2""" Classes and functions for fitting the diffusion kurtosis model """
4import numpy as np
5import scipy.optimize as opt
6import dipy.core.sphere as dps
7from dipy.reconst.dti import (TensorFit, mean_diffusivity,
8                              from_lower_triangular,
9                              lower_triangular, decompose_tensor,
10                              MIN_POSITIVE_SIGNAL, nlls_fit_tensor,
11                              restore_fit_tensor)
12from dipy.reconst.utils import dki_design_matrix as design_matrix
13from dipy.reconst.recspeed import local_maxima
14from dipy.reconst.base import ReconstModel
15from dipy.core.ndindex import ndindex
16from dipy.core.geometry import (sphere2cart, cart2sphere,
17                                perpendicular_directions)
18from dipy.data import get_sphere, get_fnames
19from dipy.reconst.vec_val_sum import vec_val_vect
20from dipy.core.gradients import check_multi_b
23def _positive_evals(L1, L2, L3, er=2e-7):
24    """ Helper function that indentifies which voxels in a array have all
25    eigenvalues significantly larger than zero
27    Parameters
28    ----------
29    L1 : ndarray
30        First independent variable of the integral.
31    L2 : ndarray
32        Second independent variable of the integral.
33    L3 : ndarray
34        Third independent variable of the integral.
35    er : float, optional
36        A eigenvalues is classified as larger than zero if it is larger than er
38    Returns
39    -------
40    ind : boolean (n,)
41        Array that marks the voxels that have all eigenvalues are larger than
42        zero.
43    """
44    ind = np.logical_and(L1 > er, np.logical_and(L2 > er, L3 > er))
46    return ind
49def carlson_rf(x, y, z, errtol=3e-4):
50    r""" Computes the Carlson's incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind
51    defined as:
53    .. math::
55        R_F = \frac{1}{2} \int_{0}^{\infty} \left [(t+x)(t+y)(t+z)  \right ]
56        ^{-\frac{1}{2}}dt
58    Parameters
59    ----------
60    x : ndarray
61        First independent variable of the integral.
62    y : ndarray
63        Second independent variable of the integral.
64    z : ndarray
65        Third independent variable of the integral.
66    errtol : float
67        Error tolerance. Integral is computed with relative error less in
68        magnitude than the defined value
70    Returns
71    -------
72    RF : ndarray
73        Value of the incomplete first order elliptic integral
75    Notes
76    ------
77    x, y, and z have to be nonnegative and at most one of them is zero.
79    References
80    ----------
81    .. [1] Carlson, B.C., 1994. Numerical computation of real or complex
82           elliptic integrals. arXiv:math/9409227 [math.CA]
83    """
84    xn = x.copy()
85    yn = y.copy()
86    zn = z.copy()
87    An = (xn + yn + zn) / 3.0
88    Q = (3. * errtol) ** (-1 / 6.) * \
89        np.max(np.abs([An - xn, An - yn, An - zn]), axis=0)
90    # Convergence has to be done voxel by voxel
91    index = ndindex(x.shape)
92    for v in index:
93        n = 0
94        # Convergence condition
95        while 4.**(-n) * Q[v] > abs(An[v]):
96            xnroot = np.sqrt(xn[v])
97            ynroot = np.sqrt(yn[v])
98            znroot = np.sqrt(zn[v])
99            lamda = xnroot * (ynroot + znroot) + ynroot * znroot
100            n = n + 1
101            xn[v] = (xn[v] + lamda) * 0.250
102            yn[v] = (yn[v] + lamda) * 0.250
103            zn[v] = (zn[v] + lamda) * 0.250
104            An[v] = (An[v] + lamda) * 0.250
106    # post convergence calculation
107    X = 1. - xn / An
108    Y = 1. - yn / An
109    Z = - X - Y
110    E2 = X * Y - Z * Z
111    E3 = X * Y * Z
112    RF = An**(-1 / 2.) * \
113        (1 - E2 / 10. + E3 / 14. + (E2**2) / 24. - 3 / 44. * E2 * E3)
115    return RF
118def carlson_rd(x, y, z, errtol=1e-4):
119    r""" Computes the Carlson's incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind
120    defined as:
122    .. math::
124        R_D = \frac{3}{2} \int_{0}^{\infty} (t+x)^{-\frac{1}{2}}
125        (t+y)^{-\frac{1}{2}}(t+z)  ^{-\frac{3}{2}}
127    Parameters
128    ----------
129    x : ndarray
130        First independent variable of the integral.
131    y : ndarray
132        Second independent variable of the integral.
133    z : ndarray
134        Third independent variable of the integral.
135    errtol : float
136        Error tolerance. Integral is computed with relative error less in
137        magnitude than the defined value
139    Returns
140    -------
141    RD : ndarray
142        Value of the incomplete second order elliptic integral
144    Notes
145    ------
146    x, y, and z have to be nonnegative and at most x or y is zero.
147    """
148    xn = x.copy()
149    yn = y.copy()
150    zn = z.copy()
151    A0 = (xn + yn + 3. * zn) / 5.0
152    An = A0.copy()
153    Q = (errtol / 4.) ** (-1 / 6.) * \
154        np.max(np.abs([An - xn, An - yn, An - zn]), axis=0)
155    sum_term = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
156    n = np.zeros(x.shape)
158    # Convergence has to be done voxel by voxel
159    index = ndindex(x.shape)
160    for v in index:
161        # Convergence condition
162        while 4.**(-n[v]) * Q[v] > abs(An[v]):
163            xnroot = np.sqrt(xn[v])
164            ynroot = np.sqrt(yn[v])
165            znroot = np.sqrt(zn[v])
166            lamda = xnroot * (ynroot + znroot) + ynroot * znroot
167            sum_term[v] = sum_term[v] + \
168                4.**(-n[v]) / (znroot * (zn[v] + lamda))
169            n[v] = n[v] + 1
170            xn[v] = (xn[v] + lamda) * 0.250
171            yn[v] = (yn[v] + lamda) * 0.250
172            zn[v] = (zn[v] + lamda) * 0.250
173            An[v] = (An[v] + lamda) * 0.250
175    # post convergence calculation
176    X = (A0 - x) / (4.**(n) * An)
177    Y = (A0 - y) / (4.**(n) * An)
178    Z = - (X + Y) / 3.
179    E2 = X * Y - 6. * Z * Z
180    E3 = (3. * X * Y - 8. * Z * Z) * Z
181    E4 = 3. * (X * Y - Z * Z) * Z**2.
182    E5 = X * Y * Z**3.
183    RD = \
184        4**(-n) * An**(-3 / 2.) * \
185        (1 - 3 / 14. * E2 + 1 / 6. * E3 +
186         9 / 88. * (E2**2) - 3 / 22. * E4 - 9 / 52. * E2 * E3 +
187         3 / 26. * E5) + 3 * sum_term
189    return RD
192def _F1m(a, b, c):
193    r""" Helper function that computes function $F_1$ which is required to
194    compute the analytical solution of the Mean kurtosis.
196    Parameters
197    ----------
198    a : ndarray
199        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_1$ of function $F_1$
200    b : ndarray
201        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_2$ of function $F_1$
202    c : ndarray
203        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_3$ of function $F_1$
205    Returns
206    -------
207    F1 : ndarray
208       Value of the function $F_1$ for all elements of the arrays a, b, and c
210    Notes
211    --------
212    Function $F_1$ is defined as [1]_:
214    .. math::
216        F_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
217        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}
218        {18(\lambda_1-\lambda_2)(\lambda_1-\lambda_3)}
219        [\frac{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}{\lambda_1}
220        R_F(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)+\\
221        \frac{3\lambda_1^2-\lambda_1\lambda_2-\lambda_2\lambda_3-
222        \lambda_1\lambda_3}
223        {3\lambda_1 \sqrt{\lambda_2 \lambda_3}}
224        R_D(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)-1 ]
226    References
227    ----------
228    .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
229           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
230           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
231    """
232    # Eigenvalues are considered equal if they are not 2.5% different to each
233    # other. This value is adjusted according to the analysis reported in:
234    # http://gsoc2015dipydki.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/rnh-post-13-start-wrapping-up-test.html
235    er = 2.5e-2
237    # Initialize F1
238    F1 = np.zeros(a.shape)
240    # Only computes F1 in voxels that have all eigenvalues larger than zero
241    cond0 = _positive_evals(a, b, c)
243    # Apply formula for non problematic plausible cases, i.e. a!=b and a!=c
244    cond1 = np.logical_and(cond0, np.logical_and(abs(a - b) >= a * er,
245                                                 abs(a - c) >= a * er))
246    if np.sum(cond1) != 0:
247        L1 = a[cond1]
248        L2 = b[cond1]
249        L3 = c[cond1]
250        RFm = carlson_rf(L1 / L2, L1 / L3, np.ones(len(L1)))
251        RDm = carlson_rd(L1 / L2, L1 / L3, np.ones(len(L1)))
252        F1[cond1] = ((L1 + L2 + L3) ** 2) / (18 * (L1 - L2) * (L1 - L3)) * \
253                    (np.sqrt(L2 * L3) / L1 * RFm +
254                     (3 * L1**2 - L1 * L2 - L1 * L3 - L2 * L3) /
255                     (3 * L1 * np.sqrt(L2 * L3)) * RDm - 1)
257    # Resolve possible singularity a==b
258    cond2 = np.logical_and(cond0, np.logical_and(abs(a - b) < a * er,
259                                                 abs(a - c) > a * er))
260    if np.sum(cond2) != 0:
261        L1 = (a[cond2] + b[cond2]) / 2.
262        L3 = c[cond2]
263        F1[cond2] = _F2m(L3, L1, L1) / 2.
265    # Resolve possible singularity a==c
266    cond3 = np.logical_and(cond0, np.logical_and(abs(a - c) < a * er,
267                                                 abs(a - b) > a * er))
268    if np.sum(cond3) != 0:
269        L1 = (a[cond3] + c[cond3]) / 2.
270        L2 = b[cond3]
271        F1[cond3] = _F2m(L2, L1, L1) / 2
273    # Resolve possible singularity a==b and a==c
274    cond4 = np.logical_and(cond0, np.logical_and(abs(a - c) < a * er,
275                                                 abs(a - b) < a * er))
276    if np.sum(cond4) != 0:
277        F1[cond4] = 1 / 5.
279    return F1
282def _F2m(a, b, c):
283    r""" Helper function that computes function $F_2$ which is required to
284    compute the analytical solution of the Mean kurtosis.
