1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 //                    Miguel Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10 //                    Jaron T. Krogel, krogeljt@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
11 //                    Mark Dewing, markdewing@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
12 //                    Anouar Benali, benali@anl.gov, Argonne National Laboratory
13 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
14 //
15 // File created by: Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
16 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 #include "QMCTools/CasinoParser.h"
20 #include "QMCTools/GaussianFCHKParser.h"
21 #include "QMCTools/GamesAsciiParser.h"
22 #include "QMCTools/LCAOHDFParser.h"
23 #include "QMCTools/BParser.h"
24 #include "Message/Communicate.h"
25 #include "OhmmsData/FileUtility.h"
26 #include "Utilities/RandomGenerator.h"
27 #include "Platforms/Host/OutputManager.h"
28 #include <sstream>
main(int argc,char ** argv)30 int main(int argc, char** argv)
31 {
32   if (argc < 2)
33   {
34     std::cout << "Usage: convert [-gaussian|-casino|-gamess|-orbitals] filename " << std::endl;
35     std::cout << "[-nojastrow -hdf5 -prefix title -addCusp -production -NbImages NimageX NimageY NimageZ]" << std::endl;
36     std::cout << "[-psi_tag psi0 -ion_tag ion0 -gridtype log|log0|linear -first ri -last rf]" << std::endl;
37     std::cout << "[-size npts -multidet multidet.h5 -ci file.out -threshold cimin -TargetState state_number "
38                  "-NaturalOrbitals NumToRead -optDetCoeffs]"
39               << std::endl;
40     std::cout << "Defaults : -gridtype log -first 1e-6 -last 100 -size 1001 -ci required -threshold 0.01 -TargetState "
41                  "0 -prefix sample"
42               << std::endl;
43     std::cout << "When the input format is missing, the  extension of filename is used to determine the format "
44               << std::endl;
45     std::cout << " *.Fchk -> gaussian; *.out -> gamess; *.data -> casino; *.h5 -> HDF5" << std::endl;
46     return 1;
47   }
48 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
49   mpi3::environment env(argc, argv);
50   OHMMS::Controller->initialize(env);
51 #endif
52   try
53   {
54     if (OHMMS::Controller->rank() != 0)
55     {
56       outputManager.shutOff();
57     }
58     Random.init(0, 1, -1);
59     std::cout.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield);
60     std::cout.setf(std::ios::right, std::ios::adjustfield);
61     std::cout.precision(12);
62     QMCGaussianParserBase::init();
63     QMCGaussianParserBase* parser = 0;
64     int iargc                     = 0;
65     std::string in_file(argv[1]);
68     std::string punch_file;
69     std::string psi_tag("psi0");
70     std::string ion_tag("ion0");
71     std::string jastrow("j");
72     std::string prefix;
75     int TargetState = 0;
76     bool addJastrow = true;
77     bool usehdf5    = false;
78     bool h5         = false;
79     bool useprefix  = false;
80     bool debug      = false;
81     bool prod       = false;
82     bool ci = false, zeroCI = false, orderByExcitation = false, addCusp = false, multidet = false, optDetCoeffs = false;
83     double thres  = 1e-20;
84     int readNO    = 0; // if > 0, read Natural Orbitals from gamess output
85     int readGuess = 0; // if > 0, read Initial Guess from gamess output
86     std::vector<int> Image;
87     while (iargc < argc)
88     {
89       std::string a(argv[iargc]);
90       if (a == "-gaussian")
91       {
92         parser  = new GaussianFCHKParser(argc, argv);
93         in_file = argv[++iargc];
94       }
95       else if (a == "-gamess")
96       {
97         parser  = new GamesAsciiParser(argc, argv);
98         in_file = argv[++iargc];
99       }
100       else if (a == "-orbitals")
101       {
102         parser  = new LCAOHDFParser(argc, argv);
103         h5      = true;
104         in_file = argv[++iargc];
105       }
106       else if (a == "-casino")
107       {
108         parser  = new CasinoParser(argc, argv);
109         in_file = argv[++iargc];
110       }
111       else if (a == "-b")
112       {
113         parser  = new BParser(argc, argv);
114         in_file = argv[++iargc];
115       }
116       else if (a == "-hdf5")
117       {
118         usehdf5 = true;
119       }
120       else if (a == "-psi_tag")
121       {
122         psi_tag = argv[++iargc];
123       }
124       else if (a == "-production")
125       {
126         prod = true;
127       }
128       else if (a == "-ion_tag")
129       {
130         ion_tag = argv[++iargc];
131       }
132       else if (a == "-prefix")
133       {
134         prefix    = argv[++iargc];
135         useprefix = true;
136       }
137       else if (a == "-ci")
138       {
139         ci         = true;
140         punch_file = argv[++iargc];
141       }
142       else if (a == "-multidet")
143       {
144         multidet   = true;
145         punch_file = argv[++iargc];
146       }
147       else if (a == "-NbImages")
148       {
149         int temp;
150         temp = atoi(argv[++iargc]);
151         temp += 1 - temp % 2;
152         Image.push_back(temp);
153         temp = atoi(argv[++iargc]);
154         temp += 1 - temp % 2;
155         Image.push_back(temp);
156         temp = atoi(argv[++iargc]);
157         temp += 1 - temp % 2;
158         Image.push_back(temp);
159       }
160       else if (a == "-addCusp")
161       {
162         addCusp = true;
163       }
164       else if (a == "-threshold")
165       {
166         thres = atof(argv[++iargc]);
167       }
168       else if (a == "-optDetCoeffs")
169       {
170         optDetCoeffs = true;
171       }
172       else if (a == "-TargetState")
