1 /*
2  * PCMSolver, an API for the Polarizable Continuum Model
3  * Copyright (C) 2020 Roberto Di Remigio, Luca Frediani and contributors.
4  *
5  * This file is part of PCMSolver.
6  *
7  * PCMSolver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * PCMSolver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  * along with PCMSolver.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  * For information on the complete list of contributors to the
21  * PCMSolver API, see: <http://pcmsolver.readthedocs.io/>
22  */
24 #include <sys/types.h>
25 #include "Input.hpp"
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <functional>
29 #include <iostream>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <string>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include "Config.hpp"
36 #include "utils/getkw/Getkw.h"
37 #include <Eigen/Core>
39 #include "PCMInput.h"
40 #include "bi_operators/BIOperatorData.hpp"
41 #include "cavity/CavityData.hpp"
42 #include "green/GreenData.hpp"
43 #include "solver/SolverData.hpp"
44 #include "utils/Factory.hpp"
45 #include "utils/Solvent.hpp"
46 #include "utils/Sphere.hpp"
48 namespace pcm {
Input(const std::string & filename)50 Input::Input(const std::string & filename) {
51   reader(filename);
52   semanticCheck();
53 }
Input(const PCMInput & host_input)55 Input::Input(const PCMInput & host_input) {
56   reader(host_input);
57   semanticCheck();
58 }
reader(const std::string & filename)60 void Input::reader(const std::string & filename) {
61   Getkw input_ = Getkw(filename, false, true);
62   units_ = input_.getStr("UNITS");
63   CODATAyear_ = input_.getInt("CODATA");
64   initBohrToAngstrom(bohrToAngstrom, CODATAyear_);
66   const Section & mol = input_.getSect("MOLECULE");
67   MEPfromMolecule_ = true;
68   if (mol.isDefined()) {
69     geometry_ = mol.getDblVec("GEOMETRY");
70     MEPfromMolecule_ = mol.getBool("MEP");
71   }
73   const Section & cavity = input_.getSect("CAVITY");
75   cavityType_ = cavity.getStr("TYPE");
76   area_ = cavity.getDbl("AREA");
77   if (cavityType_ == "RESTART") {
78     cavFilename_ = cavity.getStr("NPZFILE");
79   }
81   scaling_ = cavity.getBool("SCALING");
82   radiiSet_ = detail::uppercase(cavity.getStr("RADIISET"));
83   minimalRadius_ = cavity.getDbl("MINRADIUS");
84   mode_ = detail::uppercase(cavity.getStr("MODE"));
85   if (mode_ == "EXPLICIT") {
86     std::vector<double> spheresInput = cavity.getDblVec("SPHERES");
87     int j = 0;
88     int nAtoms = int(spheresInput.size() / 4);
89     for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++i) {
90       Eigen::Vector3d center;
91       center = (Eigen::Vector3d() << spheresInput[j],
92                 spheresInput[j + 1],
93                 spheresInput[j + 2])
94                    .finished();
95       Sphere sph(center, spheresInput[j + 3]);
96       spheres_.push_back(sph);
97       j += 4;
98     }
99     // Initialize molecule from spheres only when molecule section is absent
100     if (!mol.isDefined())
101       molecule_ = Molecule(spheres_);
102   } else if (mode_ == "ATOMS") {
103     atoms_ = cavity.getIntVec("ATOMS");
104     radii_ = cavity.getDblVec("RADII");
105   }
107   // Get the contents of the Medium section
108   const Section & medium = input_.getSect("MEDIUM");
109   // Get the name of the solvent
110   std::string name = medium.getStr("SOLVENT");
111   if (name == "EXPLICIT") {
112     hasSolvent_ = false;
113     // Get the probe radius
114     probeRadius_ = medium.getDbl("PROBERADIUS");
115     // Get the contents of the Green<inside> section...
116     const Section & inside = medium.getSect("GREEN<INSIDE>");
117     // ...and initialize the data members
118     greenInsideType_ = inside.getStr("TYPE") + "_" + inside.getStr("DER");
119     epsilonInside_ = inside.getDbl("EPS");
120     // Get the contents of the Green<outside> section...
