1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Module for basemap related plotting in ObsPy.
6    The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
8    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
9    (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
11from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
12                        unicode_literals)
13from future.builtins import *  # NOQA @UnusedWildImport
14from future.utils import native_str
16import datetime
17import warnings
19import numpy as np
20from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
21from matplotlib.dates import AutoDateFormatter, AutoDateLocator, date2num
22from matplotlib import patheffects
23from matplotlib.ticker import (FormatStrFormatter, Formatter, FuncFormatter,
24                               MaxNLocator)
26from obspy import UTCDateTime
27from obspy.core.util import (BASEMAP_VERSION, CARTOPY_VERSION,
28                             MATPLOTLIB_VERSION, PROJ4_VERSION)
29from obspy.geodetics.base import mean_longitude
33    from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
34    HAS_BASEMAP = True
35    if BASEMAP_VERSION < [1, 0, 4]:
36        warnings.warn("All basemap version < 1.0.4 contain a serious bug "
37                      "when rendering countries and continents. ObsPy will "
38                      "still work but the maps might be wrong. Please update "
39                      "your basemap installation.")
40    if PROJ4_VERSION and PROJ4_VERSION[0] == 5:
41        msg = (
42            "basemap/pyproj with proj4 version >= 5 has a bug that results in "
43            "inverted map axes. Your maps may be wrong. Please use another "
44            "version of proj4, or use cartopy. "
45            "See https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/issues/443")
46        warnings.warn(msg)
47    if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION == [3, 0, 1] and BASEMAP_VERSION >= [1, 1, 0]:
48        msg = (
49            "basemap and matplotlib version 3.0.1 have compataibilty issues, "
50            "please change your matplotlib version. "
51            "See https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/issues/435")
52        warnings.warn(msg)
54    HAS_BASEMAP = False
57    import cartopy.crs as ccrs
58    import cartopy.feature as cfeature
59    HAS_CARTOPY = True
61    HAS_CARTOPY = False
64if not HAS_BASEMAP and not HAS_CARTOPY:
65    msg = ("Neither basemap nor cartopy installed, map plots will not work.")
66    warnings.warn(msg)
70    '110m': 'l',
71    '50m': 'i',
72    '10m': 'f',
73    'c': 'c',
74    'l': 'l',
75    'i': 'i',
76    'h': 'h',
77    'f': 'f',
81    'c': '110m',
82    'l': '110m',
83    'i': '50m',
84    'h': '50m',
85    'f': '10m',
86    '110m': '110m',
87    '50m': '50m',
88    '10m': '10m',
93        '110m': (cfeature.BORDERS, cfeature.LAND, cfeature.OCEAN),
94    }
97def plot_basemap(lons, lats, size, color, labels=None, projection='global',
98                 resolution='l', continent_fill_color='0.8',
99                 water_fill_color='1.0', colormap=None, colorbar=None,
100                 marker="o", title=None, colorbar_ticklabel_format=None,
101                 show=True, fig=None, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
102    """
103    Creates a basemap plot with a data point scatter plot.
105    :type lons: list/tuple of floats
106    :param lons: Longitudes of the data points.
107    :type lats: list/tuple of floats
108    :param lats: Latitudes of the data points.
109    :type size: float or list/tuple of floats
110    :param size: Size of the individual points in the scatter plot.
111    :type color: list/tuple of floats (or objects that can be
112        converted to floats, like e.g.
113        :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)
114    :param color: Color information of the individual data points to be
115        used in the specified color map (e.g. origin depths,
116        origin times).
117    :type labels: list/tuple of str
118    :param labels: Annotations for the individual data points.
119    :type projection: str, optional
120    :param projection: The map projection.
121        Currently supported are:
123            * ``"global"`` (Will plot the whole world.)
124            * ``"ortho"`` (Will center around the mean lat/long.)
