1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2020 QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 //                    Jaron T. Krogel, krogeljt@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
11 //                    Miguel Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
12 //
13 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
14 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 #include "Message/MPIObjectBase.h"
22 #include "Utilities/ProgressReportEngine.h"
23 #include "OhmmsData/AttributeSet.h"
24 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/LCAO/RadialOrbitalSetBuilder.h"
25 #include "hdf/hdf_archive.h"
27 namespace qmcplusplus
28 {
29 /** atomic basisset builder
30    * @tparam COT, CenteredOrbitalType = SoaAtomicBasisSet<RF,SH>
31    *
32    * Reimplement AtomiSPOSetBuilder.h
33    */
34 template<typename COT>
35 class AOBasisBuilder : public MPIObjectBase
36 {
37 public:
38   enum
39   {
40     DONOT_EXPAND    = 0,
46   };
48 private:
49   //builder for a set of radial functors for this atom
50   RadialOrbitalSetBuilder<COT> radFuncBuilder;
52   bool addsignforM;
53   int expandlm;
54   std::string Morder;
55   std::string sph;
56   std::string basisType;
57   std::string elementType;
59   ///map for the radial orbitals
60   std::map<std::string, int> RnlID;
62   ///map for (n,l,m,s) to its quantum number index
63   std::map<std::string, int> nlms_id;
65 public:
66   AOBasisBuilder(const std::string& eName, Communicate* comm);
68   bool put(xmlNodePtr cur);
69   bool putH5(hdf_archive& hin);
createSPOSetFromXML(xmlNodePtr cur)71   SPOSet* createSPOSetFromXML(xmlNodePtr cur) { return 0; }
73   COT* createAOSet(xmlNodePtr cur);
74   COT* createAOSetH5(hdf_archive& hin);
76   int expandYlm(COT* aos, std::vector<int>& all_nl, int expandlm = DONOT_EXPAND);
77 };
79 template<typename COT>
AOBasisBuilder(const std::string & eName,Communicate * comm)80 AOBasisBuilder<COT>::AOBasisBuilder(const std::string& eName, Communicate* comm)
81     : MPIObjectBase(comm),
82       radFuncBuilder(comm),
83       addsignforM(false),
84       expandlm(GAUSSIAN_EXPAND),
85       Morder("gaussian"),
86       sph("default"),
87       basisType("Numerical"),
88       elementType(eName)
89 {
90   // mmorales: for "Cartesian Gaussian", m is an integer that maps
91   //           the component to Gamess notation, see Numerics/CartesianTensor.h
92   nlms_id["n"] = q_n;
93   nlms_id["l"] = q_l;
94   nlms_id["m"] = q_m;
95   nlms_id["s"] = q_s;
96 }
98 template<class COT>
put(xmlNodePtr cur)99 bool AOBasisBuilder<COT>::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
100 {
101   ReportEngine PRE("AtomicBasisBuilder", "put(xmlNodePtr)");
102   std::string Normalized("yes");
103   //Register valid attributes attributes
104   OhmmsAttributeSet aAttrib;
105   aAttrib.add(basisType, "type");
106   aAttrib.add(sph, "angular");
107   aAttrib.add(addsignforM, "expM");
108   aAttrib.add(Morder, "expandYlm");
109   aAttrib.add(Normalized, "normalized");
110   aAttrib.put(cur);
111   PRE.echo(cur);
112   if (sph == "spherical")
113     addsignforM = 1; //include (-1)^m
114   if (Morder == "gaussian")
115   {
116     expandlm = GAUSSIAN_EXPAND;
117   }
118   else if (Morder == "natural")
119   {
120     expandlm = NATURAL_EXPAND;
121   }
122   else if (Morder == "no")
123   {
124     expandlm = DONOT_EXPAND;
125   }
126   else if (Morder == "pyscf")
127   {
128     expandlm    = MOD_NATURAL_EXPAND;
129     addsignforM = 1;
130     if (sph != "spherical")
131     {
132       myComm->barrier_and_abort(" Error: expandYlm='pyscf' only compatible with angular='spherical'. Aborting.\n");
133     }
134   }
136   if (sph == "cartesian" || Morder == "Gamess")
137   {
138     expandlm    = CARTESIAN_EXPAND;
139     addsignforM = 0;
140   }
142   if (Morder == "Dirac")
143   {
144     expandlm    = DIRAC_CARTESIAN_EXPAND;
145     addsignforM = 0;
146     if (sph != "cartesian")
147     {
148       myComm->barrier_and_abort(" Error: expandYlm='Dirac' only compatible with angular='cartesian'. Aborting\n");
149     }
150   }
152   radFuncBuilder.Normalized = (Normalized == "yes");
154   // Numerical basis is a special case
155   if (basisType == "Numerical")
156     myComm->barrier_and_abort("Purely numerical atomic orbitals are not supported any longer.");
158   return true;
159 }
161 template<class COT>
putH5(hdf_archive & hin)162 bool AOBasisBuilder<COT>::putH5(hdf_archive& hin)
163 {
164   ReportEngine PRE("AtomicBasisBuilder", "putH5(hin)");
