2    from collections.abc import Mapping # noqa
3    from collections.abc import MutableMapping # noqa
4except ImportError:
5    from collections import Mapping # noqa
6    from collections import MutableMapping # noqa
8import segyio
9from .binfield import BinField
10from .tracefield import TraceField
12class Field(MutableMapping):
13    """
14    The Field implements the dict interface, with a fixed set of keys. It's
15    used for both binary- and trace headers. Any modifications to this
16    dict_like object will be reflected on disk.
18    The keys can be integers, int_likes, or enumerations such as BinField,
19    TraceField, and su. If raw, numerical offsets are used they must align with
20    the defined byte offsets by the SEGY specification.
22    Notes
23    -----
24    .. versionadded:: 1.1
26    .. versionchanged:: 1.3
27        common dict operations (update, keys, values)
29    .. versionchanged:: 1.6
30        more common dict operations (MutableMapping)
31    """
32    _bin_keys = [x for x in BinField.enums()
33                 if  x != BinField.Unassigned1
34                 and x != BinField.Unassigned2]
36    _tr_keys = [x for x in TraceField.enums()
37                if  x != TraceField.UnassignedInt1
38                and x != TraceField.UnassignedInt2]
40    _kwargs = {
41        'tracl' : TraceField.TRACE_SEQUENCE_LINE,
42        'tracr' : TraceField.TRACE_SEQUENCE_FILE,
43        'fldr'  : TraceField.FieldRecord,
44        'tracf' : TraceField.TraceNumber,
45        'ep'    : TraceField.EnergySourcePoint,
46        'cdp'   : TraceField.CDP,
47        'cdpt'  : TraceField.CDP_TRACE,
48        'trid'  : TraceField.TraceIdentificationCode,
49        'nvs'   : TraceField.NSummedTraces,
50        'nhs'   : TraceField.NStackedTraces,
51        'duse'  : TraceField.DataUse,
52        'offset': TraceField.offset,
53        'gelev' : TraceField.ReceiverGroupElevation,
54        'selev' : TraceField.SourceSurfaceElevation,
55        'sdepth': TraceField.SourceDepth,
56        'gdel'  : TraceField.ReceiverDatumElevation,
57        'sdel'  : TraceField.SourceDatumElevation,
58        'swdep' : TraceField.SourceWaterDepth,
59        'gwdep' : TraceField.GroupWaterDepth,
60        'scalel': TraceField.ElevationScalar,
61        'scalco': TraceField.SourceGroupScalar,
62        'sx'    : TraceField.SourceX,
63        'sy'    : TraceField.SourceY,
64        'gx'    : TraceField.GroupX,
65        'gy'    : TraceField.GroupY,
66        'counit': TraceField.CoordinateUnits,
67        'wevel' : TraceField.WeatheringVelocity,
68        'swevel': TraceField.SubWeatheringVelocity,
69        'sut'   : TraceField.SourceUpholeTime,
70        'gut'   : TraceField.GroupUpholeTime,
71        'sstat' : TraceField.SourceStaticCorrection,
72        'gstat' : TraceField.GroupStaticCorrection,
73        'tstat' : TraceField.TotalStaticApplied,
74        'laga'  : TraceField.LagTimeA,
75        'lagb'  : TraceField.LagTimeB,
76        'delrt' : TraceField.DelayRecordingTime,
77        'muts'  : TraceField.MuteTimeStart,
78        'mute'  : TraceField.MuteTimeEND,
79        'ns'    : TraceField.TRACE_SAMPLE_COUNT,
80        'dt'    : TraceField.TRACE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL,
81        'gain'  : TraceField.GainType,
82        'igc'   : TraceField.InstrumentGainConstant,
83        'igi'   : TraceField.InstrumentInitialGain,
84        'corr'  : TraceField.Correlated,
85        'sfs'   : TraceField.SweepFrequencyStart,
86        'sfe'   : TraceField.SweepFrequencyEnd,
87        'slen'  : TraceField.SweepLength,
88        'styp'  : TraceField.SweepType,
89        'stat'  : TraceField.SweepTraceTaperLengthStart,
90        'stae'  : TraceField.SweepTraceTaperLengthEnd,
91        'tatyp' : TraceField.TaperType,
92        'afilf' : TraceField.AliasFilterFrequency,
93        'afils' : TraceField.AliasFilterSlope,
94        'nofilf': TraceField.NotchFilterFrequency,
95        'nofils': TraceField.NotchFilterSlope,
96        'lcf'   : TraceField.LowCutFrequency,
97        'hcf'   : TraceField.HighCutFrequency,
98        'lcs'   : TraceField.LowCutSlope,
99        'hcs'   : TraceField.HighCutSlope,
100        'year'  : TraceField.YearDataRecorded,
101        'day'   : TraceField.DayOfYear,
102        'hour'  : TraceField.HourOfDay,
