2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8module m_delk
10  implicit none
12  private
14  public :: delk
18  subroutine delk( iexpikr, no, np, dvol, nvmax, &
19       numVs, listVsptr, listVs, &
20       nuo, nuotot, iaorb, iphorb, isa )
22! ********************************************************************
23! Finds the matrix elements of a plane wave
24! < \phi_{\mu} | exp^( iexpikr * i * \vec{k} \cdot \vec{r} ) | \phi_{\nu} >
25! First version written by J. Junquera in Feb. 2008
26! Adapted from an existing version of vmat after the parallelization
27! designed by BSC in July 2011.
28! *********************** INPUT **************************************
29! integer iexpikr         : Prefactor of the dot product between the
30!                           the k-vector and the position-vector in exponent.
31!                           it might be +1 or -1
32! integer no              : Number of basis orbitals
33! integer np              : Number of columns in C (local)
34! real*8  dvol            : Volume per mesh point
35! integer nvmax           : First dimension of listV and Vs, and maxim.
36!                           number of nonzero elements in any row of delkmat
37! integer numVs(nuo)      : Number of non-zero elements in a row of delkmat
38! integer listVsptr(nuo)  : Pointer to the start of rows in listVs
39! integer listVs(nvmax)   : List of non-zero elements of delkmat
40! integer iaorb(*)        : Pointer to atom to which orbital belongs
41! integer iphorb(*)       : Orbital index within each atom
42! integer isa(*)          : Species index of all atoms
43! *****************************  OUTPUT *******************************
44! complex*16  delkmat(nvmax) : Value of nonzero elements in each row
45!                              of the matrix elements of exp(i*\vec{k}\vec{r})
46!                              this variable is defined in the module
47!                              m_dimensionsefield (file m_dimefield.f90)
48! *********************************************************************
50!  Modules
51    use precision,     only: dp, grid_p
52    use atmfuncs,      only: rcut, all_phi
53    use atm_types,     only: nsmax=>nspecies
54    use atomlist,      only: indxuo, indxua
55    use siesta_geom,   only: xa
56    use listsc_module, only: listsc
57    use mesh,          only: dxa, nsp, xdop, xdsp, ne, nem
58    use mesh,          only: cmesh, ipa, idop, nmsc, iatfold
59    use mesh,          only: meshLim
60    use meshdscf,      only: matrixMtoOC
61    use meshdscf,      only: needdscfl, listdl, numdl, nrowsdscfl, listdlptr
62    use meshphi,       only: directphi, endpht, lstpht, listp2, phi
63    use parallel,      only: Nodes, node
64    use alloc,         only: re_alloc, de_alloc
65    use parallelsubs,  only: GlobalToLocalOrb
66    use m_planewavematrixvar, only: delkmat, wavevector
67#ifdef MPI
68    use mpi_siesta
70#ifdef _OPENMP
71    use omp_lib
74! Argument types and dimensions
75    integer :: iexpikr, no, np, nvmax, nuo, nuotot
76    integer :: iaorb(*), iphorb(*), isa(*), numVs(nuo)
77    integer :: listVsptr(nuo), listVs(nvmax)
78    real(dp) :: dvol
79! Internal variables and arrays
80    integer, parameter :: minloc = 1000 ! Min buffer size
