1# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
2# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
4# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
5# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
6# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
8# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
10# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
12# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
13# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
14# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
15# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
16# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
18# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
19# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
20# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
23# Water Bridge Analysis
24r"""Water Bridge analysis --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.analysis.hbonds.WaterBridgeAnalysis`
27:Author: Zhiyi Wu
28:Year: 2017
29:Copyright: GNU Public License v3
30:Maintainer: Zhiyi Wu <zhiyi.wu@gtc.ox.ac.uk>,  `@xiki-tempula`_ on GitHub
33.. _`@xiki-tempula`: https://github.com/xiki-tempula
36Given a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` (simulation
37trajectory with 1 or more frames) measure all water bridges for each
38frame between selections 1 and 2.
39Water bridge is defined as a bridging water which simultaneously forms
40two hydrogen bonds with atoms from both selection 1 and selection 2.
42A water bridge can form between two hydrogen bond acceptors.
44e.g. -CO\ :sub:`2`\ :sup:`-`:···H−O−H···:\ :sup:`-`\ O\ :sub:`2`\ C-
46A water bridge can also form between two hydrogen bond donors.
48e.g. -NH···:O:···HN- (where O is the oxygen of a bridging water)
50A hydrogen bond acceptor and another hydrogen bond donor can be bridged by a
53e.g. -CO\ :sub:`2`\ :sup:`-`:···H−O:···HN- (where H−O is part of **H−O**\ −H)
55The :class:`WaterBridgeAnalysis` class is modeled after the  \
58The following keyword arguments are important to control the behavior of the
59water bridge analysis:
61 - *water_selection* (``resname SOL``): the selection string for the bridging
62   water
63 - donor-acceptor *distance* (Å): 3.0
64 - Angle *cutoff* (degrees): 120.0
65 - *forcefield* to switch between default values for different force fields
66 - *donors* and *acceptors* atom types (to add additional atom names)
68.. _wb_Analysis_Output:
73The results are a list of hydrogen bonds between the selection 1 or selection 2
74and the bridging water.
76Each list is formated similar to the \ :attr:`HydrogenBondAnalysis.timeseries
78and contains
80  - the **identities** of donor and acceptor heavy-atoms,
81  - the **distance** between the heavy atom acceptor atom and the hydrogen atom
82  - the **angle** donor-hydrogen-acceptor angle (180º is linear).
84Water bridge data are returned per frame, which is stored in \
85:attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries` (In the following description, ``#``
86indicates comments that are not part of the output.)::
88    results = [
89        [ # frame 1
90           # hbonds linking the selection 1 and selection 2 to the bridging
91           # water 1
92           [ # hbond 1 from selection 1 to the bridging water 1
93              <donor index (0-based)>,
94              <acceptor index (0-based)>, <donor string>, <acceptor string>,
95              <distance>, <angle>
96           ],
97           [ # hbond 2 from selection 1 to the bridging water 1
98              <donor index (0-based)>,
99              <acceptor index (0-based)>, <donor string>, <acceptor string>,
100              <distance>, <angle>
101           ],
102           [ # hbond 1 from selection 2 to the bridging water 1
103              <donor index (0-based)>,
104              <acceptor index (0-based)>, <donor string>, <acceptor string>,
105              <distance>, <angle>
106           ],
107           [ # hbond 2 from selection 2 to the bridging water 1
108              <donor index (0-based)>,
109              <acceptor index (0-based)>, <donor string>, <acceptor string>,
110              <distance>, <angle>
111           ],
113           # hbonds linking the selection 1 and selection 2 to the bridging
114           # water 2
115           [ # hbond 1 from selection 1 to the bridging water 2
116              <donor index (0-based)>,
117              <acceptor index (0-based)>, <donor string>, <acceptor string>,
118              <distance>, <angle>
119           ],
120           [ # hbond 1 from selection 2 to the bridging water 2
121              <donor index (0-based)>,
122              <acceptor index (0-based)>, <donor string>, <acceptor string>,
123              <distance>, <angle>
124           ],
125           ....
126        ],
127        [ # frame 2
128          [ ... ], [ ... ], ...
129        ],
130        ...
131    ]
133Using the :meth:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.generate_table` method one can reformat
134the results as a flat "normalised" table that is easier to import into a
135database or dataframe for further processing.
136:meth:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.save_table` saves the table to a pickled file. The
137table itself is a :class:`numpy.recarray`.
139Detection of water bridges
141Water bridges are recorded if a bridging water simultaneously forms two
142hydrogen bonds with selection 1 and selection 2.
