2!  Copyright (C) 2013, Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory
3!  See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
5!     This is part of the PnetCDF package.
7!     $Id: tst_io.f90 2147 2015-10-09 23:50:26Z wkliao $
9! This program tests large files (> 4 GB) in PnetCDF.
11program tst_io
12  use mpi
13  use pnetcdf
14  implicit none
15  integer, parameter :: EightByteInt = selected_int_kind(18)
16  integer(kind=EightByteInt), parameter :: prsz1 = 50, prsz2 = 50, &
17       prsz3 = 50, prsz4 = 50, repct = 10
18  integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
19  real :: psr
20  integer :: err, ierr, get_args
21  integer :: start, now, ncint1, ncint2, size
22  ! integer :: wrint1, wrint2, wrint3, ncint3
23  real, dimension (prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4) :: s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
24  character(len = *), parameter :: nclFilenm1 = 'tst_io1.nc', &
25       nclFilenm2 = 'tst_io2.nc', nclFilenm3 = 'tst_io3.nc', &
26       nclFilenm4 = 'tst_io4.nc', nclFilenm5 = 'tst_io5.nc', &
27       nclFilenm6 = 'tst_io6.nc', nclFilenm7 = 'tst_io7.nc', &
28       nclFilenm8 = 'tst_io8.nc', nclFilenm9 = 'tst_io9.nc', &
29       nclFilenm10 = 'tst_io10.nc', nclFilenm11 = 'tst_io11.nc'
30  ! needed for netcdf
31  integer :: ncid, x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, vrid
32  ! integer :: vrids, vridt, vridu, vridv, vridw, vridx, vridy, vridz
33  character(LEN=256) dirpath, cmd, msg
34  integer my_rank, p
36  call MPI_Init(ierr)
37  call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank, ierr)
38  call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, p, ierr)
40  ! take filename from command-line argument if there is any
41  if (my_rank .EQ. 0) then
42      dirpath = '.'
43      err = get_args(cmd, dirpath)
44  endif
45  call MPI_Bcast(err, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
46  if (err .EQ. 0) goto 999
48  call MPI_Bcast(dirpath, 256, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
50!  if (p .ne. 1 .AND. my_rank .eq. 0) then
51!     print *, 'Warning: ',trim(cmd),' is design to run on 1 process'
52!  endif
54  psr = 1.7/real(prsz1)
55  ! print *, "Starting data initialization."
56  size = (prsz1 * prsz2 * prsz3 * prsz4 )/ 250000
57  do i1 = 1, prsz1
58     do i2 = 1, prsz2
59        do i3 = 1, prsz3 ! Jackson Pollock it is not
60           do i4 = 1, prsz4
61              x(i1, i2, i3, i4) = sin(i1*psr)*(0.5 + cos(i2*psr))+(psr/i3)+ i4/(10.0*prsz4)
62              s(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) - 5.0
63              t(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) - 4.0
64              u(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) - 3.0
65              v(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) - 2.0
66              w(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) - 1.0
67              y(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) + 1.0
68              z(i1, i2, i3, i4) = x(i1, i2, i3, i4) + 2.0
69           enddo
70        enddo
71     enddo
72  enddo
74  ! call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm1, ncid, vrid, x, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
75  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm1, ncid, vrid, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
76       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 20)
77  call system_clock(start)
78  call check(nfmpi_begin_indep_data(ncid), 11)
79  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vrid, x), 18)
80  call check(nfmpi_end_indep_data(ncid), 11)
81  call system_clock(now)
82  ncint1 = now - start
83!   print 3, size, "MB"," netcdf write = ", ncint1 * clockRate, &
84!        real(ncint1)/real (wrint1)
85! 3 format("Time for", i5, a, a25, i7, " msec. Spd ratio = ", f5.2)
87  call check (NF90MPI_CLOSE(ncid), 14)
89  call system_clock(start)
90  do i1 = 1, repct
91     ! call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm1, ncid, vrid, x, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
92     call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm1, ncid, vrid, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
93          x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 130)
94     call check(nfmpi_begin_indep_data(ncid), 11)
