1 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2    Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The plumed team
3    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
5    See http://www.plumed.org for more information.
7    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
9    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12    (at your option) any later version.
14    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20    along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 #ifndef __PLUMED_tools_PDB_h
23 #define __PLUMED_tools_PDB_h
25 #include "AtomNumber.h"
26 #include "Vector.h"
27 #include <vector>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <map>
30 #include "Tensor.h"
33 namespace PLMD {
35 class GenericMolInfo;
36 class OFile;
37 class Log;
39 /// Minimalistic pdb parser.
40 /// Contain positions, atomic indexes, occupancy and beta.
41 /// We should also add other info (e.g. residue name etc).
42 class PDB {
43   std::vector<unsigned> block_ends;
44   std::vector<std::string> atomsymb, chain;
45   std::vector<unsigned> residue;
46   std::vector<Vector> positions;
47   std::vector<double> occupancy;
48   std::vector<double> beta;
49   std::vector<AtomNumber> numbers;
50   std::map<AtomNumber,unsigned> number2index;
51   std::vector<std::string> residuenames;
52   std::string mtype;
53   std::vector<std::string> flags;
54   std::vector<std::string> argnames;
55   std::map<std::string,double> arg_data;
56   Vector BoxXYZ,BoxABG;
57   Tensor Box;
58 public:
59 /// Read the pdb from a file, scaling positions by a factor scale
60   bool read(const std::string&file,bool naturalUnits,double scale);
61 /// Read from a file pointer
62   bool readFromFilepointer(FILE *fp,bool naturalUnits,double scale);
63 /// Access to the position array
64   const std::vector<Vector>     & getPositions()const;
65 /// Access to the occupancy array
66   const std::vector<double>     & getOccupancy()const;
67 /// Access to the beta array
68   const std::vector<double>     & getBeta()const;
69 /// Access to the indexes
70   const std::vector<AtomNumber> & getAtomNumbers()const;
71 ///
72   std::vector<std::string> getArgumentNames()const;
73 /// Add data to argnames map
74   void addRemark( std::vector<std::string>& v1 );
75 /// Returns the number of atoms
76   unsigned                        size()const;
77 /// Get the names of all the chains in the pdb file
78   void getChainNames( std::vector<std::string>& chains ) const;
79 /// Get the residues in each of the chains
80   void getResidueRange( const std::string& chainname, unsigned& res_start, unsigned& res_end, std::string& errmsg ) const;
81 /// Get the atoms in each of the chains
82   void getAtomRange( const std::string& chainname, AtomNumber& a_start, AtomNumber& a_end, std::string& errmsg ) const;
83 /// Get the chain ID that a particular residue is a part of
84   std::string getChainID(const unsigned& resnumber) const;
85 ///use the log to dump information
86   friend Log& operator<<(Log& ostr, const PDB& pdb);
87 /// return the name of a specific atom
88   std::string getAtomName(AtomNumber a) const;
89 /// return the residue number for a specific atom
90   unsigned getResidueNumber(AtomNumber a) const;
91 /// return the residue name for a specific atom
92   std::string getResidueName(AtomNumber a) const;
93 /// get the name of the resnum'th residue
94   std::string getResidueName(const unsigned& resnum ) const;
95 /// get the name of the resnum'th residue of chain
96 /// Chain=="*" matches any chain and makes it equivalent to getResidueName
97   std::string getResidueName(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chain ) const;
98 /// Check if any of the residues are named name
99   bool checkForResidue( const std::string& name ) const ;
100 /// Check if any of the atoms are named atom
101   bool checkForAtom( const std::string& name ) const ;
102 /// Check if specific atom exists
103   bool checkForAtom( AtomNumber a ) const ;
104 /// Return the atom named aname from residue number resnum
105   AtomNumber getNamedAtomFromResidue( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum ) const;
106 /// Return the atom named aname from residue number resnum and chain.
107 /// Chain=="*" matches any chain and makes it equivalent to getNamedAtomFromResidue.
108   AtomNumber getNamedAtomFromResidueAndChain( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum, const std::string& chain ) const;
109 /// Check if the properties that are required are in this pdb this is used in PLMD::mapping::Mapping
110 //  bool hasRequiredProperties( const std::vector<std::string>& inproperties );
111 /// This is used in PLMD::analysis::AnalysisWithDataCollection to add the sizes of the domains for PLMD::MultiRMSD
112   void addBlockEnd( const unsigned& end );
113 /// This is used in PLMD::analysis::AnalysisWithDataCollection to add the numbers of the atoms
114   void setAtomNumbers( const std::vector<AtomNumber>& atoms );
115 /// This is used in PLMD::analysis::AnalysisWithDataCollection to set the atom positions
116   void setAtomPositions( const std::vector<Vector>& pos );
117 /// Set the argument names that you would like to use
118   void setArgumentNames( const std::vector<std::string>& argument_names );
119 /// This is used in PLMD::analysis::AnalysisWithDataCollection to set the argument values
120   void setArgumentValue( const std::string& argname, const double& val );
121 /// Get the value of one of the arguments in the PDB file
122   bool getArgumentValue( const std::string& name, double& value ) const ;
123 /// Access to the atoms of a residue
124   std::vector<AtomNumber> getAtomsInResidue(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chainid)const;
125 /// Access to the atoms of a chain
126   std::vector<AtomNumber> getAtomsInChain(const std::string& chainid)const;
127 /// Get the extents of the blocks containing the atoms
128   const std::vector<unsigned> & getAtomBlockEnds() const ;
129 /// Get the number of blocks of atoms in the pdb
130   unsigned getNumberOfAtomBlocks() const ;
131 /// Set the position array
132   void setPositions(const std::vector<Vector> &v);
133 /// Access to the position array
134   Vector getPosition(AtomNumber a)const;
135 /// Print out a PDB object
136   void print( const double& lunits, GenericMolInfo* mymoldat, OFile& ofile, const std::string& fmt );
137 /// Does the PDB have this flag
138   bool hasFlag( const std::string& fname ) const ;
139 /// Get the metric type
140   std::string getMtype() const ;
141 /// Returns box axis lengths
142   const Vector & getBoxAxs()const;
143 /// Returns box axis angles
144   const Vector & getBoxAng()const;
145 /// Returns box axis vectors
146   const Tensor & getBoxVec()const;
147 };
149 }
150 #endif