1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10 //
11 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15 #include "Message/Communicate.h"
16 #include "KContainer.h"
17 #include "Utilities/qmc_common.h"
18 #include <map>
20 namespace qmcplusplus
21 {
UpdateKLists(ParticleLayout_t & lattice,RealType kc,bool useSphere)22 void KContainer::UpdateKLists(ParticleLayout_t& lattice, RealType kc, bool useSphere)
23 {
24   kcutoff = kc;
25   kcut2   = kc * kc;
26   if (kcutoff <= 0.0)
27   {
28     APP_ABORT("  Illegal cutoff for KContainer");
29   }
30   FindApproxMMax(lattice);
31   BuildKLists(lattice, useSphere);
33   app_log() << "  KContainer initialised with cutoff " << kcutoff << std::endl;
34   app_log() << "   # of K-shell  = " << kshell.size() << std::endl;
35   app_log() << "   # of K points = " << kpts.size() << std::endl;
36   app_log() << std::endl;
37 }
FindApproxMMax(ParticleLayout_t & lattice)39 void KContainer::FindApproxMMax(ParticleLayout_t& lattice)
40 {
41   //Estimate the size of the parallelpiped that encompasses a sphere of kcutoff.
42   //mmax is stored as integer translations of the reciprocal cell vectors.
43   //Does not require an orthorhombic cell.
44   /* Old method.
45   //2pi is not included in lattice.b
46   Matrix<RealType> mmat;
47   mmat.resize(3,3);
48   for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
49     for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
50       mmat[i][j] = 0.0;
51       for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
52   mmat[i][j] = mmat[i][j] + 4.0*M_PI*M_PI*lattice.b(k)[i]*lattice.b(j)[k];
53     }
55   TinyVector<RealType,3> x,temp;
56   RealType tempr;
57   for(int idim=0;idim<3;idim++){
58     int i = ((idim)%3);
59     int j = ((idim+1)%3);
60     int k = ((idim+2)%3);
62     x[i] = 1.0;
63     x[j] = (mmat[j][k]*mmat[k][i] - mmat[k][k]*mmat[i][j]);
64     x[j]/= (mmat[j][j]*mmat[k][k] - mmat[j][k]*mmat[j][k]);
65     x[k] = -(mmat[k][i] + mmat[j][k]*x[j])/mmat[k][k];
67     for(i=0;i<3;i++){
68       temp[i] = 0.0;
69   for(j=0;j<3;j++)
70     temp[i] += mmat[i][j]*x[j];
71     }
73     tempr = dot(x,temp);
74     mmax[idim] = static_cast<int>(sqrt(4.0*kcut2/tempr)) + 1;
75   }
76   */
77   // see rmm, Electronic Structure, p. 85 for details
78   for (int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
79     mmax[i] = static_cast<int>(std::floor(std::sqrt(dot(lattice.a(i), lattice.a(i))) * kcutoff / (2 * M_PI))) + 1;
82   //overwrite the non-periodic directon to be zero
83   if (qmc_common.use_ewald)
84   {
85     app_log() << "  Using Ewald sum for the slab " << std::endl;
86 #if OHMMS_DIM == 3
87     if (lattice.SuperCellEnum == SUPERCELL_SLAB)
88       mmax[2] = 0;
89 //  if(lattice.SuperCellEnum == SUPERCELL_WIRE) mmax[1]=mmax[2]=0;
90 //#elif OHMMS_DIM==2
91 //  if(lattice.SuperCellEnum == SUPERCELL_WIRE)
92 //    mmax[1]=0;
93 #endif
94   }
96   mmax[DIM] = mmax[0];
97   for (int i = 1; i < DIM; ++i)
98     mmax[DIM] = std::max(mmax[i], mmax[DIM]);
99 }
BuildKLists(ParticleLayout_t & lattice,bool useSphere)101 void KContainer::BuildKLists(ParticleLayout_t& lattice, bool useSphere)
102 {
103   TinyVector<int, DIM + 1> TempActualMax;
104   TinyVector<int, DIM> kvec;
105   TinyVector<RealType, DIM> kvec_cart;
106   RealType modk2;
107   std::vector<TinyVector<int, DIM>> kpts_tmp;
108   VContainer_t kpts_cart_tmp;
109   SContainer_t ksq_tmp;
110   // reserve the space for memory efficiency
111 #if OHMMS_DIM == 3
112   if (useSphere)
113   {
114     //Loop over guesses for valid k-points.
