1 /*
3 Copyright (C) 2007 Jindrich Kolorenc
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 */
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <fstream>
24 #include <sstream>
25 #include <iomanip>  // formating output stream
26 #include <cmath>    // pow, abs
27 #include <limits>   // to figure out precision of double
28 #include <cstdlib>
29 #include <cstring>
31 #include "indexx.h" // Quicksort from Numerical Recipes
33 //#define PRINT_VECS   1  // to print k-vectors of basis functions
34 //#define PRINT_SHELLS 1  // to print (closed) shells
35 #define TETRAHEDRON  1  // to use tetrahedron method to generate k-points
37 using namespace std;
39 void write_basis(string oname, string twist,
40                  double* kx, double* ky, double* kz, int* idx,
41 		 int basissize, int outprec);
42 void write_slater(string oname, string twist, int* Ne);
43 void write_orb(string oname, string twist, int nmo);
44 void write_sys(string oname, string twist, int* Ne, double L,
45 	       double jKx, double jKy, double jKz, double weight_tw,
46                int outprec);
47 void write_jast2(string oname, double L);
49 extern "C" {
50   // soubroutine from TETPACK library
51   void setk01_(int* na, double* a, double* ptk, int* nptk, int*idef,
52 	       int* ntet, int* nkmax, int* ntmax);
53 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)55 int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
56   // {{{ .
58   const int ikmax=8;    // upper limit for planewave search
59   const double pi=3.1415926535897932385;
61   // find out how many decimal places has double and set precision
62   // for printing k-vectors and cell size
63   typedef numeric_limits< double > dl;
64   int outprec=dl::digits10;
65   //cout << "double has " << outprec << " digits" << endl;
67   // base for output files is given on the command line
68   string oname;
69   bool oflag=false;
70   for(int i=1; i< argc; i++) {
71     if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-o") && argc > i+1) {
72       oname=argv[++i];
73       oflag=true;
74     }
75     else if(argv[i][0]=='-') {
76       cerr << "Unknown option: " << argv[i] << endl;
77     }
78   }
80   if ( !oflag ) {
81     cout << "Usage: heg2qmcC -o <output base> [-bcs]" << endl;
82     cout << endl;
83     cout << "Takes N_up, N_down and rs from standard input and ";
84     cout << "writes" << endl;
85     cout << "   <output base>.i.sys" << endl;
86     cout << "   <output base>.i.slater" << endl;
87     cout << "   <output base>.i.basis" << endl;
88     cout << "   <output base>.i.orb" << endl;
89     cout << "   <output base>.centers" << endl;
90     cout << "   <output base>.jast2" << endl;
91     cout << "where i indexes k-points (twists of boundary conditions) and ";
92     cout << "runs from 0 to 3;" << endl;
93     cout << "0 is the Gamma-point." << endl;
94     cout << endl;
95     return 1;
96   }
98   // figure out the parameters we need (read from standard input)
99   int Ne[2];
