1from numbers import Real
2from math import exp, erf, pi, sqrt
3from copy import deepcopy
4import warnings
6import os
7import h5py
8import pickle
9import numpy as np
10from scipy.signal import find_peaks
11import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
13import openmc.checkvalue as cv
14from ..exceptions import DataError
15from ..mixin import EqualityMixin
17from .data import K_BOLTZMANN
18from .neutron import IncidentNeutron
19from .resonance import ResonanceRange
22# Constants that determine which value to access
23_MP_EA = 0       # Pole
25# Residue indices
26_MP_RS = 1       # Residue scattering
27_MP_RA = 2       # Residue absorption
28_MP_RF = 3       # Residue fission
30# Polynomial fit indices
31_FIT_S = 0       # Scattering
32_FIT_A = 1       # Absorption
33_FIT_F = 2       # Fission
35# Upper temperature limit (K)
38# Logging control
42def _faddeeva(z):
43    r"""Evaluate the complex Faddeeva function.
45    Technically, the value we want is given by the equation:
47    .. math::
48        w(z) = \frac{i}{\pi} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{1}{z - t}
49        \exp(-t^2) \text{d}t
51    as shown in Equation 63 from Hwang, R. N. "A rigorous pole
52    representation of multilevel cross sections and its practical
53    applications." Nuclear Science and Engineering 96.3 (1987): 192-209.
55    The :func:`scipy.special.wofz` function evaluates
56    :math:`w(z) = \exp(-z^2) \text{erfc}(-iz)`. These two forms of the Faddeeva
57    function are related by a transformation.
59    If we call the integral form :math:`w_\text{int}`, and the function form
60    :math:`w_\text{fun}`:
62    .. math::
63        w_\text{int}(z) =
64        \begin{cases}
65            w_\text{fun}(z) & \text{for } \text{Im}(z) > 0\\
66            -w_\text{fun}(z^*)^* & \text{for } \text{Im}(z) < 0
67        \end{cases}
69    Parameters
70    ----------
71    z : complex
72        Argument to the Faddeeva function.
74    Returns
75    -------
76    complex
77        :math:`\frac{i}{\pi} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{1}{z - t} \exp(-t^2)
78        \text{d}t`
80    """
81    from scipy.special import wofz
82    if np.angle(z) > 0:
83        return wofz(z)
84    else:
85        return -np.conj(wofz(z.conjugate()))
88def _broaden_wmp_polynomials(E, dopp, n):
89    r"""Evaluate Doppler-broadened windowed multipole curvefit.
91    The curvefit is a polynomial of the form :math:`\frac{a}{E}
92    + \frac{b}{\sqrt{E}} + c + d \sqrt{E} + \ldots`
94    Parameters
95    ----------
96    E : float
97        Energy to evaluate at.
98    dopp : float
99        sqrt(atomic weight ratio / kT) in units of eV.
100    n : int
101        Number of components to the polynomial.
103    Returns
104    -------
105    np.ndarray
106        The value of each Doppler-broadened curvefit polynomial term.
108    """
109    sqrtE = sqrt(E)
110    beta = sqrtE * dopp
111    half_inv_dopp2 = 0.5 / dopp**2
112    quarter_inv_dopp4 = half_inv_dopp2**2
114    if beta > 6.0:
115        # Save time, ERF(6) is 1 to machine precision.
116        # beta/sqrtpi*exp(-beta**2) is also approximately 1 machine epsilon.
117        erf_beta = 1.0
118        exp_m_beta2 = 0.0
119    else:
120        erf_beta = erf(beta)
121        exp_m_beta2 = exp(-beta**2)
123    # Assume that, for sure, we'll use a second order (1/E, 1/V, const)
124    # fit, and no less.
126    factors = np.zeros(n)
128    factors[0] = erf_beta / E
129    factors[1] = 1.0 / sqrtE
130    factors[2] = (factors[0] * (half_inv_dopp2 + E)
131                  + exp_m_beta2 / (beta * sqrt(pi)))
133    # Perform recursive broadening of high order components. range(1, n-2)
134    # replaces a do i = 1, n-3.  All indices are reduced by one due to the
135    # 1-based vs. 0-based indexing.
136    for i in range(1, n-2):
137        if i != 1:
138            factors[i+2] = (-factors[i-2] * (i - 1.0) * i * quarter_inv_dopp4
139                + factors[i] * (E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2))
140        else:
141            factors[i+2] = factors[i]*(E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2)
143    return factors
146def _vectfit_xs(energy, ce_xs, mts, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5, orders=None,
147                n_vf_iter=30, log=False, path_out=None):
148    """Convert point-wise cross section to multipole data via vector fitting.
150    Parameters
151    ----------
152    energy : np.ndarray
153        Energy array
154    ce_xs : np.ndarray
155        Point-wise cross sections to be fitted, with shape (number of reactions,
156        number of energy points)
157    mts : Iterable of int
158        Reaction list
159    rtol : float, optional
160        Relative error tolerance
161    atol : float, optional
162        Absolute error tolerance
163    orders : Iterable of int, optional
164        A list of orders (number of poles) to be searched
165    n_vf_iter : int, optional
166        Number of maximum VF iterations
167    log : bool or int, optional
168        Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
169    path_out : str, optional
170        Path to save the figures to show discrepancies between the original and
171        fitted cross sections for different reactions
173    Returns
174    -------
175    tuple
176        (poles, residues)
178    """
180    # import vectfit package: https://github.com/liangjg/vectfit
181    import vectfit as vf
183    ne = energy.size
184    nmt = len(mts)
185    if ce_xs.shape != (nmt, ne):
186        raise ValueError('Inconsistent cross section data.')
