1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
9      module m_dftu
11      use precision, only: dp
13      implicit none
15      private
17      public :: hubbard_term
19      ! Last change in population of DFT+U occupations
20      real(dp), save, public :: DFTU_dPop = huge(1._dp)
22      ! These are private variables that is used below
23      integer, save :: DFTU_pop_iter = 0
25      ! Maximum number of DFT+U projectors
26      integer, save :: maxdftu = 0
27      real(dp), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer, save :: occu      ! Array used to
28                                                               ! store the
29                                                               ! occupations of
30                                                               ! the DFT+U proj.
31      real(dp), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer, save :: occu_old  ! Same as occu
32                                                               ! but in the
33                                                               ! previous step
35      CONTAINS
37      subroutine hubbard_term( scell, nua, na, isa, xa, indxua,
38     .                         maxnh, maxnd, lasto, iphorb, no_u, no_l,
39     .                         numd, listdptr, listd, numh,
40     .                         listhptr, listh, nspin, Dscf,
41     .                         Edftu, DEdftu, Hdftu,
42     .                         fa, stress, H, iscf,
43     .                         matrix_elements_only )
44C *********************************************************************
45C Calculates Hubbard-like U term contribution to total
46C energy, atomic forces, stress and hamiltonian matrix elements.
47C Energies in Ry. Lengths in Bohr.
48C Merged into the trunk by J. Junquera, March 2016.
49C Written by D. Sanchez-Portal, October 2008,
50C after subroutine nlefsm by J.Soler and P.Ordejon (June 1997).
51C Based on a previous version by S. Riikonen and D. Sanchez-Portal (2005)
52C **************************** INPUT **********************************
53C real*8  scell(3,3)       : Supercell vectors SCELL(IXYZ,IVECT)
54C integer nua              : Number of atoms in unit cell
55C integer na               : Number of atoms in supercell
56C integer isa(na)          : Species index of each atom
57C real*8  xa(3,na)         : Atomic positions in cartesian coordinates
58C integer indxua(na)       : Index of equivalent atom in unit cell
59C integer maxnh            : First dimension of H and listh
60C integer maxnd            : Maximum number of elements of the
61C                            density matrix
62C integer lasto(0:na)      : Position of last orbital of each atom
63C integer iphorb(no)       : Orbital index of each orbital in its atom,
64C                            where no=lasto(na)
65C integer no_u             : Number of orbitals in unit cell
66C integer no_l             : Number of orbitals (local)
67C integer numd(nuo)        : Number of nonzero elements of each row of the
68C                            density matrix
69C integer listdptr(nuo)    : Pointer to the start of each row (-1) of the
70C                            density matrix
71C integer listd(maxnd)     : Nonzero hamiltonian-matrix element column
72C                            indexes for each matrix row
73C integer numh(nuo)        : Number of nonzero elements of each row of the
74C                            hamiltonian matrix
75C integer listhptr(nuo)    : Pointer to the start of each row (-1) of the
76C                            hamiltonian matrix
77C integer listh(maxnh)     : Nonzero hamiltonian-matrix element column
78C                            indexes for each matrix row
79C integer nspin            : Number of spin components
80C integer iscf             : Counter of the cycles of SCF iterations
81C real*8  Dscf(maxnd,nspin): Density matrix
82C logical matrix_elements_only: Determine whether only the matrix elements
83C                            of the Hamiltonian are computed, or also the
84C                            forces and stresses
85C ******************* INPUT and OUTPUT *********************************
86C real*8 fa(3,na)          : NL forces (added to input fa)
87C real*8 stress(3,3)       : NL stress (added to input stress)
88C real*8 H(maxnh,nspin)    : NL Hamiltonian (added to input H)
89C **************************** OUTPUT *********************************
90C real*8 Edftu             : U-Hubbard energy 1
91C real*8 DEdftu            : U-hubbard energy 2
92C real*8 Hdftu(maxnh,nspin): Hamiltonian elements from DFT+U
95C  Modules
97#ifdef MPI
98      use m_mpi_utils, only: globalize_sum
101      use parallel,      only : Node, Nodes
102      use parallelsubs,  only : GetNodeOrbs, LocalToGlobalOrb
103      use parallelsubs,  only : GlobalToLocalOrb
104      use atmfuncs,      only : rcut, orb_gindex, dftu_gindex
