1 /**********************************************************************
2 Copyright (C) 2011 by Albert DeFusco
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 GNU General Public License for more details.
12 ***********************************************************************/
14 #include <openbabel/babelconfig.h>
15 #include <openbabel/obmolecformat.h>
16 #include <openbabel/mol.h>
17 #include <openbabel/atom.h>
18 #include <openbabel/elements.h>
19 #include <openbabel/bond.h>
21 #include <openbabel/obiter.h>
23 #include <sstream>
24 #include <map>
25 #include <cstdlib>
27 using namespace std;
28 namespace OpenBabel
29 {
31   class LMPDATFormat : public OBMoleculeFormat
32   {
33   public:
34     //Register this format type ID
LMPDATFormat()35     LMPDATFormat()
36     {
37       OBConversion::RegisterFormat("lmpdat", this, "chemical/x-lmpdat");
38       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("q", nullptr, 1, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
39       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("d", nullptr, 1, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
40     }
Description()42     virtual const char* Description() //required
43     {
44       return
45   "The LAMMPS data format\n\n"
47   "LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for\n"
48   "Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator.\n\n"
50   "Write Options, e.g. -xq\n"
51   "  q \"water-model\" Set atomic charges for water.\n"
52   "    There are two options: SPC (default) or SPCE\n"
53   "  d \"length\" Set the length of the boundary box around the molecule.\n"
54   "    The default is to make a cube around the molecule\n"
55   "    adding 50% to the most positive and negative\n"
56   "    cartesian coordinate.\n"
57 	;
58     };
GetMIMEType()61     virtual const char* GetMIMEType()
62     { return "chemical/x-lmpdat"; };
Flags()64     virtual unsigned int Flags()
65     {
67     };
69     virtual bool WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv);
70   };
71   //***
73   //Make an instance of the format class
74   LMPDATFormat theLMPDATFormat;
76   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
WriteMolecule(OBBase * pOb,OBConversion * pConv)78   bool LMPDATFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv)
79   {
80     OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb);
81     if (pmol == nullptr)
82       return false;
84     //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names
85     ostream &ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream();
86     OBMol &mol = *pmol;
87     OBAtom *a;
88     OBAtom *b;
89     OBAtom *c;
90     OBAtom *d;
92     char buffer[BUFF_SIZE];
95     //Very basic atom typing by element only
96     //TODO: The maps should become smarts strings instead of element names
97     double ThisMass;
98     string ThisAtom;
99     map<string, double> AtomMass;
100     FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol)
101     {
102 		 ThisMass=atom->GetAtomicMass();
103 		 ThisAtom=OBElements::GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum());
104 		 AtomMass[ThisAtom] = ThisMass;
105     }
106     map<string, int> AtomType;
107     int AtomIndex=0;
108     map<string, double>::iterator itr;
109     //Set AtomType integer
110     for(itr=AtomMass.begin();itr!=AtomMass.end();++itr)
111     {
112 	    AtomIndex++;
113 	    AtomType[itr->first] = AtomIndex;
114     }
116     //Determine unique bonds
117     mol.ConnectTheDots();
118     char BondString[BUFF_SIZE];
119     map<string, int> BondType;
120     FOR_BONDS_OF_MOL(bond,mol)
121     {
122 	    a=bond->GetBeginAtom();
123 	    b=bond->GetEndAtom();
125 	    //To let the unordered map determine unique keys,
126 	    //always put the heavier atom first
127 	    if(b->GetAtomicNum() > a->GetAtomicNum() )
128 	    {
129 		    snprintf(BondString,BUFF_SIZE,
130 				    "%2s:%2s",
131 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
132 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()));
133 	    }
134 	    else
135 	    {
136 		    snprintf(BondString,BUFF_SIZE,
137 				    "%2s:%2s",
138 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
139 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()));
140 	    }
141 	    BondType[BondString] = 0;
142     }
143     map<string, int>::iterator intitr;
144     int BondIndex=0;
145     //Set the BondType integer
146     for(intitr=BondType.begin();intitr!=BondType.end();++intitr)
147     {
148 	    BondIndex++;
149 	    BondType[intitr->first] = BondIndex;
150     }
152     //Determine unique angles
153     mol.FindAngles();
154     int anglecount=0;
155     char AngleString[BUFF_SIZE];
156     map<string, int> AngleType;
157     FOR_ANGLES_OF_MOL(angle,mol)
158     {
159 	    anglecount++;
160 	    a = mol.GetAtom((*angle)[0]+1);
161 	    b = mol.GetAtom((*angle)[1]+1);