100   int Nup, Ndown;
101   cout << "Number of spin-up electrons" << endl;
102   cin >> Nup;
103   Ne[0]=Nup;
104   cout << "Number of spin-down electrons" << endl;
105   cin >> Ndown;
106   Ne[1]=Ndown;
107   int nmo;           // number of molecular orbitals
108   if ( Ne[0] > Ne[1] ) { nmo=Ne[0]; } else { nmo=Ne[1]; }
110   cout << "rs (in atomic units, i.e., in bohrs)" << endl;
111   double rs;
112   cin >> rs;
113 #ifdef TETRAHEDRON
114   cout << "K-mesh discretization parameter (tetrahedron method)" << endl;
115 #else
116   cout << "Number of K-points in each direction" << endl;
117 #endif
118   int NK;
119   cin >> NK;
120   cout << endl;
121   double L=rs*pow(4.0/3*(Ne[0]+Ne[1])*pi,1.0/3);
122   double k0=2*pi/L;
124   //  for (NK=2; NK<40; NK++) {
125   //    cout << "---------------------------------------------------------"
126   //	 << "-----------------------" << endl;
127   //    cout << "NK=" << NK << endl;
129   double Ekin=0;     // Kinetic energy for constructed slater wavefunction
130   double weight=0;
132   int NKpt;
134 #ifdef TETRAHEDRON
136   int ntet;
137   int nkmax=(NK+1)*(NK+2)*(NK+3)/6;
138   int ntmax=NK*NK*NK;
139   int idef[ntmax*5];
140   double Kpt[nkmax*4];
141   setk01_(&NK,&L,Kpt,&NKpt,idef,&ntet,&nkmax,&ntmax);
142   cout << endl;
144 #else // TETRAHEDRON
146   NKpt=NK*NK*NK;
147   double Kpt[NKpt*4];
148   int Kcount=0;
149   for (int iKx=0; iKx<NK; iKx++) {
150     for (int iKy=0; iKy<NK; iKy++) {
151       for (int iKz=0; iKz<NK; iKz++) {
152 	Kpt[Kcount*4+0]=iKx*k0/NK;
153 	Kpt[Kcount*4+1]=iKy*k0/NK;
154 	Kpt[Kcount*4+2]=iKz*k0/NK;
155 	Kpt[Kcount*4+3]=1.0;
156 	Kcount++;
157       }
158     }
159   }
161 #endif // TETRAHEDRON
163   cout << "NKpt=" << NKpt << endl;
165   for (int iK=0; iK<NKpt; iK++) {
166     stringstream twist;
167     twist << iK;
168     double Kx=Kpt[iK*4+0];
169     double Ky=Kpt[iK*4+1];
170     double Kz=Kpt[iK*4+2];
171     double weight_tw=Kpt[iK*4+3];
173     double Ekin_tw=0;
175   // now we construct all k-vectors in a cube and sort them with
176   // respect to their magnitude; then we occuppy as many of them as
177   // needed
179   int ikmax3=(2*ikmax-1)*(2*ikmax-1)*(2*ikmax-1);
180   double kx[ikmax3], ky[ikmax3], kz[ikmax3], k2[ikmax3];
181   int idx[ikmax3], shells[ikmax3];
183   int seq=0;
185   for ( int i=-ikmax+1; i<ikmax; i++) {
186     for ( int j=-ikmax+1; j<ikmax; j++) {
187       for ( int k=-ikmax+1; k<ikmax; k++) {
188 	kx[seq]=Kx+i*k0;
189 	ky[seq]=Ky+j*k0;
190 	kz[seq]=Kz+k*k0;
191 	k2[seq]=kx[seq]*kx[seq]+ky[seq]*ky[seq]+kz[seq]*kz[seq];
192 	seq++;
193       }
194     }
195   }
197   if ( seq != ikmax3 ) {
198     cerr << "Something's wrong: got incorrect number of k-vectors." << endl;
199     cerr << seq << " instead of " << ikmax3 << endl;
200     exit(1);
201   }
203   // order according to length of vectors (i.e., kinetic energy)
204   // LKW note..this could be done better using objects and the STL sort,
205   //but I'll leave it for now.