105      use atmfuncs,      only : nofis
106      use neighbour    , only : iana=>jan, r2ki=>r2ij, xki=>xij
107      use neighbour    , only : mneighb
108      use alloc,         only : re_alloc, de_alloc
109      use m_new_matel,   only : new_matel
110      use radial,        only : rad_func
111      use atm_types,     only : nspecies
112      use atm_types,     only : species_info    ! Derived type with all the info
113                                                !   about the radial functions
114                                                !   (PAOs, KB projectors,
115                                                !   DFT+U proj,
116                                                !   VNA potentials, etc)
117                                                !   for a given atomic specie
118      use atm_types,   only : species           ! Actual array where the
119                                                !   previous information is
120                                                !   stored
121      use dftu_specs,  only : dDmax_threshold   ! Parameter that defines the
122                                                !   criterium required to start
123                                                !   or update the calculation of
124                                                !   the populations of
125                                                !   the DFT+U projections
126      use dftu_specs,  only : dtol_dftupop      ! Parameter that defines the
127                                                !   convergence criterium
128                                                !   for the DFT+U local
129                                                !   population
130      use dftu_specs,  only : dftu_init         ! Flag that determines whether
131                                                !   the local populations are
132                                                !   calculated on the
133                                                !   first iteration
134      use dftu_specs,  only : dftu_shift        ! Flag that determines whether
135                                                !   the U parameter
136                                                !   is interpreted
137                                                !   as a local potential shift
138      use m_compute_max_diff, only: dDmax_current
140      integer, intent(in) ::
141     .   maxnh, na, maxnd, nspin, nua, iscf, no_u, no_l
143      integer, intent(in)  ::
144     .  indxua(na), iphorb(*), isa(na),
145     .  lasto(0:na), listd(maxnd), listh(maxnh),
146     .  numd(no_l), numh(no_l), listdptr(no_l), listhptr(no_l)
147      real(dp), intent(inout) :: Hdftu(maxnh,nspin)
149      real(dp), intent(in) :: scell(3,3), Dscf(maxnd,nspin),
150     .                        xa(3,na)
151      real(dp), intent(inout) :: fa(3,nua), stress(3,3)
152      real(dp), intent(inout) :: H(maxnh,nspin)
153      real(dp), intent(out)   :: Edftu, DEdftu
154      logical, intent(in)     :: matrix_elements_only
156      real(dp) :: volcel
157      external :: timer, volcel
159C Internal variables ................................................
160C maxno  = maximum number of basis orbitals overlapping a KB projector
161      integer, save :: maxno = 500
163      integer
164     .  ia, ishdftu, ina, ind, ino,
165     .  io, iio, ioa, is, ispin, ix, ikb,
166     .  j, jno, jo, jx, ka, ko, ks, kua, dftuidx,
167     .  ndftuproj, nna, nno, no, nuotot, ja,
168     .  lko, lkb, nprin_ko, nprin_kb, kg, ig
170      integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iano, iono
172      real(dp)
173     .  Cijk, fik, rki, rmax, rmaxdftu, rmaxo,
174     .  Sik, Sjk, volume,  oc(nspin), Ueff, dn,
175     .  Dij, rci
177      real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: Vi, Di
178      real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: Ski, xno
180      real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: grSki
182#ifdef MPI
183      ! Reduction operations
184      real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: buffer1 => null()
187      logical :: first                            ! For a given set of
188                                                  !   atomic positions
189                                                  !   determine whether this
190                                                  !   is the first step in the
191                                                  !   SCF iterations
192      logical :: within, pop_conv
193      logical, dimension(:), pointer ::  listed, listedall
194      logical, save :: firstime = .true.          !  First time that this
195                                                  !   subroutine is called?
196      type(species_info),  pointer :: spp
197      type(rad_func),      pointer :: pp
198C ......................