95     call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vrid, x), 23 + i1)
96     call check(nfmpi_end_indep_data(ncid), 11)
97     call check (NF90MPI_CLOSE(ncid), 15)
98  enddo
99  call system_clock(now)
100  ncint2 = now - start
101!   print 4, size, repct, " repeated netcdf writes = ", ncint2 * clockRate, &
102!        real(ncint2)/real(wrint2);
103! 4 format("Time for", i5, "MB", i3, a22, i7, " msec. Spd ratio = ", f5.2)
105!  call system_clock(start)
106!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm3, ncid, vrids, s, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
107!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 20)
108!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm4, ncid, vridt, t, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
109!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 30)
110!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm5, ncid, vridu, u, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
111!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 40)
112!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm6, ncid, vridv, v, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
113!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 50)
114!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm7, ncid, vridw, w, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
115!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 60)
116!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm8, ncid, vridx, x, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
117!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 70)
118!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm9, ncid, vridy, y, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
119!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 80)
120!  call setupNetCDF (trim(dirpath)//'/'//nclFilenm10, ncid, vridz, z, prsz1, prsz2, prsz3, prsz4, &
121!       x1id, x2id, x3id, x4id, NF90_CLOBBER, 90)
122!  call check(nfmpi_begin_indep_data(ncid), 11)
123!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vrids, s), 118)
124!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridt, t), 119)
125!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridu, u), 120)
126!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridv, v), 121)
127!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridw, w), 122)
128!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridx, x), 123)
129!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridy, y), 124)
130!  call check (NF90MPI_PUT_VAR(ncid, vridz, z), 125)
131!  call check(nfmpi_end_indep_data(ncid), 11)
132!  call system_clock(now)
133!  ncint3 = now - start
134!  call check (NF90MPI_CLOSE(ncid), 16)
135!   print 4, size, 8, " netcdf file writes = ", ncint3 * clockRate, &
136!        real(ncint3)/real(wrint3);
138   msg = '*** TESTING F90 '//trim(cmd)
139   if (my_rank .eq. 0) call pass_fail(0, msg)
141 999 call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
144  subroutine check (st, n) ! checks the return error code
145    integer, intent (in) :: st, n
146    if ((n < 10.and.st /= 0).or.(n > 10.and.st /= NF90_noerr))then
147       print *, "I/O error at", n, " status = ", st
148       stop 2
149    endif
150  end subroutine check
152!  subroutine setupNetCDF(fn, nc, vr, vrnam, d1, d2, d3, d4, do1, do2, &
153!    real, dimension (:, :, :, :), intent (in) :: vrnam
154  subroutine setupNetCDF(fn, nc, vr, d1, d2, d3, d4, do1, do2, &
155       do3, do4, stat, deb)
157    character(len = *), intent(in) :: fn
158    integer(kind=EightByteInt), intent(in) :: d1, d2, d3, d4
159    integer, intent(in) :: stat, deb
160    integer, intent(out) :: do1, do2, do3, do4, vr
161    integer, intent(inout) :: nc
162    integer, dimension(4) :: dimids (4)
164    call check (NF90MPI_CREATE (MPI_COMM_WORLD, fn, stat, MPI_INFO_NULL, nc), deb + 1)
165    call check (NF90MPI_DEF_DIM(nc, "d1", d1, do1), deb + 2)
166    call check (NF90MPI_DEF_DIM(nc, "d2", d2, do2), deb + 3)
167    call check (NF90MPI_DEF_DIM(nc, "d3", d3, do3), deb + 4)
168    call check (NF90MPI_DEF_DIM(nc, "d4", d4, do4), deb + 5)
170    dimids = (/ do1, do2, do3, do4 /)
171    call check (NF90MPI_DEF_VAR(nc, "data", NF90_REAL, dimids, vr), deb + 6)
172    call check (NF90MPI_ENDDEF (nc), deb + 7)
174  end subroutine setupNetCDF
176end program tst_io