206   // JK note..be my guest
207   indexx(k2,idx,ikmax3);
209   // find closed shells
210   int shell=0;     // counter of closed shells
211   int inshell=0;   // counter of states in between consecutive shells
212   for ( seq=0; seq < ikmax3; seq++ ) {
214     // we do not have complete shells for vectors from corners of the
215     // "test" cube, throw these vectors away (the -2 might be too conservative
216     // but there is the K-point shift we have to consider
217     if ( k2[idx[seq]] > (ikmax-2)*(ikmax-2)*k0*k0 ) break;
219 #ifdef PRINT_VECS
220     cout << setw(4) << seq
221 	 << setw(4) << kx[idx[seq]]
222 	 << setw(4) << ky[idx[seq]]
223 	 << setw(4) << kz[idx[seq]]
224 	 << setw(5) << k2[idx[seq]] << endl;
225 #endif
227     inshell++;
229     if ( seq+1 < ikmax3 && k2[idx[seq+1]] > k2[idx[seq]] ) {
230       if ( shell > 0 ) {
231 	shells[shell]=inshell+shells[shell-1];
232       } else {
233 	shells[0]=inshell;
234       }
235 #ifdef PRINT_VECS
236       cout << "----- " << setw(2) << shell+1 << " ("
237 	   << setw(4) << shells[shell] << ") -----" << endl;
238 #endif
239       inshell=0;
240       shell++;
241     }
242   }  // for ( seq=0; seq < ikmax3; seq++ )
243   int nshells=shell;
245 #ifdef PRINT_SHELLS
246   // print out closed shells
247   cout << "first " << nshells << " closed shells:" << endl;
248   const int lcut=12;
249   if ( nshells < lcut ) {
250     for (int shell=0; shell < nshells; shell++) {
251       cout << setw(6) << shells[shell];
252     }
253     cout << endl;
254   } else {
255     shell=0;
256     for (int i=0; i < nshells/lcut+1; i++) {
257       int jmax=nshells-shell;
258       if ( jmax > lcut ) jmax=lcut;
259       for(int j=0; j < jmax; j++) {
260 	cout << setw(6) << shells[shell];
261 	shell++;
262       }
263       cout << endl;
264     }
265   }
266   cout << endl;
267 #endif // PRINT_SHELLS
270   // test whether user requested more states than we have found
271   if ( Ne[0] > shells[nshells-1] || Ne[1] > shells[nshells-1] ) {
272     cerr << "Maximum number of electrons of one kind is currently "
273 	 << shells[nshells-1] << endl;
274     cerr << "To go higher, change hardcoded limit of basis size (ikmax)."
275 	 << endl;
276     exit(1);
277   }
279   int basissize=nmo;
281   // write basis set file
282   write_basis(oname, twist.str(), kx, ky, kz, idx, basissize, outprec);
284   // write slater determinant
285   write_slater(oname, twist.str(), Ne);
287   // write orb file
288   write_orb(oname, twist.str(), nmo);
290   // write sys file
291   write_sys(oname, twist.str(), Ne, L, 2*Kx/k0, 2*Ky/k0, 2*Kz/k0,
292 	    weight_tw, outprec);
294   // calculate the (kinetic) energy of non-interacting particles
295   // to have an idea of this part of finite-size errors
296   for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
297     for (int j=0; j<Ne[i]; j++) {
298       double dEkin=k2[idx[j]]/2;
299       //cout << dEkin << endl;
300       Ekin_tw+=dEkin;
301     }
302   }
304   // kinetic energy for a given twist
305   /*
306   cout << Kx*NK*L/pi << " " << Ky*NK*L/pi << " " << Kz*NK*L/pi
307        << " (weight "
308        << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << weight_tw << resetiosflags(ios::fixed)
309        << "),  ";
310   cout << "kinetic energy: "
311        << Ekin_tw << " ("
312        << Ekin_tw/(Ne[0]+Ne[1]) << " per particle)" << endl;
313   */
314   //cout << endl << "---" << endl << endl;
315   Ekin+=Ekin_tw*weight_tw;
316   weight+=weight_tw;
317   //cout << weight_tw << " " << weight <<endl;;
319   Ekin_tw=0;
321   }
323   // write the file with definition of a single center
324   string centername=oname+".centers";
325   ofstream centerout(centername.c_str());
326   centerout << "1" << endl;
327   centerout << "origin 0.0 0.0 0.0" << endl;
328   centerout.close();
330   // write simple two-body Jastrow
331   write_jast2(oname, L);
333   // compare our approximate kinetic energy with exact one
334   double Ekin_ex=0;
335   for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
336     double kF=pow(6*pi*pi*Ne[i],1.0/3)/L;
337     Ekin_ex+=L*L*L*pow(kF,5.0)/(20*pi*pi);
338   }
339   Ekin=Ekin/weight;
340   cout << setprecision(8);
341   cout << endl << "Total kinetic energy (hartree):" << endl;
342   cout << "  approximate: "
343        << setw(12) << Ekin << "  ("
344        << setw(12) << Ekin/(Ne[0]+Ne[1])
345        << " per particle)" << endl;
346   cout << "  exact      : "
347        << setw(12) << Ekin_ex << "  ("
348        << setw(12) << Ekin_ex/(Ne[0]+Ne[1])
349        << " per particle)" << endl;
350   cout << "  error      : "
351        << setw(12) << 100*abs((Ekin-Ekin_ex)/Ekin) << "%"
352        << endl << endl;
354   Ekin=0.0;
356   //  } for (NK=2; NK<40; NK++)
358   cout << "---" << endl << endl;
359   cout << "BTW, magnification factor in *.slater might need to be lowered for "
360        << "large" << endl << "number of particles (cca 200+ per spin channel)."
