1 // $Id$
2 //
3 //  Copyright (C) 2003-2010 greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC
4 //
5 //   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
6 //  This file is part of the RDKit.
7 //  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
8 //  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
9 //  of the RDKit source tree.
10 //
11 #include <RDGeneral/types.h>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <Geometry/point.h>
14 #include <Geometry/Transform2D.h>
15 #include "DepictUtils.h"
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <RDGeneral/Invariant.h>
18 #include <algorithm>
20 namespace RDDepict {
21 double BOND_LEN = 1.5;
22 double COLLISION_THRES = 0.70;
23 double BOND_THRES = 0.50;
24 double ANGLE_OPEN = 0.1222;  // that is about 7 deg
25 unsigned int MAX_COLL_ITERS = 15;
26 double HETEROATOM_COLL_SCALE = 1.3;
27 unsigned int NUM_BONDS_FLIPS = 3;
embedRing(const RDKit::INT_VECT & ring)29 RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP embedRing(const RDKit::INT_VECT &ring) {
30   // The process here is very straight forward
31   // we take the center of the ring to lies at the origin put the first
32   // point at the origin and then sweep
33   // anticlockwise so by an angle A = 360/n for the next point
34   // the length of the arm (l) we want to sweep is easy to compute given the
35   // bond length (b) we want to use for each bond in the ring (for now
36   // we will assume that this bond length is the same for all bonds in the ring
37   //  l = b/sqrt(2*(1 - cos(A))
38   // the above formula derives from the triangle formula, where side 'c' is
39   // given
40   // in terms of sides 'a' and 'b' as
41   // c = a^2 + b^2 - 2.a.b.cos(A)
42   // where A is the angle between a and b
44   // compute the sweep angle
45   unsigned int na = ring.size();
46   double ang = 2 * M_PI / na;
48   // compute the arm length
49   double al = BOND_LEN / (sqrt(2 * (1 - cos(ang))));
51   RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP res;
53   unsigned int i, aid;
54   double x, y;
56   for (i = 0; i < na; i++) {
57     x = al * cos(i * ang);
58     y = al * sin(i * ang);
59     RDGeom::Point2D loc(x, y);
60     aid = ring[i];
61     res[aid] = loc;
62   }
63   return res;
64 }
transformPoints(RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP & nringCor,const RDGeom::Transform2D & trans)66 void transformPoints(RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP &nringCor,
67                      const RDGeom::Transform2D &trans) {
68   RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP_I nrci;
69   for (nrci = nringCor.begin(); nrci != nringCor.end(); nrci++) {
70     RDGeom::Point2D loc = nrci->second;
71     trans.TransformPoint(loc);
72     nrci->second = loc;
73   }
74 }
computeBisectPoint(const RDGeom::Point2D & rcr,double ang,const RDGeom::Point2D & nb1,const RDGeom::Point2D & nb2)76 RDGeom::Point2D computeBisectPoint(const RDGeom::Point2D &rcr, double ang,
77                                    const RDGeom::Point2D &nb1,
78                                    const RDGeom::Point2D &nb2) {
79   RDGeom::Point2D cloc = nb1;
80   cloc += nb2;
81   cloc *= 0.5;
82   if (ang > M_PI) {
83     // invert the cloc
84     cloc -= rcr;
85     cloc *= -1.0;
86     cloc += rcr;
87   }
88   return cloc;
89 }
reflectPoint(const RDGeom::Point2D & point,const RDGeom::Point2D & loc1,const RDGeom::Point2D & loc2)91 RDGeom::Point2D reflectPoint(const RDGeom::Point2D &point,
92                              const RDGeom::Point2D &loc1,
93                              const RDGeom::Point2D &loc2) {
94   RDGeom::Point2D org(0.0, 0.0);
95   RDGeom::Point2D xaxis(1.0, 0.0);
96   RDGeom::Point2D cent = (loc1 + loc2);
97   cent *= 0.5;
99   RDGeom::Transform2D trans;
100   trans.SetTransform(org, xaxis, cent, loc1);
102   /// reverse transform
103   RDGeom::Transform2D itrans;
104   itrans.SetTransform(cent, loc1, org, xaxis);
106   RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP_I nci;
107   RDGeom::Point2D res;