188    # construct test data: interpolate xs with finer grids
189    n_finer = 10
190    ne_test = (ne - 1)*n_finer + 1
191    test_energy = np.interp(np.arange(ne_test),
192                            np.arange(ne_test, step=n_finer), energy)
193    test_energy[[0, -1]] = energy[[0, -1]]  # avoid numerical issue
194    test_xs_ref = np.zeros((nmt, ne_test))
195    for i in range(nmt):
196        test_xs_ref[i] = np.interp(test_energy, energy, ce_xs[i])
198    if log:
199        print("  energy: {:.3e} to {:.3e} eV ({} points)".format(
200              energy[0], energy[-1], ne))
201        print("  error tolerance: rtol={}, atol={}".format(rtol, atol))
203    # transform xs (sigma) and energy (E) to f (sigma*E) and s (sqrt(E)) to be
204    # compatible with the multipole representation
205    f = ce_xs * energy
206    s = np.sqrt(energy)
207    test_s = np.sqrt(test_energy)
209    # inverse weighting is used for minimizing the relative deviation instead of
210    # absolute deviation in vector fitting
211    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
212        weight = 1.0/f
214    # avoid too large weights which will harm the fitting accuracy
215    min_cross_section = 1e-7
216    for i in range(nmt):
217        if np.all(ce_xs[i] <= min_cross_section):
218            weight[i] = 1.0
219        elif np.any(ce_xs[i] <= min_cross_section):
220            weight[i, ce_xs[i] <= min_cross_section] = \
221               max(weight[i, ce_xs[i] > min_cross_section])
223    # detect peaks (resonances) and determine VF order search range
224    peaks, _ = find_peaks(ce_xs[0] + ce_xs[1])
225    n_peaks = peaks.size
226    if orders is not None:
227        # make sure orders are even integers
228        orders = list(set([int(i/2)*2 for i in orders if i >= 2]))
229    else:
230        lowest_order = max(2, 2*n_peaks)
231        highest_order = max(200, 4*n_peaks)
232        orders = list(range(lowest_order, highest_order + 1, 2))
234    if log:
235        print("Found {} peaks".format(n_peaks))
236        print("Fitting orders from {} to {}".format(orders[0], orders[-1]))
238    # perform VF with increasing orders
239    found_ideal = False
240    n_discarded = 0  # for accelation, number of discarded searches
241    best_quality = best_ratio = -np.inf
242    for i, order in enumerate(orders):
243        if log:
244            print("Order={}({}/{})".format(order, i, len(orders)))
245        # initial guessed poles
246        poles_r = np.linspace(s[0], s[-1], order//2)
247        poles = poles_r + poles_r*0.01j
248        poles = np.sort(np.append(poles, np.conj(poles)))
250        found_better = False
251        # fitting iteration
252        for i_vf in range(n_vf_iter):
253            if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
254                print("VF iteration {}/{}".format(i_vf + 1, n_vf_iter))
256            # call vf
257            poles, residues, cf, f_fit, rms = vf.vectfit(f, s, poles, weight)
259            # convert real pole to conjugate pairs
260            n_real_poles = 0
261            new_poles = []
262            for p in poles:
263                p_r, p_i = np.real(p), np.imag(p)
264                if (s[0] <= p_r <= s[-1]) and p_i == 0.:
265                    new_poles += [p_r+p_r*0.01j, p_r-p_r*0.01j]
266                    n_real_poles += 1
267                else:
268                    new_poles += [p]
269            new_poles = np.array(new_poles)
270            # re-calculate residues if poles changed
271            if n_real_poles > 0:
272                if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
273                    print("  # real poles: {}".format(n_real_poles))
274                new_poles, residues, cf, f_fit, rms = \
275                      vf.vectfit(f, s, new_poles, weight, skip_pole=True)
277            # assess the result on test grid
278            test_xs = vf.evaluate(test_s, new_poles, residues) / test_energy
279            abserr = np.abs(test_xs - test_xs_ref)
280            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
281                relerr = abserr / test_xs_ref
282                if np.any(np.isnan(abserr)):
283                    maxre, ratio, ratio2 = np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf
284                elif np.all(abserr <= atol):
285                    maxre, ratio, ratio2 = 0., 1., 1.
286                else:
287                    maxre = np.max(relerr[abserr > atol])
288                    ratio = np.sum((relerr < rtol) | (abserr < atol)) / relerr.size
289                    ratio2 = np.sum((relerr < 10*rtol) | (abserr < atol)) / relerr.size
291            # define a metric for choosing the best fitting results
292            # basically, it is preferred to have more points within accuracy
293            # tolerance, smaller maximum deviation and fewer poles
294            #TODO: improve the metric with clearer basis
295            quality = ratio + ratio2 - min(0.1*maxre, 1) - 0.001*new_poles.size
297            if np.any(test_xs < -atol):
298                quality = -np.inf
300            if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
301                print("  # poles: {}".format(new_poles.size))
302                print("  Max relative error: {:.3f}%".format(maxre*100))
303                print("  Satisfaction: {:.1f}%, {:.1f}%".format(ratio*100, ratio2*100))
304                print("  Quality: {:.2f}".format(quality))
306            if quality > best_quality:
307                if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
308                    print("  Best so far!")
309                found_better = True
310                best_quality, best_ratio = quality, ratio
311                best_poles, best_residues = new_poles, residues
312                best_test_xs, best_relerr = test_xs, relerr
313                if best_ratio >= 1.0:
314                    if log:
315                        print("Found ideal results. Stop!")
316                    found_ideal = True
317                    break
318            else:
319                if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
320                    print("  Discarded!")
322        if found_ideal:
323            break
325        # acceleration
326        if found_better:
327            n_discarded = 0
328        else:
329            if order > max(2*n_peaks, 50) and best_ratio > 0.7:
330                n_discarded += 1
331                if n_discarded >= 10 or (n_discarded >= 5 and best_ratio > 0.9):
332                    if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
333                        print("Couldn't get better results. Stop!")
