1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014-2018 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
17FCIDUMP functions (write, read) for real Hamiltonian
20import re
21from functools import reduce
22import numpy
23from pyscf import gto
24from pyscf import scf
25from pyscf import ao2mo
26from pyscf import symm
27from pyscf import __config__
29DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT = getattr(__config__, 'fcidump_float_format', ' %.16g')
30TOL = getattr(__config__, 'fcidump_write_tol', 1e-15)
32MOLPRO_ORBSYM = getattr(__config__, 'fcidump_molpro_orbsym', False)
34# Mapping Pyscf symmetry numbering to Molpro symmetry numbering for each irrep.
35# See also pyscf.symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE
36# https://www.molpro.net/info/current/doc/manual/node36.html
38    'D2h': (1,         # Ag
39            4,         # B1g
40            6,         # B2g
41            7,         # B3g
42            8,         # Au
43            5,         # B1u
44            3,         # B2u
45            2),        # B3u
46    'C2v': (1,         # A1
47            4,         # A2
48            2,         # B1
49            3),        # B2
50    'C2h': (1,         # Ag
51            4,         # Bg
52            2,         # Au
53            3),        # Bu
54    'D2' : (1,         # A
55            4,         # B1
56            3,         # B2
57            2),        # B3
58    'Cs' : (1,         # A'
59            2),        # A"
60    'C2' : (1,         # A
61            2),        # B
62    'Ci' : (1,         # Ag
63            2),        # Au
64    'C1' : (1,)
67def write_head(fout, nmo, nelec, ms=0, orbsym=None):
68    if not isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)):
69        ms = abs(nelec[0] - nelec[1])
70        nelec = nelec[0] + nelec[1]
71    fout.write(' &FCI NORB=%4d,NELEC=%2d,MS2=%d,\n' % (nmo, nelec, ms))
72    if orbsym is not None and len(orbsym) > 0:
73        fout.write('  ORBSYM=%s\n' % ','.join([str(x) for x in orbsym]))
74    else:
75        fout.write('  ORBSYM=%s\n' % ('1,' * nmo))
76    fout.write('  ISYM=1,\n')
77    fout.write(' &END\n')
80def write_eri(fout, eri, nmo, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT):
81    npair = nmo*(nmo+1)//2
82    output_format = float_format + ' %4d %4d %4d %4d\n'
83    if eri.size == nmo**4:
84        eri = ao2mo.restore(8, eri, nmo)
86    if eri.ndim == 2: # 4-fold symmetry
87        assert(eri.size == npair**2)
88        ij = 0
89        for i in range(nmo):
90            for j in range(0, i+1):
91                kl = 0
92                for k in range(0, nmo):
93                    for l in range(0, k+1):
94                        if abs(eri[ij,kl]) > tol:
95                            fout.write(output_format % (eri[ij,kl], i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1))
96                        kl += 1
97                ij += 1
98    else:  # 8-fold symmetry
99        assert(eri.size == npair*(npair+1)//2)
100        ij = 0
101        ijkl = 0
102        for i in range(nmo):
103            for j in range(0, i+1):
104                kl = 0
105                for k in range(0, i+1):
106                    for l in range(0, k+1):
107                        if ij >= kl:
108                            if abs(eri[ijkl]) > tol:
109                                fout.write(output_format % (eri[ijkl], i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1))
110                            ijkl += 1
111                        kl += 1
112                ij += 1
114def write_hcore(fout, h, nmo, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT):
115    h = h.reshape(nmo,nmo)
116    output_format = float_format + ' %4d %4d  0  0\n'
117    for i in range(nmo):
118        for j in range(0, i+1):
119            if abs(h[i,j]) > tol:
120                fout.write(output_format % (h[i,j], i+1, j+1))
123def from_chkfile(filename, chkfile, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT,
124                 molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, orbsym=None):
125    '''Read SCF results from PySCF chkfile and transform 1-electron,
126    2-electron integrals using the SCF orbitals.  The transformed integrals is
127    written to FCIDUMP
129    Kwargs:
130        molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym
131            convention as documented in
132            https://www.molpro.net/info/current/doc/manual/node36.html
133    '''
134    mol, scf_rec = scf.chkfile.load_scf(chkfile)
135    mo_coeff = numpy.array(scf_rec['mo_coeff'])
136    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
138    s = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.conj().T, mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp'), mo_coeff))
139    if abs(s - numpy.eye(nmo)).max() > 1e-6:
140        # Not support the chkfile from pbc calculation
141        raise RuntimeError('Non-orthogonal orbitals found in chkfile')
143    if mol.symmetry:
144        orbsym = symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_id,
145                                     mol.symm_orb, mo_coeff, check=False)
146    from_mo(mol, filename, mo_coeff, orbsym=orbsym, tol=tol,
147            float_format=float_format, molpro_orbsym=molpro_orbsym,
148            ms=mol.spin)
150def from_integrals(filename, h1e, h2e, nmo, nelec, nuc=0, ms=0, orbsym=None,
151                   tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT):
152    '''Convert the given 1-electron and 2-electron integrals to FCIDUMP format'''
153    with open(filename, 'w') as fout:
154        write_head(fout, nmo, nelec, ms, orbsym)
155        write_eri(fout, h2e, nmo, tol=tol, float_format=float_format)
156        write_hcore(fout, h1e, nmo, tol=tol, float_format=float_format)
157        output_format = float_format + '  0  0  0  0\n'
158        fout.write(output_format % nuc)
160def from_mo(mol, filename, mo_coeff, orbsym=None,
161            tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT,
162            molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, ms=0):
163    '''Use the given MOs to transfrom the 1-electron and 2-electron integrals
164    then dump them to FCIDUMP.