108   res = point;
109   trans.TransformPoint(res);
110   res.y = -res.y;
111   itrans.TransformPoint(res);
112   return res;
113 }
reflectPoints(RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP & coordMap,const RDGeom::Point2D & loc1,const RDGeom::Point2D & loc2)115 void reflectPoints(RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP &coordMap,
116                    const RDGeom::Point2D &loc1, const RDGeom::Point2D &loc2) {
117   RDGeom::INT_POINT2D_MAP_I nci;
118   for (nci = coordMap.begin(); nci != coordMap.end(); nci++) {
119     nci->second = reflectPoint(nci->second, loc1, loc2);
120   }
121 }
setNbrOrder(unsigned int aid,const RDKit::INT_VECT & nbrs,const RDKit::ROMol & mol)123 RDKit::INT_VECT setNbrOrder(unsigned int aid, const RDKit::INT_VECT &nbrs,
124                             const RDKit::ROMol &mol) {
125   PRECONDITION(aid < mol.getNumAtoms(), "");
126   PR_QUEUE subsAid;
127   int ref = -1;
128   RDKit::ROMol::ADJ_ITER nbrIdx, endNbrs;
129   boost::tie(nbrIdx, endNbrs) = mol.getAtomNeighbors(mol.getAtomWithIdx(aid));
130   // find the neighbor of aid that is not in nbrs i.e. atom A from the comments
131   // in the header file
132   // and the store the pair <degree, aid> in the order of increasing degree
133   while (nbrIdx != endNbrs) {
134     // We used to use degree here instead we will start using the CIP rank here
135     if (std::find(nbrs.begin(), nbrs.end(), static_cast<int>(*nbrIdx)) ==
136         nbrs.end()) {
137       ref = (*nbrIdx);
138     }
139     nbrIdx++;
140   }
142   RDKit::INT_VECT thold = nbrs;
143   if (ref >= 0) {
144     thold.push_back(ref);
145   }
146   // we should be here unless we have more than 3 atoms to worry about
147   CHECK_INVARIANT(thold.size() > 3, "");
148   thold = rankAtomsByRank(mol, thold);
150   // swap the position of the 3rd to last and second to last items in sorted
151   // list
152   unsigned int ln = thold.size();
153   int tint = thold[ln - 3];
154   thold[ln - 3] = thold[ln - 2];
155   thold[ln - 2] = tint;
157   // go clock wise along the list from this position for the arranged neighbor
158   // list
159   RDKit::INT_VECT res;
160   res.reserve(thold.size());
161   auto pos = std::find(thold.begin(), thold.end(), ref);
162   if (pos != thold.end()) {
163     res.insert(res.end(), pos + 1, thold.end());
164   }
165   if (pos != thold.begin()) {
166     res.insert(res.end(), thold.begin(), pos);
167   }
169   POSTCONDITION(res.size() == nbrs.size(), "");
170   return res;
171 }
pickFirstRingToEmbed(const RDKit::ROMol & mol,const RDKit::VECT_INT_VECT & fusedRings)173 int pickFirstRingToEmbed(const RDKit::ROMol &mol,
174                          const RDKit::VECT_INT_VECT &fusedRings) {
175   // ok this is what we will do here
176   // we will pick the ring with the smallest number of substituents
177   int res = -1;
178   unsigned int maxSize = 0;
179   int subs, minsubs = static_cast<int>(1e8);
180   int cnt = 0;
181   for (const auto &fusedRing : fusedRings) {
182     subs = 0;
183     for (auto rii : fusedRing) {
184       int deg = mol.getAtomWithIdx(rii)->getDegree();
185       if (deg > 2) {
186         subs++;
187       }
188     }
189     if (subs < minsubs) {
190       res = cnt;
191       minsubs = subs;
192       maxSize = fusedRing.size();
193     } else if (subs == minsubs) {
194       if (fusedRing.size() > maxSize) {
195         res = cnt;
196         maxSize = fusedRing.size();
197       }
198     }
199     cnt++;
200   }
201   return res;
202 }
findNextRingToEmbed(const RDKit::INT_VECT & doneRings,const RDKit::VECT_INT_VECT & fusedRings,int & nextId)204 RDKit::INT_VECT findNextRingToEmbed(const RDKit::INT_VECT &doneRings,
205                                     const RDKit::VECT_INT_VECT &fusedRings,
206                                     int &nextId) {
207   // REVIEW: We are changing this after Issue166
208   // Originally the ring that have maximum number of atoms in common with the
209   // atoms
210   // that have already been embedded will be the ring that will get embedded.
