2* $Id$
4* this file contains auxilary routines to stpr_gen functions
6* current routines:
7* stpr_fd_upd_dipole           ! computes finite difference dipole moment
8* stpr_fd_upd_hess             ! computes finite difference either central or forward
9* stpr_wrt_fd_from_sq          ! writes hessian to file
10* stpr_check_genat_restart     ! check for restart "is info available?"
11* stpr_get_genat_restart       ! get restart info
12* stpr_put_genat_restart       ! put restart info out to restart file
13* stpr_gen_hess_foldave        ! averages off diaginal contributions
14* stpr_gen_hess_fold           ! sums off diaginal contributions (partial computations)
15* stpr_gen_set_diag            ! sets inactive atom diagonal contribs to large value
18C> \ingroup stpr_priv
19C> @{
21      subroutine stpr_fd_upd_dipole(ddipole,mdipole,pdipole,
22     &    s_delta,delta,nat,iatom,ixyz,q1)
23      implicit none
26      integer nat
27      integer iatom
28      integer ixyz
29      double precision s_delta
30      double precision delta
31      double precision mdipole(3)
32      double precision pdipole(3)
33      double precision ddipole(3,3,nat)
34      double precision q1
36      integer moment
37      double precision rdelta
38      double precision value
40      rdelta = 1.0d00/(s_delta*delta)
41      do moment = 1,3
42        value = rdelta*(pdipole(moment)-mdipole(moment)) * q1
43        ddipole(moment,ixyz,iatom) = value
44      enddo
46      end
48C> \brief Update the Hessian from new gradient data
50C> Apply the finite difference formula to the gradient data provided
51C> to calculate a contribution to and update the Hessian.
53C> Depending on the values of the parameters `gradm`, `gradp` and
54C> `s_delta` the subroutine will evaluate either the forward difference
55C> equation
56C> \f{eqnarray*}{
57C>    f'(x) &=& \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}
58C> \f}
59C> or the central difference formula
60C> \f{eqnarray*}{
61C>    f'(x) &=& \frac{f(x+h)-f(x-h)}{2h}
62C> \f}
64      subroutine stpr_fd_upd_hess(rtdb,
65     &    hess,gradm,gradp,s_delta,delta,nat,
66     &    iatom_t,ixyz_t)
67      implicit none
68#include "errquit.fh"
69#include "stdio.fh"
70#include "geom.fh"
71#include "sym.fh"
73      integer rtdb                       !< [Input] The RTDB handle
74      integer nat                        !< [Input] The number of atoms
75      integer iatom_t                    !< [Input] The displaced atom
76      integer ixyz_t                     !< [Input] The displaced coordinate
77      double precision hess(3,nat,3,nat) !< [In/Output] The Hessian
78      double precision gradm(3,nat)      !< [Input] The gradient at
79                                         !< negative (or no) displacement
80      double precision gradp(3,nat)      !< [Input] The gradient at
81                                         !< positive displacement
82      double precision delta             !< [Input] The step size
83      double precision s_delta           !< [Input] The scale factor
84                                         !< for total displacement
85                                         !< * 1 - for forward difference
86                                         !< * 2 - for central difference
88      integer geom
89      integer iatom,ixyz
90      double precision rdelta, value
91      double precision q2
93      if (.not.geom_create(geom,'reference')) call errquit
94     $    ('stpr_fd_upd_hess:geom_create failed?',1, GEOM_ERR)
95      if (.not.geom_rtdb_load(rtdb,geom,'reference')) call errquit
96     $        ('stpr_fd_upd_hess:geom_rtdb_load failed?',2, RTDB_ERR)
98c finite difference  [g(x+delta) - g(x-delta)]/(s_delta*delta) (s_delta = 2.0)
99c central difference [g(x+delta) - g(x)]/(s_delta*delta) (s_delta = 1.0)
102      rdelta = 1.0d00/(s_delta*delta)
103      do 00100 iatom = 1,iatom_t
104        if (sym_atom_pair(geom,iatom_t,iatom,q2)) then
105**           write(6,*) ' iatom_t iatom q2 ', iatom_t, iatom, q2
106           if (iatom.ne.iatom_t) q2 = q2 + q2
107          do 00200 ixyz = 1,3
108            value = rdelta*(gradp(ixyz,iatom)-gradm(ixyz,iatom))
109            value = q2*value
110            hess(ixyz_t,iatom_t,ixyz,iatom) = value
111**            hess(ixyz,iatom,ixyz_t,iatom_t) = value
11200200     continue
113        endif
11400100 continue
116      if (.not.geom_destroy(geom))
117     $    call errquit
118     $    ('stpr_fd_upd_hess: geom_destroy failed?',33, GEOM_ERR)
119      end
120      subroutine stpr_wrt_fd_dipole(ddipole,nat,filename)
121      implicit none
122#include "stdio.fh"
123#include "inp.fh"
124#include "util.fh"
125      integer nat
126      double precision ddipole(3,3,nat)
127      character*(*) filename
129      integer lu
130      integer print_level
131      integer atom, xyz, moment
132      logical does_it_exist
134      call util_print_get_level(print_level)
135      lu = 67
136      does_it_exist = .false.