200!     Start time counter
201      call timer( 'hubbard_term', 1 )
203      ! Nullify pointers
204      nullify( grSki, Ski, xno, iono, iano )
205      nullify( listedall, listed, Vi, Di )
207      ! Make sure the energies are zero
208      Edftu = 0.0_dp
209      DEdftu = 0.0_dp
211!     Determine whether this is the first SCF step for a
212!     given atomic configuration
213      first = (iscf == 1)
214      ! Reset population iteration
215      if ( first ) DFTU_pop_iter = 0
217!     Initialization and allocation of matrices
218      if( firstime ) then
219!       Find maximum number of DFT+U projectors on a given atom
220        maxdftu = 0
221        do ka = 1, na
222          is  = isa(ka)
223          spp => species(is)
224          maxdftu = max(maxdftu,spp%nprojsdftu)
225        enddo
227!       Allocate local array to store the occupations of the
228!       DFT+U projectors
229        nullify( occu, occu_old )
230        allocate( occu(maxdftu,maxdftu,nua,nspin) )
231        call memory( 'A', 'D', size(occu), 'hubbard_term' )
232        allocate( occu_old(maxdftu,maxdftu,nua,nspin) )
233        call memory( 'A', 'D', size(occu_old), 'hubbard_term' )
234        occu_old = 0.0_dp
236        firstime  = .false.
237      endif
239!     End initialization
241!     Here we determine whether the occupations are computed on the first
242!     SCF step or not.
243      if( first .and. (.not. dftu_init) ) then
244        if ( Node == 0 ) then
245           write(6,'(2a)') 'hubbard_term: ',
246     &          'not computing occupations in the first SCF step'
247        end if
248        call timer( 'hubbard_term', 2 )
249        return
250      endif
253      occupations: if( first .or.
254     &                 (dDmax_current .lt. dDmax_threshold) .or.
255     &                 dftu_shift ) then
258!       Find unit cell volume
259        volume = volcel( scell ) * nua / na
261!       Find maximum range of the atomic orbitals (rmaxo)
262!       and of the DFT+U projectors (rmaxdftu)
263        rmaxo    = 0.0_dp
264        rmaxdftu = 0.0_dp
265        do is = 1, nspecies
267           ! Species orbital range
268           do io = 1, nofis(is)
269              rmaxo = max(rmaxo, rcut(is,io))
270           enddo
272           ! Species DFTU range
273           spp => species(is)
274           do io = 1, spp%n_pjdftunl
275              pp => spp%pjdftu(io)
276              rmaxdftu = max(rmaxdftu, pp%cutoff)
277           end do
278        enddo
280        ! Total range of the projector is Oo
281        rmax = rmaxo + rmaxdftu
283!       Initialize arrays Di and Vi only once
284        no = lasto(na)
285        nuotot = lasto(nua)
287!       Allocate local memory
288        call re_alloc( Di, 1, no, 1, nspin,
289     &                 name='Di', routine='hubbard_term' )
290        Di = 0.0_dp
292        call re_alloc( Vi, 1, no, 1, nspin,
293     &                 name='Vi', routine='hubbard_term' )
294        Vi = 0.0_dp
296        call re_alloc( listed, 1, no,
297     &                 name='listed', routine='hubbard_term')
298        listed(1:no) = .false.
300        call re_alloc( listedall, 1, no,
301     &                 name='listedall', routine='hubbard_term' )
302        listedall(1:no) = .false.
304!       Make list of all orbitals needed for this node
305        do io = 1, no_l
306          call LocalToGlobalOrb(io,Node,Nodes,iio)
307          listedall(iio) = .true.
308          do j = 1, numh(io)
309            jo = listh(listhptr(io)+j)
310            listedall(jo) = .true.
311          enddo
312        enddo
314!       Allocate local arrays that depend on saved parameters
315        call re_alloc( iano, 1, maxno,
316     &                 name='iano', routine='hubbard_term' )
317        call re_alloc( iono, 1, maxno,
318     &                 name='iono', routine='hubbard_term' )
319        call re_alloc( xno, 1, 3, 1, maxno,
320     &                 name='xno', routine='hubbard_term' )
321        call re_alloc( Ski, 1, maxdftu, 1, maxno,
322     &                 name='Ski', routine='hubbard_term' )
323        call re_alloc( grSki, 1, 3, 1, maxdftu, 1, maxno,
324     &                 name='grSki', routine='hubbard_term' )
326!       Counter for the SCF loops to converge the population of the
327!       DFT+U projectors
328        DFTU_pop_iter = DFTU_pop_iter + 1
329        if( Node == 0 ) write(6,'(a,i4)')
330     &   'hubbard_term: recalculating local occupations ', DFTU_pop_iter
332!       Initialize occupations
333        occu = 0.0_dp
335!       Initialize neighb subroutine
336        call mneighb( scell, rmax, na, xa, 0, 0, nna )
338!       Loop on atoms with DFT+U projectors
339        do ka = 1, na
340          kua = indxua(ka)
341          ks = isa(ka)
342          spp => species(ks)
343          ndftuproj = spp%nprojsdftu
344          if( ndftuproj == 0 ) cycle
346!         Find neighbour atoms
347          call mneighb( scell, rmax, na, xa, ka, 0, nna )
349!         Find neighbour orbitals
350          nno = 0
351          do ina = 1, nna
352            ia = iana(ina)
353            is = isa(ia)
354            rki = sqrt(r2ki(ina))
355            do io = lasto(ia-1)+1, lasto(ia)
357!             Only calculate if needed locally
358              if (listedall(io)) then
359                ioa = iphorb(io)
360                ig  = orb_gindex(is,ioa)
361                rci = rcut(is,ioa)
363!               Find if orbital is within range
364                within = .false.
