1# Copyright 2020 The Cirq Developers
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14import datetime
16from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
17from pytz import utc
19import cirq
20from cirq_google.engine.client.quantum import types as qtypes
21from cirq_google.engine.client.quantum import enums as qenums
22from cirq_google.api import v2
23from cirq_google.devices import serializable_device
24from cirq_google.engine import calibration
25from cirq_google.engine.engine_timeslot import EngineTimeSlot
26from cirq_google.serialization.serializable_gate_set import SerializableGateSet
29    import cirq_google.engine.engine as engine_base
32class EngineProcessor:
33    """A processor available via the Quantum Engine API.
35    Attributes:
36        project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
37        processor_id: Unique ID of the processor.
38    """
40    def __init__(
41        self,
42        project_id: str,
43        processor_id: str,
44        context: 'engine_base.EngineContext',
45        _processor: Optional[qtypes.QuantumProcessor] = None,
46    ) -> None:
47        """A processor available via the engine.
49        Args:
50            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
51            processor_id: Unique ID of the processor.
52            context: Engine configuration and context to use.
53            _processor: The optional current processor state.
54        """
55        self.project_id = project_id
56        self.processor_id = processor_id
57        self.context = context
58        self._processor = _processor
60    def engine(self) -> 'engine_base.Engine':
61        """Returns the parent Engine object.
63        Returns:
64            The program's parent Engine.
65        """
66        import cirq_google.engine.engine as engine_base
68        return engine_base.Engine(self.project_id, context=self.context)
70    def _inner_processor(self) -> qtypes.QuantumProcessor:
71        if not self._processor:
72            self._processor = self.context.client.get_processor(self.project_id, self.processor_id)
73        return self._processor
75    def health(self) -> str:
76        """Returns the current health of processor."""
77        self._processor = self.context.client.get_processor(self.project_id, self.processor_id)
78        return qtypes.QuantumProcessor.Health.Name(self._processor.health)
80    def expected_down_time(self) -> 'Optional[datetime.datetime]':
81        """Returns the start of the next expected down time of the processor, if
82        set."""
83        if self._inner_processor().HasField('expected_down_time'):
84            return self._inner_processor().expected_down_time.ToDatetime()
85        else:
86            return None
88    def expected_recovery_time(self) -> 'Optional[datetime.datetime]':
89        """Returns the expected the processor should be available, if set."""
90        if self._inner_processor().HasField('expected_recovery_time'):
91            return self._inner_processor().expected_recovery_time.ToDatetime()
92        else:
93            return None
95    def supported_languages(self) -> List[str]:
96        """Returns the list of processor supported program languages."""
97        return self._inner_processor().supported_languages
99    def get_device_specification(self) -> Optional[v2.device_pb2.DeviceSpecification]:
100        """Returns a device specification proto for use in determining
101        information about the device.
103        Returns:
104            Device specification proto if present.
105        """
106        if self._inner_processor().HasField('device_spec'):
107            return v2.device_pb2.DeviceSpecification.FromString(
108                self._inner_processor().device_spec.value
109            )
110        else:
111            return None
113    def get_device(self, gate_sets: Iterable[SerializableGateSet]) -> cirq.Device:
114        """Returns a `Device` created from the processor's device specification.
116        This method queries the processor to retrieve the device specification,
117        which is then use to create a `SerializableDevice` that will validate
118        that operations are supported and use the correct qubits.
119        """
120        spec = self.get_device_specification()
121        if not spec:
122            raise ValueError('Processor does not have a device specification')
123        return serializable_device.SerializableDevice.from_proto(spec, gate_sets)
125    def list_calibrations(
126        self,
127        earliest_timestamp_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
128        latest_timestamp_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
129    ) -> List[calibration.Calibration]:
130        """Retrieve metadata about a specific calibration run.
132        Params:
133            earliest_timestamp_seconds: The earliest timestamp of a calibration
134                to return in UTC.
135            latest_timestamp_seconds: The latest timestamp of a calibration to
136                return in UTC.