121     const Section & outside = medium.getSect("GREEN<OUTSIDE>");
122     // ...and initialize the data members
123     greenOutsideType_ = outside.getStr("TYPE") + "_" + outside.getStr("DER");
124     epsilonStaticOutside_ = outside.getDbl("EPS");
125     epsilonDynamicOutside_ = outside.getDbl("EPSDYN");
126     epsilonStatic1_ = outside.getDbl("EPS1");
127     epsilonDynamic1_ = outside.getDbl("EPSDYN1");
128     epsilonStatic2_ = outside.getDbl("EPS2");
129     epsilonDynamic2_ = outside.getDbl("EPSDYN2");
130     center_ = outside.getDbl("CENTER");
131     width_ = outside.getDbl("WIDTH");
132     origin_ = outside.getDblVec("INTERFACEORIGIN");
133     if (outside.getStr("TYPE") == "SPHERICALDIFFUSE") {
134       greenOutsideType_ += "_" + outside.getStr("PROFILE");
135     }
136     maxL_ = outside.getInt("MAXL");
137   } else { // This part must be reviewed!! Some data members are not initialized...
138     // Just initialize the solvent object in this class
139     hasSolvent_ = true;
140     if (solvents().find(name) == solvents().end()) {
141       PCMSOLVER_ERROR("Solvent " + name + " NOT found!");
142     } else {
143       solvent_ = solvents()[name];
144     }
145     probeRadius_ = solvent_.probeRadius * angstromToBohr();
146     // Specification of the solvent by name means isotropic PCM
147     // We have to initialize the Green's functions data here, Solvent class
148     // is an helper class and should not be used in the core classes.
149     greenInsideType_ = "VACUUM_DERIVATIVE";
150     epsilonInside_ = 1.0;
151     greenOutsideType_ = "UNIFORMDIELECTRIC_DERIVATIVE";
152     epsilonStaticOutside_ = solvent_.epsStatic;
153     epsilonDynamicOutside_ = solvent_.epsDynamic;
154   }
155   integratorType_ = medium.getStr("DIAGONALINTEGRATOR");
156   integratorScaling_ = medium.getDbl("DIAGONALSCALING");
158   solverType_ = medium.getStr("SOLVERTYPE");
159   correction_ = medium.getDbl("CORRECTION");
160   hermitivitize_ = medium.getBool("MATRIXSYMM");
161   isDynamic_ = medium.getBool("NONEQUILIBRIUM");
163   const Section & chgdist = input_.getSect("CHARGEDISTRIBUTION");
164   MEPfromChargeDist_ = false;
165   if (chgdist.isDefined()) {
166     MEPfromChargeDist_ = true;
167     // Set monopoles
168     if (chgdist.getKey<std::vector<double> >("MONOPOLES").isDefined()) {
169       std::vector<double> mono = chgdist.getDblVec("MONOPOLES");
170       int j = 0;
171       int n = int(mono.size() / 4);
172       multipoles_.monopoles = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n);
173       multipoles_.monopolesSites = Eigen::Matrix3Xd::Zero(3, n);
174       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
175         multipoles_.monopolesSites.col(i) =
176             (Eigen::Vector3d() << mono[j], mono[j + 1], mono[j + 2]).finished();
177         multipoles_.monopoles(i) = mono[j + 3];
178         j += 4;
179       }
180     }
181     // Set dipoles
182     if (chgdist.getKey<std::vector<double> >("DIPOLES").isDefined()) {
183       std::vector<double> dipo = chgdist.getDblVec("DIPOLES");
184       int j = 0;
185       int n = int(dipo.size() / 6);
186       multipoles_.dipoles = Eigen::Matrix3Xd::Zero(3, n);
187       multipoles_.dipolesSites = Eigen::Matrix3Xd::Zero(3, n);
188       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
189         multipoles_.dipolesSites.col(i) =
190             (Eigen::Vector3d() << dipo[j], dipo[j + 1], dipo[j + 2]).finished();
191         multipoles_.dipoles.col(i) =
192             (Eigen::Vector3d() << dipo[j + 3], dipo[j + 4], dipo[j + 5]).finished();