365                do ko = 1, ndftuproj
366                  dftuidx = spp%pjdftu_index(ko)
367                  pp => spp%pjdftu(dftuidx)
368                  if ( rci + pp%cutoff > rki )
369     &                 within = .true.
370                end do
372!               Find overlap between neighbour orbitals and DFT+U projectors
373                if (within) then
374!                 Check maxno - if too small then increase array sizes
375                  if (nno.eq.maxno) then
376                    maxno = maxno + 10
377                    call re_alloc( iano, 1, maxno, name='iano',
378     &                       copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
379                    call re_alloc( iono, 1, maxno, name='iono',
380     &                       copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
381                    call re_alloc( xno, 1, 3, 1, maxno, name='xno',
382     &                       copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
383                    call re_alloc( Ski,1, maxdftu, 1, maxno, name='Ski',
384     &                       copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
385                    call re_alloc( grSki, 1, 3, 1, maxdftu, 1, maxno,
386     &                       name='grSki', routine='hubbard_term',
387     &                       copy=.true. )
388                  endif
389                  nno = nno + 1
390!                 The nno-eme neighbour orbital of the DFT+U projector is io,
391!                 where io runs between 1 and the total number of orbitals
392!                 in the supercell
393                  iono(nno) = io
395!                 The nno-eme neighbour orbital of the DFT+U projector belongs
396!                 to atom ia,
397!                 where ia runs between 1 and the total number of atoms
398!                 in the supercell
399                  iano(nno) = ia
401!                 The relative position between the center of the DFT+U proj.
402!                 and the center of the nno-eme neighbour orbital
403!                 is xno
404                  do ix = 1,3
405                    xno(ix,nno) = xki(ix,ina)
406                  enddo
408!                 Here we compute the overlap between a DFT+U projector
409!                 and a neighbour atomic orbital
410                  do ko = 1, ndftuproj
411                    kg  = dftu_gindex(ks,ko)
412                    call new_matel( 'S', kg, ig, xki(1:3,ina),
413     &                  Ski(ko,nno), grSki(1:3,ko,nno) )
414                  enddo
416                endif   ! If on orbitals within range
418              endif     ! If on orbitals within the local node
420            enddo       ! End loop on neighbour orbitals
422          enddo         ! End loop on neighbour atoms
424!         Loop on neighbour orbitals
425          do ino = 1,nno
426            io = iono(ino)
427            ia = iano(ino)
429            ! Only atoms in the unit cell
430            if ( ia > nua ) cycle
432            ! Only local orbitals
433            call GlobalToLocalOrb(io,Node,Nodes,iio)
434            if ( iio < 1 ) cycle
436!           Scatter filter and density matrix row of orbital io
437            do j = 1, numd(iio)
438              ind = listdptr(iio) + j
439              jo = listd(ind)
440              listed(jo) = .true.
441              do ispin = 1, nspin
442                Di(jo,ispin) = Di(jo,ispin) + Dscf(ind,ispin)
443              enddo
444            enddo
446!           Find matrix elements with other neighbour orbitals
447            do jno = 1,nno
448              jo = iono(jno)
449              ja = iano(jno)
450              if ( listed(jo) ) then
452!               Loop on DFT+U projectors
453                do ko = 1, ndftuproj
454                  Sik = Ski(ko,ino)
455                  do ikb = 1, ndftuproj
456                    Sjk = Ski(ikb,jno)
457                    do ispin = 1, nspin
458                      Dij = Di(jo,ispin)
459                      occu(ko,ikb,kua,ispin) =
460     &                     occu(ko,ikb,kua,ispin) +
461     &                     Dij * Sik * Sjk/(3.0_dp-dble(nspin))
462                    enddo
463                  enddo
464                enddo
465              endif
466            enddo
468!           Restore Di and listed
469            do j = 1, numh(iio)
470              jo = listh(listhptr(iio)+j)
471              listed(jo) = .false.
