1 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2    Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The plumed team
3    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
5    See http://www.plumed.org for more information.
7    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
9    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12    (at your option) any later version.
14    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20    along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 #ifndef __PLUMED_tools_Tensor_h
23 #define __PLUMED_tools_Tensor_h
25 #include "MatrixSquareBracketsAccess.h"
26 #include "Vector.h"
27 #include "LoopUnroller.h"
28 #include "Exception.h"
30 #include <array>
32 namespace PLMD {
34 /// Small class to contain local utilities.
35 /// Should not be used outside of the TensorGeneric class.
36 class TensorGenericAux {
37 public:
38 // local redefinition, just to avoid including lapack.h here
39   static void local_dsyevr(const char *jobz, const char *range, const char *uplo, int *n,
40                            double *a, int *lda, double *vl, double *vu, int *
41                            il, int *iu, double *abstol, int *m, double *w,
42                            double *z__, int *ldz, int *isuppz, double *work,
43                            int *lwork, int *iwork, int *liwork, int *info);
44 };
46 /**
47 \ingroup TOOLBOX
48 Class implementing fixed size matrices of doubles
50 \tparam n The number rows
51 \tparam m The number columns
53 This class implements a matrix of doubles with size fixed at
54 compile time. It is useful for small fixed size objects (e.g.
55 3x3 tensors) as it does not waste space to store the vector size.
56 Moreover, as the compiler knows the size, it can be completely
57 opimized inline.
58 Most of the loops are explicitly unrolled using PLMD::LoopUnroller class
59 Matrix elements are initialized to zero by default. Notice that
60 this means that constructor is a bit slow. This point might change
61 in future if we find performance issues.
62 It takes advantage of MatrixSquareBracketsAccess to provide both
63 () and [] syntax for access.
64 Several functions are declared as friends even if not necessary so as to
65 properly appear in Doxygen documentation.
67 Aliases are defined to simplify common declarations (Tensor, Tensor2d, Tensor3d, Tensor4d).
68 Also notice that some operations are only available for 3x3 tensors.
70 Example of usage
71 \verbatim
73 #include "Tensor.h"
75 using namespace PLMD;
77 int main(){
78   Tensor a;
79   TensorGeneric<3,2> b;
80   TensorGeneric<3,2> c=matmul(a,b);
81   return 0;
82 }
84 \endverbatim
85 */
86 template <unsigned n,unsigned m>
87 class TensorGeneric:
88   public MatrixSquareBracketsAccess<TensorGeneric<n,m>,double>
89 {
90   std::array<double,n*m> d;
91 /// Auxiliary private function for constructor
92   void auxiliaryConstructor();
93 /// Auxiliary private function for constructor
94   template<typename... Args>
95   void auxiliaryConstructor(double first,Args... arg);
96 public:
97 /// Constructor accepting n*m double parameters.
98 /// Can be used as Tensor<2,2>(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)
99 /// In case a wrong number of parameters is given, a static assertion will fail.
