2! Copyright (C) 2004 Vanderbilt's group at Rutgers University, NJ
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
8! April 2012, A. Dal Corso: parallelization for gdir /= 3 imported
9!                           from c_phase_field.f90
10! May 2012, A. Dal Corso: Noncollinear/spin-orbit case allowed (experimental).
11! January 2019 Ronald E Cohen, fixed mods and averages on same branch
14!#                                                                            #!
15!#                                                                            #!
16!#   This is the main one of a set of Fortran 90 files designed to compute    #!
17!#   the electrical polarization in a crystaline solid.                       #!
18!#                                                                            #!
19!#                                                                            #!
20!#   AUTHORS                                                                  #!
21!#   ~~~~~~~                                                                  #!
22!#   This set of subprograms is based on code written in an early Fortran     #!
23!#   77 version of PWSCF by Alessio Filippetti. These were later ported       #!
24!#   into another version by Lixin He. Oswaldo Dieguez, in collaboration      #!
25!#   with Lixin He and Jeff Neaton, ported these routines into Fortran 90     #!
26!#   version 1.2.1 of PWSCF. He, Dieguez, and Neaton were working at the      #!
27!#   time in David Vanderbilt's group at Rutgers, The State University of     #!
28!#   New Jersey, USA.                                                         #!
29!#                                                                            #!
30!#                                                                            #!
31!#   LIST OF FILES                                                            #!
32!#   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            #!
33!#   The complete list of files added to the PWSCF distribution is:           #!
34!#   * ../PW/bp_calc_btq.f90                                                  #!
35!#   * ../PW/bp_c_phase.f90                                                   #!
36!#   * ../PW/bp_qvan3.f90                                                     #!
37!#   * ../PW/bp_strings.f90                                                   #!
38!#                                                                            #!
39!#   The PWSCF files that needed (minor) modifications were:                  #!
40!#   * ../PW/electrons.f90                                                    #!
41!#   * ../PW/input.f90                                                        #!
42!#   * ../PW/pwcom.f90                                                        #!
43!#   * ../PW/setup.f90                                                        #!
44!#                                                                            #!
45!#   Present in the original version and later removed:                       #!
46!#   * bp_ylm_q.f bp_dbess.f bp_radin.f bp_bess.f                             #!
47!#                                                                            #!
48!#   BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE METHODOLOGY                                         #!
49!#   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                         #!
50!#   The spontaneous polarization has two contibutions, electronic            #!
51!#   and ionic. With these additional routines, PWSCF will output both.       #!
52!#                                                                            #!
53!#   The ionic contribution is relatively trivial to compute, requiring       #!
54!#   knowledge only of the atomic positions and core charges. The new         #!
55!#   subroutines focus mainly on evaluating the electronic contribution,      #!
56!#   computed as a Berry phase, i.e., a global phase property that can        #!
57!#   be computed from inner products of Bloch states at neighboring           #!
58!#   points in k-space.                                                       #!
59!#                                                                            #!
60!#   The standard procedure would be for the user to first perform a          #!
61!#   self-consistent (sc) calculation to obtain a converged charge density.   #!
62!#   With well-converged sc charge density, the user would then run one       #!
63!#   or more non-self consistent (or "band structure") calculations,          #!
64!#   using the same main code, but with a flag to ask for the polarization.   #!
65!#   Each such run would calculate the projection of the polarization         #!
66!#   onto one of the three primitive reciprocal lattice vectors. In           #!
67!#   cases of high symmetry (e.g. a tetragonal ferroelectric phase), one      #!
68!#   such run would suffice. In the general case of low symmetry, the         #!
69!#   user would have to submit up to three jobs to compute the three          #!
70!#   components of polarization, and would have to obtain the total           #!
71!#   polarization "by hand" by summing these contributions.                   #!
72!#                                                                            #!
73!#   Accurate calculation of the electronic or "Berry-phase" polarization     #!
74!#   requires overlaps between wavefunctions along fairly dense lines (or     #!
75!#   "strings") in k-space in the direction of the primitive G-vector for     #!
76!#   which one is calculating the projection of the polarization. The         #!
77!#   code would use a higher-density k-mesh in this direction, and a          #!
78!#   standard-density mesh in the two other directions. See below for         #!
79!#   details.                                                                 #!
80!#                                                                            #!
81!#                                                                            #!
82!#   FUNCTIONALITY/COMPATIBILITY                                              #!
83!#   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                              #!
84!#   * Berry phases for a given G-vector.                                     #!
85!#                                                                            #!
86!#   * Contribution to the polarization (in relevant units) for a given       #!
87!#     G-vector.                                                              #!
88!#                                                                            #!
89!#   * Spin-polarized systems supported.                                      #!
90!#                                                                            #!
91!#   * Ultrasoft and norm-conserving pseudopotentials supported.              #!
92!#                                                                            #!
93!#   * The value of the "polarization quantum" and the ionic contribution     #!
94!#     to the polarization are reported.                                      #!
95!#                                                                            #!
96!#                                                                            #!
97!#   NEW INPUT PARAMETERS                                                     #!
98!#   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     #!
99!#   * lberry (.TRUE. or .FALSE.)                                             #!
100!#     Tells PWSCF that a Berry phase calcultion is desired.                  #!
101!#                                                                            #!
102!#   * gdir (1, 2, or 3)                                                      #!
103!#     Specifies the direction of the k-point strings in reciprocal space.    #!
104!#     '1' refers to the first reciprocal lattice vector, '2' to the          #!
105!#     second, and '3' to the third.                                          #!
106!#                                                                            #!
107!#   * nppstr (integer)                                                       #!
108!#     Specifies the number of k-points to be calculated along each           #!
109!#     symmetry-reduced string.                                               #!
110!#                                                                            #!
111!#                                                                            #!
112!#   EXPLANATION OF K-POINT MESH                                              #!
113!#   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                              #!
114!#   If gdir=1, the program takes the standard input specification of the     #!