472              do ispin=1,nspin
473                 Di(jo,ispin) = 0.0_dp
474              enddo
475            enddo
477          enddo            ! End loop on neighbour orbitals (ino)
479        enddo              ! End of the loop on atoms with DFT+U projectors
481#ifdef MPI
482!       Global reduction of occupation
483        call re_alloc(buffer1, 1, maxdftu, 1, maxdftu,
484     &       name='buffer1', routine = 'hubbard_term')
485        do ka=1,nua
486          is=isa(ka)
487          spp => species(is)
488          ndftuproj = spp%nprojsdftu
489          if( ndftuproj == 0 ) cycle
490          do ispin=1,nspin
491             call globalize_sum(occu(1:ndftuproj,1:ndftuproj,ka,ispin),
492     &            buffer1(1:ndftuproj,1:ndftuproj))
493             occu(1:ndftuproj,1:ndftuproj,ka,ispin) =
494     &            buffer1(1:ndftuproj,1:ndftuproj)
495          end do
496        enddo
497        call de_alloc(buffer1, name='buffer1', routine = 'hubbard_term')
500        DFTU_dPop = 0._dp
501        do ka=1,nua
502          is=isa(ka)
503          spp => species(is)
504          ndftuproj = spp%nprojsdftu
505          if ( ndftuproj == 0 ) cycle
507          oc = 0.0_dp
509          if( dftu_shift .and. Node == 0 ) then
510             write(6,*) 'hubbard_term: projector occupations'
511             write(6,*) 'hubbard_term: atom, species: ',ka, is
512          endif
513          do ko = 1, ndftuproj
514            do ikb = 1, ndftuproj
515              if( dftu_shift .and. Node == 0 ) then
516                 write(6,'(2i4,2f12.5)')  ko, ikb,
517     &                (occu(ko,ikb,ka,ispin),ispin=1,nspin)
518              endif
520              do ispin = 1, nspin
521                 dn = occu(ko,ikb,ka,ispin)-occu_old(ko,ikb,ka,ispin)
522                 DFTU_dPop = max(DFTU_dPop,dabs(dn))
523              enddo
524            enddo
525            if ( dftu_shift ) then
526              do ispin = 1 , nspin
527                oc(ispin) = oc(ispin) + occu(ko,ko,ka,ispin)
528              end do
529            endif
530           enddo
531           if ( dftu_shift .and. Node == 0 ) then
532              write(6,'(a,/,a,3f12.6)')
533     &             'hubbard_term: Total projector shell',
534     &             'Occupations: ', (oc(ispin),ispin=1,nspin)
535     &             ,sum(oc)
536           end if
537        enddo
540#ifdef MPI
541        ! DFTU_dPop need not be globalized.
542        ! The occupations are already globalized
544        if ( Node == 0 ) then
545           write(6,'(a,f12.6)')
546     &          'hubbard_term: maximum change in local occup.',DFTU_dPop
547        endif
549        pop_conv = ( DFTU_dPop < dtol_dftupop )
550        if( .not. pop_conv ) occu_old = occu
552        recalc_hamilt: if( .not. pop_conv .or. first .or.
553     &                     .not. matrix_elements_only ) then
554          if ( Node == 0 ) then
555            if ( matrix_elements_only ) then
556              write(6,'(a)')'hubbard_term: recalculating Hamiltonian'
557            else
558              write(6,'(a)')
559     &          'hubbard_term: recalculating Hamiltonian and forces'
560            endif
561          endif
563          Hdftu = 0.0_dp
565!         Initialize neighb subroutine
566          call mneighb( scell, rmax, na, xa, 0, 0, nna )
568          do ka = 1, na
569            kua = indxua(ka)
570            ks = isa(ka)
571            spp => species(ks)
572            ndftuproj = spp%nprojsdftu
573            if( ndftuproj == 0 ) cycle
575!           Find neighbour atoms
576            call mneighb( scell, rmax, na, xa, ka, 0, nna )
578!           Find neighbour orbitals
579            nno = 0
580            do ina = 1, nna
581              ia = iana(ina)
582              is = isa(ia)
583              rki = sqrt(r2ki(ina))
584              do io = lasto(ia-1)+1, lasto(ia)
586!               Only calculate if needed locally
587                if (listedall(io)) then
588                  ioa = iphorb(io)
589                  ig  = orb_gindex(is,ioa)
590                  rci = rcut(is,ioa)
592!                 Find if orbital is within range
593                  within = .false.