173       {
174         TargetState = atoi(argv[++iargc]);
175       }
176       else if (a == "-NaturalOrbitals")
177       {
178         readNO = atoi(argv[++iargc]);
179       }
180       else if (a == "-readInitialGuess")
181       {
182         readGuess = atoi(argv[++iargc]);
183       }
184       else if (a == "-zeroCI")
185       {
186         zeroCI = true;
187       }
188       else if (a == "-orderByExcitation")
189       {
190         orderByExcitation = true;
191       }
192       else if (a == "-cutoff")
193       {
194         orderByExcitation = true;
195       }
196       else if (a == "-debug")
197       {
198         debug = true;
199       }
200       else if (a == "-nojastrow")
201       {
202         addJastrow = false;
203         jastrow    = "noj";
204       }
205       ++iargc;
206     }
207     if (readNO > 0 && readGuess > 0)
208     {
209       std::cerr << "Can only use one of: -NaturalOrbitals or -readInitialGuess. \n";
210       abort();
211     }
212     //Failed to create a parser. Try with the extension
213     std::string ext = getExtension(in_file);
214     if (parser == 0)
215     {
216       if (ext == "data")
217       {
218         WARNMSG("Creating CasinoParser")
219         parser = new CasinoParser(argc, argv);
220       }
221       else if (ext == "Fchk")
222       {
223         WARNMSG("Creating GaussianFCHKParser")
224         parser = new GaussianFCHKParser(argc, argv);
225       }
226       else if (ext == "h5")
227       {
228         WARNMSG("Creating LCAOHDFParser")
229         parser = new LCAOHDFParser(argc, argv);
230       }
231       else if (ext == "10")
232       {
233         WARNMSG("Creating BParser")
234         parser = new BParser(argc, argv);
235       }
236       else if (ext == "out")
237       {
238         WARNMSG("Creating GamesAsciiParser")
239         parser = new GamesAsciiParser(argc, argv);
240       }
241       else
242       {
243         std::cerr << "Unknown extension: " << ext << std::endl;
244         exit(1);
245       }
246     }
247     if (useprefix != true)
248     {
249       prefix = in_file;
250       std::string delimiter;
251       if (ext == "h5")
252         delimiter = ".h5";
253       else
254         delimiter = ".out";
255       int pos = 0;
256       std::string token;
257       pos   = prefix.find(delimiter);
258       token = prefix.substr(0, pos);
259       prefix.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
260       prefix = token;
261     }
262     std::cout << "Using " << prefix << " to name output files" << std::endl;
264     parser->Title       = prefix;
265     parser->debug       = debug;
266     parser->DoCusp      = addCusp;
267     parser->UseHDF5     = usehdf5;
268     parser->singledetH5 = h5;
269     if (h5)
270     {
271       parser->UseHDF5 = false;
272       parser->h5file  = in_file;
273     }
274     if (usehdf5)
275       parser->h5file = parser->Title + ".orbs.h5";
276     parser->IonSystem.setName(ion_tag);
277     if (debug)
278     {
279       parser->UseHDF5 = false;
280       parser->h5file  = "";
281     }
282     parser->multideterminant = false;
283     if (ci)
284       parser->multideterminant = ci;
285     if (multidet)
286     {
287       parser->multideterminant = multidet;
288       parser->multidetH5       = multidet;
289     }
290     parser->multih5file       = punch_file;
291     parser->production        = prod;
292     parser->ci_threshold      = thres;
293     parser->optDetCoeffs      = optDetCoeffs;
294     parser->target_state      = TargetState;
295     parser->readNO            = readNO;
296     parser->orderByExcitation = orderByExcitation;
297     parser->zeroCI            = zeroCI;
298     parser->readGuess         = readGuess;
299     parser->outputFile        = punch_file;
300     parser->Image             = Image;
301     parser->parse(in_file);
302     if (prod)
303     {
304       parser->addJastrow = addJastrow;
305       parser->WFS_name   = jastrow;
306       if (parser->PBC)
307       {
308         std::cout << "Generating Inputs for Supertwist  with coordinates:" << parser->STwist_Coord[0] << "  "
309                   << parser->STwist_Coord[1] << "  " << parser->STwist_Coord[2] << std::endl;
310         parser->dumpPBC(psi_tag, ion_tag);
311       }
312       else
313         parser->dump(psi_tag, ion_tag);
314       parser->dumpStdInputProd(psi_tag, ion_tag);
315     }
316     else
317     {
318       parser->addJastrow = false;
319       jastrow            = "noj";
320       parser->WFS_name   = jastrow;
321       if (parser->PBC)
322       {
323         std::cout << "Generating Inputs for Supertwist  with coordinates:" << parser->STwist_Coord[0] << "  "
324                   << parser->STwist_Coord[1] << "  " << parser->STwist_Coord[2] << std::endl;
325         parser->dumpPBC(psi_tag, ion_tag);
326       }
327       else
328         parser->dump(psi_tag, ion_tag);
329       parser->dumpStdInput(psi_tag, ion_tag);
331       parser->addJastrow = true;
332       jastrow            = "j";
333       parser->WFS_name   = jastrow;
334       if (parser->PBC)
335       {
336         std::cout << "Generating Inputs for Supertwist  with coordinates:" << parser->STwist_Coord[0] << "  "
337                   << parser->STwist_Coord[1] << "  " << parser->STwist_Coord[2] << std::endl;
338         parser->dumpPBC(psi_tag, ion_tag);
339       }
340       else
341         parser->dump(psi_tag, ion_tag);
342       parser->dumpStdInput(psi_tag, ion_tag);
343     }
344   }
345   catch (const std::exception& e)
346   {
347     app_error() << e.what() << std::endl;
348     APP_ABORT("Unhandled Exception");
349   }
351   OHMMS::Controller->finalize();
352   return 0;
353 }