137      inquire(file=filename,exist=does_it_exist)
138      if ((does_it_exist).and.(print_level.gt.print_none))
139     &    write(luout,*)
140     &    'stpr_wrt_fd_dipole: overwrite of existing file',
141     &    filename(1:inp_strlen(filename))
142      open(unit=lu,file=filename,
143     &    form='formatted',
144     &    access='sequential',
145     &    status='unknown')
147      do atom = 1,nat
148        do  xyz = 1,3
149          do moment = 1,3
150            write(lu,10000)ddipole(moment,xyz,atom)
151          enddo
152        enddo
153      enddo
15510000 format(1x,1pd20.10)
157      close(unit=lu,status='keep')
159      end
160      subroutine stpr_wrt_fd_from_sq(hess,rank_hess,filename)
161      implicit none
163#include "stdio.fh"
164#include "inp.fh"
165#include "util.fh"
167      integer rank_hess
168      double precision hess(rank_hess,rank_hess)
169      character*(*) filename
171      logical does_it_exist
173      integer i, j, lu
174      integer print_level
176      call util_print_get_level(print_level)
177      lu = 66
178      does_it_exist = .false.
179      inquire(file=filename,exist=does_it_exist)
180      if ((does_it_exist).and.(print_level.gt.print_none))
181     &    write(luout,*)
182     &    ' stpr_wrt_fd_from_sq: overwrite of existing file:',
183     &    filename(1:inp_strlen(filename))
184      open(unit=lu,file=filename,
185     &    form='formatted',
186     &    access='sequential',
187     &    status='unknown')
189      do 00100 i = 1,rank_hess
190        do 00200 j = 1,i
191          write(lu,10000)hess(i,j)
19200200   continue
19300100 continue
19510000 format(1x,1pd20.10)
197      close(unit=lu,status='keep')
199      end
201C> \brief Check and retrieve restart data
203C> Check the runtime database for the state of the calculation
204C> and report back whether this calculation needs to be restarted
205C> or not. The function also provides the rank of the initial
206C> atom and atomic coordinate to start from.
208C> The initial atom and atomic coordinate are read from the
209C> restart file. For this purpose the function may open the restart
210C> file if available. But the restart file must be closed before
211C> the function returns.
213C> \return Returns .TRUE. if the calculation needs to be restarted,
214C> and .FALSE. otherwise.
216      logical function stpr_check_genat_restart(
217     &    rtdb, iatom_start,ixyz_start)
218      implicit none
219#include "errquit.fh"
220#include "global.fh"
221#include "mafdecls.fh"
222#include "msgtypesf.h"
223#include "msgids.fh"
224#include "stdio.fh"
225#include "cstprfiles.fh"
226      integer rtdb        !< [Input] The RTDB handle
227      integer iatom_start !< [Output] The atom to start from
228      integer ixyz_start  !< [Output] The atomic coordinate to start
229                          !< from
231      integer int_restart
232      integer rank, ijunk1, ijunk2
233      integer mitob1
234      logical does_it_exist
236      logical ostart, orestart, ocontinue
238c assume not a restart
239      iatom_start = 1
240      ixyz_start  = 1
241      int_restart = 0
242      call util_get_rtdb_state(rtdb,ostart,ocontinue,orestart)
243      if (ostart) then
244        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
245     &    call util_file_unlink(FILEATR)
246      else if (ocontinue.or.orestart) then
247        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
248          does_it_exist = .false.