81    integer, parameter :: maxoa  = 100  ! Max # of orb/atom
82    integer :: i, ia, ic, ii, ijl, il, imp, ind, iop
83    integer :: ip, iphi, io, is, isp, iu, iul
84    integer :: ix, j, jc, jl, last, lasta, lastop
85    integer :: maxloc, maxloc2, nc, nlocal, nphiloc
86    integer :: nvmaxl, triang, lenx, leny, lenz,lenxy
87    logical :: ParallelLocal
88    real(dp) :: Vij(2), r2sp, dxsp(3), VClocal(2,nsp)
90    integer, pointer :: ilc(:), ilocal(:), iorb(:)
91    real(dp), pointer :: DscfL(:,:),  t_DscfL(:,:,:), Clocal(:,:)
92    real(dp), pointer :: Vlocal(:,:), phia(:,:), r2cut(:)
93    integer :: NTH, TID
95! Variables to compute the matrix element of the plane wave
96! (not included in the original vmat subroutine)
97    integer :: irel, iua, irealim, inmp(3)
98    real(dp) :: kxij, aux(2), dist(3), kpoint(3)
99    real(dp) :: dxp(3), displaat(3)
100    real(dp) :: dxpgrid(3,nsp)
101    complex(dp), pointer :: delkmats(:), t_delkmats(:,:)
103#ifdef _TRACE_
104    integer :: MPIerror
107#ifdef DEBUG
108    call write_debug( '    PRE delk' )
111#ifdef _TRACE_
112    call MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm_World, MPIerror )
113    call MPItrace_event( 1000, 4 )
116!   Start time counter
117    call timer('delk',1)
119!   Initialize the matrix elements of exp(i*\vec{k} \vec{r})
120    delkmat(:) = 0.0_dp
121    kpoint(:)  = dble(iexpikr) * wavevector(:)
123!! For debugging
124!      kpoint(:) = 0.0_dp
125!! End debugging
127!   Find atomic cutoff radii
128    nullify(r2cut)
129    call re_alloc( r2cut, 1, nsmax, 'r2cut', 'delk' )
130    r2cut = 0.0_dp
131    do i = 1,nuotot
132       ia = iaorb(i)
133       is = isa(ia)
134       io = iphorb(i)
135       r2cut(is) = max( r2cut(is), rcut(is,io)**2 )
136    end do
138!   Set algorithm logical
139    ParallelLocal = (Nodes > 1)
140    lenx  = meshLim(2,1) - meshLim(1,1) + 1
141    leny  = meshLim(2,2) - meshLim(1,2) + 1
142    lenz  = meshLim(2,3) - meshLim(1,3) + 1
143    lenxy = lenx*leny
145!   Find value of maxloc
146    maxloc2 = maxval(endpht(1:np)-endpht(0:np-1))
147    maxloc  = maxloc2 + minloc
148    maxloc  = min( maxloc, no )
149    triang  = (maxloc+1)*(maxloc+2)/2
150    if ( ParallelLocal ) then
151       if ( nrowsDscfL > 0 ) then
152          nvmaxl = listdlptr(nrowsDscfL) + numdl(nrowsDscfL)
153       else
154          nvmaxl = 1
155       end if
156    end if
158!   Allocate local memory
159!$OMP parallel default(shared), &
160!$OMP&shared(NTH,t_DscfL,t_delkmats), &
161!$OMP&private(TID,last,delkmats,irealim), &
162!$OMP&private(ip,nc,nlocal,ic,imp,i,il,iu,iul,ii,ind,j,ijl,jl), &
163!$OMP&private(lasta,lastop,ia,is,iop,isp,ix,dxsp,r2sp,nphiloc,iphi,jc), &
164!$OMP&private(Vij,VClocal,DscfL,ilocal,ilc,iorb,Vlocal,Clocal,phia), &
167!$OMP single
168#ifdef _OPENMP
169    NTH = omp_get_num_threads( )
171    NTH = 1
173!$OMP end single ! implicit barrier, IMPORTANT
175#ifdef _OPENMP
176    TID = omp_get_thread_num( ) + 1
178    TID = 1
181    nullify(Clocal,phia,ilocal,ilc,iorb,Vlocal)
182!$OMP critical
183! Perhaps the critical section is not needed,
184! however it "tells" the OS to allocate per
185! thread, possibly waiting for each thread to
186! place the memory in the best position.
