2! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9! ---------------------------------------------------------------
10subroutine find_coefficients &
11     (ik,psi,energy,r,dx,aenorm,vpot,c,c2,lam,ndm)
12  !     -----------------------------------
13  !
14  !     recherche des coefficients du polynome
15  !
16  use kinds, only : DP
17  USE random_numbers, ONLY : randy
18  implicit none
19  integer, intent(in) :: ndm, lam,  ik
20  real(DP), intent(in):: vpot(ndm), psi(ndm), r(ndm), dx, energy
21  real(DP), intent(out):: c2, c(6)
22  !
23  real(DP ):: amat(6,6), y(6), rc, aenorm
24  integer ipvt(6), i, info, n, ndiv
25  real(DP):: c2o, dc2, dcmin, newvalue, oldvalue, precision
26  real(DP), external:: funz
27  character(len=10) :: prec
28  !
29  do i = 1,6
30     c(i) = 0.0_dp
31  end do
32  rc  = r(ik)
34  call fill_matrix(amat,rc,lam)
35  !
36  ! LU factorization of matrix A = amat
37  !
38  call DGETRF(6,6,amat,6,ipvt,info)
39  !
40  ! calculate coefficients y in linear system Ax = y
41  !
42  call eval_coeff(r,psi,ik,lam,energy,dx,vpot,y)
43  !
44  ! find value of c2 solving norm-conservation requirement
45  ! This is done by miniming with a random search funz**2
46  ! We are looking for the smallest solution
47  !
48  c2o =  0.0_dp        ! starting point
49  dc2 =  0.1_dp        ! starting range
50  dcmin= 1.0e-10_dp    ! minimum range
51  n   = 0              ! counter of failed attempts
52  ndiv= 200            ! afte ndiv failed attempts reduce range
53  !
54  precision = 7.e-10_dp! a small number
55  !
56  oldvalue = funz(amat,ipvt,y,rc,ik,aenorm,c2o,c,c2, &
57       lam,r,dx,ndm)**2
5810 continue
59  c2 = c2o + (0.5_dp - randy())*dc2
60  newvalue = funz(amat,ipvt,y,rc,ik,aenorm,c2,c,c2,lam, &
61       r,dx,ndm)**2
62  if (newvalue < precision) return
63  if (newvalue < oldvalue) then
64     n=0
65     c2o = c2
66     oldvalue=newvalue
67  else
68     n=n+1
69     ! after ndiv failed attempts reduce the size of the interval
70     if (n > ndiv) then
71        n=0
72        dc2=dc2/10.0_dp
73     end if
74     ! if the size of the interval is too small quit
75     if (dc2 < 1.0d-12) then
76        c2=c2o
77        newvalue = funz(amat,ipvt,y,rc,ik, &
78             aenorm,c2,c,c2,lam,r,dx,ndm)**2
79        write(prec,'(e10.4)') newvalue
80        call infomsg('find_coeff','giving up minimization, '//&
81             'the error is still '//prec)
82        return
83     end if
84  end if
85  go to 10
87  return
88end subroutine find_coefficients
91! ---------------------------------------------------------------
92subroutine fill_matrix(amat,rc,l)
93  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
94  !
95  use kinds, only : DP
96  implicit none
97  real(DP) :: amat(6,6),rc
98  integer :: l
99  !
100  !     this routine fills the matrix with the coefficients taken
101  !     from  p,p',p'',p''', p(iv), where p is
102  !     p(r)= c0 + c4 r^4 + c6 r^6 + c8 r^8 + ...
