1 /* Siconos is a program dedicated to modeling, simulation and control
2  * of non smooth dynamical systems.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2021 INRIA.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17 */
18 /*! \file MultipleImpact.hpp
19  * \brief Linear Complementarity Problem formulation and solving
20  */
25 #include "LinearOSNS.hpp"
26 #include "SiconosConst.hpp" // for MACHINE_PREC
27 #include <string>
29 #define DEFAULT__tolImpact MACHINE_PREC
33 /** Formalization and Resolution of a Multiple Impact Non-Smooth problem.
35 \todo write a short introduction about MultipleImpact ...
36  */
37 class MultipleImpact : public LinearOSNS
38 {
39 private:
40   /** serialization hooks
41   */
42   ACCEPT_SERIALIZATION(MultipleImpact);
44   //! Time-like variable (Impulse)
45   double _impulseVariable = 0.;
46   //! Time variable
47   double _timeVariable = 0.;
48   //! Number of contacts (only the active contacts)
49   unsigned int _nContact = 0;
50   //! Maximal number of steps for each computation
51   unsigned int _nStepMax = 100000;
52   //! Tolerance to define zero
53   double _tolImpact = DEFAULT__tolImpact;
54   //! Type of the compliance model
55   std::string _typeCompLaw = "BiStiffness";
56   //Velocity of bodies during impact
57   //SP::SiconosVector VelAllBody;
58   // Relative velocity at all Interactions (with or without contact)
59   //SP::SiconosVector VelAllIteractions;
60   //! Relative velocity during impact (at the end of each calculation step)
61   SP::SiconosVector _velocityContact;
62   //! Relative velocity during impact (at the beginning of each calculation step)
63   SP::SiconosVector _oldVelocityContact;
64   //! Potential energy during impact (at the end of each calculation step)
65   SP::SiconosVector _energyContact;
66   //! Work done during the last compression phase at contact
67   SP::SiconosVector _WorkcContact;
68   //! Distribution vector to distribute the incremental impulse at contact
69   SP::SiconosVector _distributionVector;
70   /** State of contacts at the beginning of impact
71    if *_stateContact[i] = 0 => no impact at this contact (at contact with positive relative velocity and no potential energy, may be the impact has been terminated at this contact)
72    if *_stateContact[i] = 1 => impact takes place at this contact without potential energy (beginning of impact or repeating impact)
73    if *_stateContact[i] = 2 => impact takes place with not-zero potential energy */
74   SP::IndexInt _stateContact;
75   //!Stiffness at contacts
76   SP::SiconosVector  _Kcontact;
77   //! Restitution coefficient of contacts
78   SP::SiconosVector _restitutionContact;
79   //! Elasticity coefficient of contacts
80   SP::SiconosVector _elasticyCoefficientcontact;
81   //! Incremental impulse at contacts
82   SP::SiconosVector _deltaImpulseContact;
83   //! Total impulse at contacts
84   SP::SiconosVector _tolImpulseContact;
85   //! Impulse at contacts for each update time
86   SP::SiconosVector _impulseContactUpdate;
87   //! Force at contacts
88   SP::SiconosVector _forceContact;
89   //! ID of the primary contact
90   unsigned int _primaryContactId = 0;
91   /** Indicator about the selection of the primary contact
92       true if primary contact is selected according to the potential energy
93       false if primary contact is selected according to the relative velocity */
94   bool _isPrimaryContactEnergy = false;
95   //! Relative velocity at primary contact
96   double _relativeVelocityPrimaryContact = 0.;
97   //! Potential energy at primary contact
98   double _energyPrimaryContact = 0.;
99   //! Step size for the iterative calculation
100   double _deltaP = 0.;
101   //! Name of file into which the datat is writen
102   std::string  _namefile = "DataMultipleImpact.dat";
103   /** YesWriteData = true ==>save the data during impact
104       YesWriteData = false ==> not save the data during impact */
105   bool _saveData = false;
106   /** bool variable to set the step size for multiple impact computation
107       If IsNumberOfStepsEst = true ==> estimate the step size from the state of the dynamic system before impact and the number of step needed
108       Number of steps after which the data is saved */
109   unsigned int _nStepSave = 100; //! If IsNumberOfStepsEst = false ==> user choose the step size
110   //! Matrix on which the data during impact is saved
111   SP::SiconosMatrix _DataMatrix;
112   //! Number of points to be save during impacts
113   unsigned int _sizeDataSave = 1000;
114   /** indicator on the termination of the multiple impact process
115       _IsImpactEnd = true: impact is terminated
116       _IsImpactEnd = false: otherwise */
117   bool _IsImpactEnd = true;
118   //! Tolerance to define a negligeble value for a velocity grandeur
119   double _Tol_Vel = DEFAULT_TOL_VEL;
120   //! Tolerance to define a negligeable value for a potential energy grandeur
121   double _Tol_Ener = DEFAULT_TOL_ENER;
122   //! Epsilon to define a zero value for relative velocity in termination condition
123   double _ZeroVel_EndIm = DEFAULT_TOL_VEL;
124   //! Epsilon to define a zero value for potential energy in termination condition
125   double _ZeroEner_EndIm = DEFAULT_TOL_ENER;
126   //! we start to save data from _stepMinSave to _stepMaxSave
127   unsigned int _stepMinSave = 1, _stepMaxSave = _nStepMax;
128 public:
130   /** default constructor
131    */
MultipleImpact()132   MultipleImpact():LinearOSNS(){};
134   /** Constructor from data (step size is required here)
135    *  \param type  the type of the compliance law
136    *  \param step step size estimated
137    */
138   MultipleImpact(std::string type, double step = 1.0e-5);
140   //!Destructor
~MultipleImpact()141   ~MultipleImpact(){};
143   /* To get the type of the compliance law at contact
144    * \return std::string
145    */
get_typeCompLaw() const146   inline std::string get_typeCompLaw() const