361        << endl << endl;
363   return 0;
365   // }}}
366 }
write_basis(string oname,string twist,double * kx,double * ky,double * kz,int * idx,int basissize,int outprec)369 void write_basis(string oname, string twist,
370                  double* kx, double* ky, double* kz, int* idx,
371 		 int basissize, int outprec) {
372   // {{{ .
374   string basisname=oname+"."+twist+".basis";
375   ofstream basisout(basisname.c_str());
376   basisout << "  CBASIS {" << endl;
377   basisout << "   origin" << endl;
378   basisout << "   CPLANEWAVE" << endl;
379   basisout << "   GVECTOR {" << endl;
381   for (int i=0; i < basissize; i++) {
382     basisout << "   ";
383     basisout << setprecision(outprec) << setw(outprec+6) << kx[idx[i]]
384              << setprecision(outprec) << setw(outprec+6) << ky[idx[i]]
385              << setprecision(outprec) << setw(outprec+6) << kz[idx[i]]
386 	     << endl;
387   }
389   basisout << "   }" << endl;
390   basisout << "  }" << endl;
391   basisout.close();
393   // }}}
394 }
write_slater(string oname,string twist,int * Ne)396 void write_slater(string oname, string twist, int* Ne) {
397   // {{{ .
399   int nmo_slater;
400   if ( Ne[0] > Ne[1] ) { nmo_slater=Ne[0]; } else { nmo_slater=Ne[1]; }
402   string slatername=oname+"."+twist+".slater";
403   ofstream slaterout(slatername.c_str());
404   slaterout << " SLATER" << endl;
405   slaterout << " CORBITALS {" << endl;
406   slaterout << "  CBASFUNC_MO" << endl;
407   slaterout << "  MAGNIFY 0.5" << endl;
408   slaterout << "  INCLUDE " << oname;
409   slaterout << "." << twist;
410   slaterout << ".basis" << endl;
411   slaterout << "  CENTERS { READ " << oname << ".centers }" << endl;
412   slaterout << "  NMO " << nmo_slater << endl;
413   slaterout << "  ORBFILE " << oname;
414   slaterout << "." << twist;
415   slaterout << ".orb" << endl;
416   slaterout << " }" << endl;
417   slaterout << " DETWT { 1.0 }" << endl;
418   slaterout << " STATES {" << endl;
420   for(int k=0; k < 2; k++) {
421     if ( k==0 ) {
422       slaterout << "  # spin-ups" << endl;
423     } else {
424       slaterout << "  # spin-downs" << endl;
425     }
426     if ( Ne[k] < 10 ) {
427       slaterout << "  " ;
428       for (int orb=0; orb < Ne[k]; orb++) {
429 	slaterout << setw(6) << orb+1;
430       }
431       slaterout << endl;
432     } else {
433       int orb=0;
434       for (int i=0; i < Ne[k]/10+1; i++) {
435 	int jmax=Ne[k]-orb;
436 	if ( jmax > 10 ) jmax=10;
437 	if ( jmax > 0 ) slaterout << "  " ;
438 	for(int j=0; j < jmax; j++) {
439 	  orb++;
440 	  slaterout << setw(6) << orb;
441 	}
442 	if ( jmax > 0 ) slaterout << endl;
443       }
444     }
445   }
447   slaterout << " }" << endl;
448   slaterout.close();
450   // }}}
451 }
write_orb(string oname,string twist,int nmo)454 void write_orb(string oname, string twist, int nmo) {
455   // {{{ .