334                    break
336    # merge conjugate poles
337    real_idx = []
338    conj_idx = []
339    found_conj = False
340    for i, p in enumerate(best_poles):
341        if found_conj:
342            found_conj = False
343            continue
344        if np.imag(p) == 0.:
345            real_idx.append(i)
346        else:
347            if i < best_poles.size and np.conj(p) == best_poles[i + 1]:
348                found_conj = True
349                conj_idx.append(i)
350            else:
351                raise RuntimeError("Complex poles are not conjugate!")
352    if log:
353        print("Found {} real poles and {} conjugate complex pairs.".format(
354               len(real_idx), len(conj_idx)))
355    mp_poles = best_poles[real_idx + conj_idx]
356    mp_residues = np.concatenate((best_residues[:, real_idx],
357                                  best_residues[:, conj_idx]*2), axis=1)/1j
358    if log:
359        print("Final number of poles: {}".format(mp_poles.size))
361    if path_out:
362        if not os.path.exists(path_out):
363            os.makedirs(path_out)
364        for i, mt in enumerate(mts):
365            if not test_xs_ref[i].any():
366                continue
367            fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
368            lns1 = ax1.loglog(test_energy, test_xs_ref[i], 'g', label="ACE xs")
369            lns2 = ax1.loglog(test_energy, best_test_xs[i], 'b', label="VF xs")
370            ax2 = ax1.twinx()
371            lns3 = ax2.loglog(test_energy, best_relerr[i], 'r',
372                              label="Relative error", alpha=0.5)
373            lns = lns1 + lns2 + lns3
374            labels = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
375            ax1.legend(lns, labels, loc='best')
376            ax1.set_xlabel('energy (eV)')
377            ax1.set_ylabel('cross section (b)', color='b')
378            ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b')
379            ax2.set_ylabel('relative error', color='r')
380            ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r')
382            plt.title("MT {} vector fitted with {} poles".format(mt, mp_poles.size))
383            fig.tight_layout()
384            fig_file = os.path.join(path_out, "{:.0f}-{:.0f}_MT{}.png".format(
385                                    energy[0], energy[-1], mt))
386            plt.savefig(fig_file)
387            plt.close()
388            if log:
389                print("Saved figure: {}".format(fig_file))
391    return (mp_poles, mp_residues)
394def vectfit_nuclide(endf_file, njoy_error=5e-4, vf_pieces=None,
395                    log=False, path_out=None, mp_filename=None, **kwargs):
396    r"""Generate multipole data for a nuclide from ENDF.
398    Parameters
399    ----------
400    endf_file : str
401        Path to ENDF evaluation
402    njoy_error : float, optional
403        Fractional error tolerance for processing point-wise data with NJOY
404    vf_pieces : integer, optional
405        Number of equal-in-momentum spaced energy pieces for data fitting
406    log : bool or int, optional
407        Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
408    path_out : str, optional
409        Path to write out mutipole data file and vector fitting figures
410    mp_filename : str, optional
411        File name to write out multipole data
412    **kwargs
413        Keyword arguments passed to :func:`openmc.data.multipole._vectfit_xs`
415    Returns
416    -------
417    mp_data
418        Dictionary containing necessary multipole data of the nuclide
420    """
422    # ======================================================================
425    # make 0K ACE data using njoy
426    if log:
427        print("Running NJOY to get 0K point-wise data (error={})...".format(njoy_error))
429    nuc_ce = IncidentNeutron.from_njoy(endf_file, temperatures=[0.0],
430             error=njoy_error, broadr=False, heatr=False, purr=False)
432    if log:
433        print("Parsing cross sections within resolved resonance range...")
435    # Determine upper energy: the lower of RRR upper bound and first threshold
436    endf_res = IncidentNeutron.from_endf(endf_file).resonances
437    if hasattr(endf_res, 'resolved') and \
438       hasattr(endf_res.resolved, 'energy_max') and \
439       type(endf_res.resolved) is not ResonanceRange:
440        E_max = endf_res.resolved.energy_max
441    elif hasattr(endf_res, 'unresolved') and \
442         hasattr(endf_res.unresolved, 'energy_min'):
443        E_max = endf_res.unresolved.energy_min
444    else:
445        E_max = nuc_ce.energy['0K'][-1]
446    E_max_idx = np.searchsorted(nuc_ce.energy['0K'], E_max, side='right') - 1
447    for mt in nuc_ce.reactions:
448        if hasattr(nuc_ce.reactions[mt].xs['0K'], '_threshold_idx'):
449            threshold_idx = nuc_ce.reactions[mt].xs['0K']._threshold_idx
450            if 0 < threshold_idx < E_max_idx:
451                E_max_idx = threshold_idx
453    # parse energy and cross sections
454    energy = nuc_ce.energy['0K'][:E_max_idx + 1]
455    E_min, E_max = energy[0], energy[-1]
456    n_points = energy.size
457    total_xs = nuc_ce[1].xs['0K'](energy)
458    elastic_xs = nuc_ce[2].xs['0K'](energy)
460    try:
461        absorption_xs = nuc_ce[27].xs['0K'](energy)
462    except KeyError:
463        absorption_xs = np.zeros_like(total_xs)
465    fissionable = False
466    try:
467        fission_xs = nuc_ce[18].xs['0K'](energy)
468        fissionable = True
469    except KeyError:
470        pass
472    # make vectors
473    if fissionable:
474        ce_xs = np.vstack((elastic_xs, absorption_xs, fission_xs))
475        mts = [2, 27, 18]
476    else:
477        ce_xs = np.vstack((elastic_xs, absorption_xs))
478        mts = [2, 27]
480    if log:
481        print("  MTs: {}".format(mts))
482        print("  Energy range: {:.3e} to {:.3e} eV ({} points)".format(
483              E_min, E_max, n_points))
485    # ======================================================================
488    if vf_pieces is None:
489        # divide into pieces for complex nuclides
490        peaks, _ = find_peaks(total_xs)
491        n_peaks = peaks.size
492        if n_peaks > 200 or n_points > 30000 or n_peaks * n_points > 100*10000:
493            vf_pieces = max(5, n_peaks // 50,  n_points // 2000)
494        else:
495            vf_pieces = 1
496    piece_width = (sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / vf_pieces
498    alpha = nuc_ce.atomic_weight_ratio/(K_BOLTZMANN*TEMPERATURE_LIMIT)
500    poles, residues = [], []
501    # VF piece by piece
502    for i_piece in range(vf_pieces):
503        if log:
504            print("Vector fitting piece {}/{}...".format(i_piece + 1, vf_pieces))
505        # start E of this piece
506        e_bound = (sqrt(E_min) + piece_width*(i_piece-0.5))**2
507        if i_piece == 0 or sqrt(alpha*e_bound) < 4.0:
508            e_start = E_min
509            e_start_idx = 0
510        else:
511            e_start = max(E_min, (sqrt(alpha*e_bound) - 4.0)**2/alpha)
512            e_start_idx = np.searchsorted(energy, e_start, side='right') - 1
513        # end E of this piece
514        e_bound = (sqrt(E_min) + piece_width*(i_piece + 1))**2
515        e_end = min(E_max, (sqrt(alpha*e_bound) + 4.0)**2/alpha)
516        e_end_idx = np.searchsorted(energy, e_end, side='left') + 1
517        e_idx = range(e_start_idx, min(e_end_idx + 1, n_points))
519        p, r = _vectfit_xs(energy[e_idx], ce_xs[:, e_idx], mts, log=log,
520                           path_out=path_out, **kwargs)
522        poles.append(p)
523        residues.append(r)
525    # collect multipole data into a dictionary
526    mp_data = {"name": nuc_ce.name,
527               "AWR": nuc_ce.atomic_weight_ratio,
528               "E_min": E_min,
529               "E_max": E_max,
530               "poles": poles,
531               "residues": residues}
533    # dump multipole data to file
534    if path_out:
535        if not os.path.exists(path_out):
536            os.makedirs(path_out)
537        if not mp_filename:
538            mp_filename = "{}_mp.pickle".format(nuc_ce.name)
539        mp_filename = os.path.join(path_out, mp_filename)
540        with open(mp_filename, 'wb') as f:
541            pickle.dump(mp_data, f)
542        if log:
543            print("Dumped multipole data to file: {}".format(mp_filename))
545    return mp_data
548def _windowing(mp_data, n_cf, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5, n_win=None, spacing=None,
549               log=False):
550    """Generate windowed multipole library from multipole data with specific
551        settings of window size, curve fit order, etc.
553    Parameters
554    ----------
555    mp_data : dict
556        Multipole data
557    n_cf : int
558        Curve fitting order
559    rtol : float, optional
560        Maximum relative error tolerance
561    atol : float, optional
562        Minimum absolute error tolerance
563    n_win : int, optional
564        Number of equal-in-mementum spaced energy windows
565    spacing : float, optional
566        Inner window spacing (sqrt energy space)
567    log : bool or int, optional
568        Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
570    Returns
571    -------
572    openmc.data.WindowedMultipole
573        Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole
574        format.
576    """
578    # import vectfit package: https://github.com/liangjg/vectfit
579    import vectfit as vf
581    # unpack multipole data
582    name = mp_data["name"]
583    awr = mp_data["AWR"]
584    E_min = mp_data["E_min"]
585    E_max = mp_data["E_max"]
586    mp_poles = mp_data["poles"]
587    mp_residues = mp_data["residues"]
589    n_pieces = len(mp_poles)
590    piece_width = (sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / n_pieces
591    alpha = awr / (K_BOLTZMANN*TEMPERATURE_LIMIT)
593    # determine window size
594    if n_win is None:
595        if spacing is not None:
596            # ensure the windows are within the multipole energy range
597            n_win = int((sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / spacing)
598            E_max = (sqrt(E_min) + n_win*spacing)**2
599        else:
600            n_win = 1000
601    # inner window size
602    spacing = (sqrt(E_max) - sqrt(E_min)) / n_win
603    # make sure inner window size is smaller than energy piece size
604    if spacing > piece_width:
605        raise ValueError('Window spacing cannot be larger than piece spacing.')