125            * ``"local"`` (Will plot around local events)
127        Defaults to "global".
128    :type resolution: str, optional
129    :param resolution: Resolution of the boundary database to use. Will be
130        based directly to the basemap module. Possible values are:
132            * ``"c"`` (crude)
133            * ``"l"`` (low)
134            * ``"i"`` (intermediate)
135            * ``"h"`` (high)
136            * ``"f"`` (full)
138        Defaults to ``"l"``. For compatibility, you may also specify any of the
139        Cartopy resolutions defined in :func:`plot_cartopy`.
140    :type continent_fill_color: Valid matplotlib color, optional
141    :param continent_fill_color:  Color of the continents. Defaults to
142        ``"0.9"`` which is a light gray.
143    :type water_fill_color: Valid matplotlib color, optional
144    :param water_fill_color: Color of all water bodies.
145        Defaults to ``"white"``.
146    :type colormap: str, any matplotlib colormap, optional
147    :param colormap: The colormap for color-coding the events as provided
148        in `color` kwarg.
149        The event with the smallest `color` property will have the
150        color of one end of the colormap and the event with the highest
151        `color` property the color of the other end with all other events
152        in between.
153        Defaults to None which will use the default matplotlib colormap.
154    :type colorbar: bool, optional
155    :param colorbar: When left `None`, a colorbar is plotted if more than one
156        object is plotted. Using `True`/`False` the colorbar can be forced
157        on/off.
158    :type title: str
159    :param title: Title above plot.
160    :type colorbar_ticklabel_format: str or function or
161        subclass of :class:`matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`
162    :param colorbar_ticklabel_format: Format string or Formatter used to format
163        colorbar tick labels.
164    :type show: bool
165    :param show: Whether to show the figure after plotting or not. Can be used
166        to do further customization of the plot before showing it.
167    :type fig: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`
168    :param fig: Figure instance to reuse, returned from a previous
169        :func:`plot_basemap` call. If a previous basemap plot is reused, any
170        kwargs regarding the basemap plot setup will be ignored (i.e.
171        `projection`, `resolution`, `continent_fill_color`,
172        `water_fill_color`). Note that multiple plots using colorbars likely
173        are problematic, but e.g. one station plot (without colorbar) and one
174        event plot (with colorbar) together should work well.
175    """
176    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
178    if any([isinstance(c, (datetime.datetime, UTCDateTime)) for c in color]):
179        datetimeplot = True
180        color = [
181            (np.isfinite(float(t)) and
182             date2num(getattr(t, 'datetime', t)) or
183             np.nan)
184            for t in color]
185    else:
186        datetimeplot = False
188    # The colorbar should only be plotted if more then one event is
189    # present.
190    if colorbar is None:
191        if len(lons) > 1 and hasattr(color, "__len__") and \
192                not isinstance(color, (str, native_str)):
193            colorbar = True
194        else:
195            colorbar = False
197    if fig is None:
198        fig = plt.figure()
200        if projection == "local":
201            ax_x0, ax_width = 0.10, 0.80
202        elif projection == "global":
203            ax_x0, ax_width = 0.01, 0.98
204        else:
205            ax_x0, ax_width = 0.05, 0.90
207        if colorbar:
208            map_ax = fig.add_axes([ax_x0, 0.13, ax_width, 0.77])
209            cm_ax = fig.add_axes([ax_x0, 0.05, ax_width, 0.05])
210        else:
211            ax_y0, ax_height = 0.05, 0.85
212            if projection == "local":
213                ax_y0 += 0.05
214                ax_height -= 0.05
215            map_ax = fig.add_axes([ax_x0, ax_y0, ax_width, ax_height])
216        bmap = None
218    else:
219        error_message_suffix = (
220            ". Please provide a figure object from a previous call to the "
221            ".plot() method of e.g. an Inventory or Catalog object.")
222        try:
223            map_ax = fig.axes[0]
224        except IndexError as e:
225            e.args = tuple([e.args[0] + error_message_suffix] +
226                           list(e.args[1:]))
227            raise
228        try:
229            bmap = fig.bmap
230        except AttributeError as e:
231            e.args = tuple([e.args[0] + error_message_suffix] +
232                           list(e.args[1:]))
233            raise
235    # basemap plots will break with basemap 1.1.0 together with matplotlib
236    # >=2.3 (see matplotlib/basemap#382) so only thing we can do is show a
237    # nicer message.
