1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014-2019 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
19'''Non-relativistic RKS analytical nuclear gradients'''
22import numpy
23from pyscf import gto
24from pyscf import lib
25from pyscf.lib import logger
26from pyscf.grad import rhf as rhf_grad
27from pyscf.dft import numint, radi, gen_grid
28from pyscf import __config__
31def get_veff(ks_grad, mol=None, dm=None):
32    '''
33    First order derivative of DFT effective potential matrix (wrt electron coordinates)
35    Args:
36        ks_grad : grad.uhf.Gradients or grad.uks.Gradients object
37    '''
38    if mol is None: mol = ks_grad.mol
39    if dm is None: dm = ks_grad.base.make_rdm1()
40    t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
42    mf = ks_grad.base
43    ni = mf._numint
44    if ks_grad.grids is not None:
45        grids = ks_grad.grids
46    else:
47        grids = mf.grids
48    if grids.coords is None:
49        grids.build(with_non0tab=True)
51    if mf.nlc != '':
52        raise NotImplementedError
53    #enabling range-separated hybrids
54    omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(mf.xc, spin=mol.spin)
56    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
57    max_memory = max(2000, ks_grad.max_memory*.9-mem_now)
58    if ks_grad.grid_response:
59        exc, vxc = get_vxc_full_response(ni, mol, grids, mf.xc, dm,
60                                         max_memory=max_memory,
61                                         verbose=ks_grad.verbose)
62        logger.debug1(ks_grad, 'sum(grids response) %s', exc.sum(axis=0))
63    else:
64        exc, vxc = get_vxc(ni, mol, grids, mf.xc, dm,
65                           max_memory=max_memory, verbose=ks_grad.verbose)
66    t0 = logger.timer(ks_grad, 'vxc', *t0)
68    if abs(hyb) < 1e-10 and abs(alpha) < 1e-10:
69        vj = ks_grad.get_j(mol, dm)
70        vxc += vj
71    else:
72        vj, vk = ks_grad.get_jk(mol, dm)
73        vk *= hyb
74        if abs(omega) > 1e-10:  # For range separated Coulomb operator
75            with mol.with_range_coulomb(omega):
76                vk += ks_grad.get_k(mol, dm) * (alpha - hyb)
77        vxc += vj - vk * .5
79    return lib.tag_array(vxc, exc1_grid=exc)
82def get_vxc(ni, mol, grids, xc_code, dms, relativity=0, hermi=1,
83            max_memory=2000, verbose=None):
84    xctype = ni._xc_type(xc_code)
85    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(mol, dms, hermi)
86    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
88    vmat = numpy.zeros((nset,3,nao,nao))
89    if xctype == 'LDA':
90        ao_deriv = 1
91        for ao, mask, weight, coords \
92                in ni.block_loop(mol, grids, nao, ao_deriv, max_memory):
93            for idm in range(nset):
94                rho = make_rho(idm, ao[0], mask, 'LDA')
95                vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rho, 0, relativity, 1,
96                                 verbose=verbose)[1]
97                vrho = vxc[0]
98                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[0], weight*vrho)
99                _d1_dot_(vmat[idm], mol, ao[1:4], aow, mask, ao_loc, True)
100                rho = vxc = vrho = aow = None
101    elif xctype == 'GGA':
102        ao_deriv = 2
103        for ao, mask, weight, coords \
104                in ni.block_loop(mol, grids, nao, ao_deriv, max_memory):
105            for idm in range(nset):
106                rho = make_rho(idm, ao[:4], mask, 'GGA')
107                vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rho, 0, relativity, 1,
108                                 verbose=verbose)[1]
109                wv = numint._rks_gga_wv0(rho, vxc, weight)
110                _gga_grad_sum_(vmat[idm], mol, ao, wv, mask, ao_loc)
111                rho = vxc = vrho = wv = None
112    elif xctype == 'NLC':
113        raise NotImplementedError('NLC')
114    elif xctype == 'MGGA':
115        raise NotImplementedError('meta-GGA')
117    exc = None
118    if nset == 1:
119        vmat = vmat.reshape(3,nao,nao)
120    # - sign because nabla_X = -nabla_x
121    return exc, -vmat
123def _make_dR_dao_w(ao, wv):
124    aow = numpy.einsum('npi,p->npi', ao[1:4], wv[0])
125    # XX, XY, XZ = 4, 5, 6
126    # YX, YY, YZ = 5, 7, 8
127    # ZX, ZY, ZZ = 6, 8, 9
128    aow[0] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[4], wv[1])  # dX nabla_x
129    aow[0] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[5], wv[2])  # dX nabla_y
130    aow[0] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[6], wv[3])  # dX nabla_z
131    aow[1] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[5], wv[1])  # dY nabla_x
