1# === DATA DESCRIPTION FILE ======================================================
3# CAUTION - Investigational device.
4# Limited by Federal Law to investigational use.
6# Dataset name: H:\Export\05aug14_test_samples_4_1
8# CLINICAL TRYOUT             Research image export tool     V4.2
10# === GENERAL INFORMATION ========================================================
12.    Patient name                       :   05aug14test
13.    Examination name                   :   test
14.    Protocol name                      :   Survey_32ch_HeadCoil
15.    Examination date/time              :   2014.08.05 / 11:27:34
16.    Series Type                        :   Image   MRSERIES
17.    Acquisition nr                     :   4
18.    Reconstruction nr                  :   1
19.    Scan Duration [sec]                :   30.3
20.    Max. number of cardiac phases      :   1
21.    Max. number of echoes              :   1
22.    Max. number of slices/locations    :   9
23.    Max. number of dynamics            :   1
24.    Max. number of mixes               :   1
25.    Patient position                   :   Head First Supine
26.    Preparation direction              :   Anterior-Posterior
27.    Technique                          :   T1TFE
28.    Scan resolution  (x, y)            :   256  128
29.    Scan mode                          :   MS
30.    Repetition time [ms]               :   9.816
31.    FOV (ap,fh,rl) [mm]                :   250.000  250.000  50.000
32.    Water Fat shift [pixels]           :   3.497
33.    Angulation midslice(ap,fh,rl)[degr]:   0.000  0.000  0.000
34.    Off Centre midslice(ap,fh,rl) [mm] :   -20.000  20.000  0.000
35.    Flow compensation <0=no 1=yes> ?   :   0
36.    Presaturation     <0=no 1=yes> ?   :   0
37.    Phase encoding velocity [cm/sec]   :   0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
38.    MTC               <0=no 1=yes> ?   :   0
39.    SPIR              <0=no 1=yes> ?   :   0
40.    EPI factor        <0,1=no EPI>     :   1
41.    Dynamic scan      <0=no 1=yes> ?   :   0
42.    Diffusion         <0=no 1=yes> ?   :   0
43.    Diffusion echo time [ms]           :   0.0000
44.    Max. number of diffusion values    :   1
45.    Max. number of gradient orients    :   1
46.    Number of label types   <0=no ASL> :   0
48# === PIXEL VALUES =============================================================
49#  PV = pixel value in REC file, FP = floating point value, DV = displayed value on console
50#  RS = rescale slope,           RI = rescale intercept,    SS = scale slope
51#  DV = PV * RS + RI             FP = DV / (RS * SS)
53# === IMAGE INFORMATION DEFINITION =============================================
54#  The rest of this file contains ONE line per image, this line contains the following information:
56#  slice number                             (integer)
57#  echo number                              (integer)
58#  dynamic scan number                      (integer)
59#  cardiac phase number                     (integer)
60#  image_type_mr                            (integer)
61#  scanning sequence                        (integer)
62#  index in REC file (in images)            (integer)
63#  image pixel size (in bits)               (integer)
64#  scan percentage                          (integer)
65#  recon resolution (x y)                   (2*integer)
66#  rescale intercept                        (float)
67#  rescale slope                            (float)
68#  scale slope                              (float)
69#  window center                            (integer)
70#  window width                             (integer)
71#  image angulation (ap,fh,rl in degrees )  (3*float)
72#  image offcentre (ap,fh,rl in mm )        (3*float)
73#  slice thickness (in mm )                 (float)
74#  slice gap (in mm )                       (float)
75#  image_display_orientation                (integer)
76#  slice orientation ( TRA/SAG/COR )        (integer)
77#  fmri_status_indication                   (integer)
78#  image_type_ed_es  (end diast/end syst)   (integer)
79#  pixel spacing (x,y) (in mm)              (2*float)
80#  echo_time                                (float)
81#  dyn_scan_begin_time                      (float)
82#  trigger_time                             (float)
83#  diffusion_b_factor                       (float)
84#  number of averages                       (integer)
85#  image_flip_angle (in degrees)            (float)
86#  cardiac frequency   (bpm)                (integer)
87#  minimum RR-interval (in ms)              (integer)
88#  maximum RR-interval (in ms)              (integer)
89#  TURBO factor  <0=no turbo>               (integer)
90#  Inversion delay (in ms)                  (float)
91#  diffusion b value number    (imagekey!)  (integer)
92#  gradient orientation number (imagekey!)  (integer)
93#  contrast type                            (string)
94#  diffusion anisotropy type                (string)
95#  diffusion (ap, fh, rl)                   (3*float)
96#  label type (ASL)            (imagekey!)  (integer)
98# === IMAGE INFORMATION ==========================================================
99#  sl ec  dyn ph ty    idx pix scan% rec size                (re)scale              window        angulation              offcentre        thick   gap   info      spacing     echo     dtime   ttime    diff  avg  flip    freq   RR-int  turbo delay b grad cont anis         diffusion       L.ty
101  1   1    1  1 0 2     0  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002  1070  1860   0.00   0.00   0.00  -20.00   20.00   20.00 10.000 10.000 0 2 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
102  2   1    1  1 0 2     1  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002   777  1351   0.00   0.00   0.00  -20.00   20.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 2 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
103  3   1    1  1 0 2     2  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002   480   835   0.00   0.00   0.00  -20.00   20.00  -20.00 10.000 10.000 0 2 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
104  4   1    1  1 0 2     3  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002  1645  2859   0.00   0.00   0.00  -20.00   20.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 3 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
105  5   1    1  1 0 2     4  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002   902  1567   0.00   0.00   0.00    0.00   20.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 3 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
106  6   1    1  1 0 2     5  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002   109   190   0.00   0.00   0.00   20.00   20.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 3 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
107  7   1    1  1 0 2     6  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002  1241  2156   0.00   0.00   0.00    0.00   20.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 1 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
108  8   1    1  1 0 2     7  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002   941  1636   0.00   0.00   0.00    0.00   40.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 1 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
109  9   1    1  1 0 2     8  16    50  256  256     0.00000   4.06325 1.28441e-002   150   260   0.00   0.00   0.00    0.00   60.00    0.00 10.000 10.000 0 1 0 2  0.977  0.977   4.60    0.00     0.00    0.00   1   15.00     0    0    0    64   0.0  1   1    7    0   0.000    0.000    0.000  1
111# === END OF DATA DESCRIPTION FILE ===============================================