286    Parameters
287    ----------
288    a : ndarray
289        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_1$ of function $F_2$
290    b : ndarray
291        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_2$ of function $F_2$
292    c : ndarray
293        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_3$ of function $F_2$
295    Returns
296    -------
297    F2 : ndarray
298       Value of the function $F_2$ for all elements of the arrays a, b, and c
300    Notes
301    --------
302    Function $F_2$ is defined as [1]_:
304    .. math::
306        F_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
307        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}
308        {3(\lambda_2-\lambda_3)^2}
309        [\frac{\lambda_2+\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}
310        R_F(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)+\\
311        \frac{2\lambda_1-\lambda_2-\lambda_3}{3\sqrt{\lambda_2 \lambda_3}}
312        R_D(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)-2]
314    References
315    ----------
316    .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
317           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
318           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836 """
319    # Eigenvalues are considered equal if they are not 2.5% different to each
320    # other. This value is adjusted according to the analysis reported in:
321    # http://gsoc2015dipydki.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/rnh-post-13-start-wrapping-up-test.html
322    er = 2.5e-2
324    # Initialize F2
325    F2 = np.zeros(a.shape)
327    # Only computes F2 in voxels that have all eigenvalues larger than zero
328    cond0 = _positive_evals(a, b, c)
330    # Apply formula for non problematic plausible cases, i.e. b!=c
331    cond1 = np.logical_and(cond0, (abs(b - c) > b * er))
332    if np.sum(cond1) != 0:
333        L1 = a[cond1]
334        L2 = b[cond1]
335        L3 = c[cond1]
336        RF = carlson_rf(L1 / L2, L1 / L3, np.ones(len(L1)))
337        RD = carlson_rd(L1 / L2, L1 / L3, np.ones(len(L1)))
338        F2[cond1] = (((L1 + L2 + L3) ** 2) / (3. * (L2 - L3) ** 2)) * \
339                    (((L2 + L3) / (np.sqrt(L2 * L3))) * RF +
340                     ((2. * L1 - L2 - L3) / (3. * np.sqrt(L2 * L3))) * RD - 2.)
342    # Resolve possible singularity b==c
343    cond2 = np.logical_and(cond0, np.logical_and(abs(b - c) < b * er,
344                                                 abs(a - b) > b * er))
345    if np.sum(cond2) != 0:
346        L1 = a[cond2]
347        L3 = (c[cond2] + b[cond2]) / 2.
349        # Compute alfa [1]_
350        x = 1. - (L1 / L3)
351        alpha = np.zeros(len(L1))
352        for i in range(len(x)):
353            if x[i] > 0:
354                alpha[i] = 1. / np.sqrt(x[i]) * np.arctanh(np.sqrt(x[i]))
355            else:
356                alpha[i] = 1. / np.sqrt(-x[i]) * np.arctan(np.sqrt(-x[i]))
358        F2[cond2] = \
359            6. * ((L1 + 2. * L3)**2) / (144. * L3**2 * (L1 - L3)**2) * \
360            (L3 * (L1 + 2. * L3) + L1 * (L1 - 4. * L3) * alpha)
362    # Resolve possible singularity a==b and a==c
363    cond3 = np.logical_and(cond0, np.logical_and(abs(b - c) < b * er,
364                                                 abs(a - b) < b * er))
365    if np.sum(cond3) != 0:
366        F2[cond3] = 6 / 15.
368    return F2
371def directional_diffusion(dt, V, min_diffusivity=0):
372    r""" Calculates the apparent diffusion coefficient (adc) in each direction
373    of a sphere for a single voxel [1]_.
375    Parameters
376    ----------
377    dt : array (6,)
378        elements of the diffusion tensor of the voxel.
379    V : array (g, 3)
380        g directions of a Sphere in Cartesian coordinates
381    min_diffusivity : float (optional)
382        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues
383        cause quite a lot of noise in diffusion-based metrics, diffusivity
384        values smaller than `min_diffusivity` are replaced with
385        `min_diffusivity`. Default = 0
387    Returns
388    --------
389    adc : ndarray (g,)
390        Apparent diffusion coefficient (adc) in all g directions of a sphere
391        for a single voxel.
393    References
394    ----------
395    .. [1] Neto Henriques R, Correia MM, Nunes RG, Ferreira HA (2015).
396           Exploring the 3D geometry of the diffusion kurtosis tensor -
397           Impact on the development of robust tractography procedures and
398           novel biomarkers, NeuroImage 111: 85-99
399    """
400    adc = \
401        V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * dt[0] + \
402        2 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * dt[1] + \
403        V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * dt[2] + \
404        2 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 2] * dt[3] + \
405        2 * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * dt[4] + \
406        V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * dt[5]
408    if min_diffusivity is not None:
409        adc = adc.clip(min=min_diffusivity)
410    return adc
413def directional_diffusion_variance(kt, V, min_kurtosis=-3/7):
414    r""" Calculates the apparent diffusion variance (adv) in each direction
415    of a sphere for a single voxel [1]_.
417    Parameters
418    ----------
419    dt : array (6,)
420        elements of the diffusion tensor of the voxel.
421    kt : array (15,)
422        elements of the kurtosis tensor of the voxel.
423    V : array (g, 3)
424        g directions of a Sphere in Cartesian coordinates
425    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
426        Because high-amplitude negative values of kurtosis are not physicaly
427        and biologicaly pluasible, and these cause artefacts in
428        kurtosis-based measures, directional kurtosis values smaller than
429        `min_kurtosis` are replaced with `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7
430        (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions that consist of water confined
431        to spherical pores [2]_)
432    adc : ndarray(g,) (optional)
433        Apparent diffusion coefficient (adc) in all g directions of a sphere
434        for a single voxel.
435    adv : ndarray(g,) (optional)
436        Apparent diffusion variance coefficient (advc) in all g directions of
437        a sphere for a single voxel.
439    Returns
440    --------
441    adv : ndarray (g,)
442        Apparent diffusion variance (adv) in all g directions of a sphere for
443        a single voxel.
445    References
446    ----------
447    .. [1] Neto Henriques R, Correia MM, Nunes RG, Ferreira HA (2015).
448           Exploring the 3D geometry of the diffusion kurtosis tensor -
449           Impact on the development of robust tractography procedures and
450           novel biomarkers, NeuroImage 111: 85-99
451    """
452    adv = \
453        V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * kt[0] + \
454        V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * kt[1] + \
455        V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * kt[2] + \
456        4 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * kt[3] + \
457        4 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 2] * kt[4] + \
458        4 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * kt[5] + \
459        4 * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * kt[6] + \
460        4 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * kt[7] + \
461        4 * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * kt[8] + \
462        6 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * kt[9] + \
463        6 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * kt[10] + \
464        6 * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * kt[11] + \
465        12 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * kt[12] + \
466        12 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * kt[13] + \
467        12 * V[:, 0] * V[:, 1] * V[:, 2] * V[:, 2] * kt[14]
469    return adv
472def directional_kurtosis(dt, md, kt, V, min_diffusivity=0, min_kurtosis=-3/7,
473                         adc=None, adv=None):
474    r""" Calculates the apparent kurtosis coefficient (akc) in each direction
475    of a sphere for a single voxel [1]_.
477    Parameters
478    ----------
479    dt : array (6,)
480        elements of the diffusion tensor of the voxel.
481    md : float
482        mean diffusivity of the voxel
483    kt : array (15,)
484        elements of the kurtosis tensor of the voxel.
485    V : array (g, 3)
486        g directions of a Sphere in Cartesian coordinates
487    min_diffusivity : float (optional)
488        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues
489        cause quite a lot of noise in diffusion-based metrics, diffusivity
490        values smaller than `min_diffusivity` are replaced with
491        `min_diffusivity`. Default = 0
492    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
493        Because high-amplitude negative values of kurtosis are not physicaly
494        and biologicaly pluasible, and these cause artefacts in
495        kurtosis-based measures, directional kurtosis values smaller than
496        `min_kurtosis` are replaced with `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7
497        (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions that consist of water confined
498        to spherical pores [2]_)
499    adc : ndarray(g,) (optional)
500        Apparent diffusion coefficient (adc) in all g directions of a sphere
501        for a single voxel.
502    adv : ndarray(g,) (optional)
503        Apparent diffusion variance (advc) in all g directions of a sphere for
504        a single voxel.
506    Returns
507    --------
508    akc : ndarray (g,)
509        Apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) in all g directions of a sphere for
510        a single voxel.
512    References
513    ----------
514    .. [1] Neto Henriques R, Correia MM, Nunes RG, Ferreira HA (2015).
515           Exploring the 3D geometry of the diffusion kurtosis tensor -
516           Impact on the development of robust tractography procedures and
517           novel biomarkers, NeuroImage 111: 85-99
518    .. [2] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
519           Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
520           Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
521           Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
522           doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
523    """
524    if adc is None:
525        adc = directional_diffusion(dt, V, min_diffusivity=min_diffusivity)
526    if adv is None:
527        adv = directional_diffusion_variance(kt, V)
529    akc = adv * (md / adc) ** 2
531    if min_kurtosis is not None:
532        akc = akc.clip(min=min_kurtosis)
534    return akc
537def apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params, sphere, min_diffusivity=0,
538                           min_kurtosis=-3./7):
539    r""" Calculates the apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) in each direction
540    of a sphere [1]_.
542    Parameters
543    ----------
544    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
545        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
546        Parameters are ordered as follows:
547            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
548            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
549               second and third coordinates of the eigenvectors respectively
550            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
551    sphere : a Sphere class instance
552        The AKC will be calculated for each of the vertices in the sphere
553    min_diffusivity : float (optional)
554        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues
555        cause quite a lot of noise in diffusion-based metrics, diffusivity
556        values smaller than `min_diffusivity` are replaced with
557        `min_diffusivity`. Default = 0
558    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
559        Because high-amplitude negative values of kurtosis are not physicaly
560        and biologicaly pluasible, and these cause artefacts in
561        kurtosis-based measures, directional kurtosis values smaller than
562        `min_kurtosis` are replaced with `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7
563        (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions that consist of water confined
564        to spherical pores [2]_)
566    Returns
567    --------
568    akc : ndarray (x, y, z, g) or (n, g)
569        Apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) for all g directions of a sphere.
571    Notes
572    -----
573    For each sphere direction with coordinates $(n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3})$, the
574    calculation of AKC is done using formula [1]_:
576    .. math ::
578        AKC(n)=\frac{MD^{2}}{ADC(n)^{2}}\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}
579        \sum_{k=1}^{3}\sum_{l=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}n_{k}n_{l}W_{ijkl}
581    where $W_{ijkl}$ are the elements of the kurtosis tensor, MD the mean
582    diffusivity and ADC the apparent diffusion coefficent computed as:
584    .. math ::
586        ADC(n)=\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}D_{ij}
588    where $D_{ij}$ are the elements of the diffusion tensor.
590    References
591    ----------
592    .. [1] Neto Henriques R, Correia MM, Nunes RG, Ferreira HA (2015).