103        'minute': TraceField.MinuteOfHour,
104        'sec'   : TraceField.SecondOfMinute,
105        'timbas': TraceField.TimeBaseCode,
106        'trwf'  : TraceField.TraceWeightingFactor,
107        'grnors': TraceField.GeophoneGroupNumberRoll1,
108        'grnofr': TraceField.GeophoneGroupNumberFirstTraceOrigField,
109        'grnlof': TraceField.GeophoneGroupNumberLastTraceOrigField,
110        'gaps'  : TraceField.GapSize,
111        'otrav' : TraceField.OverTravel,
112        'cdpx'  : TraceField.CDP_X,
113        'cdpy'  : TraceField.CDP_Y,
114        'iline' : TraceField.INLINE_3D,
115        'xline' : TraceField.CROSSLINE_3D,
116        'sp'    : TraceField.ShotPoint,
117        'scalsp': TraceField.ShotPointScalar,
118        'trunit': TraceField.TraceValueMeasurementUnit,
119        'tdcm'  : TraceField.TransductionConstantMantissa,
120        'tdcp'  : TraceField.TransductionConstantPower,
121        'tdunit': TraceField.TransductionUnit,
122        'triden': TraceField.TraceIdentifier,
123        'sctrh' : TraceField.ScalarTraceHeader,
124        'stype' : TraceField.SourceType,
125        'sedm'  : TraceField.SourceEnergyDirectionMantissa,
126        'sede'  : TraceField.SourceEnergyDirectionExponent,
127        'smm'   : TraceField.SourceMeasurementMantissa,
128        'sme'   : TraceField.SourceMeasurementExponent,
129        'smunit': TraceField.SourceMeasurementUnit,
130        'uint1' : TraceField.UnassignedInt1,
131        'uint2' : TraceField.UnassignedInt2,
133        'jobid' : BinField.JobID,
134        'lino'  : BinField.LineNumber,
135        'reno'  : BinField.ReelNumber,
136        'ntrpr' : BinField.Traces,
137        'nart'  : BinField.AuxTraces,
138        'hdt'   : BinField.Interval,
139        'dto'   : BinField.IntervalOriginal,
140        'hns'   : BinField.Samples,
141        'nso'   : BinField.SamplesOriginal,
142        'format': BinField.Format,
143        'fold'  : BinField.EnsembleFold,
144        'tsort' : BinField.SortingCode,
145        'vscode': BinField.VerticalSum,
146        'hsfs'  : BinField.SweepFrequencyStart,
147        'hsfe'  : BinField.SweepFrequencyEnd,
148        'hslen' : BinField.SweepLength,
149        'hstyp' : BinField.Sweep,
150        'schn'  : BinField.SweepChannel,
151        'hstas' : BinField.SweepTaperStart,
152        'hstae' : BinField.SweepTaperEnd,
153        'htatyp': BinField.Taper,
154        'hcorr' : BinField.CorrelatedTraces,
155        'bgrcv' : BinField.BinaryGainRecovery,
156        'rcvm'  : BinField.AmplitudeRecovery,
157        'mfeet' : BinField.MeasurementSystem,
158        'polyt' : BinField.ImpulseSignalPolarity,
159        'vpol'  : BinField.VibratoryPolarity,
160        'extntrpr' : BinField.ExtTraces,
161        'extnart'  : BinField.ExtAuxTraces,
162        'exthns'   : BinField.ExtSamples,
163        'extnso'   : BinField.ExtSamplesOriginal,
164        'extfold'  : BinField.ExtEnsembleFold,
165        'unas1' : BinField.Unassigned1,
166        'rev'   : BinField.SEGYRevision,
167        'revmin': BinField.SEGYRevisionMinor,
168        'trflag': BinField.TraceFlag,
169        'exth'  : BinField.ExtendedHeaders,
170        'unas2' : BinField.Unassigned2,
171    }
173    def __init__(self, buf, kind, traceno = None, filehandle = None, readonly = True):
174        # do setup of kind/keys first, so that keys() work. if this method
175        # throws, we want repr() to be well-defined for backtrace, and that
176        # requires _keys
177        if kind == 'binary':
178            self._keys = self._bin_keys
179            self.kind = BinField
180        elif kind == 'trace':
181            self._keys = self._tr_keys
182            self.kind = TraceField
183        else:
184            raise ValueError('Unknown header type {}'.format(kind))
186        self.buf = buf
187        self.traceno = traceno
188        self.filehandle = filehandle
189        self.getfield = segyio._segyio.getfield
190        self.putfield = segyio._segyio.putfield
192        self.readonly = readonly
194    def fetch(self, buf = None, traceno = None):
195        """Fetch the header from disk
197        This object will read header when it is constructed, which means it
198        might be out-of-date if the file is updated through some other handle.