162 	    c = mol.GetAtom((*angle)[2]+1);
163 	    //Origanization trick:
164 	    //1. The atom "a" is acutally the middle
165 	    //2. Always write the heavy element first
166 	    if(b->GetAtomicNum() > c->GetAtomicNum() )
167 	    {
168 		    snprintf(AngleString,BUFF_SIZE,
169 				    "%2s:%2s:%2s",
170 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
171 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
172 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()));
173 	    }
174 	    else
175 	    {
176 		    snprintf(AngleString,BUFF_SIZE,
177 				    "%2s:%2s:%2s",
178 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()),
179 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
180 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()));
181 	    }
182 	    AngleType[AngleString]=0;
183     }
184     int AngleIndex=0;
185     //Set the AtomType integer
186     for(intitr=AngleType.begin();intitr!=AngleType.end();++intitr)
187     {
188 	    AngleIndex++;
189 	    AngleType[intitr->first] = AngleIndex;
190     }
192     //dihedrals
193     mol.FindTorsions();
194     int dihedralcount=0;
195     char DihedralString[BUFF_SIZE];
196     map<string, int>DihedralType;
197     FOR_TORSIONS_OF_MOL(dihedral, mol)
198     {
199 	    dihedralcount++;
200 	    a = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[0]+1);
201 	    b = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[1]+1);
202 	    c = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[2]+1);
203 	    d = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[3]+1);
204 	    //place the heavier element first
205 	    //the same may have to be done with the inner two as well
206 	    if(a->GetAtomicNum() > d->GetAtomicNum() )
207 	    {
208 		    snprintf(DihedralString,BUFF_SIZE,
209 				    "%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s",
210 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
211 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
212 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()),
213 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(d->GetAtomicNum()));
214 	    }
215 	    else
216 	    {
217 		    snprintf(DihedralString,BUFF_SIZE,
218 				    "%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s",
219 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(d->GetAtomicNum()),
220 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
221 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()),
222 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()));
223 	    }
224 	    DihedralType[DihedralString]=0;
225     }
226     int DihedralIndex=0;
227     //Set DihedralType integer
228     for(intitr=DihedralType.begin();intitr!=DihedralType.end();++intitr)
229     {
230 	    DihedralIndex++;
231 	    DihedralType[intitr->first] = DihedralIndex;
232     }
234     //The box lengths
235     vector3 vmin,vmax;
236     vmax.Set(-10E10,-10E10,-10E10);
237     vmin.Set( 10E10, 10E10, 10E10);
238     FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(a,mol)
239     {
240         if (a->x() < vmin.x())
241             vmin.SetX(a->x());
242         if (a->y() < vmin.y())
243             vmin.SetY(a->y());
244         if (a->z() < vmin.z())
245             vmin.SetZ(a->z());
247         if (a->x() > vmax.x())
248             vmax.SetX(a->x());
249         if (a->y() > vmax.y())
250             vmax.SetY(a->y());
251         if (a->z() > vmax.z())
252             vmax.SetZ(a->z());
253     }
255     //For now, a simple cube may be the best way to go.
256     //It may be necessary to set the boxlength to enforce
257     //a density.
258     const char *boxLn = pConv->IsOption("d",OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
259     double xlo,xhi;
260     char BoxString[BUFF_SIZE];
261     if(boxLn)
262     {
263 	    xlo=-atof(boxLn);
264 	    xhi=atof(boxLn);
265     }
266     else
267     {
268 	    double cmin=10e-10;
269 	    double cmax=-10e10;
270 	    if ( vmax.x() > cmax ) cmax=vmax.x();
271 	    if ( vmax.y() > cmax ) cmax=vmax.y();
272 	    if ( vmax.z() > cmax ) cmax=vmax.z();
273 	    if ( vmin.x() < cmin ) cmin=vmin.x();
274 	    if ( vmin.y() < cmin ) cmin=vmin.y();
275 	    if ( vmin.z() < cmin ) cmin=vmin.z();
277 	    double length=cmax-cmin;
278 	    xlo = cmin -0.5;//- 0.01*length;
279 	    xhi = cmax +0.5;//+ 0.01*length;
280     }
281     snprintf(BoxString,BUFF_SIZE,
282 		    "%10.5f %10.5f xlo xhi\n%10.5f %10.5f ylo yhi\n%10.5f %10.5f zlo zhi\n",
283 		    xlo,xhi,
284 		    xlo,xhi,
285 		    xlo,xhi);
288     //%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Now writting the data file %%%%%%%%%%%%%
290     //The LAMMPS header stars here
291     ofs << "LAMMPS data file generated by OpenBabel" << endl;
292     ofs << mol.NumAtoms() << " atoms"     << endl;
293     ofs << mol.NumBonds() << " bonds"     << endl;
294     ofs << anglecount     << " angles"    << endl; // no NumAngles()?