115!#   k-point mesh (nk1 x nk2 x nk3) and stops if the k-points in dimension    #!
116!#   1 are not equally spaced or if its number is not equal to nppstr,        #!
117!#   working with a mesh of dimensions (nppstr x nk2 x nk3).  That is, for    #!
118!#   each point of the (nk2 x nk3) two-dimensional mesh, it works with a      #!
119!#   string of nppstr k-points extending in the third direction.  Symmetry    #!
120!#   will be used to reduce the number of strings (and assign them weights)   #!
121!#   if possible.  Of course, if gdir=2 or 3, the variables nk2 or nk3 will   #!
122!#   be overridden instead, and the strings constructed in those              #!
123!#   directions, respectively.                                                #!
124!#                                                                            #!
125!#                                                                            #!
126!#   BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                             #!
127!#   ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                             #!
128!#   The theory behind this implementation is described in:                   #!
129!#   [1] R D King-Smith and D Vanderbilt, "Theory of polarization of          #!
130!#       crystaline solids", Phys Rev B 47, 1651 (1993).                      #!
131!#                                                                            #!
132!#   Other relevant sources of information are:                               #!
133!#   [2] D Vanderbilt and R D King-Smith, "Electronic polarization in the     #!
134!#       ultrasoft pseudopotential formalism", internal report (1998),        #!
135!#   [3] D Vanderbilt, "Berry phase theory of proper piezoelectric            #!
136!#       response", J Phys Chem Solids 61, 147 (2000).                        #!
137!#                                                                            #!
138!#                                                                            #!
139!#                                              dieguez@physics.rutgers.edu   #!
140!#                                                             09 June 2003   #!
141!#                                                                            #!
142!#                                                                            #!
144!#     Updated by Ronald Cohen, Carnegie Institution, 2019
145!#     To make sure average over strings is done so that each straing is
146!#     on the same branch cut. Also computations are kept as phases as long
147!#     as possible before converting to polarization lattice
153SUBROUTINE c_phase
154   !----------------------------------------------------------------------
155   !! Geometric phase calculation along a strip of \(\text{nppstr}\) k-points
156   !! averaged over a 2D grid of \(\text{nkort}\) orthogonal k-points.
157   !
158   USE kinds,                ONLY : DP
159   USE io_global,            ONLY : stdout
160   USE io_files,             ONLY : iunwfc, nwordwfc
161   USE buffers,              ONLY : get_buffer
162   USE ions_base,            ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau, zv, atm
163   USE cell_base,            ONLY : at, alat, tpiba, omega
164   USE constants,            ONLY : pi, tpi
165   USE gvect,                ONLY : ngm, g, gcutm, ngm_g, ig_l2g
166   USE fft_base,             ONLY : dfftp
167   USE uspp,                 ONLY : nkb, vkb, okvan
168   USE uspp_param,           ONLY : upf, lmaxq, nbetam, nh, nhm
169   USE lsda_mod,             ONLY : nspin
170   USE klist,                ONLY : nelec, degauss, nks, xk, wk, igk_k, ngk
171   USE wvfct,                ONLY : npwx, nbnd, wg
172   USE wavefunctions,        ONLY : evc
173   USE bp,                   ONLY : gdir, nppstr, mapgm_global, pdl_tot
174   USE becmod,               ONLY : calbec, bec_type, allocate_bec_type, &
175                                    deallocate_bec_type
176   USE noncollin_module,     ONLY : noncolin, npol, nspin_lsda
177   USE spin_orb,             ONLY : lspinorb
178   USE mp_bands,             ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, nproc_bgrp
179   USE mp,                   ONLY : mp_sum
180   USE qes_libs_module,      ONLY : qes_reset
181   USE qexsd_init,           ONLY : qexsd_init_berryPhaseOutput,  qexsd_bp_obj
182!  --- Avoid implicit definitions ---
185!  --- Internal definitions ---
186   INTEGER :: i
187   INTEGER :: igk1(npwx)
188   INTEGER :: igk0(npwx)
189   INTEGER :: ig
190   INTEGER :: ind1
191   INTEGER :: info
192   INTEGER :: is
193   INTEGER :: istring
194   INTEGER :: iv
195   INTEGER :: ivpt(nbnd)
196   INTEGER :: j
197   INTEGER :: jkb
198   INTEGER :: jkb_bp
199   INTEGER :: jkb1
200   INTEGER :: job
201   INTEGER :: jv
202   INTEGER :: kindex
203   INTEGER :: kort
204   INTEGER :: kpar
205   INTEGER :: kpoint
206   INTEGER :: kstart
207   INTEGER :: mb
208   INTEGER :: mk1
209   INTEGER :: mk2
210   INTEGER :: mk3
211   INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: mod_elec(:)
212   INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: ln(:,:,:)
213   INTEGER :: mod_elec_dw
214   INTEGER :: mod_elec_tot
215   INTEGER :: mod_elec_up
216   INTEGER :: mod_ion(nat)
217   INTEGER :: mod_ion_tot
218   INTEGER :: mod_tot
219   INTEGER :: n1
220   INTEGER :: n2
221   INTEGER :: n3
222   INTEGER :: na
223   INTEGER :: nb
224   INTEGER :: ng
225   INTEGER :: nhjkb
226   INTEGER :: nhjkbm
227   INTEGER :: nkbtona(nkb)
228   INTEGER :: nkbtonh(nkb)
229   INTEGER :: nkort
230   INTEGER :: np