166    Kwargs:
167        molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym
168            convention as documented in
169            https://www.molpro.net/info/current/doc/manual/node36.html
170    '''
171    if getattr(mol, '_mesh', None):
172        raise NotImplementedError('PBC system')
174    if orbsym is None:
175        orbsym = getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None)
176        if molpro_orbsym and orbsym is not None:
177            orbsym = [ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orbsym]
178    h1ao = scf.hf.get_hcore(mol)
179    h1e = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, h1ao, mo_coeff))
180    eri = ao2mo.full(mol, mo_coeff, verbose=0)
181    nuc = mol.energy_nuc()
182    from_integrals(filename, h1e, eri, h1e.shape[0], mol.nelec, nuc, ms, orbsym,
183                   tol, float_format)
185def from_scf(mf, filename, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT,
186             molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM):
187    '''Use the given SCF object to transfrom the 1-electron and 2-electron
188    integrals then dump them to FCIDUMP.
190    Kwargs:
191        molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym
192            convention as documented in
193            https://www.molpro.net/info/current/doc/manual/node36.html
194    '''
195    mol = mf.mol
196    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
197    assert mo_coeff.dtype == numpy.double
199    h1e = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, mf.get_hcore(), mo_coeff))
200    if mf._eri is None:
201        if getattr(mf, 'exxdiv', None):  # PBC system
202            eri = mf.with_df.ao2mo(mo_coeff)
203        else:
204            eri = ao2mo.full(mf.mol, mo_coeff)
205    else:  # Handle cached integrals or customized systems
206        eri = ao2mo.full(mf._eri, mo_coeff)
207    orbsym = getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None)
208    if molpro_orbsym and orbsym is not None:
209        orbsym = [ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orbsym]
210    nuc = mf.energy_nuc()
211    from_integrals(filename, h1e, eri, h1e.shape[0], mf.mol.nelec, nuc, 0, orbsym,
212                   tol, float_format)
215def read(filename, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM):
216    '''Parse FCIDUMP.  Return a dictionary to hold the integrals and
217    parameters with keys:  H1, H2, ECORE, NORB, NELEC, MS, ORBSYM, ISYM
219    Kwargs:
220        molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether the orbsym in the FCIDUMP file is in
221            Molpro orbsym convention as documented in
222            https://www.molpro.net/info/current/doc/manual/node36.html
223            In return, orbsym is converted to pyscf symmetry convention
224    '''
225    print('Parsing %s' % filename)
226    finp = open(filename, 'r')
228    data = []
229    for i in range(10):
230        line = finp.readline().upper()
231        data.append(line)
232        if '&END' in line:
233            break
234    else:
235        raise RuntimeError('Problematic FCIDUMP header')
237    result = {}
238    tokens = ','.join(data).replace('&FCI', '').replace('&END', '')
239    tokens = tokens.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').replace(',,', ',')
240    for token in re.split(',(?=[a-zA-Z])', tokens):
241        key, val = token.split('=')
242        if key in ('NORB', 'NELEC', 'MS2', 'ISYM'):
243            result[key] = int(val.replace(',', ''))
244        elif key in ('ORBSYM',):
245            result[key] = [int(x) for x in val.replace(',', ' ').split()]
246        else:
247            result[key] = val
249    # Convert to molpr orbsym convert_orbsym
250    if 'ORBSYM' in result:
251        if molpro_orbsym:
252            # Guess which point group the orbsym belongs to. FCIDUMP does not
253            # save the point group information, the guess might be wrong if
254            # the high symmetry numbering of orbitals are not presented.