165   std::string CenterID, basisName, Normalized("yes");
167   if (myComm->rank() == 0)
168   {
169     hin.read(sph, "angular");
170     hin.read(CenterID, "elementType");
171     hin.read(Normalized, "normalized");
172     hin.read(Morder, "expandYlm");
173     hin.read(basisName, "name");
174   }
176   myComm->bcast(sph);
177   myComm->bcast(Morder);
178   myComm->bcast(CenterID);
179   myComm->bcast(Normalized);
180   myComm->bcast(basisName);
181   myComm->bcast(basisType);
182   myComm->bcast(addsignforM);
184   app_log() << "<input node=\"atomicBasisSet\" name=\"" << basisName << "\" expandYlm=\"" << Morder << "\" angular=\""
185             << sph << "\" elementType=\"" << CenterID << "\" normalized=\"" << Normalized << "\" type=\"" << basisType
186             << "\" expM=\"" << addsignforM << "\" />" << std::endl;
187   if (sph == "spherical")
188     addsignforM = 1; //include (-1)^m
189   if (Morder == "gaussian")
190   {
191     expandlm = GAUSSIAN_EXPAND;
192   }
193   else if (Morder == "natural")
194   {
195     expandlm = NATURAL_EXPAND;
196   }
197   else if (Morder == "no")
198   {
199     expandlm = DONOT_EXPAND;
200   }
201   else if (Morder == "pyscf")
202   {
203     expandlm    = MOD_NATURAL_EXPAND;
204     addsignforM = 1;
205     if (sph != "spherical")
206     {
207       myComm->barrier_and_abort(" Error: expandYlm='pyscf' only compatible with angular='spherical'. Aborting.\n");
208     }
209   }
211   if (sph == "cartesian" || Morder == "Gamess")
212   {
213     expandlm    = CARTESIAN_EXPAND;
214     addsignforM = 0;
215   }
217   if (Morder == "Dirac")
218   {
219     expandlm    = DIRAC_CARTESIAN_EXPAND;
220     addsignforM = 0;
221     if (sph != "cartesian")
222     {
223       myComm->barrier_and_abort(" Error: expandYlm='Dirac' only compatible with angular='cartesian'. Aborting\n");
224     }
225   }
227   radFuncBuilder.Normalized = (Normalized == "yes");
229   return true;
230 }
233 template<typename COT>
createAOSet(xmlNodePtr cur)234 COT* AOBasisBuilder<COT>::createAOSet(xmlNodePtr cur)
235 {
236   ReportEngine PRE("AtomicBasisBuilder", "createAOSet(xmlNodePtr)");
237   app_log() << "  AO BasisSet for " << elementType << "\n";
238   if (expandlm != CARTESIAN_EXPAND)
239   {
240     if (addsignforM)
241       app_log() << "   Spherical Harmonics contain (-1)^m factor" << std::endl;
242     else
243       app_log() << "   Spherical Harmonics  DO NOT contain (-1)^m factor" << std::endl;
244   }
245   switch (expandlm)
246   {
247   case (GAUSSIAN_EXPAND):
248     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m expanded according to Gaussian" << std::endl;
249     break;
250   case (NATURAL_EXPAND):
251     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m expanded as -l, ... ,l" << std::endl;
252     break;
253   case (MOD_NATURAL_EXPAND):
254     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m expanded as -l, ... ,l, with the exception of L=1 (1,-1,0)" << std::endl;
255     break;
256   case (CARTESIAN_EXPAND):
257     app_log() << "   Angular momentum expanded in cartesian functions x^lx y^ly z^lz according to Gamess" << std::endl;
258     break;
260     app_log() << "   Angular momentum expanded in cartesian functions in DIRAC ordering" << std::endl;
261     break;
262   default:
263     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m is explicitly given." << std::endl;
264   }
265   QuantumNumberType nlms;
266   std::string rnl;
267   int Lmax(0); //maxmimum angular momentum of this center
268   int num(0);  //the number of localized basis functions of this center
269   //process the basic property: maximun angular momentum, the number of basis functions to be added
270   std::vector<xmlNodePtr> radGroup;
271   xmlNodePtr cur1 = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
272   xmlNodePtr gptr = 0;
273   while (cur1 != NULL)
274   {
275     std::string cname1((const char*)(cur1->name));
276     if (cname1 == "basisGroup")
277     {
278       radGroup.push_back(cur1);
279       const int l = std::stoi(XMLAttrString{cur1, "l"});
280       Lmax        = std::max(Lmax, l);
281       //expect that only Rnl is given
282       if (expandlm == CARTESIAN_EXPAND || expandlm == DIRAC_CARTESIAN_EXPAND)
283         num += (l + 1) * (l + 2) / 2;
284       else if (expandlm)
285         num += 2 * l + 1;
286       else
287         num++;
288     }
289     else if (cname1 == "grid")
290     {
291       gptr = cur1;
292     }
293     cur1 = cur1->next;
294   }
295   //create a new set of atomic orbitals sharing a center with (Lmax, num)