115     for (int i = -mmax[0]; i <= mmax[0]; i++)
116     {
117       kvec[0] = i;
118       for (int j = -mmax[1]; j <= mmax[1]; j++)
119       {
120         kvec[1] = j;
121         for (int k = -mmax[2]; k <= mmax[2]; k++)
122         {
123           kvec[2] = k;
124           //Do not include k=0 in evaluations.
125           if (i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0)
126             continue;
127           //Convert kvec to Cartesian
128           kvec_cart = lattice.k_cart(kvec);
129           //Find modk
130           modk2 = dot(kvec_cart, kvec_cart);
131           if (modk2 > kcut2)
132             continue; //Inside cutoff?
133           //This k-point should be added to the list
134           kpts_tmp.push_back(kvec);
135           kpts_cart_tmp.push_back(kvec_cart);
136           ksq_tmp.push_back(modk2);
137           //Update record of the allowed maximum translation.
138           for (int idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++)
139             if (std::abs(kvec[idim]) > TempActualMax[idim])
140               TempActualMax[idim] = std::abs(kvec[idim]);
141         }
142       }
143     }
144   }
145   else
146   {
147     // Loop over all k-points in the parallelpiped and add them to kcontainer
148     // note layout is for interfacing with fft, so for each dimension, the
149     // positive indexes come first then the negative indexes backwards
150     // e.g.    0, 1, .... mmax, -mmax+1, -mmax+2, ... -1
151     const int idimsize = mmax[0] * 2;
152     const int jdimsize = mmax[1] * 2;
153     const int kdimsize = mmax[2] * 2;
154     for (int i = 0; i < idimsize; i++)
155     {
156       kvec[0] = i;
157       if (kvec[0] > mmax[0])
158         kvec[0] -= idimsize;
159       for (int j = 0; j < jdimsize; j++)
160       {
161         kvec[1] = j;
162         if (kvec[1] > mmax[1])
163           kvec[1] -= jdimsize;
164         for (int k = 0; k < kdimsize; k++)
165         {
166           kvec[2] = k;
167           if (kvec[2] > mmax[2])
168             kvec[2] -= kdimsize;
169           // get cartesian location and modk2
170           kvec_cart = lattice.k_cart(kvec);
171           modk2     = dot(kvec_cart, kvec_cart);
172           // add k-point to lists
173           kpts_tmp.push_back(kvec);
174           kpts_cart_tmp.push_back(kvec_cart);
175           ksq_tmp.push_back(modk2);
176         }
177       }
178     }
179     // set allowed maximum translation
180     TempActualMax[0] = mmax[0];
181     TempActualMax[1] = mmax[1];
182     TempActualMax[2] = mmax[2];
183   }
184 #elif OHMMS_DIM == 2
185   if (useSphere)
186   {
187     //Loop over guesses for valid k-points.
188     for (int i = -mmax[0]; i <= mmax[0]; i++)
189     {
190       kvec[0] = i;
191       for (int j = -mmax[1]; j <= mmax[1]; j++)
192       {
193         kvec[1] = j;
194         //Do not include k=0 in evaluations.
195         if (i == 0 && j == 0)
196           continue;
197         //Convert kvec to Cartesian
198         kvec_cart = lattice.k_cart(kvec);
199         //Find modk
200         modk2 = dot(kvec_cart, kvec_cart);
201         if (modk2 > kcut2)
202           continue; //Inside cutoff?
203         //This k-point should be added to the list
204         kpts_tmp.push_back(kvec);
205         kpts_cart_tmp.push_back(kvec_cart);
206         ksq_tmp.push_back(modk2);
207         //Update record of the allowed maximum translation.
