2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8#ifndef CDF
9      subroutine dummy_diagk_file()
10      end subroutine dummy_diagk_file
12      subroutine diagk_file( nspin, nuo, no, maxspn,
13     $                  maxnh, maxnd,
14     .                  maxo, numh, listhptr, listh, numd, listdptr,
15     .                  listd, H, S, getD, getPSI, fixspin, qtot, qs,
16     .                  temp, e1, e2, xij, indxuo, nk, kpoint, wk,
17     .                  eo, qo, Dnew, Enew, ef, efs, Entropy,
18     .                  Haux, Saux, psi, Dk, Ek, nuotot, occtol,
19     .                  iscf, n_eigenvectors )
20C *********************************************************************
21C Subroutine to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, density
22C and energy-density matrices, and occupation weights of each
23C eigenvector, for given Hamiltonian and Overlap matrices (including
24C spin polarization). K-sampling version.
25C Writen by J.Soler, August 1998.
26C Modified by A. Garcia, June 2008, to trade file space for speed (!)
27C **************************** INPUT **********************************
28C integer nspin               : Number of spin components (1 or 2)
29C integer nuo                 : Number of basis orbitals in unit cell
30C                               local to this processor
31C integer no                  : Number of basis orbitals in supercell
32C integer maxspn              : Second dimension of eo and qo
33C integer maxo                : First dimension of eo and qo
34C integer maxnh               : Maximum number of orbitals interacting
35C integer maxnd               : First dimension of listd and DM
36C integer numh(nuo)           : Number of nonzero elements of each row
37C                               of hamiltonian matrix
38C integer listhptr(nuo)       : Pointer to each row (-1) of the
39C                               hamiltonian matrix
40C integer listh(maxnh)        : Nonzero hamiltonian-matrix element
41C                               column indexes for each matrix row
42C integer numd(nuo)           : Number of nonzero elements of each row
43C                               of density matrix
44C integer listdptr(nuo)       : Pointer to each row (-1) of the
45C                               density matrix
46C integer listd(maxnd)        : Nonzero density-matrix element column
47C                               indexes for each matrix row
48C real*8  H(maxnh,nspin)      : Hamiltonian in sparse form
49C real*8  S(maxnh)            : Overlap in sparse form
50C logical getD                : Find occupations and density matrices?
51C logical getPSI              : Find and print wave functions?
52C real*8  qtot                : Number of electrons in unit cell
53C real*8  temp                : Electronic temperature
54C real*8  e1, e2              : Energy range for density-matrix states
55C                               (to find local density of states)
56C                               Not used if e1 > e2
57C real*8  xij(3,maxnh)        : Vectors between orbital centers (sparse)
58C                               (not used if only gamma point)
59C integer indxuo(no)          : Index of equivalent orbital in unit cell
60C                               Unit cell orbitals must be the first in
61C                               orbital lists, i.e. indxuo.le.nuo, with
62C                               nuo the number of orbitals in unit cell
63C integer nk                  : Number of k points
64C real*8  kpoint(3,nk)        : k point vectors
65C real*8  wk(nk)              : k point weights (must sum one)
66C integer n_eigenvectors      : Number of eigenvectors to be saved
67C integer nuotot              : total number of orbitals per unit cell
68C                               over all processors
69C real*8  occtol              : Occupancy threshold for DM build
70C *************************** OUTPUT **********************************
71C real*8 eo(maxo,maxspn,nk)   : Eigenvalues
72C ******************** OUTPUT (only if getD=.true.) *******************
73C real*8 qo(maxo,maxspn,nk)   : Occupations of eigenstates
74C real*8 Dnew(maxnd,nspin)    : Output Density Matrix
75C real*8 Enew(maxnd,nspin)    : Output Energy-Density Matrix
76C real*8 ef                   : Fermi energy
77C real*8 Entropy              : Electronic entropy
78C *************************** AUXILIARY *******************************
79C real*8 Haux(2,nuotot,nuo) : Auxiliary space for the hamiltonian matrix
80C real*8 Saux(2,nuotot,nuo) : Auxiliary space for the overlap matrix
81C real*8 psi(2,nuotot,nuo)  : Auxiliary space for the eigenvectors
82C real*8 Dk(2,nuotot,nuo)   : Aux. space that may be the same as Haux
83C real*8 Ek(2,nuotot,nuo)   : Aux. space that may be the same as Saux
84C *************************** UNITS ***********************************
85C xij and kpoint must be in reciprocal coordinates of each other.
86C temp and H must be in the same energy units.
87C eo, Enew and ef returned in the units of H.
88C *************************** PARALLEL ********************************
89C The auxiliary arrays are now no longer symmetric and so the order
90C of referencing has been changed in several places to reflect this.