100   template<typename... Args>
101   TensorGeneric(double first,Args... arg);
102 /// initialize the tensor to zero
103   TensorGeneric();
104 /// initialize a tensor as an external product of two Vector
105   TensorGeneric(const VectorGeneric<n>&v1,const VectorGeneric<m>&v2);
106 /// set it to zero
107   void zero();
108 /// access element
109   double & operator() (unsigned i,unsigned j);
110 /// access element
111   const double & operator() (unsigned i,unsigned j)const;
112 /// increment
113   TensorGeneric& operator +=(const TensorGeneric<n,m>& b);
114 /// decrement
115   TensorGeneric& operator -=(const TensorGeneric<n,m>& b);
116 /// multiply
117   TensorGeneric& operator *=(double);
118 /// divide
119   TensorGeneric& operator /=(double);
120 /// return +t
121   TensorGeneric operator +()const;
122 /// return -t
123   TensorGeneric operator -()const;
124 /// set j-th column
125   TensorGeneric& setCol(unsigned j,const VectorGeneric<n> & c);
126 /// set i-th row
127   TensorGeneric& setRow(unsigned i,const VectorGeneric<m> & r);
128 /// get j-th column
129   VectorGeneric<n> getCol(unsigned j)const;
130 /// get i-th row
131   VectorGeneric<m> getRow(unsigned i)const;
132 /// return t1+t2
133   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
134   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> operator+(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&);
135 /// return t1+t2
136   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
137   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> operator-(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&);
138 /// scale the tensor by a factor s
139   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
140   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> operator*(double,const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&);
141 /// scale the tensor by a factor s
142   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
143   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> operator*(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,double s);
144 /// scale the tensor by a factor 1/s
145   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
146   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> operator/(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,double s);
147 /// returns the determinant
148   double determinant()const;
149 /// return an identity tensor
150   static TensorGeneric<n,n> identity();
151 /// return the matrix inverse
152   TensorGeneric inverse()const;
153 /// return the transpose matrix
154   TensorGeneric<m,n> transpose()const;
155 /// matrix-matrix multiplication
156   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_,unsigned l_>
157   friend TensorGeneric<n_,l_> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const TensorGeneric<m_,l_>&);
158 /// matrix-vector multiplication
159   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
160   friend VectorGeneric<n_> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const VectorGeneric<m_>&);
161 /// vector-matrix multiplication
162   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
163   friend VectorGeneric<n_> matmul(const VectorGeneric<m_>&,const TensorGeneric<m_,n_>&);
164 /// vector-vector multiplication (maps to dotProduct)
165   template<unsigned n_>
166   friend double matmul(const VectorGeneric<n_>&,const VectorGeneric<n_>&);
167 /// matrix-matrix-matrix multiplication
168   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_,unsigned l_,unsigned i_>
169   friend TensorGeneric<n_,i_> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const TensorGeneric<m_,l_>&,const TensorGeneric<l_,i_>&);
170 /// matrix-matrix-vector multiplication
171   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_,unsigned l_>
172   friend VectorGeneric<n_> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const TensorGeneric<m_,l_>&,const VectorGeneric<l_>&);
173 /// vector-matrix-matrix multiplication
174   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_,unsigned l_>
175   friend VectorGeneric<l_> matmul(const VectorGeneric<n_>&,const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const TensorGeneric<m_,l_>&);
176 /// vector-matrix-vector multiplication
177   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
178   friend double matmul(const VectorGeneric<n_>&,const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&,const VectorGeneric<m_>&);
179 /// returns the determinant of a tensor
180   friend double determinant(const TensorGeneric<3,3>&);
181 /// returns the inverse of a tensor (same as inverse())
182   friend TensorGeneric<3,3> inverse(const TensorGeneric<3,3>&);
183 /// returns the transpose of a tensor (same as transpose())
184   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
185   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> transpose(const TensorGeneric<m_,n_>&);
186 /// returns the transpose of a tensor (same as TensorGeneric(const VectorGeneric&,const VectorGeneric&))
187   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
188   friend TensorGeneric<n_,m_> extProduct(const VectorGeneric<n>&,const VectorGeneric<m>&);
189   friend TensorGeneric<3,3> dcrossDv1(const VectorGeneric<3>&,const VectorGeneric<3>&);
190   friend TensorGeneric<3,3> dcrossDv2(const VectorGeneric<3>&,const VectorGeneric<3>&);
191   friend TensorGeneric<3,3> VcrossTensor(const VectorGeneric<3>&,const TensorGeneric<3,3>&);
192   friend TensorGeneric<3,3> VcrossTensor(const TensorGeneric<3,3>&,const VectorGeneric<3>&);
193 /// Derivative of a normalized vector
194   friend TensorGeneric<3,3> deriNorm(const VectorGeneric<3>&,const TensorGeneric<3,3>&);
195 /// << operator.
196 /// Allows printing tensor `t` with `std::cout<<t;`
197   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
198   friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TensorGeneric<n_,m_>&);
199 /// Diagonalize tensor.
200 /// Syntax is the same as Matrix::diagMat.
