1 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2    Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The plumed team
3    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
5    See http://www.plumed.org for more information.
7    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
9    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12    (at your option) any later version.
14    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20    along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 #include "PDB.h"
23 #include "Tools.h"
24 #include "Log.h"
25 #include "h36.h"
26 #include <cstdio>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include "core/GenericMolInfo.h"
29 #include "Tensor.h"
31 using namespace std;
33 //+PLUMEDOC INTERNAL pdbreader
34 /*
35 PLUMED can use the PDB format in several places
37 - To read molecular structure (\ref MOLINFO).
38 - To read reference conformations (\ref RMSD, but also many other methods in \ref dists, \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE, etc).
40 The implemented PDB reader expects a file formatted correctly according to the
41 [PDB standard](http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format-content/format33/v3.3.html).
42 In particular, the following columns are read from ATOM records
43 \verbatim
44 columns | content
45 1-6     | record name (ATOM or HETATM)
46 7-11    | serial number of the atom (starting from 1)
47 13-16   | atom name
48 18-20   | residue name
49 22      | chain id
50 23-26   | residue number
51 31-38   | x coordinate
52 39-46   | y coordinate
53 47-54   | z coordinate
54 55-60   | occupancy
55 61-66   | beta factor
56 \endverbatim
57 PLUMED parser is slightly more permissive than the official PDB format
58 in the fact that the format of real numbers is not fixed. In other words,
59 any real number that can be parsed is OK and the dot can be placed anywhere. However,
60 __columns are interpret strictly__. A sample PDB should look like the following
61 \verbatim
62 ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1      12.932 -14.718  -6.016  1.00  1.00
63 ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      21.312  -9.928  -5.946  1.00  1.00
64 ATOM      9  CA  ALA     2      19.462 -11.088  -8.986  1.00  1.00
65 \endverbatim
67 Notice that serial numbers need not to be consecutive. In the three-line example above,
68 only the coordinates of three atoms are provided. This is perfectly legal and indicates PLUMED
69 that information about these atoms only is available. This could be both for structural
70 information in \ref MOLINFO, where the other atoms would have no name assigned, and for
71 reference structures used in \ref RMSD, where only the provided atoms would be used to compute RMSD.
73 \par Occupancy and beta factors
75 PLUMED reads also occupancy and beta factors that however are given a very special meaning.
76 In cases where the PDB structure is used as a reference for an alignment (that's the case
77 for instance in \ref RMSD and in \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE), the occupancy column is used
78 to provide the weight of each atom in the alignment. In cases where, perhaps after alignment,
79 the displacement between running coordinates and the provided PDB is computed, the beta factors
80 are used as weight for the displacement.
81 Since setting the weights to zero is the same as __not__ including an atom in the alignment or
82 displacement calculation, the two following reference files would be equivalent when used in an \ref RMSD
83 calculation. First file:
84 \verbatim
85 ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1      12.932 -14.718  -6.016  1.00  1.00
86 ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      21.312  -9.928  -5.946  1.00  1.00
87 ATOM      9  CA  ALA     2      19.462 -11.088  -8.986  0.00  0.00
88 \endverbatim
89 Second file:
90 \verbatim
91 ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1      12.932 -14.718  -6.016  1.00  1.00
92 ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      21.312  -9.928  -5.946  1.00  1.00
93 \endverbatim
94 However notice that many extra atoms with zero weight might slow down the calculation, so
95 removing lines is better than setting their weights to zero.
96 In addition, weights for alignment need not to be equivalent to weights for displacement.
97 Starting with PLUMED 2.7, if all the weights are set to zero they will be normalized to be equal to the
98 inverse of the number of involved atoms. This means that it will be possible to use files with
99 the weight columns set to zero obtaining a meaningful result. In previous PLUMED versions,
100 setting all weights to zero was resulting in an error instead.
103 \par Systems with more than 100k atoms
105 Notice that it very likely does not make any sense to compute the \ref RMSD or any other structural
106 deviation __using__ so many atoms. However, if the protein for which you want to compute \ref RMSD
107 has atoms with large serial numbers (e.g. because it is located __after__ solvent in the sorted list of atoms)
108 you might end up with troubles with the limitations of the PDB format. Indeed, since there are 5
109 columns available for atom serial number, this number cannot be larger than 99999.