147   {
148     return _typeCompLaw;
149   };
151   /** To set the type of the compliance law
152    * \param newTypeLaw
153    */
154   void set_typeCompLaw(std::string newTypeLaw);
156   /** To set the tolerance to define zero
157    * \param  newTolZero
158    */
159   void setTolImpact(double newTolZero);
161   /** To get the tolerance to define zero
162    * \return double
163    */
getTolImpact()164   inline double getTolImpact()
165   {
166     return _tolImpact;
167   };
169   /** To set the flag to save the data during impact or not
170    * \param var
171    */
172   void SetSaveData(bool var);
174   /** To set the name for the output file
175    * \param file_name
176    */
177   void SetNameOutput(std::string file_name);
179   /** To get step size
180    * \return double
181    */
GetStepSize()182   inline double GetStepSize()
183   {
184     return _deltaP;
185   };
187   /* To get the duration of multiple impacts process
188    * \return double
189    */
DurationImpact()190   inline double DurationImpact()
191   {
192     return _timeVariable;
193   };
195   /** To set the variable _nStepSave
196    * \param var
197    */
198   void SetNstepSave(unsigned int var);
200   /** To set the maximal number of steps allowed for each computation
201    * \param var
202    */
203   void SetNstepMax(unsigned int var);
205   /** Set number of points to be saved during impact
206    * \param var
207    */
208   void SetSizeDataSave(unsigned int var);
210   /** Set tolerence to define whether or not a velocity is zero
211    * \param var
212    */
213   void SetTolVel(double var);
215   /** Set tolerence to define whether or not a potential energy is zero
216    * \param var
217    */
218   void SetTolEner(double var);
220   /** Set epsilon _ZeroVel_EndIm
221    * \param var
222    */
223   void SetZeroVelEndImp(double var);
225   /** Set epsilon _ZeroEner_EndIm
226    * \param var
227    */
228   void SetZeroEnerEndImp(double var);
230   /** Set the step number to start the data save and step number to stop save
231    * \param min
232    * \param max
233    */
234   void SetStepMinMaxSave(unsigned int min,  unsigned int max);
236   /** To compare a double number with zero
237    * \param var
238    * \return bool
239    */
240   bool isZero(double var);
242   /** To compare a velocity value with zero
243    * \param var
244    * \return bool
245    */
246   bool isVelNegative(double var);
248   /** To compare an energy value with zero
249    * \param var
250    * \return bool
251    */
252   bool isEnerZero(double var);
254   /** To select the pramary contact
255    */
256   void SelectPrimaContact();
258   /** Calculate the vector of distributing rule */
259   void Compute_distributionVector();
261   /** Compute the normal imulse at contacts */
262   void ComputeImpulseContact();
264   /** Compute the relative velocity at contacts */
265   void Compute_velocityContact();
267   /** Compute the potential energy at contacts during each computation step */
268   void Compute_energyContact();
270   /** Compute the velocity of the bodies during impact */
271   void UpdateDuringImpact();
273   /** Run the iterative procedure to solve the multiple impact problem */
274   void ComputeImpact();
276   /** Post-compute for multiple impacts */
277   void PostComputeImpact();
279   /** Check if the multiple impacts process is terminated or not
280    * \return bool
281    */
282   bool IsMulImpactTerminate();
284   /** To allocate the memory */
285   void AllocateMemory();
287   /** To build the vector of stiffnesses and restitution coefficient at contacts */
288   void BuildParaContact();
290   /** To get the velocity of bodies, relative velocity and potential energy at the beginning of impact */
291   void InitializeInput();
293   /** To check the state of contacts during impact */
294   void Check_stateContact();
296   /** Pre-compute for multiple impacs */
297   void PreComputeImpact();
299   /** To get the primary contact according to the relative velocity
300       In this case, the primary contact correspond to the contact at which the relative velocity
301       is minimum (the relative velocity for two approching bodies is negative so the magnitude of
302       the relative velocity at the primary contact is maximum)
303   */
304   void PrimConVelocity();
306   /** To get the primary contact according to the potential energy. In this case, the primary
307       contact corresponds to the one at which the potential energy is maximum
308   */
309   void PrimConEnergy();
311   /** To decide if the primary contact is selected according to the relative velocity or to the
312    *   potential energy. The first case happens when there is no potential energy at any contact
313    * \return bool
314    */
315   bool IsEnermaxZero();
317   /** Verify if the minimum relative velocity at contacts is negative or not
318    * \return bool
319    */
320   bool IsVcminNegative();
322   /** compute the unknown post-impact relative velocity and post-impact impulse
323    * \param time
324    * \return int
325    */
326   int compute(double time);
328   /**initialize
329    * \param sim
330    */
331   void initialize(SP::Simulation sim);
334   bool checkCompatibleNSLaw(NonSmoothLaw& nslaw);
335   /** print the data to the screen */
336   void display() const;
338   /** To write a SiconosVector into a matrix
339    * \param v
340    * \param row position starting to write
341    * \param col position starting to write
342    */
344   void WriteVectorIntoMatrix(const SiconosVector& v, const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col);
346   /** Save data for each step
347    * \param i pointer to be save */
348   void SaveDataOneStep(unsigned int i);
350   /** Estimate size of data matrix
351    * \return unsigned int
352    */
353   unsigned int EstimateNdataCols();
356 };
358 #endif