1# Copyright 2020 The Cirq Developers
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15from typing import Union, Tuple, Sequence, List, Optional
17import numpy as np
19import cirq
20from cirq import ops
21from cirq import optimizers as opt
24# TODO(#3388) Add documentation for Raises.
25# pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc
26def three_qubit_matrix_to_operations(
27    q0: ops.Qid, q1: ops.Qid, q2: ops.Qid, u: np.ndarray, atol: float = 1e-8
28) -> Sequence[ops.Operation]:
29    """Returns operations for a 3 qubit unitary.
31    The algorithm is described in Shende et al.:
32    Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits. Tech. rep. 2006,
33    https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0406176
35    Args:
36        q0: first qubit
37        q1: second qubit
38        q2: third qubit
39        u: unitary matrix
40        atol: A limit on the amount of absolute error introduced by the
41            construction.
43    Returns:
44        The resulting operations will have only known two-qubit and one-qubit
45        gates based operations, namely CZ, CNOT and rx, ry, PhasedXPow gates.
47    Raises:
48        ValueError: If the u matrix is non-unitary or not of shape (8,8).
49    """
50    if np.shape(u) != (8, 8):
51        raise ValueError(f"Expected unitary matrix with shape (8,8) got {np.shape(u)}")
52    if not cirq.is_unitary(u, atol=atol):
53        raise ValueError(f"Matrix is not unitary: {u}")
55    try:
56        from scipy.linalg import cossin
57    except ImportError:  # coverage: ignore
58        # coverage: ignore
59        raise ImportError(
60            "cirq.three_qubit_unitary_to_operations requires "
61            "SciPy 1.5.0+, as it uses the cossin function. Please"
62            " upgrade scipy in your environment to use this "
63            "function!"
64        )
65    (u1, u2), theta, (v1h, v2h) = cossin(u, 4, 4, separate=True)
67    cs_ops = _cs_to_ops(q0, q1, q2, theta)
68    if len(cs_ops) > 0 and cs_ops[-1] == cirq.CZ(q2, q0):
69        # optimization A.1 - merging the last CZ from the end of CS into UD
70        # cz = cirq.Circuit([cs_ops[-1]]).unitary()
71        # CZ(c,a) = CZ(a,c) as CZ is symmetric
72        # for the u1⊕u2 multiplexor operator:
73        # as u1(b,c) is the operator in case a = \0>,
74        # and u2(b,c) is the operator for (b,c) in case a = |1>
75        # we can represent the merge by phasing u2 with I ⊗ Z
76        u2 = u2 @ np.diag([1, -1, 1, -1])
77        cs_ops = cs_ops[:-1]
79    d_ud, ud_ops = _two_qubit_multiplexor_to_ops(q0, q1, q2, u1, u2, shift_left=True, atol=atol)
81    _, vdh_ops = _two_qubit_multiplexor_to_ops(
82        q0, q1, q2, v1h, v2h, shift_left=False, diagonal=d_ud, atol=atol
83    )
85    return list(cirq.Circuit(vdh_ops + cs_ops + ud_ops).all_operations())
88# pylint: enable=missing-raises-doc
89def _cs_to_ops(q0: ops.Qid, q1: ops.Qid, q2: ops.Qid, theta: np.ndarray) -> List[ops.Operation]:
90    """Converts theta angles based Cosine Sine matrix to operations.
92    Using the optimization as per Appendix A.1, it uses CZ gates instead of
93    CNOT gates and returns a circuit that skips the terminal CZ gate.
95    Args:
96        q0: first qubit
97        q1: second qubit
98        q2: third qubit
99        theta: theta returned from the Cosine Sine decomposition
101    Returns:
102         the operations
103    """
104    # Note: we are using *2 as the thetas are already half angles from the
105    # CSD decomposition, but cirq.ry takes full angles.
106    angles = _multiplexed_angles(theta * 2)
107    rys = [cirq.ry(angle).on(q0) for angle in angles]
108    ops = [
109        rys[0],
110        cirq.CZ(q1, q0),
111        rys[1],
112        cirq.CZ(q2, q0),
113        rys[2],
114        cirq.CZ(q1, q0),
115        rys[3],
116        cirq.CZ(q2, q0),
117    ]
118    return _optimize_multiplexed_angles_circuit(ops)
121# TODO(#3388) Add documentation for Args.
122# pylint: disable=missing-param-doc
123def _two_qubit_multiplexor_to_ops(
124    q0: ops.Qid,
125    q1: ops.Qid,
126    q2: ops.Qid,
127    u1: np.ndarray,
128    u2: np.ndarray,
129    shift_left: bool = True,
130    diagonal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
131    atol: float = 1e-8,
132) -> Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], List[ops.Operation]]:
133    r"""Converts a two qubit double multiplexor to circuit.
134    Input: U_1 ⊕ U_2, with select qubit a (i.e. a = |0> => U_1(b,c),
135    a = |1> => U_2(b,c).
137    We want this:
138        $$
139        U_1 ⊕ U_2 = (V ⊕ V) @ (D ⊕ D^{\dagger}) @ (W ⊕ W)
140        $$
141    We can get it via:
142        $$
143        U_1 = V @ D @ W       (1)
144        U_2 = V @ D^{\dagger} @ W (2)
145        $$
147    We can derive
148        $$
149        U_1 U_2^{\dagger}= V @ D^2 @ V^{\dagger}, (3)
150        $$
152    i.e the eigendecomposition of $U_1 U_2^{\dagger}$ will give us D and V.