144Hydrogen bonds are detected as is described in \
145:class:`~MDAnalysis.analysis.hbonds.hbond_analysis.HydrogenBondAnalysis`, see \
148The lists of donor and acceptor names can be extended by providing lists of
149atom names in the `donors` and `acceptors` keywords to
150:class:`WaterBridgeAnalysis`. If the lists are entirely inappropriate
151(e.g. when analysing simulations done with a force field that uses very
152different atom names) then one should either use the value "other" for
153`forcefield` to set no default values, or derive a new class and set the
154default list oneself::
156 class WaterBridgeAnalysis_OtherFF(WaterBridgeAnalysis):
157       DEFAULT_DONORS = {"OtherFF": tuple(set([...]))}
158       DEFAULT_ACCEPTORS = {"OtherFF": tuple(set([...]))}
160Then simply use the new class instead of the parent class and call it with
161`forcefield` = "OtherFF". Please also consider contributing the list of heavy
162atom names to MDAnalysis.
164How to perform WaterBridgeAnalysis
167All water bridges between arginine and aspartic acid can be analysed with ::
169  import MDAnalysis
170  import MDAnalysis.analysis.hbonds
172  u = MDAnalysis.Universe('topology', 'trajectory')
173  w = MDAnalysis.analysis.hbonds.WaterBridgeAnalysis(u, 'resname ARG', 'resname ASP')
174  w.run()
176The results are stored as the attribute
177:attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries`; see :ref:`wb_Analysis_Output` for the
180An example of using the :attr:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries` would be
181detecting the percentage of time a certain water bridge exits.
183Trajectory :code:`u` has two frames, where the first frame contains a water
184bridge from the oxygen of the first arginine to the oxygen of the third
185aspartate. No water bridge is detected in the second frame. ::
187  print(w.timeseries)
189prints out (the comments are not part of the data structure but are added here
190for clarity): ::
192  [ # frame 1
193    # A water bridge SOL2 links O from ARG1 and ASP3
194   [[0,1,'ARG1:O',  'SOL2:HW1',3.0,180],
195    [2,3,'SOL2:HW2','ASP3:O',  3.0,180],
196   ],
197    # frame 2
198    # No water bridge detected
199   []
200  ]
202To calculate the percentage, we can iterate through :code:`w.timeseries`. ::
204  water_bridge_presence = []
205  for frame in w.timeseries:
206      if frame:
207          water_bridge_presence.append(True)
208      else:
209          water_bridge_presence.append(False)
210  p_bridge = float(sum(water_bridge_presence))/len(water_bridge_presence)
211  print("Fraction of time with water bridge present: {}".format(p_bridge))
213In the example above, :code:`p_bridge` would become 0.5, i.e., for 50% of the
214trajectory a water bridge was detected between the selected residues.
216Alternatively, :meth:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.count_by_type` can also be used to
217generate the frequence of all water bridges in the simulation. ::
219  w.count_by_type()
221Returns ::
223  [(0, 3, 'ARG', 1, 'O', 'ASP', 3, 'O', 0.5)]
225For further data analysis, it is convenient to process the
226:attr:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries` data into a normalized table with the
227:meth:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.generate_table` method, which creates a new data
228structure :attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.table` that contains one row for each
229observation of a hydrogen bond::
231  w.generate_table()
233This table can then be easily turned into, e.g., a `pandas.DataFrame`_, and
234further analyzed::
236  import pandas as pd
237  df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(w.table)
240.. _pandas.DataFrame: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.html
245.. autoclass:: WaterBridgeAnalysis
246   :members:
248   .. attribute:: timesteps
250      List of the times of each timestep. This can be used together with
251      :attr:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries` to find the specific time point
252      of a water bridge existence, or see :attr:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.table`.
254   .. attribute:: table
256      A normalised table of the data in
257      :attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries`, generated by
258      :meth:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.generate_table`. It is a
259      :class:`numpy.recarray` with the following columns:
261          0. "time"
262          1. "donor_index"
263          2. "acceptor_index"
264          3. "donor_resnm"
265          4. "donor_resid"
266          5. "donor_atom"
267          6. "acceptor_resnm"
268          7. "acceptor_resid"
269          8. "acceptor_atom"
270          9. "distance"
271          10. "angle"
273      It takes up more space than :attr:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries` but
274      it is easier to analyze and to import into databases or dataframes.