296   //if(addsignforM) the basis function has (-1)^m sqrt(2)Re(Ylm)
297   COT* aos = new COT(Lmax, addsignforM);
298   aos->LM.resize(num);
299   aos->NL.resize(num);
300   //Now, add distinct Radial Orbitals and (l,m) channels
301   radFuncBuilder.setOrbitalSet(aos, elementType); //assign radial orbitals for the new center
302   radFuncBuilder.addGrid(gptr, basisType);        //assign a radial grid for the new center
303   std::vector<xmlNodePtr>::iterator it(radGroup.begin());
304   std::vector<xmlNodePtr>::iterator it_end(radGroup.end());
305   std::vector<int> all_nl;
306   while (it != it_end)
307   {
308     cur1           = (*it);
309     xmlAttrPtr att = cur1->properties;
310     while (att != NULL)
311     {
312       std::string aname((const char*)(att->name));
313       if (aname == "rid" || aname == "id")
314       //accept id/rid
315       {
316         rnl = (const char*)(att->children->content);
317       }
318       else
319       {
320         std::map<std::string, int>::iterator iit = nlms_id.find(aname);
321         if (iit != nlms_id.end())
322         //valid for n,l,m,s
323         {
324           nlms[(*iit).second] = atoi((const char*)(att->children->content));
325         }
326       }
327       att = att->next;
328     }
329     //add Ylm channels
330     app_log() << "   R(n,l,m,s) " << nlms[0] << " " << nlms[1] << " " << nlms[2] << " " << nlms[3] << std::endl;
331     std::map<std::string, int>::iterator rnl_it = RnlID.find(rnl);
332     if (rnl_it == RnlID.end())
333     {
334       int nl = aos->RnlID.size();
335       if (radFuncBuilder.addRadialOrbital(cur1, basisType, nlms))
336         RnlID[rnl] = nl;
337       all_nl.push_back(nl);
338     }
339     else
340     {
341       all_nl.push_back((*rnl_it).second);
342     }
343     ++it;
344   }
346   if (expandYlm(aos, all_nl, expandlm) != num)
347     myComm->barrier_and_abort("expandYlm doesn't match the number of basis.");
348   radFuncBuilder.finalize();
349   //aos->Rmax can be set small
350   //aos->setRmax(0);
351   aos->setBasisSetSize(-1);
352   app_log() << "   Maximum Angular Momentum  = " << aos->Ylm.lmax() << std::endl
353             << "   Number of Radial functors = " << aos->RnlID.size() << std::endl
354             << "   Basis size                = " << aos->getBasisSetSize() << "\n\n";
355   return aos;
356 }
359 template<typename COT>
createAOSetH5(hdf_archive & hin)360 COT* AOBasisBuilder<COT>::createAOSetH5(hdf_archive& hin)
361 {
362   ReportEngine PRE("AOBasisBuilder:", "createAOSetH5(std::string)");
363   app_log() << "  AO BasisSet for " << elementType << "\n";
365   if (expandlm != CARTESIAN_EXPAND)
366   {
367     if (addsignforM)
368       app_log() << "   Spherical Harmonics contain (-1)^m factor" << std::endl;
369     else
370       app_log() << "   Spherical Harmonics  DO NOT contain (-1)^m factor" << std::endl;
371   }
372   switch (expandlm)
373   {
374   case (GAUSSIAN_EXPAND):
375     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m expanded according to Gaussian" << std::endl;
376     break;
377   case (NATURAL_EXPAND):
378     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m expanded as -l, ... ,l" << std::endl;
379     break;
380   case (MOD_NATURAL_EXPAND):
381     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m expanded as -l, ... ,l, with the exception of L=1 (1,-1,0)" << std::endl;
382     break;
383   case (CARTESIAN_EXPAND):
384     app_log() << "   Angular momentum expanded in cartesian functions x^lx y^ly z^lz according to Gamess" << std::endl;
385     break;
387     app_log() << "   Angular momentum expanded in cartesian functions in DIRAC ordering" << std::endl;
388     break;
389   default:
390     app_log() << "   Angular momentum m is explicitly given." << std::endl;
391   }
393   QuantumNumberType nlms;
394   std::string rnl;
395   int Lmax(0); //maxmimum angular momentum of this center
396   int num(0);  //the number of localized basis functions of this center
398   int numbasisgroups(0);
399   if (myComm->rank() == 0)
400   {
401     if (!hin.readEntry(numbasisgroups, "NbBasisGroups"))
402       PRE.error("Could not read NbBasisGroups in H5; Probably Corrupt H5 file", true);
403   }
404   myComm->bcast(numbasisgroups);
406   for (int i = 0; i < numbasisgroups; i++)
407   {
408     std::string basisGroupID = "basisGroup" + std::to_string(i);
409     int l(0);
410     if (myComm->rank() == 0)
411     {
412       hin.push(basisGroupID);
413       hin.read(l, "l");
414       hin.pop();
415     }
416     myComm->bcast(l);