238    # XXX can be removed maybe a year or so after basemap
239    # 1.1.1 or 1.2.0 is released
240    try:
241        from matplotlib.cbook import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning
242    except ImportError:
243        # matplotlib 1.2.0 does not have that warning class yet
244        # XXX can be removed when minimum matplotlib version gets bumped to
245        # XXX 1.3.0
246        category = {}
247    else:
248        category = {'category': MatplotlibDeprecationWarning}
249    try:
250        with warnings.catch_warnings():
251            warnings.filterwarnings(
252                'ignore', message='The axesPatch function was deprecated '
253                'in version 2.1. Use Axes.patch instead.',
254                module='.*basemap.*', **category)
255            scatter = _plot_basemap_into_axes(
256                ax=map_ax, lons=lons, lats=lats, size=size, color=color,
257                bmap=bmap, labels=labels, projection=projection,
258                resolution=resolution,
259                continent_fill_color=continent_fill_color,
260                water_fill_color=water_fill_color, colormap=colormap,
261                marker=marker, title="", adjust_aspect_to_colorbar=colorbar,
262                **kwargs)
263    except AttributeError as e:
264        if 'axesPatch' not in str(e):
265            raise
266        msg = ('Encountered a problem doing the basemap plot due to a known '
267               'issue of matplotlib >=2.3 together with basemap <=1.1.0 (see '
268               'https://github.com/matplotlib/basemap/issues/382). Please '
269               'update basemap to a version >1.1.0 if available or downgrade '
270               'matplotlib to a version <2.3.')
271        raise Exception(msg)
273    if title:
274        plt.suptitle(title)
276    if colorbar:
277        if colorbar_ticklabel_format is not None:
278            if isinstance(colorbar_ticklabel_format, (str, native_str)):
279                formatter = FormatStrFormatter(colorbar_ticklabel_format)
280            elif hasattr(colorbar_ticklabel_format, '__call__'):
281                formatter = FuncFormatter(colorbar_ticklabel_format)
282            elif isinstance(colorbar_ticklabel_format, Formatter):
283                formatter = colorbar_ticklabel_format
284            locator = MaxNLocator(5)
285        else:
286            if datetimeplot:
287                locator = AutoDateLocator()
288                formatter = AutoDateFormatter(locator)
289                # Compat with old matplotlib versions.
290                if hasattr(formatter, "scaled"):
291                    formatter.scaled[1 / (24. * 60.)] = '%H:%M:%S'
292            else:
293                locator = None
294                formatter = None
296        # normal case: axes for colorbar was set up in this routine
297        if "cm_ax" in locals():
298            cb_kwargs = {"cax": cm_ax}
299        # unusual case: reusing a plot that has no colorbar set up previously
300        else:
301            cb_kwargs = {"ax": map_ax}
303        cb = fig.colorbar(
304            mappable=scatter, cmap=colormap, orientation='horizontal',
305            ticks=locator, format=formatter, **cb_kwargs)
306        # Compat with old matplotlib versions.
307        if hasattr(cb, "update_ticks"):
308            cb.update_ticks()
310    if show:
311        plt.show()
313    return fig
316def _plot_basemap_into_axes(
317        ax, lons, lats, size, color, bmap=None, labels=None,
318        projection='global', resolution='l', continent_fill_color='0.8',
319        water_fill_color='1.0', colormap=None, marker="o", title=None,
320        adjust_aspect_to_colorbar=False, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
321    """
322    Creates a (or adds to existing) basemap plot with a data point scatter
323    plot in given axes.
325    See :func:`plot_basemap` for details on most args/kwargs.
327    :type ax: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
328    :param ax: Existing matplotlib axes instance, optionally with previous
329        basemap plot (see `bmap` kwarg).
