1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
9module m_ts_options
11  use precision, only : dp
13  use m_mixing, only: tMixer
15  use m_ts_electype, only : Elec
16  use m_ts_chem_pot, only : ts_mu
17  use m_ts_tdir
19  implicit none
21  public
22  save
24  ! ###### SIESTA-options ######
25  ! The following options override the siesta settings upon
26  ! entering the transiesta SCF
28  ! The tolerance
29  real(dp) :: ts_Dtol ! = tolerance for density matrix
30  real(dp) :: ts_Htol ! = tolerance for Hamiltonian
31  logical :: ts_converge_dQ = .true. ! whether we should converge the charge
32  real(dp) :: ts_dQtol ! = tolerance for charge in the device region (after SCF)
33  integer :: ts_hist_keep = 0
35  ! ###### end SIESTA-options #####
37  ! Whether we should stop before transiesta begins...
38  logical :: TS_siesta_stop = .false.
40  !< Whether TranSiesta is allowed to start without the 0-bias calculation.
41  logical :: TS_start_bias = .false.
43  ! Controls to save the TSHS file
44  logical :: TS_HS_save = .true.
45  logical :: TS_DE_save = .false.
46  ! whether we will use the bias-contour
47  logical :: IsVolt = .false.
48  ! maximum difference between chemical potentials
49  real(dp) :: Volt = 0._dp
50  ! The temperature for transiesta calculations
51  real(dp) :: ts_kT
52  ! Electrodes and different chemical potentials
53  integer :: N_Elec = 0
54  type(Elec), allocatable, target :: Elecs(:)
55  integer :: N_mu = 0
56  type(ts_mu), allocatable, target :: mus(:)
58  integer :: TS_scf_mode = 0
60  ! Flag to control whether we should update the forces (i.e. calculate energy-density matrix)
61  logical :: Calc_Forces = .true.
63  ! If the energy-contour is not perfectly divisable by the number of nodes then adjust
64  integer :: BTD_method = 0 ! Optimization method for determining the best tri-diagonal matrix split
65  ! 0  == We optimize for speed
66  ! 1  == We optimize for memory
68  ! File name for reading in the grid for the Hartree potential
69  character(len=150) :: Hartree_fname = ' '
71  ! A quantity describing the accuracy of the coordinates of the
72  ! electrodes.
73  ! * Should only be edited by experienced users *
74  real(dp) :: Elecs_xa_EPS = 1.e-4_dp
76  ! The user can request to analyze the system, returning information about the
77  ! tri-diagonalization partition and the contour
78  logical :: TS_Analyze = .false.
80  ! List of private formats for printing information
81  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f1 ='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',tr4,l1)'
82  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f10='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',tr4,a)'
83  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f11='(''ts: '',a)'
84  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f5 ='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',i5,a)'
85  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f20='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',i0,'' -- '',i0)'
86  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f6 ='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',f10.4,tr1,a)'
87  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f7 ='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',f12.6,tr1,a)'
88  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f8 ='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',f10.4)'
89  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f9 ='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',tr1,e9.3)'
90  character(len=*), parameter, private :: f15='(''ts: '',a,t53,''='',2(tr1,i0,'' x''),'' '',i0)'
92  ! set copy of SCF mixing
93  type(tMixer), pointer :: ts_scf_mixs(:) => null()
98  ! We have separated the options routines to only deal
99  ! with their respective parts
101  ! > Read generic options for transiesta which has
102  ! nothing to do with the electrodes or the chemical potentials
103  subroutine read_ts_generic( cell )
105    use fdf, only : fdf_get, leqi
106    use intrinsic_missing, only : VNORM
108    use siesta_options, only : dDtol, dHtol
110    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
111    use m_ts_method, only: TS_FULL, TS_BTD, TS_MUMPS, ts_method
113    use m_ts_weight, only : read_ts_weight
114    use ts_dq_m, only : ts_dq_read
116#ifdef SIESTA__MUMPS
117    use m_ts_mumps_init, only : read_ts_mumps
120    use m_mixing, only: mixers_init
121    use m_mixing_scf, only: scf_mixs
123    ! Input variables
124    real(dp), intent(in) :: cell(3,3)
126    ! Local variables
127    character(len=200) :: chars
129    ! This has to be the first routine to be read
130    if ( N_mu /= 0 ) call die('read_ts_generic: error in programming')
131    if ( N_Elec /= 0 ) call die('read_ts_generic: error in programming')
133    ! Read in general values that should be used in the electrode generation
134    ! I.e. these FDF-parameters are used for diagon runs with transiesta
135#ifdef TRANSIESTA
136    TS_HS_save = fdf_get('TS.HS.Save',.true.)
137    TS_DE_save = fdf_get('TS.DE.Save',.true.)
139    TS_HS_save = fdf_get('TS.HS.Save',.false.)
140    TS_DE_save = fdf_get('TS.DE.Save',.false.)
142    onlyS = fdf_get('TS.onlyS',.false.)
143    onlyS = fdf_get('TS.S.Save',onlyS)
145    ! Immediately return from transiesta when this occurs
146    ! no settings from the intrinsic transiesta routines
147    ! are needed.
148    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) return
150    ! When running TSmode we FORCE TS.HS.Save and TS.DE.Save
151    TS_HS_save = .true.
152    TS_DE_save = .true.
154    ! Force the run of a biased TranSiesta run
155    ! from a pristine siesta calculation.
156    TS_start_bias = fdf_get('TS.Voltage.FromSiesta', .false.)
158    ! Read in the transiesta SCF mixing options
159    call mixers_init('TS.SCF', ts_scf_mixs )
160    if ( .not. associated(ts_scf_mixs) ) then
161       ts_scf_mixs => scf_mixs
162    end if
164    ! Read in the mixing for the transiesta cycles
165    ts_Dtol = fdf_get('TS.SCF.DM.Tolerance',dDTol)
166    ts_Htol = fdf_get('TS.SCF.H.Tolerance',dHTol)
167    ts_hist_keep = fdf_get('TS.SCF.Mix.History.Keep',0)
169    ! Stop after siesta has converged
170    TS_siesta_stop = fdf_get('TS.SIESTA.Only',.false.)
172    ! Reading the Transiesta solution method
173    chars = fdf_get('TS.SolutionMethod','BTD')
174    if ( leqi(chars,'full') ) then
175       ts_method = TS_FULL
176    else if ( leqi(chars,'BTD') .or. leqi(chars,'tri') ) then
177       ts_method = TS_BTD
178#ifdef SIESTA__MUMPS
179    else if ( leqi(chars,'mumps') ) then
180       ts_method = TS_MUMPS
182    else
183       call die('Unrecognized TranSiesta solution method: '//trim(chars))
184    end if
186    ! currently this does not work
187    chars = fdf_get('SCF.Initialize','diagon')
188    chars = fdf_get('TS.SCF.Initialize',chars)
189    if ( leqi(chars,'diagon') ) then
190       TS_scf_mode = 0
191       chars = 'none'
192    else if ( leqi(chars,'transiesta') ) then
193       TS_scf_mode = 1
194       chars = 'init'
195    end if
197    chars = fdf_get('TS.BTD.Optimize','speed')
198    if ( leqi(chars,'speed') ) then
199       BTD_method = 0
200    else if ( leqi(chars,'memory') ) then
201       BTD_method = 1
202    else
203       call die('Could not determine flag TS.BTD.Optimize, please &
204            &see manual.')
205    end if
207    ! Determine whether the user wishes to only do an analyzation
208    TS_Analyze = fdf_get('TS.Analyze',.false.)
210    ! Read charge-correction methods
211    call ts_dq_read( )
213#ifdef SIESTA__MUMPS
214    call read_ts_mumps( )
217    call read_ts_weight( )
219    ! whether to calculate the forces or not (default calculate everything)
220    Calc_Forces = fdf_get('TS.Forces',.true.)
222  end subroutine read_ts_generic
225  ! > Reads the chemical potentials as well as the applied
226  ! Bias.
227  ! The bias is an intricate part of the chemical potential why it
228  ! is read in here.