231   INTEGER :: npw1
232   INTEGER :: npw0
233   INTEGER :: nstring
234   INTEGER :: nbnd_occ
235   INTEGER :: nt
236   INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: map_g(:)
237   LOGICAL :: lodd
238   LOGICAL :: l_para
239   LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: l_cal(:) ! flag for occupied/empty states
240   REAL(DP) :: t1,t !!REC
241   REAL(DP) :: dk(3)
242   REAL(DP) :: dkmod
243   REAL(DP) :: el_loc
244   REAL(DP) :: eps
245   REAL(DP) :: fac
246   REAL(DP) :: gpar(3)
247   REAL(DP) :: gtr(3)
248   REAL(DP) :: gvec
249   REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: pdl_elec(:)
250   REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phik(:)
251   REAL(DP) :: phik_ave
252   REAL(DP) :: qrad_dk(nbetam,nbetam,lmaxq,ntyp)
253   REAL(DP) :: weight
254   REAL(DP) :: upol(3)
255   REAL(DP) :: pdl_elec_dw
256   REAL(DP) :: pdl_elec_tot
257   REAL(DP) :: pdl_elec_up
258   REAL(DP) :: pdl_ion(nat)
259   REAL(DP) :: pdl_ion_tot
260   REAL(DP) :: phidw
261   REAL(DP) :: phiup
262   REAL(DP) :: rmod
263   REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: wstring(:)
264   REAL(DP) :: ylm_dk(lmaxq*lmaxq)
265   REAL(DP) :: zeta_mod
266   COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:)
267   COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux_g(:)
268   COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux0(:)
269   TYPE (bec_type) :: becp0
270   TYPE (bec_type) :: becp_bp
271   COMPLEX(DP) :: cave
272   COMPLEX(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: cphik(:)
273   COMPLEX(DP) :: det
274   COMPLEX(DP) :: dtheta
275   COMPLEX(DP) :: mat(nbnd,nbnd)
276   COMPLEX(DP) :: pref
277   COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psi(:,:)
278   COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q_dk_so(:,:,:,:)
279   COMPLEX(DP) :: q_dk(nhm,nhm,ntyp)
280   COMPLEX(DP) :: struc(nat)
281   COMPLEX(DP) :: theta0
282   COMPLEX(DP) :: zeta
284!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
285!                               INITIALIZATIONS
286!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
287   ALLOCATE (psi(npwx*npol,nbnd))
288   ALLOCATE (aux(ngm*npol))
289   ALLOCATE (aux0(ngm*npol))
290   IF (okvan) THEN
291      CALL allocate_bec_type ( nkb, nbnd, becp0 )
292      CALL allocate_bec_type ( nkb, nbnd, becp_bp )
293      IF (lspinorb) ALLOCATE(q_dk_so(nhm,nhm,4,ntyp))
294   END IF
296   l_para= (nproc_bgrp > 1 .AND. gdir /= 3)
297   IF (l_para) THEN
298      ALLOCATE ( aux_g(ngm_g*npol) )
299   ELSE
300      ALLOCATE ( map_g(ngm) )
301   ENDIF
303!  --- Write header ---
304   WRITE( stdout,"(/,/,/,15X,50('='))")
306   WRITE( stdout,"(25X,'!!! NOT THOROUGHLY TESTED !!!')")
307   WRITE( stdout,"(15X,50('-'),/)")
309!  --- Check that we are working with an insulator with no empty bands ---
310   IF ( degauss > 0.0_dp ) CALL errore('c_phase', &
311                'Polarization only for insulators',1)
313!  --- Define a small number ---
314   eps=1.0E-6_dp
316!  --- Recalculate FFT correspondence (see ggen.f90) ---
317   ALLOCATE (ln (-dfftp%nr1:dfftp%nr1, -dfftp%nr2:dfftp%nr2, -dfftp%nr3:dfftp%nr3) )
318   DO ng=1,ngm
319      mk1=nint(g(1,ng)*at(1,1)+g(2,ng)*at(2,1)+g(3,ng)*at(3,1))
320      mk2=nint(g(1,ng)*at(1,2)+g(2,ng)*at(2,2)+g(3,ng)*at(3,2))
321      mk3=nint(g(1,ng)*at(1,3)+g(2,ng)*at(2,3)+g(3,ng)*at(3,3))
322      ln(mk1,mk2,mk3) = ng
323   END DO
325   if(okvan) then
326!  --- Initialize arrays ---
327      jkb_bp=0
328      DO nt=1,ntyp
329         DO na=1,nat
330            IF (ityp(na).eq.nt) THEN
331               DO i=1, nh(nt)
332                  jkb_bp=jkb_bp+1
333                  nkbtona(jkb_bp) = na
334                  nkbtonh(jkb_bp) = i
335               END DO
336            END IF
337         END DO
338      END DO
339   endif
340!  --- Get the number of strings ---
341   nstring=nks/nppstr
342   nkort=nstring/nspin_lsda
344!  --- Allocate memory for arrays ---
345   ALLOCATE(phik(nstring))
346   ALLOCATE(cphik(nstring))
347   ALLOCATE(wstring(nstring))
348   ALLOCATE(pdl_elec(nstring))
349   ALLOCATE(mod_elec(nstring))
351!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
352!           electronic polarization: set values for k-points strings           !
353!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
355!  --- Find vector along strings ---
356   gpar(1)=xk(1,nppstr)-xk(1,1)
357   gpar(2)=xk(2,nppstr)-xk(2,1)
358   gpar(3)=xk(3,nppstr)-xk(3,1)
359   gvec=dsqrt(gpar(1)**2+gpar(2)**2+gpar(3)**2)*tpiba
361!  --- Find vector between consecutive points in strings ---
362   dk(1)=xk(1,2)-xk(1,1)
363   dk(2)=xk(2,2)-xk(2,1)
364   dk(3)=xk(3,2)-xk(3,1)
365   dkmod=SQRT(dk(1)**2+dk(2)**2+dk(3)**2)*tpiba
366   IF (ABS(dkmod-gvec/(nppstr-1)) > eps) &
367     CALL errore('c_phase','Wrong k-strings?',1)
369!  --- Check that k-points form strings ---
370   DO i=1,nspin_lsda*nkort
371      DO j=2,nppstr
372         kindex=j+(i-1)*nppstr
373         IF (ABS(xk(1,kindex)-xk(1,kindex-1)-dk(1)) > eps) &
374            CALL errore('c_phase','Wrong k-strings?',1)
375         IF (ABS(xk(2,kindex)-xk(2,kindex-1)-dk(2)) > eps) &
376            CALL errore('c_phase','Wrong k-strings?',1)
377         IF (ABS(xk(3,kindex)-xk(3,kindex-1)-dk(3)) > eps) &
378            CALL errore('c_phase','Wrong k-strings?',1)
379         IF (ABS(wk(kindex)-wk(kindex-1)) > eps) &
380            CALL errore('c_phase','Wrong k-strings weights?',1)
381      END DO
382   END DO
384!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
385!                   electronic polarization: weight strings                    !
