1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Routines for handling of Reftek130 packets.
5Currently only event header (EH), event trailer (ET) and data (DT) packets are
6handled. These three packets have more or less the same meaning in the first 8
7bytes of the payload which makes the first 24 bytes the so called extended
10from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
11                        unicode_literals)
12from future.builtins import *  # NOQA
13from future.utils import native_str
15import warnings
17import numpy as np
19from obspy import UTCDateTime
20from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer
21from obspy.io.mseed.headers import clibmseed
23from .util import (
24    _decode_ascii, _parse_long_time, _16_tuple_ascii, _16_tuple_int,
25    _16_tuple_float, bcd, bcd_hex,
26    bcd_julian_day_string_to_nanoseconds_of_year, bcd_16bit_int, bcd_8bit_hex,
27    _get_nanoseconds_for_start_of_year)
30class Reftek130UnpackPacketError(ValueError):
31    pass
39# The extended header which is the same for EH/ET/DT packets.
40# tuples are:
41#  - field name
42#  - dtype during initial reading
43#  - conversion routine (if any)
44#  - dtype after conversion
45PACKET = [
46    ("packet_type", native_str("|S2"), None, native_str("S2")),
47    ("experiment_number", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8),
48    ("year", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8),
49    ("unit_id", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_hex, native_str("S4")),
50    ("time", (np.uint8, 6), bcd_julian_day_string_to_nanoseconds_of_year,
51     np.int64),
52    ("byte_count", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint16),
53    ("packet_sequence", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint16),
54    ("event_number", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint16),
55    ("data_stream_number", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8),
56    ("channel_number", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8),
57    ("number_of_samples", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint32),
58    ("flags", np.uint8, None, np.uint8),
59    ("data_format", np.uint8, bcd_8bit_hex, native_str("S2")),
60    # Temporarily store the payload here.
61    ("payload", (np.uint8, 1000), None, (np.uint8, 1000))]
64# name, offset, length (bytes) and converter routine for EH/ET packet payload
66    "trigger_time_message": (0, 33, _decode_ascii),
67    "time_source": (33, 1, _decode_ascii),
68    "time_quality": (34, 1, _decode_ascii),
69    "station_name_extension": (35, 1, _decode_ascii),
70    "station_name": (36, 4, _decode_ascii),
71    "stream_name": (40, 16, _decode_ascii),
72    "_reserved_2": (56, 8, _decode_ascii),
73    "sampling_rate": (64, 4, int),
74    "trigger_type": (68, 4, _decode_ascii),
75    "trigger_time": (72, 16, _parse_long_time),
76    "first_sample_time": (88, 16, _parse_long_time),
77    "detrigger_time": (104, 16, _parse_long_time),
78    "last_sample_time": (120, 16, _parse_long_time),
79    "channel_adjusted_nominal_bit_weights": (136, 128, _16_tuple_ascii),
80    "channel_true_bit_weights": (264, 128, _16_tuple_ascii),
81    "channel_gain_code": (392, 16, _16_tuple_ascii),
82    "channel_ad_resolution_code": (408, 16, _16_tuple_ascii),
83    "channel_fsa_code": (424, 16, _16_tuple_ascii),
84    "channel_code": (440, 64, _16_tuple_ascii),
85    "channel_sensor_fsa_code": (504, 16, _16_tuple_ascii),
86    "channel_sensor_vpu": (520, 96, _16_tuple_float),
87    "channel_sensor_units_code": (616, 16, _16_tuple_ascii),
88    "station_channel_number": (632, 48, _16_tuple_int),
89    "_reserved_3": (680, 156, _decode_ascii),
90    "total_installed_channels": (836, 2, int),
91    "station_comment": (838, 40, _decode_ascii),
92    "digital_filter_list": (878, 16, _decode_ascii),
93    "position": (894, 26, _decode_ascii),
94    "reftek_120": (920, 80, None)}
97class Packet(object):
98    _headers = ('experiment_number', 'unit_id', 'byte_count',
99                'packet_sequence', 'time')
101    @staticmethod
102    def from_data(data):
103        packet_type = data['packet_type'].decode("ASCII", "ignore")
104        if packet_type in ("EH", "ET"):
105            return EHPacket(data)
106        elif packet_type == "DT":
107            return DTPacket(data)
108        else:
109            msg = "Can not create Reftek packet for packet type '{}'"
110            raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(packet_type))
112    def __init__(self, data):
113        raise NotImplementedError()
115    @property
116    def type(self):
117        return self._data['packet_type'].item()
119    def __getattr__(self, name):
120        if name in self._headers:
121            return self._data[name].item()
123    @property
124    def nanoseconds(self):
125        return self._data['time'].item()
127    @property
128    def time(self):
129        return UTCDateTime(ns=self._data['time'].item())
132class EHPacket(Packet):
133    __slots__ = ["_data"] + list(EH_PAYLOAD.keys())
134    _headers = ('packet_sequence', 'experiment_number', 'unit_id',
135                'byte_count', 'time', 'event_number', 'data_stream_number',
136                'data_format', 'flags')
138    def __init__(self, data):
139        self._data = data
140        try:
141            payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
142        except AttributeError:
143            # for numpy < 1.9.0, does not work for python 3.6
144            payload = bytes(self._data["payload"])
145        for name, (start, length, converter) in EH_PAYLOAD.items():
146            data = payload[start:start + length]
147            if converter is not None:
148                data = converter(data)
149            setattr(self, name, data)
151    def _to_dict(self):
152        """