249          inquire(file=FILEATR,exist=does_it_exist)
250          if (does_it_exist) then
251            open(unit=69,file=FILEATR,
252     &          form='unformatted',
253     &          access='sequential',
254     &          status='old')
255            read(69)iatom_start,ixyz_start,rank, ijunk1, ijunk2
256            close(unit=69,status='keep')
257            int_restart = 1
258          else
259            write(luout,*)'*** Warning continue called for but no  ***'
260            write(luout,*)'*** fd restart file for nuclear hessian ***'
261            write(luout,*)'*** starting from scratch so to speak   ***'
262          endif
263        endif
264      else
265        call errquit
266     &      ('stpr_check_genat_restart: error with rtdb state',911,
267     &       RTDB_ERR)
268      endif
270      mitob1=MA_sizeof(MT_INT,1,MT_BYTE)
271      call ga_brdcst(Msg_gen_at_iatom  +MSGINT,iatom_start,mitob1,0)
272      call ga_brdcst(Msg_gen_at_ixyz   +MSGINT,ixyz_start, mitob1,0)
273      call ga_brdcst(Msg_gen_at_restart+MSGINT,int_restart,mitob1,0)
275      if (int_restart.eq.1) then
276        stpr_check_genat_restart = .true.
277      else if (int_restart.eq.0) then
278        stpr_check_genat_restart = .false.
279      else
280        write(luout,*)' invalid int_restart value ', ga_nodeid()
281        call errquit(' stpr_check_genat_restart: fatal error ',
282     &      int_restart, INPUT_ERR)
283      endif
284      end
286C> \brief Load the restart information
288C> Load the data needed for restarting a Hessian calculation.
290C> Obviously the restart data is read from the restart file. Hence,
291C> this subroutine must open the restart file, but the restart file
292C> must be closed before the routine returns.
294      subroutine stpr_get_genat_restart(rank_in,hess,grad0,get_grad0,
295     &    dipole_okay,ddipole)
296      implicit none
297#include "errquit.fh"
298#include "global.fh"
299#include "stdio.fh"
300#include "util.fh"
301#include "cstprfiles.fh"
302      integer rank_in    !< [Input] The dimension of the Hessian
303      double precision hess(rank_in,rank_in) !< [Output] The Hessian
304      double precision grad0(rank_in)        !< [Output] The gradient
305      double precision ddipole(3*rank_in)    !< [Output] The dipole
306                                             !< derivative
307      logical get_grad0    !< [Input] Should the gradient be loaded
308                           !< * `.TRUE.` - load the gradient
309                           !< * `.FALSE.` - do not load the gradient
310      logical dipole_okay  !< [Output] Is the dipole derivative returned
311                           !< * `.TRUE.` - The dipole derivative is
312                           !< returned
313                           !< * `.FALSE.` - The dipole derivative is
314                           !< not returned
316      logical does_it_exist
317      integer ijunk1, ijunk2, rank, iflag_grad0
318      integer dipole_there
320      if (ga_nodeid().ne.0) then
321        write(luout,*)' non-master node called me ',ga_nodeid()
322        call errquit('stpr_get_genat_restart: error ',911, INPUT_ERR)
323      endif
325      inquire(file=FILEATR,exist=does_it_exist)
326      if (does_it_exist) then
327        open(unit=69,file=FILEATR,
328     &      form='unformatted',
329     &      access='sequential',
330     &      status='old')
331        read(69)ijunk1,ijunk2,rank,iflag_grad0,dipole_there
332        if (dipole_there.eq.1) then
333          dipole_okay = .true.
334        else
335          dipole_okay = .false.
336        endif
337        if (rank.ne.rank_in) then
338          write(luout,*)'rank not the same as rank_in '
339          write(luout,*)' rank    :',rank
340          write(luout,*)' rank_in :',rank_in
341          close(unit=69,status='keep')
342          call errquit('stpr_get_genat_restart: error ',911, INPUT_ERR)
343        endif
344        if (get_grad0.and.iflag_grad0.ne.1) then
345          write(luout,*)' grad 0 not written but requested '
346          call errquit(' stpr_get_genat_restart: error',911, INPUT_ERR)
347        endif
348        if ((.not.get_grad0).and.iflag_grad0.eq.1) then
349          write(luout,*)' grad 0 written but not requested '
350          call errquit(' stpr_get_genat_restart: error',911, INPUT_ERR)
351        endif
352        if (get_grad0) read(69) grad0
353        read(69) hess
354        if (dipole_okay) read(69) ddipole
355        if (util_print('debug_stepper_restart',print_debug)
356     &      .or.
357     &      util_print('debug_stepper',print_debug)) then
358          write(6,*)'hessian read from restart file '
359          call output(hess,1,rank,1,rank,rank,rank,1)
360          call stpr_print_ddipole(ddipole,
361     &        'dipole derivative read from restart file',
362     &        (rank/3),
363     &        1.0d-07)
364        endif
365        close(unit=69,status='keep')
366      else
367        write(6,*)' no finite difference hessian restart ',
368     &      'information read '
369      endif
370      end
372C> \brief Store the restart data
374C> Write the restart data to a file. The restart file is opened and
375C> overwritten with new restart data. The restart file must be closed
376C> before the subroutine returns.