187    allocate( Clocal(nsp,maxloc2) )
188    allocate( ilocal(no) , ilc(maxloc2) , iorb(maxloc) )
189    allocate( Vlocal(triang,2) )
190    if ( DirectPhi ) allocate( phia(maxoa,nsp) )
191!$OMP end critical
193!$OMP single
194    if ( ParallelLocal ) then
195       nullify( t_DscfL )
196       call re_alloc( t_DscfL, 1, nvmaxl, 1, 2, 1, NTH, &
197            'DscfL',  'delk' )
198    else
199       if ( NTH > 1 ) then
200          nullify( t_delkmats )
201          call re_alloc( t_delkmats, 1, nvmax, 1, NTH, &
202               'delkmats',  'delk' )
203       end if
204    end if
205!$OMP end single
207    if ( ParallelLocal ) then
208       DscfL => t_DscfL(1:nvmaxl,1:2,TID)
209       DscfL(1:nvmaxl,1:2) = 0.0_dp
210    else
211       if ( NTH > 1 ) then
212          delkmats => t_delkmats(1:nvmax,TID)
213       else
214          delkmats => delkmat
215       end if
216    end if
218!   Full initializations done only once
219    ilocal(1:no)         = 0
220    iorb(1:maxloc)       = 0
221    Vlocal(1:triang,1:2) = 0.0_dp
222    last                 = 0
224!   Loop over grid points
225!$OMP do
226    do ip = 1,np
227!      Find number of nonzero orbitals at this point
228       nc = endpht(ip) - endpht(ip-1)
229!      Find new required size of Vlocal
230       nlocal = last
231       do ic = 1,nc
232          imp = endpht(ip-1) + ic
233          i = lstpht(imp)
234          if (ilocal(i) .eq. 0) nlocal = nlocal + 1
235       end do
237!      If overflooded, add Vlocal to delkmat and reinitialize it
238       if (nlocal > maxloc .and. last > 0) then
239          if ( ParallelLocal ) then
240             do il = 1,last
241                i = iorb(il)
242                iu = indxuo(i)
243                iul = NeedDscfL(iu)
244                if ( i == iu ) then
245                   do ii = 1, numdl(iul)
246                      ind = listdlptr(iul)+ii
247                      j = listdl(ind)
248                      jl = ilocal(j)
249                      ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
250! The variables we want to compute in this subroutine are complex numbers
251! Here, when irealim =1 we refer to the real part, and
252! when irealim = 2 we refer to the imaginary part
253                      DscfL(ind,:) = DscfL(ind,:) + Vlocal(ijl,:) * dVol
254                   end do
255                else
256                   ia  = iaorb(i)
257                   iua = indxua(ia)
258                   do ix = 1, 3
259                      displaat(ix) = &
260                           (iatfold(1,ia)*nmsc(1))*cmesh(ix,1)+ &
261                           (iatfold(2,ia)*nmsc(2))*cmesh(ix,2)+ &
262                           (iatfold(3,ia)*nmsc(3))*cmesh(ix,3)
263                   end do
264                   dist(:) = xa(:,iua) - xa(:,ia) - displaat(:)
265                   kxij    = kpoint(1) *  dist(1)  + &
266                        kpoint(2) *  dist(2)  + &
267                        kpoint(3) *  dist(3)
268                   do ii = 1, numdl(iul)
269                      ind = listdlptr(iul)+ii
270                      j   = listsc( i, iu, listdl(ind) )
271                      jl  = ilocal(j)
272                      ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
273                      aux(1) = Vlocal(ijl,1) * dcos(kxij) - &
274                           Vlocal(ijl,2) * dsin(kxij)
275                      aux(2) = Vlocal(ijl,2) * dcos(kxij) + &
276                           Vlocal(ijl,1) * dsin(kxij)
277                      DscfL(ind,:) = DscfL(ind,:) + aux(:) * dVol
278                   end do
279                end if
280             end do
281          else
283             do il = 1,last
284                i = iorb(il)
285                iu = indxuo(i)
286                call GlobalToLocalOrb( iu, Node, Nodes, iul )
287                if (i == iu) then
288                   do ii = 1, numVs(iul)
289                      ind = listVsptr(iul)+ii
290                      j = listVs(ind)
291                      jl = ilocal(j)
292                      ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
293                      delkmats(ind) = delkmats(ind) + &