456   string orbname=oname+"."+twist+".orb";
457   ofstream orbout(orbname.c_str());
458   int istart=1;
459   int istop=nmo+1;
460   for( int i=istart; i < istop; i++) {
461     orbout << i << "  " << 1 << endl;
462   }
463   orbout.close();
465   // }}}
466 }
write_sys(string oname,string twist,int * Ne,double L,double jKx,double jKy,double jKz,double weight_tw,int outprec)468 void write_sys(string oname, string twist, int* Ne, double L,
469 	       double jKx, double jKy, double jKz, double weight_tw,
470                int outprec) {
471   // {{{ .
472   string sysname=oname+"."+twist+".sys";
473   ofstream sysout(sysname.c_str());
474   sysout << "# weight of this k-point (twist): " << weight_tw << endl;
475   sysout << "SYSTEM { HEG" << endl;
476   sysout << " NSPIN { " << Ne[0] << " " << Ne[1] << " }" << endl;
477   // There are a few places in HEG system (notably calculation of e-e
478   // distances) that are optimized for orthogonal simulation cell
479   // and general lattice vectors would lead to incorrect answers.
480   sysout << " boxsize {" << endl;
481   sysout << setprecision(outprec) << setw(outprec+6) << L
482 	 << setprecision(outprec) << setw(outprec+6) << L
483 	 << setprecision(outprec) << setw(outprec+6) << L << endl;
484   sysout << " }" << endl;
485   sysout << " origin { 0.0 0.0 0.0 }" << endl;
486   // all kpoint related information should be in the basis itself
487   //  <-- this is probably NOT TRUE - phase change across boundary
488   sysout << " kpoint { " << jKx << " " << jKy << " " << jKz << " }" << endl;
489   sysout << " interaction { truncCoul }" << endl;
490   sysout << "# interaction { coulomb } " << endl;
491   sysout << "}" << endl;
492   sysout.close();
493   // }}}
494 }
write_jast2(string oname,double L)496 void write_jast2(string oname, double L) {
497   // {{{ we could certainly use RPA to obtain better initial guess,
498   // but right now I just need something
499   string jastname=oname+".jast2";
500   ofstream jastout(jastname.c_str());
501   double cutoff=L/2.001;  // will work as long as we use the simple cubic cell
502   jastout << "JASTROW2" << endl;
503   jastout << "  GROUP {" << endl;
504   jastout << "    OPTIMIZEBASIS" << endl;
505   jastout << "    TWOBODY_SPIN {" << endl;
506   jastout << "      FREEZE" << endl;
507   jastout << "       LIKE_COEFFICIENTS   { 0.25  0.00 }" << endl;
508   jastout << "       UNLIKE_COEFFICIENTS { 0.00  0.50 }" << endl;
509   jastout << "    }" << endl;
510   jastout << "    EEBASIS {" << endl;
511   jastout << "      EE" << endl;
512   jastout << "      CUTOFF_CUSP" << endl;
513   jastout << "      GAMMA 0.1" << endl;   // maybe zero here
514   jastout << "      CUSP 1" << endl;
515   jastout << "      CUTOFF " << cutoff << endl;
516   jastout << "    }" << endl;
517   jastout << "    EEBASIS {" << endl;
518   jastout << "      EE" << endl;
519   jastout << "      CUTOFF_CUSP" << endl;
520   jastout << "      GAMMA 0.5" << endl;
521   jastout << "      CUSP 1" << endl;
522   jastout << "      CUTOFF " << cutoff << endl;
523   jastout << "    }" << endl;
524   jastout << "  }" << endl;
525   jastout << "  GROUP {" << endl;
526   jastout << "    OPTIMIZEBASIS" << endl;
527   jastout << "    TWOBODY {" << endl;
528   jastout << "      COEFFICIENTS { 0.0 }" << endl;
529   jastout << "    }" << endl;
530   jastout << "    EEBASIS {" << endl;
531   jastout << "      EE" << endl;
532   jastout << "      POLYPADE" << endl;
533   jastout << "      RCUT " << cutoff << endl;
534   jastout << "      BETA0 -0.5" << endl;
535   jastout << "      NFUNC 1" << endl;
536   jastout << "    }" << endl;
537   jastout << "  }" << endl;
538   jastout.close();
539   // }}}
540 }
543 // Local variables:
544 // folded-file: t