110 In addition, providing \ref MOLINFO with names associated to atoms with a serial larger than 99999 would be impossible.
112 Since PLUMED 2.4 we allow [hybrid 36](http://cci.lbl.gov/hybrid_36/) format to be used to specify atom numbers.
113 This format is not particularly widespread, but has the nice feature that it provides a one-to-one mapping
114 between numbers up to approximately 80 millions and strings with 5 characters, plus it is backward compatible
115 for numbers smaller than 100000. This is not true for notations like the hex notation exported by VMD.
116 Using the hybrid 36 format, the ATOM records for atom ranging from 99997 to 100002 would read like these:
117 \verbatim
118 ATOM  99997  Ar      X   1      45.349  38.631  15.116  1.00  1.00
119 ATOM  99998  Ar      X   1      46.189  38.631  15.956  1.00  1.00
120 ATOM  99999  Ar      X   1      46.189  39.471  15.116  1.00  1.00
121 ATOM  A0000  Ar      X   1      45.349  39.471  15.956  1.00  1.00
122 ATOM  A0000  Ar      X   1      45.349  38.631  16.796  1.00  1.00
123 ATOM  A0001  Ar      X   1      46.189  38.631  17.636  1.00  1.00
124 \endverbatim
125 There are tools that can be found to translate from integers to strings and back using hybrid 36 format
126 (a simple python script can be found [here](https://sourceforge.net/p/cctbx/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/iotbx/pdb/hybrid_36.py)).
127 In addition, as of PLUMED 2.5, we provide a \ref pdbrenumber "command line tool" that can be used to renumber atoms in a PDB file.
129 */
133 namespace PLMD {
setAtomNumbers(const std::vector<AtomNumber> & atoms)135 void PDB::setAtomNumbers( const std::vector<AtomNumber>& atoms ) {
136   positions.resize( atoms.size() ); occupancy.resize( atoms.size() );
137   beta.resize( atoms.size() ); numbers.resize( atoms.size() );
138   for(unsigned i=0; i<atoms.size(); ++i) { numbers[i]=atoms[i]; beta[i]=1.0; occupancy[i]=1.0; }
139 }
setArgumentNames(const std::vector<std::string> & argument_names)141 void PDB::setArgumentNames( const std::vector<std::string>& argument_names ) {
142   argnames.resize( argument_names.size() );
143   for(unsigned i=0; i<argument_names.size(); ++i) {
144     argnames[i]=argument_names[i];
145     arg_data.insert( std::pair<std::string,double>( argnames[i], 0.0 ) );
146   }
147 }
getArgumentValue(const std::string & name,double & value) const149 bool PDB::getArgumentValue( const std::string& name, double& value ) const {
150   std::map<std::string,double>::const_iterator it = arg_data.find(name);
151   if( it!=arg_data.end() ) { value = it->second; return true; }
152   return false;
153 }
setAtomPositions(const std::vector<Vector> & pos)155 void PDB::setAtomPositions( const std::vector<Vector>& pos ) {
156   plumed_assert( pos.size()==positions.size() );
157   for(unsigned i=0; i<positions.size(); ++i) positions[i]=pos[i];
158 }
setArgumentValue(const std::string & argname,const double & val)160 void PDB::setArgumentValue( const std::string& argname, const double& val ) {
161   // First set the value of the value of the argument in the map
162   arg_data.find(argname)->second = val;
163 }
165 // bool PDB::hasRequiredProperties( const std::vector<std::string>& inproperties ){
166 //   bool hasprop=false;
167 //   for(unsigned i=0;i<remark.size();++i){
168 //       if( remark[i].find("PROPERTIES=")!=std::string::npos){ hasprop=true; break; }
169 //   }
170 //   if( !hasprop ){
171 //       std::string mypropstr="PROPERTIES=" + inproperties[0];
172 //       for(unsigned i=1;i<inproperties.size();++i) mypropstr += "," + inproperties[i];
173 //       remark.push_back( mypropstr );
174 //   }
175 //   // Now check that all required properties are there
176 //   for(unsigned i=0;i<inproperties.size();++i){
177 //       hasprop=false;
178 //       for(unsigned j=0;j<remark.size();++j){
179 //           if( remark[j].find(inproperties[i]+"=")!=std::string::npos){ hasprop=true; break; }
180 //       }
181 //       if( !hasprop ) return false;
182 //   }
183 //   return true;
184 // }
addBlockEnd(const unsigned & end)186 void PDB::addBlockEnd( const unsigned& end ) {