211   // But
212   // if we can find a ring with two atoms in common with the embedded atoms, we
213   // will
214   // choose that first before systems with more than 2 atoms in common. Cases
215   // with two atoms
216   // in common are in general flat systems to start with and can be embedded
217   // cleanly.
218   // when there are more than 2 atoms in common, these are most likely bridged
219   // systems, which are
220   // screwed up anyway, might as well screw them up later
221   // if we do not have a system with two rings in common then we will return the
222   // ring with max,
223   // common atoms
224   PRECONDITION(doneRings.size() > 0, "");
225   PRECONDITION(fusedRings.size() > 1, "");
227   RDKit::INT_VECT commonAtoms, res, doneAtoms, notDone;
228   for (int i = 0; i < rdcast<int>(fusedRings.size()); i++) {
229     if (std::find(doneRings.begin(), doneRings.end(), i) == doneRings.end()) {
230       notDone.push_back(i);
231     }
232   }
234   RDKit::Union(fusedRings, doneAtoms, &notDone);
236   int maxCommonAtoms = 0;
238   int currRingId = 0;
239   for (const auto &fusedRing : fusedRings) {
240     if (std::find(doneRings.begin(), doneRings.end(), currRingId) !=
241         doneRings.end()) {
242       currRingId++;
243       continue;
244     }
245     commonAtoms.clear();
246     int numCommonAtoms = 0;
247     for (auto rii : fusedRing) {
248       if (std::find(doneAtoms.begin(), doneAtoms.end(), (rii)) !=
249           doneAtoms.end()) {
250         commonAtoms.push_back(rii);
251         numCommonAtoms++;
252       }
253     }
254     if (numCommonAtoms == 2) {
255       // if we found a ring with two atoms in common get out
256       nextId = currRingId;
257       return commonAtoms;  // FIX: this causes the rendering to be non-canonical
258     }
259     if (numCommonAtoms > maxCommonAtoms) {
260       maxCommonAtoms = numCommonAtoms;
261       nextId = currRingId;
262       res = commonAtoms;
263     }
264     currRingId++;
265   }
266   // here is an additional constrain we will put on the common atoms
267   // it is quite likely that the common atoms form a chain (it is possible we
268   // can
269   // construct some weird cases where this does not hold true - but for now we
270   // will
271   // assume this is true. However the IDs in the res may not be in the order of
272   // going
273   // from one end of the chain to the other - here is an example
274   // C1CCC(CC12)CCC2 - two rings here with three atoms in common
275   // let ring1:(0,1,2,3,4,5) be a ring that is already embedded, then let
276   // ring2:(4,3,6,7,8,5) be the ring
277   // that we found to be the next ring we should embed. The commonAtoms are
278   // (4,3,5) - note that
279   // they will be in this order since the rings are always traversed in order.