277      .. rubric:: Example
279      For example, to create a `pandas.DataFrame`_ from ``h.table``::
281         import pandas as pd
282         df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(w.table)
284from __future__ import absolute_import, division
285import six
287from collections import defaultdict
288import logging
289import warnings
291import numpy as np
293from .hbond_analysis import HydrogenBondAnalysis
294from MDAnalysis.lib.NeighborSearch import AtomNeighborSearch
295from MDAnalysis.lib.log import ProgressMeter
296from MDAnalysis.lib import distances
297from MDAnalysis import SelectionWarning
299logger = logging.getLogger('MDAnalysis.analysis.wbridges')
301class WaterBridgeAnalysis(HydrogenBondAnalysis):
302    """Perform a water bridge analysis
304    The analysis of the trajectory is performed with the
305    :meth:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.run` method. The result is stored in
306    :attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries`. See
307    :meth:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.run` for the format.
309    :class:`WaterBridgeAnalysis` uses the same default atom names as
310    :class:`~MDAnalysis.analysis.hbonds.hbond_analysis.HydrogenBondAnalysis`,
311    see :ref:`Default atom names for hydrogen bonding analysis`
314    .. versionadded:: 0.17.0
315    """
316    def __init__(self, universe, selection1='protein',
317                 selection2='not resname SOL', water_selection='resname SOL',
318                 selection1_type='both', update_selection1=False,
319                 update_selection2=False, update_water_selection=True,
320                 filter_first=True, distance_type='hydrogen', distance=3.0,
321                 angle=120.0, forcefield='CHARMM27', donors=None,
322                 acceptors=None, debug=None, verbose=False, **kwargs):
323        """Set up the calculation of water bridges between two selections in a
324        universe.
326        The timeseries is accessible as the attribute
327        :attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries`.
329        If no hydrogen bonds are detected or if the initial check fails, look
330        at the log output (enable with :func:`MDAnalysis.start_logging` and set
331        `verbose` ``=True``). It is likely that the default names for donors
332        and acceptors are not suitable (especially for non-standard
333        ligands). In this case, either change the `forcefield` or use
334        customized `donors` and/or `acceptors`.
336        Parameters
337        ----------
338        universe : Universe
339            Universe object
340        selection1 : str (optional)
341            Selection string for first selection ['protein']
342        selection2 : str (optional)
343            Selection string for second selection ['not resname SOL']
344            This string selects everything except water where water is assumed
345            to have a residue name as SOL.
346        water_selection : str (optional)
347            Selection string for bridging water selection ['resname SOL']
348            The default selection assumes that the water molecules have residue
349            name "SOL". Change it to the appropriate selection for your
350            specific force field.
352            However, in theory this selection can be anything which forms
353            hydrogen bond with selection 1 and selection 2.
354        selection1_type : {"donor", "acceptor", "both"} (optional)
355            Selection 1 can be 'donor', 'acceptor' or 'both'. Note that the
356            value for `selection1_type` automatically determines how
357            `selection2` handles donors and acceptors: If `selection1` contains
358            'both' then `selection2` will also contain 'both'. If `selection1`
359            is set to 'donor' then `selection2` is 'acceptor' (and vice versa).
360            ['both'].
361        update_selection1 : bool (optional)
362            Update selection 1 at each frame. Setting to ``True`` if the
363            selection is not static. Selection 1 is filtered first to speed up
364            performance. Thus, setting to ``True`` is recommended if contact
365            surface between selection 1 and selection 2 is constantly
366            changing. [``False``]
367        update_selection2 : bool (optional)
368            Similiar to *update_selection1* but is acted upon selection 2.
369            [``False``]
370        update_water_selection : bool (optional)
371            Update selection of water at each frame. Setting to ``False`` is
372            **only** recommended when the total amount of water molecules in the
373            simulation are small and when water molecules remain static across
374            the simulation.
376            However, in normal simulations, only a tiny proportion of water is
377            engaged in the formation of water bridge. It is recommended to
378            update the water selection and set keyword `filter_first` to
379            ``True`` so as to filter out water not residing between the two
380            selections. [``True``]
381        filter_first : bool (optional)
382            Filter the water selection to only include water within 3 *
383            `distance` away from `both` selection 1 and selection 2.
384            Selection 1 and selection 2 are both filtered to only include atoms
385            3 * `distance` away from the other selection. [``True``]
386        distance : float (optional)
387            Distance cutoff for hydrogen bonds; only interactions with a H-A
388            distance <= `distance` (and the appropriate D-H-A angle, see
389            `angle`) are recorded. (Note: `distance_type` can change this to
390            the D-A distance.) [3.0]
391        angle : float (optional)
392            Angle cutoff for hydrogen bonds; an ideal H-bond has an angle of
393            180º.  A hydrogen bond is only recorded if the D-H-A angle is
394            >=  `angle`. The default of 120º also finds fairly non-specific
395            hydrogen interactions and a possibly better value is 150º. [120.0]
396        forcefield : {"CHARMM27", "GLYCAM06", "other"} (optional)
397            Name of the forcefield used. Switches between different
398            :attr:`~HydrogenBondAnalysis.DEFAULT_DONORS` and
399            :attr:`~HydrogenBondAnalysis.DEFAULT_ACCEPTORS` values.