229  subroutine read_ts_chem_pot( )
231    use fdf, only : fdf_get
232    use units, only: eV, Kelvin
234    use siesta_options, only : kT => Temp
236    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
238    use m_ts_chem_pot, only : fdf_nmu, fdffake_mu, fdf_mu, name
240    implicit none
242! *******************
243! * LOCAL variables *
244! *******************
245    logical :: err
246    integer :: i, j
247    real(dp) :: rtmp
249    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) return
251    ts_kT = fdf_get('TS.ElectronicTemperature',kT,'Ry')
252    if ( ts_kT / Kelvin < 10._dp ) then
253       call die('TranSiesta electronic temperature *must* &
254            &be larger than 10 kT')
255    end if
257    ! The sign can not be chosen from this (several mu, where to define it)
258    Volt   = fdf_get('TS.Voltage',0._dp,'Ry')
259    ! Voltage situation is above 0.01 mV
260    IsVolt = abs(Volt) > 0.00001_dp * eV
262    ! Read in the chemical potentials
263    N_mu = fdf_nmu('TS',ts_kT,mus)
264    err = .true.
265    if ( N_mu < 1 ) then
266       err = .false.
267       N_mu = fdffake_mu(mus,ts_kT,Volt)
268    end if
269    do i = 1 , N_mu
270       ! Default things that could be of importance
271       if ( err .and. .not. fdf_mu('TS',mus(i),ts_kT,Volt) ) then
272          call die('Could not find chemical potential: ' &
273               //trim(name(mus(i))))
274       end if
276       ! We do not allow the electronic temperature
277       ! to be below 10 kT
278       if ( mus(i)%kT / Kelvin < 10._dp ) then
279          call die('TranSiesta electronic temperature *must* &
280               &be larger than 10 kT')
281       end if
283    end do
285    ! We consider 10 Kelvin to be the minimum allowed
286    ! temperature difference of the leads.
287    rtmp = 10._dp * Kelvin
288    do j = 1 , N_mu - 1
289       do i = j + 1 , N_mu
290          if ( abs(mus(i)%kT - mus(j)%kT) > rtmp ) then
291             ! If there exists a temperature gradient
292             ! we are in non-equilibrium, hence we need the
293             ! bias-setup no matter V!
294             IsVolt = .true.
295             exit
296          end if
297       end do
298    end do
300  end subroutine read_ts_chem_pot
303  ! Reads all information regarding the electrodes, nothing more.
304  subroutine read_ts_elec( cell, na_u, xa, lasto)
306    use fdf, only : fdf_get, fdf_obsolete, fdf_deprecated, leqi
307    use parallel, only : IONode
308    use intrinsic_missing, only : IDX_SPC_PROJ, EYE, VNORM
309    use intrinsic_missing, only : VEC_PROJ_SCA
311    use m_os, only : file_exist
313    use files, only: slabel
314    use units, only: eV, Ang
316    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
318    use m_ts_chem_pot, only : copy, chem_pot_add_Elec
320    use m_ts_electype, only : fdf_nElec, fdf_Elec
321    use m_ts_electype, only : Name, TotUsedOrbs, TotUsedAtoms
322    use m_ts_electype, only : init_Elec_sim
324    use m_ts_method, only : ts_init_electrodes, a_isBuffer
325    use m_cite, only : add_citation
327    implicit none
329! *******************
330! * INPUT variables *
331! *******************
332    real(dp), intent(in) :: cell(3,3)
333    integer,  intent(in) :: na_u, lasto(0:na_u)
334    real(dp), intent(in) :: xa(3,na_u)
336! *******************
337! * LOCAL variables *
338! *******************
339    integer :: i, j
340    real(dp) :: rtmp
341    logical :: err, bool
342    character(len=200) :: chars, c
343    type(ts_mu) :: tmp_mu
345    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) return
347    if ( N_mu == 0 ) call die('read_ts_elecs: error in programming')
349    ! the title of the green's functions are now non-generic
350    call fdf_obsolete('TS.GFTitle')
352    ! The regular options for describing the electrodes can not be
353    ! used anymore...
354    call fdf_obsolete('TS.HSFileLeft')
355    call fdf_obsolete('TS.GFFileLeft')
356    call fdf_obsolete('TS.NumUsedAtomsLeft')
357    call fdf_obsolete('TS.ReplicateA1Left')
358    call fdf_obsolete('TS.ReplicateA2Left')
359    call fdf_obsolete('TS.HSFileRight')
360    call fdf_obsolete('TS.GFFileRight')
361    call fdf_obsolete('TS.NumUsedAtomsRight')
362    call fdf_obsolete('TS.ReplicateA1Right')
363    call fdf_obsolete('TS.ReplicateA2Right')
365    ! notice that this does not have the same meaning...
366    call fdf_deprecated('TS.UpdateDMCROnly','TS.Elecs.DM.Update')
367    call fdf_deprecated('TS.UseBulk','TS.Elecs.Bulk')
369    ! whether or not the electrodes should be re-instantiated
370    call fdf_deprecated('TS.CalcGF','TS.Elecs.GF.ReUse')
371    call fdf_deprecated('TS.ReUseGF','TS.Elecs.GF.ReUse')
373    ! To determine the same coordinate nature of the electrodes
374    Elecs_xa_EPS = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.Coord.Eps',0.001_dp*Ang, 'Bohr')
376    ! detect how many electrodes we have
377    N_Elec = fdf_nElec('TS',Elecs)
378    if ( N_Elec < 1 ) then
379      ! We initialize to 2 electrodes (Left/Right)
380      N_Elec = 2
381      allocate(Elecs(N_Elec))
382      Elecs(1)%name = 'Left'
383      Elecs(1)%ID = 1
384      Elecs(2)%name = 'Right'
385      Elecs(2)%ID = 2
386      ! if they do-not exist, the user will be told
387      if ( IONode ) then
388        c = '(''transiesta: *** '',a,/)'
389        write(*,c)'No electrode names were found, default Left/Right are expected'
390      end if
391    end if
393    ! If only one electrode you are not allowed to move the Fermi-level
394    ! of the electrode. That should be done by other means (i.e. use NetCharge)
395    if ( N_Elec == 1 ) then
396      ! Notice that below the chemical potential gets corrected
397      ! EVEN if the user supplied a bias.
398      if ( IsVolt .and. IONode ) then
399        c = '(''transiesta: *** '',a)'
400        write(*,c) 'Single electrode calculations does not allow shifting the chemical potential.'
401        write(*,c) 'You should do that by changing the states filled in the system.'
402        write(*,c) 'Consult the manual on how to do this.'
403        call die('Please set the chemical potential to zero for your one electrode')
404      end if
405    end if
407    ! Setup default parameters for the electrodes
408    ! first electrode is the "left"
409    ! last electrode is the "right"
410    ! the remaining electrodes have their chemical potential at 0
411    ! We should probably warn if +2 electrodes are used and t_dir is the
412    ! same for all electrodes... Then the user needs to know what (s)he is doing...
413    ! Accuracy required for self-energy convergence
414    Elecs(:)%accu = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.Accuracy',1.e-13_dp*eV,'Ry')
415    Elecs(:)%Eta  = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.Eta',0.001_dp*eV,'Ry')
416    Elecs(:)%Bulk = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.Bulk',.true.) ! default everything to bulk electrodes
417    if ( Elecs(1)%Bulk ) then
418      ! Default is cross-terms if we use bulk electrodes
419      chars = 'cross-terms'
420    else
421      ! For non-bulk systems, we default to all
422      chars = 'all'
423    end if
424    c = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.DM.Update',trim(chars))
425    if ( leqi(c,'none') ) then
426      Elecs(:)%DM_update = 0
427    else if ( leqi(c,'cross-terms') .or. &
428        leqi(c,'cross-term') ) then
429      Elecs(:)%DM_update = 1
430    else if ( leqi(c,'all') ) then
431      Elecs(:)%DM_update = 2
432    else
433      call die('TS.Elecs.DM.Update [cross-terms,none,all]: &
434          &unrecognized option: '//trim(c))
435    end if
437    ! Whether we should always set the DM to bulk
438    ! values (by reading in from electrode DM)
439    if ( TS_scf_mode == 1 .and. .not. IsVolt ) then
440      chars = 'bulk'
441    else
442      chars = 'diagon'
443    end if
444    chars = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.DM.Init',trim(chars))
445    if ( leqi(chars,'diagon') ) then
446      Elecs(:)%DM_init = 0
447    else if ( leqi(chars,'bulk') ) then
448      Elecs(:)%DM_init = 1
449    else if ( leqi(chars,'force-bulk') ) then
450      Elecs(:)%DM_init = 2
451    else
452      call die('TS.Elecs.DM.Init unknown value [diagon,bulk,force-bulk]')
453    end if
454    if ( IsVolt ) then
455      if ( Elecs(1)%DM_init == 1 .and. IONode) then
456        if ( IONode ) then
457          c = '(''transiesta: *** '',a,/)'
458          write(*,c)'Will default to not read in electrode DM, only applicable for V = 0 calculations'
459        end if
460      end if
461      Elecs(:)%DM_init = 0
462    end if
464    ! Whether we should try and re-use the surface Green function
465    ! files
466    Elecs(:)%ReUseGF = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.GF.ReUse',.true.)
468    ! whether all calculations should be performed
469    ! "out-of-core" i.e. whether the GF files should be created or not
470    Elecs(:)%out_of_core = fdf_get('TS.Elecs.Out-of-core',.true.)
472    do i = 1 , N_Elec
474       ! If we only have 2 electrodes we take them
475       ! as though the atomic indices are the first and last
476       ! respectively.