593           Exploring the 3D geometry of the diffusion kurtosis tensor -
594           Impact on the development of robust tractography procedures and
595           novel biomarkers, NeuroImage 111: 85-99
596    .. [2] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
597           Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
598           Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
599           Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
600           doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
601    """
602    # Flat parameters
603    outshape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
604    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((-1, dki_params.shape[-1]))
606    # Split data
607    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
609    # Initialize AKC matrix
610    V = sphere.vertices
611    akc = np.zeros((len(kt), len(V)))
613    # select relevant voxels to process
614    rel_i = _positive_evals(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2])
615    kt = kt[rel_i]
616    evecs = evecs[rel_i]
617    evals = evals[rel_i]
618    akci = akc[rel_i]
620    # Compute MD and DT
621    md = mean_diffusivity(evals)
622    dt = lower_triangular(vec_val_vect(evecs, evals))
624    # loop over all relevant voxels
625    for vox in range(len(kt)):
626        akci[vox] = directional_kurtosis(dt[vox], md[vox], kt[vox], V,
627                                         min_diffusivity=min_diffusivity,
628                                         min_kurtosis=min_kurtosis)
630    # reshape data according to input data
631    akc[rel_i] = akci
633    return akc.reshape((outshape + (len(V),)))
636def mean_kurtosis(dki_params, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=3,
637                  analytical=True):
638    r""" Computes mean Kurtosis (MK) from the kurtosis tensor.
640    Parameters
641    ----------
642    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
643        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
644        Parameters are ordered as follows:
645            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
646            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
647               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
648            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
649    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
650        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
651        kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced with
652        `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions
653        that consist of water confined to spherical pores [4]_)
654    max_kurtosis : float (optional)
655        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
656        kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced with
657        `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
658    analytical : bool (optional)
659        If True, MK is calculated using its analytical solution, otherwise an
660        exact numerical estimator is used (see Notes). Default is set to True
662    Returns
663    -------
664    mk : array
665        Calculated MK.
667    Notes
668    --------
669    The MK is defined as the average of directional kurtosis coefficients
670    across all spatial directions, which can be formulated by the following
671    surface integral[1]_:
673    .. math::
675         MK \equiv \frac{1}{4\pi} \int d\Omega_\mathbf{n} K(\mathbf{n})
677    This integral can be numerically solved by averaging directional
678    kurtosis values sampled for directions of a spherical t-design [2]_.
680    Alternatively, MK can be solved from the analytical solution derived by
681    Tabesh et al. [3]_. This solution is given by:
683    .. math::
685        MK=F_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{1111}+
686           F_1(\lambda_2,\lambda_1,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2222}+
687           F_1(\lambda_3,\lambda_2,\lambda_1)\hat{W}_{3333}+ \\
688           F_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2233}+
689           F_2(\lambda_2,\lambda_1,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{1133}+
690           F_2(\lambda_3,\lambda_2,\lambda_1)\hat{W}_{1122}
692    where $\hat{W}_{ijkl}$ are the components of the $W$ tensor in the
693    coordinates system defined by the eigenvectors of the diffusion tensor
694    $\mathbf{D}$ and
696    .. math::
698        F_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
699        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}
700        {18(\lambda_1-\lambda_2)(\lambda_1-\lambda_3)}
701        [\frac{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}{\lambda_1}
702        R_F(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)+\\
703        \frac{3\lambda_1^2-\lambda_1\lambda_2-\lambda_2\lambda_3-
704        \lambda_1\lambda_3}
705        {3\lambda_1 \sqrt{\lambda_2 \lambda_3}}
706        R_D(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)-1 ]
708        F_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
709        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}
710        {3(\lambda_2-\lambda_3)^2}
711        [\frac{\lambda_2+\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}
712        R_F(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)+\\
713        \frac{2\lambda_1-\lambda_2-\lambda_3}{3\sqrt{\lambda_2 \lambda_3}}
714        R_D(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)-2]
716    where $R_f$ and $R_d$ are the Carlson's elliptic integrals.
718    References
719    ----------
720    .. [1] Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., 2010. MRI quantification of
721           non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR in
722           Biomedicine 23(7): 698-710
723    .. [2] Hardin, R.H., Sloane, N.J.A., 1996. McLaren's Improved Snub Cube and
724           Other New Spherical Designs in Three Dimensions. Discrete and
725           Computational Geometry 15, 429-441.
726    .. [3] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
727           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
728           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
729    .. [4] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
730           Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
731           Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
732           Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
733           doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
734    """
735    # Flat parameters. For numpy versions more recent than 1.6.0, this step
736    # isn't required
737    outshape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
738    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((-1, dki_params.shape[-1]))
740    if analytical:
741        # Split the model parameters to three variable containing the evals,
742        # evecs, and kurtosis elements
743        evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
745        # Rotate the kurtosis tensor from the standard Cartesian coordinate
746        # system to another coordinate system in which the 3 orthonormal
747        # eigenvectors of DT are the base coordinate
748        Wxxxx = Wrotate_element(kt, 0, 0, 0, 0, evecs)
749        Wyyyy = Wrotate_element(kt, 1, 1, 1, 1, evecs)
750        Wzzzz = Wrotate_element(kt, 2, 2, 2, 2, evecs)
751        Wxxyy = Wrotate_element(kt, 0, 0, 1, 1, evecs)
752        Wxxzz = Wrotate_element(kt, 0, 0, 2, 2, evecs)
753        Wyyzz = Wrotate_element(kt, 1, 1, 2, 2, evecs)
755        # Compute MK
756        MK = \
757            _F1m(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2]) * Wxxxx + \
758            _F1m(evals[..., 1], evals[..., 0], evals[..., 2]) * Wyyyy + \
759            _F1m(evals[..., 2], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 0]) * Wzzzz + \
760            _F2m(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2]) * Wyyzz + \
761            _F2m(evals[..., 1], evals[..., 0], evals[..., 2]) * Wxxzz + \
762            _F2m(evals[..., 2], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 0]) * Wxxyy
764    else:
765        # Numerical Solution using t-design of 45 directions
766        V = np.loadtxt(get_fnames("t-design"))
767        sph = dps.Sphere(xyz=V)
768        KV = apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params, sph, min_kurtosis=min_kurtosis)
769        MK = np.mean(KV, axis=-1)
771    if min_kurtosis is not None:
772        MK = MK.clip(min=min_kurtosis)
774    if max_kurtosis is not None:
775        MK = MK.clip(max=max_kurtosis)
777    return MK.reshape(outshape)
780def _G1m(a, b, c):
781    r""" Helper function that computes function $G_1$ which is required to
782    compute the analytical solution of the Radial kurtosis.
784    Parameters
785    ----------
786    a : ndarray
787        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_1$ of function $G_1$
788    b : ndarray
789        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_2$ of function $G_1$
790    c : ndarray
791        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_3$ of function $G_1$
793    Returns
794    -------
795    G1 : ndarray
796       Value of the function $G_1$ for all elements of the arrays a, b, and c
798    Notes
799    --------
800    Function $G_1$ is defined as [1]_:
802    .. math::
804        G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
805        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}{18\lambda_2(\lambda_2-
806        \lambda_3)} \left (2\lambda_2 +
807        \frac{\lambda_3^2-3\lambda_2\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}
808        \right)
810    References
811    ----------
812    .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
813           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
814           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
815    """
816    # Float error used to compare two floats, abs(l1 - l2) < er for l1 = l2
817    # Error is defined as five orders of magnitude larger than system's epslon
818    er = np.finfo(a.ravel()[0]).eps * 1e5
820    # Initialize G1
821    G1 = np.zeros(a.shape)
823    # Only computes G1 in voxels that have all eigenvalues larger than zero
824    cond0 = _positive_evals(a, b, c)
826    # Apply formula for non problematic plausible cases, i.e. b!=c
827    cond1 = np.logical_and(cond0, (abs(b - c) > er))
828    if np.sum(cond1) != 0:
829        L1 = a[cond1]
830        L2 = b[cond1]
831        L3 = c[cond1]
832        G1[cond1] = \
833            (L1 + L2 + L3)**2 / (18 * L2 * (L2 - L3)**2) * \
834            (2. * L2 + (L3**2 - 3 * L2 * L3) / np.sqrt(L2 * L3))
836    # Resolve possible singularity b==c
837    cond2 = np.logical_and(cond0, abs(b - c) < er)
838    if np.sum(cond2) != 0:
839        L1 = a[cond2]
840        L2 = b[cond2]
841        G1[cond2] = (L1 + 2. * L2)**2 / (24. * L2**2)
843    return G1
846def _G2m(a, b, c):
847    r""" Helper function that computes function $G_2$ which is required to
848    compute the analytical solution of the Radial kurtosis.
850    Parameters
851    ----------
852    a : ndarray
853        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_1$ of function $G_2$
854    b : ndarray
855        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_2$ of function $G_2$
856    c : ndarray (n,)
857        Array containing the values of parameter $\lambda_3$ of function $G_2$
859    Returns
860    -------
861    G2 : ndarray
862       Value of the function $G_2$ for all elements of the arrays a, b, and c
864    Notes
865    --------
866    Function $G_2$ is defined as [1]_:
868    .. math::
870        G_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
871        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}{(\lambda_2-\lambda_3)^2}
872        \left ( \frac{\lambda_2+\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}-2\right )
874    References
875    ----------
876    .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
877           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
878           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
879    """
880    # Float error used to compare two floats, abs(l1 - l2) < er for l1 = l2
881    # Error is defined as five order of magnitude larger than system's epsilon
882    er = np.finfo(a.ravel()[0]).eps * 1e5
884    # Initialize G2
885    G2 = np.zeros(a.shape)
887    # Only computes G2 in voxels that have all eigenvalues larger than zero
888    cond0 = _positive_evals(a, b, c)
890    # Apply formula for non problematic plausible cases, i.e. b!=c
891    cond1 = np.logical_and(cond0, (abs(b - c) > er))
892    if np.sum(cond1) != 0:
893        L1 = a[cond1]
894        L2 = b[cond1]
895        L3 = c[cond1]
896        G2[cond1] = \
897            (L1 + L2 + L3)**2 / (3 * (L2 - L3)**2) * \
898            ((L2 + L3) / np.sqrt(L2 * L3) - 2)
900    # Resolve possible singularity b==c
901    cond2 = np.logical_and(cond0, abs(b - c) < er)
902    if np.sum(cond2) != 0:
903        L1 = a[cond2]
904        L2 = b[cond2]
905        G2[cond2] = (L1 + 2. * L2)**2 / (12. * L2**2)
907    return G2
910def radial_kurtosis(dki_params, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10,
911                    analytical=True):
912    r""" Radial Kurtosis (RK) of a diffusion kurtosis tensor [1]_, [2]_.
914    Parameters
915    ----------
916    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
917        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
918        Parameters are ordered as follows:
919            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
920            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
921               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
922            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
923    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
924        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, radial
925        kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced with
926        `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions
927        that consist of water confined to spherical pores [3]_)
928    max_kurtosis : float (optional)
929        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, radial
930        kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced with
931        `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
932    analytical : bool (optional)
933        If True, RK is calculated using its analytical solution, otherwise an
934        exact numerical estimator is used (see Notes). Default is set to True.