91C *********************************************************************
93C  Modules
95      use precision
96      use sys
97      use parallel,      only : Node, Nodes, BlockSize
98      use parallelsubs,  only : LocalToGlobalOrb
99      use writewave,     only : writew
100      use m_fermid,      only : fermid, fermispin, stepf
101#ifdef MPI
102      use mpi_siesta
105      use iowfs_netcdf,  only : setup_wfs_netcdf_file, write_wfs_netcdf
106      use iowfs_netcdf,  only : get_wfs_netcdf, get_wfs_block_netcdf
107      use iowfs_netcdf,  only : open_wfs_netcdf_file,
108     $                          close_wfs_netcdf_file
110      implicit          none
112#ifdef MPI
113      integer
114     .  MPIerror
117      integer           maxnd, maxnh, maxspn, maxo, nk, no,
118     .                  nspin, nuo, nuotot, iscf, n_eigenvectors
119      integer           indxuo(no), listh(maxnh), numh(nuo),
120     .                  listd(maxnd), numd(nuo), listhptr(nuo),
121     .                  listdptr(nuo)
122      real(dp)          Dnew(maxnd,nspin),
123     .                  e1, e2, ef, efs(nspin), Enew(maxnd,nspin),
124     .                  Entropy, eo(maxo,maxspn,nk), H(maxnh,nspin),
125     .                  kpoint(3,nk), qo(maxo,maxspn,nk), qtot,
126     .                  S(maxnh), temp, wk(nk), occtol,
127     .                  xij(3,maxnh), qs(nspin)
128      real(dp)          Dk(2,nuotot,nuo), Ek(2,nuotot,nuo),
129     .                  Haux(2,nuotot,nuo), Saux(2,nuotot,nuo),
130     .                  psi(2,nuotot,nuo)
131      logical           getD, getPSI, fixspin
132      external          cdiag
134C  Internal variables .............................................
135      integer
136     .  BNode, BTest, ie, ierror, iie, ik, ind, io, iio,
137     .  ispin, iuo, j, jo, juo, nd, neigneeded
139      real(dp)
140     .  ckxij, ee, kxij, pipj1, pipj2, qe, skxij, t
141      real(dp) :: qpipj1, qpipj2, epipj1, epipj2
143      integer :: ifirst, ilast, nvecs_in_block, nvecs_read, i
144      integer :: max_block_size
145      real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target   :: psi_block
146      real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer                 :: psi_aux
147C  ....................
149C Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
150#ifdef DEBUG
151      call write_debug( '    PRE diagk_file' )
154      ! Setup netCDF file
155      !
156      if (Node == 0) then
157         call setup_wfs_netcdf_file(nuotot, nk, nspin, n_eigenvectors)
158      endif
159      do ik = 1,nk
160        do ispin = 1,nspin
161          call timer( 'c-eigval', 1 )
163          call build_dense_HS(ik,ispin)
164          ! Compute all eigenvectors for now
165          call cdiag(Haux,Saux,nuotot,nuo,nuotot,eo(1,ispin,ik),psi,
166     .      nuotot,iscf,ierror, BlockSize)
168          if (ierror.gt.0) then
169            call die('Terminating due to failed diagonalisation')
170          elseif (ierror.lt.0) then
171             ! Repeat diagonalisation with increased memory to handle clustering
173             call build_dense_HS(ik,ispin)
175             call cdiag(Haux,Saux,nuotot,nuo,nuotot,eo(1,ispin,ik),psi,
176     .            nuotot,iscf,ierror, BlockSize)
177          endif
178          call timer( 'c-eigval', 2 )
180!         SAVE eigenvectors to file  (only up to those specified)
182          call timer( 'c-save', 1 )
183          call write_wfs_netcdf(nuotot,nuo,ik,ispin, psi,
184     $                 n_eigenvectors,eo(1:n_eigenvectors,ispin,ik))
185          call timer( 'c-save', 2 )
187        enddo
188      enddo
190      call close_wfs_netcdf_file()
192C Find new Fermi energy and occupation weights ........................
193      if (fixspin) then
194        call fermispin( nspin, nspin, nk, wk, maxo, nuotot, eo,
195     .               temp, qs, qo, efs, Entropy )
196      else
197        call fermid(nspin, maxspn, nk, wk, maxo, nuotot, eo,
198     .             temp, qtot, qo, ef, Entropy )
199      endif
201C Find weights for local density of states ............................
202      if (e1 .lt. e2) then
203*       e1 = e1 - ef
204*       e2 = e2 - ef
205        t = max( temp, 1.e-6_dp )
206        do ik = 1,nk
207          do ispin = 1,nspin
208            do io = 1,nuotot
209              qo(io,ispin,ik) = wk(ik) *
210     .             ( stepf((eo(io,ispin,ik)-e2)/t) -
211     .               stepf((eo(io,ispin,ik)-e1)/t)) * 2.0_dp/nspin
212            enddo
213          enddo
214        enddo
215      endif
217C New density and energy-density matrices of unit-cell orbitals .......