295     ofs << dihedralcount  << " dihedrals" << endl;
296     ofs << 0              << " impropers" << endl;
297     ofs << AtomType.size()     << " atom types"     << endl;
298     ofs << BondType.size()     << " bond types"     << endl;
299     ofs << AngleType.size()    << " angle types"    << endl;
300     ofs << DihedralType.size() << " dihedral types" << endl;
301     ofs << 0                   << " improper types" << endl;
302     ofs << BoxString << endl;
305     //Write the atom types
306     ofs << endl << endl << "Masses" << endl << endl;
307     for(itr=AtomMass.begin();itr!=AtomMass.end();++itr)
308     {
309 	    double mass=itr->second;
310 	    ofs << AtomType[itr->first] << " " << mass << " # " << itr->first << endl;
311     }
312     ofs << endl;
316     //Set atomic charges for atom_style=full
317     //These are charges for the SPC water model
318     const char *selectCharges = pConv->IsOption("q",OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
319     map<string, double> AtomCharge;
320     for(itr=AtomMass.begin();itr!=AtomMass.end();++itr)
321     {
322 	    if(selectCharges)
323 	    {
324 		    if(strcmp(selectCharges,"spce")==0)
325 		    {
326 			    if(itr->second == 15.9994)
327 				    AtomCharge[itr->first] = -0.8472;
328 			    if(itr->second == 1.00794)
329 				    AtomCharge[itr->first] =  0.4236;
330 		    }
331 		    else if(strcmp(selectCharges,"spc")==0)
332 		    {
333 			    if(itr->second == 15.9994)
334 				    AtomCharge[itr->first] = -0.820;
335 			    if(itr->second == 1.00794)
336 				    AtomCharge[itr->first] =  0.410;
337 		    }
338 	    }
339 	    else
340 	    {
341 		    if(itr->second == 15.9994)
342 			    AtomCharge[itr->first] = -0.820;
343 		    if(itr->second == 1.00794)
344 			    AtomCharge[itr->first] =  0.410;
345 	    }
347     }
351     //Write atomic coordinates
352     vector<OBMol>           mols;
353     vector<OBMol>::iterator molitr;
354     mols=mol.Separate();
355     int atomcount=0;
356     int molcount=0;
357     ofs << endl;
358     ofs << "Atoms" << endl << endl;
359     snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,"#%3s %4s %4s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n",
360 		    "idx","mol","type","charge","x","y","z");
361     //ofs << buffer;
362     for(molitr=mols.begin();molitr!=mols.end();++molitr)
363     {
364 	    molcount++;
365 	    FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom,*molitr)
366 	    {
367 		    int atomid=5;
368 		    double charge=0.5;
369 		    atomcount++;
370 		    ThisAtom=OBElements::GetSymbol(atom->GetAtomicNum());
371 		    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,"%-4d %4d %4d %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f # %3s\n",
372 				    atomcount,molcount,
373 				    AtomType[ThisAtom],
374 				    AtomCharge[ThisAtom],
375 				    atom->GetX(),
376 				    atom->GetY(),
377 				    atom->GetZ(),
378 				    ThisAtom.c_str());
379 		    ofs << buffer;
380 	    }
381     }
384     //Write Bonds
385     BondIndex=0;
386     ofs << endl << endl;
387     ofs << "Bonds" << endl;
388     ofs << endl;
389     snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
390 		    "#%3s %4s %4s %4s\n",
391 		    "idx","type","atm1","atom2");
392     //ofs << buffer;
393     FOR_BONDS_OF_MOL(bond,mol)
394     {
395 	    BondIndex++;
396 	    a = bond->GetBeginAtom();
397 	    b = bond->GetEndAtom();
398 	    //To let the unordered map determine unique keys,
399 	    //always put the heavier atom first
400 	    if(b->GetAtomicNum() > a->GetAtomicNum() )
401 	    {
402 		    snprintf(BondString,BUFF_SIZE,
403 				    "%2s:%2s",
404 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
405 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()));
406 		    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
407 				    "%-4d %4d %4d %4d # %5s\n",
408 				    BondIndex,
409 				    BondType[BondString],
410 				    bond->GetEndAtomIdx(),
411 				    bond->GetBeginAtomIdx(),
412 				    BondString);
413 	    }
414 	    else
415 	    {
416 		    snprintf(BondString,BUFF_SIZE,
417 				    "%2s:%2s",
418 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
419 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()));
420 		    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
421 				    "%-4d %4d %4d %4d # %5s\n",
422 				    BondIndex,
423 				    BondType[BondString],
424 				    bond->GetBeginAtomIdx(),
