1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8module m_siesta2wannier90
11! File called seedname.mmn, where the overlap matrices are written in
12! the format required by Wannier90
14! File called seedname.eig, where the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian
15! at the required k-points are written according to the format required
16! by Wannier90.
18  use precision, only : dp                   ! Real double precision type
19  use parallel,  only : IOnode               ! Input/output node
20  use parallel,  only : Node                 ! This process node
21  use parallel,  only : Nodes                ! Total number of processor nodes
22  use sys,       only : die                  ! Termination routine
23  use files,     only : label_length         ! Number of characters in slabel
24  use siesta_options, only: w90_write_mmn       ! Write the Mmn matrix for the
25                                             !   interface with Wannier
26  use siesta_options, only: w90_write_amn       ! Write the Amn matrix for the
27                                             !   interface with Wannier
28  use siesta_options, only: w90_write_eig       ! Write the eigenvalues for the
29                                             !   interface with Wannier
30  use siesta_options, only: w90_write_unk       ! Write the unks for the
31                                             !   interface with Wannier
32  use TrialOrbitalClass
35! Variables related with the atomic structure of the system
38  real(dp) :: latvec(3,3)    ! Real lattice vectors.
39                             !   Cartesian coordinates.
40                             !   Readed in Angstroms and transformed to Bohr
41                             !   internally
42                             !   First  index: component
43                             !   Second index: vector
44                             !   This is consistent with the unit cell read
45                             !   in Siesta, but it has changed with respect
46                             !   the first version implemented by R. Korytar
47  real(dp) :: reclatvec(3,3) ! Reciprocal lattice vectors.
48                             !   Cartesian coordinates.
49                             !   Readed in Angstroms^-1 and transformed
50                             !   to Bohr^-1 internally
51                             !   First  index: component
52                             !   Second index: vector
53                             !   This is consistent with the reciprocal
54                             !   lattice read in Siesta
55                             !   in Siesta, but it has changed with respect
56                             !   the first version implemented by R. Korytar
58! Variables related with the k-point list for which the overlap
59! matrices Mmn between a k-point and its neighbor will be computed
61  integer  :: numkpoints     ! Total number of k-points
62                             !   for which the overlap of the
63                             !   periodic part of the wavefunct
64                             !   with a neighbour k-point will
65                             !   be computed
66  real(dp), pointer :: kpointsfrac(:,:)
67                             ! List of k points relative
68                             !   to the reciprocal lattice vectors.
69                             !   First  index: component
70                             !   Second index: k-point index in the list
71  real(dp), pointer :: bvectorsfrac(:,:)
72                             ! The vectors b that connect each mesh-point k
73                             !   to its nearest neighbours
75! Variables related with the neighbours of the k-points
77  integer           :: nncount
78                             ! The number of nearest neighbours belonging to
79                             !   each k-point of the Monkhorst-Pack mesh
80  integer, pointer  :: nnlist(:,:)
81                             ! nnlist(ikp,inn) is the index of the
82                             !   inn-neighbour of ikp-point
83                             !   in the Monkhorst-Pack grid folded to the
84                             !   first Brillouin zone
85  integer, pointer  :: nnfolding(:,:,:)
86                             ! nnfolding(i,ikp,inn) is the i-component
87                             !   of the reciprocal lattice vector
88                             !   (in reduced units) that brings
89                             !   the inn-neighbour specified in nnlist
90                             !   (which is in the first BZ) to the
91                             !   actual \vec{k} + \vec{b} that we need.
92                             !   In reciprocal lattice units.
94! Variables related with the projections with trial functions,
95! initial approximations to the MLWF
97  integer  :: numproj        ! Total number of projection centers,
98                             !   equal to the number of MLWF
99  type(trialorbital), target, allocatable  :: projections(:)
101! Variables related with the number of bands considered for wannierization
103  integer          :: numbands(2) ! Number of bands for wannierization
104                                  !    before excluding bands
105  integer          :: numexcluded
106                             ! Number of bands to exclude from the calculation
107                             !   of the overlap and projection matrices.
108                             !   This variable is read from the .nnkp file
110  integer          :: numincbands(2)
111                             ! Number of included bands in the calc.
112                             !   of the overlap and projection matrices.
113                             !   after excluding the bands
114  integer          :: nincbands_loc
115                             ! Number of included bands in the calc.
116                             !   of the overlap and projection matrices.
117                             !   in the local Node
118  integer          :: blocksizeincbands ! Maximum number of bands
119                            !    considered for wannierization per node
121  integer, pointer :: excludedbands(:)
122                             ! Bands to be excluded
123                             !   This variable is read from the .nnkp file
124  logical, pointer :: isexcluded(:) ! Masks excluded bands
125  integer, pointer :: isincluded(:) ! Masks included bands
128! Variables related with the coefficients of the wavefunctions and
129! eigenvalues at the Wannier90 k-point mesh
131  complex(dp), pointer :: coeffs(:,:,:) => null() ! Coefficients of the wavefunctions.
132                                         !   First  index: orbital
133                                         !   Second index: band
134                                         !   Third  index: k-point
135  real(dp),    pointer :: eo(:,:) => null()        ! Eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian
136                                         !   at the numkpoints introduced in
137                                         !   kpointsfrac
138                                         !   First  index: band index
139                                         !   Second index: k-point index
143! Output matrices
146 complex(dp), pointer :: Mmnkb(:,:,:,:) => null()  ! Matrix of the overlaps of
147                                         !   periodic parts of Bloch waves.