386!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
388!  --- Calculate string weights, normalizing to 1 (no spin or noncollinear)
389!       or 1+1 (spin) ---
390   DO is=1,nspin_lsda
391      weight=0.0_dp
392      DO kort=1,nkort
393         istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
394         wstring(istring)=wk(nppstr*istring)
395         weight=weight+wstring(istring)
396      END DO
397      DO kort=1,nkort
398         istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
399         wstring(istring)=wstring(istring)/weight
400      END DO
401   END DO
403!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
404!                  electronic polarization: structure factor                   !
405!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
407!  --- Calculate structure factor e^{-i dk*R} ---
408   DO na=1,nat
409      fac=(dk(1)*tau(1,na)+dk(2)*tau(2,na)+dk(3)*tau(3,na))*tpi
410      struc(na)=CMPLX(cos(fac),-sin(fac),kind=DP)
411   END DO
412!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
413!                     electronic polarization: form factor                     !
414!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
415   if(okvan) then
416!  --- Calculate Bessel transform of Q_ij(|r|) at dk [Q_ij^L(|r|)] ---
417      CALL calc_btq(dkmod,qrad_dk,0)
418!  --- Calculate the q-space real spherical harmonics at dk [Y_LM] ---
419      dkmod=dk(1)**2+dk(2)**2+dk(3)**2
420      CALL ylmr2(lmaxq*lmaxq, 1, dk, dkmod, ylm_dk)
421!  --- Form factor: 4 pi sum_LM c_ij^LM Y_LM(Omega) Q_ij^L(|r|) ---
422      q_dk = (0.d0, 0.d0)
423      DO np =1, ntyp
424         if( upf(np)%tvanp ) then
425            DO iv = 1, nh(np)
426               DO jv = iv, nh(np)
427                  call qvan3(iv,jv,np,pref,ylm_dk,qrad_dk)
428                  q_dk(iv,jv,np) = omega*pref
429                  q_dk(jv,iv,np) = omega*pref
430               ENDDO
431            ENDDO
432         endif
433      ENDDO
434      IF (lspinorb) CALL transform_qq_so(q_dk,q_dk_so)
435   endif
437!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
438!                   electronic polarization: strings phases                    !
439!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
441   el_loc=0.d0
442   kpoint=0
443   ALLOCATE ( l_cal(nbnd) )
444   CALL weights()
446!  --- Start loop over spin ---
447   DO is=1,nspin_lsda
449      ! l_cal(n) = .true./.false. if n-th state is occupied/empty
450      nbnd_occ=0
451      DO nb = 1, nbnd
452         l_cal(nb) = (wg(nb,1+nks*(is-1)/2) > eps)
453         IF (l_cal(nb)) nbnd_occ = nbnd_occ + 1
454      END DO
456!     --- Start loop over orthogonal k-points ---
457      DO kort=1,nkort
459!        --- Index for this string ---
460         istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
462!        --- Initialize expectation value of the phase operator ---
463         zeta=(1.d0,0.d0)
464         zeta_mod = 1.d0
466!        --- Start loop over parallel k-points ---
467         DO kpar = 1,nppstr
469!           --- Set index of k-point ---
470            kpoint = kpoint + 1
472!           --- Calculate dot products between wavefunctions and betas ---
473            IF (kpar /= 1) THEN
475!              --- Dot wavefunctions and betas for PREVIOUS k-point ---
476               npw0 = ngk(kpoint-1)
477               igk0(:) = igk_k(:,kpoint-1)
478               CALL get_buffer (psi,nwordwfc,iunwfc,kpoint-1)
479               if (okvan) then
480                  CALL init_us_2 (npw0,igk0,xk(1,kpoint-1),vkb)
481                  CALL calbec (npw0, vkb, psi, becp0)
482               endif
483!              --- Dot wavefunctions and betas for CURRENT k-point ---
484               IF (kpar /= nppstr) THEN
485                  npw1 = ngk(kpoint)
486                  igk1(:) = igk_k(:,kpoint)
487                  CALL get_buffer(evc,nwordwfc,iunwfc,kpoint)
488                  if (okvan) then
489                     CALL init_us_2 (npw1,igk1,xk(1,kpoint),vkb)
490                     CALL calbec (npw1, vkb, evc, becp_bp)
491                  endif
492               ELSE
493                  kstart = kpoint-nppstr+1
494                  npw1 = ngk(kstart)
495                  igk1(:) = igk_k(:,kstart)
496                  CALL get_buffer(evc,nwordwfc,iunwfc,kstart)
497                  if (okvan) then
498                     CALL init_us_2 (npw1,igk1,xk(1,kstart),vkb)
499                     CALL calbec(npw1, vkb, evc, becp_bp)
500                  endif
501               ENDIF
503               IF (kpar == nppstr .AND. .NOT. l_para) THEN
504                  map_g(:) = 0
505!$omp parallel &
506!$omp   shared ( npw1, gpar, ln, gcutm, g, eps, map_g, at  ) &
507!$omp   private ( ig, gtr, n1, n2, n3, ng  )
508!$omp do
509                  DO ig=1,npw1
510!                          --- If k'=k+G_o, the relation psi_k+G_o (G-G_o) ---
511!                          --- = psi_k(G) is used, gpar=G_o, gtr = G-G_o ---
513                     gtr(1)=g(1,igk1(ig)) - gpar(1)
514                     gtr(2)=g(2,igk1(ig)) - gpar(2)
515                     gtr(3)=g(3,igk1(ig)) - gpar(3)