153        Convert to dictionary structure.
154        """
155        return {key: getattr(self, key) for key in EH_PAYLOAD.keys()}
157    def __str__(self, compact=False):
158        if compact:
159            sta = (self.station_name.strip() +
160                   self.station_name_extension.strip())
161            info = ("{:04d} {:2s} {:4s} {:2d} {:4d} {:4d} {:2d} {:2s} "
162                    "{:5s} {:4d}         {!s}").format(
163                        self.packet_sequence, self.type.decode(),
164                        self.unit_id.decode(), self.experiment_number,
165                        self.byte_count, self.event_number,
166                        self.data_stream_number, self.data_format.decode(),
167                        sta, self.sampling_rate, self.time)
168        else:
169            info = []
170            for key in self._headers:
171                value = getattr(self, key)
172                if key in ("unit_id", "data_format"):
173                    value = value.decode()
174                info.append("{}: {}".format(key, value))
175            info.append("-" * 20)
176            for key in sorted(EH_PAYLOAD.keys()):
177                value = getattr(self, key)
178                if key in ("trigger_time", "detrigger_time",
179                           "first_sample_time", "last_sample_time"):
180                    if value is not None:
181                        value = UTCDateTime(ns=value)
182                info.append("{}: {}".format(key, value))
183            info = "{} Packet\n\t{}".format(self.type.decode(),
184                                            "\n\t".join(info))
185        return info
188class DTPacket(Packet):
189    __slots__ = ["_data"]
190    _headers = ('packet_sequence', 'experiment_number', 'unit_id',
191                'byte_count', 'time', 'event_number', 'data_stream_number',
192                'channel_number', 'number_of_samples', 'data_format', 'flags')
194    def __init__(self, data):
195        self._data = data
197    def __str__(self, compact=False):
198        if compact:
199            info = ("{:04d} {:2s} {:4s} {:2d} {:4d} {:4d} {:2d} {:2s} "
200                    "           {:2d} {:4d} {!s}").format(
201                        self.packet_sequence, self.type.decode(),
202                        self.unit_id.decode(), self.experiment_number,
203                        self.byte_count, self.event_number,
204                        self.data_stream_number, self.data_format.decode(),
205                        self.channel_number, self.number_of_samples, self.time)
206        else:
207            info = []
208            for key in self._headers:
209                value = getattr(self, key)
210                if key in ("unit_id", "data_format"):
211                    value = value.decode()
212                info.append("{}: {}".format(key, value))
213            info = "{} Packet\n\t{}".format(self.type.decode(),
214                                            "\n\t".join(info))
215        return info
219    (native_str(name), dtype_initial)
220    for name, dtype_initial, converter, dtype_final in PACKET])
222PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE = np.dtype([
223    (native_str(name), dtype_final)
224    for name, dtype_initial, converter, dtype_final in PACKET])
227def _initial_unpack_packets(bytestring):
228    """
229    First unpack data with dtype matching itemsize of storage in the reftek
230    file, than allocate result array with dtypes for storage of python
231    objects/arrays and fill it with the unpacked data.
232    """
233    if not len(bytestring):
234        return np.array([], dtype=PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE)
236    if len(bytestring) % 1024 != 0:
237        tail = len(bytestring) % 1024
238        bytestring = bytestring[:-tail]
239        msg = ("Length of data not a multiple of 1024. Data might be "
240               "truncated. Dropping {:d} byte(s) at the end.").format(tail)
241        warnings.warn(msg)
242    data = from_buffer(
243        bytestring, dtype=PACKET_INITIAL_UNPACK_DTYPE)
244    result = np.empty_like(data, dtype=PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE)
246    for name, dtype_initial, converter, dtype_final in PACKET:
247        if converter is None:
248            result[name][:] = data[name][:]
249        else:
250            try:
251                result[name][:] = converter(data[name])
252            except Exception as e:
253                raise Reftek130UnpackPacketError(str(e))
254    # time unpacking is special and needs some additional work.
255    # we need to add the POSIX timestamp of the start of respective year to the
256    # already unpacked seconds into the respective year..
257    result['time'][:] += [_get_nanoseconds_for_start_of_year(y)
258                          for y in result['year']]
259    return result
262def _unpack_C0_C2_data(packets, encoding):  # noqa
263    """
264    Unpacks sample data from a packet array that uses 'C0' or 'C2' data
265    encoding.