607    if log:
608        print("Windowing:")
609        print("  config: # windows={}, spacing={}, CF order={}".format(
610               n_win, spacing, n_cf))
611        print("  error tolerance: rtol={}, atol={}".format(rtol, atol))
613    # sort poles (and residues) by the real component of the pole
614    for ip in range(n_pieces):
615        indices = mp_poles[ip].argsort()
616        mp_poles[ip] = mp_poles[ip][indices]
617        mp_residues[ip] = mp_residues[ip][:, indices]
619    # initialize an array to record whether each pole is used or not
620    poles_unused = [np.ones_like(p, dtype=int) for p in mp_poles]
622    # optimize the windows: the goal is to find the least set of significant
623    # consecutive poles and curve fit coefficients to reproduce cross section
624    win_data = []
625    for iw in range(n_win):
626        if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
627            print("Processing window {}/{}...".format(iw + 1, n_win))
629        # inner window boundaries
630        inbegin = sqrt(E_min) + spacing * iw
631        inend = inbegin + spacing
632        incenter = (inbegin + inend) / 2.0
633        # extend window energy range for Doppler broadening
634        if iw == 0 or sqrt(alpha)*inbegin < 4.0:
635            e_start = inbegin**2
636        else:
637            e_start = max(E_min, (sqrt(alpha)*inbegin - 4.0)**2/alpha)
638        e_end = min(E_max, (sqrt(alpha)*inend + 4.0)**2/alpha)
640        # locate piece and relevant poles
641        i_piece = min(n_pieces - 1, int((inbegin - sqrt(E_min))/piece_width + 0.5))
642        poles, residues = mp_poles[i_piece], mp_residues[i_piece]
643        n_poles = poles.size
645        # generate energy points for fitting: equally spaced in momentum
646        n_points = min(max(100, int((e_end - e_start)*4)), 10000)
647        energy_sqrt = np.linspace(np.sqrt(e_start), np.sqrt(e_end), n_points)
648        energy = energy_sqrt**2
650        # reference xs from multipole form, note the residue terms in the
651        # multipole and vector fitting representations differ by a 1j
652        xs_ref = vf.evaluate(energy_sqrt, poles, residues*1j) / energy
654        # curve fit matrix
655        matrix = np.vstack([energy**(0.5*i - 1) for i in range(n_cf + 1)]).T
657        # start from 0 poles, initialize pointers to the center nearest pole
658        center_pole_ind = np.argmin((np.fabs(poles.real - incenter)))
659        lp = rp = center_pole_ind
660        while True:
661            if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
662                print("Trying poles {} to {}".format(lp, rp))
664            # calculate the cross sections contributed by the windowed poles
665            if rp > lp:
666                xs_wp = vf.evaluate(energy_sqrt, poles[lp:rp],
667                                    residues[:, lp:rp]*1j) / energy
668            else:
669                xs_wp = np.zeros_like(xs_ref)
671            # do least square curve fit on the remains
672            coefs = np.linalg.lstsq(matrix, (xs_ref - xs_wp).T, rcond=None)[0]
673            xs_fit = (matrix @ coefs).T
675            # assess the result
676            abserr = np.abs(xs_fit + xs_wp - xs_ref)
677            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
678                relerr = abserr / xs_ref
679            if not np.any(np.isnan(abserr)):
680                re = relerr[abserr > atol]
681                if re.size == 0 or np.all(re <= rtol) or \
682                   (re.max() <= 2*rtol and (re > rtol).sum() <= 0.01*relerr.size) or \
683                   (iw == 0 and np.all(relerr.mean(axis=1) <= rtol)):
684                    # meet tolerances
685                    if log >= DETAILED_LOGGING:
686                        print("Accuracy satisfied.")
687                    break
689            # we expect pure curvefit will succeed for the first window
690            # TODO: find the energy boundary below which no poles are allowed
691            if iw == 0:
692                raise RuntimeError('Pure curvefit failed for the first window!')
694            # try to include one more pole (next center nearest)
695            if rp >= n_poles:
696                lp -= 1
697            elif lp <= 0 or poles[rp] - incenter <= incenter - poles[lp - 1]:
698                rp += 1
699            else:
700                lp -= 1
702        # save data for this window
703        win_data.append((i_piece, lp, rp, coefs))
705        # mark the windowed poles as used poles
706        poles_unused[i_piece][lp:rp] = 0
708    # flatten and shrink by removing unused poles
709    data = []  # used poles and residues
710    for ip in range(n_pieces):
711        used = (poles_unused[ip] == 0)
712        # stack poles and residues for library format
713        data.append(np.vstack([mp_poles[ip][used], mp_residues[ip][:, used]]).T)
714    # stack poles/residues in sequence vertically
715    data = np.vstack(data)
716    # new start/end pole indices
717    windows = []
718    curvefit = []
719    for iw in range(n_win):
720        ip, lp, rp, coefs = win_data[iw]
721        # adjust indices and change to 1-based for the library format
722        n_prev_poles = sum([poles_unused[i].size for i in range(ip)])
723        n_unused = sum([(poles_unused[i] == 1).sum() for i in range(ip)]) + \
724                  (poles_unused[ip][:lp] == 1).sum()
725        lp += n_prev_poles - n_unused + 1
726        rp += n_prev_poles - n_unused
727        windows.append([lp, rp])
728        curvefit.append(coefs)
730    # construct the WindowedMultipole object
731    wmp = WindowedMultipole(name)
732    wmp.spacing = spacing
733    wmp.sqrtAWR = sqrt(awr)
734    wmp.E_min = E_min
735    wmp.E_max = E_max
736    wmp.data = data
737    wmp.windows = np.asarray(windows)
738    wmp.curvefit = np.asarray(curvefit)
739    # TODO: check if Doppler brodening of the polynomial curvefit is negligible
740    wmp.broaden_poly = np.ones((n_win,), dtype=bool)
742    return wmp
745class WindowedMultipole(EqualityMixin):
746    """Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole format.
748    Parameters
749    ----------
750    name : str
751        Name of the nuclide using the GND naming convention
753    Attributes
754    ----------
755    name : str
756        Name of the nuclide using the GND naming convention
757    spacing : float
758        The width of each window in sqrt(E)-space.  For example, the frst window
759        will end at (sqrt(E_min) + spacing)**2 and the second window at
760        (sqrt(E_min) + 2*spacing)**2.
761    sqrtAWR : float
762        Square root of the atomic weight ratio of the target nuclide.
763    E_min : float
764        Lowest energy in eV the library is valid for.
765    E_max : float
766        Highest energy in eV the library is valid for.
767    data : np.ndarray
768        A 2D array of complex poles and residues.  data[i, 0] gives the energy
769        at which pole i is located.  data[i, 1:] gives the residues associated
770        with the i-th pole.  There are 3 residues, one each for the scattering,
771        absorption, and fission channels.
772    windows : np.ndarray
773        A 2D array of Integral values.  windows[i, 0] - 1 is the index of the
774        first pole in window i. windows[i, 1] - 1 is the index of the last pole
775        in window i.
776    broaden_poly : np.ndarray
777        A 1D array of boolean values indicating whether or not the polynomial
778        curvefit in that window should be Doppler broadened.
779    curvefit : np.ndarray
780        A 3D array of Real curvefit polynomial coefficients.  curvefit[i, 0, :]
781        gives coefficients for the scattering cross section in window i.