280   // Now we would like these
281   // common atoms to be returned in the order (5,4,3) - then we have a
282   // continuous chain, we can
283   // do this by simply looking at the original ring order (4,3,6,7,8,5) and
284   // observing that 5 need to come to
285   // the front
287   // find out how many atoms from the end we need to move to the front
288   unsigned int cmnLst = 0;
289   unsigned int nCmn = res.size();
290   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCmn; i++) {
291     if (res[i] == fusedRings[nextId][i]) {
292       cmnLst++;
293     } else {
294       break;
295     }
296   }
297   // now do the moving if we have to
298   if ((cmnLst > 0) && (cmnLst < res.size())) {
299     RDKit::INT_VECT tempV = res;
301     for (unsigned int i = cmnLst; i < nCmn; i++) {
302       res[i - cmnLst] = tempV[i];
303     }
304     unsigned int nMov = nCmn - cmnLst;
305     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cmnLst; i++) {
306       res[nMov + i] = tempV[i];
307     }
308   }
310   POSTCONDITION(res.size() > 0, "");
311   return res;
312 }
getAllRotatableBonds(const RDKit::ROMol & mol)314 RDKit::INT_VECT getAllRotatableBonds(const RDKit::ROMol &mol) {
315   RDKit::INT_VECT res;
316   RDKit::ROMol::ConstBondIterator bondIt;
317   for (bondIt = mol.beginBonds(); bondIt != mol.endBonds(); bondIt++) {
318     int bid = (*bondIt)->getIdx();
319     if (((*bondIt)->getStereo() <= RDKit::Bond::STEREOANY) &&
320         (!(mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bid)))) {
321       res.push_back(bid);
322     }
323   }
324   return res;
325 }
getRotatableBonds(const RDKit::ROMol & mol,unsigned int aid1,unsigned int aid2)327 RDKit::INT_VECT getRotatableBonds(const RDKit::ROMol &mol, unsigned int aid1,
328                                   unsigned int aid2) {
329   PRECONDITION(aid1 < mol.getNumAtoms(), "");
330   PRECONDITION(aid2 < mol.getNumAtoms(), "");
332   RDKit::INT_LIST path = RDKit::MolOps::getShortestPath(mol, aid1, aid2);
333   RDKit::INT_VECT res;
334   if (path.size() >= 4) {
335     // remove the first atom (aid1) and last atom (aid2)
336     CHECK_INVARIANT(static_cast<unsigned int>(path.front()) == aid1,
337                     "bad first element");
338     path.pop_front();
339     CHECK_INVARIANT(static_cast<unsigned int>(path.back()) == aid2,
340                     "bad last element");
341     path.pop_back();
343     RDKit::INT_LIST_CI pi = path.begin();
344     int pid = (*pi);
345     ++pi;
346     while (pi != path.end()) {
347       int aid = (*pi);
348       const RDKit::Bond *bond = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(pid, aid);
349       int bid = bond->getIdx();
350       if ((bond->getStereo() <= RDKit::Bond::STEREOANY) &&
351           (!(mol.getRingInfo()->numBondRings(bid)))) {
352         res.push_back(bid);
353       }
354       pid = aid;
355       ++pi;
356     }
357   }
358   return res;
359 }
getNbrAtomAndBondIds(unsigned int aid,const RDKit::ROMol * mol,RDKit::INT_VECT & aids,RDKit::INT_VECT & bids)361 void getNbrAtomAndBondIds(unsigned int aid, const RDKit::ROMol *mol,
362                           RDKit::INT_VECT &aids, RDKit::INT_VECT &bids) {
363   CHECK_INVARIANT(mol, "");
364   unsigned int na = mol->getNumAtoms();
365   URANGE_CHECK(aid, na);
367   RDKit::ROMol::ADJ_ITER nbrIdx, endNbrs;
368   boost::tie(nbrIdx, endNbrs) = mol->getAtomNeighbors(mol->getAtomWithIdx(aid));
370   unsigned int ai, bi;
371   while (nbrIdx != endNbrs) {
372     ai = (*nbrIdx);
373     bi = mol->getBondBetweenAtoms(aid, ai)->getIdx();
374     aids.push_back(ai);
375     bids.push_back(bi);
376     nbrIdx++;
377   }
378 }
380 // find pairs of bonds that can be permuted at a non-ring degree 4
381 // node. This function will return only those pairs that cannot be
382 // permuted by flipping a rotatable bond
383 //
384 //       D
385 //       |
386 //       b3
387 //       |
388 //  A-b1-B-b2-C
389 //       |
390 //       b4
391 //       |
392 //       E
393 // For example in the above situation on the pairs (b1, b3) and (b1, b4) will be
394 // returned
395 // All other permutations can be achieved via a rotatable bond flip.