516!                          --- Find crystal coordinates of gtr, n1,n2,n3 ---
517!                          --- and the position ng in the ngm array ---
519                     IF (gtr(1)**2+gtr(2)**2+gtr(3)**2 <= gcutm) THEN
520                        n1=NINT(gtr(1)*at(1,1)+gtr(2)*at(2,1) &
521                             +gtr(3)*at(3,1))
522                        n2=NINT(gtr(1)*at(1,2)+gtr(2)*at(2,2) &
523                             +gtr(3)*at(3,2))
524                        n3=NINT(gtr(1)*at(1,3)+gtr(2)*at(2,3) &
525                             +gtr(3)*at(3,3))
526                        ng=ln(n1,n2,n3)
528                        IF ( (ABS(g(1,ng)-gtr(1)) > eps) .OR. &
529                             (ABS(g(2,ng)-gtr(2)) > eps) .OR. &
530                             (ABS(g(3,ng)-gtr(3)) > eps) ) THEN
531                           WRITE(6,*) ' error: translated G=', &
532                                gtr(1),gtr(2),gtr(3), &
533                                &     ' with crystal coordinates',n1,n2,n3, &
534                                &     ' corresponds to ng=',ng,' but G(ng)=', &
535                                &     g(1,ng),g(2,ng),g(3,ng)
536                           WRITE(6,*) ' probably because G_par is NOT', &
537                                &    ' a reciprocal lattice vector '
538                           WRITE(6,*) ' Possible choices as smallest ', &
539                                ' G_par:'
540                           DO i=1,50
541                              WRITE(6,*) ' i=',i,'   G=', &
542                                   g(1,i),g(2,i),g(3,i)
543                           ENDDO
544                           CALL errore('c_phase','wrong g',1)
545                        ENDIF
546                     ELSE
547                        WRITE(6,*) ' |gtr| > gcutm  for gtr=', &
548                             gtr(1),gtr(2),gtr(3)
549                        CALL errore('c_phase','wrong gtr',1)
550                     END IF
551                     map_g(ig)=ng
552                  END DO
553!$omp end do
554!$omp end parallel
555               END IF
557!              --- Matrix elements calculation ---
559               mat(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
560               DO mb=1,nbnd
561                  IF ( .NOT. l_cal(mb) ) THEN
562                      mat(mb,mb)=(1.d0, 0.d0)
563                  ELSE
564                     aux(:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
565                     IF (kpar /= nppstr) THEN
566                        DO ig=1,npw1
567                           aux(igk1(ig))=evc(ig,mb)
568                        ENDDO
569                        IF (noncolin) THEN
570                           DO ig=1,npw1
571                              aux(igk1(ig)+ngm)=evc(ig+npwx,mb)
572                           ENDDO
573                        ENDIF
574                     ELSEIF (.NOT. l_para) THEN
575                        DO ig=1,npw1
576                           aux(map_g(ig))=evc(ig,mb)
577                        ENDDO
578                        IF (noncolin) THEN
579                           DO ig=1,npw1
580                              aux(map_g(ig)+ngm)=evc(ig+npwx,mb)
581                           ENDDO
582                        ENDIF
583                     ELSE
585!   In this case this processor might not have the G-G_0
587                        aux_g=(0.d0,0.d0)
588                        DO ig=1,npw1
589                           aux_g(mapgm_global(ig_l2g(igk1(ig)),gdir)) &
590                                                =evc(ig,mb)
591                        ENDDO
592                        IF (noncolin) THEN
593                           DO ig=1,npw1
594                              aux_g(mapgm_global(ig_l2g(igk1(ig)),gdir) &
595                                                + ngm_g) =evc(ig+npwx,mb)
596                           ENDDO
597                        ENDIF
598                        CALL mp_sum(aux_g(:), intra_bgrp_comm )
599                        DO ig=1,ngm
600                           aux(ig) = aux_g(ig_l2g(ig))
601                        ENDDO
602                        IF (noncolin) THEN
603                           DO ig=1,ngm
604                              aux(ig+ngm) = aux_g(ig_l2g(ig)+ngm_g)
605                           ENDDO
606                        ENDIF
607                     ENDIF
609                     DO nb=1,nbnd
610                        IF ( l_cal(nb) ) THEN
611                           aux0(:)= (0.d0, 0.d0)
612                           DO ig=1,npw0
613                              aux0(igk0(ig))=psi(ig,nb)
614                           END DO
615                           IF (noncolin) THEN
616                              DO ig=1,npw0
617                                aux0(igk0(ig)+ngm)=psi(ig+npwx,nb)
618                              END DO
619                           ENDIF
620                           mat(nb,mb) = dot_product(aux0,aux)
621                        END IF
622                     END DO
623                  END IF
624               END DO
625               !
626               call mp_sum( mat, intra_bgrp_comm )
627               !