418     Lmax = std::max(Lmax, l);
419     //expect that only Rnl is given
420     if (expandlm == CARTESIAN_EXPAND || expandlm == DIRAC_CARTESIAN_EXPAND)
421       num += (l + 1) * (l + 2) / 2;
422     else if (expandlm)
423       num += 2 * l + 1;
424     else
425       num++;
426   }
428   COT* aos = new COT(Lmax, addsignforM);
429   aos->LM.resize(num);
430   aos->NL.resize(num);
431   //Now, add distinct Radial Orbitals and (l,m) channels
432   radFuncBuilder.setOrbitalSet(aos, elementType); //assign radial orbitals for the new center
433   radFuncBuilder.addGridH5(hin);                  //assign a radial grid for the new center
434   std::vector<int> all_nl;
435   for (int i = 0; i < numbasisgroups; i++)
436   {
437     std::string basisGroupID = "basisGroup" + std::to_string(i);
438     if (myComm->rank() == 0)
439     {
440       hin.push(basisGroupID);
441       hin.read(rnl, "rid");
442       hin.read(nlms[0], "n");
443       hin.read(nlms[1], "l");
444     }
445     myComm->bcast(rnl);
446     myComm->bcast(nlms[0]);
447     myComm->bcast(nlms[1]);
449     //add Ylm channels
450     app_log() << "   R(n,l,m,s) " << nlms[0] << " " << nlms[1] << " " << nlms[2] << " " << nlms[3] << std::endl;
451     std::map<std::string, int>::iterator rnl_it = RnlID.find(rnl);
452     if (rnl_it == RnlID.end())
453     {
454       int nl = aos->RnlID.size();
455       if (radFuncBuilder.addRadialOrbitalH5(hin, basisType, nlms))
456         RnlID[rnl] = nl;
457       all_nl.push_back(nl);
458     }
459     else
460     {
461       all_nl.push_back((*rnl_it).second);
462     }
464     if (myComm->rank() == 0)
465       hin.pop();
466   }
468   if (expandYlm(aos, all_nl, expandlm) != num)
469     myComm->barrier_and_abort("expandYlm doesn't match the number of basis.");
470   radFuncBuilder.finalize();
471   //aos->Rmax can be set small
472   //aos->setRmax(0);
473   aos->setBasisSetSize(-1);
474   app_log() << "   Maximum Angular Momentum  = " << aos->Ylm.lmax() << std::endl
475             << "   Number of Radial functors = " << aos->RnlID.size() << std::endl
476             << "   Basis size                = " << aos->getBasisSetSize() << "\n\n";
477   return aos;
478 }
481 template<typename COT>
expandYlm(COT * aos,std::vector<int> & all_nl,int expandlm)482 int AOBasisBuilder<COT>::expandYlm(COT* aos, std::vector<int>& all_nl, int expandlm)
483 {
484   int num = 0;
485   if (expandlm == GAUSSIAN_EXPAND)
486   {
487     app_log() << "Expanding Ylm according to Gaussian98" << std::endl;
488     for (int nl = 0; nl < aos->RnlID.size(); nl++)
489     {
490       int l = aos->RnlID[nl][q_l];
491       app_log() << "Adding " << 2 * l + 1 << " spherical orbitals for l= " << l << std::endl;
492       switch (l)
493       {
494       case (0):
495         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(0, 0);
496         aos->NL[num] = nl;
497         num++;
498         break;
499       case (1): //px(1),py(-1),pz(0)
500         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(1, 1);
501         aos->NL[num] = nl;
502         num++;
503         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(1, -1);
504         aos->NL[num] = nl;
505         num++;
506         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(1, 0);
507         aos->NL[num] = nl;
508         num++;
509         break;
510       default: //0,1,-1,2,-2,...,l,-l
511         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(l, 0);
512         aos->NL[num] = nl;
513         num++;
514         for (int tm = 1; tm <= l; tm++)
515         {
516           aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(l, tm);
517           aos->NL[num] = nl;
518           num++;
519           aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(l, -tm);
520           aos->NL[num] = nl;
521           num++;
522         }
523         break;
524       }
525     }
526   }
527   else if (expandlm == MOD_NATURAL_EXPAND)
528   {
529     app_log() << "Expanding Ylm as L=1 as (1,-1,0) and L>1 as -l,-l+1,...,l-1,l" << std::endl;
530     for (int nl = 0; nl < aos->RnlID.size(); nl++)
531     {
532       int l = aos->RnlID[nl][q_l];
533       app_log() << "   Adding " << 2 * l + 1 << " spherical orbitals" << std::endl;
534       if (l == 1)
535       {
536         //px(1),py(-1),pz(0)
537         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(1, 1);
538         aos->NL[num] = nl;
539         num++;
540         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(1, -1);
541         aos->NL[num] = nl;
542         num++;