findBondsPairsToPermuteDeg4(const RDGeom::Point2D & center,const RDKit::INT_VECT & nbrBids,const VECT_C_POINT & nbrLocs)396 INT_PAIR_VECT findBondsPairsToPermuteDeg4(const RDGeom::Point2D &center,
397                                           const RDKit::INT_VECT &nbrBids,
398                                           const VECT_C_POINT &nbrLocs) {
399   INT_PAIR_VECT res;
401   // make sure there are four of them
402   CHECK_INVARIANT(nbrBids.size() == 4, "");
403   CHECK_INVARIANT(nbrLocs.size() == 4, "");
405   std::vector<RDGeom::Point2D> nbrPts;
406   nbrPts.reserve(nbrLocs.size());
407   for (const auto &nloc : nbrLocs) {
408     RDGeom::Point2D v = (*nloc) - center;
409     nbrPts.push_back(v);
410   }
412   // now find the lay out of the bonds and return the bonds that are 90deg to
413   // the
414   // the bond to the first neighbor; i.e. we want to find b3 and b4 in the above
415   // picture
416   double dp1 = nbrPts[0].dotProduct(nbrPts[1]);
417   if (fabs(dp1) < 1.e-3) {
418     // the first two vectors are perpendicular to each other. We now have b1 and
419     // b3 we need to
420     // find b4
421     INT_PAIR p1(nbrBids[0], nbrBids[1]);
422     res.push_back(p1);
424     double dp2 = nbrPts[0].dotProduct(nbrPts[2]);
425     if (fabs(dp2) < 1.e-3) {
426       // now we found b4 as well return the results
427       INT_PAIR p2(nbrBids[0], nbrBids[2]);
428       res.push_back(p2);
429     } else {
430       // bids[0] and bids[2] are opposite to each other and we know bids[1] is
431       // perpendicular to bids[0]. So bids[3] is also perpendicular to bids[0]
432       INT_PAIR p2(nbrBids[0], nbrBids[3]);
433       res.push_back(p2);
434     }
435     return res;
436   } else {
437     // bids[0] and bids[1] are opposite to each other, so bids[2] and bids[3]
438     // must
439     // be perpendicular to bids[0]
440     INT_PAIR p1(nbrBids[0], nbrBids[2]);
441     res.push_back(p1);
442     INT_PAIR p2(nbrBids[0], nbrBids[3]);
443     res.push_back(p2);
444     return res;
445   }
446 }
448 // compare the first elements of two pairs of integers/
_pairCompDescending(const INT_PAIR & arg1,const INT_PAIR & arg2)450 int _pairCompDescending(const INT_PAIR &arg1, const INT_PAIR &arg2) {
451   return (arg1.first != arg2.first ? arg1.first > arg2.first
452                                    : arg1.second > arg2.second);
453 }
_pairCompAscending(const INT_PAIR & arg1,const INT_PAIR & arg2)455 int _pairCompAscending(const INT_PAIR &arg1, const INT_PAIR &arg2) {
456   return (arg1.first != arg2.first ? arg1.first < arg2.first
457                                    : arg1.second < arg2.second);
458 }
460 template <class T>
rankAtomsByRank(const RDKit::ROMol & mol,const T & commAtms,bool ascending)461 T rankAtomsByRank(const RDKit::ROMol &mol, const T &commAtms, bool ascending) {
462   size_t natms = commAtms.size();
463   INT_PAIR_VECT rankAid;
464   rankAid.reserve(natms);
465   T res;
466   typename T::const_iterator ci;
467   for (ci = commAtms.begin(); ci != commAtms.end(); ci++) {
468     unsigned int rank;
469     const RDKit::Atom *at = mol.getAtomWithIdx(*ci);
470     if (at->hasProp(RDKit::common_properties::_CIPRank)) {
471       at->getProp(RDKit::common_properties::_CIPRank, rank);
472     } else {
473       rank = mol.getNumAtoms() * getAtomDepictRank(at) + (*ci);
474     }
475     rankAid.push_back(std::make_pair(rank, (*ci)));
476   }
477   if (ascending) {
478     std::stable_sort(rankAid.begin(), rankAid.end(), _pairCompAscending);
479   } else {
480     std::stable_sort(rankAid.begin(), rankAid.end(), _pairCompDescending);
481   }
482   INT_PAIR_VECT_CI rai;
483   for (rai = rankAid.begin(); rai != rankAid.end(); rai++) {
484     res.push_back(rai->second);
485   }
487   return res;
488 }
490 template RDKit::INT_VECT rankAtomsByRank(const RDKit::ROMol &mol,
491                                          const RDKit::INT_VECT &commAtms,
492                                          bool ascending);
493 template RDKit::INT_DEQUE rankAtomsByRank(const RDKit::ROMol &mol,
494                                           const RDKit::INT_DEQUE &commAtms,
495                                           bool ascending);
496 template RDKit::INT_LIST rankAtomsByRank(const RDKit::ROMol &mol,
497                                          const RDKit::INT_LIST &commAtms,
498                                          bool ascending);
499 }  // namespace RDDepict