936    Returns
937    -------
938    rk : array
939        Calculated RK.
941    Notes
942    -----
943    RK is defined as the average of the directional kurtosis perpendicular
944    to the fiber's main direction e1 [1]_, [2]_:
946    .. math::
948    RK \equiv \frac{1}{2\pi} \int d\Omega _\mathbf{\theta} K(\mathbf{\theta})
949              \delta (\mathbf{\theta}\cdot \mathbf{e}_1)
951    This equation can be numerically computed by averaging apparent
952    directional kurtosis samples for directions perpendicular to e1.
954    Otherwise, RK can be calculated from its analytical solution [2]_:
956    .. math::
958        K_{\bot} = G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2222} +
959                   G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_3,\lambda_2)\hat{W}_{3333} +
960                   G_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2233}
962    where:
964    .. math::
966        G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
967        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}{18\lambda_2(\lambda_2-
968        \lambda_3)} \left (2\lambda_2 +
969        \frac{\lambda_3^2-3\lambda_2\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}
970        \right)
972    and
974    .. math::
976        G_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
977        \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}{(\lambda_2-\lambda_3)^2}
978        \left ( \frac{\lambda_2+\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}-2\right )
980    References
981    ----------
982    .. [1] Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., 2010. MRI quantification of
983           non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR in
984           Biomedicine 23(7): 698-710
985    .. [2] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
986           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
987           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
988    .. [3] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
989           Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
990           Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on Biomedical
991           Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
992           doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
993    """
994    outshape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
995    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((-1, dki_params.shape[-1]))
997    # Split the model parameters to three variable containing the evals,
998    # evecs, and kurtosis elements
999    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
1001    if analytical:
1002        # Rotate the kurtosis tensor from the standard Cartesian coordinate
1003        # system to another coordinate system in which the 3 orthonormal
1004        # eigenvectors of DT are the base coordinate
1005        Wyyyy = Wrotate_element(kt, 1, 1, 1, 1, evecs)
1006        Wzzzz = Wrotate_element(kt, 2, 2, 2, 2, evecs)
1007        Wyyzz = Wrotate_element(kt, 1, 1, 2, 2, evecs)
1009        # Compute RK
1010        RK = \
1011            _G1m(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2]) * Wyyyy + \
1012            _G1m(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 2], evals[..., 1]) * Wzzzz + \
1013            _G2m(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2]) * Wyyzz
1015    else:
1016        # Numerical Solution using 10 perpendicular directions samples
1017        npa = 10
1019        # Initialize RK
1020        RK = np.zeros(kt.shape[:-1])
1022        # select relevant voxels to process
1023        rel_i = _positive_evals(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2])
1024        dki_params = dki_params[rel_i]
1025        evecs = evecs[rel_i]
1026        RKi = RK[rel_i]
1028        # loop over all voxels
1029        KV = np.zeros((dki_params.shape[0], npa))
1030        for vox in range(len(dki_params)):
1031            V = perpendicular_directions(np.array(evecs[vox, :, 0]), num=npa,
1032                                         half=True)
1033            sph = dps.Sphere(xyz=V)
1034            KV[vox, :] = apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params[vox], sph,
1035                                                min_kurtosis=min_kurtosis)
1036        RKi = np.mean(KV, axis=-1)
1038        RK[rel_i] = RKi
1040    if min_kurtosis is not None:
1041        RK = RK.clip(min=min_kurtosis)
1043    if max_kurtosis is not None:
1044        RK = RK.clip(max=max_kurtosis)
1046    return RK.reshape(outshape)
1049def axial_kurtosis(dki_params, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10,
1050                   analytical=True):
1051    r"""  Computes axial Kurtosis (AK) from the kurtosis tensor [1]_, [2]_.
1053    Parameters
1054    ----------
1055    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1056        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1057        Parameters are ordered as follows:
1058            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
1059            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
1060               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1061            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1062    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
1063        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, axial
1064        kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced with
1065        `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions
1066        that consist of water confined to spherical pores [3]_)
1067    max_kurtosis : float (optional)
1068        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, axial
1069        kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced with
1070        `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
1071    analytical : bool (optional)
1072        If True, AK is calculated from rotated diffusion kurtosis tensor,
1073        otherwise it will be computed from the apparent diffusion kurtosis
1074        values along the principal axis of the diffusion tensor (see notes).
1075        Default is set to True.
1077    Returns
1078    -------
1079    ak : array
1080        Calculated AK.
1082    Notes
1083    -----
1084    AK is defined as the directional kurtosis parallel to the fiber's main
1085    direction e1 [1]_, [2]_. You can compute AK using to approaches:
1087    1) AK is calculated from rotated diffusion kurtosis tensor [2]_, i.e.:
1089    .. math::
1090        AK = \hat{W}_{1111}
1091            \frac{(\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2}+\lambda_{3})^2}{(9 \lambda_{1}^2)}
1093    2) AK can be sampled from the principal axis of the diffusion tensor:
1095    .. math::
1096        AK = K(\mathbf{\mathbf{e}_1)
1098    Although both approaches leads to an exact calculation of AK, the first
1099    approach will be referred to as the analytical method while the second
1100    approach will be referred to as the numerical method based on their analogy
1101    to the estimation strategies for MK and RK.
1103    References
1104    ----------
1105    .. [1] Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., 2010. MRI quantification of
1106           non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR in
1107           Biomedicine 23(7): 698-710
1108    .. [2] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
1109           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
1110           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
1111    .. [3] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
1112           Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
1113           Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
1114           Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
1115           doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
1116    """
1117    # Flat parameters
1118    outshape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
1119    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((-1, dki_params.shape[-1]))
1121    # Split data
1122    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
1124    # Initialize AK
1125    AK = np.zeros(kt.shape[:-1])
1127    # select relevant voxels to process
1128    rel_i = _positive_evals(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2])
1129    kt = kt[rel_i]
1130    evecs = evecs[rel_i]
1131    evals = evals[rel_i]
1132    AKi = AK[rel_i]
1134    # Compute mean diffusivity
1135    md = mean_diffusivity(evals)
1137    if analytical:
1138        # Rotate the kurtosis tensor from the standard Cartesian coordinate
1139        # system to another coordinate system in which the 3 orthonormal
1140        # eigenvectors of DT are the base coordinate
1141        Wxxxx = Wrotate_element(kt, 0, 0, 0, 0, evecs)
1142        AKi = Wxxxx * (md ** 2) / (evals[..., 0] ** 2)
1144    else:
1145        # Compute apparent directional kurtosis along evecs[0]
1146        dt = lower_triangular(vec_val_vect(evecs, evals))
1147        for vox in range(len(kt)):
1148            AKi[vox] = directional_kurtosis(dt[vox], md[vox], kt[vox],
1149                                            np.array([evecs[vox, :, 0]]))
1151    # reshape data according to input data
1152    AK[rel_i] = AKi
1154    if min_kurtosis is not None:
1155        AK = AK.clip(min=min_kurtosis)
1157    if max_kurtosis is not None:
1158        AK = AK.clip(max=max_kurtosis)
1160    return AK.reshape(outshape)
1163def _kt_maximum_converge(ang, dt, md, kt):
1164    """ Helper function that computes the inverse of the directional kurtosis
1165    of a voxel along a given direction in polar coordinates.
1167    Parameters
1168    ----------
1169    ang : array (2,)
1170        array containing the two polar angles
1171    dt : array (6,)
1172        elements of the diffusion tensor of the voxel.
1173    md : float
1174        mean diffusivity of the voxel
1175    kt : array (15,)
1176        elements of the kurtosis tensor of the voxel.
1178    Returns
1179    -------
1180    neg_kt : float
1181        The inverse value of the apparent kurtosis for the given direction.
1183    Notes
1184    -----
1185    This function is used to refine the kurtosis maximum estimate
1187    See also
1188    --------
1189    dipy.reconst.dki.kurtosis_maximum
1190    """
1191    n = np.array([sphere2cart(1, ang[0], ang[1])])
1192    return -1. * directional_kurtosis(dt, md, kt, n)
1195def _voxel_kurtosis_maximum(dt, md, kt, sphere, gtol=1e-2):
1196    """ Computes the maximum value of a single voxel kurtosis tensor
1198    Parameters
1199    ----------
1200    dt : array (6,)
1201        elements of the diffusion tensor of the voxel.
1202    md : float
1203        mean diffusivity of the voxel
1204    kt : array (15,)
1205        elements of the kurtosis tensor of the voxel.
1206    sphere : Sphere class instance, optional
1207        The sphere providing sample directions for the initial search of the
1208        maximum value of kurtosis.
1209    gtol : float, optional
1210        This input is to refine kurtosis maximum under the precision of the
1211        directions sampled on the sphere class instance. The gradient of the
1212        convergence procedure must be less than gtol before successful
1213        termination. If gtol is None, fiber direction is directly taken from
1214        the initial sampled directions of the given sphere object
1216    Returns
1217    -------
1218    max_value : float
1219        kurtosis tensor maximum value
1220    max_dir : array (3,)
1221        Cartesian coordinates of the direction of the maximal kurtosis value
1222    """
1223    # Estimation of maximum kurtosis candidates
1224    akc = directional_kurtosis(dt, md, kt, sphere.vertices)
1225    max_val, ind = local_maxima(akc, sphere.edges)
1226    n = len(max_val)
1228    # case that none maximum was find (spherical or null kurtosis tensors)
1229    if n == 0:
1230        return np.mean(akc), np.zeros(3)
1232    max_dir = sphere.vertices[ind]
1234    # Select the maximum from the candidates
1235    max_value = max(max_val)
1236    max_direction = max_dir[np.argmax(max_val.argmax)]
1238    # refine maximum direction
1239    if gtol is not None:
1240        for p in range(n):
1241            r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(max_dir[p, 0], max_dir[p, 1],
1242                                        max_dir[p, 2])
1243            ang = np.array([theta, phi])
1244            ang[:] = opt.fmin_bfgs(_kt_maximum_converge, ang,
1245                                   args=(dt, md, kt), disp=False,
1246                                   retall=False, gtol=gtol)
1247            k_dir = np.array([sphere2cart(1., ang[0], ang[1])])
1248            k_val = directional_kurtosis(dt, md, kt, k_dir)
1249            if k_val > max_value:
1250                max_value = k_val
1251                max_direction = k_dir
1253    return max_value, max_direction
1256def kurtosis_maximum(dki_params, sphere='repulsion100', gtol=1e-2,
1257                     mask=None):
1258    """ Computes kurtosis maximum value
1260    Parameters
1261    ----------
1262    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1263        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1264        Parameters are ordered as follows:
1265            1) Three diffusion tensor's eingenvalues
1266            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
1267               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1268            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1269    sphere : Sphere class instance, optional
1270        The sphere providing sample directions for the initial search of the
1271        maximal value of kurtosis.