138        Returns:
139            The list of calibration data with the most recent first.
140        """
141        if earliest_timestamp_seconds and latest_timestamp_seconds:
142            filter_str = 'timestamp >= %d AND timestamp <= %d' % (
143                earliest_timestamp_seconds,
144                latest_timestamp_seconds,
145            )
146        elif earliest_timestamp_seconds:
147            filter_str = 'timestamp >= %d' % earliest_timestamp_seconds
148        elif latest_timestamp_seconds:
149            filter_str = 'timestamp <= %d' % latest_timestamp_seconds
150        else:
151            filter_str = ''
152        response = self.context.client.list_calibrations(
153            self.project_id, self.processor_id, filter_str
154        )
155        return [_to_calibration(c.data) for c in list(response)]
157    def get_calibration(self, calibration_timestamp_seconds: int) -> calibration.Calibration:
158        """Retrieve metadata about a specific calibration run.
160        Params:
161            calibration_timestamp_seconds: The timestamp of the calibration in
162                seconds since epoch.
164        Returns:
165            The calibration data.
166        """
167        response = self.context.client.get_calibration(
168            self.project_id, self.processor_id, calibration_timestamp_seconds
169        )
170        return _to_calibration(response.data)
172    def get_current_calibration(
173        self,
174    ) -> Optional[calibration.Calibration]:
175        """Returns metadata about the current calibration for a processor.
177        Returns:
178            The calibration data or None if there is no current calibration.
179        """
180        response = self.context.client.get_current_calibration(self.project_id, self.processor_id)
181        if response:
182            return _to_calibration(response.data)
183        else:
184            return None
186    def create_reservation(
187        self,
188        start_time: datetime.datetime,
189        end_time: datetime.datetime,
190        whitelisted_users: Optional[List[str]] = None,
191    ):
192        """Creates a reservation on this processor.
194        Args:
195            start_time: the starting date/time of the reservation.
196            end_time: the ending date/time of the reservation.
197            whitelisted_users: a list of emails that are allowed
198              to send programs during this reservation (in addition to users
199              with permission "quantum.reservations.use" on the project).
200        """
201        response = self.context.client.create_reservation(
202            self.project_id, self.processor_id, start_time, end_time, whitelisted_users
203        )
204        return response
206    def _delete_reservation(self, reservation_id: str):
207        """Delete a reservation.
209        This will only work for reservations outside the processor's
210        schedule freeze window.  If you are not sure whether the reservation
211        falls within this window, use remove_reservation
212        """
213        return self.context.client.delete_reservation(
214            self.project_id, self.processor_id, reservation_id
215        )
217    def _cancel_reservation(self, reservation_id: str):
218        """Cancel a reservation.
220        This will only work for reservations inside the processor's
221        schedule freeze window.  If you are not sure whether the reservation
222        falls within this window, use remove_reservation
223        """
224        return self.context.client.cancel_reservation(
225            self.project_id, self.processor_id, reservation_id
226        )
228    def remove_reservation(self, reservation_id: str):
229        reservation = self.get_reservation(reservation_id)
230        if reservation is None:
231            raise ValueError(f'Reservation id {reservation_id} not found.')
232        proc = self._inner_processor()
233        if proc:
234            freeze = proc.schedule_frozen_period.seconds
235        else:
236            freeze = None
237        if not freeze:
238            raise ValueError(
239                'Cannot determine freeze_schedule from processor.'
240                'Call _cancel_reservation or _delete_reservation.'
241            )
242        secs_until = reservation.start_time.seconds - int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=utc).timestamp())
243        if secs_until > freeze:
244            return self._delete_reservation(reservation_id)
245        else:
246            return self._cancel_reservation(reservation_id)
248    def get_reservation(self, reservation_id: str):
249        """Retrieve a reservation given its id."""
250        return self.context.client.get_reservation(
251            self.project_id, self.processor_id, reservation_id
252        )
254    def update_reservation(
255        self,
256        reservation_id: str,
257        start_time: datetime.datetime = None,
258        end_time: datetime.datetime = None,
259        whitelisted_users: List[str] = None,
260    ):
261        """Updates a reservation with new information.