629               DO nb=1,nbnd
630!$omp parallel &
631!$omp   shared ( nbnd, l_cal, nb, okvan, nkb,  nkbtonh, ityp, nh, nkbtona  ) &
632!$omp   shared ( noncolin, lspinorb, becp0, q_dk_so, struc, mat  ) &
633!$omp   private ( mb, pref, jkb, nhjkb, na, np, nhjkbm, jkb1, j )
634!$omp do
635                  DO mb=1,nbnd
636!                    --- Calculate the augmented part: ij=KB projectors, ---
637!                    --- R=atom index: SUM_{ijR} q(ijR) <u_nk|beta_iR>   ---
638!                    --- <beta_jR|u_mk'> e^i(k-k')*R =                   ---
639!                    --- also <u_nk|beta_iR>=<psi_nk|beta_iR> = becp^*   ---
640                     IF ( l_cal(nb) .AND. l_cal(mb) ) THEN
641                        if (okvan) then
642                           pref = (0.d0,0.d0)
643                           DO jkb=1,nkb
644                              nhjkb = nkbtonh(jkb)
645                              na = nkbtona(jkb)
646                              np = ityp(na)
647                              nhjkbm = nh(np)
648                              jkb1 = jkb - nhjkb
649                              DO j = 1,nhjkbm
650                                 IF (noncolin) THEN
651                                    IF (lspinorb) THEN
652                                       pref = pref+(CONJG(becp0%nc(jkb,1,nb))* &
653                                                  becp_bp%nc(jkb1+j,1,mb)  &
654                                            *q_dk_so(nhjkb,j,1,np)   &
655                                            +CONJG(becp0%nc(jkb,1,nb))* &
656                                                   becp_bp%nc(jkb1+j,2,mb)  &
657                                            *q_dk_so(nhjkb,j,2,np) &
658                                            +CONJG(becp0%nc(jkb,2,nb))* &
659                                                   becp_bp%nc(jkb1+j,1,mb)  &
660                                            *q_dk_so(nhjkb,j,3,np) &
661                                            +CONJG(becp0%nc(jkb,2,nb))* &
662                                                   becp_bp%nc(jkb1+j,2,mb)   &
663                                            *q_dk_so(nhjkb,j,4,np))*struc(na)
664                                    ELSE
665                                       pref = pref+(CONJG(becp0%nc(jkb,1,nb))* &
666                                                   becp_bp%nc(jkb1+j,1,mb) + &
667                                             CONJG(becp0%nc(jkb,2,nb))* &
668                                                   becp_bp%nc(jkb1+j,2,mb))  &
669                                             *q_dk(nhjkb,j,np)*struc(na)
670                                    END IF
671                                 ELSE
672                                    pref = pref+CONJG(becp0%k(jkb,nb))* &
673                                           becp_bp%k(jkb1+j,mb) &
674                                      *q_dk(nhjkb,j,np)*struc(na)
675                                 END IF
676                              ENDDO
677                           ENDDO
678                           mat(nb,mb) = mat(nb,mb) + pref
679                        endif
680                     endif
681                  ENDDO
682!$omp end do
683!$omp end parallel
684               ENDDO
686!              --- Calculate matrix determinant ---
687               CALL ZGETRF (nbnd,nbnd,mat,nbnd,ivpt,info)
688               CALL errore('c_phase','error in factorization',abs(info))
689               det=(1.d0,0.d0)
690               do nb=1,nbnd
691                  det = det*mat(nb,nb)
692                  if(nb.ne.ivpt(nb)) det=-det
693               enddo
694!              --- Multiply by the already calculated determinants ---
695               zeta=zeta*det
697!           --- End of dot products between wavefunctions and betas ---
698            ENDIF
700!        --- End loop over parallel k-points ---
701         END DO
703!        --- Calculate the phase for this string ---
704         phik(istring)=AIMAG(LOG(zeta))
705         cphik(istring)=COS(phik(istring))*(1.0_dp,0.0_dp) &
706                     +SIN(phik(istring))*(0.0_dp,1.0_dp)
708!        --- Calculate the localization for current kort ---
709         zeta_mod= DBLE(CONJG(zeta)*zeta)
710!REC if zeta_mod=0 then angle is zero!
711         if(zeta_mod.le.eps)then
712            phik(istring)=0d0
713            cphik(istring)=cmplx(1d0,0d0)
714         endif
716!     --- End loop over orthogonal k-points ---
717      END DO !kort
719!  --- End loop over spin ---
720   END DO
721   DEALLOCATE ( l_cal )
723!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
724!                    electronic polarization: phase average                    !
725!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
727!  --- Start loop over spins ---
728   DO is=1,nspin_lsda
730!  --- Initialize average of phases as complex numbers ---
731      cave=(0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
732      phik_ave=(0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
734!     --- Start loop over strings with same spin ---
735      DO kort=1,nkort
737!        --- Calculate string index ---
738         istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
740!        --- Average phases as complex numbers ---
741         cave=cave+wstring(istring)*cphik(istring)
743!     --- End loop over strings with same spin ---
744      END DO
746!     --- Get the angle corresponding to the complex numbers average ---
747      theta0=atan2(AIMAG(cave), DBLE(cave))
748!     --- Put the phases in an around theta0 ---
749      DO kort=1,nkort
750        istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
751        cphik(istring)=cphik(istring)/cave
752        dtheta=atan2(AIMAG(cphik(istring)), DBLE(cphik(istring)))
753        phik(istring)=theta0+dtheta
754     end do
755!REC First you need to multiply phase by two if only summed over 1 set of bands for non-spin-polarized case NO--summed below
756!     if(nspin_lsda.eq.1)phik(1:istring)=2d0*phik(1:istring)
757!REC Second you need to take mod so phase is -Pi to Pi
758      DO kort=1,nkort
759        istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
760        phik(istring)=phik(istring)-tpi*nint(phik(istring)/tpi)
761     enddo
762!REC Third you need to fix jumps before you take average
763     t1=phik(1)/tpi
764      DO kort=1,nkort
765        istring=kort+(is-1)*nkort
766        t=phik(istring)/tpi
767        if(abs(t+1d0-t1).lt.abs(t-t1))phik(istring)=phik(istring)+tpi
768        if(abs(t-1d0-t1).lt.abs(t-t1))phik(istring)=phik(istring)-tpi
769        pdl_elec(istring) = phik(istring)/tpi
770        phik_ave=phik_ave+wstring(istring)*phik(istring)
771     enddo
772!     --- Assign this angle to the corresponding spin phase average ---
773     IF (nspin == 1) THEN
774         phiup=phik_ave !theta0+dtheta
775         phidw=phik_ave !theta0+dtheta
776         pdl_elec = pdl_elec*2._DP
777      ELSE IF (nspin == 2) THEN
778         IF (is == 1) THEN
779            phiup=phik_ave !theta0+dtheta
780         ELSE IF (is == 2) THEN
781            phidw=phik_ave !theta0+dtheta
782         END IF
783      ELSE IF (nspin==4 ) THEN
784         phiup=phik_ave
785         phidw=0.0_DP
786      END IF
787!  --- End loop over spins
788   END DO
790!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
791!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
792   pdl_elec_up=phiup/tpi
793   pdl_elec_dw=phidw/tpi
794   pdl_elec_tot=pdl_elec_up+pdl_elec_dw
795!  you need to do mod again!