103  integer pr1(6),cr1(6),pr(6),cr(6),i,j
104  ! matrices representing the coefficients (cr) and the powers of r ( pr)
105  data pr1/0,4,6,8,10,12/
106  data cr1/1,1,1,1,1,1/
108  do i=1,6
109     pr(i) = pr1(i)
110     cr(i) = cr1(i)
111  end do
112  do i = 1,5
113     !     fill matrix row by row
114     do j = 1,6
115        amat(i,j) = cr(j) * rc**(pr(j)*1.0_dp)
116     end do
117     !     derivate polynomial expression
118     do j = 1,6
119        cr(j) = cr(j) * pr(j)
120        pr(j) = max(0,pr(j)-1)
121     end do
122  end do
123  do j = 1,6
124     amat(6,j) = 0.0_dp
125  end do
126  amat(6,2) = 2.0_dp*l +5.0_dp
128  return
129end subroutine fill_matrix
131! ----------------------------------------------------------------
132subroutine eval_coeff (r,psi,ik,l,energy,dx,vpot,y)
133  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
134  !    calcule les coefficients dependant de la fct d'onde calculee
135  !    avec tous les electrons. ces coefficients servent a la resolution
136  !    du systeme lineaire.
137  !    en entree : ik,nx,vpot comme dans le programme principal
138  !    en sortie : une matrice colonne y contenant les coefficients
139  !
140  use kinds, only : DP
141  implicit none
142  integer :: ik,l,lp1
143  real(DP):: r(ik+3),psi(ik+3),vpot(ik+3),energy,dx,y(6)
144  real(DP) p,dpp,d,vae,dvae,ddvae,rc,rc2,rc3
145  real(DP)  deriv_7pts,deriv2_7pts
146  external deriv_7pts,deriv2_7pts
147  !
148  !   evaluer p et p' ( dpp )
149  rc = r(ik)
150  p  = psi(ik)
151  dpp = deriv_7pts(psi,ik,rc,dx)
152  if (p.lt.0.0) then
153     p  = -p
154     dpp = -dpp
155  endif
156  d = dpp /p
157  !   evaluer vae, dvae, ddvae
158  vae   = vpot(ik)
159  dvae  = deriv_7pts(vpot,ik,rc,dx)
160  ddvae = deriv2_7pts(vpot,ik,rc,dx)
161  !   calcul de parametres intervenant dans les calculs successifs
162  lp1 = l + 1
163  rc2 = rc * rc
164  rc3 = rc2* rc
165  !
166  y(1) = log ( p / rc**lp1 )
167  y(2) = dpp/p - (lp1 / rc)
168  y(3) = vae - energy + (lp1*lp1)/rc2 - d*d
169  y(4) = dvae - 2.0_dp*(vae - energy + l*lp1/rc2)*d - &
170       2.0_dp*(lp1*lp1)/rc3 &
171       + 2.0_dp*(d*d*d)
172  y(5) = ddvae - 2.0_dp*(dvae - 2.0_dp*l*lp1/rc3)*d  &
173       + 6.0_dp*lp1*lp1/(rc3*rc) &
174       - 2.0_dp*(vae - energy + l*lp1/rc2 - 3.0_dp*d*d)* &
175       (vae - energy + l*lp1/rc2 - d*d)
176  return
177end subroutine eval_coeff
178! ----------------------------------------------------------------
179function deriv2_7pts(f,ik,rc,h)
180  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
181  !
182  !      evaluates the second derivative of function f, the function
183  !      is given numerically on logarithmic mesh r.
184  !      nm = dimension of mesh
185  !      ik = integer : position of the point in which the derivative
186  !      will be evaluated.
187  !      h is distance between x(i) and x(i+1) where
188  !      r(i) = exp(x(i))/znesh & r(j) = exp(x(j))/znesh
189  !
190  use kinds, only : DP
191  implicit none
192  integer :: a(7),n,nm,i,ik
193  real(DP) :: f(ik+3),rc,h,sum,sum1,deriv_7pts,deriv2_7pts
194  !      coefficients for the formula in abramowitz & stegun p.914
195  !      the formula is used for 7 points.
196  data a/4,-54,540,-980,540,-54,4/   ! these are coefficients
198  ! formula for linear mesh
199  sum = 0.0_dp
200  do i=1,7
201     sum = sum + a(i)*f(i-4+ik)
202  end do
203  sum = 2.0_dp*sum/(720.0_dp*h**2)
204  ! transform to logarithmic mesh
205  sum1 = deriv_7pts(f,ik,rc,h)
206  deriv2_7pts = sum/(rc*rc) - sum1 /rc
208  return
209end function deriv2_7pts
210! ---------------------------------------------------------------
211function deriv_7pts(f,ik,rc,h)
212  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
213  !      evaluates the first derivative of function f, the function
214  !      is given numerically on logarithmic mesh r.