187   block_ends.push_back( end );
188 }
getNumberOfAtomBlocks() const190 unsigned PDB::getNumberOfAtomBlocks()const {
191   return block_ends.size();
192 }
getAtomBlockEnds() const194 const std::vector<unsigned> & PDB::getAtomBlockEnds()const {
195   return block_ends;
196 }
getPositions() const198 const std::vector<Vector> & PDB::getPositions()const {
199   return positions;
200 }
setPositions(const std::vector<Vector> & v)202 void PDB::setPositions(const std::vector<Vector> &v ) {
203   plumed_assert( v.size()==positions.size() );
204   positions=v;
205 }
getOccupancy() const207 const std::vector<double> & PDB::getOccupancy()const {
208   return occupancy;
209 }
getBeta() const211 const std::vector<double> & PDB::getBeta()const {
212   return beta;
213 }
addRemark(std::vector<std::string> & v1)215 void PDB::addRemark( std::vector<std::string>& v1 ) {
216   Tools::parse(v1,"TYPE",mtype);
217   Tools::parseVector(v1,"ARG",argnames);
218   for(unsigned i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i) {
219     if( v1[i].find("=")!=std::string::npos ) {
220       std::size_t eq=v1[i].find_first_of('=');
221       std::string name=v1[i].substr(0,eq);
222       std::string sval=v1[i].substr(eq+1);
223       double val; Tools::convert( sval, val );
224       arg_data.insert( std::pair<std::string,double>( name, val ) );
225     } else {
226       flags.push_back(v1[i]);
227     }
228   }
229 }
hasFlag(const std::string & fname) const231 bool PDB::hasFlag( const std::string& fname ) const {
232   for(unsigned i=0; i<flags.size(); ++i) {
233     if( flags[i]==fname ) return true;
234   }
235   return false;
236 }
getAtomNumbers() const239 const std::vector<AtomNumber> & PDB::getAtomNumbers()const {
240   return numbers;
241 }
getBoxAxs() const243 const Vector & PDB::getBoxAxs()const {
244   return BoxXYZ;
245 }
getBoxAng() const247 const Vector & PDB::getBoxAng()const {
248   return BoxABG;
249 }
getBoxVec() const251 const Tensor & PDB::getBoxVec()const {
252   return Box;
253 }
getAtomName(AtomNumber a) const255 std::string PDB::getAtomName(AtomNumber a)const {
256   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
257   if(p==number2index.end()) {
258     std::string num; Tools::convert( a.serial(), num );
259     plumed_merror("Name of atom " + num + " not found" );
260     return "";
261   } else return atomsymb[p->second];
262 }
getResidueNumber(AtomNumber a) const264 unsigned PDB::getResidueNumber(AtomNumber a)const {
265   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
266   if(p==number2index.end()) {
267     std::string num; Tools::convert( a.serial(), num );
268     plumed_merror("Residue for atom " + num + " not found" );
269     return 0;
270   } else return residue[p->second];
271 }
getResidueName(AtomNumber a) const273 std::string PDB::getResidueName(AtomNumber a) const {
274   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
275   if(p==number2index.end()) {
276     std::string num; Tools::convert( a.serial(), num );
277     plumed_merror("Residue for atom " + num + " not found" );
278     return "";
279   } else return residuenames[p->second];
280 }
size() const282 unsigned PDB::size()const {
283   return positions.size();
284 }
readFromFilepointer(FILE * fp,bool naturalUnits,double scale)286 bool PDB::readFromFilepointer(FILE *fp,bool naturalUnits,double scale) {
287   //cerr<<file<<endl;
288   bool file_is_alive=false;
289   if(naturalUnits) scale=1.0;
290   string line;
291   fpos_t pos; bool between_ters=true;
292   while(Tools::getline(fp,line)) {
293     //cerr<<line<<"\n";
294     fgetpos (fp,&pos);
295     while(line.length()<80) line.push_back(' ');
296     string record=line.substr(0,6);
297     string serial=line.substr(6,5);
298     string atomname=line.substr(12,4);
299     string residuename=line.substr(17,3);
300     string chainID=line.substr(21,1);
301     string resnum=line.substr(22,4);
302     string x=line.substr(30,8);
303     string y=line.substr(38,8);
304     string z=line.substr(46,8);
305     string occ=line.substr(54,6);
306     string bet=line.substr(60,6);
307     string BoxX=line.substr(6,9);