782        curvefit[i, 1, :] gives absorption coefficients and curvefit[i, 2, :]
783        gives fission coefficients.  The polynomial terms are increasing powers
784        of sqrt(E) starting with 1/E e.g:
785        a/E + b/sqrt(E) + c + d sqrt(E) + ...
787    """
788    def __init__(self, name):
789        self.name = name
790        self.spacing = None
791        self.sqrtAWR = None
792        self.E_min = None
793        self.E_max = None
794        self.data = None
795        self.windows = None
796        self.broaden_poly = None
797        self.curvefit = None
799    @property
800    def name(self):
801        return self._name
803    @property
804    def fit_order(self):
805        return self.curvefit.shape[1] - 1
807    @property
808    def fissionable(self):
809        return self.data.shape[1] == 4
811    @property
812    def n_poles(self):
813        return self.data.shape[0]
815    @property
816    def n_windows(self):
817        return self.windows.shape[0]
819    @property
820    def poles_per_window(self):
821        return (self.windows[:, 1] - self.windows[:, 0] + 1).mean()
823    @property
824    def spacing(self):
825        return self._spacing
827    @property
828    def sqrtAWR(self):
829        return self._sqrtAWR
831    @property
832    def E_min(self):
833        return self._E_min
835    @property
836    def E_max(self):
837        return self._E_max
839    @property
840    def data(self):
841        return self._data
843    @property
844    def windows(self):
845        return self._windows
847    @property
848    def broaden_poly(self):
849        return self._broaden_poly
851    @property
852    def curvefit(self):
853        return self._curvefit
855    @name.setter
856    def name(self, name):
857        cv.check_type('name', name, str)
858        self._name = name
860    @spacing.setter
861    def spacing(self, spacing):
862        if spacing is not None:
863            cv.check_type('spacing', spacing, Real)
864            cv.check_greater_than('spacing', spacing, 0.0, equality=False)
865        self._spacing = spacing
867    @sqrtAWR.setter
868    def sqrtAWR(self, sqrtAWR):
869        if sqrtAWR is not None:
870            cv.check_type('sqrtAWR', sqrtAWR, Real)
871            cv.check_greater_than('sqrtAWR', sqrtAWR, 0.0, equality=False)
872        self._sqrtAWR = sqrtAWR
874    @E_min.setter
875    def E_min(self, E_min):
876        if E_min is not None:
877            cv.check_type('E_min', E_min, Real)
878            cv.check_greater_than('E_min', E_min, 0.0, equality=True)
879        self._E_min = E_min
881    @E_max.setter
882    def E_max(self, E_max):
883        if E_max is not None:
884            cv.check_type('E_max', E_max, Real)
885            cv.check_greater_than('E_max', E_max, 0.0, equality=False)
886        self._E_max = E_max
888    @data.setter
889    def data(self, data):
890        if data is not None:
891            cv.check_type('data', data, np.ndarray)
892            if len(data.shape) != 2:
893                raise ValueError('Multipole data arrays must be 2D')
894            if data.shape[1] not in (3, 4):
895                raise ValueError(
896                     'data.shape[1] must be 3 or 4. One value for the pole.'
897                     ' One each for the scattering and absorption residues. '
898                     'Possibly one more for a fission residue.')
899            if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.complexfloating):
900                raise TypeError('Multipole data arrays must be complex dtype')
901        self._data = data
903    @windows.setter
904    def windows(self, windows):
905        if windows is not None:
906            cv.check_type('windows', windows, np.ndarray)
907            if len(windows.shape) != 2:
908                raise ValueError('Multipole windows arrays must be 2D')
909            if not np.issubdtype(windows.dtype, np.integer):
910                raise TypeError('Multipole windows arrays must be integer'
911                                ' dtype')
912        self._windows = windows
914    @broaden_poly.setter
915    def broaden_poly(self, broaden_poly):
916        if broaden_poly is not None:
917            cv.check_type('broaden_poly', broaden_poly, np.ndarray)
918            if len(broaden_poly.shape) != 1:
919                raise ValueError('Multipole broaden_poly arrays must be 1D')
920            if not np.issubdtype(broaden_poly.dtype, np.bool_):
921                raise TypeError('Multipole broaden_poly arrays must be boolean'
922                                ' dtype')
923        self._broaden_poly = broaden_poly
925    @curvefit.setter
926    def curvefit(self, curvefit):
927        if curvefit is not None:
928            cv.check_type('curvefit', curvefit, np.ndarray)
929            if len(curvefit.shape) != 3:
930                raise ValueError('Multipole curvefit arrays must be 3D')
931            if curvefit.shape[2] not in (2, 3):  # sig_s, sig_a (maybe sig_f)
932                raise ValueError('The third dimension of multipole curvefit'
933                                 ' arrays must have a length of 2 or 3')
934            if not np.issubdtype(curvefit.dtype, np.floating):
935                raise TypeError('Multipole curvefit arrays must be float dtype')
936        self._curvefit = curvefit
938    @classmethod
939    def from_hdf5(cls, group_or_filename):
940        """Construct a WindowedMultipole object from an HDF5 group or file.
942        Parameters
943        ----------
944        group_or_filename : h5py.Group or str
945            HDF5 group containing multipole data. If given as a string, it is
946            assumed to be the filename for the HDF5 file, and the first group is
947            used to read from.
949        Returns
950        -------
951        openmc.data.WindowedMultipole
952            Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole
953            format.
955        """
957        if isinstance(group_or_filename, h5py.Group):
958            group = group_or_filename
959            need_to_close = False
960        else:
961            h5file = h5py.File(str(group_or_filename), 'r')
962            need_to_close = True
964            # Make sure version matches
965            if 'version' in h5file.attrs:
966                major, minor = h5file.attrs['version']
967                if major != WMP_VERSION_MAJOR:
968                    raise DataError(
969                        'WMP data format uses version {}. {} whereas your '
970                        'installation of the OpenMC Python API expects version '
971                        '{}.x.'.format(major, minor, WMP_VERSION_MAJOR))
972            else:
973                raise DataError(
974                    'WMP data does not indicate a version. Your installation of '
975                    'the OpenMC Python API expects version {}.x data.'