477       if ( N_Elec == 2 ) then
478          if ( i == 1 ) then
479             err = fdf_Elec('TS',slabel,Elecs(i),N_mu,mus,idx_a= 1)
480          else if ( i == 2 ) then
481             err = fdf_Elec('TS',slabel,Elecs(i),N_mu,mus,idx_a=-1)
482          end if
483       else
484          ! Default things that could be of importance
485          err = fdf_Elec('TS',slabel,Elecs(i),N_mu,mus)
486       end if
487       if ( .not. err ) then
488          call die('Could not find electrode: '//trim(name(Elecs(i))))
489       end if
491       if ( Elecs(i)%idx_a < 0 ) &
492            Elecs(i)%idx_a = na_u + Elecs(i)%idx_a + 1
493       if ( Elecs(i)%idx_a < 1 .or. &
494            na_u < Elecs(i)%idx_a ) then
495          print *,Elecs(i)%idx_a,na_u
496          call die("Electrode position does not exist")
497       end if
498       if ( N_Elec == 2 ) then
499          ! Correct for buffer atoms, first electrode steps "up"
500          ! second electrode steps "down"
501          if ( i == 1 ) then
502             j = Elecs(i)%idx_a
503             do while ( a_isBuffer(j) )
504                j = j + 1
505             end do
506             Elecs(i)%idx_a = j
507          else
508             j = Elecs(i)%idx_a + TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(i)) - 1
509             do while ( a_isBuffer(j) )
510                j = j - 1
511             end do
512             Elecs(i)%idx_a = j - TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(i)) + 1
513          end if
514       end if
515       ! set the placement in orbitals
516       Elecs(i)%idx_o = lasto(Elecs(i)%idx_a-1)+1
518       ! Initialize the electrode quantities for the
519       ! stored values
520       call init_Elec_sim(Elecs(i), cell, na_u, xa)
522    end do
524    ! If many electrodes, no transport direction can be specified
525    ! Hence we use this as an error-check (also for N_Elec == 1)
526    if ( any(Elecs(:)%t_dir > 3) ) then
527      ts_tidx = - N_Elec
529      ! We add the real-space self-energy article
530      if ( IONode ) then
531        call add_citation("10.1103/PhysRevB.100.195417")
532      end if
534    else
535      select case ( N_Elec )
536      case ( 1 )
537        ! The easy case
538        ! We simple need to figure out if the electrode
539        ! has its transport direction aligned with the
540        ! lattice vectors
542        i = Elecs(1)%pvt(Elecs(1)%t_dir)
544        ! For a single transport direction to be true,
545        ! both the projections _has_ to be 1, exactly!
546        rtmp = VEC_PROJ_SCA(cell(:,i), Elecs(1)%cell(:,Elecs(1)%t_dir))
547        rtmp = rtmp / VNORM(Elecs(1)%cell(:,Elecs(1)%t_dir))
548        bool = abs(abs(rtmp) - 1._dp) < 1.e-5_dp
550        if ( bool ) then
552          ! The transport direction for the electrodes are the same...
553          ! And fully encompassed! We have a single transport
554          ! direction.
555          ts_tidx = i
557        else
559          ! In case we have a skewed transport direction
560          ! we have some restrictions...
561          ts_tidx = - N_Elec
563        end if
565      case ( 2 )
567        ! Retrieve the indices of the unit-cell directions
568        ! according to the electrode transport directions.
569        ! We have already calculated the pivoting table for
570        ! the electrodes
571        i = Elecs(1)%pvt(Elecs(1)%t_dir)
572        j = Elecs(2)%pvt(Elecs(2)%t_dir)
573        bool = i == j
575        ! For a single transport direction to be true,
576        ! both the projections _has_ to be 1, exactly!
577        rtmp = VEC_PROJ_SCA(cell(:,i), Elecs(1)%cell(:,Elecs(1)%t_dir))
578        rtmp = rtmp / VNORM(Elecs(1)%cell(:,Elecs(1)%t_dir))
579        bool = bool .and. abs(abs(rtmp) - 1._dp) < 1.e-5_dp
580        rtmp = VEC_PROJ_SCA(cell(:,j), Elecs(2)%cell(:,Elecs(2)%t_dir))
581        rtmp = rtmp / VNORM(Elecs(2)%cell(:,Elecs(2)%t_dir))
582        bool = bool .and. abs(abs(rtmp) - 1._dp) < 1.e-5_dp
584        if ( bool ) then
586          ! The transport direction for the electrodes are the same...
587          ! And fully encompassed! We have a single transport
588          ! direction.
589          ts_tidx = i
591        else
593          ! In case we have a skewed transport direction
594          ! we have some restrictions...
595          ts_tidx = - N_Elec
597        end if
599      case default
601        ! N_Elec > 2
602        ! Here we always have these settings
603        ts_tidx = - N_Elec
605      end select
606    end if
608    ! The user can selectively decide how the bias
609    ! is applied.
610    ! For N-terminal calculations we advice the user
611    ! to use a Poisson solution they add.
612    if ( ts_tidx > 0 ) then
613       ! We have a single unified semi-inifinite direction
614       chars = fdf_get('TS.Poisson','ramp')
615    else
616       chars = fdf_get('TS.Poisson','elec-box')
617    end if
619#ifdef NCDF_4
620    if ( file_exist(chars, Bcast = .true.) ) then
622       Hartree_fname = trim(chars)
623       ts_tidx = 0
625    else
627       Hartree_fname = ' '
628       if ( leqi(chars,'ramp') .or. leqi(chars, 'ramp-cell') ) then
629          if ( ts_tidx <= 0 ) then
630             call die('TS.Poisson cannot be ramp for &
631                  &anything but 2-electrodes with aligned transport direction.')
632          end if
633       else if ( leqi(chars,'elec-box') ) then
634          ts_tidx = - N_Elec
635       else
636#ifdef NCDF_4
637          call die('Error in specifying how the Hartree potential &
638               &should be placed. [ramp|elec-box|NetCDF-file]')
640          call die('Error in specifying how the Hartree potential &
641               &should be placed. [ramp|elec-box]')
643       end if
644#ifdef NCDF_4
645    end if
648    ! In case we are doing equilibrium, fix the chemical potential to the first
649    if ( .not. IsVolt ) then
651       ! force it to be zero... can be necessary if considering single electrode
652       ! calculations (assures V == 0)
653       Volt = 0._dp
655       ! copy over electrode...
656       call copy(mus(1),tmp_mu)
658       ! Deallocate all strings
659       do i = 1 , N_mu
660          deallocate(mus(i)%Eq_seg)
661       end do
662       deallocate(mus)
664       ! create the first chemical potential again
665       N_mu = 1
666       allocate(mus(1))
667       call copy(tmp_mu,mus(1))
668       deallocate(tmp_mu%Eq_seg)
670       ! Firmly assure the chemical potential to be zero
671       mus(1)%mu = 0._dp
672       mus(1)%ID = 1
674       ! Assign all electrodes to the same chemical potential
675       do i = 1 , N_Elec
676          Elecs(i)%mu => mus(1)
677       end do
679    end if
681    ! Populate the electrodes in the chemical potential type
682    do i = 1 , N_Elec
683       err = .true.
684       do j = 1 , N_mu
685          if ( associated(Elecs(i)%mu,target=mus(j)) ) then
686             call chem_pot_add_Elec(mus(j),i)
687             err = .false.
