1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8      module m_final_H_f_stress
9      private
10      public :: final_H_f_stress
11      CONTAINS
13      subroutine final_H_f_stress( istep, iscf , SCFconverged )
14      use units, only: eV
16      use files,        only : slabel
17#ifdef NCDF_4
18      use siesta_options, only: write_cdf
20      use siesta_options, only: fixspin
21      use siesta_options, only: g2cut, savehs, temp, nmove
22      use siesta_options, only: recompute_H_after_scf
23      use sparse_matrices, only: numh, listh, listhptr
24      use sparse_matrices, only: H, S, Dscf, Escf, maxnh, xijo
25      use sparse_matrices, only: H_dftu_2D
26      use class_dSpData1D, only: val
27      use class_dSpData2D, only: val
29      use siesta_geom
30      use atomlist, only: no_u, iaorb, iphkb, qtot, indxuo, datm,
31     &                    lastkb, no_s, rmaxv, indxua, iphorb, lasto,
32     &                    rmaxo, no_l
33      use metaforce, only: lMetaForce, meta
34      use molecularmechanics, only : twobody
35      use m_nlefsm,     only: nlefsm
36      use m_overfsm,    only: overfsm
37      use m_kinefsm,    only: kinefsm
38      use m_naefs,      only: naefs
39      use m_dnaefs,     only: dnaefs
40      use m_grdsam,     only: grdsam
41      use dftu_specs,   only: switch_dftu     ! This variable determines whether
42                                              !   the subroutine to compute the
43                                              !   Hubbard terms should be called
44                                              !   or not
45      use m_dftu,       only: hubbard_term    ! Subroutine that compute the
46                                              !   Hubbard terms
47      use m_stress
48      use m_energies
49      use m_ntm
50      use m_spin,         only: spin
51      use spinorbit,      only: spinorb
52      use m_dipol
53      use m_forces,          only: fa
54      use alloc, only: re_alloc, de_alloc
55      use m_hsx, only: write_hsx
56      use sys, only: die
57      use fdf
58#ifdef MPI
59      use m_mpi_utils, only: globalize_sum
61      use parallel, only: IOnode
62#ifdef CDF
63#ifdef NCDF_4
64      use dictionary
65      use m_ncdf_siesta
68      use siesta_options, only : idyn, ia1, write_tshs_history
69      use sparse_matrices, only: H_2D, S_1D
70      use files,        only : label_length
71      use m_ts_options, only : TS_HS_save
72      use m_ts_kpoints, only : ts_Gamma, ts_kscell, ts_kdispl
73      use m_ts_io,      only : ts_write_TSHS,fname_TSHS, FC_index
76      use m_compute_max_diff, only: compute_max_diff
79      implicit none
81      ! MD-step, SCF-step
82      integer,   intent(in) :: istep, iscf
83      logical,   intent(in) :: SCFconverged
84      real(dp)              :: stressl(3,3)
85      real(dp), pointer     :: fal(:,:)   ! Local-node part of atomic F
86      integer               :: ifa     ! Calculate forces? 0=>no, 1=>yes
87      integer               :: istr    ! Calculate stress? 0=>no, 1=>yes
88      real(dp)              :: g2max
89      ! To avoid overwriting the current Hamiltonian and S
90      real(dp), pointer :: H_tmp(:,:) => null()
91      real(dp), pointer :: S_tmp(:) => null()
92      real(dp), pointer :: H_dftu(:,:)
94      real(dp) :: diff_H
96#ifdef MPI
97      real(dp)              :: stresstmp(3,3)
98      real(dp), pointer     :: fatmp(:,:)
99      real(dp)              :: buffer1
101      character(len=label_length+13) :: fname
102      integer :: io_istep, io_ia1
103      logical :: not_using_auxcell
104#ifdef CDF
105#ifdef NCDF_4
106      type(dictionary_t) :: dic_save
109!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
111      not_using_auxcell = (no_s == no_u)
113!     Initialize Hamiltonian ........................................
114      call re_alloc(H_tmp, 1,maxnh, 1, spin%H,
115     $             'H_tmp','final_H_f_stress')
117      H_tmp(:,:) = 0.0_dp
119!     Initialize forces and stress ...................
120      nullify(fal)
121      call re_alloc( fal, 1, 3, 1, na_u, 'fal', 'final_H_f_stress' )
123      fa(1:3,1:na_u)   = 0.0_dp
124      fal(1:3,1:na_u)  = 0.0_dp
125      stress(1:3,1:3)  = 0.0_dp
126      stressl(1:3,1:3) = 0.0_dp
129! Neutral-atom: energy, forces and stress ............................
130      call naefs( na_u, na_s, scell, xa, indxua, rmaxv,
131     &            isa, Ena, fa, stress, forces_and_stress=.true. )
132      call dnaefs( na_u, na_s, scell, xa, indxua, rmaxv,
133     &            isa, DEna, fa, stress, forces_and_stress=.true. )
134      Ena = Ena + DEna
136!     Kinetic: energy, forces, stress and matrix elements .................