201 /// In addition, it is possible to call if with m_ smaller than n_. In this case,
202 /// only the first (smaller) m_ eigenvalues and eigenvectors are retrieved.
203 /// If case lapack fails (info!=0) it throws an exception.
204 /// Notice that tensor is assumed to be symmetric!!!
205   template<unsigned n_,unsigned m_>
206   friend void diagMatSym(const TensorGeneric<n_,n_>&,VectorGeneric<m_>&evals,TensorGeneric<m_,n_>&evec);
207 };
209 template <unsigned n,unsigned m>
auxiliaryConstructor()210 void TensorGeneric<n,m>::auxiliaryConstructor()
211 {}
213 template <unsigned n,unsigned m>
214 template<typename... Args>
auxiliaryConstructor(double first,Args...arg)215 void TensorGeneric<n,m>::auxiliaryConstructor(double first,Args... arg)
216 {
217   d[n*m-(sizeof...(Args))-1]=first;
218   auxiliaryConstructor(arg...);
219 }
221 template <unsigned n,unsigned m>
222 template<typename... Args>
TensorGeneric(double first,Args...arg)223 TensorGeneric<n,m>::TensorGeneric(double first,Args... arg)
224 {
225   static_assert((sizeof...(Args))+1==n*m,"you are trying to initialize a Tensor with the wrong number of arguments");
226   auxiliaryConstructor(first,arg...);
227 }
229 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
TensorGeneric()230 TensorGeneric<n,m>::TensorGeneric() {
231   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_zero(d.data());
232 }
234 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
TensorGeneric(const VectorGeneric<n> & v1,const VectorGeneric<m> & v2)235 TensorGeneric<n,m>::TensorGeneric(const VectorGeneric<n>&v1,const VectorGeneric<m>&v2) {
236   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++)for(unsigned j=0; j<m; j++)d[i*m+j]=v1[i]*v2[j];
237 }
239 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
zero()240 void TensorGeneric<n,m>::zero() {
241   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_zero(d.data());
242 }
244 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
operator()245 double & TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator() (unsigned i,unsigned j) {
246 #ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
247 // index i is implicitly checked by the std::array class
248   plumed_assert(j<m);
249 #endif
250   return d[m*i+j];
251 }
253 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
operator()254 const double & TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator() (unsigned i,unsigned j)const {
255 #ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
256 // index i is implicitly checked by the std::array class
257   plumed_assert(j<m);
258 #endif
259   return d[m*i+j];
260 }
262 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
263 TensorGeneric<n,m>& TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator +=(const TensorGeneric<n,m>& b) {
264   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_add(d.data(),b.d.data());
265   return *this;
266 }
268 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
269 TensorGeneric<n,m>& TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator -=(const TensorGeneric<n,m>& b) {
270   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_sub(d.data(),b.d.data());
271   return *this;
272 }
274 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
275 TensorGeneric<n,m>& TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator *=(double s) {
276   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_mul(d.data(),s);
277   return *this;
278 }
280 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
281 TensorGeneric<n,m>& TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator /=(double s) {
282   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_mul(d.data(),1.0/s);
283   return *this;
284 }
286 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
287 TensorGeneric<n,m> TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator+()const {
288   return *this;