400            ["CHARMM27"]
401        donors : sequence (optional)
402            Extra H donor atom types (in addition to those in
403            :attr:`~HydrogenBondAnalysis.DEFAULT_DONORS`), must be a sequence.
404        acceptors : sequence (optional)
405            Extra H acceptor atom types (in addition to those in
406            :attr:`~HydrogenBondAnalysis.DEFAULT_ACCEPTORS`), must be a
407            sequence.
408        distance_type : {"hydrogen", "heavy"} (optional)
409            Measure hydrogen bond lengths between donor and acceptor heavy
410            attoms ("heavy") or between donor hydrogen and acceptor heavy
411            atom ("hydrogen"). If using "heavy" then one should set the
412            *distance* cutoff to a higher value such as 3.5 Å. ["hydrogen"]
413        debug : bool (optional)
414            If set to ``True`` enables per-frame debug logging. This is disabled
415            by default because it generates a very large amount of output in
416            the log file. (Note that a logger must have been started to see
417            the output, e.g. using :func:`MDAnalysis.start_logging`.)
418        verbose : bool (optional)
419            Toggle progress output. (Can also be given as keyword argument to
420            :meth:`run`.)
422        Notes
423        -----
424        In order to speed up processing, atoms are filtered by a coarse
425        distance criterion before a detailed hydrogen bonding analysis is
426        performed (`filter_first` = ``True``).
428        If selection 1 and selection 2 are very mobile during the simulation
429        and the contact surface is constantly changing (i.e. residues are
430        moving farther than 3 x `distance`), you might consider setting the
431        `update_selection1` and `update_selection2` keywords to ``True`` to
432        ensure correctness.
433        """
434        self.water_selection = water_selection
435        self.update_water_selection = update_water_selection
436        super(WaterBridgeAnalysis, self).__init__(
437            universe=universe, selection1=selection1, selection2=selection2,
438            selection1_type=selection1_type,
439            update_selection1=update_selection1,
440            update_selection2=update_selection2, filter_first=filter_first,
441            distance_type=distance_type, distance=distance, angle=angle,
442            forcefield=forcefield, donors=donors, acceptors=acceptors,
443            debug=debug, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
444        self._update_water_selection()
446    def _log_parameters(self):
447        """Log important parameters to the logfile."""
448        logger.info("WBridge analysis: selection1 = %r (update: %r)",
449        self.selection1, self.update_selection1)
450        logger.info("WBridge analysis: selection2 = %r (update: %r)",
451        self.selection2, self.update_selection2)
452        logger.info("WBridge analysis: water selection = %r (update: %r)",
453        self.water_selection, self.update_water_selection)
454        logger.info("WBridge analysis: criterion: donor %s atom and acceptor \
455        atom distance <= %.3f A", self.distance_type,
456                    self.distance)
457        logger.info("WBridge analysis: criterion: angle D-H-A >= %.3f degrees",
458        self.angle)
459        logger.info("WBridge analysis: force field %s to guess donor and \
460        acceptor names", self.forcefield)
461        logger.info("WBridge analysis: bonded hydrogen detection algorithm: \
462        %r", self.detect_hydrogens)
464    def _update_selection_1(self):
465        self._s1 = self.u.select_atoms(self.selection1)
466        self._s2 = self.u.select_atoms(self.selection2)
467        if self.filter_first and self._s1:
468            self.logger_debug('Size of selection 1 before filtering:'
469                              ' {} atoms'.format(len(self._s1)))
470            ns_selection_1 = AtomNeighborSearch(self._s1)
471            self._s1 = ns_selection_1.search(self._s2, 3. * self.distance)
472        self.logger_debug("Size of selection 1: {0} atoms".format(len(self._s1)))
473        self._s1_donors = {}
474        self._s1_donors_h = {}
475        self._s1_acceptors = {}
476        if self.selection1_type in ('donor', 'both'):
477            self._s1_donors = self._s1.select_atoms(
478                'name {0}'.format(' '.join(self.donors)))
479            self._s1_donors_h = {}
480            for i, d in enumerate(self._s1_donors):
481                tmp = self._get_bonded_hydrogens(d)
482                if tmp:
483                    self._s1_donors_h[i] = tmp