594                  do ko = 1, ndftuproj
595                    dftuidx = spp%pjdftu_index(ko)
596                    pp => spp%pjdftu(dftuidx)
597                    if ( rci + pp%cutoff > rki )
598     &                   within = .true.
599                  end do
601!                 Find overlap between neighbour orbitals and DFT+U projectors
602                  if (within) then
603!                   Check maxno - if too small then increase array sizes
604                    if (nno.eq.maxno) then
605                      maxno = maxno + 10
606                      call re_alloc( iano, 1, maxno, name='iano',
607     &                         copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
608                      call re_alloc( iono, 1, maxno, name='iono',
609     &                         copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
610                      call re_alloc( xno, 1, 3, 1, maxno, name='xno',
611     &                         copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
612                      call re_alloc( Ski,1, maxdftu, 1,maxno,name='Ski',
613     &                         copy=.true., routine='hubbard_term' )
614                      call re_alloc( grSki, 1, 3, 1, maxdftu, 1, maxno,
615     &                         name='grSki', routine='hubbard_term',
616     &                         copy=.true. )
617                    endif
618                    nno = nno + 1
619                    iono(nno) = io
620                    iano(nno) = ia
621                    do ix = 1,3
622                      xno(ix,nno) = xki(ix,ina)
623                    enddo
624                    do ko = 1, ndftuproj
625                      kg = dftu_gindex(ks,ko)
626                      call new_matel( 'S', kg, ig, xki(1:3,ina),
627     &                    Ski(ko,nno), grSki(1:3,ko,nno) )
628                    enddo
630                  endif   ! If on orbitals within range
632                endif     ! If on orbitals within the local node
634              enddo       ! end loop on neighbour orbitals
636            enddo         ! end loop on neighbour atoms
639!           Loop on neighbour orbitals
640            do ino = 1,nno
641              io = iono(ino)
642              ia = iano(ino)
644              ! Only atoms in the unit cell
645              if ( ia > nua) cycle
647              ! Only local orbitals
648              call GlobalToLocalOrb(io,Node,Nodes,iio)
649              if ( iio < 1 ) cycle
651!             Scatter filter/density matrix row of orbital io
652              do j = 1,numd(iio)
653                ind = listdptr(iio)+j
654                jo = listd(ind)
655                listed(jo) = .true.
656                do ispin = 1,nspin
657                   Di(jo,ispin) = Di(jo,ispin) + Dscf(ind,ispin)
658                enddo
659              enddo
661!             Find matrix elements with other neighbour orbitals
662              do jno = 1,nno
663                jo = iono(jno)
664                ja = iano(jno)
666                if ( listed(jo) ) then
667!                 Loop on DFT+U projectors
668                  do ko = 1, ndftuproj
669                    lko      = spp%pjdftu_l(ko)
670                    nprin_ko = spp%pjdftu_n(ko)
671                    dftuidx  = spp%pjdftu_index(ko)
672                    Ueff     = spp%pjdftunl_U(dftuidx) -
673     &                         spp%pjdftunl_J(dftuidx)
674                    if( dftu_shift ) Ueff = 2.0_dp * Ueff
675                    Sik = Ski(ko,ino)
676                    Sjk = Ski(ko,jno)
677                    do ispin=1, nspin
678                      Vi(jo,ispin) = Vi(jo,ispin) +
679     &                               0.5_dp * Sik * Sjk * Ueff
680                      Dij  = Di(jo,ispin)
681                      Cijk = Ueff * Dij * Sjk
682                      if(.not. matrix_elements_only) then
683                        do ix=1,3
684                          fik = Cijk * grSki(ix,ko,ino)
685                          fa(ix,ia)  = fa(ix,ia)  - fik
686                          fa(ix,kua) = fa(ix,kua) + fik
687                          do jx = 1, 3
688                            stress(jx,ix) = stress(jx,ix) +
689     &                                      xno(jx,ino)*fik/volume
690                          enddo
691                        enddo
692                      endif
694                      if( .not. dftu_shift ) then
695                        do ikb = 1, ndftuproj
696                          lkb      = spp%pjdftu_l(ikb)
697                          nprin_kb = spp%pjdftu_n(ikb)
698                          if( lko      .eq. lkb        .and.