289 }
291 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
292 TensorGeneric<n,m> TensorGeneric<n,m>::operator-()const {
293   TensorGeneric<n,m> r;
294   LoopUnroller<n*m>::_neg(r.d.data(),d.data());
295   return r;
296 }
298 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
setCol(unsigned j,const VectorGeneric<n> & c)299 TensorGeneric<n,m>& TensorGeneric<n,m>::setCol(unsigned j,const VectorGeneric<n> & c) {
300   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) (*this)(i,j)=c(i);
301   return *this;
302 }
304 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
setRow(unsigned i,const VectorGeneric<m> & r)305 TensorGeneric<n,m>& TensorGeneric<n,m>::setRow(unsigned i,const VectorGeneric<m> & r) {
306   for(unsigned j=0; j<m; ++j) (*this)(i,j)=r(j);
307   return *this;
308 }
310 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
getCol(unsigned j)311 VectorGeneric<n> TensorGeneric<n,m>::getCol(unsigned j)const {
312   VectorGeneric<n> v;
313   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) v(i)=(*this)(i,j);
314   return v;
315 }
317 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
getRow(unsigned i)318 VectorGeneric<m> TensorGeneric<n,m>::getRow(unsigned i)const {
319   VectorGeneric<m> v;
320   for(unsigned j=0; j<m; ++j) v(j)=(*this)(i,j);
321   return v;
322 }
324 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
325 TensorGeneric<n,m> operator+(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t1,const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t2) {
326   TensorGeneric<n,m> t(t1);
327   t+=t2;
328   return t;
329 }
331 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
332 TensorGeneric<n,m> operator-(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t1,const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t2) {
333   TensorGeneric<n,m> t(t1);
334   t-=t2;
335   return t;
336 }
338 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
339 TensorGeneric<n,m> operator*(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t1,double s) {
340   TensorGeneric<n,m> t(t1);
341   t*=s;
342   return t;
343 }
345 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
346 TensorGeneric<n,m> operator*(double s,const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t1) {
347   return t1*s;
348 }
350 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
351 TensorGeneric<n,m> operator/(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&t1,double s) {
352   return t1*(1.0/s);
353 }
355 template<>
356 inline
determinant()357 double TensorGeneric<3,3>::determinant()const {
358   return
359     d[0]*d[4]*d[8]
360     + d[1]*d[5]*d[6]
361     + d[2]*d[3]*d[7]
362     - d[0]*d[5]*d[7]
363     - d[1]*d[3]*d[8]
364     - d[2]*d[4]*d[6];
365 }
367 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
368 inline
identity()369 TensorGeneric<n,n> TensorGeneric<n,m>::identity() {
370   TensorGeneric<n,n> t;
371   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) t(i,i)=1.0;
372   return t;
373 }
375 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
transpose()376 TensorGeneric<m,n> TensorGeneric<n,m>::transpose()const {
377   TensorGeneric<m,n> t;
378   for(unsigned i=0; i<m; i++)for(unsigned j=0; j<n; j++) t(i,j)=(*this)(j,i);
379   return t;
380 }
382 template<>
383 inline
inverse()384 TensorGeneric<3,3> TensorGeneric<3,3>::inverse()const {
385   TensorGeneric t;
386   double invdet=1.0/determinant();
387   for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++) for(unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
388       t(j,i)=invdet*(   (*this)((i+1)%3,(j+1)%3)*(*this)((i+2)%3,(j+2)%3)
389                         -(*this)((i+1)%3,(j+2)%3)*(*this)((i+2)%3,(j+1)%3));
390   return t;
391 }
393 template<unsigned n,unsigned m,unsigned l>
matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m> & a,const TensorGeneric<m,l> & b)394 TensorGeneric<n,l> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&a,const TensorGeneric<m,l>&b) {