294                           cmplx(Vlocal(ijl,1), Vlocal(ijl,2), kind=dp) * dVol
296                   end do
297                else
298                   ia  = iaorb(i)
299                   iua = indxua(ia)
300                   do ix = 1, 3
301                      displaat(ix) = &
302                           (iatfold(1,ia)*nmsc(1))*cmesh(ix,1)+ &
303                           (iatfold(2,ia)*nmsc(2))*cmesh(ix,2)+ &
304                           (iatfold(3,ia)*nmsc(3))*cmesh(ix,3)
305                   end do
306                   dist(:) = xa(:,iua) - xa(:,ia) - displaat(:)
307                   kxij    = kpoint(1) *  dist(1)  + &
308                        kpoint(2) *  dist(2)  + &
309                        kpoint(3) *  dist(3)
310                   do ii = 1, numVs(iul)
311                      ind = listVsptr(iul)+ii
312                      j = listsc( i, iu, listVs(ind) )
313                      jl = ilocal(j)
314                      ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
315                      aux(1) = Vlocal(ijl,1) * dcos(kxij) - &
316                           Vlocal(ijl,2) * dsin(kxij)
317                      aux(2) = Vlocal(ijl,2) * dcos(kxij) + &
318                           Vlocal(ijl,1) * dsin(kxij)
320                      delkmats(ind) = delkmats(ind) + &
321                           cmplx(aux(1),aux(2),kind=dp) * dVol
323                   end do
324                end if
325             end do
327          end if
329!         Reset local arrays
330          do ii = 1, last
331             ilocal(iorb(ii)) = 0
332          end do
333          iorb(1:last) = 0
334          ijl = (last+1)*(last+2)/2
335          Vlocal(1:ijl,1:2) = 0.0_dp
336          last = 0
337       end if
339!      Look for required orbitals not yet in Vlocal
340       if ( nlocal > last ) then
341          do ic = 1,nc
342             imp = endpht(ip-1) + ic
343             i = lstpht(imp)
344             if (ilocal(i) == 0) then
345                last = last + 1
346                ilocal(i) = last
347                iorb(last) = i
348             end if
349          end do
350       end if
352       if ( DirectPhi ) then
353          lasta = 0
354          lastop = 0
355          do ic = 1 , nc
356             imp     = endpht(ip-1) + ic
357             i       = lstpht(imp)
358             il      = ilocal(i)
359             ia      = iaorb(i)
360             iop     = listp2(imp)
361             ilc(ic) = il
363!            Localize the position of the mesh point
364             irel = idop(iop) + ipa(ia)
365             call ipack( -1, 3, nem, inmp, irel )
366             inmp(:) = inmp(:) + (meshLim(1,:) - 1)
367             inmp(:) = inmp(:) - 2 * ne(:)
369             dxp(:) = cmesh(:,1) * inmp(1) + &
370                  cmesh(:,2) * inmp(2) + &
371                  cmesh(:,3) * inmp(3)
373             do isp = 1, nsp
374                dxpgrid(:,isp) = dxp(:) + xdsp(:,isp)
375             end do
377!            Generate phi values
378             if ( ia /= lasta .or. iop /= lastop ) then
379                lasta = ia
380                lastop = iop
381                is = isa(ia)
382                do isp = 1,nsp
383                   dxsp(:) = xdsp(:,isp) + xdop(:,iop) - dxa(:,ia)
384                   r2sp = sum(dxsp**2)
385                   if ( r2sp < r2cut(is) ) then
386!$OMP critical
387                      call all_phi( is, +1, dxsp, maxoa, nphiloc, phia(:,isp) )
388!$OMP end critical
389                   else
390                      phia(:,isp) = 0.0_dp
391                   end if
392                end do
393             end if
394             iphi = iphorb(i)
395             Clocal(:,ic) = phia(iphi,:)
397!            Pre-multiply V and Clocal(,ic)
398             Vij(:) = 0._dp
399             do isp = 1 , nsp
400                kxij = kpoint(1) * dxpgrid(1,isp) + &
401                     kpoint(2) * dxpgrid(2,isp) + &
402                     kpoint(3) * dxpgrid(3,isp)
403                VClocal(1,isp) = dcos(kxij) * Clocal(isp,ic)
404                VClocal(2,isp) = dsin(kxij) * Clocal(isp,ic)
405                Vij(:) = Vij(:) + VClocal(:,isp) * Clocal(isp,ic)