1272    gtol : float, optional
1273        This input is to refine kurtosis maximum under the precision of the
1274        directions sampled on the sphere class instance. The gradient of the
1275        convergence procedure must be less than gtol before successful
1276        termination. If gtol is None, fiber direction is directly taken from
1277        the initial sampled directions of the given sphere object
1278    mask : ndarray
1279        A boolean array used to mark the coordinates in the data that should be
1280        analyzed that has the shape dki_params.shape[:-1]
1282    Returns
1283    --------
1284    max_value : float
1285        kurtosis tensor maximum value
1286    max_dir : array (3,)
1287        Cartesian coordinates of the direction of the maximal kurtosis value
1288    """
1289    shape = dki_params.shape[:-1]
1291    # load gradient directions
1292    if not isinstance(sphere, dps.Sphere):
1293        sphere = get_sphere('repulsion100')
1295    # select voxels where to find fiber directions
1296    if mask is None:
1297        mask = np.ones(shape, dtype='bool')
1298    else:
1299        if mask.shape != shape:
1300            raise ValueError("Mask is not the same shape as dki_params.")
1302    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
1304    # select non-zero voxels
1305    pos_evals = _positive_evals(evals[..., 0], evals[..., 1], evals[..., 2])
1306    mask = np.logical_and(mask, pos_evals)
1308    kt_max = np.zeros(mask.shape)
1309    dt = lower_triangular(vec_val_vect(evecs, evals))
1310    md = mean_diffusivity(evals)
1312    for idx in ndindex(shape):
1313        if not mask[idx]:
1314            continue
1315        kt_max[idx], da = _voxel_kurtosis_maximum(dt[idx], md[idx], kt[idx],
1316                                                  sphere, gtol=gtol)
1318    return kt_max
1321def mean_kurtosis_tensor(dki_params, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10):
1322    r""" Computes mean of the kurtosis tensor (MKT) [1]_.
1324    Parameters
1325    ----------
1326    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1327        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1328        Parameters are ordered as follows:
1329            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
1330            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
1331               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1332            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1333    min_kurtosis : float (optional)
1334        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
1335        kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced with
1336        `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit for regions
1337        that consist of water confined to spherical pores [2]_)
1338    max_kurtosis : float (optional)
1339        To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
1340        kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced with
1341        `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
1342    Returns
1343    -------
1344    mkt : array
1345        Calculated mean kurtosis tensor.
1347    Notes
1348    --------
1349    The MKT is defined as [1]_:
1351    .. math::
1353         MKT \equiv \frac{1}{4\pi} \int d
1354         \Omega_{\mathnbf{n}} n_i n_j n_k n_l W_{ijkl}
1357    which can be directly computed from the trace of the kurtosis tensor:
1359    .. math::
1361    MKT = \frac{1}{5} Tr(\mathbf{W}) = \frac{1}{5}
1362    (W_{1111} + W_{2222} + W_{3333} + 2W_{1122} + 2W_{1133} + 2W_{2233})
1364    References
1365    ----------
1366    .. [1] Hansen, B., Lund, T. E., Sangill, R., and Jespersen, S. N. (2013).
1367           Experimentally and computationally fast method for estimation of
1368           a mean kurtosis.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine69,  1754–1760.388
1369           doi:10.1002/mrm.24743
1370    .. [2] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
1371           Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
1372           Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
1373           Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
1374           doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
1375    """
1376    MKT = 1/5 * (dki_params[..., 12] + dki_params[..., 13] +
1377                 dki_params[..., 14] + 2 * dki_params[..., 21] +
1378                 2 * dki_params[..., 22] + 2 * dki_params[..., 23])
1380    if min_kurtosis is not None:
1381        MKT = MKT.clip(min=min_kurtosis)
1383    if max_kurtosis is not None:
1384        MKT = MKT.clip(max=max_kurtosis)
1386    return MKT
1389def kurtosis_fractional_anisotropy(dki_params):
1390    r""" Computes the anisotropy of the kurtosis tensor (KFA) [1]_.
1392    Parameters
1393    ----------
1394    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1395        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1396        Parameters are ordered as follows:
1397            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
1398            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
1399               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1400            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1401    Returns
1402    -------
1403    kfa : array
1404        Calculated mean kurtosis tensor.
1406    Notes
1407    --------
1408    The KFA is defined as [1]_:
1410    .. math::
1412         KFA \equiv
1413         \frac{||\mathbf{W} - MKT \mathbf{I}^{(4)}||_F}{||\mathbf{W}||_F}
1415    where $W$ is the kurtosis tensor, MKT the kurtosis tensor mean, $I^(4)$ is
1416    the fully symmetric rank 2 isotropic tensor and $||...||_F$ is the tensor's
1417    Frobenius norm [1]_.
1419    References
1420    ----------
1421    .. [1] Glenn, G. R., Helpern, J. A., Tabesh, A., and Jensen, J. H. (2015).
1422           Quantitative assessment of diffusional kurtosis anisotropy.
1423           NMR in Biomedicine 28, 448–459. doi:10.1002/nbm.3271
1424    """
1425    Wxxxx = dki_params[..., 12]
1426    Wyyyy = dki_params[..., 13]
1427    Wzzzz = dki_params[..., 14]
1428    Wxxxy = dki_params[..., 15]
1429    Wxxxz = dki_params[..., 16]
1430    Wxyyy = dki_params[..., 17]
1431    Wyyyz = dki_params[..., 18]
1432    Wxzzz = dki_params[..., 19]
1433    Wyzzz = dki_params[..., 20]
1434    Wxxyy = dki_params[..., 21]
1435    Wxxzz = dki_params[..., 22]
1436    Wyyzz = dki_params[..., 23]
1437    Wxxyz = dki_params[..., 24]
1438    Wxyyz = dki_params[..., 25]
1439    Wxyzz = dki_params[..., 26]
1441    W = 1.0/5.0 * (Wxxxx + Wyyyy + Wzzzz + 2*Wxxyy + 2*Wxxzz + 2*Wyyzz)
1443    # Compute's equation numerator
1444    A = (Wxxxx - W) ** 2 + (Wyyyy - W) ** 2 + (Wzzzz - W) ** 2 + \
1445        4 * Wxxxy ** 2 + 4 * Wxxxz ** 2 + 4 * Wxyyy ** 2 + 4 * Wyyyz ** 2 + \
1446        4 * Wxzzz ** 2 + 4 * Wyzzz ** 2 + \
1447        6 * (Wxxyy - W/3) ** 2 + 6 * (Wxxzz - W/3) ** 2 + \
1448        6 * (Wyyzz - W/3) ** 2 + \
1449        12 * Wxxyz ** 2 + 12 * Wxyyz ** 2 + 12 * Wxyzz ** 2
1451    # Compute's equation denominator
1452    B = Wxxxx ** 2 + Wyyyy ** 2 + Wzzzz ** 2 + 4 * Wxxxy ** 2 + \
1453        4 * Wxxxz ** 2 + 4 * Wxyyy ** 2 + 4 * Wyyyz ** 2 + 4 * Wxzzz ** 2 + \
1454        4 * Wyzzz ** 2 + 6 * Wxxyy ** 2 + 6 * Wxxzz ** 2 + 6 * Wyyzz ** 2 + \
1455        12 * Wxxyz ** 2 + 12 * Wxyyz ** 2 + 12 * Wxyzz ** 2
1457    # Compute KFA
1458    KFA = np.zeros(A.shape)
1459    cond = B > 0  # Avoiding Singularity (if B = 0, KFA = 0)
1460    KFA[cond] = np.sqrt(A[cond]/B[cond])
1462    return KFA
1465def dki_prediction(dki_params, gtab, S0=1.):
1466    """ Predict a signal given diffusion kurtosis imaging parameters.
1468    Parameters
1469    ----------
1470    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1471        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1472        Parameters are ordered as follows:
1473            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
1474            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
1475               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1476            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1477    gtab : a GradientTable class instance
1478        The gradient table for this prediction
1479    S0 : float or ndarray (optional)
1480        The non diffusion-weighted signal in every voxel, or across all
1481        voxels. Default: 1
1483    Returns
1484    --------
1485    S : (..., N) ndarray
1486        Simulated signal based on the DKI model:
1488    .. math::
1490        S=S_{0}e^{-bD+\frac{1}{6}b^{2}D^{2}K}
1492    """
1493    evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dki_params)
1495    # Define DKI design matrix according to given gtab
1496    A = design_matrix(gtab)
1498    # Flat parameters and initialize pred_sig
1499    fevals = evals.reshape((-1, evals.shape[-1]))
1500    fevecs = evecs.reshape((-1,) + evecs.shape[-2:])
1501    fkt = kt.reshape((-1, kt.shape[-1]))
1502    pred_sig = np.zeros((len(fevals), len(gtab.bvals)))
1503    if isinstance(S0, np.ndarray):
1504        S0_vol = np.reshape(S0, (len(fevals)))
1505    else:
1506        S0_vol = S0
1507    # looping for all voxels
1508    for v in range(len(pred_sig)):
1509        DT = np.dot(np.dot(fevecs[v], np.diag(fevals[v])), fevecs[v].T)
1510        dt = lower_triangular(DT)
1511        MD = (dt[0] + dt[2] + dt[5]) / 3
1512        if isinstance(S0_vol, np.ndarray):
1513            this_S0 = S0_vol[v]
1514        else:
1515            this_S0 = S0_vol
1516        X = np.concatenate((dt, fkt[v] * MD * MD,
1517                            np.array([-np.log(this_S0)])),
1518                           axis=0)
1519        pred_sig[v] = np.exp(np.dot(A, X))
1521    # Reshape data according to the shape of dki_params
1522    pred_sig = pred_sig.reshape(dki_params.shape[:-1] + (pred_sig.shape[-1],))
1524    return pred_sig
1527class DiffusionKurtosisModel(ReconstModel):
1528    """ Class for the Diffusion Kurtosis Model
1529    """
1531    def __init__(self, gtab, fit_method="WLS", *args, **kwargs):
1532        """ Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor Model [1]
1534        Parameters
1535        ----------
1536        gtab : GradientTable class instance
1538        fit_method : str or callable
1539            str can be one of the following:
1540            'OLS' or 'ULLS' for ordinary least squares
1541                dki.ols_fit_dki
1542            'WLS' or 'UWLLS' for weighted ordinary least squares
1543                dki.wls_fit_dki
1545            callable has to have the signature:
1546                fit_method(design_matrix, data, *args, **kwargs)
1548        args, kwargs : arguments and key-word arguments passed to the
1549           fit_method. See dki.ols_fit_dki, dki.wls_fit_dki for details
1551        References
1552        ----------
1553        .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
1554        Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
1555        kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
1556        """
1557        ReconstModel.__init__(self, gtab)
1559        if not callable(fit_method):
1560            try:
1561                self.fit_method = common_fit_methods[fit_method]
1562            except KeyError:
1563                raise ValueError('"' + str(fit_method) + '" is not a known '
1564                                 'fit method, the fit method should either be '
1565                                 'a function or one of the common fit methods')
1567        self.design_matrix = design_matrix(self.gtab)
1568        self.args = args
1569        self.kwargs = kwargs
1570        self.min_signal = self.kwargs.pop('min_signal', None)
1571        if self.min_signal is not None and self.min_signal <= 0:
1572            e_s = "The `min_signal` key-word argument needs to be strictly"
1573            e_s += " positive."
