1 // $Id$
2 //
3 //  Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC
4 //
5 //   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
6 //  This file is part of the RDKit.
7 //  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
8 //  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
9 //  of the RDKit source tree.
10 //
11 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL rdmoltransforms_array_API
12 #include <RDBoost/python.h>
13 #include <RDBoost/import_array.h>
14 #include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
15 #include <GraphMol/ROMol.h>
16 #include <RDBoost/Wrap.h>
17 #include <GraphMol/Conformer.h>
18 #include <GraphMol/MolTransforms/MolTransforms.h>
19 #include <Geometry/Transform3D.h>
20 #include <Geometry/point.h>
22 namespace python = boost::python;
24 namespace RDKit {
computeCanonTrans(const Conformer & conf,const RDGeom::Point3D * center=nullptr,bool normalizeCovar=false,bool ignoreHs=true)25 PyObject *computeCanonTrans(const Conformer &conf,
26                             const RDGeom::Point3D *center = nullptr,
27                             bool normalizeCovar = false, bool ignoreHs = true) {
28   RDGeom::Transform3D *trans;
29   trans = MolTransforms::computeCanonicalTransform(conf, center, normalizeCovar,
30                                                    ignoreHs);
31   npy_intp dims[2];
32   dims[0] = 4;
33   dims[1] = 4;
34   auto *res = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
35   auto *resData = reinterpret_cast<double *>(PyArray_DATA(res));
36   const double *tdata = trans->getData();
37   memcpy(static_cast<void *>(resData), static_cast<const void *>(tdata),
38          4 * 4 * sizeof(double));
39   delete trans;
40   return PyArray_Return(res);
41 }
43 #ifdef RDK_HAS_EIGEN3
computePrincAxesMomentsHelper(bool func (const Conformer &,Eigen::Matrix3d &,Eigen::Vector3d &,bool,bool,const std::vector<double> *),const Conformer & conf,bool ignoreHs,const python::object & weights)44 PyObject *computePrincAxesMomentsHelper(bool func(const Conformer &,
45                             Eigen::Matrix3d &, Eigen::Vector3d &,
46                             bool, bool, const std::vector<double> *),
47                             const Conformer &conf,
48                             bool ignoreHs, const python::object &weights) {
49   Eigen::Matrix3d axes;
50   Eigen::Vector3d moments;
51   std::vector<double> *weightsVecPtr = nullptr;
52   std::vector<double> weightsVec;
53   size_t i;
54   if (weights != python::object()) {
55     size_t numElements = python::extract<int>(weights.attr("__len__")());
56     if (numElements != conf.getNumAtoms()) {
57       throw ValueErrorException("The Python container must have length equal to conf.GetNumAtoms()");
58     }
59     weightsVec.resize(numElements);
60     for (i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
61       weightsVec[i] = python::extract<double>(weights[i]);
62     }
63     weightsVecPtr = &weightsVec;
64   }
65   PyObject *res = PyTuple_New(2);
66   bool success = func(conf, axes, moments, ignoreHs, true, weightsVecPtr);
67   if (success) {
68     npy_intp dims[2];
69     dims[0] = 3;
70     dims[1] = 3;
71     auto *axesNpy = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
72     auto *axesNpyData = reinterpret_cast<double *>(PyArray_DATA(axesNpy));
73     i = 0;
74     for (size_t y = 0; y < 3; ++y) {
75       for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
76         axesNpyData[i++] = axes(y, x);
77       }
78     }
79     auto *momentsNpy = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
80     auto *momentsNpyData = reinterpret_cast<double *>(PyArray_DATA(momentsNpy));
81     for (size_t y = 0; y < 3; ++y) {
82       momentsNpyData[y] = moments(y);
83     }
84     res = PyTuple_New(2);
85     PyTuple_SetItem(res, 0, (PyObject *)axesNpy);
86     PyTuple_SetItem(res, 1, (PyObject *)momentsNpy);
87   }
88   else {
89     PyTuple_SetItem(res, 0, Py_None);
90     PyTuple_SetItem(res, 1, Py_None);
91   }
92   return res;
93 }
computePrincAxesMoments(const Conformer & conf,bool ignoreHs,const python::object & weights)95 PyObject *computePrincAxesMoments(const Conformer &conf,
96                             bool ignoreHs, const python::object &weights) {
97   return computePrincAxesMomentsHelper(
98          MolTransforms::computePrincipalAxesAndMoments, conf, ignoreHs, weights);
99 }