308     string BoxY=line.substr(15,9);
309     string BoxZ=line.substr(24,9);
310     string BoxA=line.substr(33,7);
311     string BoxB=line.substr(40,7);
312     string BoxG=line.substr(47,7);
313     Tools::trim(record);
314     if(record=="TER") { between_ters=false; block_ends.push_back( positions.size() ); }
315     if(record=="END") { file_is_alive=true;  break;}
316     if(record=="ENDMDL") { file_is_alive=true;  break;}
317     if(record=="REMARK") {
318       vector<string> v1;  v1=Tools::getWords(line.substr(6));
319       addRemark( v1 );
320     }
321     if(record=="CRYST1") {
322       Tools::convert(BoxX,BoxXYZ[0]);
323       Tools::convert(BoxY,BoxXYZ[1]);
324       Tools::convert(BoxZ,BoxXYZ[2]);
325       Tools::convert(BoxA,BoxABG[0]);
326       Tools::convert(BoxB,BoxABG[1]);
327       Tools::convert(BoxG,BoxABG[2]);
328       BoxXYZ*=scale;
329       double cosA=cos(BoxABG[0]*pi/180.);
330       double cosB=cos(BoxABG[1]*pi/180.);
331       double cosG=cos(BoxABG[2]*pi/180.);
332       double sinG=sin(BoxABG[2]*pi/180.);
333       for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++) {Box[i][0]=0.; Box[i][1]=0.; Box[i][2]=0.;}
334       Box[0][0]=BoxXYZ[0];
335       Box[1][0]=BoxXYZ[1]*cosG;
336       Box[1][1]=BoxXYZ[1]*sinG;
337       Box[2][0]=BoxXYZ[2]*cosB;
338       Box[2][1]=(BoxXYZ[2]*BoxXYZ[1]*cosA-Box[2][0]*Box[1][0])/Box[1][1];
339       Box[2][2]=sqrt(BoxXYZ[2]*BoxXYZ[2]-Box[2][0]*Box[2][0]-Box[2][1]*Box[2][1]);
340     }
341     if(record=="ATOM" || record=="HETATM") {
342       between_ters=true;
343       AtomNumber a; unsigned resno;
344       double o,b;
345       Vector p;
346       {
347         int result;
348         auto trimmed=serial;
349         Tools::trim(trimmed);
350         while(trimmed.length()<5) trimmed = std::string(" ") + trimmed;
351         const char* errmsg = h36::hy36decode(5, trimmed.c_str(),trimmed.length(), &result);
352         if(errmsg) {
353           std::string msg(errmsg);
354           plumed_merror(msg);
355         }
356         a.setSerial(result);
357       }
359       Tools::convert(resnum,resno);
360       Tools::convert(occ,o);
361       Tools::convert(bet,b);
362       Tools::convert(x,p[0]);
363       Tools::convert(y,p[1]);
364       Tools::convert(z,p[2]);
365       // scale into nm
366       p*=scale;
367       numbers.push_back(a);
368       number2index[a]=positions.size();
369       std::size_t startpos=atomname.find_first_not_of(" \t");
370       std::size_t endpos=atomname.find_last_not_of(" \t");
371       atomsymb.push_back( atomname.substr(startpos, endpos-startpos+1) );
372       residue.push_back(resno);
373       chain.push_back(chainID);
374       occupancy.push_back(o);
375       beta.push_back(b);
376       positions.push_back(p);
377       residuenames.push_back(residuename);
378     }
379   }
380   if( between_ters ) block_ends.push_back( positions.size() );
381   return file_is_alive;
382 }
read(const std::string & file,bool naturalUnits,double scale)384 bool PDB::read(const std::string&file,bool naturalUnits,double scale) {
385   FILE* fp=fopen(file.c_str(),"r");
386   if(!fp) return false;
387   readFromFilepointer(fp,naturalUnits,scale);
388   fclose(fp);
389   return true;
390 }
getChainNames(std::vector<std::string> & chains) const392 void PDB::getChainNames( std::vector<std::string>& chains ) const {
393   chains.resize(0);
394   chains.push_back( chain[0] );
395   for(unsigned i=1; i<size(); ++i) {
396     if( chains[chains.size()-1]!=chain[i] ) chains.push_back( chain[i] );
397   }
398 }
getResidueRange(const std::string & chainname,unsigned & res_start,unsigned & res_end,std::string & errmsg) const400 void PDB::getResidueRange( const std::string& chainname, unsigned& res_start, unsigned& res_end, std::string& errmsg ) const {
401   bool inres=false, foundchain=false;
402   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
403     if( chain[i]==chainname ) {
404       if(!inres) {
405         if(foundchain) errmsg="found second start of chain named " + chainname;
406         res_start=residue[i];
407       }
408       inres=true; foundchain=true;