1574            raise ValueError(e_s)
1576        # Check if at least three b-values are given
1577        enough_b = check_multi_b(self.gtab, 3, non_zero=False)
1578        if not enough_b:
1579            mes = "DKI requires at least 3 b-values (which can include b=0)"
1580            raise ValueError(mes)
1582    def fit(self, data, mask=None):
1583        """ Fit method of the DKI model class
1585        Parameters
1586        ----------
1587        data : array
1588            The measured signal from one voxel.
1590        mask : array
1591            A boolean array used to mark the coordinates in the data that
1592            should be analyzed that has the shape data.shape[-1]
1593        """
1594        if mask is not None:
1595            # Check for valid shape of the mask
1596            if mask.shape != data.shape[:-1]:
1597                raise ValueError("Mask is not the same shape as data.")
1598            mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool, copy=False)
1599        data_in_mask = np.reshape(data[mask], (-1, data.shape[-1]))
1601        if self.min_signal is None:
1602            min_signal = MIN_POSITIVE_SIGNAL
1603        else:
1604            min_signal = self.min_signal
1606        data_in_mask = np.maximum(data_in_mask, min_signal)
1607        params_in_mask = self.fit_method(self.design_matrix, data_in_mask,
1608                                         *self.args, **self.kwargs)
1610        if mask is None:
1611            out_shape = data.shape[:-1] + (-1, )
1612            dki_params = params_in_mask.reshape(out_shape)
1613        else:
1614            dki_params = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (27,))
1615            dki_params[mask, :] = params_in_mask
1617        return DiffusionKurtosisFit(self, dki_params)
1619    def predict(self, dki_params, S0=1.):
1620        """ Predict a signal for this DKI model class instance given
1621        parameters.
1623        Parameters
1624        ----------
1625        dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1626            All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1627            Parameters are ordered as follows:
1628                1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
1629                2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the
1630                   first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1631                3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1632        S0 : float or ndarray (optional)
1633            The non diffusion-weighted signal in every voxel, or across all
1634            voxels. Default: 1
1635        """
1636        return dki_prediction(dki_params, self.gtab, S0)
1639class DiffusionKurtosisFit(TensorFit):
1640    """ Class for fitting the Diffusion Kurtosis Model"""
1642    def __init__(self, model, model_params):
1643        """ Initialize a DiffusionKurtosisFit class instance.
1645        Since DKI is an extension of DTI, class instance is defined as subclass
1646        of the TensorFit from dti.py
1648        Parameters
1649        ----------
1650        model : DiffusionKurtosisModel Class instance
1651            Class instance containing the Diffusion Kurtosis Model for the fit
1652        model_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
1653            All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
1654            Parameters are ordered as follows:
1655                1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
1656                2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the
1657                   first, second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
1658                3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
1659        """
1660        TensorFit.__init__(self, model, model_params)
1662    @property
1663    def kt(self):
1664        """
1665        Returns the 15 independent elements of the kurtosis tensor as an array
1666        """
1667        return self.model_params[..., 12:]
1669    def akc(self, sphere):
1670        r""" Calculates the apparent kurtosis coefficient (AKC) in each
1671        direction on the sphere for each voxel in the data
1673        Parameters
1674        ----------
1675        sphere : Sphere class instance
1677        Returns
1678        -------
1679        akc : ndarray
1680           The estimates of the apparent kurtosis coefficient in every
1681           direction on the input sphere
1683        Notes
1684        -----
1685        For each sphere direction with coordinates $(n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3})$, the
1686        calculation of AKC is done using formula:
1688        .. math ::
1690            AKC(n)=\frac{MD^{2}}{ADC(n)^{2}}\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}
1691            \sum_{k=1}^{3}\sum_{l=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}n_{k}n_{l}W_{ijkl}
1693        where $W_{ijkl}$ are the elements of the kurtosis tensor, MD the mean
1694        diffusivity and ADC the apparent diffusion coefficent computed as:
1696        .. math ::
1698            ADC(n)=\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}D_{ij}
1700        where $D_{ij}$ are the elements of the diffusion tensor.
1701        """
1702        return apparent_kurtosis_coef(self.model_params, sphere)
1704    def mk(self, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10, analytical=True):
1705        r""" Computes mean Kurtosis (MK) from the kurtosis tensor.
1707        Parameters
1708        ----------
1709        min_kurtosis : float (optional)
1710            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
1711            kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced
1712            with `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit
1713            for regions that consist of water confined to spherical pores [4]_)
1714        max_kurtosis : float (optional)
1715            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
1716            kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced
1717            with `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
1718        analytical : bool (optional)
1719            If True, MK is calculated using its analytical solution, otherwise
1720            an exact numerical estimator is used (see Notes). Default is set to
1721            True.
1723        Returns
1724        -------
1725        mk : array
1726            Calculated MK.
1728        Notes
1729        --------
1730        The MK is defined as the average of directional kurtosis coefficients
1731        across all spatial directions, which can be formulated by the following
1732        surface integral[1]_:
1734        .. math::
1736             MK \equiv \frac{1}{4\pi} \int d\Omega_\mathbf{n} K(\mathbf{n})
1738        This integral can be numerically solved by averaging directional
1739        kurtosis values sampled for directions of a spherical t-design [2]_.
1741        Alternatively, MK can be solved from the analytical solution derived by
1742        Tabesh et al. [3]_. This solution is given by:
1744        .. math::
1746            MK=F_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{1111}+
1747               F_1(\lambda_2,\lambda_1,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2222}+
1748               F_1(\lambda_3,\lambda_2,\lambda_1)\hat{W}_{3333}+ \\
1749               F_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2233}+
1750               F_2(\lambda_2,\lambda_1,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{1133}+
1751               F_2(\lambda_3,\lambda_2,\lambda_1)\hat{W}_{1122}
1753        where $\hat{W}_{ijkl}$ are the components of the $W$ tensor in the
1754        coordinates system defined by the eigenvectors of the diffusion tensor
1755        $\mathbf{D}$ and
1757        .. math::
1759            F_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
1760            \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}
1761            {18(\lambda_1-\lambda_2)(\lambda_1-\lambda_3)}
1762            [\frac{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}{\lambda_1}
1763            R_F(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)+\\
1764            \frac{3\lambda_1^2-\lambda_1\lambda_2-\lambda_2\lambda_3-
1765            \lambda_1\lambda_3}
1766            {3\lambda_1 \sqrt{\lambda_2 \lambda_3}}
1767            R_D(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)-1 ]
1769            F_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
1770            \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}
1771            {3(\lambda_2-\lambda_3)^2}
1772            [\frac{\lambda_2+\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}
1773            R_F(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)+\\
1774            \frac{2\lambda_1-\lambda_2-\lambda_3}{3\sqrt{\lambda_2 \lambda_3}}
1775            R_D(\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_2},\frac{\lambda_1}{\lambda_3},1)-2]
1777        where $R_f$ and $R_d$ are the Carlson's elliptic integrals.
1779        References
1780        ----------
1781        .. [1] Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., 2010. MRI quantification of
1782               non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR in
1783               Biomedicine 23(7): 698-710
1784        .. [2] Hardin, R.H., Sloane, N.J.A., 1996. McLaren's Improved Snub Cube
1785               and Other New Spherical Designs in Three Dimensions. Discrete
1786               and Computational Geometry 15, 429-441.
1787        .. [3] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
1788               Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
1789               kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
1790        .. [4] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
1791               Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
1792               Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
1793               Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
1794               doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
1795        """
1796        return mean_kurtosis(self.model_params, min_kurtosis, max_kurtosis,
1797                             analytical)
1799    def ak(self, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10, analytical=True):
1800        r"""
1801        Axial Kurtosis (AK) of a diffusion kurtosis tensor [1]_.
1803        Parameters
1804        ----------
1805        min_kurtosis : float (optional)
1806            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, axial
1807            kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced
1808            with -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit
1809            for regions that consist of water confined to spherical pores [2]_)
1810        max_kurtosis : float (optional)
1811            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, axial
1812            kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced
1813            with `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
1814        analytical : bool (optional)
1815            If True, AK is calculated from rotated diffusion kurtosis tensor,
1816            otherwise it will be computed from the apparent diffusion kurtosis
1817            values along the principal axis of the diffusion tensor
1818            (see notes). Default is set to True.
1820        Returns
1821        -------
1822        ak : array
1823            Calculated AK.
1825        Notes
1826        -----
1827        AK is defined as the directional kurtosis parallel to the fiber's main
1828        direction e1 [1]_, [2]_. You can compute AK using to approaches:
1830        1) AK is calculated from rotated diffusion kurtosis tensor [2]_, i.e.:
1832        .. math::
1833            AK = \hat{W}_{1111}
1834            \frac{(\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2}+\lambda_{3})^2}{(9 \lambda_{1}^2)}
1836        2) AK can be sampled from the principal axis of the diffusion tensor:
1838        .. math::
1839            AK = K(\mathbf{\mathbf{e}_1)
1841        Although both approaches leads to an exact calculation of AK, the
1842        first approach will be referred to as the analytical method while the
1843        second approach will be referred to as the numerical method based on
1844        their analogy to the estimation strategies for MK and RK.
1846        References
1847        ----------
1848        .. [1] Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., 2010. MRI quantification of
1849               non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR in
1850               Biomedicine 23(7): 698-710
1851        .. [2] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
1852               Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
1853               kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
1854        .. [3] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
1855               Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
1856               Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
1857               Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
1858               doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
1859        """
1860        return axial_kurtosis(self.model_params, min_kurtosis, max_kurtosis,
1861                              analytical)
1863    def rk(self, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10, analytical=True):
1864        r""" Radial Kurtosis (RK) of a diffusion kurtosis tensor [1]_.
1866        Parameters
1867        ----------
1868        min_kurtosis : float (optional)
1869            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range,
1870            radial kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are
1871            replaced with `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis
1872            limit for regions that consist of water confined to spherical pores
1873            [3]_)
1874        max_kurtosis : float (optional)
1875            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range,
1876            radial kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are
1877            replaced with `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
1878        analytical : bool (optional)
1879            If True, RK is calculated using its analytical solution, otherwise
1880            an exact numerical estimator is used (see Notes). Default is set to
1881            True
1883        Returns
1884        -------
1885        rk : array
1886            Calculated RK.
1888        Notes
1889        --------
1890        RK is defined as the average of the directional kurtosis perpendicular
1891        to the fiber's main direction e1 [1]_, [2]_:
1893        .. math::
1895        RK \equiv \frac{1}{2\pi} \int d\Omega _\mathbf{\theta}
1896            K(\mathbf{\theta}) \delta (\mathbf{\theta}\cdot \mathbf{e}_1)
1898        This equation can be numerically computed by averaging apparent
1899        directional kurtosis samples for directions perpendicular to e1.
