*     ..
3909*  purpose
3910*  =======
3912*  dlamc3  is intended to force  a  and  b  to be stored prior to doing
3913*  the addition of  a  and  b ,  for use in situations where optimizers
3914*  might hold one of these in a register.
3916*  arguments
3917*  =========
3919*  a       (input) double precision
3920*  b       (input) double precision
3921*          the values a and b.
3923* =====================================================================
3925*     .. executable statements ..
3927      dlamc3 = a + b
3929      return
3931*     end of dlamc3
3933      end
3936c $Id: rism1d.F 21176 2011-10-10 06:35:49Z d3y133 $