330    :type bmap: :class:`mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap`
331    :param bmap: Basemap instance in provided matplotlib Axes `ax` to reuse. If
332        specified, any kwargs regarding the basemap plot setup will be ignored
333        (i.e.  `projection`, `resolution`, `continent_fill_color`,
334        `water_fill_color`).
335    :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`
336    :returns: Matplotlib path collection (e.g. to reuse for colorbars).
337    """
338    fig = ax.figure
339    if bmap is None:
341        if projection == 'global':
342            bmap = Basemap(projection='moll', lon_0=round(np.mean(lons), 4),
343                           resolution=_BASEMAP_RESOLUTIONS[resolution],
344                           ax=ax)
345        elif projection == 'ortho':
346            bmap = Basemap(projection='ortho',
347                           resolution=_BASEMAP_RESOLUTIONS[resolution],
348                           lat_0=round(np.mean(lats), 4),
349                           lon_0=round(mean_longitude(lons), 4), ax=ax)
350        elif projection == 'local':
351            if min(lons) < -150 and max(lons) > 150:
352                max_lons = max(np.array(lons) % 360)
353                min_lons = min(np.array(lons) % 360)
354            else:
355                max_lons = max(lons)
356                min_lons = min(lons)
357            lat_0 = max(lats) / 2. + min(lats) / 2.
358            lon_0 = max_lons / 2. + min_lons / 2.
359            if lon_0 > 180:
360                lon_0 -= 360
361            deg2m_lat = 2 * np.pi * 6371 * 1000 / 360
362            deg2m_lon = deg2m_lat * np.cos(lat_0 / 180 * np.pi)
363            if len(lats) > 1:
364                height = (max(lats) - min(lats)) * deg2m_lat
365                width = (max_lons - min_lons) * deg2m_lon
366                margin = 0.2 * (width + height)
367                height += margin
368                width += margin
369            else:
370                height = 2.0 * deg2m_lat
371                width = 5.0 * deg2m_lon
372            # do intelligent aspect calculation for local projection
373            # adjust to figure dimensions
374            w, h = fig.get_size_inches()
375            ax_bbox = ax.get_position()
376            aspect = (w * ax_bbox.width) / (h * ax_bbox.height)
377            if adjust_aspect_to_colorbar:
378                aspect *= 1.2
379            if width / height < aspect:
380                width = height * aspect
381            else:
382                height = width / aspect
384            bmap = Basemap(projection='aea',
385                           resolution=_BASEMAP_RESOLUTIONS[resolution],
386                           lat_0=round(lat_0, 4),
387                           lon_0=round(lon_0, 4),
388                           width=width, height=height, ax=ax)
389            # not most elegant way to calculate some round lats/lons
391            def linspace2(val1, val2, n):
392                """
393                returns around n 'nice' values between val1 and val2
394                """
395                dval = val2 - val1
396                round_pos = int(round(-np.log10(1. * dval / n)))
397                # Fake negative rounding as not supported by future as of now.
398                if round_pos < 0:
399                    factor = 10 ** (abs(round_pos))
400                    delta = round(2. * dval / n / factor) * factor / 2
401                else:
402                    delta = round(2. * dval / n, round_pos) / 2
403                new_val1 = np.ceil(val1 / delta) * delta
404                new_val2 = np.floor(val2 / delta) * delta
405                n = int((new_val2 - new_val1) / delta + 1)
406                return np.linspace(new_val1, new_val2, n)
408            n_1 = int(np.ceil(height / max(width, height) * 8))
409            n_2 = int(np.ceil(width / max(width, height) * 8))
410            parallels = linspace2(lat_0 - height / 2 / deg2m_lat,
411                                  lat_0 + height / 2 / deg2m_lat, n_1)
413            # Old basemap versions have problems with non-integer parallels.