1901        Otherwise, RK can be calculated from its analytical solution [2]_:
1903        .. math::
1905            K_{\bot} = G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2222} +
1906                       G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_3,\lambda_2)\hat{W}_{3333} +
1907                       G_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)\hat{W}_{2233}
1909        where:
1911        .. math::
1913            G_1(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
1914            \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}{18\lambda_2(\lambda_2-
1915            \lambda_3)} \left (2\lambda_2 +
1916            \frac{\lambda_3^2-3\lambda_2\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}
1917            \right)
1919        and
1921        .. math::
1923            G_2(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3)=
1924           \frac{(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\lambda_3)^2}{(\lambda_2-\lambda_3)^2}
1925           \left ( \frac{\lambda_2+\lambda_3}{\sqrt{\lambda_2\lambda_3}}-
1926           2\right )
1928        References
1929        ----------
1930        .. [1] Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., 2010. MRI quantification of
1931               non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR in
1932               Biomedicine 23(7): 698-710
1933        .. [2] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
1934               Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
1935               kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
1936        .. [3] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
1937               Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
1938               Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
1939               Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
1940               doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
1941        """
1942        return radial_kurtosis(self.model_params, min_kurtosis, max_kurtosis,
1943                               analytical)
1945    def kmax(self, sphere='repulsion100', gtol=1e-5, mask=None):
1946        r""" Computes the maximum value of a single voxel kurtosis tensor
1948        Parameters
1949        ----------
1950        sphere : Sphere class instance, optional
1951            The sphere providing sample directions for the initial search of
1952            the maximum value of kurtosis.
1953        gtol : float, optional
1954            This input is to refine kurtosis maximum under the precision of the
1955            directions sampled on the sphere class instance. The gradient of
1956            the convergence procedure must be less than gtol before successful
1957            termination. If gtol is None, fiber direction is directly taken
1958            from the initial sampled directions of the given sphere object
1960        Returns
1961        --------
1962        max_value : float
1963            kurtosis tensor maximum value
1964        """
1965        return kurtosis_maximum(self.model_params, sphere, gtol, mask)
1967    def mkt(self, min_kurtosis=-3./7, max_kurtosis=10):
1968        r""" Computes mean of the kurtosis tensor (MKT) [1]_.
1970        Parameters
1971        ----------
1972        min_kurtosis : float (optional)
1973            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
1974            kurtosis values that are smaller than `min_kurtosis` are replaced
1975            with `min_kurtosis`. Default = -3./7 (theoretical kurtosis limit
1976            for regions that consist of water confined to spherical pores [2]_)
1977        max_kurtosis : float (optional)
1978            To keep kurtosis values within a plausible biophysical range, mean
1979            kurtosis values that are larger than `max_kurtosis` are replaced
1980            with `max_kurtosis`. Default = 10
1982        Returns
1983        -------
1984        mkt : array
1985            Calculated mean kurtosis tensor.
1987        Notes
1988        --------
1989        The MKT is defined as [1]_:
1991        .. math::
1993             MKT \equiv \frac{1}{4\pi} \int d
1994             \Omega_{\mathnbf{n}} n_i n_j n_k n_l W_{ijkl}
1997        which can be directly computed from the trace of the kurtosis tensor:
1999        .. math::
2001        MKT = \frac{1}{5} Tr(\mathbf{W}) = \frac{1}{5}
2002        (W_{1111} + W_{2222} + W_{3333} + 2W_{1122} + 2W_{1133} + 2W_{2233})
2004        References
2005        ----------
2006        .. [1] Hansen, B., Lund, T. E., Sangill, R., and Jespersen, S. N. 2013.
2007               Experimentally and computationally fast method for estimation
2008               of a mean kurtosis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine69, 1754–1760.
2009               388. doi:10.1002/mrm.24743
2010        .. [2] Barmpoutis, A., & Zhuo, J., 2011. Diffusion kurtosis imaging:
2011               Robust estimation from DW-MRI using homogeneous polynomials.
2012               Proceedings of the 8th {IEEE} International Symposium on
2013               Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2011, 262-265.
2014               doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872402
2015        """
2016        return mean_kurtosis_tensor(self.model_params, min_kurtosis,
2017                                    max_kurtosis)
2019    @property
2020    def kfa(self):
2021        r""" Returns the kurtosis tensor (KFA) [1]_.
2023        Notes
2024        --------
2025        The KFA is defined as [1]_:
2027        .. math::
2029             KFA \equiv
2030             \frac{||\mathbf{W} - MKT \mathbf{I}^{(4)}||_F}{||\mathbf{W}||_F}
2032        where $W$ is the kurtosis tensor, MKT the kurtosis tensor mean, $I^(4)$
2033        is the fully symmetric rank 2 isotropic tensor and $||...||_F$ is the
2034        tensor's Frobenius norm [1]_.
2036        References
2037        ----------
2038        .. [1] Glenn, G. R., Helpern, J. A., Tabesh, A., and Jensen, J. H.
2039               (2015). Quantitative assessment of diffusional kurtosis
2040               anisotropy. NMR in Biomedicine 28, 448–459. doi:10.1002/nbm.3271
2041        """
2042        return kurtosis_fractional_anisotropy(self.model_params)
2044    def predict(self, gtab, S0=1.):
2045        r""" Given a DKI model fit, predict the signal on the vertices of a
2046        gradient table
2048        Parameters
2049        ----------
2050        gtab : a GradientTable class instance
2051            The gradient table for this prediction
2053        S0 : float or ndarray (optional)
2054            The non diffusion-weighted signal in every voxel, or across all
2055            voxels. Default: 1
2057        Notes
2058        -----
2059        The predicted signal is given by:
2061        .. math::
2063            S(n,b)=S_{0}e^{-bD(n)+\frac{1}{6}b^{2}D(n)^{2}K(n)}
2065        $\mathbf{D(n)}$ and $\mathbf{K(n)}$ can be computed from the DT and KT
2066        using the following equations:
2068        .. math::
2070            D(n)=\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}D_{ij}
2072        and
2074        .. math::
2076            K(n)=\frac{MD^{2}}{D(n)^{2}}\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}
2077            \sum_{k=1}^{3}\sum_{l=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}n_{k}n_{l}W_{ijkl}
2079        where $D_{ij}$ and $W_{ijkl}$ are the elements of the second-order DT
2080        and the fourth-order KT tensors, respectively, and $MD$ is the mean
2081        diffusivity.
2082        """
2083        return dki_prediction(self.model_params, gtab, S0)
2086def _ols_iter(inv_design, sig, min_diffusivity):
2087    """ Helper function used by ols_fit_dki - Applies OLS fit of the diffusion
2088    kurtosis model to single voxel signals.
2090    Parameters
2091    ----------
2092    inv_design : array (g, 22)
2093        Inverse of the design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for
2094        the regression coefficients.
2095    sig : array (g,)
2096        Diffusion-weighted signal for a single voxel data.
2097    min_diffusivity : float
2098        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues,
2099        much smaller than the diffusion weighting, cause quite a lot of noise
2100        in metrics such as fa, diffusivity values smaller than
2101        `min_diffusivity` are replaced with `min_diffusivity`.
2103    Returns
2104    -------
2105    dki_params : array (27,)
2106        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
2107        Parameters are ordered as follows:
2108            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
2109            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
2110               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
2111            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
2112    """
2113    # DKI ordinary linear least square solution
2114    log_s = np.log(sig)
2115    result = np.dot(inv_design, log_s)
2117    # Extracting the diffusion tensor parameters from solution
2118    DT_elements = result[:6]
2119    evals, evecs = decompose_tensor(from_lower_triangular(DT_elements),
2120                                    min_diffusivity=min_diffusivity)
2122    # Extracting kurtosis tensor parameters from solution
2123    MD_square = (evals.mean(0))**2
2124    KT_elements = result[6:21] / MD_square
2126    # Write output
2127    dki_params = np.concatenate((evals, evecs[0], evecs[1], evecs[2],
2128                                 KT_elements), axis=0)
2130    return dki_params
2133def ols_fit_dki(design_matrix, data):
2134    r""" Computes the diffusion and kurtosis tensors using an ordinary linear
2135    least squares (OLS) approach [1]_.
2137    Parameters
2138    ----------
2139    design_matrix : array (g, 22)
2140        Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the regression
2141        coefficients.
2142    data : array (N, g)
2143        Data or response variables holding the data. Note that the last
2144        dimension should contain the data. It makes no copies of data.
2146    Returns
2147    -------
2148    dki_params : array (N, 27)
2149        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
2150        Parameters are ordered as follows:
2151            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
2152            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
2153               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
2154            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
2156    See Also
2157    --------
2158    wls_fit_dki, nls_fit_dki
2160    References
2161    ----------
2162    [1] Lu, H., Jensen, J. H., Ramani, A., and Helpern, J. A. (2006).
2163        Three-dimensional characterization of non-gaussian water diffusion in
2164        humans using diffusion kurtosis imaging. NMR in Biomedicine 19,
2165        236–247. doi:10.1002/nbm.1020
2166    """
2167    tol = 1e-6
2169    # preparing data and initializing parameters
2170    data = np.asarray(data)
2171    data_flat = data.reshape((-1, data.shape[-1]))
2172    dki_params = np.empty((len(data_flat), 27))
2174    # inverting design matrix and defining minimum diffusion
2175    min_diffusivity = tol / -design_matrix.min()
2176    inv_design = np.linalg.pinv(design_matrix)
2178    # looping OLS solution on all data voxels
2179    for vox in range(len(data_flat)):
2180        dki_params[vox] = _ols_iter(inv_design, data_flat[vox],
2181                                    min_diffusivity)
2183    # Reshape data according to the input data shape
2184    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((data.shape[:-1]) + (27,))
2186    return dki_params
2189def _wls_iter(design_matrix, inv_design, sig, min_diffusivity):
2190    """ Helper function used by wls_fit_dki - Applies WLS fit of the diffusion
2191    kurtosis model to single voxel signals.
2193    Parameters
2194    ----------
2195    design_matrix : array (g, 22)
2196        Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the regression
2197        coefficients
2198    inv_design : array (g, 22)
2199        Inverse of the design matrix.
2200    sig : array (g, )
2201        Diffusion-weighted signal for a single voxel data.
2202    min_diffusivity : float
2203        Because negative eigenvalues are not physical and small eigenvalues,
2204        much smaller than the diffusion weighting, cause quite a lot of noise
2205        in metrics such as fa, diffusivity values smaller than
2206        `min_diffusivity` are replaced with `min_diffusivity`.