409     } else if( inres && chain[i]!=chainname ) {
410       inres=false;
411       res_end=residue[i-1];
412     }
413   }
414   if(inres) res_end=residue[size()-1];
415 }
getAtomRange(const std::string & chainname,AtomNumber & a_start,AtomNumber & a_end,std::string & errmsg) const417 void PDB::getAtomRange( const std::string& chainname, AtomNumber& a_start, AtomNumber& a_end, std::string& errmsg ) const {
418   bool inres=false, foundchain=false;
419   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
420     if( chain[i]==chainname ) {
421       if(!inres) {
422         if(foundchain) errmsg="found second start of chain named " + chainname;
423         a_start=numbers[i];
424       }
425       inres=true; foundchain=true;
426     } else if( inres && chain[i]!=chainname ) {
427       inres=false;
428       a_end=numbers[i-1];
429     }
430   }
431   if(inres) a_end=numbers[size()-1];
432 }
getResidueName(const unsigned & resnum) const434 std::string PDB::getResidueName( const unsigned& resnum ) const {
435   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
436     if( residue[i]==resnum ) return residuenames[i];
437   }
438   std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
439   plumed_merror("residue " + num + " not found" );
440   return "";
441 }
getResidueName(const unsigned & resnum,const std::string & chainid) const443 std::string PDB::getResidueName(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chainid ) const {
444   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
445     if( residue[i]==resnum && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) return residuenames[i];
446   }
447   std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
448   plumed_merror("residue " + num + " not found in chain " + chainid );
449   return "";
450 }
getNamedAtomFromResidue(const std::string & aname,const unsigned & resnum) const453 AtomNumber PDB::getNamedAtomFromResidue( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum ) const {
454   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
455     if( residue[i]==resnum && atomsymb[i]==aname ) return numbers[i];
456   }
457   std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
458   plumed_merror("residue " + num + " does not contain an atom named " + aname );
459   return numbers[0]; // This is to stop compiler errors
460 }
getNamedAtomFromResidueAndChain(const std::string & aname,const unsigned & resnum,const std::string & chainid) const462 AtomNumber PDB::getNamedAtomFromResidueAndChain( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum, const std::string& chainid ) const {
463   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
464     if( residue[i]==resnum && atomsymb[i]==aname && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) return numbers[i];
465   }
466   std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
467   plumed_merror("residue " + num + " from chain " + chainid + " does not contain an atom named " + aname );
468   return numbers[0]; // This is to stop compiler errors
469 }
getAtomsInResidue(const unsigned & resnum,const std::string & chainid) const471 std::vector<AtomNumber> PDB::getAtomsInResidue(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chainid)const {
472   std::vector<AtomNumber> tmp;
473   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
474     if( residue[i]==resnum && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) tmp.push_back(numbers[i]);
475   }
476   if(tmp.size()==0) {
477     std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
478     plumed_merror("Cannot find residue " + num + " from chain " + chainid  );
479   }
480   return tmp;
481 }
getAtomsInChain(const std::string & chainid) const483 std::vector<AtomNumber> PDB::getAtomsInChain(const std::string& chainid)const {
484   std::vector<AtomNumber> tmp;
485   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
486     if( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid ) tmp.push_back(numbers[i]);
487   }
488   if(tmp.size()==0) {
489     plumed_merror("Cannot find atoms from chain " + chainid  );
490   }