215  !      nm = dimension of mesh
216  !      ik = integer : position of the point in which the derivative
217  !      will be evaluated.
218  !      h is distance between x(i) and x(i+1) where
219  !      r(i) = exp(x(i))/znesh & r(j) = exp(x(j))/znesh
220  !
221  use kinds, only : DP
222  implicit none
223  integer :: a(7),n,ik,i
224  real(DP) :: f(ik+3),rc,h,sum,deriv_7pts
225  !      coefficients for the formula in abramowitz & stegun p.914
226  data a/-12,108,-540,0,540,-108,12/
228  ! formula for linear mesh
229  sum = 0
230  do i=1,7
231     sum = sum + a(i)*f(i-4+ik)
232  end do
233  deriv_7pts = sum/(720.0*h)
234  ! transform to logarithmic mesh
235  deriv_7pts = deriv_7pts /rc
237  return
238end function deriv_7pts
240! --------------------------------------------------------
241function funz(amat,ipvt,y,rc,ik,aenorm,x,c,c2,  &
242     lam,r,dx,ndm)
243  ! --------------------------------------------------------
244  !    cette fonction est la fonction de c2 qu'il faut annuler
245  !    pour trouver une valeur de c2 qui verifie la conservation
246  !    de la charge de coeur.
247  !    cette fonction calcule de plus a chaque fois les ci qui
248  !    verifient les equations lineaires avec un c2 donne.
249  !    en entree : une valeur de c2 donnee dans x
250  !    en sortie, la valeur de la fonction pour cette valeur de x:
251  !    c'est la fonction qui correspond a l'equation integrale
252  !
253  use kinds, only : DP
254  implicit none
255  integer :: ndm,lam,ipvt(6),ik,mesh,i,istart,info
256  real(DP) :: funz, x, c(6), c2, amat(6,6), y(6), rc, aenorm, &
257       r(ndm), dx, chip2, psnorm, f0, f1, f2
258  external chip2
261  !    resolution du systeme lineaire pour cette valeur de x (=c2)
262  c(1) = y(1) - x*rc**2  ! ajoute les termes en c2
263  c(2) = y(2) - 2*x*rc
264  c(3) = y(3) - 2*x
265  c(4) = y(4)       ! pas de coeff en c2
266  c(5) = y(5)
267  c(6) = -x*x
268  !      call dges(amat,6,6,ipvt,c,0)    ! resoud le systeme
269  call DGETRS('N',6,1,amat,6,ipvt,c,6,info)    ! resoud le systeme
270  !    calcul de la norme de la pseudo-fonction d'onde
271  psnorm = 0.0_DP
272  istart= 2-mod(ik,2)
273  f2 = r(istart) * chip2(c,x,lam,r(istart))
274  do i = istart,ik-2,2
275     f0 = f2
276     f1 = r(i+1)*chip2(c,x,lam,r(i+1))
277     f2 = r(i+2)*chip2(c,x,lam,r(i+2))
278     psnorm = psnorm + f0 + 4*f1 + f2
279  end do
280  psnorm = psnorm * dx/3.0_dp + r(1)**(2*lam+3)/(2*lam+3)
281  funz = log( psnorm / aenorm )
282  !
283  return
284end function funz
286! --------------------------------------------------------
287function chip2(c,c2,l,r)
288  ! --------------------------------------------------------
289  use kinds, only : DP
290  implicit none
291  real(DP):: chip2,c(6),c2,r,r2
292  integer :: l
294  r2 = r**2
295  chip2 = r2**(l+1) * exp(2.0_dp* &
296       (((((((c(6)*r2+c(5))*r2+c(4))*r2+c(3))*r2+c(2))*r2+c2)*r2)+c(1)))
298  return
299end function chip2
301! ----------------------------------------------------------------
302function der3num(r,f,ik,nm,h)
303  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
304  !     calcule la 3eme derivee d'une fonction donnee numeriquement
305  !     sur un maillage logarithmique.