395   TensorGeneric<n,l> t;
396   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) for(unsigned j=0; j<l; j++) for(unsigned k=0; k<m; k++) {
397         t(i,j)+=a(i,k)*b(k,j);
398       }
399   return t;
400 }
402 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m> & a,const VectorGeneric<m> & b)403 VectorGeneric<n> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&a,const VectorGeneric<m>&b) {
404   VectorGeneric<n> t;
405   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) for(unsigned j=0; j<m; j++) t(i)+=a(i,j)*b(j);
406   return t;
407 }
409 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
matmul(const VectorGeneric<m> & a,const TensorGeneric<m,n> & b)410 VectorGeneric<n> matmul(const VectorGeneric<m>&a,const TensorGeneric<m,n>&b) {
411   VectorGeneric<n> t;
412   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++) for(unsigned j=0; j<m; j++) t(i)+=a(j)*b(j,i);
413   return t;
414 }
416 template<unsigned n_>
matmul(const VectorGeneric<n_> & a,const VectorGeneric<n_> & b)417 double matmul(const VectorGeneric<n_>&a,const VectorGeneric<n_>&b) {
418   return dotProduct(a,b);
419 }
421 template<unsigned n,unsigned m,unsigned l,unsigned i>
matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m> & a,const TensorGeneric<m,l> & b,const TensorGeneric<l,i> & c)422 TensorGeneric<n,i> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&a,const TensorGeneric<m,l>&b,const TensorGeneric<l,i>&c) {
423   return matmul(matmul(a,b),c);
424 }
426 template<unsigned n,unsigned m,unsigned l>
matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m> & a,const TensorGeneric<m,l> & b,const VectorGeneric<l> & c)427 VectorGeneric<n> matmul(const TensorGeneric<n,m>&a,const TensorGeneric<m,l>&b,const VectorGeneric<l>&c) {
428   return matmul(matmul(a,b),c);
429 }
431 template<unsigned n,unsigned m,unsigned l>
matmul(const VectorGeneric<n> & a,const TensorGeneric<n,m> & b,const TensorGeneric<m,l> & c)432 VectorGeneric<l> matmul(const VectorGeneric<n>&a,const TensorGeneric<n,m>&b,const TensorGeneric<m,l>&c) {
433   return matmul(matmul(a,b),c);
434 }
436 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
matmul(const VectorGeneric<n> & a,const TensorGeneric<n,m> & b,const VectorGeneric<m> & c)437 double matmul(const VectorGeneric<n>&a,const TensorGeneric<n,m>&b,const VectorGeneric<m>&c) {
438   return matmul(matmul(a,b),c);
439 }
441 inline
determinant(const TensorGeneric<3,3> & t)442 double determinant(const TensorGeneric<3,3>&t) {
443   return t.determinant();
444 }
446 inline
inverse(const TensorGeneric<3,3> & t)447 TensorGeneric<3,3> inverse(const TensorGeneric<3,3>&t) {
448   return t.inverse();
449 }
451 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
transpose(const TensorGeneric<m,n> & t)452 TensorGeneric<n,m> transpose(const TensorGeneric<m,n>&t) {
453   return t.transpose();
454 }
456 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
extProduct(const VectorGeneric<n> & v1,const VectorGeneric<m> & v2)457 TensorGeneric<n,m> extProduct(const VectorGeneric<n>&v1,const VectorGeneric<m>&v2) {
458   return TensorGeneric<n,m>(v1,v2);
459 }
461 inline
dcrossDv1(const VectorGeneric<3> & v1,const VectorGeneric<3> & v2)462 TensorGeneric<3,3> dcrossDv1(const VectorGeneric<3>&v1,const VectorGeneric<3>&v2) {
463   (void) v1; // this is to avoid warnings. still the syntax of this function is a bit dummy...
464   return TensorGeneric<3,3>(
465            0.0, v2[2],-v2[1],
466            -v2[2],   0.0, v2[0],
467            v2[1],-v2[0],   0.0);
468 }
470 inline
dcrossDv2(const VectorGeneric<3> & v1,const VectorGeneric<3> & v2)471 TensorGeneric<3,3> dcrossDv2(const VectorGeneric<3>&v1,const VectorGeneric<3>&v2) {
472   (void) v2; // this is to avoid warnings. still the syntax of this function is a bit dummy...