491   return tmp;
492 }
getChainID(const unsigned & resnumber) const494 std::string PDB::getChainID(const unsigned& resnumber) const {
495   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
496     if(resnumber==residue[i]) return chain[i];
497   }
498   plumed_merror("Not enough residues in pdb input file");
499 }
checkForResidue(const std::string & name) const501 bool PDB::checkForResidue( const std::string& name ) const {
502   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
503     if( residuenames[i]==name ) return true;
504   }
505   return false;
506 }
checkForAtom(const std::string & name) const508 bool PDB::checkForAtom( const std::string& name ) const {
509   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
510     if( atomsymb[i]==name ) return true;
511   }
512   return false;
513 }
checkForAtom(AtomNumber a) const515 bool PDB::checkForAtom( AtomNumber a ) const {
516   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
517   return (p!=number2index.end());
518 }
operator <<(Log & ostr,const PDB & pdb)520 Log& operator<<(Log& ostr, const PDB&  pdb) {
521   char buffer[1000];
522   for(unsigned i=0; i<pdb.positions.size(); i++) {
523     sprintf(buffer,"ATOM %3d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",pdb.numbers[i].serial(),pdb.positions[i][0],pdb.positions[i][1],pdb.positions[i][2]);
524     ostr<<buffer;
525   }
526   return ostr;
527 }
getPosition(AtomNumber a) const529 Vector PDB::getPosition(AtomNumber a)const {
530   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
531   if(p==number2index.end()) plumed_merror("atom not available");
532   else return positions[p->second];
533 }
getArgumentNames() const535 std::vector<std::string> PDB::getArgumentNames()const {
536   return argnames;
537 }
getMtype() const539 std::string PDB::getMtype() const {
540   return mtype;
541 }
print(const double & lunits,GenericMolInfo * mymoldat,OFile & ofile,const std::string & fmt)543 void PDB::print( const double& lunits, GenericMolInfo* mymoldat, OFile& ofile, const std::string& fmt ) {
544   if( argnames.size()>0 ) {
545     ofile.printf("REMARK ARG=%s", argnames[0].c_str() );
546     for(unsigned i=1; i<argnames.size(); ++i) ofile.printf(",%s",argnames[i].c_str() );
547     ofile.printf("\n"); ofile.printf("REMARK ");
548   }
549   std::string descr2;
550   if(fmt.find("-")!=std::string::npos) {
551     descr2="%s=" + fmt + " ";
552   } else {
553     // This ensures numbers are left justified (i.e. next to the equals sign
554     std::size_t psign=fmt.find("%");
555     plumed_assert( psign!=std::string::npos );
556     descr2="%s=%-" + fmt.substr(psign+1) + " ";
557   }
558   for(std::map<std::string,double>::iterator it=arg_data.begin(); it!=arg_data.end(); ++it) ofile.printf( descr2.c_str(),it->first.c_str(), it->second );
559   if( argnames.size()>0 ) ofile.printf("\n");
560   if( !mymoldat ) {
561     for(unsigned i=0; i<positions.size(); ++i) {
562       std::array<char,6> at;
563       const char* msg = h36::hy36encode(5,numbers[i].serial(),&at[0]);
564       plumed_assert(msg==nullptr) << msg;
565       at[5]=0;
566       ofile.printf("ATOM  %s  X   RES  %4u    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n",
567                    &at[0], i,
568                    lunits*positions[i][0], lunits*positions[i][1], lunits*positions[i][2],
569                    occupancy[i], beta[i] );
570     }
571   } else {
572     for(unsigned i=0; i<positions.size(); ++i) {
573       std::array<char,6> at;
574       const char* msg = h36::hy36encode(5,numbers[i].serial(),&at[0]);
575       plumed_assert(msg==nullptr) << msg;
576       at[5]=0;
577       ofile.printf("ATOM  %s %-4s %3s  %4u    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n",
578                    &at[0], mymoldat->getAtomName(numbers[i]).c_str(),
579                    mymoldat->getResidueName(numbers[i]).c_str(), mymoldat->getResidueNumber(numbers[i]),
580                    lunits*positions[i][0], lunits*positions[i][1], lunits*positions[i][2],
581                    occupancy[i], beta[i] );
582     }
583   }
584   ofile.printf("END\n");
585 }
588 }