699     &                        nprin_ko .eq. nprin_kb ) then
700!                            For the time being we will use the formulation
701!                            of Dudarev and collaborators
702                             Cijk = occu(ko,ikb,kua,ispin) *
703     &                              Ueff * Ski(ikb,jno)
704                             Vi(jo,ispin) = Vi(jo,ispin) -
705     &                                      Sik * Cijk
706                             if(.not. matrix_elements_only) then
707                              do ix=1,3
708                                fik = -2.0_dp * Dij * Cijk *
709     &                                grSki(ix,ko,ino)
710                                fa(ix,ia)  = fa(ix,ia)  - fik
711                                fa(ix,kua) = fa(ix,kua) + fik
712                                do jx = 1, 3
713                                  stress(jx,ix)= stress(jx,ix) +
714     &                                    xno(jx,ino) * fik / volume
715                                enddo
716                              enddo
717                            endif
718                          endif
719                        enddo
720                      endif
722                    enddo        ! Enddo ispin
723                  enddo     ! Enddo ko, on DFT+U projectors
724                endif       ! Endif if the orbital jo is listed
725              enddo         ! Enddo on neighbour orbitals jno
727!             Add to Hdftu and restore Di, Vi and listed
728              do j = 1,numh(iio)
729                ind = listhptr(iio)+j
730                jo = listh(ind)
731                do ispin = 1,nspin
732                  Hdftu(ind,ispin) = Hdftu(ind,ispin) +
733     &                               Vi(jo,ispin)
734                  Vi(jo,ispin) = 0.0_dp
735                  Di(jo,ispin) = 0.0_dp
736                enddo
737                listed(jo) = .false.
738              enddo
740            enddo        ! enddo ino = 1,nno
741          enddo          ! enddo loop on orbitals with DFT+U projectors(ka=1,na)
743        endif recalc_hamilt
745      endif occupations
747      add_hamilt: if ( DFTU_pop_iter > 0 ) then
749        ! Add the Hamiltonian elements and calculate energy
750        do iio = 1 , no_l
751           do j = 1, numh(iio)
752              ind = listhptr(iio) + j
753              do ispin = 1, nspin
754                 Edftu = Edftu +
755     &                0.5_dp * Hdftu(ind,ispin) * Dscf(ind,ispin)
756                 H(ind,ispin) = H(ind,ispin) + Hdftu(ind,ispin)
757              end do
758           end do
759        end do
761        do ia = 1,nua
762          is = isa(ia)
763          spp => species(is)
764          ndftuproj = spp%nprojsdftu
765          if( ndftuproj .gt. 0 ) then
766            do ispin = 1, nspin
767              do ko = 1, ndftuproj
768                dftuidx = spp%pjdftu_index(ko)
769                Ueff    = spp%pjdftunl_U(dftuidx) -
770     &                    spp%pjdftunl_J(dftuidx)
771                if( dftu_shift ) Ueff = 2.0_dp * Ueff
772                DEdftu = DEdftu +
773     &               0.25_dp * (3.0_dp-dble(nspin)) * Ueff *
774     &               occu(ko,ko,ia,ispin)
775              enddo
776            enddo
777          endif
778        enddo
780      endif add_hamilt
782!      Deallocate local memory
784      call de_alloc( grSki, name='grSki' )
785      call de_alloc( Ski, name='Ski' )
786      call de_alloc( xno, name='xno' )
787      call de_alloc( iono, name='iono' )
788      call de_alloc( iano, name='iano' )
790      call de_alloc( listedall, name='listedall' )
791      call de_alloc( listed, name='listed' )
792      call de_alloc( Vi, name='Vi' )
793      call de_alloc( Di, name='Di' )
795!     Stop time counter
796      call timer( 'hubbard_term', 2 )
798      end subroutine hubbard_term
800      end module m_dftu