543         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(1, 0);
544         aos->NL[num] = nl;
545         num++;
546       }
547       else
548       {
549         for (int tm = -l; tm <= l; tm++, num++)
550         {
551           aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(l, tm);
552           aos->NL[num] = nl;
553         }
554       }
555     }
556   }
557   else if (expandlm == NATURAL_EXPAND)
558   {
559     app_log() << "Expanding Ylm as -l,-l+1,...,l-1,l" << std::endl;
560     for (int nl = 0; nl < aos->RnlID.size(); nl++)
561     {
562       int l = aos->RnlID[nl][q_l];
563       app_log() << "   Adding " << 2 * l + 1 << " spherical orbitals" << std::endl;
564       for (int tm = -l; tm <= l; tm++, num++)
565       {
566         aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(l, tm);
567         aos->NL[num] = nl;
568       }
569     }
570   }
571   else if (expandlm == CARTESIAN_EXPAND)
572   {
573     app_log() << "Expanding Ylm (angular function) according to Gamess using cartesian gaussians" << std::endl;
574     for (int nl = 0; nl < aos->RnlID.size(); nl++)
575     {
576       int l = aos->RnlID[nl][q_l];
577       app_log() << "Adding " << (l + 1) * (l + 2) / 2 << " cartesian gaussian orbitals for l= " << l << std::endl;
578       int nbefore = 0;
579       for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
580         nbefore += (i + 1) * (i + 2) / 2;
581       for (int i = 0; i < (l + 1) * (l + 2) / 2; i++)
582       {
583         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + i;
584         aos->NL[num] = nl;
585         num++;
586       }
587     }
588   }
589   else if (expandlm == DIRAC_CARTESIAN_EXPAND)
590   {
591     app_log() << "Expanding Ylm (angular function) according to DIRAC using cartesian gaussians" << std::endl;
592     for (int nl = 0; nl < aos->RnlID.size(); nl++)
593     {
594       int l = aos->RnlID[nl][q_l];
595       app_log() << "Adding " << (l + 1) * (l + 2) / 2 << " cartesian gaussian orbitals for l= " << l << std::endl;
596       int nbefore = 0;
597       for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
598         nbefore += (i + 1) * (i + 2) / 2;
599       switch (l)
600       {
601       case (0):
602         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0;
603         aos->NL[num] = nl;
604         num++;
605         break;
606       case (1):
607         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0;
608         aos->NL[num] = nl;
609         num++;
610         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 1;
611         aos->NL[num] = nl;
612         num++;
613         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 2;
614         aos->NL[num] = nl;
615         num++;
616         break;
617       case (2):
618         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0; //xx
619         aos->NL[num] = nl;
620         num++;
621         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 3; //xy
622         aos->NL[num] = nl;
623         num++;
624         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 4; //xz
625         aos->NL[num] = nl;
626         num++;
627         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 1; //yy
628         aos->NL[num] = nl;
629         num++;
630         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 5; //yz
631         aos->NL[num] = nl;
632         num++;
633         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 2; //zz
634         aos->NL[num] = nl;
635         num++;
636         break;
637       case (3):
638         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0; //xxx
639         aos->NL[num] = nl;
640         num++;
641         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 3; //xxy
642         aos->NL[num] = nl;
643         num++;
644         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 4; //xxz
645         aos->NL[num] = nl;
646         num++;
647         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 5; //xyy
648         aos->NL[num] = nl;
649         num++;
650         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 9; //xyz
651         aos->NL[num] = nl;
652         num++;
653         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 7; //xzz
654         aos->NL[num] = nl;
655         num++;
656         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 1; //yyy
657         aos->NL[num] = nl;
658         num++;
659         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 6; //yyz
660         aos->NL[num] = nl;