267    :type packets: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype ``PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE``)
268    :param packets: Array of data packets (``packet_type`` ``'DT'``) from which
269        to unpack the sample data (with data encoding 'C0' or 'C2').
270    :type encoding: str
271    :param encoding: Reftek data encoding as specified in event header (EH)
272        packet, either ``'C0'`` or ``'C2'``.
273    """
274    if encoding == 'C0':
275        encoding_bytes = b'C0'
276    elif encoding == 'C2':
277        encoding_bytes = b'C2'
278    else:
279        msg = "Unregonized encoding: '{}'".format(encoding)
280        raise ValueError(msg)
281    if np.any(packets['data_format'] != encoding_bytes):
282        differing_formats = np.unique(
283            packets[packets['data_format'] !=
284                    encoding_bytes]['data_format']).tolist()
285        msg = ("Using '{}' data format unpacking routine but some packet(s) "
286               "specify other data format(s): {}".format(encoding,
287                                                         differing_formats))
288        warnings.warn(msg)
289    # if the packet array is contiguous in memory (which it generally should
290    # be), we can work with the memory address of the first packed data byte
291    # and advance it by a fixed offset when moving from one packet to the next
292    if packets.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] and packets.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']:
293        return _unpack_C0_C2_data_fast(packets, encoding)
294    # if the packet array is *not* contiguous in memory, fall back to slightly
295    # slower unpacking with looking up the memory position of the first packed
296    # byte in each packet individually.
297    else:
298        return _unpack_C0_C2_data_safe(packets, encoding)
301def _unpack_C0_C2_data_fast(packets, encoding):  # noqa
302    """
303    Unpacks sample data from a packet array that uses 'C0' or 'C2' data
304    encoding.
306    Unfortunately the whole data cannot be unpacked with one call to
307    libmseed as some payloads do not take the full 960 bytes. They are
308    thus padded which would results in padded pieces directly in a large
309    array and libmseed (understandably) does not support that.
311    Thus we resort to *tada* pointer arithmetics in Python ;-) This is
312    quite a bit faster then correctly casting to an integer pointer so
313    it's worth it.
315    Also avoid a data copy.
317    Writing this directly in C would be about 3 times as fast so it might
318    be worth it.
320    :type packets: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype ``PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE``)
321    :param packets: Array of data packets (``packet_type`` ``'DT'``) from which
322        to unpack the sample data (with data encoding 'C0' or 'C2').
323    :type encoding: str
324    :param encoding: Reftek data encoding as specified in event header (EH)
325        packet, either ``'C0'`` or ``'C2'``.
326    """
327    if encoding == 'C0':
328        decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim1
329    elif encoding == 'C2':
330        decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim2
331    else:
332        msg = "Unregonized encoding: '{}'".format(encoding)
333        raise ValueError(msg)
334    npts = packets["number_of_samples"].sum()
335    unpacked_data = np.empty(npts, dtype=np.int32)
336    pos = 0
337    s = packets[0]["payload"][40:].ctypes.data
338    if len(packets) > 1:
339        offset = (
340            packets[1]["payload"][40:].ctypes.data - s)
341    else:
342        offset = 0
343    for _npts in packets["number_of_samples"]:
344        decode_steim(
345            s, 960, _npts, unpacked_data[pos:], _npts, None,
346            1)
347        pos += _npts
348        s += offset
349    return unpacked_data
352def _unpack_C0_C2_data_safe(packets, encoding):  # noqa
353    """
354    Unpacks sample data from a packet array that uses 'C0' or 'C2' data
355    encoding.
357    If the packet array is *not* contiguous in memory, fall back to slightly
358    slower unpacking with looking up the memory position of the first packed
359    byte in each packet individually.
361    :type packets: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype ``PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE``)
362    :param packets: Array of data packets (``packet_type`` ``'DT'``) from which
363        to unpack the sample data (with data encoding 'C0' or 'C2').
364    :type encoding: str
365    :param encoding: Reftek data encoding as specified in event header (EH)
366        packet, either ``'C0'`` or ``'C2'``.
367    """
368    if encoding == 'C0':
369        decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim1
370    elif encoding == 'C2':
371        decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim2
372    else:
373        msg = "Unregonized encoding: '{}'".format(encoding)
374        raise ValueError(msg)
375    npts = packets["number_of_samples"].sum()
376    unpacked_data = np.empty(npts, dtype=np.int32)
377    pos = 0
378    # Sample data starts at byte 40 in the DT packet's
379    # payload.
380    for p in packets:
381        _npts = p["number_of_samples"]
382        decode_steim(
383            p["payload"][40:].ctypes.data, 960, _npts,
384            unpacked_data[pos:], _npts, None, 1)
385        pos += _npts
386    return unpacked_data
389if __name__ == '__main__':
390    import doctest
391    doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)