976                    .format(WMP_VERSION_MAJOR))
978            group = list(h5file.values())[0]
980        name = group.name[1:]
981        out = cls(name)
983        # Read scalars.
985        out.spacing = group['spacing'][()]
986        out.sqrtAWR = group['sqrtAWR'][()]
987        out.E_min = group['E_min'][()]
988        out.E_max = group['E_max'][()]
990        # Read arrays.
992        err = "WMP '{}' array shape is not consistent with the '{}' array shape"
994        out.data = group['data'][()]
996        out.windows = group['windows'][()]
998        out.broaden_poly = group['broaden_poly'][...].astype(bool)
999        if out.broaden_poly.shape[0] != out.windows.shape[0]:
1000            raise ValueError(err.format('broaden_poly', 'windows'))
1002        out.curvefit = group['curvefit'][()]
1003        if out.curvefit.shape[0] != out.windows.shape[0]:
1004            raise ValueError(err.format('curvefit', 'windows'))
1006        # _broaden_wmp_polynomials assumes the curve fit has at least 3 terms.
1007        if out.fit_order < 2:
1008            raise ValueError("Windowed multipole is only supported for "
1009                             "curvefits with 3 or more terms.")
1011        # If HDF5 file was opened here, make sure it gets closed
1012        if need_to_close:
1013            h5file.close()
1015        return out
1017    @classmethod
1018    def from_endf(cls, endf_file, log=False, vf_options=None, wmp_options=None):
1019        """Generate windowed multipole neutron data from an ENDF evaluation.
1021        .. versionadded:: 0.12.1
1023        Parameters
1024        ----------
1025        endf_file : str
1026            Path to ENDF evaluation
1027        log : bool or int, optional
1028            Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
1029        vf_options : dict, optional
1030            Dictionary of keyword arguments, e.g. {'njoy_error': 0.001},
1031            passed to :func:`openmc.data.multipole.vectfit_nuclide`
1032        wmp_options : dict, optional
1033            Dictionary of keyword arguments, e.g. {'search': True, 'rtol': 0.01},
1034            passed to :func:`openmc.data.WindowedMultipole.from_multipole`
1036        Returns
1037        -------
1038        openmc.data.WindowedMultipole
1039            Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole
1040            format.
1042        """
1044        if vf_options is None:
1045            vf_options = {}
1047        if wmp_options is None:
1048            wmp_options = {}
1050        if log:
1051            vf_options.update(log=log)
1052            wmp_options.update(log=log)
1054        # generate multipole data from EDNF
1055        mp_data = vectfit_nuclide(endf_file, **vf_options)
1057        # windowing
1058        return cls.from_multipole(mp_data, **wmp_options)
1060    @classmethod
1061    def from_multipole(cls, mp_data, search=None, log=False, **kwargs):
1062        """Generate windowed multipole neutron data from multipole data.
1064        Parameters
1065        ----------
1066        mp_data : dictionary or str
1067            Dictionary or Path to the multipole data stored in a pickle file
1068        search : bool, optional
1069            Whether to search for optimal window size and curvefit order.
1070            Defaults to True if no windowing parameters are specified.
1071        log : bool or int, optional
1072            Whether to print running logs (use int for verbosity control)
1073        **kwargs
1074            Keyword arguments passed to :func:`openmc.data.multipole._windowing`
1076        Returns
1077        -------
1078        openmc.data.WindowedMultipole
1079            Resonant cross sections represented in the windowed multipole
1080            format.
1082        """
1084        if isinstance(mp_data, str):
1085            # load multipole data from file
1086            with open(mp_data, 'rb') as f:
1087                mp_data = pickle.load(f)
1089        if search is None:
1090            if 'n_cf' in kwargs and ('n_win' in kwargs or 'spacing' in kwargs):
1091                search = False
1092            else:
1093                search = True
1095        # windowing with specific options
1096        if not search:
1097            # set default value for curvefit order if not specified
1098            if 'n_cf' not in kwargs:
1099                kwargs.update(n_cf=5)
1100            return _windowing(mp_data, log=log, **kwargs)
1102        # search optimal WMP from a range of window sizes and CF orders
1103        if log:
1104            print("Start searching ...")
1105        n_poles = sum([p.size for p in mp_data["poles"]])
1106        n_win_min = max(5, n_poles // 20)
1107        n_win_max = 2000 if n_poles < 2000 else 8000
1108        best_wmp = best_metric = None
1109        for n_w in np.unique(np.linspace(n_win_min, n_win_max, 20, dtype=int)):
1110            for n_cf in range(10, 1, -1):
1111                if log:
1112                    print("Testing N_win={} N_cf={}".format(n_w, n_cf))
1114                # update arguments dictionary
1115                kwargs.update(n_win=n_w, n_cf=n_cf)
1117                # windowing
1118                try:
1119                    wmp = _windowing(mp_data, log=log, **kwargs)
1120                except Exception as e:
1121                    if log:
1122                        print('Failed: ' + str(e))
1123                    break
1125                # select wmp library with metric:
1126                # - performance: average # used poles per window and CF order
1127                # - memory: # windows
1128                metric = -(wmp.poles_per_window * 10. + wmp.fit_order * 1. +
1129                           wmp.n_windows * 0.01)
1130                if best_wmp is None or metric > best_metric:
1131                    if log:
1132                        print("Best library so far.")
1133                    best_wmp = deepcopy(wmp)
1134                    best_metric = metric
1136        # return the best wmp library
1137        if log:
1138            print("Final library: {} poles, {} windows, {:.2g} poles per window, "
1139                  "{} CF order".format(best_wmp.n_poles, best_wmp.n_windows,
1140                   best_wmp.poles_per_window, best_wmp.fit_order))
1142        return best_wmp
1144    def _evaluate(self, E, T):
1145        """Compute scattering, absorption, and fission cross sections.
