3 /*
4  * struct.h
5  *
6  *  Created on: 2011. 5. 2.
7  *      Author: wonseok choi (svperbeast@gmail.com)
8  *
9  * Interpret strings as packed binary data
10  *
11  * Table 1. Byte order
12  *  ----------------------------------
13  *  Character | Byte order
14  *  ----------+-----------------------
15  *   =        | native
16  *  ----------+-----------------------
17  *   <        | little-endian
18  *  ----------+-----------------------
19  *   >        | big-endian
20  *  ----------+-----------------------
21  *   !        | network (= big-endian)
22  *  ----------------------------------
23  *
24  * Table 2. Format characters
25  *  -------------------------------------------
26  *  Format | C/C++ Type         | Standard size
27  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
28  *   b     | char               | 1
29  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
30  *   B     | unsigned char      | 1
31  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
32  *   h     | short              | 2
33  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
34  *   H     | unsigned short     | 2
35  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
36  *   i     | int                | 4
37  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
38  *   I     | unsigned int       | 4
39  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
40  *   l     | long               | 4
41  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
42  *   L     | unsigned long      | 4
43  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
44  *   q     | long long          | 8
45  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
46  *   Q     | unsigned long long | 8
47  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
48  *   f     | float              | 4
49  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
50  *   d     | double             | 8
51  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
52  *   s     | char[]             |
53  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
54  *   p     | char[]             |
55  *  -------+--------------------+--------------
56  *   x     | pad bytes          |
57  *  -------------------------------------------
58  *
59  * A format character may be preceded by an integral repeat count.
60  * For example, the format string '4h' means exactly the same as 'hhhh'.
61  *
62  * For the 's' format character, the count is interpreted as the size of the
63  * string, not a repeat count like for the other format characters.
64  * For example, '10s' means a single 10-byte string.
65  *
66  * Example 1. pack/unpack int type value.
67  *
68  * char buf[BUFSIZ] = {0, };
69  * int val = 0x12345678;
70  * int oval;
71  *
72  * struct_pack(buf, "i", val);
73  * struct_unpack(buf, "i", &oval);
74  *
75  * Example 2. pack/unpack a string.
76  *
77  * char buf[BUFSIZ] = {0, };
78  * char str[32] = {'\0', };
79  * char fmt[32] = {'\0', };
80  * char ostr[32] = {'\0', };
81  *
82  * strcpy(str, "test");
83  * sprintf(fmt, "%ds", strlen(str));
84  *
85  * struct_pack(buf, fmt, str);
86  * struct_unpack(buf, fmt, ostr);
87  *
88  */
90 #ifdef __cplusplus
91 extern "C"
92 {
93 #endif
95 /* simple size macros
96  * the standard sizes of signed/unsigned are the same.
97  */
98 #define STRUCT_BSIZE 1
99 #define STRUCT_HSIZE 2
100 #define STRUCT_ISIZE 4
101 #define STRUCT_QSIZE 8
102 #define STRUCT_FSIZE 4
103 #define STRUCT_DSIZE 8
105   /**
106    * @brief pack data
107    * @return the number of bytes encoded on success, -1 on failure.
108    */
109   extern int struct_pack(void* buf, const char* fmt, ...);
111   /**
112    * @brief pack data with offset
113    * @return the number of bytes encoded on success, -1 on failure.
114    */
115   extern int struct_pack_into(int offset, void* buf, const char* fmt, ...);
117   /**
118    * @brief unpack data
119    * @return the number of bytes decoded on success, -1 on failure.
120    */
121   extern int struct_unpack(const void* buf, const char* fmt, ...);
123   /**
124    * @brief unpack data with offset
125    * @return the number of bytes decoded on success, -1 on failure.
126    */
127   extern int struct_unpack_from(int offset, const void* buf, const char* fmt,
128                                 ...);
130   /**
131    * @brief calculate the size of a format string
132    * @return the number of bytes needed by the format string on success,
133    * -1 on failure.
134    *
135    * make sure that the return value is > 0, before using it.
136    */
137   extern int struct_calcsize(const char* fmt);
139 #ifdef __cplusplus
140 }
141 #endif
143 #endif /* !STRUCT_INCLUDED */