661         num++;
662         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 8; //yzz
663         aos->NL[num] = nl;
664         num++;
665         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 2; //zzz
666         aos->NL[num] = nl;
667         num++;
668         break;
669       case (4):
670         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0; //400
671         aos->NL[num] = nl;
672         num++;
673         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 3; //310
674         aos->NL[num] = nl;
675         num++;
676         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 4; //301
677         aos->NL[num] = nl;
678         num++;
679         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 9; //220
680         aos->NL[num] = nl;
681         num++;
682         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 12; //211
683         aos->NL[num] = nl;
684         num++;
685         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 10; //202
686         aos->NL[num] = nl;
687         num++;
688         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 5; //130
689         aos->NL[num] = nl;
690         num++;
691         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 13; //121
692         aos->NL[num] = nl;
693         num++;
694         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 14; //112
695         aos->NL[num] = nl;
696         num++;
697         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 7; //103
698         aos->NL[num] = nl;
699         num++;
700         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 1; //040
701         aos->NL[num] = nl;
702         num++;
703         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 6; //031
704         aos->NL[num] = nl;
705         num++;
706         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 11; //022
707         aos->NL[num] = nl;
708         num++;
709         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 8; //013
710         aos->NL[num] = nl;
711         num++;
712         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 2; //004
713         aos->NL[num] = nl;
714         num++;
715         break;
716       case (5):
717         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0; //500
718         aos->NL[num] = nl;
719         num++;
720         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 3; //410
721         aos->NL[num] = nl;
722         num++;
723         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 4; //401
724         aos->NL[num] = nl;
725         num++;
726         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 9; //320
727         aos->NL[num] = nl;
728         num++;
729         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 15; //311
730         aos->NL[num] = nl;
731         num++;
732         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 10; //302
733         aos->NL[num] = nl;
734         num++;
735         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 11; //230
736         aos->NL[num] = nl;
737         num++;
738         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 18; //221
739         aos->NL[num] = nl;
740         num++;
741         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 19; //212
742         aos->NL[num] = nl;
743         num++;
744         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 13; //203
745         aos->NL[num] = nl;
746         num++;
747         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 5; //140
748         aos->NL[num] = nl;
749         num++;
750         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 16; //131
751         aos->NL[num] = nl;
752         num++;
753         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 20; //122
754         aos->NL[num] = nl;
755         num++;
756         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 17; //113
757         aos->NL[num] = nl;
758         num++;
759         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 7; //104
760         aos->NL[num] = nl;
761         num++;
762         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 1; //050
763         aos->NL[num] = nl;
764         num++;
765         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 6; //041
766         aos->NL[num] = nl;
767         num++;
768         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 12; //032
769         aos->NL[num] = nl;
770         num++;
771         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 14; //023