378      subroutine stpr_put_genat_restart(rank,hess,grad0,
379     &    iatom_in,ixyz_in,nat,put_grad0,
380     &    dipole_okay,ddipole)
381      implicit none
382#include "errquit.fh"
383#include "global.fh"
384#include "stdio.fh"
385#include "util.fh"
386#include "cstprfiles.fh"
387      integer rank  !< [Input] The dimension of the Hessian
388      integer iatom_in !< [Input] The current atom
389      integer ixyz_in  !< [Input] The current atomic coordinate
390      integer nat      !< [Input] The number of atoms
391      double precision hess(rank,rank) !< [Input] The Hessian
392      double precision grad0(rank)     !< [Input] The gradient
393      double precision ddipole(3*rank) !< [Input] The dipole derivative
394      logical put_grad0    !< [Input] Should the gradient be stored?
395      logical dipole_okay  !< [Input] Should the dipole derivative be
396                           !< stored?
397      logical lopen        !< Is the file open?
399      integer iatom_start, ixyz_start
400      integer iflag_grad0
401      integer dipole_there
403      if (ga_nodeid().ne.0) then
404        write(luout,*)' non-master node called me ',ga_nodeid()
405        call errquit('stpr_put_genat_restart: error ',911, INPUT_ERR)
406      endif
408      if(iatom_in.eq.nat.and.ixyz_in.eq.3) then
409        call util_file_unlink(FILEATR)
410        return
411      endif
412      iatom_start = iatom_in
413      ixyz_start  = ixyz_in + 1
414      if(ixyz_in.eq.3) then
415        iatom_start = iatom_start + 1
416        ixyz_start  = 1
417      endif
419      dipole_there = 0
420      if (dipole_okay) dipole_there = 1
422      if (put_grad0) then
423        iflag_grad0 = 1
424      else
425        iflag_grad0 = 0
426      endif
427c     If unit 69 is not closed then the OPEN statement will be ignored
428c     in which case the restart data is appended to the existing file
429c     rather than overwriting it.
430c     Therefore we force the file to be closed. If it is not then there
431c     is a bug somewhere else.
432      inquire(unit=69,opened=lopen)
433      if (lopen) call errquit("stpr_put_genat_restart: unit 69 should "
434     &                      //"be closed at this point",0,UERR)
435      open(unit=69,file=FILEATR,
436     &    form='unformatted',
437     &    access='sequential',
438     &    status='unknown')
439      write(69)iatom_start,ixyz_start,rank,iflag_grad0,dipole_there
440      if (put_grad0) write(69)grad0
441      write(69)hess
442      if (dipole_okay)write(69) ddipole
443      close(unit=69,status='keep')
444      if (util_print('debug_stepper_restart',print_debug)
445     &    .or.
446     &    util_print('debug_stepper',print_debug)) then
447        write(6,*)'hessian put to restart file '
448        call output(hess,1,rank,1,rank,rank,rank,1)
449        call stpr_print_ddipole(ddipole,
450     &      'dipole derivative put to restart file',
451     &      (rank/3),
452     &      1.0d-07)
453      endif
454      end
455      subroutine stpr_gen_hess_foldave(hess,rank_hess)
456*! averages off diaginal contributions
457      implicit none
458      integer rank_hess
459      double precision hess(rank_hess,rank_hess)
461      integer i,j
462      double precision dbl_tmp
464      do i = 1,rank_hess
465        do j = 1,(i-1)
466          dbl_tmp   = hess(i,j) + hess(j,i)
467          dbl_tmp   = dbl_tmp/2.0d00
468          hess(i,j) = dbl_tmp
469          hess(j,i) = dbl_tmp
470        enddo
471      enddo
472      end
473      subroutine stpr_gen_hess_fold(hess,rank_hess)
474*! sums off diaginal contributions assuming a partial computation
475      implicit none
476#include "util.fh"
477      integer rank_hess
478      double precision hess(rank_hess,rank_hess)
480      integer i,j
481      double precision dbl_tmp
482      integer icount
483      double precision dbl_diff, max_dbl_diff
484      logical o_debug
486      o_debug = util_print('debug_stepper_restart',print_debug)
487      o_debug = o_debug .or.