137      call kinefsm( na_u, na_s, no_s, scell, xa, indxua, rmaxo,
138     &              maxnh, maxnh, lasto, iphorb, isa,
139     &              numh, listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
140     &              spin%spinor, Dscf, Ekin, fal, stressl, H_tmp,
141     &              matrix_elements_only=.false. )
142#ifdef MPI
143! Global reduction of energy terms
144      call globalize_sum(Ekin,buffer1)
145      Ekin = buffer1
147! ..................
149! Non-local-pseudop: energy, forces, stress and matrix elements .......
150      call nlefsm( scell, na_u, na_s, isa, xa, indxua,
151     &             maxnh, maxnh, lasto, lastkb, iphorb, iphKB,
152     &             numh, listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
153     &             spin%spinor, Dscf, Enl, fal, stressl, H_tmp,
154     &             matrix_elements_only=.false. )
156#ifdef MPI
157! Global reduction of energy terms
158      call globalize_sum(Enl,buffer1)
159      Enl = buffer1
162! If in the future the spin-orbit routine is able to compute
163! forces and stresses, then "last" will be needed. If we are not
164! computing forces and stresses, calling it in the first iteration
165! should be enough
167      if ( spin%SO ) then
168         call spinorb(no_u,no_l,iaorb,iphorb,isa,indxuo,
169     &        maxnh,numh,listhptr,listh,Dscf,H_tmp(:,3:),Eso)
170      else
171         Eso = 0._dp
172      endif
174!     Non-SCF part of total energy
175      call update_E0()
177! Hubbard term for LDA+U: energy, forces, stress and matrix elements ....
178      if( switch_dftu ) then
179         H_dftu => val(H_dftu_2D)
180         call hubbard_term(scell, na_u, na_s, isa, xa, indxua,
181     .        maxnh, maxnh, lasto, iphorb, no_u, no_l,
182     .        numh, listhptr, listh, numh, listhptr, listh,
183     .        spin%spinor, Dscf, Edftu, DEdftu, H_dftu,
184     .        fal, stressl, H_tmp, iscf,
185     .        matrix_elements_only=.false.)
186#ifdef MPI
187         ! Global reduction of energy terms
188         call globalize_sum(Edftu,buffer1)
189         Edftu = buffer1
190         ! DEdftu should not be globalized as it
191         ! is based on globalized occupations
193         Edftu = Edftu + DEdftu
194      endif
195! ..................
198!     Non-local-pseudop: energy, forces, stress and matrix elements
199!     Add SCF contribution to energy and matrix elements
200      g2max = g2cut
201!     Last call to dhscf and grid-cell sampling if requested
202      ifa  = 1
203      istr = 1
205      ! This will call dhscf with the final DM coming out of
206      ! the scf cycle
208      call grdsam( spin%Grid, no_s, iaorb, iphorb,
209     &             no_l, no_u, na_u, na_s, isa, xa, indxua,
210     &             ucell, ntm, ifa, istr, maxnh,
211     &             maxnh, numh, listhptr, listh, Dscf, Datm, H_tmp,
212     &             Enaatm, Enascf, Uatm, Uscf, DUscf, DUext,
213     &             Exc, Dxc, dipol, stress, fal, stressl )
215      ! Orthonormalization forces
216      call overfsm( na_u, na_s, no_l, no_s, scell, xa, indxua, rmaxo,
217     &              lasto, iphorb, isa, maxnh, numh, listhptr, listh,
218     &              spin, Escf, fal, stressl )
220!     Metadynamics forces
221      if (lMetaForce) then
222        call meta(xa,na_u,ucell,Emeta,fa,stress,.true.,.true.)
223      endif
225!     Add on force field contribution if required
226      call twobody( na_u, xa, isa, ucell, Emm,
227     &              ifa=1, fa=fa, istr=1, stress=stress )
229#ifdef MPI
230!     Global reduction of forces and stresses
231      nullify(fatmp)
232      call re_alloc( fatmp, 1, 3, 1, na_u, 'fatmp', 'final_H_f_stress' )
233      call globalize_sum(stressl(1:3,1:3),stresstmp(1:3,1:3))
234      call globalize_sum( fal(1:3,1:na_u), fatmp(1:3,1:na_u) )
235      stress(1:3,1:3) = stress(1:3,1:3) + stresstmp(1:3,1:3)
236      fa(1:3,1:na_u) = fa(1:3,1:na_u) + fatmp(1:3,1:na_u)
237      call de_alloc( fatmp, 'fatmp', 'final_H_f_stress' )
239      stress(1:3,1:3) = stress(1:3,1:3) + stressl(1:3,1:3)
240      fa(1:3,1:na_u) = fa(1:3,1:na_u) + fal(1:3,1:na_u)
243      ! If backward compatibility is requested, recover
244      ! the old behavior with respect to H
246#ifdef FINAL_CHECK_HS
247      ! We also print-out the max-difference between the
248      ! final H after SCF and the final computed H used for
249      ! the forces.