688             exit
689          end if
690       end do
691       if ( err ) then
692          call die('We could not attribute a chemical potential &
693               &to electrode: '//trim(Elecs(i)%name))
694       end if
695    end do
697    if ( na_u <= sum(TotUsedAtoms(Elecs)) ) then
698      write(*,'(a)') 'Please stop this madness. What where you thinking?'
699      write(*,*) na_u, sum(TotUsedAtoms(Elecs))
700      call die('Electrodes occupy the entire device!!!')
701    end if
703    ! Initialize the electrode regions
704    call ts_init_electrodes(na_u,lasto,N_Elec,Elecs)
706  end subroutine read_ts_elec
709  ! This routine reads options for transiesta after
710  ! having read in the electrodes
711  ! It allows one to do things between reading options
712  subroutine read_ts_after_Elec( cell, nspin, na_u, xa, lasto, &
713       ts_kscell, ts_kdispl)
715    use fdf, only : fdf_get, leqi
716    use intrinsic_missing, only : VNORM, IDX_SPC_PROJ, EYE
717    use atomlist, only : qa
718    use siesta_options, only : charnet
720    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
722    use m_ts_method, only: TS_BTD_A_PROPAGATION, TS_BTD_A_COLUMN
723    use m_ts_method, only: ts_A_method, a_isBuffer
725    use m_ts_electype, only: check_Elec_sim
727    use m_ts_contour, only: read_contour_options
728    use m_ts_contour_eq, only: N_Eq, Eq_c
730    use m_ts_weight, only : read_ts_weight
731    use ts_dq_m, only : ts_dq_read
733    use m_ts_hartree, only: read_ts_hartree_options
735#ifdef SIESTA__MUMPS
736    use m_ts_mumps_init, only : read_ts_mumps
739    ! Input variables
740    real(dp), intent(in) :: cell(3,3)
741    integer, intent(in) :: nspin, na_u
742    real(dp), intent(in) :: xa(3,na_u)
743    integer, intent(in) :: lasto(0:na_u)
744    integer, intent(in) :: ts_kscell(3,3)
745    real(dp), intent(in) :: ts_kdispl(3)
747    ! Local variables
748    character(len=50) :: chars
749    integer :: i
750    real(dp) :: dev_q
751    logical :: Gamma3(3)
753    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) return
755    if ( N_Elec == 0 ) call die('read_ts_after_Elecs: error in programming')
757    ! Read spectral calculation method for BTD method
758    if ( N_Elec > 3 ) then
759       chars = fdf_get('TS.BTD.Spectral','column')
760    else
761       chars = fdf_get('TS.BTD.Spectral','propagation')
762    end if
763    if ( leqi(chars,'column') ) then
764       ts_A_method = TS_BTD_A_COLUMN
765    else if ( leqi(chars,'propagation') ) then
766       ts_A_method = TS_BTD_A_PROPAGATION
767    else
768       call die('TS.BTD.Spectral option is not column or propagation. &
769            &Please correct input.')
770    end if
772    ! Read in options again, at this point we have
773    ! the correct ts_tidx
774    call read_ts_hartree_options()
776    ! read in contour options
777    call read_contour_options( N_Elec, Elecs, N_mu, mus, ts_kT, IsVolt, Volt )
779    ! Quickly update the forces update if continued fraction
780    ! is used, one need an extra Green function evaluation to
781    ! get the forces correct (iR and -R)
782    do i = 1 , N_Eq
783       if ( leqi(Eq_c(i)%c_io%part,'cont-frac') ) then
784          ! the forces are not updated, dispite the user requests
785          calc_forces = .false.
786       end if
787    end do
789    ! Check for Gamma in each direction
790    do i = 1 , 3
791       if ( ts_kdispl(i) /= 0._dp ) then
792          Gamma3(i) = .false.
793       else if ( sum(ts_kscell(i,:)) > 1 ) then
794          ! Note it is the off-diagonal for this direction
795          Gamma3(i) = .false.
796       else
797          Gamma3(i) = .true.
798       end if
799    end do
801    do i = 1 , N_Elec
802      ! Initialize the electrode quantities for the
803      ! stored values
804      call check_Elec_sim(Elecs(i), nspin, cell, na_u, xa, &
805          Elecs_xa_EPS, lasto, Gamma3, ts_kscell, ts_kdispl)
806    end do
808    ! Now we know which atoms are buffer's and electrodes
809    ! This allows us to decide the tolerance for convergence of
810    ! the charges.
811    ! By default we allow a difference up to q(device) / 1000
812    dev_q = - charnet
813    do i = 1, na_u
814      if ( .not. a_isBuffer(i) ) then
815        ! count this atom
816        dev_q = dev_q + qa(i)
817      end if
818    end do
819    ts_dQtol = fdf_get('TS.SCF.dQ.Tolerance',dev_q / 1000._dp)
820    ts_converge_dQ = fdf_get('TS.SCF.dQ.Converge', .true.)
822  end subroutine read_ts_after_Elec
825  subroutine print_ts_options( cell )
827    use fdf, only: fdf_get, leqi
828    use parallel, only: IOnode
830    use intrinsic_missing, only : IDX_SPC_PROJ, EYE
831    use units, only: eV, Kelvin
833    use m_mixing, only: mixers_print
834    use m_mixing_scf, only: scf_mixs
836    use m_ts_electype, only: print_settings
838    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
840    use m_ts_contour, only: print_contour_options
842    use m_ts_method, only: TS_FULL, TS_BTD, TS_MUMPS, ts_method, na_Buf
843    use m_ts_method, only: TS_BTD_A_COLUMN, TS_BTD_A_PROPAGATION
844    use m_ts_method, only: ts_A_method
847    use ts_dq_m, only: TS_DQ_FACTOR, TS_DQ_FERMI_TOLERANCE
848    use ts_dq_m, only: TS_DQ_FERMI_MAX, TS_DQ_FERMI_ETA
850    use m_ts_weight, only: TS_W_METHOD, TS_W_CORRELATED
851    use m_ts_weight, only: TS_W_ORB_ORB, TS_W_TR_ATOM_ATOM, TS_W_SUM_ATOM_ATOM
852    use m_ts_weight, only: TS_W_TR_ATOM_ORB, TS_W_SUM_ATOM_ORB, TS_W_MEAN
853    use m_ts_weight, only: TS_W_K_METHOD
854    use m_ts_weight, only: TS_W_K_CORRELATED, TS_W_K_UNCORRELATED
856#ifdef SIESTA__MUMPS
857    use m_ts_mumps_init, only: MUMPS_mem, MUMPS_ordering, MUMPS_block
860    use m_ts_hartree, only: TS_HA_PLANES, TS_HA_frac, TS_HA_offset
862    implicit none
864    ! The unit-cell
865    real(dp), intent(in) :: cell(3,3)
867! *******************
868! * LOCAL variables *
869! *******************
870    character(len=200) :: chars
871    logical :: ltmp
872    real(dp) :: tmp33(3,3)
873    integer :: i, tdir
875    if ( .not. IONode ) return
877    write(*,*)
878    write(*,f11) repeat('*', 62)
880    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) then
882       write(*,f1) 'Save H and S matrices', TS_HS_save
883       write(*,f1) 'Save DM and EDM matrices', TS_DE_save
884       write(*,f1) 'Only save the overlap matrix S', onlyS
886       write(*,f11) repeat('*', 62)
887       write(*,*)
889       return
890    end if
892    write(*,f6) 'Voltage', Volt/eV,'Volts'
893    write(*,f1) 'Save H and S matrices', TS_HS_save
894    if ( TS_Analyze ) then
895       write(*,f11)'Will analyze bandwidth of LCAO sparse matrix and quit'
896    end if
897    write(*,f7) 'Electronic temperature',ts_kT/Kelvin,'K'
898    if ( ts_tidx < 1 ) then
899       write(*,f11) 'Transport individually selected for electrodes'
900    else
901       write(chars,'(a,i0)') 'A',ts_tidx
902       write(*,f10) 'Transport along unit-cell vector',trim(chars)
903       ! Calculate Cartesian transport direction
904       call eye(3,tmp33)
905       tdir = IDX_SPC_PROJ(tmp33,cell(:,ts_tidx),mag=.true.)