406             end do
408!            ic == jc, hence we simply do
409             ijl = idx_ijl(il,ilc(ic))
410             Vlocal(ijl,:) = Vlocal(ijl,:) + Vij(:)
412!            Loop on second orbital of mesh point
413             do jc = 1 , ic - 1
414                jl = ilc(jc)
416!               Loop over sub-points
417                Vij(:) = 0.0_dp
418                do isp = 1 , nsp
419                   Vij(:) = Vij(:) + VClocal(:,isp) * Clocal(isp,jc)
420                end do
422                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
423                if ( il == jl ) then
424                   Vlocal(ijl,:) = Vlocal(ijl,:) + Vij(:) * 2._dp
425                else
426                   Vlocal(ijl,:) = Vlocal(ijl,:) + Vij(:)
427                end if
429             end do
431          end do
433       else
435!         Loop on first orbital of mesh point
436          do ic = 1 , nc
437             imp     = endpht(ip-1) + ic
438             i       = lstpht(imp)
439             il      = ilocal(i)
440             ia      = iaorb(i)
441             iop     = listp2(imp)
442             ilc(ic) = il
444!            Localize the position of the mesh point
445             irel = idop(iop) + ipa(ia)
446             call ipack( -1, 3, nem, inmp, irel )
447             inmp(:) = inmp(:) + (meshLim(1,:) - 1)
448             inmp(:) = inmp(:) - 2 * ne(:)
450             dxp(:) = cmesh(:,1) * inmp(1) + &
451                  cmesh(:,2) * inmp(2) + &
452                  cmesh(:,3) * inmp(3)
454             do isp = 1, nsp
455                dxpgrid(:,isp) = dxp(:) + xdsp(:,isp)
456             end do
458!            Retrieve phi values
459             Clocal(:,ic) = phi(:,imp)
461!            Pre-multiply V and Clocal(,ic)
462             Vij(:) = 0._dp
463             do isp = 1 , nsp
464                kxij = kpoint(1) * dxpgrid(1,isp) + &
465                     kpoint(2) * dxpgrid(2,isp) + &
466                     kpoint(3) * dxpgrid(3,isp)
467                VClocal(1,isp) = dcos(kxij) * Clocal(isp,ic)
468                VClocal(2,isp) = dsin(kxij) * Clocal(isp,ic)
469                Vij(:) = Vij(:) + VClocal(:,isp) * Clocal(isp,ic)
470             end do
472!            ic == jc, hence we simply do
473             ijl = idx_ijl(il,ilc(ic))
474             Vlocal(ijl,:) = Vlocal(ijl,:) + Vij(:)
476!            Loop on second orbital of mesh point
477             do jc = 1 , ic - 1
478                jl = ilc(jc)
480!               Loop over sub-points
481                Vij(:) = 0.0_dp
482                do isp = 1 , nsp
483                   Vij(:) = Vij(:) + VClocal(:,isp) * Clocal(isp,jc)
484                end do
486                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
487                if ( il == jl ) then
488                   Vlocal(ijl,:) = Vlocal(ijl,:) + Vij(:) * 2._dp
489                else
490                   Vlocal(ijl,:) = Vlocal(ijl,:) + Vij(:)
491                end if
493             end do
495          end do
496       end if
498    end do
499!$OMP end do nowait
501!$OMP barrier
503!   Add final Vlocal to delkmat
504    if ( ParallelLocal .and. last > 0 ) then
506       do il = 1 , last
507          i = iorb(il)
508          iu = indxuo(i)
509          iul = NeedDscfL(iu)
510          if ( i == iu ) then
511             do ii = 1, numdl(iul)
512                ind = listdlptr(iul)+ii
513                j = listdl(ind)
514                jl = ilocal(j)
515                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
516                DscfL(ind,:) = DscfL(ind,:) + Vlocal(ijl,:) * dVol
517             end do
518          else
519             ia  = iaorb(i)
520             iua = indxua(ia)
521             do ix = 1, 3
522                displaat(ix) = &
523                     (iatfold(1,ia)*nmsc(1))*cmesh(ix,1)+ &
524                     (iatfold(2,ia)*nmsc(2))*cmesh(ix,2)+ &
525                     (iatfold(3,ia)*nmsc(3))*cmesh(ix,3)
526             end do
527             dist(:) = xa(:,iua) - xa(:,ia) - displaat(:)
528             kxij    = kpoint(1) * dist(1) + &
529                  kpoint(2) * dist(2) + &
530                  kpoint(3) * dist(3)