484            self.logger_debug("Selection 1 donors: {0}".format(len(self._s1_donors)))
485            self.logger_debug("Selection 1 donor hydrogens: {0}".format(len(self._s1_donors_h)))
486        if self.selection1_type in ('acceptor', 'both'):
487            self._s1_acceptors = self._s1.select_atoms(
488                'name {0}'.format(' '.join(self.acceptors)))
489            self.logger_debug("Selection 1 acceptors: {0}".format(len(self._s1_acceptors)))
491    def _sanity_check(self, selection, htype):
492        """sanity check the selections 1 and 2
494        *selection* is 1 or 2, *htype* is "donors" or "acceptors"
495        """
496        assert selection in (1, 2)
497        assert htype in ("donors", "acceptors")
498        atoms = getattr(self, "_s{0}_{1}".format(selection, htype))
499        update = getattr(self, "update_selection{0}".format(selection))
500        if not atoms:
501            errmsg = "No {1} found in selection {0}. " \
502                "You might have to specify a custom '{1}' keyword.".format(
503                selection, htype)
504            warnings.warn(errmsg, category=SelectionWarning)
505            logger.warning(errmsg)
507    def _update_water_selection(self):
508        self._water = self.u.select_atoms(self.water_selection)
509        self.logger_debug('Size of water selection before filtering:'
510                          ' {} atoms'.format(len(self._water)))
511        if self.filter_first:
512            ns_water_selection = AtomNeighborSearch(self._water)
513            self._water = ns_water_selection.search(self._s1,
514                                                    3. * self.distance)
515            self._water = ns_water_selection.search(self._s2,
516                                                    3. * self.distance)
518        self.logger_debug("Size of water selection: {0} atoms".format(len(self._water)))
519        self._water_donors = {}
520        self._water_donors_h = {}
521        self._water_acceptors = {}
522        if not self._water:
523            logger.warning("Water selection '{0}' did not select any atoms."
524                           .format(str(self.water_selection)[:80]))
525        else:
526            self._water_donors = self._water.select_atoms(
527                'name {0}'.format(' '.join(self.donors)))
528            self._water_donors_h = {}
529            for i, d in enumerate(self._water_donors):
530                tmp = self._get_bonded_hydrogens(d)
531                if tmp:
532                    self._water_donors_h[i] = tmp
533            self.logger_debug("Water donors: {0}".format(len(self._water_donors)))
534            self.logger_debug("Water donor hydrogens: {0}".format(len(self._water_donors_h)))
535            self._water_acceptors = self._water.select_atoms(
536                'name {0}'.format(' '.join(self.acceptors)))
537            self.logger_debug("Water acceptors: {0}".format(len(self._water_acceptors)))
539    def run(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None, verbose=None, debug=None):
540        """Analyze trajectory and produce timeseries.
542        Stores the water bridge data per frame as
543        :attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.timeseries` (see there for output
544        format).
546        Parameters
547        ----------
548        start : int (optional)
549            starting frame-index for analysis, ``None`` is the first one, 0.
550            `start` and `stop` are 0-based frame indices and are used to slice
551            the trajectory (if supported) [``None``]
552        stop : int (optional)
553            last trajectory frame for analysis, ``None`` is the last one
554            [``None``]
555        step : int (optional)
556            read every `step` between `start` (included) and `stop` (excluded),
557            ``None`` selects 1. [``None``]
558        verbose : bool (optional)
559             toggle progress meter output
560             :class:`~MDAnalysis.lib.log.ProgressMeter` [``True``]
561        debug : bool (optional)
562             enable detailed logging of debugging information; this can create
563             *very big* log files so it is disabled (``False``) by default;
564             setting `debug` toggles the debug status for
565             :class:`WaterBridgeAnalysis`, namely the value of
566             :attr:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.debug`.
568        See Also
569        --------
570        :meth:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.generate_table` :
571               processing the data into a different format.