132    aow[1] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[7], wv[2])  # dY nabla_y
133    aow[1] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[8], wv[3])  # dY nabla_z
134    aow[2] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[6], wv[1])  # dZ nabla_x
135    aow[2] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[8], wv[2])  # dZ nabla_y
136    aow[2] += numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[9], wv[3])  # dZ nabla_z
137    return aow
139def _d1_dot_(vmat, mol, ao1, ao2, mask, ao_loc, dR1_on_bra=True):
140    shls_slice = (0, mol.nbas)
141    if dR1_on_bra:
142        vmat[0] += numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao1[0], ao2, mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
143        vmat[1] += numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao1[1], ao2, mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
144        vmat[2] += numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao1[2], ao2, mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
145    else:
146        vmat[0] += numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao1, ao2[0], mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
147        vmat[1] += numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao1, ao2[1], mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
148        vmat[2] += numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao1, ao2[2], mask, shls_slice, ao_loc)
150def _gga_grad_sum_(vmat, mol, ao, wv, mask, ao_loc):
151    aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao[:4], wv)
152    _d1_dot_(vmat, mol, ao[1:4], aow, mask, ao_loc, True)
153    aow = _make_dR_dao_w(ao, wv)
154    _d1_dot_(vmat, mol, aow, ao[0], mask, ao_loc, True)
155    return vmat
158def get_vxc_full_response(ni, mol, grids, xc_code, dms, relativity=0, hermi=1,
159                          max_memory=2000, verbose=None):
160    '''Full response including the response of the grids'''
161    xctype = ni._xc_type(xc_code)
162    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(mol, dms, hermi)
163    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
165    excsum = 0
166    vmat = numpy.zeros((3,nao,nao))
167    if xctype == 'LDA':
168        ao_deriv = 1
169        vtmp = numpy.empty((3,nao,nao))
170        for atm_id, (coords, weight, weight1) in enumerate(grids_response_cc(grids)):
171            mask = gen_grid.make_mask(mol, coords)
172            ao = ni.eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=ao_deriv, non0tab=mask)
173            rho = make_rho(0, ao[0], mask, 'LDA')
174            exc, vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rho, 0, relativity, 1,
175                                  verbose=verbose)[:2]
176            vrho = vxc[0]
178            vtmp = numpy.zeros((3,nao,nao))
179            aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao[0], weight*vrho)
180            _d1_dot_(vtmp, mol, ao[1:4], aow, mask, ao_loc, True)
181            vmat += vtmp
183            # response of weights
184            excsum += numpy.einsum('r,r,nxr->nx', exc, rho, weight1)
185            # response of grids coordinates
186            excsum[atm_id] += numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', vtmp, dms) * 2
187            rho = vxc = vrho = aow = None
189    elif xctype == 'GGA':
190        ao_deriv = 2
191        for atm_id, (coords, weight, weight1) in enumerate(grids_response_cc(grids)):
192            mask = gen_grid.make_mask(mol, coords)
193            ao = ni.eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=ao_deriv, non0tab=mask)
194            rho = make_rho(0, ao[:4], mask, 'GGA')
195            exc, vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rho, 0, relativity, 1,
196                                  verbose=verbose)[:2]
198            vtmp = numpy.zeros((3,nao,nao))
199            wv = numint._rks_gga_wv0(rho, vxc, weight)
200            _gga_grad_sum_(vtmp, mol, ao, wv, mask, ao_loc)
201            vmat += vtmp
203            # response of weights
204            excsum += numpy.einsum('r,r,nxr->nx', exc, rho[0], weight1)
205            # response of grids coordinates
206            excsum[atm_id] += numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', vtmp, dms) * 2
207            rho = vxc = vrho = wv = None
209    elif xctype == 'NLC':
210        raise NotImplementedError('NLC')
211    elif xctype == 'MGGA':
212        raise NotImplementedError('meta-GGA')
214    # - sign because nabla_X = -nabla_x
215    return excsum, -vmat
218# JCP 98, 5612 (1993); DOI:10.1063/1.464906