488     &    util_print('debug_stepper',print_debug)
489      if (o_debug) then
490        write(6,*)' hessian before fold operaton'
491        call output(hess,1,rank_hess,1,rank_hess,
492     &      rank_hess,rank_hess,1)
493        icount = 0
494        max_dbl_diff = -1.0d00
495      endif
497      do i = 1,rank_hess
498        do j = 1,(i-1)
499          if (o_debug) then
500            dbl_diff = abs(hess(i,j)) - abs(hess(j,i))
501            max_dbl_diff = max(max_dbl_diff,dbl_diff)
502            icount = icount + 1
503            write(6,12345)icount,dbl_diff,max_dbl_diff
504          endif
505          dbl_tmp   = hess(i,j) + hess(j,i)
506          hess(i,j) = dbl_tmp
507          hess(j,i) = dbl_tmp
508        enddo
509      enddo
510      if (o_debug) then
511        write(6,*)' hessian after fold operaton'
512        call output(hess,1,rank_hess,1,rank_hess,
513     &      rank_hess,rank_hess,1)
514      endif
51512345 format('<',i2,'> <diff=',f14.8,'> <diff_max=',f14.8)
516      end
517      subroutine stpr_gen_set_diag(hess,rank_hess)
518*! sets diag to default value for stiff frequency analysis
519*! e.g., active atom computation
520      implicit none
521#include "util.fh"
522      integer rank_hess
523      double precision hess(rank_hess,rank_hess)
525      integer i
526      double precision dbl_tmp
527      logical o_debug
528      o_debug = util_print('debug_stepper_restart',print_debug)
529      o_debug = o_debug .or.
530     &    util_print('debug_stepper',print_debug)
531      if (o_debug) then
532        write(6,*)' hessian before diag set operaton'
533        call output(hess,1,rank_hess,1,rank_hess,
534     &      rank_hess,rank_hess,1)
535      endif
537      dbl_tmp = 1.0d00
538      do i = 1,rank_hess
539        if (hess(i,i).eq.0.0d00) hess(i,i) = dbl_tmp
540      enddo
541      if (o_debug) then
542        write(6,*)' hessian after diag set operaton'
543        call output(hess,1,rank_hess,1,rank_hess,
544     &      rank_hess,rank_hess,1)
545      endif
546      end
547      subroutine stpr_print_ddipole(ddipole,msg,nat,thresh)
548      implicit none
549#include "errquit.fh"
550#include "stdio.fh"
551#include "inp.fh"
552      integer nat
553      double precision ddipole(3,3,nat)
554      double precision thresh
555      character*(*) msg
556      character*1 cname(3)
557      character*1 kapname
559      double precision val
560      integer moment
561      integer xyz, atom
563      cname(1) = 'x'
564      cname(2) = 'y'
565      cname(3) = 'z'
567      write(luout,'(/a/)') msg(1:inp_strlen(msg))
568      write(luout,*)' '
569      do moment = 1,3
570        kapname = cname(moment)
571        call inp_ucase(kapname)
572        write(luout,*)' '
573        write(luout,10001) kapname
574        do atom = 1,nat
575          do xyz = 1,3
576            if (moment.ge.1.and.moment.le.3) then
577              val = ddipole(moment,xyz,atom)
579* from A Physicists Desk Reference, The Second Edition of Physics Vade Mecum
580*      Herbert L. Anderson, Editor in Chief
581*      Copyright (C) 1989 American Institute of Physics
582*      335 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017
584*1 debye = 10**(-18) esu cm * [1 e/4.8032068 x 10**(-10) esu]*[1 m /100cm]*[a0/5.29177249 x 10**(-11) m]
585*1 debye = (1.0/4.8032068/5.29177249) * 10**(-18 + 10 - 2 + 11) e a0
586*1 debye = (1.0/4.8032068/5.29177249) * 10**(1) e a0
587*1 e a0  = (4.8032068*5.29177249) * 10**(-1) debye
588*1 e a0  = 25.417477608 * 10**(-1) debye
589*1 e a0  = 2.5417477608 debye
591*use 1 e a0 = 2.541 7478 debye
593              val = val*2.5417478d00
594              val = val/0.529177249d00  ! bohr->angstrom matches current geom data
595              if (abs(val).gt.thresh) then
596                write(luout,10002)
597     &              cname(moment),atom,cname(xyz),
598     &              ddipole(moment,xyz,atom),val
599              endif
600            else
601              write(luout,10000)moment
602              call errquit('stpr_print_ddipole: fatal error',911,
603     &       UNKNOWN_ERR)
604            endif
605          enddo
606        enddo
607      enddo
608      write(luout,*)' '
609      write(luout,*)' '
61010000 format('invalid moment value',i10)
61110001 format(1x,a1,1x,
612     &    'vector of derivative dipole (au) [debye/angstrom]')
61310002 format(1x,'d_dipole_',a1,'/<atom=',i4,',',a1,'> = ',
614     &    f10.4,5x,'[',f10.4,']')
615      end
617C> @}