572        """
573        self._setup_frames(self.u.trajectory, start, stop, step)
575        logger.info("WBridge analysis: starting")
576        logger.debug("WBridge analysis: donors    %r", self.donors)
577        logger.debug("WBridge analysis: acceptors %r", self.acceptors)
578        logger.debug("WBridge analysis: water bridge %r", self.water_selection)
580        if debug is not None and debug != self.debug:
581            self.debug = debug
582            logger.debug("Toggling debug to %r", self.debug)
583        if not self.debug:
584            logger.debug("WBridge analysis: For full step-by-step debugging output use debug=True")
586        self._timeseries = []
587        self.timesteps = []
588        self._water_network = []
590        if verbose is None:
591            verbose = self._verbose
592        pm = ProgressMeter(self.n_frames,
593                           format="WBridge frame {current_step:5d}: {step:5d}/{numsteps} [{percentage:5.1f}%]\r",
594                           verbose=verbose)
596        logger.info("Starting analysis (frame index start=%d stop=%d, step=%d)",
597                    self.start, self.stop, self.step)
599        for progress, ts in enumerate(self.u.trajectory[self.start:self.stop:self.step]):
600            # all bonds for this timestep
602            # dict of tuples (atom.index, atom.index) for quick check if
603            # we already have the bond (to avoid duplicates)
605            frame = ts.frame
606            timestep = ts.time
607            self.timesteps.append(timestep)
608            pm.echo(progress, current_step=frame)
609            self.logger_debug("Analyzing frame %(frame)d, timestep %(timestep)f ps", vars())
610            if self.update_selection1:
611                self._update_selection_1()
612            if self.update_selection2:
613                self._update_selection_2()
614            if self.update_water_selection:
615                self._update_water_selection()
617            s1_frame_results_dict = defaultdict(list)
618            if (self.selection1_type in ('donor', 'both') and
619                self._water_acceptors):
621                self.logger_debug("Selection 1 Donors <-> Water Acceptors")
622                ns_acceptors = AtomNeighborSearch(self._water_acceptors)
623                for i, donor_h_set in self._s1_donors_h.items():
624                    d = self._s1_donors[i]
625                    for h in donor_h_set:
626                        res = ns_acceptors.search(h, self.distance)
627                        for a in res:
628                            donor_atom = h if self.distance_type != 'heavy' else d
629                            dist = distances.calc_bonds(donor_atom.position,
630                                                        a.position)
631                            if dist <= self.distance:
632                                angle = distances.calc_angles(d.position, h.position,
633                                                             a.position)
634                                angle = np.rad2deg(angle)
635                                if angle >= self.angle:
636                                    self.logger_debug(
637                                        "S1-D: {0!s} <-> W-A: {1!s} {2:f} A, {3:f} DEG"\
638                                        .format(h.index, a.index, dist, angle))
639                                    s1_frame_results_dict[(a.resname, a.resid)].append(
640                                        (h.index, a.index,
641                                        (h.resname, h.resid, h.name),
642                                        (a.resname, a.resid, a.name),
643                                        dist, angle))
645            if (self.selection1_type in ('acceptor', 'both') and
646                self._s1_acceptors):
648                self.logger_debug("Selection 1 Acceptors <-> Water Donors")
649                ns_acceptors = AtomNeighborSearch(self._s1_acceptors)
650                for i, donor_h_set in self._water_donors_h.items():
651                    d = self._water_donors[i]
652                    for h in donor_h_set:
653                        res = ns_acceptors.search(h, self.distance)
654                        for a in res:
655                            donor_atom = h if self.distance_type != 'heavy' else d
656                            dist = distances.calc_bonds(donor_atom.position,
657                                                        a.position)
658                            if dist <= self.distance:
659                                angle = distances.calc_angles(d.position, h.position,
660                                                             a.position)
661                                angle = np.rad2deg(angle)
662                                if angle >= self.angle:
663                                    self.logger_debug(
664                                        "S1-A: {0!s} <-> W-D: {1!s} {2:f} A, {3:f} DEG"\
665                                        .format(a.index, h.index, dist, angle))
666                                    s1_frame_results_dict[(h.resname, h.resid)].append(
667                                        (h.index, a.index,
668                                        (h.resname, h.resid, h.name),
669                                        (a.resname, a.resid, a.name),
670                                        dist, angle))
672            # Narrow down the water selection
673            selection_resn_id = list(s1_frame_results_dict.keys())
674            if not selection_resn_id:
675                self._timeseries.append([])
676                continue
677            selection_resn_id = ['(resname {} and resid {})'.format(
678                resname, resid) for resname, resid in selection_resn_id]
679            water_bridges = self._water.select_atoms(' or '.join(selection_resn_id))
680            self.logger_debug("Size of water bridge selection: {0} atoms".format(len(water_bridges)))
681            if not water_bridges:
682                logger.warning("No water forming hydrogen bonding with selection 1.")