531             do ii = 1, numdl(iul)
532                ind = listdlptr(iul)+ii
533                j = listsc( i, iu, listdl(ind) )
534                jl = ilocal(j)
535                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
536                aux(1) = Vlocal(ijl,1) * dcos(kxij) - &
537                     Vlocal(ijl,2) * dsin(kxij)
538                aux(2) = Vlocal(ijl,2) * dcos(kxij) + &
539                     Vlocal(ijl,1) * dsin(kxij)
540                DscfL(ind,:) = DscfL(ind,:) + aux(:) * dVol
541             end do
542          end if
543       end do
545    else if ( last > 0 ) then
547       do il = 1 , last
548          i = iorb(il)
549          iu = indxuo(i)
550          if ( i == iu ) then
551             do ii = 1, numVs(iu)
552                ind = listVsptr(iu)+ii
553                j = listVs(ind)
554                jl = ilocal(j)
555                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
556                delkmats(ind) = delkmats(ind) + &
557                     cmplx(Vlocal(ijl,1), Vlocal(ijl,2),kind=dp) * dVol
558             end do
559          else
560             ia  = iaorb(i)
561             iua = indxua(ia)
562             do ix = 1, 3
563                displaat(ix) = &
564                     (iatfold(1,ia)*nmsc(1))*cmesh(ix,1)+ &
565                     (iatfold(2,ia)*nmsc(2))*cmesh(ix,2)+ &
566                     (iatfold(3,ia)*nmsc(3))*cmesh(ix,3)
567             end do
568             dist(:) = xa(:,iua) - xa(:,ia) - displaat(:)
569             kxij    = kpoint(1) * dist(1) + &
570                  kpoint(2) * dist(2) + &
571                  kpoint(3) * dist(3)
572             do ii = 1, numVs(iu)
573                ind = listVsptr(iu)+ii
574                j = listsc( i, iu, listVs(ind) )
575                jl = ilocal(j)
576                ijl = idx_ijl(il,jl)
577                aux(1) = Vlocal(ijl,1) * dcos(kxij) - &
578                     Vlocal(ijl,2) * dsin(kxij)
579                aux(2) = Vlocal(ijl,2) * dcos(kxij) + &
580                     Vlocal(ijl,1) * dsin(kxij)
581                delkmats(ind) = delkmats(ind) + &
582                     cmplx(aux(1),aux(2),kind=dp) * dVol
583             end do
584          end if
585       end do
587    end if
589!$OMP barrier
591    if ( ParallelLocal .and. NTH > 1 ) then
592       do irealim = 1, 2
593!$OMP do
594          do ind = 1, nvmaxl
595             do ii = 2, NTH
596                t_DscfL(ind,irealim,1) = t_DscfL(ind,irealim,1) + &
597                     t_DscfL(ind,irealim,ii)
598             end do
599          end do
600!$OMP end do nowait
601       end do
602!$OMP barrier
603    else if ( NTH > 1 ) then
604!$OMP do
605       do ind = 1, nvmax
606          do ii = 1, NTH
607             delkmat(ind) = delkmat(ind) + t_delkmats(ind,ii)
608          end do
609       end do
610!$OMP end do
611    end if
613!   Free local memory
614    deallocate(Clocal,ilocal,ilc,iorb,Vlocal)
615    if ( DirectPhi ) deallocate( phia )
617!$OMP master
618    if ( ParallelLocal ) then
619!      Redistribute Hamiltonian from mesh to orbital based distribution
620       DscfL => t_DscfL(1:nvmaxl,1:2,1)
621       call matrixMtoOC( nvmaxl, nvmax, numVs, listVsptr, nuo, DscfL, delkmat )
622       call de_alloc( t_DscfL, 'DscfL', 'delk' )
623    else if ( NTH > 1 ) then
624       call de_alloc( t_delkmats, 'delkmats', 'delk' )
625    end if
626!$OMP end master
628!$OMP end parallel
630    call de_alloc( r2cut, 'r2cut', 'delk' )
632#ifdef _TRACE_
633    call MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm_World, MPIerror )
634    call MPItrace_event( 1000, 0 )
637    call timer('delk',2)
639#ifdef DEBUG
640    call write_debug( '    POS delk' )
643  contains
645!   In any case will the compiler most likely inline this
646!   small routine. So it should not pose any problem.
647    pure function idx_ijl(i,j) result(ij)
648      integer, intent(in) :: i,j
649      integer :: ij
650      if ( i > j ) then
651         ij = i * (i + 1)/2 + j + 1
652      else
653         ij = j * (j + 1)/2 + i + 1
654      end if
655    end function idx_ijl
657  end subroutine delk
659end module m_delk