306  !     en entree : r maillage; f fonction ; ik : position de l'eval.
307  !                 nm : dimension de f et r ; h comme dx dans
308  !                 le programme principal
309  !     attention ! precision pas fantastique !
310  use kinds, only : DP
311  implicit none
312  integer :: nm, ik,i
313  real(DP)::  r(nm),f(nm), y(7), h, deriv_7pts, deriv2_7pts
314  real(DP) :: der3num
316  do i=1,7
317     y(i) = deriv2_7pts(f,i+ik-4,r(i+ik-4),h)
318  end do
319  der3num = deriv_7pts(y,4,r(ik),h)
321  return
322end function der3num
323! ----------------------------------------------------------------
324function der4num(r,f,ik,nm,h)
325  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
326  !     idem que der3num, mais pour la 4eme derivee
327  !     attention ! precision pas terrible !!
328  use kinds, only : DP
329  implicit none
330  integer:: nm,i,ik
331  real(DP) :: der4num, r(nm),f(nm),y(7),h,deriv2_7pts
333  do i=1,7
334     y(i) = deriv2_7pts(f,i+ik-4,r(i+ik-4),h)
335  end do
336  der4num= deriv2_7pts(y,4,r(ik),h)
338  return
339end function der4num
341! ----------------------------------------------------------------
342function der3an(l,c,c2,rc)
343  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
344  !
345  ! 3rd derivative of r^(l+1) e^p(r)
346  !
347  use kinds, only : DP
348  implicit none
349  integer :: l
350  real(DP):: c(6), c2, rc,pr,dexpr,d2expr,d3expr, der3an
351  external pr,dexpr,d2expr,d3expr
353  der3an= (l-1)*l*(l+1)*rc**(l-2) *exp(pr(c,c2,rc)) +     &
354       3.0_DP * l*(l+1)*rc**(l-1) * dexpr(c,c2,rc)  +  &
355       3.0_DP *   (l+1)*rc**(l  ) *d2expr(c,c2,rc)  +  &
356       rc**(l+1) *d3expr(c,c2,rc)
358  return
359end function der3an
361! ----------------------------------------------------------------
362function der4an(l,c,c2,rc)
363  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
364  !
365  ! 4rd derivative of r^(l+1) e^p(r)
366  !
367  use kinds, only : DP
368  implicit none
369  integer l
370  real(DP):: c(6), c2, rc,pr,dexpr,d2expr,d3expr,d4expr,der4an
371  external pr,dexpr,d2expr,d3expr,d4expr
373  der4an = (l-2)*(l-1)*l*(l+1)*rc**(l-3) * exp(pr(c,c2,rc)) +   &
374       4.0_DP *(l-1)*l*(l+1)*rc**(l-2) * dexpr(c,c2,rc)  + &
375       6.0_DP *      l*(l+1)*rc**(l-1) * d2expr(c,c2,rc)  + &
376       4.0_DP *        (l+1)*rc**(l  ) * d3expr(c,c2,rc)  + &
377       rc**(l+1) * d4expr(c,c2,rc)
379  return
380end function der4an
381! ----------------------------------------------------------------
382function dexpr(c,c2,rc)
383  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
384  !
385  ! 1st derivative of e^p(r)
386  !
387  use kinds, only : DP
388  implicit none
389  real(DP) ::  c(6), c2, rc, pr, dpr, dexpr
390  external pr, dpr
392  dexpr= exp(pr(c,c2,rc)) * dpr(c,c2,rc)
394  return
395end function dexpr
396! ----------------------------------------------------------------
397function d2expr(c,c2,rc)
398  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
399  !
400  ! 2nd derivative of e^p(r)
401  !