414            try:
415                bmap.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[0, 1, 1, 0])
416            except KeyError:
417                parallels = sorted(list(set(map(int, parallels))))
418                bmap.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[0, 1, 1, 0])
420            if min(lons) < -150 and max(lons) > 150:
421                lon_0 %= 360
422            meridians = linspace2(lon_0 - width / 2 / deg2m_lon,
423                                  lon_0 + width / 2 / deg2m_lon, n_2)
424            meridians[meridians > 180] -= 360
425            bmap.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[1, 0, 0, 1])
426        else:
427            msg = "Projection '%s' not supported." % projection
428            raise ValueError(msg)
430        # draw coast lines, country boundaries, fill continents.
431        if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION >= [2, 0, 0]:
432            ax.set_facecolor(water_fill_color)
433        else:
434            ax.set_axis_bgcolor(water_fill_color)
435        # newer matplotlib errors out if called with empty coastline data (no
436        # coast on map)
437        if np.size(getattr(bmap, 'coastsegs', [])):
438            bmap.drawcoastlines(color="0.4")
439        bmap.drawcountries(color="0.75")
440        bmap.fillcontinents(color=continent_fill_color,
441                            lake_color=water_fill_color)
442        # draw the edge of the bmap projection region (the projection limb)
443        bmap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_fill_color)
444        # draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
445        bmap.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 30))
446        bmap.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))
447        fig.bmap = bmap
449    # compute the native bmap projection coordinates for events.
450    x, y = bmap(lons, lats)
451    # plot labels
452    if labels:
453        if 100 > len(lons) > 1:
454            for name, xpt, ypt, _colorpt in zip(labels, x, y, color):
455                # Check if the point can actually be seen with the current bmap
456                # projection. The bmap object will set the coordinates to very
457                # large values if it cannot project a point.
458                if xpt > 1e25:
459                    continue
460                ax.text(xpt, ypt, name, weight="heavy",
461                        color="k", zorder=100,
462                        path_effects=[
463                            patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3,
464                                                   foreground="white")])
465        elif len(lons) == 1:
466            ax.text(x[0], y[0], labels[0], weight="heavy", color="k",
467                    path_effects=[
468                        patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3,
469                                               foreground="white")])
471    # scatter plot is removing valid x/y points with invalid color value,
472    # so we plot those points separately.
473    try:
474        nan_points = np.isnan(np.array(color, dtype=np.float))
475    except ValueError:
476        # `color' was not a list of values, but a list of colors.
477        pass
478    else:
479        if nan_points.any():
480            x_ = np.array(x)[nan_points]
481            y_ = np.array(y)[nan_points]
482            size_ = np.array(size)[nan_points]
483            bmap.scatter(x_, y_, marker=marker, s=size_, c="0.3",
484                         zorder=10, cmap=None)
485    scatter = bmap.scatter(x, y, marker=marker, s=size, c=color, zorder=10,
486                           cmap=colormap)
488    if title:
489        ax.set_title(title)
491    return scatter
494def plot_cartopy(lons, lats, size, color, labels=None, projection='global',
495                 resolution='110m', continent_fill_color='0.8',
496                 water_fill_color='1.0', colormap=None, colorbar=None,
497                 marker="o", title=None, colorbar_ticklabel_format=None,
498                 show=True, proj_kwargs=None, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
499    """
500    Creates a Cartopy plot with a data point scatter plot.
502    :type lons: list/tuple of floats
503    :param lons: Longitudes of the data points.
504    :type lats: list/tuple of floats
505    :param lats: Latitudes of the data points.
506    :type size: float or list/tuple of floats
507    :param size: Size of the individual points in the scatter plot.
508    :type color: list/tuple of floats (or objects that can be
509        converted to floats, like e.g.
510        :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`)
511    :param color: Color information of the individual data points to be
512        used in the specified color map (e.g. origin depths,
513        origin times).
514    :type labels: list/tuple of str
515    :param labels: Annotations for the individual data points.
516    :type projection: str, optional
517    :param projection: The map projection.
518        Currently supported are:
520            * ``"global"`` (Will plot the whole world using
521              :class:`~cartopy.crs.Mollweide`.)