208         for (int idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++)
209           if (std::abs(kvec[idim]) > TempActualMax[idim])
210             TempActualMax[idim] = std::abs(kvec[idim]);
211       }
212     }
213   }
214   else
215   {
216     // Loop over all k-points in the parallelpiped and add them to kcontainer
217     // note layout is for interfacing with fft, so for each dimension, the
218     // positive indexes come first then the negative indexes backwards
219     // e.g.    0, 1, .... mmax, -mmax+1, -mmax+2, ... -1
220     const int idimsize = mmax[0] * 2;
221     const int jdimsize = mmax[1] * 2;
222     for (int i = 0; i < idimsize; i++)
223     {
224       kvec[0] = i;
225       if (kvec[0] > mmax[0])
226         kvec[0] -= idimsize;
227       for (int j = 0; j < jdimsize; j++)
228       {
229         kvec[1] = j;
230         if (kvec[1] > mmax[1])
231           kvec[1] -= jdimsize;
232         // get cartesian location and modk2
233         kvec_cart = lattice.k_cart(kvec);
234         modk2     = dot(kvec_cart, kvec_cart);
235         // add k-point to lists
236         kpts_tmp.push_back(kvec);
237         kpts_cart_tmp.push_back(kvec_cart);
238         ksq_tmp.push_back(modk2);
239       }
240     }
241     // set allowed maximum translation
242     TempActualMax[0] = mmax[0];
243     TempActualMax[1] = mmax[1];
244   }
245 //#elif OHMMS_DIM == 1
246 //add one-dimension
247 #else
248 #error "OHMMS_DIM != 2 || OHMMS_DIM != 3"
249 #endif
250   //Update a record of the number of k vectors
251   numk = kpts_tmp.size();
252   std::map<long long, std::vector<int>*> kpts_sorted;
253   //create the map: use simple integer with resolution of 0.00000001 in ksq
254   for (int ik = 0; ik < numk; ik++)
255   {
257     long long k_ind = static_cast<long long>(ksq_tmp[ik] * 1000);
258 #else
259     //This is a workaround for ewald bug (Issue #2105) for FULL PRECISION ONLY.  Basically, 1e-7 is the resolution of |k|^2 for doubles,
260     //so we jack up the tolerance to match that.
261     long long k_ind = static_cast<long long>(ksq_tmp[ik] * 10000000);
262 #endif
263     std::map<long long, std::vector<int>*>::iterator it(kpts_sorted.find(k_ind));
264     if (it == kpts_sorted.end())
265     {
266       std::vector<int>* newSet = new std::vector<int>;
267       kpts_sorted[k_ind]       = newSet;
268       newSet->push_back(ik);
269     }
270     else
271     {
272       (*it).second->push_back(ik);
273     }
274   }
275   std::map<long long, std::vector<int>*>::iterator it(kpts_sorted.begin());
276   kpts.resize(numk);
277   kpts_cart.resize(numk);
278   ksq.resize(numk);
279   kshell.resize(kpts_sorted.size() + 1, 0);
280   int ok = 0, ish = 0;
281   while (it != kpts_sorted.end())
282   {
283     std::vector<int>::iterator vit((*it).second->begin());
284     while (vit != (*it).second->end())
285     {
286       int ik        = (*vit);
287       kpts[ok]      = kpts_tmp[ik];
288       kpts_cart[ok] = kpts_cart_tmp[ik];
289       ksq[ok]       = ksq_tmp[ik];
290       ++vit;
291       ++ok;
292     }
293     kshell[ish + 1] = kshell[ish] + (*it).second->size();
294     ++it;
295     ++ish;
296   }
297   it = kpts_sorted.begin();
298   std::map<long long, std::vector<int>*>::iterator e_it(kpts_sorted.end());
299   while (it != e_it)
300   {
301     delete it->second;
302     it++;
303   }
304   //Finished searching k-points. Copy list of maximum translations.
305   mmax[DIM] = 0;
306   for (int idim = 0; idim < DIM; idim++)
307   {
308     mmax[idim] = TempActualMax[idim];
309     mmax[DIM]  = std::max(mmax[idim], mmax[DIM]);
310     //if(mmax[idim] > mmax[DIM]) mmax[DIM] = mmax[idim];
311   }
312   //Now fill the array that returns the index of -k when given the index of k.
313   minusk.resize(numk);
315   //Assigns a unique hash value to each kpoint.
316   auto getHashOfVec = [](const auto& inpv, int hashparam) -> long long {
317     long long hash = 0; // this will cause integral promotion below
318     for (int i = 0; i < inpv.Size; ++i)
319       hash += inpv[i] + hash * hashparam;
320     return hash;
321   };
323   // Create a map from the hash value for each k vector to the index
324   std::map<long long, int> hashToIndex;
325   for (int ki = 0; ki < numk; ki++)
326   {
327     hashToIndex[getHashOfVec(kpts[ki], numk)] = ki;
328   }
329   // Use the map to find the index of -k from the index of k
330   for (int ki = 0; ki < numk; ki++)
331   {
332     minusk[ki] = hashToIndex[getHashOfVec(-1 * kpts[ki], numk)];
333   }
334 }
336 } // namespace qmcplusplus