425 				    bond->GetEndAtomIdx(),
426 				    BondString);
427 	    }
428 	    ofs << buffer;
429     }
430     ofs << endl;
432     //Write Angles
433     AngleIndex=0;
434     ofs << endl;
435     ofs << "Angles" << endl;
436     ofs << endl;
437     snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
438 		    "#%3s %4s %4s %4s %4s\n",
439 		    "idx","type","atm1","atm2","atm3");
440     //ofs << buffer;
441     FOR_ANGLES_OF_MOL(angle,mol)
442     {
443 	    AngleIndex++;
444 	    a = mol.GetAtom((*angle)[0]+1);
445 	    b = mol.GetAtom((*angle)[1]+1);
446 	    c = mol.GetAtom((*angle)[2]+1);
447 	    //Origanization trick:
448 	    //1. The atom "a" is acutally the middle
449 	    //2. Always write the heavy element first
450 	    if(b->GetAtomicNum() > c->GetAtomicNum() )
451 	    {
452 		    snprintf(AngleString,BUFF_SIZE,
453 				    "%2s:%2s:%2s",
454 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
455 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
456 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()));
457 		    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
458 				    "%-4d %4d %4d %4d %4d # %8s\n",
459 				    AngleIndex,
460 				    AngleType[AngleString],
461 				    b->GetIdx(),
462 				    a->GetIdx(),
463 				    c->GetIdx(),
464 				    AngleString);
465 	    }
466 	    else
467 	    {
468 		    snprintf(AngleString,BUFF_SIZE,
469 				    "%2s:%2s:%2s",
470 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()),
471 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
472 				    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()));
473 		    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
474 				    "%-4d %4d %4d %4d %4d # %8s\n",
475 				    AngleIndex,
476 				    AngleType[AngleString],
477 				    c->GetIdx(),
478 				    a->GetIdx(),
479 				    b->GetIdx(),
480 				    AngleString);
481 	    }
482 	    ofs << buffer;
484     }
485     ofs << endl;
487     //Write Dihedrals
488     if(dihedralcount>0)
489     {
490 	    ofs << endl;
491 	    ofs << "Dihedrals" << endl;
492 	    ofs << endl;
493 	    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
494 			    "#%3s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s\n",
495 			    "idx","type","atm1","atm2","atm3","atm4");
496 	    //ofs << buffer;
497 	    DihedralIndex=0;
498 	    FOR_TORSIONS_OF_MOL(dihedral, mol)
499 	    {
500 		    DihedralIndex++;
501 		    a = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[0]+1);
502 		    b = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[1]+1);
503 		    c = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[2]+1);
504 		    d = mol.GetAtom((*dihedral)[3]+1);
505 		    //place the heavier element first
506 		    //the same may have to be done with the inner two as well
507 		    if(a->GetAtomicNum() > d->GetAtomicNum() )
508 		    {
509 			    snprintf(DihedralString,BUFF_SIZE,
510 					    "%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s",
511 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()),
512 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
513 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()),
514 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(d->GetAtomicNum()));
515 			    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
516 					    "%-4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d # %11s\n",
517 					    DihedralIndex,
518 					    DihedralType[DihedralString],
519 					    a->GetIdx(),
520 					    b->GetIdx(),
521 					    c->GetIdx(),
522 					    d->GetIdx(),
523 					    DihedralString);
524 		    }
525 		    else
526 		    {
527 			    snprintf(DihedralString,BUFF_SIZE,
528 					    "%2s:%2s:%2s:%2s",
529 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(d->GetAtomicNum()),
530 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(b->GetAtomicNum()),
531 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(c->GetAtomicNum()),
532 					    OBElements::GetSymbol(a->GetAtomicNum()));
533 			    snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE,
534 					    "%-4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d # %11s\n",
535 					    DihedralIndex,
536 					    DihedralType[DihedralString],
537 					    d->GetIdx(),
538 					    b->GetIdx(),
539 					    c->GetIdx(),
540 					    a->GetIdx(),
541 					    DihedralString);
542 		    }
543 		    ofs << buffer;
544 	    }
545     }
548     return(true);
549   }
551 } //namespace OpenBabel