2208    Returns
2209    -------
2210    dki_params : array (27, )
2211        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
2212        Parameters are ordered as follows:
2213            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
2214            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
2215               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
2216            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
2217    """
2218    A = design_matrix
2220    # DKI ordinary linear least square solution (initial guess)
2221    log_s = np.log(sig)
2222    ols_result = np.dot(inv_design, log_s)
2224    # Define weights as diag(yn**2)
2225    W = np.diag(np.exp(2 * np.dot(A, ols_result)))
2227    # DKI weighted linear least square solution
2228    inv_AT_W_A = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(np.dot(A.T, W), A))
2229    AT_W_LS = np.dot(np.dot(A.T, W), log_s)
2230    wls_result = np.dot(inv_AT_W_A, AT_W_LS)
2232    # Extracting the diffusion tensor parameters from solution
2233    DT_elements = wls_result[:6]
2234    evals, evecs = decompose_tensor(from_lower_triangular(DT_elements),
2235                                    min_diffusivity=min_diffusivity)
2237    # Extracting kurtosis tensor parameters from solution
2238    MD_square = (evals.mean(0))**2
2239    KT_elements = wls_result[6:21] / MD_square
2241    # Write output
2242    dki_params = np.concatenate((evals, evecs[0], evecs[1], evecs[2],
2243                                 KT_elements), axis=0)
2245    return dki_params
2248def wls_fit_dki(design_matrix, data):
2249    r""" Computes the diffusion and kurtosis tensors using a weighted linear
2250    least squares (WLS) approach [1]_.
2252    Parameters
2253    ----------
2254    design_matrix : array (g, 22)
2255        Design matrix holding the covariants used to solve for the regression
2256        coefficients.
2257    data : array (N, g)
2258        Data or response variables holding the data. Note that the last
2259        dimension should contain the data. It makes no copies of data.
2261    Returns
2262    -------
2263    dki_params : array (N, 27)
2264        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model for all N
2265        voxels.
2266        Parameters are ordered as follows:
2267            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
2268            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first
2269               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
2270            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
2272    References
2273    ----------
2274    [1] Veraart, J., Sijbers, J., Sunaert, S., Leemans, A., Jeurissen, B.,
2275        2013. Weighted linear least squares estimation of diffusion MRI
2276        parameters: Strengths, limitations, and pitfalls. Magn Reson Med 81,
2277        335-346.
2278    """
2280    tol = 1e-6
2282    # preparing data and initializing parameters
2283    data = np.asarray(data)
2284    data_flat = data.reshape((-1, data.shape[-1]))
2285    dki_params = np.empty((len(data_flat), 27))
2287    # inverting design matrix and defining minimum diffusion
2288    min_diffusivity = tol / -design_matrix.min()
2289    inv_design = np.linalg.pinv(design_matrix)
2291    # looping WLS solution on all data voxels
2292    for vox in range(len(data_flat)):
2293        dki_params[vox] = _wls_iter(design_matrix, inv_design, data_flat[vox],
2294                                    min_diffusivity)
2296    # Reshape data according to the input data shape
2297    dki_params = dki_params.reshape((data.shape[:-1]) + (27,))
2299    return dki_params
2302def Wrotate(kt, Basis):
2303    r""" Rotate a kurtosis tensor from the standard Cartesian coordinate system
2304    to another coordinate system basis
2306    Parameters
2307    ----------
2308    kt : (15,)
2309        Vector with the 15 independent elements of the kurtosis tensor
2310    Basis : array (3, 3)
2311        Vectors of the basis column-wise oriented
2312    inds : array(m, 4) (optional)
2313        Array of vectors containing the four indexes of m specific elements of
2314        the rotated kurtosis tensor. If not specified all 15 elements of the
2315        rotated kurtosis tensor are computed.
2317    Returns
2318    --------
2319    Wrot : array (m,) or (15,)
2320        Vector with the m independent elements of the rotated kurtosis tensor.
2321        If 'indices' is not specified all 15 elements of the rotated kurtosis
2322        tensor are computed.
2324    Notes
2325    ------
2326    KT elements are assumed to be ordered as follows:
2328    .. math::
2330    \begin{matrix} ( & W_{xxxx} & W_{yyyy} & W_{zzzz} & W_{xxxy} & W_{xxxz}
2331                     & ... \\
2332                     & W_{xyyy} & W_{yyyz} & W_{xzzz} & W_{yzzz} & W_{xxyy}
2333                     & ... \\
2334                     & W_{xxzz} & W_{yyzz} & W_{xxyz} & W_{xyyz} & W_{xyzz}
2335                     & & )\end{matrix}
2337    References
2338    ----------
2339    [1] Hui ES, Cheung MM, Qi L, Wu EX, 2008. Towards better MR
2340    characterization of neural tissues using directional diffusion kurtosis
2341    analysis. Neuroimage 42(1): 122-34
2342    """
2343    inds = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2],
2344                     [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 1, 1],
2345                     [1, 1, 1, 2], [0, 2, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2, 2],
2346                     [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2],
2347                     [0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 2]])
2349    Wrot = np.zeros(kt.shape)
2351    for e in range(len(inds)):
2352        Wrot[..., e] = Wrotate_element(kt, inds[e][0], inds[e][1], inds[e][2],
2353                                       inds[e][3], Basis)
2355    return Wrot
2358# Defining keys to select a kurtosis tensor element with indexes (i, j, k, l)
2359# on a kt vector that contains only the 15 independent elements of the kurtosis
2360# tensor: Considering y defined by (i+1) * (j+1) * (k+1) * (l+1). Two elements
2361# of the full 4D kurtosis tensor are equal if y obtain from the indexes of
2362# these two element are equal. Therefore, the possible values of y (1, 16, 81,
2363# 2, 3, 8, 24 27, 54, 4, 9, 36, 6, 12, 18) are used to point each element of
2364# the kurtosis tensor on the format of a vector containing the 15 independent
2365# elements.
2366ind_ele = {1: 0, 16: 1, 81: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 8: 5, 24: 6, 27: 7, 54: 8, 4: 9,
2367           9: 10, 36: 11, 6: 12, 12: 13, 18: 14}
2370def Wrotate_element(kt, indi, indj, indk, indl, B):
2371    r""" Computes the the specified index element of a kurtosis tensor rotated
2372    to the coordinate system basis B.
2374    Parameters
2375    ----------
2376    kt : ndarray (x, y, z, 15) or (n, 15)
2377        Array containing the 15 independent elements of the kurtosis tensor
2378    indi : int
2379        Rotated kurtosis tensor element index i (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z)
2380    indj : int
2381        Rotated kurtosis tensor element index j (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z)
2382    indk : int
2383        Rotated kurtosis tensor element index k (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z)
2384    indl: int
2385        Rotated kurtosis tensor element index l (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z)
2386    B: array (x, y, z, 3, 3) or (n, 15)
2387        Vectors of the basis column-wise oriented
2389    Returns
2390    -------
2391    Wre : float
2392          rotated kurtosis tensor element of index ind_i, ind_j, ind_k, ind_l
2394    Notes
2395    ------
2396    It is assumed that initial kurtosis tensor elementes are defined on the
2397    Cartesian coordinate system.
2399    References
2400    ----------
2401    [1] Hui ES, Cheung MM, Qi L, Wu EX, 2008. Towards better MR
2402    characterization of neural tissues using directional diffusion kurtosis
2403    analysis. Neuroimage 42(1): 122-34
2404    """
2405    Wre = 0
2407    xyz = [0, 1, 2]
2408    for il in xyz:
2409        for jl in xyz:
2410            for kl in xyz:
2411                for ll in xyz:
2412                    key = (il + 1) * (jl + 1) * (kl + 1) * (ll + 1)
2413                    multiplyB = \
2414                        B[..., il, indi] * B[..., jl, indj] * \
2415                        B[..., kl, indk] * B[..., ll, indl]
2416                    Wre = Wre + multiplyB * kt[..., ind_ele[key]]
2417    return Wre
2420def Wcons(k_elements):
2421    r""" Construct the full 4D kurtosis tensors from its 15 independent
2422    elements
2424    Parameters
2425    ----------
2426    k_elements : (15,)
2427        elements of the kurtosis tensor in the following order:
2429    .. math::
2431    \begin{matrix} ( & W_{xxxx} & W_{yyyy} & W_{zzzz} & W_{xxxy} & W_{xxxz}
2432                     & ... \\
2433                     & W_{xyyy} & W_{yyyz} & W_{xzzz} & W_{yzzz} & W_{xxyy}
2434                     & ... \\
2435                     & W_{xxzz} & W_{yyzz} & W_{xxyz} & W_{xyyz} & W_{xyzz}
2436                     & & )\end{matrix}
2438    Returns
2439    -------
2440    W : array(3, 3, 3, 3)
2441        Full 4D kurtosis tensor
2442    """
2443    W = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
2445    xyz = [0, 1, 2]
2446    for ind_i in xyz:
2447        for ind_j in xyz:
2448            for ind_k in xyz:
2449                for ind_l in xyz:
2450                    key = (ind_i + 1) * (ind_j + 1) * (ind_k + 1) * (ind_l + 1)
2451                    W[ind_i][ind_j][ind_k][ind_l] = k_elements[ind_ele[key]]
2453    return W
2456def split_dki_param(dki_params):
2457    r""" Extract the diffusion tensor eigenvalues, the diffusion tensor
2458    eigenvector matrix, and the 15 independent elements of the kurtosis tensor
2459    from the model parameters estimated from the DKI model
2461    Parameters
2462    ----------
2463    dki_params : ndarray (x, y, z, 27) or (n, 27)
2464        All parameters estimated from the diffusion kurtosis model.
2465        Parameters are ordered as follows:
2466            1) Three diffusion tensor's eigenvalues
2467            2) Three lines of the eigenvector matrix each containing the first,
2468               second and third coordinates of the eigenvector
2469            3) Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
2471    Returns
2472    --------
2473    eigvals : array (x, y, z, 3) or (n, 3)
2474        Eigenvalues from eigen decomposition of the tensor.
2475    eigvecs : array (x, y, z, 3, 3) or (n, 3, 3)
2476        Associated eigenvectors from eigen decomposition of the tensor.
2477        Eigenvectors are columnar (e.g. eigvecs[:,j] is associated with
2478        eigvals[j])
2479    kt : array (x, y, z, 15) or (n, 15)
2480        Fifteen elements of the kurtosis tensor
2481    """
2482    evals = dki_params[..., :3]
2483    evecs = dki_params[..., 3:12].reshape(dki_params.shape[:-1] + (3, 3))
2484    kt = dki_params[..., 12:]
2486    return evals, evecs, kt
2489common_fit_methods = {'WLS': wls_fit_dki,
2490                      'OLS': ols_fit_dki,
2491                      'NLS': nlls_fit_tensor,
2492                      'UWLLS': wls_fit_dki,
2493                      'ULLS': ols_fit_dki,
2494                      'WLLS': wls_fit_dki,
2495                      'OLLS': ols_fit_dki,
2496                      'NLLS': nlls_fit_tensor,
2497                      'RT': restore_fit_tensor,
2498                      'restore': restore_fit_tensor,
2499                      'RESTORE': restore_fit_tensor
2500                      }