1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Raymond Clay III, j.k.rofling@gmail.com, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10 //                    Jaron T. Krogel, krogeljt@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
11 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 //
13 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
14 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 /** @file
18  * @brief Declare QMCUpdateBase class
19  */
22 #include "Particle/MCWalkerConfiguration.h"
23 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/TrialWaveFunction.h"
24 #include "QMCHamiltonians/QMCHamiltonian.h"
25 #include "QMCHamiltonians/NonLocalTOperator.h"
26 #include "QMCDrivers/GreenFunctionModifiers/DriftModifierBase.h"
27 #include "QMCDrivers/SimpleFixedNodeBranch.h"
28 #include "Estimators/EstimatorManagerBase.h"
30 namespace qmcplusplus
31 {
32 class TraceManager;
33 /** @ingroup QMC
34  * @brief Base class for update methods for each step
35  *
36  * QMCUpdateBase provides the common functions to update all the walkers for each time step.
37  * Derived classes should implement advanceWalkers to complete a step.
38  */
39 class QMCUpdateBase : public QMCTraits
40 {
41 public:
42   typedef MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t Walker_t;
43   typedef MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator WalkerIter_t;
44   typedef SimpleFixedNodeBranch BranchEngineType;
46   typedef TinyVector<OHMMS_PRECISION_FULL, DIM> mPosType;
47   typedef Tensor<OHMMS_PRECISION_FULL, DIM> mTensorType;
48 #else
49   typedef PosType mPosType;
50   typedef TensorType mTensorType;
51 #endif
53   ///If true, terminate the simulation, but it is never checked
54   bool BadState;
55   ///number of steps per measurement
56   int nSubSteps;
57   ///MaxAge>0 indicates branch is done
58   IndexType MaxAge;
59   ///counter for number of moves accepted
60   IndexType nAccept;
61   ///counter for number of moves rejected
62   IndexType nReject;
63   ///Total number of the steps when all the particle moves are rejected.
64   IndexType nAllRejected;
65   ///Total number of node crossings per block
66   IndexType nNodeCrossing;
67   ///Total numer of non-local moves accepted
68   IndexType NonLocalMoveAccepted;
69   ///timestep
70   RealType Tau;
71   ///spin mass
72   RealType spinMass;
73   ///use Drift
74   bool UseDrift;
76   /// Constructor.
77   QMCUpdateBase(MCWalkerConfiguration& w, TrialWaveFunction& psi, QMCHamiltonian& h, RandomGenerator_t& rg);
78   ///Alt Constructor.
79   QMCUpdateBase(MCWalkerConfiguration& w,
80                 TrialWaveFunction& psi,
81                 TrialWaveFunction& guide,
82                 QMCHamiltonian& h,
83                 RandomGenerator_t& rg);
84   ///destructor
85   virtual ~QMCUpdateBase();
acceptRatio()87   inline RealType acceptRatio() const
88   {
89     return static_cast<RealType>(nAccept) / static_cast<RealType>(nAccept + nReject);
90   }
92   /** reset the QMCUpdateBase parameters
93    * @param brancher engine which handles branching
94    *
95    * Update time-step variables to move walkers
96    */
97   void resetRun(BranchEngineType* brancher,
98                 EstimatorManagerBase* est,
99                 TraceManager* traces,
100                 const DriftModifierBase* driftmodifer);
getTau()102   inline RealType getTau()
103   {
104     //SpeciesSet tspecies(W.getSpeciesSet());
105     //int massind=tspecies.addAttribute("mass");
106     //RealType mass = tspecies(massind,0);
107     //return m_tauovermass*mass;
108     return Tau;
109   }
setTau(RealType t)111   inline void setTau(RealType t)
112   {
113     //SpeciesSet tspecies(W.getSpeciesSet());
114     //int massind=tspecies.addAttribute("mass");
115     //RealType mass = tspecies(massind,0);
116     //RealType oneovermass = 1.0/mass;
117     //RealType oneoversqrtmass = std::sqrt(oneovermass);
118     //  //     Tau=brancher->getTau();
119     //  //     assert (Tau==i);
120     //m_tauovermass = i/mass;
121     Tau           = t;
122     m_tauovermass = t * MassInvS[0];
123     m_oneover2tau = 0.5 / (m_tauovermass);
124     m_sqrttau     = std::sqrt(m_tauovermass);
125   }
getSpinMass()127   inline RealType getSpinMass() { return spinMass; }
setSpinMass(RealType m)129   inline void setSpinMass(RealType m) { spinMass = m; }
getLogs(std::vector<RealType> & logs)131   inline void getLogs(std::vector<RealType>& logs) { Psi.getLogs(logs); }
set_step(int step)133   inline void set_step(int step) { W.current_step = step; }
136   ///** start a run */
137   void startRun(int blocks, bool record);
138   /** stop a run */
139   void stopRun();
140   void stopRun2();
142   /** prepare to start a block
143    * @param steps number of steps within the block
144    */
145   void startBlock(int steps);
147   /** stop a block
148    */
149   void stopBlock(bool collectall = true);
151   /** set the multiplicity of the walkers to branch */
152   void setMultiplicity(WalkerIter_t it, WalkerIter_t it_end);
setMultiplicity(Walker_t & awalker)154   inline void setMultiplicity(Walker_t& awalker) const
155   {
156     constexpr RealType onehalf(0.5);
157     constexpr RealType cone(1);
158     RealType M = awalker.Weight;
159     if (awalker.Age > MaxAge)
160       M = std::min(onehalf, M);
161     else if (awalker.Age > 0)
162       M = std::min(cone, M);
163     awalker.Multiplicity = M + RandomGen();
164   }
166   /** set the multiplicity of the walkers to branch */
167   void setReleasedNodeMultiplicity(WalkerIter_t it, WalkerIter_t it_end);
169   /** initialize Walker buffers for PbyP update
170    */
171   virtual void initWalkersForPbyP(WalkerIter_t it, WalkerIter_t it_end);
173   /** initialize Walker for walker update
174    */
175   virtual void initWalkers(WalkerIter_t it, WalkerIter_t it_end);
177   /**  process options
178    */
179   virtual bool put(xmlNodePtr cur);
accumulate(WalkerIter_t it,WalkerIter_t it_end)181   inline void accumulate(WalkerIter_t it, WalkerIter_t it_end) { Estimators->accumulate(W, it, it_end); }
183   /** advance walkers executed at each step
184    *
185    * Derived classes implement how to move walkers and accept/reject
186    * moves.