255            orbsym = result['ORBSYM']
256            if max(orbsym) > 4:
257                result['ORBSYM'] = [ORBSYM_MAP['D2h'].index(i) for i in orbsym]
258            elif max(orbsym) > 2:
259                # Fortunately, without molecular orientation, B2 and B3 in D2
260                # are not distinguishable
261                result['ORBSYM'] = [ORBSYM_MAP['C2v'].index(i) for i in orbsym]
262            elif max(orbsym) == 2:
263                result['ORBSYM'] = [i-1 for i in orbsym]
264            elif max(orbsym) == 1:
265                result['ORBSYM'] = [0] * len(orbsym)
266            else:
267                raise RuntimeError('Unknown orbsym')
268        elif max(result['ORBSYM']) >= 8:
269            raise RuntimeError('Unknown orbsym convention')
271    norb = result['NORB']
272    norb_pair = norb * (norb+1) // 2
273    h1e = numpy.zeros((norb,norb))
274    h2e = numpy.zeros(norb_pair*(norb_pair+1)//2)
275    dat = finp.readline().split()
276    while dat:
277        i, j, k, l = [int(x) for x in dat[1:5]]
278        if k != 0:
279            if i >= j:
280                ij = i * (i-1) // 2 + j-1
281            else:
282                ij = j * (j-1) // 2 + i-1
283            if k >= l:
284                kl = k * (k-1) // 2 + l-1
285            else:
286                kl = l * (l-1) // 2 + k-1
287            if ij >= kl:
288                h2e[ij*(ij+1)//2+kl] = float(dat[0])
289            else:
290                h2e[kl*(kl+1)//2+ij] = float(dat[0])
291        elif k == 0:
292            if j != 0:
293                h1e[i-1,j-1] = float(dat[0])
294            else:
295                result['ECORE'] = float(dat[0])
296        dat = finp.readline().split()
298    idx, idy = numpy.tril_indices(norb, -1)
299    if numpy.linalg.norm(h1e[idy,idx]) == 0:
300        h1e[idy,idx] = h1e[idx,idy]
301    elif numpy.linalg.norm(h1e[idx,idy]) == 0:
302        h1e[idx,idy] = h1e[idy,idx]
303    result['H1'] = h1e
304    result['H2'] = h2e
305    finp.close()
306    return result
308def to_scf(filename, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, mf=None, **kwargs):
309    '''Use the Hamiltonians defined by FCIDUMP to build an SCF object'''
310    ctx = read(filename, molpro_orbsym)
311    mol = gto.M()
312    mol.nelectron = ctx['NELEC']
313    mol.spin = ctx['MS2']
314    norb = mol.nao = ctx['NORB']
315    if 'ECORE' in ctx:
316        mol.energy_nuc = lambda *args: ctx['ECORE']
317    mol.incore_anyway = True
319    if 'ORBSYM' in ctx:
320        mol.symmetry = True
321        mol.groupname = 'N/A'
322        orbsym = numpy.asarray(ctx['ORBSYM'])
323        mol.irrep_id = list(set(orbsym))
324        mol.irrep_name = [('IR%d' % ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id]
325        so = numpy.eye(norb)
326        mol.symm_orb = []
327        for ir in mol.irrep_id:
328            mol.symm_orb.append(so[:,orbsym==ir])
330    if mf is None:
331        mf = mol.RHF(**kwargs)
332    else:
333        mf.mol = mol
334    h1 = ctx['H1']
335    idx, idy = numpy.tril_indices(norb, -1)
336    if h1[idx,idy].max() == 0:
337        h1[idx,idy] = h1[idy,idx]
338    else:
339        h1[idy,idx] = h1[idx,idy]
340    mf.get_hcore = lambda *args: h1
341    mf.get_ovlp = lambda *args: numpy.eye(norb)
342    mf._eri = ctx['H2']
344    return mf
346def scf_from_fcidump(mf, filename, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM):
347    '''Update the SCF object with the quantities defined in FCIDUMP file'''
348    return to_scf(filename, molpro_orbsym, mf)
350scf.hf.SCF.from_fcidump = scf_from_fcidump
352if __name__ == '__main__':
353    import argparse
354    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert chkfile to FCIDUMP')
355    parser.add_argument('chkfile', help='pyscf chkfile')
356    parser.add_argument('fcidump', help='FCIDUMP file')
357    args = parser.parse_args()
359    # fcidump.py chkfile output
360    from_chkfile(args.fcidump, args.chkfile)