193         j += 6;
194       }
195     }
196   }
197   // Set fluctuating charges
198   isFQ_ = false;
199   const Section & mmfq = input_.getSect("MMFQ");
200   if (mmfq.isDefined()) {
201     isFQ_ = true;
202     isNonPolarizable_ = mmfq.getBool("NONPOLARIZABLE");
203     fragments_.nSitesPerFragment =
204         static_cast<PCMSolverIndex>(mmfq.getInt("SITESPERFRAGMENT"));
205     std::vector<double> sites = mmfq.getDblVec("SITES");
206     int j = 0;
207     int n = int(sites.size() / 5);
208     fragments_.nFragments = int(n / fragments_.nSitesPerFragment);
209     fragments_.sites = Eigen::Matrix3Xd::Zero(3, n);
210     fragments_.chi = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n);
211     fragments_.eta = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n);
212     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
213       fragments_.sites.col(i) =
214           (Eigen::Vector3d() << sites[j], sites[j + 1], sites[j + 2]).finished();
215       fragments_.chi(i) = sites[j + 3];
216       fragments_.eta(i) = sites[j + 4];
217       j += 5;
218     }
219   }
221   providedBy_ = std::string("API-side");
222 }
reader(const PCMInput & host_input)224 void Input::reader(const PCMInput & host_input) {
225   CODATAyear_ = 2010;
226   initBohrToAngstrom(bohrToAngstrom, CODATAyear_);
228   cavityType_ = detail::trim_and_upper(host_input.cavity_type);
229   area_ = host_input.area * angstrom2ToBohr2();
230   if (cavityType_ == "RESTART") {
231     cavFilename_ = detail::trim(host_input.restart_name); // No case conversion here!
232   }
234   scaling_ = host_input.scaling;
235   radiiSet_ = detail::trim_and_upper(host_input.radii_set);
236   if (radiiSet_ == "UFF") {
237     radiiSetName_ = "UFF";
238   } else if (radiiSet_ == "BONDI") {
239     radiiSetName_ = "Bondi-Mantina";
240   } else {
241     radiiSetName_ = "Allinger's MM3";
242   }
243   minimalRadius_ = host_input.min_radius * angstromToBohr();
244   mode_ = std::string("IMPLICIT");
246   std::string name = detail::trim_and_upper(host_input.solvent);
247   if (name.empty() || name == "EXPLICIT") {
248     hasSolvent_ = false;
249     // Get the probe radius
250     probeRadius_ = host_input.probe_radius * angstromToBohr();
251     // Get the contents of the Green<inside> section...
252     // ...and initialize the data members
253     greenInsideType_ =
254         detail::trim_and_upper(host_input.inside_type) + "_DERIVATIVE";
255     epsilonInside_ = 1.0;
256     // Get the contents of the Green<outside> section...
257     // ...and initialize the data members
258     greenOutsideType_ =
259         detail::trim_and_upper(host_input.outside_type) + "_DERIVATIVE";
260     epsilonStaticOutside_ = host_input.outside_epsilon;
261     epsilonDynamicOutside_ = host_input.outside_epsilon;
262     // Initialize interface parameters with bogus values
263     epsilonStatic1_ = 0.0;
264     epsilonDynamic1_ = 0.0;
265     epsilonStatic2_ = 0.0;
266     epsilonDynamic2_ = 0.0;
267     center_ = 0.0;
268     width_ = 0.0;
269     origin_ = std::vector<double>(3, 0.0);
270     maxL_ = 0;
271   } else { // This part must be reviewed!! Some data members are not initialized...
272     // Just initialize the solvent object in this class
273     hasSolvent_ = true;
274     solvent_ = solvents()[name];
275     probeRadius_ = solvent_.probeRadius * angstromToBohr();
276     // Specification of the solvent by name means isotropic PCM
277     // We have to initialize the Green's functions data here, Solvent class
278     // is an helper class and should not be used in the core classes.