187    */
188   virtual void advanceWalkers(WalkerIter_t it, WalkerIter_t it_end, bool recompute);
190   ///move a walker
191   virtual void advanceWalker(Walker_t& thisWalker, bool recompute) = 0;
advanceWalkerForEE(Walker_t & w1,std::vector<PosType> & dR,std::vector<int> & iats,std::vector<int> & rs,std::vector<RealType> & ratios)193   virtual RealType advanceWalkerForEE(Walker_t& w1,
194                                       std::vector<PosType>& dR,
195                                       std::vector<int>& iats,
196                                       std::vector<int>& rs,
197                                       std::vector<RealType>& ratios)
198   {
199     return 0.0;
200   };
202   ///normalization offset for cs type runs.
203   RealType csoffset;
205   //       virtual void estimateNormWalkers(std::vector<TrialWaveFunction*>& pclone
206   //     , std::vector<MCWalkerConfiguration*>& wclone
207   //     , std::vector<QMCHamiltonian*>& hclone
208   //     , std::vector<RandomGenerator_t*>& rng
209   //     , std::vector<RealType>& ratio_i_0){};
RMC_checkIndex(int N,int NMax)210   int RMC_checkIndex(int N, int NMax)
211   {
212     if (N < 0)
213       return N + NMax;
214     else if (N >= NMax)
215       return N - NMax;
216     else
217       return N;
218   }
RMC_checkWalkerBounds(WalkerIter_t & it,WalkerIter_t first,WalkerIter_t last)220   void RMC_checkWalkerBounds(WalkerIter_t& it, WalkerIter_t first, WalkerIter_t last)
221   {
222     if (it >= last)
223       it -= (last - first);
224     else if (it < first)
225       it += (last - first);
226   }
logBackwardGF(const ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t & displ)228   inline RealType logBackwardGF(const ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t& displ)
229   {
230     RealType logGb = 0.0;
231     for (int iat = 0; iat < W.getTotalNum(); ++iat)
232     {
233       RealType mass_over_tau = 1.0 / (SqrtTauOverMass[iat] * SqrtTauOverMass[iat]);
234       logGb += 0.5 * dot(displ[iat], displ[iat]) * mass_over_tau;
235     }
236     return -logGb;
237   }
239 public:
240   ///traces
241   TraceManager* Traces;
243 protected:
244   ///update particle-by-particle
245   bool UpdatePbyP;
246   ///number of particles
247   IndexType NumPtcl;
248   ///Time-step factor \f$ 1/(2\tau)\f$
249   RealType m_oneover2tau;
250   ///Time-step factor \f$ \sqrt{\tau}\f$
251   RealType m_sqrttau;
252   ///tau/mass
253   RealType m_tauovermass;
254   ///maximum displacement^2
255   RealType m_r2max;
256   ///walker ensemble
257   MCWalkerConfiguration& W;
258   ///trial function
259   TrialWaveFunction& Psi;
260   ///guide function
261   TrialWaveFunction& Guide;
262   ///Hamiltonian
263   QMCHamiltonian& H;
264   ///random number generator
265   RandomGenerator_t& RandomGen;
266   ///branch engine, stateless reference to the one in QMCDriver
267   const BranchEngineType* branchEngine;
268   ///drift modifer, stateless reference to the one in QMCDriver
269   const DriftModifierBase* DriftModifier;
270   ///estimator
271   EstimatorManagerBase* Estimators;
272   ///parameters
273   ParameterSet myParams;
274   ///1/Mass per species
275   std::vector<RealType> MassInvS;
276   ///1/Mass per particle
277   std::vector<RealType> MassInvP;
278   ///sqrt(tau/Mass) per particle
279   std::vector<RealType> SqrtTauOverMass;
280   ///temporary storage for drift
281   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t drift;
282   ///temporary storage for random displacement
283   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t deltaR;
284   ///temporart storage for spin displacement
285   ParticleSet::ParticleScalar_t deltaS;
286   ///storage for differential gradients for PbyP update
287   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G, dG;
288   ///storage for differential laplacians for PbyP update
289   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L, dL;
291   /** evaluate the ratio of scaled velocity and velocity
292    * @param g gradient
293    * @param gscaled scaled gradient
294    * @return the ratio
295    */
296   RealType getNodeCorrection(const ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& g, ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t& gscaled);
298   ///copy constructor (disabled)
299   QMCUpdateBase(const QMCUpdateBase&) = delete;
301   /// check logpsi and grad and lap against values computed from scratch
302   static bool checkLogAndGL(ParticleSet& pset, TrialWaveFunction& twf);
304 private:
305   ///set default parameters
306   void setDefaults();
307   /// Copy operator (disabled).
308   QMCUpdateBase& operator=(const QMCUpdateBase&) { return *this; }
309   ///
310   NewTimer* InitWalkersTimer;
311 };
312 } // namespace qmcplusplus
314 #endif