796   pdl_elec_tot=pdl_elec_tot-nint(pdl_elec_tot)
797   pdl_elec_up=pdl_elec_up-nint(pdl_elec_up)
798   pdl_elec_dw=pdl_elec_dw-nint(pdl_elec_dw)
800!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
801!                              ionic polarization                              !
802!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
804!  --- Look for ions with odd number of charges ---
805   mod_ion=2
806   lodd=.FALSE.
807   DO na=1,nat
808      IF (MOD(NINT(zv(ityp(na))),2) == 1) THEN
809         mod_ion(na)=1
810         lodd=.TRUE.
811      END IF
812   END DO
814!  --- Calculate ionic polarization phase for every ion ---
815   pdl_ion=0.0_dp
816   DO na=1,nat
817      DO i=1,3
818         pdl_ion(na)=pdl_ion(na)+zv(ityp(na))*tau(i,na)*gpar(i)
819      ENDDO
820      IF (mod_ion(na) == 1) THEN
821         pdl_ion(na)=pdl_ion(na)-1.0_dp*nint(pdl_ion(na)/1.0_dp)
822      ELSE IF (mod_ion(na) == 2) THEN
823         pdl_ion(na)=pdl_ion(na)-2.0_dp*nint(pdl_ion(na)/2.0_dp)
824      END IF
825   ENDDO
826!  --- Add up the phases modulo 2 iff the ionic charges are even numbers ---
828   !REC You don't need a correction for jumps for the ionic part
829   ! This doesn't do anything since there is not an average but a sum
830   pdl_ion_tot=SUM(pdl_ion(1:nat))
831   IF (lodd) THEN
832      pdl_ion_tot=pdl_ion_tot-1.0d0*nint(pdl_ion_tot/1.0d0)
833      mod_ion_tot=1
834   else
835      pdl_ion_tot=pdl_ion_tot-2.d0*nint(pdl_ion_tot/2.d0)
836      mod_ion_tot=2
837   endif
839!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
840!                              total polarization                              !
841!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
843!  --- Add electronic and ionic contributions to total phase ---
844   pdl_tot=pdl_elec_tot+pdl_ion_tot
845   IF ((.NOT.lodd).AND.(nspin == 1)) THEN
846      mod_tot=2
847   ELSE
848      mod_tot=1
849   END IF
850!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
851!                           write output information                           !
852!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
854!  --- Information about the k-points string used ---
856   WRITE( Stdout,"(21X,37('~'),/)")
857   WRITE( stdout,"(7X,'G-vector along string (2 pi/a):',3F9.5)") &
858           gpar(1),gpar(2),gpar(3)
859   WRITE( stdout,"(7X,'Modulus of the vector (1/bohr):',F9.5)") &
860           gvec
861   WRITE( stdout,"(7X,'Number of k-points per string:',I4)") nppstr
862   WRITE( stdout,"(7X,'Number of different strings  :',I4)") nkort
864!  --- Information about ionic polarization phases ---
865   WRITE( stdout,"(2/,31X,'IONIC POLARIZATION')")
866   WRITE( stdout,"(31X,18('~'),/)")
867!   WRITE( stdout,"(8X,'Note: (mod 1) means that the phases (angles ranging from' &
868!           & /,8X,'-pi to pi) have been mapped to the interval [-1/2,+1/2) by'&
869!           & /,8X,'dividing by 2*pi; (mod 2) refers to the interval [-1,+1)',&
870!           & /)")
871   WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('='))")
872   WRITE( stdout,"(4X,'Ion',4X,'Species',4X,'Charge',14X, &
873           & 'Position',16X,'Phase')")
874   WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
875   DO na=1,nat
876      WRITE( stdout,"(3X,I3,8X,A2,F12.3,5X,3F8.4,F12.5,' (mod ',I1,')')") &
877           & na,atm(ityp(na)),zv(ityp(na)), &
878           & tau(1,na),tau(2,na),tau(3,na),pdl_ion(na),mod_ion(na)
879   END DO
880   WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
881   WRITE( stdout,"(47X,'IONIC PHASE: ',F9.5,' (mod ',I1,')')") pdl_ion_tot,mod_ion_tot
882   WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('='))")
884!  --- Information about electronic polarization phases ---
885   WRITE( stdout,"(2/,28X,'ELECTRONIC POLARIZATION')")
886   WRITE( stdout,"(28X,23('~'),/)")
887!   WRITE( stdout,"(8X,'Note: (mod 1) means that the phases (angles ranging from' &
888!           & /,8X,'-pi to pi) have been mapped to the interval [-1/2,+1/2) by',&
889!           & /,8X,'dividing by 2*pi; (mod 2) refers to the interval [-1,+1)',&
890!           & /)")
891   WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('='))")
892   IF(nspin_lsda.gt.1)THEN
893      WRITE( stdout,"(3X,'Spin',4X,'String',5X,'Weight',6X, &
894           &  'First k-point in string',9X,'Phase')")
895      WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
896      DO istring=1,nstring/nspin_lsda
897         ind1=1+(istring-1)*nppstr
898         WRITE( stdout,"(3X,' up ',3X,I5,F14.6,4X,3(F8.4),F12.5)") &
899              &  istring,wstring(istring), &
900              &  xk(1,ind1),xk(2,ind1),xk(3,ind1),pdl_elec(istring)
901      END DO
902      WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
903      DO istring=nstring/2+1,nstring
904         ind1=1+(istring-1)*nppstr