250      ! This value should correspond to dHmax
251      call compute_max_diff(H, H_tmp, diff_H)
252      if ( IONode ) then
253         ! Print out the final differences
254         write(*,"(a,f10.6)") ":!: Final H_scf - H_force (eV) : ",
255     &        diff_H/eV
256      end if
259      if (recompute_H_after_scf) then
260         if (ionode) then
261            write(6,"(a)") ":!: Updating H after scf cycle" //
262     $                     " as requested by compat. option"
263         endif
264         H = H_tmp
265      endif
267      call de_alloc( fal, 'fal', 'final_H_f_stress' )
268      call de_alloc( H_tmp, 'H_tmp', 'final_H_f_stress' )
270      ! Determine whether anything should be saved
271      ! If not, return immediately
272      if ( .not. SCFconverged ) return
274! Save Hamiltonian and overlap matrices ............................
275! Only in HSX format now.  Use Util/HSX/hsx2hs to generate an HS file
277! Note that we save the Hamiltonian coming out of the scf cycle,
278! not the one computed (from DM_out) in this routine.
279! This call could be moved to a more appropriate place
281      if (savehs) then
282         call write_hsx( no_u, no_s, spin%H, indxuo,
283     &        maxnh, numh, listhptr, listh, H, S, Qtot,
284     &        Temp, xijo)
285      endif
286#ifdef CDF
287#ifdef NCDF_4
288      if ( write_cdf ) then
289        if ( idyn == 6 ) then
290          call cdf_save_fc(trim(slabel)//'.nc', istep)
291          if ( istep == 0 ) then
292            dic_save = ('fa'.kv.1)//('stress'.kv.1)//('Ef'.kv.1)
293            if ( savehs .or. TS_HS_save )
294     &          dic_save = dic_save//('H'.kv.1)
295            call cdf_save_state(trim(slabel)//'.nc',dic_save)
296            call delete(dic_save)
297          end if
298        else if ( idyn /=0 .or. nmove /= 0 ) then
299          !call cdf_save_md(trim(slabel)//'.nc')
300        else
301          dic_save = ('fa'.kv.1)//('stress'.kv.1)//('Ef'.kv.1)
302          if ( savehs .or. TS_HS_save ) dic_save = dic_save //('H'.kv.1)
303          call cdf_save_state(trim(slabel)//'.nc',dic_save)
304          call delete(dic_save)
305        end if
306      end if
310      if ( fixspin .and. (write_tshs_history .or. TS_HS_save) ) then
311        ! For fixed spin calculations we shift the Hamiltonian according
312        ! to the first spin such that we have a "common" E_F, after writing
313        ! we shift back again.
314        H_tmp => val(H_2D)
315        S_tmp => val(S_1D)
316        call daxpy(size(S_tmp),Efs(1)-Efs(2),S_tmp(1),1,H_tmp(1,2),1)
317        Ef = Efs(1)
318      end if
320      if ( write_tshs_history ) then
321         ! This is "pure" MD and we only write consecutive numbers
322         ! Together with this you cannot also save FC
323         fname = fname_TSHS(slabel, istep = istep )
324         call ts_write_tshs(fname, .false., not_using_auxcell, ts_Gamma,
325     &        ucell, nsc, isc_off, na_u, no_s, spin%H,
326     &        ts_kscell, ts_kdispl,
327     &        xa, lasto,
328     &        H_2D, S_1D, indxuo,
329     &        Ef, Qtot, Temp, istep, 0)
330      else if ( TS_HS_save ) then
331         if ( idyn == 6 ) then
332            ! Correct the FC indices such that
333            ! the TSHS format contains, atom displaced, index of
334            ! displacement:
335            !  1 = -x
336            !  2 = +x
337            !  3 = -y
338            !  4 = +y
339            !  5 = -z
340            !  6 = +z
341            call FC_index(istep,ia1,io_istep,io_ia1)
342            fname = fname_TSHS(slabel,istep = io_istep, ia1 = io_ia1)
343            call ts_write_tshs(fname, .false.,
344     &           not_using_auxcell, ts_Gamma,
345     &           ucell, nsc, isc_off, na_u, no_s, spin%H,
346     &           ts_kscell, ts_kdispl,
347     &           xa, lasto,
348     &           H_2D, S_1D, indxuo,
349     &           Ef, Qtot, Temp, io_istep, io_ia1)
350         else
351            fname = fname_TSHS(slabel)
352            call ts_write_tshs(fname, .false.,
353     &           not_using_auxcell, ts_Gamma,
354     &           ucell, nsc, isc_off, na_u, no_s, spin%H,
355     &           ts_kscell, ts_kdispl,
356     &           xa, lasto,
357     &           H_2D, S_1D, indxuo,
358     &           Ef, Qtot, Temp, 0, 0)
359         end if
360      endif
362      if ( fixspin .and. (write_tshs_history .or. TS_HS_save) ) then
363        ! Shift back
364        call daxpy(size(S_tmp),Efs(2)-Efs(1),S_tmp(1),1,H_tmp(1,2),1)
365      end if
367!----------------------------------------------------------------------- END
368      END subroutine final_H_f_stress
369      END module m_final_H_f_stress