473   return TensorGeneric<3,3>(
474            0.0,-v1[2],v1[1],
475            v1[2],0.0,-v1[0],
476            -v1[1],v1[0],0.0);
477 }
479 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
480 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TensorGeneric<n,m>& t) {
481   for(unsigned i=0; i<n; i++)for(unsigned j=0; j<m; j++) {
482       if(i!=(n-1) || j!=(m-1)) os<<t(i,j)<<" ";
483       else os<<t(i,j);
484     }
485   return os;
486 }
488 /// \ingroup TOOLBOX
489 typedef TensorGeneric<1,1> Tensor1d;
490 /// \ingroup TOOLBOX
491 typedef TensorGeneric<2,2> Tensor2d;
492 /// \ingroup TOOLBOX
493 typedef TensorGeneric<3,3> Tensor3d;
494 /// \ingroup TOOLBOX
495 typedef TensorGeneric<4,4> Tensor4d;
496 /// \ingroup TOOLBOX
497 typedef TensorGeneric<5,5> Tensor5d;
498 /// \ingroup TOOLBOX
499 typedef Tensor3d Tensor;
501 inline
VcrossTensor(const VectorGeneric<3> & v1,const TensorGeneric<3,3> & v2)502 TensorGeneric<3,3> VcrossTensor(const VectorGeneric<3>&v1,const TensorGeneric<3,3>&v2) {
504   TensorGeneric<3,3> t;
505   for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++) {
506     t.setRow(i,matmul(dcrossDv2(v1,v1),v2.getRow(i)));
507   }
508   return t;
509 }
511 inline
VcrossTensor(const TensorGeneric<3,3> & v2,const VectorGeneric<3> & v1)512 TensorGeneric<3,3> VcrossTensor(const TensorGeneric<3,3>&v2,const VectorGeneric<3>&v1) {
513   TensorGeneric<3,3> t;
514   for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++) {
515     t.setRow(i,-matmul(dcrossDv2(v1,v1),v2.getRow(i)));
516   }
517   return t;
518 }
521 inline
deriNorm(const VectorGeneric<3> & v1,const TensorGeneric<3,3> & v2)522 TensorGeneric<3,3> deriNorm(const VectorGeneric<3>&v1,const TensorGeneric<3,3>&v2) {
523   // delta(v) = delta(v1/v1.norm) = 1/v1.norm*(delta(v1) - (v.delta(v1))cross v;
524   double over_norm = 1./v1.modulo();
525   return over_norm*(v2 - over_norm*over_norm*(extProduct(matmul(v2,v1),v1)));
526 }
528 template<unsigned n,unsigned m>
diagMatSym(const TensorGeneric<n,n> & mat,VectorGeneric<m> & evals,TensorGeneric<m,n> & evec)529 void diagMatSym(const TensorGeneric<n,n>&mat,VectorGeneric<m>&evals,TensorGeneric<m,n>&evec) {
530   // some guess number to make sure work is large enough.
531   // for correctness it should be >=20. However, it is recommended to be the block size.
532   // I put some likely exaggerated number
533   constexpr int bs=100;
534   // temporary data, on stack so as to avoid allocations
535   std::array<int,10*n> iwork;
536   std::array<double,(6+bs)*n> work;
537   std::array<int,2*m> isup;
538   int nn=n;              // dimension of matrix
539   double vl=0.0, vu=1.0; // ranges - not used
540   int one=1,mm=m;        // minimum and maximum index
541   double abstol=0.0;     // tolerance
542   int mout=0;            // number of eigenvalues found (same as mm)
543   int info=0;            // result
544   int liwork=iwork.size();
545   int lwork=work.size();
546   TensorGenericAux::local_dsyevr("V", (n==m?"A":"I"), "U", &nn, const_cast<double*>(&mat[0][0]), &nn, &vl, &vu, &one, &mm,
547                                  &abstol, &mout, &evals[0], &evec[0][0], &nn,
548                                  isup.data(), work.data(), &lwork, iwork.data(), &liwork, &info);
549   if(info!=0) plumed_error()<<"Error diagonalizing matrix\n"
550                               <<"Matrix:\n"<<mat<<"\n"
551                               <<"Info: "<<info<<"\n";
552   plumed_assert(mout==m);
553   // This changes eigenvectors so that the first non-null element
554   // of each of them is positive
555   // We can do it because the phase is arbitrary, and helps making
556   // the result reproducible
557   for(int i=0; i<m; ++i) {
558     int j=0;
559     for(j=0; j<n; j++) if(evec(i,j)*evec(i,j)>1e-14) break;
560     if(j<n) if(evec(i,j)<0.0) for(j=0; j<n; j++) evec(i,j)*=-1;
561   }
562 }
565 }
567 #endif