219def grids_response_cc(grids):
220    mol = grids.mol
221    atom_grids_tab = grids.gen_atomic_grids(mol, grids.atom_grid,
222                                            grids.radi_method,
223                                            grids.level, grids.prune)
224    atm_coords = numpy.asarray(mol.atom_coords() , order='C')
225    atm_dist = gto.inter_distance(mol, atm_coords)
227    def _radii_adjust(mol, atomic_radii):
228        charges = mol.atom_charges()
229        if grids.radii_adjust == radi.treutler_atomic_radii_adjust:
230            rad = numpy.sqrt(atomic_radii[charges]) + 1e-200
231        elif grids.radii_adjust == radi.becke_atomic_radii_adjust:
232            rad = atomic_radii[charges] + 1e-200
233        else:
234            fadjust = lambda i, j, g: g
235            gadjust = lambda *args: 1
236            return fadjust, gadjust
238        rr = rad.reshape(-1,1) * (1./rad)
239        a = .25 * (rr.T - rr)
240        a[a<-.5] = -.5
241        a[a>0.5] = 0.5
243        def fadjust(i, j, g):
244            return g + a[i,j]*(1-g**2)
246        #: d[g + a[i,j]*(1-g**2)] /dg = 1 - 2*a[i,j]*g
247        def gadjust(i, j, g):
248            return 1 - 2*a[i,j]*g
249        return fadjust, gadjust
251    fadjust, gadjust = _radii_adjust(mol, grids.atomic_radii)
253    def gen_grid_partition(coords, atom_id):
254        ngrids = coords.shape[0]
255        grid_dist = []
256        grid_norm_vec = []
257        for ia in range(mol.natm):
258            v = (atm_coords[ia] - coords).T
259            normv = numpy.linalg.norm(v,axis=0) + 1e-200
260            v /= normv
261            grid_dist.append(normv)
262            grid_norm_vec.append(v)
264        def get_du(ia, ib):  # JCP 98, 5612 (1993); (B10)
265            uab = atm_coords[ia] - atm_coords[ib]
266            duab = 1./atm_dist[ia,ib] * grid_norm_vec[ia]
267            duab-= uab[:,None]/atm_dist[ia,ib]**3 * (grid_dist[ia]-grid_dist[ib])
268            return duab
270        pbecke = numpy.ones((mol.natm,ngrids))
271        dpbecke = numpy.zeros((mol.natm,mol.natm,3,ngrids))
272        for ia in range(mol.natm):
273            for ib in range(ia):
274                g = 1/atm_dist[ia,ib] * (grid_dist[ia]-grid_dist[ib])
275                p0 = fadjust(ia, ib, g)
276                p1 = (3 - p0**2) * p0 * .5
277                p2 = (3 - p1**2) * p1 * .5
278                p3 = (3 - p2**2) * p2 * .5
279                t_uab = 27./16 * (1-p2**2) * (1-p1**2) * (1-p0**2) * gadjust(ia, ib, g)
281                s_uab = .5 * (1 - p3 + 1e-200)
282                s_uba = .5 * (1 + p3 + 1e-200)
283                pbecke[ia] *= s_uab
284                pbecke[ib] *= s_uba
285                pt_uab =-t_uab / s_uab
286                pt_uba = t_uab / s_uba
288# * When grid is on atom ia/ib, ua/ub == 0, d_uba/d_uab may have huge error
289#   How to remove this error?
290                duab = get_du(ia, ib)
291                duba = get_du(ib, ia)
292                if ia == atom_id:
293                    dpbecke[ia,ia] += pt_uab * duba
294                    dpbecke[ia,ib] += pt_uba * duba
295                else:
296                    dpbecke[ia,ia] += pt_uab * duab
297                    dpbecke[ia,ib] += pt_uba * duab
299                if ib == atom_id:
300                    dpbecke[ib,ib] -= pt_uba * duab
301                    dpbecke[ib,ia] -= pt_uab * duab
302                else:
303                    dpbecke[ib,ib] -= pt_uba * duba
304                    dpbecke[ib,ia] -= pt_uab * duba
306# * JCP 98, 5612 (1993); (B8) (B10) miss many terms
307                if ia != atom_id and ib != atom_id:
308                    ua_ub = grid_norm_vec[ia] - grid_norm_vec[ib]
309                    ua_ub /= atm_dist[ia,ib]
310                    dpbecke[atom_id,ia] -= pt_uab * ua_ub
311                    dpbecke[atom_id,ib] -= pt_uba * ua_ub
313        for ia in range(mol.natm):
314            dpbecke[:,ia] *= pbecke[ia]
316        return pbecke, dpbecke
318    natm = mol.natm
319    for ia in range(natm):
320        coords, vol = atom_grids_tab[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
321        coords = coords + atm_coords[ia]
322        pbecke, dpbecke = gen_grid_partition(coords, ia)
323        z = 1./pbecke.sum(axis=0)
324        w1 = dpbecke[:,ia] * z
325        w1 -= pbecke[ia] * z**2 * dpbecke.sum(axis=1)
326        w1 *= vol
327        w0 = vol * pbecke[ia] * z
328        yield coords, w0, w1
331class Gradients(rhf_grad.Gradients):
333    # This parameter has no effects for HF gradients. Add this attribute so that
334    # the kernel function can be reused in the DFT gradients code.