522            * ``"ortho"`` (Will center around the mean lat/long using
523              :class:`~cartopy.crs.Orthographic`.)
524            * ``"local"`` (Will plot around local events using
525              :class:`~cartopy.crs.AlbersEqualArea`.)
526            * Any other Cartopy :class:`~cartopy.crs.Projection`. An instance
527              of this class will be created using the supplied ``proj_kwargs``.
529        Defaults to "global"
530    :type resolution: str, optional
531    :param resolution: Resolution of the boundary database to use. Will be
532        passed directly to the Cartopy module. Possible values are:
534            * ``"110m"``
535            * ``"50m"``
536            * ``"10m"``
538        Defaults to ``"110m"``. For compatibility, you may also specify any of
539        the Basemap resolutions defined in :func:`plot_basemap`.
540    :type continent_fill_color: Valid matplotlib color, optional
541    :param continent_fill_color:  Color of the continents. Defaults to
542        ``"0.9"`` which is a light gray.
543    :type water_fill_color: Valid matplotlib color, optional
544    :param water_fill_color: Color of all water bodies.
545        Defaults to ``"white"``.
546    :type colormap: str, any matplotlib colormap, optional
547    :param colormap: The colormap for color-coding the events as provided
548        in `color` kwarg.
549        The event with the smallest `color` property will have the
550        color of one end of the colormap and the event with the highest
551        `color` property the color of the other end with all other events
552        in between.
553        Defaults to None which will use the default matplotlib colormap.
554    :type colorbar: bool, optional
555    :param colorbar: When left `None`, a colorbar is plotted if more than one
556        object is plotted. Using `True`/`False` the colorbar can be forced
557        on/off.
558    :type title: str
559    :param title: Title above plot.
560    :type colorbar_ticklabel_format: str or function or
561        subclass of :class:`matplotlib.ticker.Formatter`
562    :param colorbar_ticklabel_format: Format string or Formatter used to format
563        colorbar tick labels.
564    :type show: bool
565    :param show: Whether to show the figure after plotting or not. Can be used
566        to do further customization of the plot before showing it.
567    :type proj_kwargs: dict
568    :param proj_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Cartopy
569        :class:`~cartopy.ccrs.Projection`. In this dictionary, you may specify
570        ``central_longitude='auto'`` or ``central_latitude='auto'`` to have
571        this function calculate the latitude or longitude as it would for other
572        projections. Some arguments may be ignored if you choose one of the
573        built-in ``projection`` choices.
574    """
575    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
577    if isinstance(color[0], (datetime.datetime, UTCDateTime)):
578        datetimeplot = True
579        color = [date2num(getattr(t, 'datetime', t)) for t in color]
580    else:
581        datetimeplot = False
583    fig = plt.figure()
585    # The colorbar should only be plotted if more then one event is
586    # present.
587    if colorbar is not None:
588        show_colorbar = colorbar
589    else:
590        if len(lons) > 1 and hasattr(color, "__len__") and \
591                not isinstance(color, (str, native_str)):
592            show_colorbar = True
593        else:
594            show_colorbar = False
596    if projection == "local":
597        ax_x0, ax_width = 0.10, 0.80
598    elif projection == "global":
599        ax_x0, ax_width = 0.01, 0.98
600    else:
601        ax_x0, ax_width = 0.05, 0.90
603    proj_kwargs = proj_kwargs or {}
604    if projection == 'global':
605        proj_kwargs['central_longitude'] = np.mean(lons)
606        proj = ccrs.Mollweide(**proj_kwargs)
607    elif projection == 'ortho':
608        proj_kwargs['central_latitude'] = np.mean(lats)
609        proj_kwargs['central_longitude'] = mean_longitude(lons)
610        proj = ccrs.Orthographic(**proj_kwargs)
611    elif projection == 'local':
612        if min(lons) < -150 and max(lons) > 150:
613            max_lons = max(np.array(lons) % 360)
614            min_lons = min(np.array(lons) % 360)
615        else:
616            max_lons = max(lons)
617            min_lons = min(lons)
618        lat_0 = max(lats) / 2. + min(lats) / 2.