218      nd = listdptr(nuo) + numd(nuo)
219      Dnew(1:nd,1:nspin) = 0.0_dp
220      Enew(1:nd,1:nspin) = 0.0_dp
222      call open_wfs_netcdf_file()
224      max_block_size = n_eigenvectors / Nodes
225      allocate(psi_block(2,nuotot,max_block_size))
227C Loop over k points
228      do ik = 1,nk
229        do ispin = 1,nspin
231            neigneeded = 0
232            ie = nuotot
233            do while (ie.gt.0.and.neigneeded.eq.0)
234              qe = qo(ie,ispin,ik)
235              if (abs(qe).gt.occtol) neigneeded = ie
236              ie = ie - 1
237            enddo
238            if (neigneeded > n_eigenvectors) then
239               if (Node == 0) then
240                  write(6,"(a)") "ERROR: More eigenvectors are needed!"
241                  write(6,"(a,2i6)") "Saved, needed: ", n_eigenvectors,
242     $                 neigneeded
243               endif
244               call die()
245            endif
247            call timer( 'c-buildD', 1 )
249C Global operation to form new density matrix
251!           Get the eigenvectors in blocks
252            nvecs_read = 0
253            do while (nvecs_read < neigneeded)
255               ifirst = nvecs_read + 1
256               ilast = ifirst + max_block_size - 1
257               ilast = min(ilast,neigneeded)
258               nvecs_in_block = ilast - ifirst + 1
260               ! Get eigenvectors (will broadcast to all nodes)
261               call get_wfs_block_netcdf(ifirst,nvecs_in_block,
262     $                                   ik,ispin,nuotot,psi_block)
263               nvecs_read = nvecs_read + nvecs_in_block
265            ! Loop over slots in density-matrix in this node
267            do iuo = 1,nuo
268               call LocalToGlobalOrb(iuo,Node,Nodes,iio)
269               do j = 1,numd(iuo)
270                ind = listdptr(iuo) + j
271                jo = listd(ind)
272                juo = indxuo(jo)
274                kxij = kpoint(1,ik) * xij(1,ind) +
275     .                 kpoint(2,ik) * xij(2,ind) +
276     .                 kpoint(3,ik) * xij(3,ind)
277                ckxij = cos(kxij)
278                skxij = sin(kxij)
280                qpipj1 = 0.0_dp
281                qpipj2 = 0.0_dp
282                epipj1 = 0.0_dp
283                epipj2 = 0.0_dp
284                do i = 1, nvecs_in_block
285                   ie = ifirst + (i-1)
286                   psi_aux => psi_block(:,:,i)
287                   qe = qo(ie,ispin,ik)
288                   ee = qo(ie,ispin,ik) * eo(ie,ispin,ik)
289                   pipj1 = psi_aux(1,iio) * psi_aux(1,juo) +
290     .                  psi_aux(2,iio) * psi_aux(2,juo)
291                   pipj2 = psi_aux(1,iio) * psi_aux(2,juo) -
292     .                  psi_aux(2,iio) * psi_aux(1,juo)
293                   qpipj1 = qpipj1 + qe * pipj1
294                   qpipj2 = qpipj2 + qe * pipj2
295                   epipj1 = epipj1 + ee * pipj1
296                   epipj2 = epipj2 + ee * pipj2
297                enddo
299                Dnew(ind,ispin)=Dnew(ind,ispin)+ qpipj1*ckxij -
300     .                                           qpipj2*skxij
301                Enew(ind,ispin)=Enew(ind,ispin)+ epipj1*ckxij -
302     .                                           epipj2*skxij
303              enddo
304            enddo
306         enddo                  ! while
309         call timer( 'c-buildD', 2 )
311        enddo   ! ispin
312      enddo     ! ik
314      deallocate(psi_block)
315      call close_wfs_netcdf_file()
317#ifdef DEBUG
318      call write_debug( '    POS diagk_file' )
321      CONTAINS
323      subroutine build_dense_HS(ik,ispin)
324      integer, intent(in) :: ik, ispin
326      ! All other variables taken from parent scope
328          call timer( 'c-buildHS', 1 )
329          Saux = 0.0_dp
330          Haux = 0.0_dp
331          do iuo = 1,nuo
332            do j = 1,numh(iuo)
333              ind = listhptr(iuo) + j
334              jo = listh(ind)
335              juo = indxuo(jo)
336              kxij = kpoint(1,ik) * xij(1,ind) +
337     .               kpoint(2,ik) * xij(2,ind) +
338     .               kpoint(3,ik) * xij(3,ind)
339              ckxij = cos(kxij)
340              skxij = sin(kxij)
341C Note : sign of complex part changed to match change in order of iuo/juo
342              Saux(1,juo,iuo) = Saux(1,juo,iuo) + S(ind)*ckxij
343              Saux(2,juo,iuo) = Saux(2,juo,iuo) - S(ind)*skxij
344              Haux(1,juo,iuo) = Haux(1,juo,iuo) + H(ind,ispin)*ckxij
345              Haux(2,juo,iuo) = Haux(2,juo,iuo) - H(ind,ispin)*skxij
346            enddo
347          enddo
348          call timer( 'c-buildHS', 2 )
349          end subroutine build_dense_HS
351      end subroutine diagk_file