906       select case ( tdir )
907       case ( 1 )
908          write(*,f10) 'Transport along Cartesian vector','X'
909       case ( 2 )
910          write(*,f10) 'Transport along Cartesian vector','Y'
911       case ( 3 )
912          write(*,f10) 'Transport along Cartesian vector','Z'
913       end select
914     end if
915     chars = ' '
916     if ( TS_HA_PLANES(1, 1) ) chars = trim(chars) // '-A'
917     if ( TS_HA_PLANES(2, 1) ) chars = trim(chars) // '+A'
918     if ( TS_HA_PLANES(1, 2) ) chars = trim(chars) // '-B'
919     if ( TS_HA_PLANES(2, 2) ) chars = trim(chars) // '+B'
920     if ( TS_HA_PLANES(1, 3) ) chars = trim(chars) // '-C'
921     if ( TS_HA_PLANES(2, 3) ) chars = trim(chars) // '+C'
922     write(*,f10) 'Fixing Hartree potential at cell boundary', trim(chars)
923    write(*,f8) 'Fix Hartree potential fraction', TS_HA_frac
924    write(*,f7) 'Hartree potential offset', TS_HA_offset/eV, 'eV'
926    if ( ts_method == TS_FULL ) then
927       write(*,f10)'Solution method', 'Full inverse'
928    else if ( ts_method == TS_BTD ) then
929       write(*,f10)'Solution method', 'BTD'
930       chars = fdf_get('TS.BTD.Pivot','atom+'//trim(Elecs(1)%name))
931       write(*,f10)'BTD pivoting method', trim(chars)
932       if ( BTD_method == 0 ) then
933          chars = 'speed'
934       else if  ( BTD_method == 1 ) then
935          chars = 'memory'
936       end if
937       write(*,f10)'BTD creation algorithm', trim(chars)
938       if ( IsVolt ) then
939          select case ( ts_A_method )
940          case ( TS_BTD_A_PROPAGATION )
941             write(*,f10)'BTD spectral function algorithm','propagation'
942          case ( TS_BTD_A_COLUMN )
943             write(*,f10)'BTD spectral function algorithm','column'
944          case default
945             call die('Error in setup BTD. A calc')
946          end select
947       end if
948#ifdef SIESTA__MUMPS
949    else if ( ts_method == TS_MUMPS ) then
950       write(*,f10)'Solution method', 'MUMPS'
951       write(*,f5)'MUMPS extra memory', MUMPS_mem,'%'
952       write(*,f5)'MUMPS blocking factor', MUMPS_block,''
953       select case ( MUMPS_ordering )
954       case ( 7 )
955          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'auto'
956       case ( 6 )
957          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'QAMD'
958       case ( 5 )
959          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'METIS'
960       case ( 4 )
961          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'PORD'
962       case ( 3 )
963          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'SCOTCH'
964       case ( 2 )
965          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'AMF'
966       case ( 0 )
967          write(*,f10)'MUMPS ordering', 'AMD'
968       end select
970    end if
971    write(*,f9) 'SCF DM tolerance',ts_Dtol
972    write(*,f7) 'SCF Hamiltonian tolerance',ts_Htol/eV, 'eV'
973    write(*,f1) 'SCF converge charge',ts_converge_dQ
974    write(*,f9) 'SCF charge tolerance',ts_dQtol
976    select case ( TS_scf_mode )
977    case ( 0 )
978       write(*,f10) 'Initialize DM by','diagon'
979    case ( 1 )
980       write(*,f10) 'Initialize DM by','transiesta'
981    end select
982    if ( IsVolt ) then
983       if ( len_trim(Hartree_fname) > 0 ) then
984          write(*,f10) 'User supplied Hartree potential', &
985               trim(Hartree_fname)
986       else
987          if ( ts_tidx > 0 ) then
988             write(*,f11) 'Hartree potential ramp across entire cell'
989          else
990             write(*,f11) 'Hartree potential will be placed in electrode box'
991          end if
992       end if
994       chars = 'Non-equilibrium contour weight method'
995       select case ( TS_W_METHOD )
996       case ( TS_W_ORB_ORB )
997          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'orb-orb'
998       case ( TS_W_CORRELATED + TS_W_TR_ATOM_ATOM )
999          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Correlated Tr[atom]-Tr[atom]'
1000       case ( TS_W_TR_ATOM_ATOM )
1001          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Uncorrelated Tr[atom]-Tr[atom]'
1002       case ( TS_W_CORRELATED + TS_W_TR_ATOM_ORB )
1003          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Correlated Tr[atom]-orb'
1004       case ( TS_W_TR_ATOM_ORB )
1005          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Uncorrelated Tr[atom]-orb'
1006       case ( TS_W_CORRELATED + TS_W_SUM_ATOM_ATOM )
1007          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Correlated Sum[atom]-Sum[atom]'
1008       case ( TS_W_SUM_ATOM_ATOM )
1009          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Uncorrelated Sum[atom]-Sum[atom]'
1010       case ( TS_W_CORRELATED + TS_W_SUM_ATOM_ORB )
1011          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Correlated Sum[atom]-orb'
1012       case ( TS_W_SUM_ATOM_ORB )
1013          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Uncorrelated Sum[atom]-orb'
1014       case ( TS_W_MEAN )
1015          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Algebraic mean'
1016       case default
1017          ! This is an easy place for cathing mistakes
1018          call die('Error in code, weighting method unrecognized.')
1019       end select
1020       chars = 'Non-equilibrium contour weight k-method'
1021       select case ( TS_W_K_METHOD )
1022       case ( TS_W_K_CORRELATED )
1023          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Correlated k-points'
1024       case ( TS_W_K_UNCORRELATED )
1025          write(*,f10) trim(chars),'Uncorrelated k-points'
1026       end select
1027    end if
1028    if ( .not. Calc_Forces ) then
1029       write(*,f11) '*** TranSiesta will NOT update forces ***'
1030    end if
1032    if ( TS_DQ_METHOD == 0 ) then
1033       write(*,f11)'Will not correct charge fluctuations'
1034    else if ( TS_DQ_METHOD == TS_DQ_METHOD_BUFFER ) then ! Correct in buffer
1035       if ( 0 < na_Buf ) then
1036          write(*,f10)'Charge correction','buffer'
1037       else
1038          call die('Charge correction can not happen in buffer as no buffer &
1039               &atoms exist.')
1040       end if
1041       write(*,f8)'Charge correction factor',TS_DQ_FACTOR
1042    else if ( TS_DQ_METHOD == TS_DQ_METHOD_FERMI ) then ! Correct fermi-lever
1043       write(*,f10)'Charge correction','Fermi-level'
1044       write(*,f8)'Charge correction dQ tolerance',TS_DQ_FERMI_TOLERANCE
1045       write(*,f7)'Fermi-level extrapolation eta value ',TS_DQ_FERMI_ETA/eV, 'eV'
1046       write(*,f8)'Charge correction factor',TS_DQ_FACTOR
1047       write(*,f7)'Max change in Fermi-level allowed', &
1048            TS_DQ_FERMI_MAX / eV,'eV'
1049    end if
1051    ! Print mixing options
1052    if ( associated(ts_scf_mixs, target=scf_mixs) ) then
1053       write(*,f11)'TS.SCF mixing options same as SCF'
1054    else
1055       call mixers_print('TS.SCF', ts_scf_mixs)
1056    end if
1058    write(*,f11)'          >> Electrodes << '
1059    ltmp = ts_tidx < 1 .and. IsVolt
1060    do i = 1 , size(Elecs)
1061       call print_settings(Elecs(i), 'ts', &
1062            box = ltmp)
1063    end do
1065    ! Print the contour information
1066    call print_contour_options( 'TS' , IsVolt )
1068    write(*,f11) repeat('*', 62)
1069    write(*,*)
1071  end subroutine print_ts_options
1074  subroutine print_ts_warnings( Gamma, cell, na_u, xa, Nmove )
1076    use parallel, only: IONode, Nodes
1077    use intrinsic_missing, only : VNORM, VEC_PROJ_SCA
1079    use m_os, only: file_exist
1081    use units, only: Kelvin, eV, Ang
1082    use siesta_options, only: FixSpin
1084    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
1085    use m_ts_chem_pot, only : Name, Eq_segs
1086    use m_ts_electype, only : TotUsedAtoms, Name, Elec_frac
1088    use m_ts_method, only : a_isElec, a_isBuffer
1089    use m_ts_method, only : ts_A_method, TS_BTD_A_COLUMN
1091    use m_ts_contour_eq, only: N_Eq_E
1092    use m_ts_contour_neq, only: contour_neq_warnings
1094    use m_ts_hartree, only: TS_HA_frac
1096    ! Input variables
1097    logical, intent(in) :: Gamma
1098    real(dp), intent(in) :: cell(3,3)
1099    integer, intent(in) :: na_u
1100    real(dp), intent(in) :: xa(3,na_u)
1101    integer, intent(in) :: Nmove
1103    ! Local variables
1104    integer :: i, j, iEl, idx, idx1, idx2, itmp3(3)
1105    real(dp) :: rtmp, tmp3(3), tmp33(3,3), bdir(2)
1106    real(dp) :: p(3)
1107    logical :: err, warn, ltmp
1109    if ( .not. IONode ) return
1111    warn = .false.