335    grid_response = getattr(__config__, 'grad_rks_Gradients_grid_response', False)
337    def __init__(self, mf):
338        rhf_grad.Gradients.__init__(self, mf)
339        self.grids = None
340        # This parameter has no effects for HF gradients. Add this attribute so that
341        # the kernel function can be reused in the DFT gradients code.
342        self.grid_response = False
343        self._keys = self._keys.union(['grid_response', 'grids'])
345    def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
346        rhf_grad.Gradients.dump_flags(self, verbose)
347        logger.info(self, 'grid_response = %s', self.grid_response)
348        #if callable(self.base.grids.prune):
349        #    logger.info(self, 'Grid pruning %s may affect DFT gradients accuracy.'
350        #                'Call mf.grids.run(prune=False) to mute grid pruning',
351        #                self.base.grids.prune)
352        return self
354    get_veff = get_veff
356    def extra_force(self, atom_id, envs):
357        '''Hook for extra contributions in analytical gradients.
359        Contributions like the response of auxiliary basis in density fitting
360        method, the grid response in DFT numerical integration can be put in
361        this function.
362        '''
363        if self.grid_response:
364            vhf = envs['vhf']
365            log = envs['log']
366            log.debug('grids response for atom %d %s',
367                      atom_id, vhf.exc1_grid[atom_id])
368            return vhf.exc1_grid[atom_id]
369        else:
370            return 0
372Grad = Gradients
374from pyscf import dft
375dft.rks.RKS.Gradients = dft.rks_symm.RKS.Gradients = lib.class_as_method(Gradients)
378if __name__ == '__main__':
379    from pyscf import dft
381    mol = gto.Mole()
382    mol.atom = [
383        ['O' , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
384        [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
385        [1   , (0. ,  0.757 , 0.587)] ]
386    mol.basis = '631g'
387    mol.build()
388    mf = dft.RKS(mol)
389    mf.conv_tol = 1e-14
390    #mf.grids.atom_grid = (20,86)
391    e0 = mf.scf()
392    g = mf.Gradients()
393    print(lib.finger(g.kernel()) - -0.049887865971659243)
394#[[ -4.20040265e-16  -6.59462771e-16   2.10150467e-02]
395# [  1.42178271e-16   2.81979579e-02  -1.05137653e-02]
396# [  6.34069238e-17  -2.81979579e-02  -1.05137653e-02]]
397    g.grid_response = True
398    print(lib.finger(g.kernel()) - -0.049891265876709084)
399# O     0.0000000000    -0.0000000000     0.0210225191
400# H     0.0000000000     0.0281984036    -0.0105112595
401# H    -0.0000000000    -0.0281984036    -0.0105112595
403    mf.xc = 'b88,p86'
404    e0 = mf.scf()
405    g = Gradients(mf)
406    print(lib.finger(g.kernel()) - -0.050382923259300716)
407#[[ -8.20194970e-16  -2.04319288e-15   2.44405835e-02]
408# [  4.36709255e-18   2.73690416e-02  -1.22232039e-02]
409# [  3.44483899e-17  -2.73690416e-02  -1.22232039e-02]]
410    g.grid_response = True
411    print(lib.finger(g.kernel()) - -0.05036316927480719)
413    mf.xc = 'b3lypg'
414    e0 = mf.scf()
415    g = Gradients(mf)
416    print(lib.finger(g.kernel()) - -0.035613964330885352)
417#[[ -3.59411142e-16  -2.68753987e-16   1.21557501e-02]
418# [  4.04977877e-17   2.11112794e-02  -6.08181640e-03]
419# [  1.52600378e-16  -2.11112794e-02  -6.08181640e-03]]
422    mol = gto.Mole()
423    mol.atom = [
424        ['H' , (0. , 0. , 1.804)],
425        ['F' , (0. , 0. , 0.   )], ]
426    mol.unit = 'B'
427    mol.basis = '631g'
428    mol.build()
430    mf = dft.RKS(mol)
431    mf.conv_tol = 1e-14
432    mf.kernel()
433    print(lib.finger(Gradients(mf).kernel()) - 0.0018831588319051444)
434# sum over z direction non-zero, due to meshgrid response
435#[[ 0  0  -2.68934738e-03]
436# [ 0  0   2.69333577e-03]]
437    mf = dft.RKS(mol)
438    mf.grids.prune = None
439    mf.grids.level = 6
440    mf.conv_tol = 1e-14
441    mf.kernel()
442    print(lib.finger(Gradients(mf).kernel()) - 0.0018819497229394144)
443#[[ 0  0  -2.68931547e-03]
444# [ 0  0   2.68911282e-03]]