772         aos->NL[num] = nl;
773         num++;
774         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 8; //014
775         aos->NL[num] = nl;
776         num++;
777         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 2; //005
778         aos->NL[num] = nl;
779         num++;
780         break;
781       case (6):
782         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 0; //600
783         aos->NL[num] = nl;
784         num++;
785         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 3; //510
786         aos->NL[num] = nl;
787         num++;
788         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 4; //501
789         aos->NL[num] = nl;
790         num++;
791         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 9; //420
792         aos->NL[num] = nl;
793         num++;
794         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 15; //411
795         aos->NL[num] = nl;
796         num++;
797         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 10; //402
798         aos->NL[num] = nl;
799         num++;
800         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 18; //330
801         aos->NL[num] = nl;
802         num++;
803         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 21; //321
804         aos->NL[num] = nl;
805         num++;
806         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 22; //312
807         aos->NL[num] = nl;
808         num++;
809         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 19; //303
810         aos->NL[num] = nl;
811         num++;
812         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 11; //240
813         aos->NL[num] = nl;
814         num++;
815         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 23; //231
816         aos->NL[num] = nl;
817         num++;
818         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 27; //222
819         aos->NL[num] = nl;
820         num++;
821         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 25; //213
822         aos->NL[num] = nl;
823         num++;
824         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 13; //204
825         aos->NL[num] = nl;
826         num++;
827         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 5; //150
828         aos->NL[num] = nl;
829         num++;
830         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 16; //141
831         aos->NL[num] = nl;
832         num++;
833         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 24; //132
834         aos->NL[num] = nl;
835         num++;
836         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 26; //123
837         aos->NL[num] = nl;
838         num++;
839         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 17; //114
840         aos->NL[num] = nl;
841         num++;
842         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 7; //105
843         aos->NL[num] = nl;
844         num++;
845         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 1; //060
846         aos->NL[num] = nl;
847         num++;
848         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 6; //051
849         aos->NL[num] = nl;
850         num++;
851         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 12; //042
852         aos->NL[num] = nl;
853         num++;
854         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 20; //033
855         aos->NL[num] = nl;
856         num++;
857         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 14; //024
858         aos->NL[num] = nl;
859         num++;
860         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 8; //015
861         aos->NL[num] = nl;
862         num++;
863         aos->LM[num] = nbefore + 2; //006
864         aos->NL[num] = nl;
865         num++;
866         break;
867       default:
868         myComm->barrier_and_abort("Cartesian Tensor only defined up to Lmax=6. Aborting\n");
869         break;
870       }
871     }
872   }
873   else
874   {
875     for (int ind = 0; ind < all_nl.size(); ind++)
876     {
877       int nl = all_nl[ind];
878       int l  = aos->RnlID[nl][q_l];
879       int m  = aos->RnlID[nl][q_m];
880       //assign the index for real Spherical Harmonic with (l,m)
881       aos->LM[num] = aos->Ylm.index(l, m);
882       //assign the index for radial orbital with (n,l)
883       aos->NL[num] = nl;
884       //increment number of basis functions
885       num++;
886     }
887   }
888   return num;
889 }
891 } // namespace qmcplusplus
892 #endif