1147        Parameters
1148        ----------
1149        E : Real
1150            Energy of the incident neutron in eV.
1151        T : Real
1152            Temperature of the target in K.
1154        Returns
1155        -------
1156        3-tuple of Real
1157            Total, absorption, and fission microscopic cross sections at the
1158            given energy and temperature.
1160        """
1162        if E < self.E_min: return (0, 0, 0)
1163        if E > self.E_max: return (0, 0, 0)
1165        # ======================================================================
1166        # Bookkeeping
1168        # Define some frequently used variables.
1169        sqrtkT = sqrt(K_BOLTZMANN * T)
1170        sqrtE = sqrt(E)
1171        invE = 1.0 / E
1173        # Locate us.  The i_window calc omits a + 1 present in F90 because of
1174        # the 1-based vs. 0-based indexing.  Similarly startw needs to be
1175        # decreased by 1.  endw does not need to be decreased because
1176        # range(startw, endw) does not include endw.
1177        i_window = min(self.n_windows - 1,
1178                       int(np.floor((sqrtE - sqrt(self.E_min)) / self.spacing)))
1179        startw = self.windows[i_window, 0] - 1
1180        endw = self.windows[i_window, 1]
1182        # Initialize the ouptut cross sections.
1183        sig_s = 0.0
1184        sig_a = 0.0
1185        sig_f = 0.0
1187        # ======================================================================
1188        # Add the contribution from the curvefit polynomial.
1190        if sqrtkT != 0 and self.broaden_poly[i_window]:
1191            # Broaden the curvefit.
1192            dopp = self.sqrtAWR / sqrtkT
1193            broadened_polynomials = _broaden_wmp_polynomials(E, dopp,
1194                                                             self.fit_order + 1)
1195            for i_poly in range(self.fit_order + 1):
1196                sig_s += (self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_S]
1197                          * broadened_polynomials[i_poly])
1198                sig_a += (self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_A]
1199                          * broadened_polynomials[i_poly])
1200                if self.fissionable:
1201                    sig_f += (self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_F]
1202                              * broadened_polynomials[i_poly])
1203        else:
1204            temp = invE
1205            for i_poly in range(self.fit_order + 1):
1206                sig_s += self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_S] * temp
1207                sig_a += self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_A] * temp
1208                if self.fissionable:
1209                    sig_f += self.curvefit[i_window, i_poly, _FIT_F] * temp
1210                temp *= sqrtE
1212        # ======================================================================
1213        # Add the contribution from the poles in this window.
1215        if sqrtkT == 0.0:
1216            # If at 0K, use asymptotic form.
1217            for i_pole in range(startw, endw):
1218                psi_chi = -1j / (self.data[i_pole, _MP_EA] - sqrtE)
1219                c_temp = psi_chi / E
1220                sig_s += (self.data[i_pole, _MP_RS] * c_temp).real
1221                sig_a += (self.data[i_pole, _MP_RA] * c_temp).real
1222                if self.fissionable:
1223                    sig_f += (self.data[i_pole, _MP_RF] * c_temp).real
1225        else:
1226            # At temperature, use Faddeeva function-based form.
1227            dopp = self.sqrtAWR / sqrtkT
1228            for i_pole in range(startw, endw):
1229                Z = (sqrtE - self.data[i_pole, _MP_EA]) * dopp
1230                w_val = _faddeeva(Z) * dopp * invE * sqrt(pi)
1231                sig_s += (self.data[i_pole, _MP_RS] * w_val).real
1232                sig_a += (self.data[i_pole, _MP_RA] * w_val).real
1233                if self.fissionable:
1234                    sig_f += (self.data[i_pole, _MP_RF] * w_val).real
1236        return sig_s, sig_a, sig_f
1238    def __call__(self, E, T):
1239        """Compute scattering, absorption, and fission cross sections.
1241        Parameters
1242        ----------
1243        E : Real or Iterable of Real
1244            Energy of the incident neutron in eV.
1245        T : Real
1246            Temperature of the target in K.
1248        Returns
1249        -------
1250        3-tuple of Real or 3-tuple of numpy.ndarray
1251            Total, absorption, and fission microscopic cross sections at the
1252            given energy and temperature.
1254        """
1256        fun = np.vectorize(lambda x: self._evaluate(x, T))
1257        return fun(E)
1259    def export_to_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', libver='earliest'):
1260        """Export windowed multipole data to an HDF5 file.
1262        Parameters
1263        ----------
1264        path : str
1265            Path to write HDF5 file to
1266        mode : {'r+', 'w', 'x', 'a'}
1267            Mode that is used to open the HDF5 file. This is the second argument
1268            to the :class:`h5py.File` constructor.
1269        libver : {'earliest', 'latest'}
1270            Compatibility mode for the HDF5 file. 'latest' will produce files
1271            that are less backwards compatible but have performance benefits.
1273        """
1275        # Open file and write version.
1276        with h5py.File(str(path), mode, libver=libver) as f:
1277            f.attrs['filetype'] = np.string_('data_wmp')
1278            f.attrs['version'] = np.array(WMP_VERSION)
1280            g = f.create_group(self.name)
1282            # Write scalars.
1283            g.create_dataset('spacing', data=np.array(self.spacing))
1284            g.create_dataset('sqrtAWR', data=np.array(self.sqrtAWR))
1285            g.create_dataset('E_min', data=np.array(self.E_min))
1286            g.create_dataset('E_max', data=np.array(self.E_max))
1288            # Write arrays.
1289            g.create_dataset('data', data=self.data)
1290            g.create_dataset('windows', data=self.windows)
1291            g.create_dataset('broaden_poly',
1292                             data=self.broaden_poly.astype(np.int8))
1293            g.create_dataset('curvefit', data=self.curvefit)