1112    err = .false.
1114    write(*,'(3a)') repeat('*',24),' Begin: TS CHECKS AND WARNINGS ',repeat('*',24)
1115    if ( FixSpin ) then
1116      if ( TSmode ) then
1117        write(*,'(a)') 'Fixed spin for transiesta calculations is not implemented!'
1118        call die('Fixing spin is not possible in TranSiesta')
1119      end if
1120      if ( TS_HS_save ) then
1121        write(*,'(a)') 'Fixed spin aligns the Fermi-levels in the output TSHS to spin-UP!'
1122      end if
1123      if ( TS_DE_save ) then
1124        write(*,'(a)') 'Fixed spin aligns the Fermi-levels in the output TSDE to spin-UP!'
1125      end if
1126    end if
1128    if ( TS_HA_frac /= 1._dp ) then
1129      write(*,'(a)') 'Fraction of Hartree potential is NOT 1.'
1130      warn = .true.
1131    end if
1132    if ( TS_HA_frac < 0._dp .or. 1._dp < TS_HA_frac ) then
1133      write(*,'(a)') 'Fraction of Hartree potential is below 0.'
1134      write(*,'(a)') '  MUST be in range [0;1]'
1135      call die('Vha fraction erronously set.')
1136    end if
1138    ! Return if not a transiesta calculation
1139    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) then
1140       write(*,'(3a,/)') repeat('*',24),' End: TS CHECKS AND WARNINGS ',repeat('*',26)
1141       return
1142    end if
1144    if ( ts_tidx < 1 .and. len_trim(Hartree_fname) == 0 .and. IsVolt ) then
1145       write(*,'(a)') 'Hartree potiental correction is the box solution &
1146            &which is not advised. Please supply your own Poisson solution.'
1147    end if
1149    if ( ts_A_method == TS_BTD_A_COLUMN ) then
1150       write(*,'(a)') 'Memory usage can be reduced by setting:'
1151       write(*,'(a)') '   TS.BTD.Spectral propagation'
1152    end if
1155    ! Check that all chemical potentials are really different
1156    ! their energy difference has to be below 0.1 meV and the
1157    ! temperature difference has to be below 10 K.
1158    rtmp = 10._dp * Kelvin
1159    do i = 1 , N_mu - 1
1160       do j = i + 1 , N_mu
1161          if ( abs(mus(i)%mu - mus(j)%mu) < 0.0001_dp * eV .and. &
1162               abs(mus(i)%kT - mus(j)%kT) <= rtmp ) then
1163             write(*,'(a)') 'Two chemical potentials: '//trim(name(mus(i)))//' and ' &
1164                  //trim(name(mus(j)))//' are the same, in bias calculations this &
1165                  &is not allowed.'
1166             err = .true.
1167          end if
1168       end do
1169    end do
1171    ! Check that all chemical potentials are in use
1172    if ( any(mus(:)%N_El == 0) ) then
1173       write(*,'(a)') 'A/Some chemical potential(s) have not been assigned any electrodes. &
1174            &All chemical potentials *MUST* be assigned an electrode'
1175       err = .true.
1176    end if
1178    ! check that all have at least 2 contour points on the equilibrium contour
1179    ! the 3rd is the fictive pole segment
1180    if ( .not. all(Eq_segs(mus(:)) > 0) ) then
1181       write(*,'(a)') 'All chemical potentials does not have at least &
1182            &1 equilibrium contours'
1183       err = .true.
1184    end if
1185    if ( .not. all(Eq_segs(mus(:)) /= 2) ) then
1186       write(*,'(a)') 'No chemical potential can have only two &
1187            &equilibrium contours'
1188       write(*,'(a)')'Either of these:'
1189       write(*,'(a)')'   1. continued fraction'
1190       write(*,'(a)')'  or'
1191       write(*,'(a)')'   1. Circle contour'
1192       write(*,'(a)')'   2. Tail contour'
1193       write(*,'(a)')'   3. Residuals (poles)'
1194       err = .true.
1195    end if
1197    ! we need to check that they indeed do not overlap
1198    do i = 1 , N_Elec
1199       idx1 = Elecs(i)%idx_a
1200       idx2 = idx1 + TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(i)) - 1
1201       ! we need to check every electrode,
1202       ! specifically because if one of the electrodes is fully located
1203       ! inside the other and we check the "small" one
1204       ltmp = .false.
1205       do j = 1 , N_Elec
1206          if ( i == j ) cycle
1207          idx = Elecs(j)%idx_a
1208          if ( (idx <= idx1 .and. &
1209               idx1 < idx + TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(j))) ) then
1210             ltmp = .true.
1211          end if
1212          if ( (idx <= idx2 .and. &
1213               idx2 < idx + TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(j))) ) then
1214             ltmp = .true.
1215          end if
1216          if ( ltmp ) then
1217             write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode: '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)
1218             write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0)') 'Positions: ',idx1,' -- ',idx2
1219             idx1 = Elecs(j)%idx_a
1220             idx2 = idx1 + TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(j)) - 1
1221             write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode: '//trim(Elecs(j)%name)
1222             write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0)') 'Positions: ',idx1,' -- ',idx2
1223             write(*,'(a)') 'Overlapping electrodes is not physical, please correct.'
1224             err = .true.
1225          end if
1226       end do
1228       ! Warn if using non-bulk electrodes and one does not update everything!
1229       if ( .not. Elecs(i)%Bulk ) then
1230          select case ( Elecs(i)%DM_update )
1231          case ( 0 )
1232             write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode: '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)
1233             write(*,'(a)') '  is using a non-bulk electrode Hamiltonian and does not'
1234             write(*,'(a)') '  update the electrode region or the cross-term DM!'
1235             write(*,'(a)') '  Please consider setting "DM-update all"'
1236          case ( 1 )
1237             write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode: '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)
1238             write(*,'(a)') '  is using a non-bulk electrode Hamiltonian and does not'
1239             write(*,'(a)') '  update the electrode region DM!'
1240             write(*,'(a)') '  Please consider setting "DM-update all"'
1241          end select
1242       end if
1244    end do
1246    ! CHECK THIS (we could allow it by only checking the difference...)
1247    if (  maxval(mus(:)%mu) - minval(mus(:)%mu) - abs(Volt) > 1.e-4_dp * eV ) then
1248       write(*,'(a)') 'Chemical potentials [eV]:'
1249       do i = 1 , N_Elec
1250          write(*,'(a,f10.5,a)') trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' at ',Elecs(i)%mu%mu/eV,' eV'
1251       end do
1252       write(*,'(a)') 'The difference must satisfy: "max(ChemPots)-min(ChemPots) - abs(Volt) < 1e-4 eV"'
1253       write(*,'(a,f10.5,a)') 'max(ChemPots) at ', maxval(mus(:)%mu)/eV,' eV'
1254       write(*,'(a,f10.5,a)') 'min(ChemPots) at ', minval(mus(:)%mu)/eV,' eV'
1255       write(*,'(a,f10.5,a)') '|V| at ', abs(Volt)/eV,' eV'
1256       write(*,'(a)') 'Chemical potentials are not consistent with the bias applied.'
1257       err = .true.
1258    end if
1260    ! Check that the bias does not introduce a gating
1261    if ( any(abs(mus(:)%mu) - abs(Volt) > 1.e-9_dp ) ) then
1262       write(*,'(a)') 'Chemical potentials must lie in the range [-V;V] with the maximum &
1263            &difference being V'
1264       write(*,'(a)') 'Chemical potentials must not introduce consistent Ef shift to the system.'
1265       err = .true.