905         WRITE( stdout,"(3X,'down',3X,I4,F15.6,4X,3(F8.4),F12.5)") &
906              &    istring,wstring(istring), xk(1,ind1),xk(2,ind1),xk(3,ind1), &
907              &    pdl_elec(istring)
908      END DO
909      WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
910      WRITE( stdout,"(40X,'Average phase (up): ',F9.5)") &
911        pdl_elec_up
912      WRITE( stdout,"(38X,'Average phase (down): ',F9.5)")&
913        pdl_elec_dw
914   ENDIF
915!  --- Treat unpolarized/polarized spin cases ---
916   IF (nspin_lsda == 1) THEN
917      WRITE( stdout,"(4X,'String',5X,'Weight',6X, &
918           &  'First k-point in string',9X,'Phase')")
919      WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
920      DO istring=1,nstring/nspin_lsda
921         ind1=1+(istring-1)*nppstr
922         WRITE( stdout,"(3X,I5,F14.6,4X,3(F8.4),F12.5)") &
923              &  istring,wstring(istring), &
924              &  xk(1,ind1),xk(2,ind1),xk(3,ind1),pdl_elec(istring)
925      END DO
926      WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('-'))")
927   END IF
928   IF (noncolin) THEN
929      WRITE( stdout,"(42X,'Average phase   : ',F9.5)") &
930        pdl_elec_up
931   ELSE
932      WRITE( stdout,"(42X,'ELECTRONIC PHASE: ',F9.5)") &
933        pdl_elec_tot
934   ENDIF
935   WRITE( stdout,"(2X,76('='))")
937!  --- Information about total phase ---
938   WRITE( stdout,"(2/,31X,'SUMMARY OF PHASES')")
939   WRITE( stdout,"(31X,17('~'),/)")
940   WRITE( stdout,"(26X,'Ionic Phase:',F9.5)") &
941        pdl_ion_tot
942   WRITE( stdout,"(21X,'Electronic Phase:',F9.5)") &
943        pdl_elec_tot
944   WRITE( stdout,"(26X,'TOTAL PHASE:',F9.5, ' MOD_TOT:',i2)") &
945        pdl_tot,mod_tot
947!  --- Information about the value of polarization ---
948   WRITE( stdout,"(2/,29X,'VALUES OF POLARIZATION')")
949   WRITE( stdout,"(29X,22('~'),/)")
950   WRITE( stdout,"( &
951      &   8X,'The calculation of phases done along the direction of vector ',I1, &
952      &   /,8X,'of the reciprocal lattice gives the following contribution to', &
953      &   /,8X,'the polarization vector (in different units, and being Omega', &
954      &   /,8X,'the volume of the unit cell):')") &
955          gdir
956!  --- Calculate direction of polarization and modulus of lattice vector ---
957   rmod=SQRT(at(1,gdir)*at(1,gdir)+at(2,gdir)*at(2,gdir) &
958            +at(3,gdir)*at(3,gdir))
959   upol(:)=at(:,gdir)/rmod
960   rmod=alat*rmod
961!  --- Give polarization in units of (e/Omega).bohr ---
962   fac=rmod
963   WRITE( stdout,"(/,11X,'P = ',F11.7,'  (mod ',F11.7,')  (e/Omega).bohr')") &
964        fac*pdl_tot,fac*DBLE(mod_tot)
965!  --- Give polarization in units of e.bohr ---
966   fac=rmod/omega
967   WRITE( stdout,"(/,11X,'P = ',F11.7,'  (mod ',F11.7,')  e/bohr^2')") &
968        fac*pdl_tot,fac*DBLE(mod_tot)
969!  --- Give polarization in SI units (C/m^2) ---
970   fac=(rmod/omega)*(1.60097E-19_dp/5.29177E-11_dp**2)
971   WRITE( stdout,"(/,11X,'P = ',F11.7,'  (mod ',F11.7,')  C/m^2')") &
972        fac*pdl_tot,fac*DBLE(mod_tot)
973!  --- Write polarization direction ---
974   WRITE( stdout,"(/,8X,'The polarization direction is:  (', &
975       &  F8.5,' ,',F8.5,' ,',F8.5,' )')") upol(1),upol(2),upol(3)
977!  --- End of information relative to polarization calculation ---
978   WRITE( stdout,"(/,/,15X,50('=')/,/)")
980   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
981!                            INITIALIZE  QEXSD OUTPUT ELEMENT
982! Here we write all output information in a berry_phase_type variable to print
983! them in the XML output  P.D. april 2016
985  CALL qes_reset( qexsd_bp_obj )
986  CALL qexsd_init_berryPhaseOutput(qexsd_bp_obj, gpar, gvec, nppstr, nkort, xk, pdl_ion, mod_ion,  &
987                                  pdl_ion_tot, mod_ion_tot, nstring, pdl_elec , mod_elec, wstring, &
988                                  pdl_elec_up, mod_elec_up, pdl_elec_dw, mod_elec_dw, pdl_elec_tot,&
989                                  mod_elec_tot, pdl_tot, mod_tot, upol, rmod)
990!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
991!                                  finalization                                !
992!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   !
994!  --- Free memory ---
995   DEALLOCATE(mod_elec)
996   DEALLOCATE(pdl_elec)
997   DEALLOCATE(wstring)
998   DEALLOCATE(cphik)
999   DEALLOCATE(phik)
1000   DEALLOCATE(ln)
1001   DEALLOCATE(aux)
1002   DEALLOCATE(aux0)
1003   DEALLOCATE(psi)
1004   IF (l_para) THEN
1005      DEALLOCATE ( aux_g )
1006   ELSE
1007      DEALLOCATE ( map_g )
1008   ENDIF
1009   IF (okvan) THEN
1010      CALL deallocate_bec_type ( becp0 )
1011      CALL deallocate_bec_type ( becp_bp )
1012      IF (lspinorb) DEALLOCATE(q_dk_so)
1013   END IF
1017END SUBROUTINE c_phase