199        This method is largely meant for internal use - if you need to reload
200        disk contents, use ``reload``.
202        Fetch does not update any internal state (unless `buf` is ``None`` on a
203        trace header, and the read succeeds), but returns the fetched header
204        contents.
206        This method can be used to reposition the trace header, which is useful
207        for constructing generators.
209        If this is called on a writable, new file, and this header has not yet
210        been written to, it will successfully return an empty buffer that, when
211        written to, will be reflected on disk.
213        Parameters
214        ----------
215        buf     : bytearray
216            buffer to read into instead of ``self.buf``
217        traceno : int
219        Returns
220        -------
221        buf : bytearray
223        Notes
224        -----
225        .. versionadded:: 1.6
227        This method is not intended as user-oriented functionality, but might
228        be useful in high-performance code.
229        """
231        if buf is None:
232            buf = self.buf
234        if traceno is None:
235            traceno = self.traceno
237        try:
238            if self.kind == TraceField:
239                if traceno is None: return buf
240                return self.filehandle.getth(traceno, buf)
241            else:
242                return self.filehandle.getbin()
243        except IOError:
244            if not self.readonly:
245                # the file was probably newly created and the trace header
246                # hasn't been written yet, and we set the buffer to zero. if
247                # this is the case we want to try and write it later, and if
248                # the file was broken, permissions were wrong etc writing will
249                # fail too
250                #
251                # if the file is opened read-only and this happens, there's no
252                # way to actually write and the error is an actual error
253                return bytearray(len(self.buf))
254            else: raise
256    def reload(self):
257        """
258        This object will read header when it is constructed, which means it
259        might be out-of-date if the file is updated through some other handle.
261        It's rarely required to call this method, and it's a symptom of fragile
262        code. However, if you have multiple handles to the same header, it
263        might be necessary. Consider the following example::
265            >>> x = f.header[10]
266            >>> y = f.header[10]
267            >>> x[1, 5]
268            { 1: 5, 5: 10 }
269            >>> y[1, 5]
270            { 1: 5, 5: 10 }
271            >>> x[1] = 6
272            >>> x[1], y[1] # write to x[1] is invisible to y
273            6, 5
274            >>> y.reload()
275            >>> x[1], y[1]
276            6, 6
277            >>> x[1] = 5
278            >>> x[1], y[1]
279            5, 6
280            >>> y[5] = 1
281            >>> x.reload()
282            >>> x[1], y[1, 5] # the write to x[1] is lost
283            6, { 1: 6; 5: 1 }
285        In segyio, headers writes are atomic, and the write to disk writes the
286        full cache. If this cache is out of date, some writes might get lost,
287        even though the updates are compatible.
289        The fix to this issue is either to use ``reload`` and maintain buffer
290        consistency, or simply don't let header handles alias and overlap in
291        lifetime.
293        Notes
294        -----
295        .. versionadded:: 1.6
296        """
298        self.buf = self.fetch(buf = self.buf)
299        return self
301    def flush(self):
302        """Commit backing storage to disk
304        This method is largely internal, and it is not necessary to call this
305        from user code. It should not be explicitly invoked and may be removed
306        in future versions.
307        """
309        if self.kind == TraceField:
310            self.filehandle.putth(self.traceno, self.buf)
312        elif self.kind == BinField:
313            self.filehandle.putbin(self.buf)
315        else:
316            msg = 'Object corrupted: kind {} not valid'
317            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.kind))
319    def __getitem__(self, key):
320        """d[key]
322        Read the associated value of `key`.
324        `key` can be any iterable, to retrieve multiple keys at once. In this
325        case, a mapping of key -> value is returned.
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        key : int, or iterable of int
331        Returns
332        -------
333        value : int or dict_like
335        Notes
336        -----
337        .. versionadded:: 1.1
339        .. note::
340            Since version 1.6, KeyError is appropriately raised on key misses,
341            whereas ``IndexError`` was raised before. This is an old bug, since
342            header types were documented to be dict-like. If you rely on
343            catching key-miss errors in your code, you might want to handle
344            both ``IndexError`` and ``KeyError`` for multi-version robustness.
346        .. warning::
347            segyio considers reads/writes full headers, not individual fields,
348            and does the read from disk when this class is constructed. If the
349            file is updated through some other handle, including a secondary
350            access via `f.header`, this cache might be out-of-date.
352        Examples
353        --------
354        Read a single value:
356        >>> d[3213]
357        15000
359        Read multiple values at once:
361        >>> d[37, 189]
362        { 37: 5, 189: 2484 }
363        >>> d[37, TraceField.INLINE_3D]
364        { 37: 5, 189: 2484 }
365        """
367        try: return self.getfield(self.buf, int(key))
368        except TypeError: pass
370        return {self.kind(k): self.getfield(self.buf, int(k)) for k in key}
372    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
373        """d[key] = val
375        Set d[key] to val. Setting keys commits changes to disk, although the
376        changes may not be visible until the kernel schedules the write.