683            water_bridges_donors = water_bridges.select_atoms(
684                'name {0}'.format(' '.join(self.donors)))
685            water_bridges_donors_h = {}
686            for i, d in enumerate(water_bridges_donors):
687                tmp = self._get_bonded_hydrogens(d)
688                if tmp:
689                    water_bridges_donors_h[i] = tmp
690            self.logger_debug("water bridge donors: {0}".format(len(water_bridges_donors)))
691            self.logger_debug("water bridge donor hydrogens: {0}".format(len(water_bridges_donors_h)))
692            water_bridges_acceptors = water_bridges.select_atoms(
693                'name {0}'.format(' '.join(self.acceptors)))
694            self.logger_debug("water bridge: {0}".format(len(water_bridges_acceptors)))
696            # Finding the hydrogen bonds between water bridge and selection 2
697            s2_frame_results_dict = defaultdict(list)
698            if self._s2_acceptors:
699                self.logger_debug("Water bridge Donors <-> Selection 2 Acceptors")
700                ns_acceptors = AtomNeighborSearch(self._s2_acceptors)
701                for i, donor_h_set in water_bridges_donors_h.items():
702                    d = water_bridges_donors[i]
703                    for h in donor_h_set:
704                        res = ns_acceptors.search(h, self.distance)
705                        for a in res:
706                            donor_atom = h if self.distance_type != 'heavy'  else d
707                            dist = distances.calc_bonds(donor_atom.position,
708                                                        a.position)
709                            if dist <= self.distance:
710                                angle = distances.calc_angles(d.position, h.position,
711                                                             a.position)
712                                angle = np.rad2deg(angle)
713                                if angle >= self.angle:
714                                    self.logger_debug(
715                                        "WB-D: {0!s} <-> S2-A: {1!s} {2:f} A, {3:f} DEG"\
716                                        .format(h.index, a.index, dist, angle))
717                                    s2_frame_results_dict[(h.resname, h.resid)].append(
718                                        (h.index, a.index,
719                                        (h.resname, h.resid, h.name),
720                                        (a.resname, a.resid, a.name),
721                                        dist, angle))
723            if water_bridges_acceptors:
724                self.logger_debug("Selection 2 Donors <-> Selection 2 Acceptors")
725                ns_acceptors = AtomNeighborSearch(water_bridges_acceptors)
726                for i, donor_h_set in self._s2_donors_h.items():
727                    d = self._s2_donors[i]
728                    for h in donor_h_set:
729                        res = ns_acceptors.search(h, self.distance)
730                        for a in res:
731                            donor_atom = h if self.distance_type != 'heavy' else d
732                            dist = distances.calc_bonds(donor_atom.position,
733                                                        a.position)
734                            if dist <= self.distance:
735                                angle = distances.calc_angles(d.position, h.position,
736                                                             a.position)
737                                angle = np.rad2deg(angle)
738                                if angle >= self.angle:
739                                    self.logger_debug(
740                                        "WB-A: {0!s} <-> S2-D: {1!s} {2:f} A, {3:f} DEG"\
741                                        .format(a.index, h.index, dist, angle))
742                                    s2_frame_results_dict[(a.resname, a.resid)].append(
743                                        (h.index, a.index,
744                                        (h.resname, h.resid, h.name),
745                                        (a.resname, a.resid, a.name),
746                                        dist, angle))
748            # Generate the water network
749            water_network = {}
750            for key in s2_frame_results_dict:
751                s1_frame_results = set(s1_frame_results_dict[key])
752                s2_frame_results = set(s2_frame_results_dict[key])
753                if len(s1_frame_results.union(s2_frame_results)) > 1:
754                    # Thus if selection 1 and selection 2 are the same and both
755                    # only form a single hydrogen bond with a water, this entry
756                    # won't be included.
757                    water_network[key] = [s1_frame_results,
758                    s2_frame_results.difference(s1_frame_results)]
759            # Generate frame_results
760            frame_results = []
761            for s1_frame_results, s2_frame_results in water_network.values():
762                frame_results.extend(list(s1_frame_results))
763                frame_results.extend(list(s2_frame_results))
765            self._timeseries.append(frame_results)
766            self._water_network.append(water_network)
769        logger.info("WBridge analysis: complete; timeseries  %s.timeseries",
770                    self.__class__.__name__)
771    @staticmethod
772    def _reformat_hb(hb, atomformat="{0[0]!s}{0[1]!s}:{0[2]!s}"):
773        """
774        .. deprecated:: 1.0
775            This is a compatibility layer so the water bridge
776            _timeseries to timeserie conversion can perform as it does in the
777            hydrogen bond analysis.
779            For more information about the function of _reformat_hb in hydrogen
780            bond analysis, please refer to the _reformat_hb in the hydrogen
781            bond analysis module.
783            As the _timeseries to timeserie conversion will be deprecated in 1.0
784            this function will automatically lose its value.
785        """
787        return (list(hb[:2])
788                + [atomformat.format(hb[2]), atomformat.format(hb[3])]
789                + list(hb[4:]))
791    @property
792    def timeseries(self):
793        r'''Time series of water bridges.