1266    end if
1269    ! Check that we can actually start directly in transiesta
1270    if ( TS_scf_mode == 1 ) then ! TS-start
1271       if ( .not. all(Elecs(:)%DM_update >= 1) ) then
1272          write(*,'(a)')'WARNING: Responsibility is now on your side'
1273          write(*,'(a)')'WARNING: Requesting immediate start, yet we &
1274               &do not update cross-terms.'
1275          warn = .true.
1276       end if
1277    end if
1279    ! Calculate the number of optimal contour points
1280    i = mod(N_Eq_E(), Nodes) ! get remaining part of equilibrium contour
1281    if ( i /= 0 ) then
1282       i = Nodes - i
1283       write(*,'(a)')'Without loosing performance you can increase &
1284            &the equilibrium integration precision.'
1285       write(*,'(a,i0,a)')'You can add ',i,' more energy points in the &
1286            &equilibrium contours, for FREE!'
1287       if ( i/N_mu > 0 ) then
1288          write(*,'(a,i0,a)')'This is ',i/N_mu, &
1289               ' more energy points per chemical potential.'
1290       end if
1291    end if
1293    call contour_nEq_warnings()
1295    if ( .not. Calc_Forces ) then
1296       write(*,f11) '***       TranSiesta will NOT update forces       ***'
1297       write(*,f11) '*** ALL FORCES AFTER TRANSIESTA HAS RUN ARE WRONG ***'
1298       if ( Nmove > 0 ) then
1299          write(*,'(a)')'Relaxation with TranSiesta *REQUIRES* an update of &
1300               &the energy density matrix. Will continue at your request.'
1301          err = .true.
1302       end if
1303    end if
1305    if ( Nmove > 0 .and. .not. all(Elecs(:)%DM_update > 0) ) then
1306       write(*,'(a)') 'TranSiesta relaxation is only allowed if you also &
1307            &update, at least, the cross terms, please set: &
1308            &TS.Elecs.DM.Update [cross-terms|all]'
1309       err = .true.
1310    end if
1312    ! A transiesta calculation requires that all atoms
1313    ! are within the unit-cell.
1314    ! However, for N_Elec > 2 calculations this
1315    ! is not a requirement as the potential is placed
1316    ! irrespective of the actual box.
1318    ltmp = .false.
1319    call reclat(cell,tmp33,0)
1321    do i = 1 , na_u
1323       ! If we use a boxed or user-supplied potential
1324       ! profile, we need not check the coordinates.
1325       ! It is the users responsibility for user-defined
1326       ! potential grids.
1327       ! The boxed one takes care of grid-points in the periodic picture
1328       ! And if the grid-plane does not cut the actual grid, it will
1329       ! error out.
1330       if ( ts_tidx < 1 ) cycle
1332       ! Buffer atoms can be where-ever
1333       if ( a_isBuffer(i) ) cycle
1335       ! Check the index
1336       do j = 1 , 3
1337          itmp3(j) = floor( dot_product(xa(:,i),tmp33(:,j)) )
1338       end do
1340       ! Only check the transport direction
1341       ! Note that we have projected onto the unit-cell
1342       ! vector, hence tidx and not tdir
1343       if ( itmp3(ts_tidx) /= 0 ) then
1344          write(*,'(i0,''('',i0,''='',i0,'')'',tr1)',advance='no')&
1345               i,ts_tidx,itmp3(ts_tidx)
1346          ltmp = .true.
1347       end if
1349    end do
1350    if ( ltmp ) then
1351       write(*,'(/a)')'atom(cell-dir=neighbour-cell)'
1352       write(*,'(a)') '*** Device atomic coordinates are not inside unit-cell.'
1353       write(*,'(a)') '*** This is a requirement for bias calculations'
1354       write(*,'(a)') '    as the Poisson equation cannot be correctly handled'
1355       write(*,'(a)') '    due to inconsistencies with the grid and atomic coordinates'
1356       if ( IsVolt ) then
1357          write(*,'(a)') 'Please move device atoms inside the device region in &
1358               &the transport direction.'
1359          err = .true.
1360       else
1361          write(*,'(a)') '*** Will continue, but will die when running V /= 0 ***'
1362          warn = .true.
1363       end if
1364    end if
1366    if ( ts_tidx < 1 ) then
1368       write(*,'(a)') '*** TranSiesta semi-infinite directions are individual ***'
1369       write(*,'(a)') '*** It is heavily advised to have any electrodes with no &
1370            &periodicity'
1371       write(*,'(a)') '    in the transverse directions be located as far from any &
1372            &cell-boundaries'
1373       write(*,'(a)') '    as possible. This has to do with the electrostatic potential &
1374            &correction. ***'
1375       if ( IsVolt ) then
1376          write(*,'(a)') '*** Please ensure electrode unit-cells are as confined as possible.'
1377          write(*,'(a)') '    I.e. do not add superfluous vacuum if not needed in the &
1378               &electrode calculation.'
1379          write(*,'(a)') '    The initial guess for the potential profile is heavily influenced'
1380          write(*,'(a)') '    by the electrode unit-cell sizes! ***'
1381       end if
1383    else
1385       ! The transport direction is well-defined
1386       ! and the Hartree potential is fixed at the bottom of the
1387       ! unit-cell of the A[ts_tidx] direction.
1388       ! We will let the user know if any atoms co-incide with
1389       ! the plane as that might hurt convergence a little.
1391       if ( N_Elec <= 2 ) then
1393          ! Get the electrode fraction of the position
1394          if ( N_Elec == 1 ) then
1396             call Elec_frac(Elecs(1),cell,na_u,xa,ts_tidx, fmin = bdir(1))
1397             call Elec_frac(Elecs(1),cell,na_u,xa,ts_tidx, fmax = bdir(2))
1398             iEl = 1
1399             if ( bdir(1) < bdir(2) ) then
1400                i = 1
1401             else
1402                i = 2
1403             end if
1405          else
1407             ! Get the electrode fraction of the position
1408             call Elec_frac(Elecs(1),cell,na_u,xa,ts_tidx, fmin = bdir(1))
1409             call Elec_frac(Elecs(2),cell,na_u,xa,ts_tidx, fmin = bdir(2))
1411             ! Determine the electrode closest to the
1412             ! lower boundary
1413             if ( bdir(1) < bdir(2) ) then
1414                ! The first electrode is closest
1415                i = 1
1416                iEl = 1
1417                call Elec_frac(Elecs(2),cell,na_u,xa,ts_tidx, fmax = bdir(2))
1418             else
1419                ! The second electrode is closest
1420                i = 2
1421                iEl = 2
1422                call Elec_frac(Elecs(1),cell,na_u,xa,ts_tidx, fmax = bdir(1))
1423             end if
1425          end if
1427          ! Get the fraction
1428          tmp3 = cell(:,ts_tidx) / VNORM(cell(:,ts_tidx))
1430          ! Check lower limit
1431          if ( bdir(i) < 0._dp ) then
1433             ! Tell the user to shift the entire structure
1434             ! by the offset to origo + 1/2 a bond-length
1436             ! Origo offset:
1437             p = - cell(:,ts_tidx) * bdir(i)
1438             p = p + tmp3 * Elecs(iEl)%dINF_layer * 0.5_dp
1439             ! Bond-length
1440             write(*,'(a,f9.5,a)') 'Electrode: '//trim(Elecs(iEl)%name)//' lies &
1441                  &outside the unit-cell.'
1442             write(*,'(a)')'Please shift the entire structure using the &
1443                  &following recipe:'
1444             write(*,'(a)') 'If you already have AtomicCoordinatesFormat, add these'
1445             write(*,'(tr1,a)') 'AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang'
1446             write(*,'(tr1,a)') '%block AtomicCoordinatesOrigin'
1447             write(*,'(tr1,3(tr2,f12.4))') p / Ang
1448             write(*,'(tr1,a)') '%endblock AtomicCoordinatesOrigin'
1449             err = .true.
1451          end if
1453          ! Check upper limit
1454          if ( i == 1 ) then
1455             i = 2
1456          else
1457             i = 1
1458          end if
1459          if ( N_Elec == 2 ) iEl = i
1460          if ( 1._dp < bdir(i) ) then
1462             bdir(i) = bdir(i) - 1._dp
1464             ! Tell the user to shift the entire structure
1465             ! by the offset to origo + 1/2 a bond-length
1467             ! Origo offset:
1468             p = - cell(:,ts_tidx) * bdir(i)
1469             p = p - tmp3 * Elecs(iEl)%dINF_layer * 0.5_dp
1470             ! Bond-length
1471             write(*,'(a,f9.5,a)') 'Electrode: '//trim(Elecs(iEl)%name)//' lies &
1472                  &outside the unit-cell.'