619        lon_0 = max_lons / 2. + min_lons / 2.
620        if lon_0 > 180:
621            lon_0 -= 360
622        deg2m_lat = 2 * np.pi * 6371 * 1000 / 360
623        deg2m_lon = deg2m_lat * np.cos(lat_0 / 180 * np.pi)
624        if len(lats) > 1:
625            height = (max(lats) - min(lats)) * deg2m_lat
626            width = (max_lons - min_lons) * deg2m_lon
627            margin = 0.2 * (width + height)
628            height += margin
629            width += margin
630        else:
631            height = 2.0 * deg2m_lat
632            width = 5.0 * deg2m_lon
633        # Do intelligent aspect calculation for local projection
634        # adjust to figure dimensions
635        w, h = fig.get_size_inches()
636        aspect = w / h
637        if show_colorbar:
638            aspect *= 1.2
639        if width / height < aspect:
640            width = height * aspect
641        else:
642            height = width / aspect
644        proj_kwargs['central_latitude'] = lat_0
645        proj_kwargs['central_longitude'] = lon_0
646        proj_kwargs['standard_parallels'] = [lat_0, lat_0]
647        proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(**proj_kwargs)
649    # User-supplied projection.
650    elif isinstance(projection, type):
651        if 'central_longitude' in proj_kwargs:
652            if proj_kwargs['central_longitude'] == 'auto':
653                proj_kwargs['central_longitude'] = mean_longitude(lons)
654        if 'central_latitude' in proj_kwargs:
655            if proj_kwargs['central_latitude'] == 'auto':
656                proj_kwargs['central_latitude'] = np.mean(lats)
657        if 'pole_longitude' in proj_kwargs:
658            if proj_kwargs['pole_longitude'] == 'auto':
659                proj_kwargs['pole_longitude'] = np.mean(lons)
660        if 'pole_latitude' in proj_kwargs:
661            if proj_kwargs['pole_latitude'] == 'auto':
662                proj_kwargs['pole_latitude'] = np.mean(lats)
664        proj = projection(**proj_kwargs)
666    else:
667        msg = "Projection '%s' not supported." % projection
668        raise ValueError(msg)
670    if show_colorbar:
671        map_ax = fig.add_axes([ax_x0, 0.13, ax_width, 0.77], projection=proj)
672        cm_ax = fig.add_axes([ax_x0, 0.05, ax_width, 0.05])
673        plt.sca(map_ax)
674    else:
675        ax_y0, ax_height = 0.05, 0.85
676        if projection == "local":
677            ax_y0 += 0.05
678            ax_height -= 0.05
679        map_ax = fig.add_axes([ax_x0, ax_y0, ax_width, ax_height],
680                              projection=proj)
682    if projection == 'local':
683        x0, y0 = proj.transform_point(lon_0, lat_0, proj.as_geodetic())
684        map_ax.set_xlim(x0 - width / 2, x0 + width / 2)
685        map_ax.set_ylim(y0 - height / 2, y0 + height / 2)
686    else:
687        map_ax.set_global()
689    # Pick features at specified resolution.
690    resolution = _CARTOPY_RESOLUTIONS[resolution]
691    try:
692        borders, land, ocean = _CARTOPY_FEATURES[resolution]
693    except KeyError:
694        borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(cfeature.BORDERS.category,
695                                               cfeature.BORDERS.name,
696                                               resolution,
697                                               edgecolor='none',
698                                               facecolor='none')
699        land = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(cfeature.LAND.category,
700                                            cfeature.LAND.name, resolution,
701                                            edgecolor='face', facecolor='none')
702        ocean = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(cfeature.OCEAN.category,
703                                             cfeature.OCEAN.name, resolution,
704                                             edgecolor='face',
705                                             facecolor='none')
706        _CARTOPY_FEATURES[resolution] = (borders, land, ocean)
708    # Draw coast lines, country boundaries, fill continents.