153    W is easy to derive from (2).
155    This function, after calculating V, D and W, also returns the circuit that
156    implements these unitaries: V, W on qubits b, c and the middle diagonal
157    multiplexer on a,b,c qubits.
159    The resulting circuit will have only known two-qubit and one-qubit gates,
160    namely CZ, CNOT and rx, ry, PhasedXPow gates.
162    Args:
163        q0: first qubit
164        q1: second qubit
165        q2: third qubit
166        u1: two-qubit operation on b,c for a = |0>
167        u2: two-qubit operation on b,c for a = |1>
168        shift_left: return the extracted diagonal or not
169        diagonal: an incoming diagonal to be merged with
170    Returns:
171        The circuit implementing the two qubit multiplexor consisting only of
172        known two-qubit and single qubit gates
173    """
174    u1u2 = u1 @ u2.conj().T
175    eigvals, v = cirq.unitary_eig(u1u2)
176    d = np.diag(np.sqrt(eigvals))
178    w = d @ v.conj().T @ u2
180    circuit_u1u2_mid = _middle_multiplexor_to_ops(q0, q1, q2, eigvals)
182    if diagonal is not None:
183        v = diagonal @ v
185    d_v, circuit_u1u2_r = opt.two_qubit_matrix_to_diagonal_and_operations(q1, q2, v, atol=atol)
187    w = d_v @ w
189    # if it's interesting to extract the diagonal then let's do it
190    if shift_left:
191        d_w, circuit_u1u2_l = opt.two_qubit_matrix_to_diagonal_and_operations(q1, q2, w, atol=atol)
192    # if we are at the end of the circuit, then just fall back to KAK
193    else:
194        d_w = None
195        circuit_u1u2_l = opt.two_qubit_matrix_to_operations(
196            q1, q2, w, allow_partial_czs=False, atol=atol
197        )
199    return d_w, circuit_u1u2_l + circuit_u1u2_mid + circuit_u1u2_r
202# pylint: enable=missing-param-doc
203def _optimize_multiplexed_angles_circuit(operations: Sequence[ops.Operation]):
204    """Removes two qubit gates that amount to identity.
205    Exploiting the specific multiplexed structure, this methods looks ahead
206    to find stripes of 3 or 4 consecutive CZ or CNOT gates and removes them.
208    Args:
209        operations: operations to be optimized
210    Returns:
211        the optimized operations
212    """
213    circuit = cirq.Circuit(operations)
214    cirq.optimizers.DropNegligible().optimize_circuit(circuit)
215    if np.allclose(circuit.unitary(), np.eye(8), atol=1e-14):
216        return cirq.Circuit([])
218    # the only way we can get identity here is if all four CZs are
219    # next to each other
220    def num_conseq_2qbit_gates(i):
221        j = i
222        while j < len(operations) and operations[j].gate.num_qubits() == 2:
223            j += 1
224        return j - i
226    operations = list(circuit.all_operations())
228    i = 0
229    while i < len(operations):
230        num_czs = num_conseq_2qbit_gates(i)
231        if num_czs == 4:
232            operations = operations[:1]
233            break
234        elif num_czs == 3:
235            operations = operations[:i] + [operations[i + 1]] + operations[i + 3 :]
236            break
237        else:
238            i += 1
239    return operations
242def _middle_multiplexor_to_ops(q0: ops.Qid, q1: ops.Qid, q2: ops.Qid, eigvals: np.ndarray):
243    theta = np.real(np.log(np.sqrt(eigvals)) * 1j * 2)
244    angles = _multiplexed_angles(theta)
245    rzs = [cirq.rz(angle).on(q0) for angle in angles]
246    ops = [
247        rzs[0],
248        cirq.CNOT(q1, q0),
249        rzs[1],
250        cirq.CNOT(q2, q0),
251        rzs[2],
252        cirq.CNOT(q1, q0),
253        rzs[3],
254        cirq.CNOT(q2, q0),
255    ]
256    return _optimize_multiplexed_angles_circuit(ops)
259def _multiplexed_angles(theta: Union[Sequence[float], np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
260    """Calculates the angles for a 4-way multiplexed rotation.
262    For example, if we want rz(theta[i]) if the select qubits are in state
263    |i>, then, multiplexed_angles returns a[i] that can be used in a circuit
264    similar to this:
266    ---rz(a[0])-X---rz(a[1])--X--rz(a[2])-X--rz(a[3])--X
267                |             |           |            |
268    ------------@-------------|-----------@------------|
269                              |                        |
270    --------------------------@------------------------@
272    Args:
273        theta: the desired angles for each basis state of the select qubits
274    Returns:
275        the angles to be used in actual rotations in the circuit implementation
276    """
277    return (
278        np.array(
279            [
280                (theta[0] + theta[1] + theta[2] + theta[3]),
281                (theta[0] + theta[1] - theta[2] - theta[3]),
282                (theta[0] - theta[1] - theta[2] + theta[3]),
283                (theta[0] - theta[1] + theta[2] - theta[3]),
284            ]
285        )
286        / 4
287    )