1473             write(*,'(a)')'Please shift the entire structure using the &
1474                  &following recipe:'
1475             write(*,'(a)') 'If you already have AtomicCoordinatesFormat, add these'
1476             write(*,'(tr1,a)') 'AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang'
1477             write(*,'(tr1,a)') '%block AtomicCoordinatesOrigin'
1478             write(*,'(tr1,3(tr2,f12.4))') p / Ang
1479             write(*,'(tr1,a)') '%endblock AtomicCoordinatesOrigin'
1480             err = .true.
1482          end if
1484       else
1486          call die("ts_options: ts_tidx < 0 with N_Elec > 2")
1488       end if
1490    end if
1492    ! If the user has requested to initialize using transiesta
1493    ! and the user does not utilize the bulk DM, they should be
1494    ! warned
1495    if ( TS_scf_mode == 1 .and. any(Elecs(:)%DM_init == 0) ) then
1496       write(*,'(a)') 'You are not initializing the electrode DM/EDM. &
1497            &This may result in very wrong electrostatic potentials close to &
1498            &the electrode/device boundary region.'
1499       if ( IsVolt ) then
1500         write(*,'(a)') '    This warning is only applicable for V == 0 calculations!'
1501         write(*,'(a)') '    I give this warning because it is not clear how your V = 0 calcualtion was done.'
1502       end if
1503       warn = .true.
1504    end if
1506    ! warn the user about suspicous work regarding the electrodes
1507    do i = 1 , N_Elec
1509       idx1 = Elecs(i)%idx_a
1510       idx2 = idx1 + TotUsedAtoms(Elecs(i)) - 1
1512       if ( .not. Elecs(i)%Bulk ) then
1513          write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' will &
1514               &not use bulk Hamiltonian.'
1515          warn = .true.
1516       end if
1518       if ( Elecs(i)%DM_update == 0 ) then
1519          write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' will &
1520               &not update cross-terms or local region.'
1521          warn = .true.
1522       end if
1524       if ( .not. Elecs(i)%Bulk .and. Elecs(i)%DM_update /= 2 ) then
1525          write(*,'(3a)') 'Electrode ',trim(Elecs(i)%name), &
1526               ' has non-bulk Hamiltonian and does not update all'
1527          warn = .true.
1528       end if
1530       if ( .not. Elecs(i)%kcell_check ) then
1531          write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' will &
1532               &not check the k-grid sampling vs. system k-grid &
1533               &sampling. Ensure appropriate sampling.'
1534       end if
1535       if ( Elecs(i)%V_frac_CT /= 0._dp ) then
1536          write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' will &
1537               &shift coupling Hamiltonian with a shift in energy &
1538               &corresponding to the applied bias. Be careful here.'
1539          warn = .true.
1540       end if
1541       if ( Elecs(i)%delta_Ef /= 0._dp ) then
1542          write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' will &
1543               &shift the electronic structure manually. Be careful here.'
1544          warn = .true.
1545       end if
1547       if ( Elecs(i)%repeat .and. Elecs(i)%bloch%size() > 1 ) then
1548         write(*,'(a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' is &
1549             &using Bloch unfolding using the repeat scheme! &
1550             &Please use the tiling scheme (it is orders of magnitudes faster!).'
1551         warn = .true.
1552       end if
1554       ! if any buffer atoms exist, we should suggest to the user
1555       ! to use TS.Elec.<elec> [DM-update cross-terms|all]
1556       ! in case any buffer atoms are too close
1557       ltmp = .false.
1558       do j = 1 , na_u
1559          ! skip non-buffer atoms
1560          if ( .not. a_isBuffer(j) ) cycle
1561          do idx = idx1 , idx2
1562             ! Proximity of 4 Ang enables this check
1563             ltmp = VNORM(xa(:,idx)-xa(:,j)) < 4._dp * Ang
1564             if ( ltmp ) exit
1565          end do
1566          if ( ltmp ) exit
1567       end do
1568       if ( ltmp .and. Elecs(i)%DM_update == 0 ) then
1569          ! some buffer atoms are close to this electrode
1570          ! Advice to use dm_update
1571          write(*,'(a,/,a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' is &
1572               &likely terminated by buffer atoms. It is HIGHLY recommended to add this:', &
1573               '  TS.Elec.'//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' DM-update [cross-terms|all]'
1574          warn = .true.
1575       end if
1577       ! In case DM_bulk is requested we assert that the file exists
1578       ltmp = file_exist(Elecs(i)%DEfile)
1579       if ( Elecs(i)%DM_init > 0 .and. .not. ltmp ) then
1580          write(*,'(a,/,a)') 'Electrode '//trim(Elecs(i)%name)//' TSDE &
1581               &file cannot be located in: '//trim(Elecs(i)%DEfile)//'.', &
1582               '  Please add TS.DE.Save T to the electrode calculation or &
1583               &specify the exact file position using ''TSDE-file'' in the&
1584               & TS.Elec block.'
1585          err = .true.
1586       end if
1588    end do
1590    if ( N_Elec /= 2 .and. any(Elecs(:)%DM_update == 0) ) then
1591       write(*,'(a,/,a)') 'Consider updating more elements when doing &
1592            &N-electrode calculations. The charge conservation typically &
1593            &increases.','  TS.Elecs.DM.Update [cross-terms|all]'
1594       warn = .true.
1595    end if
1597    ! Check that the pivoting table is unique
1598    do iEl = 1, N_Elec
1599       if ( sum(Elecs(iEl)%pvt) /= 6 .or. count(Elecs(iEl)%pvt==2) /= 1 ) then
1600          write(*,'(a,/,a)') 'The pivoting table for the electrode unit-cell, &
1601               &onto the simulation unit-cell is not unique: '//trim(Elecs(iEl)%name), &
1602               '  Please check your electrode and device cell parameters!'
1603          write(*,'(a)') '  Combining this with electric fields or dipole-corrections is NOT advised!'
1604          warn = .true.
1605       end if
1606    end do
1608    write(*,'(3a,/)') repeat('*',24),' End: TS CHECKS AND WARNINGS ',repeat('*',26)
1610    if ( warn ) then
1611       ! Print BIG warning sign
1613       write(*,'(tr18,a)') repeat('*',40)
1614       write(*,'(tr19,a)') 'TRANSIESTA REPORTED IMPORTANT WARNINGS'
1615       write(*,'(tr18,a)') repeat('*',40)
1617    end if
1619    if ( err ) then
1620       write(*,'(/tr18,a)') repeat('*',30)
1621       write(*,'(tr19,a)') 'TRANSIESTA REPORTED ERRORS'
1622       write(*,'(tr18,a)') repeat('*',30)
1624       call die('One or more errors have occured doing TranSiesta &
1625            &initialization, check the output')
1626    end if
1628  end subroutine print_ts_warnings
1631  subroutine print_ts_blocks( na_u, xa )
1633    use parallel, only : IONode
1634    use files, only : slabel
1636    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSmode, onlyS
1637    use m_ts_chem_pot, only: print_mus_block
1638    use m_ts_contour, only: print_contour_block, io_contour
1641    ! Input variables
1642    integer, intent(in) :: na_u
1643    real(dp), intent(in) :: xa(3,na_u)
1645    ! Local variables
1646    integer :: i
1648    if ( .not. IONode ) return
1650    if ( onlyS .or. .not. TSmode ) return
1652    write(*,'(/,a,/)') '>>> TranSiesta block information for FDF-file START <<<'
1654    call print_mus_block( 'TS' , N_mu , mus)
1656    call print_contour_block( 'TS' , IsVolt )
1658    write(*,'(/,a,/)') '>>> TranSiesta block information for FDF-file END <<<'
1660    ! write out the contour
1661    call io_contour(IsVolt, mus, slabel)
1663  end subroutine print_ts_blocks
1665  subroutine val_swap(v1,v2)
1666    real(dp), intent(inout) :: v1, v2
1667    real(dp) :: tmp
1668    tmp = v1
1669    v1  = v2
1670    v2  = tmp
1671  end subroutine val_swap
1673end module m_ts_options