402  use kinds, only : DP
403  implicit none
404  real(DP) ::  c(6), c2, rc, pr, dpr, d2pr, d2expr
405  external pr, dpr, d2pr
407  d2expr= exp(pr(c,c2,rc)) * ( dpr(c,c2,rc)**2+d2pr(c,c2,rc) )
409  return
410end function d2expr
411! ----------------------------------------------------------------
412function d3expr(c,c2,rc)
413  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
414  !
415  ! 3nd derivative of e^p(r)
416  !
417  use kinds, only : DP
418  implicit none
419  real(DP)::  c(6), c2, rc, pr, dpr, d2pr, d3pr, d3expr
420  external pr, dpr, d2pr, d3pr
422  d3expr= exp(pr(c,c2,rc)) * (   dpr(c,c2,rc)**3  &
423       +  3*dpr(c,c2,rc)*d2pr(c,c2,rc) &
424       +   d3pr(c,c2,rc)               )
426  return
427end function d3expr
428! ----------------------------------------------------------------
429function d4expr(c,c2,rc)
430  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
431  !
432  ! 4th derivative of e^p(r)
433  !
434  use kinds, only : DP
435  implicit none
436  real(DP)::  c(6), c2, rc, pr,  dpr, d2pr, d3pr, d4pr, d4expr
437  external pr, dpr, d2pr, d3pr, d4pr
439  d4expr= exp(pr(c,c2,rc)) * (     dpr(c,c2,rc)**4 &
440       +  6.0_DP* dpr(c,c2,rc)**2*d2pr(c,c2,rc) &
441       +  3.0_DP*d2pr(c,c2,rc)**2 &
442       +  4.0_DP* dpr(c,c2,rc)*d3pr(c,c2,rc) &
443       +    d4pr(c,c2,rc)                  )
445  return
446end function d4expr
448! --------------------------------------------------------
449function pr(c,c2,x)
450  ! --------------------------------------------------------
451  !     cette fonction evalue le polynome dont les coefficients
452  !     sont dans c d'apres la forme suivante
453  !     p(x) =  c(2)*x^4 + c(3) x^6 + c(4) x^8 + c(5) x^10
454  !            +c(6) x^12 + c2*x^2 + c(1)
455  use kinds, only : DP
456  implicit none
457  real(DP) :: c(6), c2, x, y, pr
459  y = x*x
460  pr = (((((c(6)*y+c(5))*y+c(4))*y+c(3))*y+c(2))*y+c2)*y &
461       + c(1)
463  return
464end function pr
466function dpr(c,c2,x)
467  ! --------------------------------------------------------
468  use kinds, only : DP
469  implicit none
470  real(DP) :: c(6),c2,x,dpr
472  dpr  = 2*c2*x + 4*c(2)*x**3 + 6*c(3)*x**5 + 8*c(4)*x**7 &
473       + 10*c(5)*x**9 + 12*c(6)*x**11
475  return
476end function dpr
478function d2pr(c,c2,x)
479  ! --------------------------------------------------------
480  use kinds, only : DP
481  implicit none
482  real(DP) :: c(6),c2,x,d2pr
484  d2pr = 2*c2 + 12*c(2)*x**2 + 30*c(3)*x**4 + 56*c(4)*x**6 &
485       + 90*c(5)*x**8 + 132*c(6)*x**10
487  return
488end function d2pr
490function d3pr(c,c2,x)
491  ! --------------------------------------------------------
492  use kinds, only : DP
493  implicit none
494  real(DP) :: c(6),c2,x,d3pr
496  d3pr  = 24*c(2)*x + 120*c(3)*x**3 + 336*c(4)*x**5 &
497       + 720*c(5)*x**7 + 1320*c(6)*x**9
499  return
500end function d3pr
502function d4pr(c,c2,x)
503  ! --------------------------------------------------------
504  use kinds, only : DP
505  implicit none
506  real(DP) :: c(6),c2,x,d4pr
508  d4pr  = 24.0_dp*c(2) + 360.0_dp*c(3)*x**2 + 1680.0_dp*c(4)*x**4 &
509       + 5040.0_dp*c(5)*x**6 + 11880.0_dp*c(6)*x**8
511  return
512end function d4pr