263        Updates a reservation with a new start date, end date, or
264        list of additional users.  For each field, it the argument is left as
265        None, it will not be updated.
266        """
267        return self.context.client.update_reservation(
268            self.project_id,
269            self.processor_id,
270            reservation_id,
271            start=start_time,
272            end=end_time,
273            whitelisted_users=whitelisted_users,
274        )
276    def list_reservations(
277        self,
278        from_time: Union[None, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(),
279        to_time: Union[None, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(weeks=2),
280    ) -> List[EngineTimeSlot]:
281        """Retrieves the reservations from a processor.
283        Only reservations from this processor and project will be
284        returned. The schedule may be filtered by starting and ending time.
286        Args:
287            from_time: Filters the returned reservations to only include entries
288                that end no earlier than the given value. Specified either as an
289                absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now
290                (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to now (a relative time of 0).
291                Set to None to omit this filter.
292            to_time: Filters the returned reservations to only include entries
293                that start no later than the given value. Specified either as an
294                absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now
295                (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to two weeks from now (a relative
296                time of two weeks). Set to None to omit this filter.
298        Returns:
299            A list of reservations.
300        """
301        filters = _to_date_time_filters(from_time, to_time)
302        filter_str = ' AND '.join(filters)
303        return self.context.client.list_reservations(self.project_id, self.processor_id, filter_str)
305    def get_schedule(
306        self,
307        from_time: Union[None, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(),
308        to_time: Union[None, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(weeks=2),
309        time_slot_type: Optional[qenums.QuantumTimeSlot.TimeSlotType] = None,
310    ) -> List[EngineTimeSlot]:
311        """Retrieves the schedule for a processor.
313        The schedule may be filtered by time.
315        Time slot type will be supported in the future.
317        Args:
318            from_time: Filters the returned schedule to only include entries
319                that end no earlier than the given value. Specified either as an
320                absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now
321                (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to now (a relative time of 0).
322                Set to None to omit this filter.
323            to_time: Filters the returned schedule to only include entries
324                that start no later than the given value. Specified either as an
325                absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now
326                (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to two weeks from now (a relative
327                time of two weeks). Set to None to omit this filter.
328            time_slot_type: Filters the returned schedule to only include
329                entries with a given type (e.g. maintenance, open swim).
330                Defaults to None. Set to None to omit this filter.
332        Returns:
333            Schedule time slots.
334        """
335        filters = _to_date_time_filters(from_time, to_time)
336        if time_slot_type is not None:
337            filters.append(f'time_slot_type = {time_slot_type.name}')
338        filter_str = ' AND '.join(filters)
339        return self.context.client.list_time_slots(self.project_id, self.processor_id, filter_str)
341    def __str__(self):
342        return (
343            f"EngineProcessor(project_id={self.project_id!r}, "
344            f"processor_id={self.processor_id!r})"
345        )
348def _to_calibration(calibration_any: qtypes.any_pb2.Any) -> calibration.Calibration:
349    metrics = v2.metrics_pb2.MetricsSnapshot.FromString(calibration_any.value)
350    return calibration.Calibration(metrics)
353def _to_date_time_filters(
354    from_time: Union[None, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta],
355    to_time: Union[None, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta],
356) -> List[str]:
357    now = datetime.datetime.now()
359    if from_time is None:
360        start_time = None
361    elif isinstance(from_time, datetime.timedelta):
362        start_time = now + from_time
363    elif isinstance(from_time, datetime.datetime):
364        start_time = from_time
365    else:
366        raise ValueError(f"Don't understand from_time of type {type(from_time)}.")
368    if to_time is None:
369        end_time = None
370    elif isinstance(to_time, datetime.timedelta):
371        end_time = now + to_time
372    elif isinstance(to_time, datetime.datetime):
373        end_time = to_time
374    else:
375        raise ValueError(f"Don't understand to_time of type {type(to_time)}.")
377    filters = []
378    if end_time is not None:
379        filters.append(f'start_time < {int(end_time.timestamp())}')
380    if start_time is not None:
381        filters.append(f'end_time > {int(start_time.timestamp())}')
382    return filters