279     greenInsideType_ = std::string("VACUUM_DERIVATIVE");
280     epsilonInside_ = 1.0;
281     greenOutsideType_ = std::string("UNIFORMDIELECTRIC_DERIVATIVE");
282     epsilonStaticOutside_ = solvent_.epsStatic;
283     epsilonDynamicOutside_ = solvent_.epsDynamic;
284   }
286   integratorType_ = "COLLOCATION";
287   integratorScaling_ = 1.07;
289   solverType_ = detail::trim_and_upper(host_input.solver_type);
290   correction_ = host_input.correction;
291   hermitivitize_ = true;
292   isDynamic_ = false;
293   isFQ_ = false;
295   providedBy_ = std::string("host-side");
296 }
semanticCheck()298 void Input::semanticCheck() {}
initMolecule(bool deferred_init)300 void Input::initMolecule(bool deferred_init) {
301   // Gather information necessary to build molecule_
302   // 1. number of atomic centers
303   int nuclei = int(geometry_.size() / 4);
304   // 2. position and charges of atomic centers
305   Eigen::Matrix3Xd centers = Eigen::Matrix3Xd::Zero(3, nuclei);
306   Eigen::VectorXd charges = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(nuclei);
307   int j = 0;
308   for (int i = 0; i < nuclei; ++i) {
309     centers.col(i) =
310         (Eigen::Vector3d() << geometry_[j], geometry_[j + 1], geometry_[j + 2])
311             .finished();
312     charges(i) = geometry_[j + 3];
313     j += 4;
314   }
315   // 3. list of atoms and list of spheres
316   std::vector<Atom> radiiSet;
317   std::vector<Atom> atoms;
318   atoms.reserve(nuclei);
319   // FIXME Code duplication in function initMolecule in interface/Meddle.cpp
320   tie(radiiSetName_, radiiSet) = utils::bootstrapRadiiSet().create(radiiSet_);
321   for (int i = 0; i < charges.size(); ++i) {
322     int index = int(charges(i)) - 1;
323     atoms.push_back(radiiSet[index]);
324     if (scaling_)
325       atoms[i].radiusScaling = 1.2;
326   }
327   // Based on the creation mode (Implicit or Atoms)
328   // the spheres list might need postprocessing
329   if (mode_ == "IMPLICIT" || mode_ == "ATOMS") {
330     for (int i = 0; i < charges.size(); ++i) {
331       // Convert to Bohr and multiply by scaling factor (alpha)
332       double radius = atoms[i].radius * angstromToBohr() * atoms[i].radiusScaling;
333       spheres_.push_back(Sphere(centers.col(i), radius));
334     }
335     if (mode_ == "ATOMS") {
336       // Loop over the atomsInput array to get which atoms will have a user-given
337       // radius
338       for (size_t i = 0; i < atoms_.size(); ++i) {
339         int index =
340             atoms_[i] - 1; // -1 to go from human readable to machine readable
341         // Put the new Sphere in place of the implicit-generated one
342         spheres_[index] = Sphere(centers.col(index), radii_[i]);
343       }
344     }
345   }
347   // 4. masses
348   Eigen::VectorXd masses = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(nuclei);
349   for (int i = 0; i < masses.size(); ++i) {
350     masses(i) = atoms[i].mass;
351   }
352   // 5. molecular point group
353   // FIXME currently hardcoded to C1
355   // OK, now get molecule_
356   molecule_ = Molecule(nuclei, charges, masses, centers, atoms, spheres_);
357   // Check that all atoms have a radius attached
358   std::vector<Atom>::const_iterator res =
359       std::find_if(atoms.begin(), atoms.end(), invalid);
360   if (res != atoms.end() && !deferred_init) {
361     std::cout << molecule_ << std::endl;
362     PCMSOLVER_ERROR("Some atoms do not have a radius attached. Please specify a "
363                     "radius for all atoms (see "
364                     "http://pcmsolver.readthedocs.org/en/latest/users/input.html)!");
365   }
366 }
cavityParams() const368 CavityData Input::cavityParams() const {
369   return CavityData(
370       cavityType_, molecule_, area_, probeRadius_, minimalRadius_, cavFilename_);
371 }
insideGreenParams() const373 GreenData Input::insideGreenParams() const {
374   return GreenData(greenInsideType_, epsilonInside_);
375 }