computePrincAxesMomentsFromGyrationMatrix(const Conformer & conf,bool ignoreHs,const python::object & weights)101 PyObject *computePrincAxesMomentsFromGyrationMatrix(const Conformer &conf,
102                             bool ignoreHs, const python::object &weights) {
103   return computePrincAxesMomentsHelper(
104          MolTransforms::computePrincipalAxesAndMomentsFromGyrationMatrix, conf, ignoreHs, weights);
105 }
106 #endif
transConformer(Conformer & conf,python::object trans)108 void transConformer(Conformer &conf, python::object trans) {
109   PyObject *transObj = trans.ptr();
110   if (!PyArray_Check(transObj)) {
111     throw_value_error("Expecting a numeric array for transformation");
112   }
113   auto *transMat = reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject *>(transObj);
114   unsigned int nrows = PyArray_DIM(transMat, 0);
115   unsigned int dSize = nrows * nrows;
116   auto *inData = reinterpret_cast<double *>(PyArray_DATA(transMat));
117   RDGeom::Transform3D transform;
118   double *tData = transform.getData();
119   memcpy(static_cast<void *>(tData), static_cast<void *>(inData),
120          dSize * sizeof(double));
121   MolTransforms::transformConformer(conf, transform);
122 }
123 }
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(rdMolTransforms)125 BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(rdMolTransforms) {
126   python::scope().attr("__doc__") =
127       "Module containing functions to perform 3D operations like rotate and "
128       "translate conformations";
130   rdkit_import_array();
132   std::string docString =
133       "Compute the centroid of the conformation - hydrogens are ignored and no attention\n\
134                            if paid to the difference in sizes of the heavy atoms\n";
135   python::def("ComputeCentroid", MolTransforms::computeCentroid,
136               (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("ignoreHs") = true),
137               docString.c_str());
139   docString =
140       "Compute the transformation required aligna conformer so that\n\
141                the principal axes align up with the x,y, z axes\n\
142                The conformer itself is left unchanged\n\
143   ARGUMENTS:\n\
144     - conf : the conformer of interest\n\
145     - center : optional center point to compute the principal axes around (defaults to the centroid)\n\
146     - normalizeCovar : optionally normalize the covariance matrix by the number of atoms\n";
147   python::def(
148       "ComputeCanonicalTransform", RDKit::computeCanonTrans,
149       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("center") = (RDGeom::Point3D *)nullptr,
150        python::arg("normalizeCovar") = false, python::arg("ignoreHs") = true),
151       docString.c_str());
153 #ifdef RDK_HAS_EIGEN3
154   docString =
155       "Compute principal axes and moments of inertia for a conformer\n\
156        These values are calculated from the inertia tensor:\n\
157        Iij = - sum_{s=1..N}(w_s * r_{si} * r_{sj}) i != j\n\
158        Iii = sum_{s=1..N} sum_{j!=i} (w_s * r_{sj} * r_{sj})\n\
159        where the coordinates are relative to the center of mass.\n\
160 \n\
161   ARGUMENTS:\n\
162     - conf : the conformer of interest\n\
163     - ignoreHs : if True, ignore hydrogen atoms\n\
164     - weights : if present, used to weight the atomic coordinates\n\n\
165   Returns a (principal axes, principal moments) tuple\n";
166   python::def(
167       "ComputePrincipalAxesAndMoments", RDKit::computePrincAxesMoments,
168       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("ignoreHs") = true,
169       python::arg("weights") = python::object()),
170       docString.c_str());
172   docString =
173       "Compute principal axes and moments from the gyration matrix of a conformer\n\
174        These values are calculated from the gyration matrix/tensor:\n\
175        Iij = sum_{s=1..N}(w_s * r_{si} * r_{sj}) i != j\n\
176        Iii = sum_{s=1..N} sum_{t!=s}(w_s * r_{si} * r_{ti})\n\
177        where the coordinates are relative to the center of mass.\n\
178 \n\
179   ARGUMENTS:\n\
180     - conf : the conformer of interest\n\
181     - ignoreHs : if True, ignore hydrogen atoms\n\
182     - weights : if present, used to weight the atomic coordinates\n\n\
183   Returns a (principal axes, principal moments) tuple\n";
184   python::def(
185       "ComputePrincipalAxesAndMomentsFromGyrationMatrix", RDKit::computePrincAxesMomentsFromGyrationMatrix,