378        Unlike d[key], this method does not support assigning multiple values
379        at once. To set multiple values at once, use the `update` method.
381        Parameters
382        ----------
383        key : int_like
384        val : int_like
386        Returns
387        -------
388        val : int
389            The value set
391        Notes
392        -----
393        .. versionadded:: 1.1
395        .. note::
396            Since version 1.6, KeyError is appropriately raised on key misses,
397            whereas ``IndexError`` was raised before. This is an old bug, since
398            header types were documented to be dict-like. If you rely on
399            catching key-miss errors in your code, you might want to handle
400            both ``IndexError`` and ``KeyError`` for multi-version robustness.
402        .. warning::
403            segyio considers reads/writes full headers, not individual fields,
404            and does the read from disk when this class is constructed. If the
405            file is updated through some other handle, including a secondary
406            access via `f.header`, this cache might be out-of-date. That means
407            writing an individual field will write the full header to disk,
408            possibly overwriting previously set values.
410        Examples
411        --------
412        Set a value and keep in a variable:
414        >>> x = header[189] = 5
415        >>> x
416        5
417        """
419        self.putfield(self.buf, key, val)
420        self.flush()
422        return val
424    def __delitem__(self, key):
425        """del d[key]
427        'Delete' the key by setting value to zero. Equivalent to ``d[key] =
428        0``.
430        Notes
431        -----
432        .. versionadded:: 1.6
433        """
435        self[key] = 0
437    def keys(self):
438        """D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"""
439        return list(self._keys)
441    def __len__(self):
442        """x.__len__() <==> len(x)"""
443        return len(self._keys)
445    def __iter__(self):
446        """x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)"""
447        return iter(self._keys)
449    def __eq__(self, other):
450        """x.__eq__(y) <==> x == y"""
452        if not isinstance(other, Mapping):
453            return NotImplemented
455        if len(self) != len(other):
456            return False
458        def intkeys(d):
459            return { int(k): v for k, v in d.items() }
461        return intkeys(self) == intkeys(other)
464    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
465        """d.update([E, ]**F) -> None.  Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.
467        Overwrite the values in `d` with the keys from `E` and `F`. If any key
468        in `value` is invalid in `d`, ``KeyError`` is raised.
470        This method is atomic - either all values in `value` are set in `d`, or
471        none are. ``update`` does not commit a partially-updated version to
472        disk.
474        For kwargs, Seismic Unix-style names are supported. `BinField` and
475        `TraceField` are not, because there are name collisions between them,
476        although this restriction may be lifted in the future.
478        Notes
479        -----
480        .. versionchanged:: 1.3
481            Support for common dict operations (update, keys, values)
483        .. versionchanged:: 1.6
484            Atomicity guarantee
486        .. versionchanged:: 1.6
487            `**kwargs` support
489        Examples
490        --------
491        >>> e = { 1: 10, 9: 5 }
492        >>> d.update(e)
493        >>> l = [ (105, 11), (169, 4) ]
494        >>> d.update(l)
495        >>> d.update(e, iline=189, xline=193, hour=5)
496        >>> d.update(sx=7)
498        """
500        if len(args) > 1:
501            msg = 'update expected at most 1 non-keyword argument, got {}'
502            raise TypeError(msg.format(len(args)))
504        buf = bytearray(self.buf)
506        # Implementation largely borrowed from Mapping
507        # If E present and has a .keys() method: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
508        # If E present and lacks .keys() method: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v
509        # In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v
510        if len(args) == 1:
511            other = args[0]
512            if isinstance(other, Mapping):
513                for key in other:
514                    self.putfield(buf, int(key), other[key])
515            elif hasattr(other, "keys"):
516                for key in other.keys():
517                    self.putfield(buf, int(key), other[key])
518            else:
519                for key, value in other:
520                    self.putfield(buf, int(key), value)
522        for key, value in kwargs.items():
523            self.putfield(buf, int(self._kwargs[key]), value)
525        self.buf = buf
526        self.flush()
528    @classmethod
529    def binary(cls, segy):
530        buf = bytearray(segyio._segyio.binsize())
531        return Field(buf, kind='binary',
532                          filehandle=segy.xfd,
533                          readonly=segy.readonly,
534                    ).reload()
536    @classmethod
537    def trace(cls, traceno, segy):
538        buf = bytearray(segyio._segyio.thsize())
539        return Field(buf, kind='trace',
540                          traceno=traceno,
541                          filehandle=segy.xfd,
542                          readonly=segy.readonly,
543                    ).reload()
545    def __repr__(self):
546        return repr(self[self.keys()])