outsideStaticGreenParams() const377 GreenData Input::outsideStaticGreenParams() const {
378   GreenData retval(greenOutsideType_, epsilonStaticOutside_);
379   if (not hasSolvent_) {
380     retval.epsilon1 = epsilonStatic1_;
381     retval.epsilon2 = epsilonStatic2_;
382     retval.center = center_;
383     retval.width = width_;
384     retval.origin =
385         (Eigen::Vector3d() << origin_[0], origin_[1], origin_[2]).finished();
386     retval.maxL = maxL_;
387   }
388   return retval;
389 }
outsideDynamicGreenParams() const391 GreenData Input::outsideDynamicGreenParams() const {
392   GreenData retval(greenOutsideType_, epsilonDynamicOutside_);
393   if (not hasSolvent_) {
394     retval.epsilon1 = epsilonDynamic1_;
395     retval.epsilon2 = epsilonDynamic2_;
396     retval.center = center_;
397     retval.width = width_;
398     retval.origin =
399         (Eigen::Vector3d() << origin_[0], origin_[1], origin_[2]).finished();
400     retval.maxL = maxL_;
401   }
402   return retval;
403 }
solverParams() const405 SolverData Input::solverParams() const {
406   return SolverData(solverType_, correction_, hermitivitize_);
407 }
integratorParams() const409 BIOperatorData Input::integratorParams() const {
410   return BIOperatorData(integratorType_, integratorScaling_);
411 }
413 namespace detail {
left_trim(std::string s)414 std::string left_trim(std::string s) {
415   s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](int ch) {
416             return !std::isspace(ch);
417           }));
418   return s;
419 }
right_trim(std::string s)421 std::string right_trim(std::string s) {
422   s.erase(
423       std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); })
424           .base(),
425       s.end());
426   return s;
427 }
left_trim(const char * src)429 std::string left_trim(const char * src) {
430   std::string tmp(src);
431   return left_trim(tmp);
432 }
right_trim(const char * src)434 std::string right_trim(const char * src) {
435   std::string tmp(src);
436   return right_trim(tmp);
437 }
trim(std::string s)439 std::string trim(std::string s) { return right_trim(left_trim(s)); }
trim(const char * src)441 std::string trim(const char * src) {
442   std::string tmp(src);
443   return trim(tmp);
444 }
uppercase(std::string s)446 std::string uppercase(std::string s) {
447   std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), [](unsigned char c) {
448     return std::toupper(c);
449   });
450   return s;
451 }
uppercase(const char * src)453 std::string uppercase(const char * src) {
454   std::string tmp(src);
455   return uppercase(tmp);
456 }
trim_and_upper(const char * src)458 std::string trim_and_upper(const char * src) {
459   std::string tmp(src);
460   return uppercase(trim(tmp));
461 }
string_to_enum(std::string field)463 PCMInputFields string_to_enum(std::string field) {
464   static std::map<std::string, PCMInputFields> mapper;
466   mapper["cavity_type"] = PCMInputFields::cavity_type;
467   mapper["patch_level"] = PCMInputFields::patch_level;
468   mapper["coarsity"] = PCMInputFields::coarsity;
469   mapper["area"] = PCMInputFields::area;
470   mapper["radii_set"] = PCMInputFields::radii_set;
471   mapper["min_distance"] = PCMInputFields::min_distance;
472   mapper["der_order"] = PCMInputFields::der_order;
473   mapper["scaling"] = PCMInputFields::scaling;
474   mapper["restart_name"] = PCMInputFields::restart_name;
475   mapper["min_radius"] = PCMInputFields::min_radius;
476   mapper["solver_type"] = PCMInputFields::solver_type;
477   mapper["correction"] = PCMInputFields::correction;
478   mapper["solvent"] = PCMInputFields::solvent;
479   mapper["probe_radius"] = PCMInputFields::probe_radius;
480   mapper["equation_type"] = PCMInputFields::equation_type;
481   mapper["inside_type"] = PCMInputFields::inside_type;
482   mapper["outside_epsilon"] = PCMInputFields::outside_epsilon;
483   mapper["outside_type"] = PCMInputFields::outside_type;
485   return mapper[field];
486 }
487 } // namespace detail
488 } // namespace pcm