709    if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION >= [2, 0, 0]:
710        map_ax.set_facecolor(water_fill_color)
711    else:
712        map_ax.set_axis_bgcolor(water_fill_color)
713    map_ax.add_feature(ocean, facecolor=water_fill_color)
714    map_ax.add_feature(land, facecolor=continent_fill_color)
715    map_ax.add_feature(borders, edgecolor='0.75')
716    map_ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, color='0.4')
718    # Draw grid lines - TODO: draw_labels=True doesn't work yet.
719    if projection == 'local':
720        map_ax.gridlines()
721    else:
722        # Draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
723        map_ax.gridlines(xlocs=range(-180, 181, 30), ylocs=range(-90, 91, 30))
725    # Plot labels
726    if labels and len(lons) > 0:
727        with map_ax.hold_limits():
728            for name, xpt, ypt, _colorpt in zip(labels, lons, lats, color):
729                map_ax.text(xpt, ypt, name, weight="heavy", color="k",
730                            zorder=100, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
731                            path_effects=[
732                                patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=3,
733                                                       foreground="white")])
735    scatter = map_ax.scatter(lons, lats, marker=marker, s=size, c=color,
736                             zorder=10, cmap=colormap,
737                             transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
739    if title:
740        plt.suptitle(title)
742    # Only show the colorbar for more than one event.
743    if show_colorbar:
744        if colorbar_ticklabel_format is not None:
745            if isinstance(colorbar_ticklabel_format, (str, native_str)):
746                formatter = FormatStrFormatter(colorbar_ticklabel_format)
747            elif hasattr(colorbar_ticklabel_format, '__call__'):
748                formatter = FuncFormatter(colorbar_ticklabel_format)
749            elif isinstance(colorbar_ticklabel_format, Formatter):
750                formatter = colorbar_ticklabel_format
751            locator = MaxNLocator(5)
752        else:
753            if datetimeplot:
754                locator = AutoDateLocator()
755                formatter = AutoDateFormatter(locator)
756                # Compat with old matplotlib versions.
757                if hasattr(formatter, "scaled"):
758                    formatter.scaled[1 / (24. * 60.)] = '%H:%M:%S'
759            else:
760                locator = None
761                formatter = None
762        cb = Colorbar(cm_ax, scatter, cmap=colormap,
763                      orientation='horizontal',
764                      ticks=locator,
765                      format=formatter)
766        # Compat with old matplotlib versions.
767        if hasattr(cb, "update_ticks"):
768            cb.update_ticks()
770    if show:
771        plt.show()
773    return fig
776def plot_map(method, *args, **kwargs):
777    '''
778    Creates a map plot with a data point scatter plot.
780    :type method: str
781    :param method: Method to use for plotting. Possible values are:
783        * ``'basemap'`` to use the Basemap library. For other arguments, see
784          the :func:`plot_basemap` function.
785        * ``'cartopy'`` to use the Cartopy library. For other arguments, see
786          the :func:`plot_cartopy` function.
787        * ``None`` to use either the Basemap or Cartopy library, whichever is
788          available.
789    '''
791    if method is None:
792        if HAS_BASEMAP:
793            return plot_basemap(*args, **kwargs)
794        elif HAS_CARTOPY:
795            return plot_cartopy(*args, **kwargs)
796        else:
797            raise ImportError('Neither Basemap nor Cartopy could be imported.')
798    elif method == 'basemap':
799        if not HAS_BASEMAP:
800            raise ImportError('Basemap cannot be imported but was explicitly '
801                              'requested.')
802        return plot_basemap(*args, **kwargs)
803    elif method == 'cartopy':
804        if not HAS_CARTOPY:
805            raise ImportError('Cartopy cannot be imported but was explicitly '
806                              'requested.')
807        return plot_cartopy(*args, **kwargs)
808    else:
809        raise ValueError("The method argument must be either 'basemap' or "
810                         "'cartopy', not '%s'." % (method, ))