186       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("ignoreHs") = true,
187       python::arg("weights") = python::object()),
188       docString.c_str());
189 #endif
191   python::def("TransformConformer", RDKit::transConformer,
192               "Transform the coordinates of a conformer");
194   docString =
195       "Canonicalize the orientation of a conformer so that its principal axes\n\
196                around the specified center point coincide with the x, y, z axes\n\
197   \n\
198   ARGUMENTS:\n\
199     - conf : conformer of interest \n\
200     - center : optionally center point about which the principal axes are computed \n\
201                           if not specified the centroid of the conformer will be used\n\
202     - normalizeCovar : Optionally normalize the covariance matrix by the number of atoms\n";
203   python::def(
204       "CanonicalizeConformer", MolTransforms::canonicalizeConformer,
205       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("center") = (RDGeom::Point3D *)nullptr,
206        python::arg("normalizeCovar") = false, python::arg("ignoreHs") = true),
207       docString.c_str());
209   python::def("CanonicalizeMol", MolTransforms::canonicalizeMol,
210               (python::arg("mol"), python::arg("normalizeCovar") = false,
211                python::arg("ignoreHs") = true),
212               "Loop over the conformers in a molecule and canonicalize their "
213               "orientation");
214   python::def(
215       "GetBondLength", &MolTransforms::getBondLength,
216       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"), python::arg("jAtomId")),
217       "Returns the bond length in angstrom between atoms i, j\n");
218   python::def("SetBondLength", &MolTransforms::setBondLength,
219               (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"),
220                python::arg("jAtomId"), python::arg("value")),
221               "Sets the bond length in angstrom between atoms i, j; "
222               "all atoms bonded to atom j are moved\n");
223   python::def("GetAngleRad", &MolTransforms::getAngleRad,
224               (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"),
225                python::arg("jAtomId"), python::arg("kAtomId")),
226               "Returns the angle in radians between atoms i, j, k\n");
227   python::def("GetAngleDeg", &MolTransforms::getAngleDeg,
228               (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"),
229                python::arg("jAtomId"), python::arg("kAtomId")),
230               "Returns the angle in degrees between atoms i, j, k\n");
231   python::def(
232       "SetAngleRad", &MolTransforms::setAngleRad,
233       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"), python::arg("jAtomId"),
234        python::arg("kAtomId"), python::arg("value")),
235       "Sets the angle in radians between atoms i, j, k; "
236       "all atoms bonded to atom k are moved\n");
237   python::def(
238       "SetAngleDeg", &MolTransforms::setAngleDeg,
239       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"), python::arg("jAtomId"),
240        python::arg("kAtomId"), python::arg("value")),
241       "Sets the angle in degrees between atoms i, j, k; "
242       "all atoms bonded to atom k are moved\n");
243   python::def(
244       "GetDihedralRad", &MolTransforms::getDihedralRad,
245       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"), python::arg("jAtomId"),
246        python::arg("kAtomId"), python::arg("lAtomId")),
247       "Returns the dihedral angle in radians between atoms i, j, k, l\n");
248   python::def(
249       "GetDihedralDeg", &MolTransforms::getDihedralDeg,
250       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"), python::arg("jAtomId"),
251        python::arg("kAtomId"), python::arg("lAtomId")),
252       "Returns the dihedral angle in degrees between atoms i, j, k, l\n");
253   python::def(
254       "SetDihedralRad", &MolTransforms::setDihedralRad,
255       (python::arg("conf"), python::arg("iAtomId"), python::arg("jAtomId"),
256        python::arg("kAtomId"), python::arg("lAtomId"), python::arg("value")),
257       "Sets the dihedral angle in radians between atoms i, j, k, l; "
258       "all atoms bonded to atom l are moved\n");
259   python::def("SetDihedralDeg", &MolTransforms::setDihedralDeg,
260               "Sets the dihedral angle in degrees between atoms i, j, k, l; "
261               "all atoms bonded to atom l are moved\n");
262 }