795        Due to the intrinsic complexity of water bridge problem, where several
796        atoms :math:`n` can be linked by the same water. A simple ``atom 1 -
797        water bridge - atom 2`` mapping will create a very large list
798        :math:`n!/(2(n-2)!)` due to the rule of combination.
800        Thus, the output is arranged based on each individual bridging water
801        allowing the later reconstruction of the water network. The hydrogen
802        bonds from selection 1 to the **first** bridging water is followed by
803        the hydrogen bonds from selection 2 to the **same** bridging water.
804        After that, hydrogen bonds from selection 1 to the **second** bridging
805        water is succeeded by hydrogen bonds from selection 2 to the **same
806        second** bridging water. An example of the output is given in
807        :ref:`wb_Analysis_Output`.
809        Note
810        ----
811        To find an acceptor atom in :attr:`Universe.atoms` by
812        *index* one would use ``u.atoms[acceptor_index]``.
814        The :attr:`timeseries` is a managed attribute and it is generated
815        from the underlying data in :attr:`_timeseries` every time the
816        attribute is accessed. It is therefore costly to call and if
817        :attr:`timeseries` is needed repeatedly it is recommended that you
818        assign to a variable::
820           w = WaterBridgeAnalysis(u)
821           w.run()
822           timeseries = w.timeseries
824        See Also
825        --------
826        :attr:`table` : structured array of the data
827        '''
828        return super(WaterBridgeAnalysis, self).timeseries
830    def generate_table(self):
831        """Generate a normalised table of the results.
833        The table is stored as a :class:`numpy.recarray` in the
834        attribute :attr:`~WaterBridgeAnalysis.table`.
836        See Also
837        --------
838        WaterBridgeAnalysis.table
839        """
840        super(WaterBridgeAnalysis, self).generate_table()
842    def count_by_type(self):
843        """Counts the frequency of water bridge of a specific type.
845        If one atom *A* from *selection 1* is linked to atom *B* from
846        *selection 2* through a bridging water, an entity will be created and
847        the proportion of time that this linkage exists in the whole simulation
848        will be calculated.
850        Returns a :class:`numpy.recarray` containing atom indices for *A* and
851        *B*, residue names, residue numbers, atom names (for both A and B) and
852        the fraction of the total time during which the water bridge was
853        detected. This method returns None if method
854        :meth:`WaterBridgeAnalysis.run` was not executed first.
856        Returns
857        -------
858        counts : numpy.recarray
859             Each row of the array contains data to define a unique water
860             bridge together with the frequency (fraction of the total time)
861             that it has been observed.
862        """
863        if not self._has_timeseries():
864            return
866        wbridges = defaultdict(int)
867        for wframe in self._water_network:
868            pairs = set([])
869            for water, (selection1, selection2) in wframe.items():
870                for (donor_index, acceptor_index, donor, acceptor, distance,
871                     angle) in selection1:
872                    if donor[:2] == water:
873                        sele1 = acceptor
874                        sele1_index = acceptor_index
875                    else:
876                        sele1 = donor
877                        sele1_index = donor_index
878                    sele1_resnm, sele1_resid, sele1_atom = sele1
880                    for (donor_index, acceptor_index, donor, acceptor,
881                         distance, angle) in selection2:
882                        if donor[:2] == water:
883                            sele2 = acceptor
884                            sele2_index = acceptor_index
885                        else:
886                            sele2 = donor
887                            sele2_index = donor_index
888                        sele2_resnm, sele2_resid, sele2_atom = sele2
890                        key = (sele1_index, sele2_index)
891                        if key in pairs:
892                            continue
893                        else:
894                            pairs.add(key)
895                            wb_key = (sele1_index, sele2_index, sele1_resnm,
896                            sele1_resid, sele1_atom, sele2_resnm, sele2_resid,
897                            sele2_atom)
898                            wbridges[wb_key] += 1
900        # build empty output table
901        dtype = [
902            ("sele1_index", int), ("sele2_index", int), ('sele1_resnm', 'U4'),
903            ('sele1_resid', int), ('sele1_atom', 'U4'), ('sele2_resnm', 'U4'),
904            ('sele2_resid', int), ('sele2_atom', 'U4'),
905            ('frequency', float)
906        ]
907        out = np.empty((len(wbridges),), dtype=dtype)
909        tsteps = float(len(self.timesteps))
910        for cursor, (key, count) in enumerate(six.iteritems(wbridges)):
911            out[cursor] = key + (count / tsteps,)
913        r = out.view(np.recarray)
914        return r