148                                         !   <u_{ik}|u_{jk+b}>
149                                         !   The first two indices refer to
150                                         !   the number of occupied bands
151                                         !   (indices m and n in standard
152                                         !   notation, see for instance,
153                                         !   Eq. (27) of the paper by
154                                         !   Marzari et al., RMP 84, 1419 (2012)
155                                         !   The third index refer to the kpoint
156                                         !   The fourth index refer to the neig
157 complex(dp), pointer :: Amnmat(:,:,:) => null()  ! Projections of a trial function
158                                         !   with a Bloch orbital
159                                         !   <\psi_{m k}|g_n>
162! Variables related with the input/output files
164 character(label_length+3)  :: seedname  ! Name of the file where the Wannier90
165                                         !   code, when used as a postprocessing
166                                         !   tool, reads or dumps the
167                                         !   information.
171subroutine siesta2wannier90
173  use m_spin,        only: nspin         ! Number of spin components
174  use files,         only: slabel        ! Short system label,
175                                         !   used to generate file names
176  use m_digest_nnkp, only: read_nnkp     ! Subroutine that reads the .nnkp file
177  use m_digest_nnkp, only: chosing_b_vectors ! Subroutine that computes the b
178                                         ! vectors that connect each mesh
179                                         ! k-point to its nearest neighbours.
180  use m_digest_nnkp, only: set_excluded_bands   ! Subroutine that chooses the
181                                                !   bands that are excluded from
182                                                !   the wannierization procedure
183  use m_digest_nnkp, only: number_bands_wannier ! Subroutine that computes the
184                                         ! number of bands for wannierization
186  implicit none
188  integer                    :: ispin    ! Spin counter
189  integer                    :: numbandswan(2)
190                                         ! Number of bands for wannierization
192  external  :: timer, mmn
194  call timer("siesta2wannier90",1)
196  do ispin = 1, nspin
197!   Append _up or _dn to the seedname if spin polarized
198    seedname = trim(getFileNameRoot(ispin,nspin,slabel))
199!   A priori, the .nnkp file generated by Wannier90 used as a
200!   postprocessing tool is independent of spin.
201!   However, they provide examples (example08, bulk Fe) where
202!   two different .nnkp files are generated,
203!   one for each component of the spin.
204!   This inspired us to read the .nnkp file for each component of the spin
205!   (note that the seedname will be different in every case).
206!   The information is read only by the master node,
207!   and broadcast to the rest of the nodes later.
208    if (IOnode) then
209       write(6,'(/,a)')  &
210 &       'siesta2wannier90: Reading the ' // trim(seedname) // '.nnkp file'
211    endif
212    call read_nnkp( seedname, latvec, reclatvec, numkpoints,          &
213                    kpointsfrac, nncount, nnlist, nnfolding,          &
214                    numproj, projections, numexcluded, excludedbands, &
215                    w90_write_amn )
217!   Compute the vectors that connect each mesh k-point to its nearest neighbours
218    call chosing_b_vectors( kpointsfrac, nncount, nnlist, nnfolding,  &
219                            bvectorsfrac )
221!   Compute the number of bands for wannierization
222    call number_bands_wannier( numbandswan )
223    numbands(ispin) = numbandswan(ispin)
225!   Chose which bands are excluded from the wannierization procedure
226    call set_excluded_bands(  ispin, numexcluded, excludedbands, numbands, &
227 &                            isexcluded, isincluded, numincbands )
229!   Compute the matrix elements of the plane wave,
230!   for all the wave vectors that connect a given k-point to its nearest
231!   neighbours
232    call compute_pw_matrix( nncount, bvectorsfrac )
234!   Compute the coefficients of the wavefunctions at the
235!   k-points of the Wannier90 mesh
236    call diagonalizeHk( ispin )
238!   Compute the overlap between periodic parts of the wave functions
239    if( w90_write_mmn ) call mmn( ispin )
241!   Compute the overlaps between Bloch states onto trial localized orbitals
242    if( w90_write_amn ) call amn( ispin )
244!   Write the eigenvalues in a file, in the format required by Wannier90
245    if( IOnode .and. w90_write_eig ) call writeeig( ispin )
247!   Write the values of the Bloch states in a box
248    if( w90_write_unk ) call writeunk( ispin )
250  enddo
252  if (IOnode) then
253    write(6,'(/,a)')  &
254 &    'siesta2wannier90: All the information dumped in the corresponding files'
255    write(6,'(a)')  &
256 &    'siesta2wannier90: End of the interface between Siesta and Wannier90'
257  endif
259  call timer("siesta2wannier90",2)
261end subroutine siesta2wannier90
263function getFileNameRoot(ispin,nspin,root)
265! Constructs filenames for various cases of spin:
266! Nonpolarized, down and up by adding an extension to
267! "root". Behavior:
268! (a) unpolarized: no change
269! (b) spin up: _up suffix
270! (c) spin down: _dn suffix
272  character(*),intent(in)      :: root
273  integer,intent(in)           :: ispin, nspin
274  character(len_trim(root)+3)  :: getFileNameRoot
276  select case (nspin)
277!   If only one spin component, do nothing
278    case (1)
279      getFileNameRoot = trim(root)
280!   If two spin components,
281!   append "_up" (for the first one) or "_dn" (for the second spin component)
282!   to the seed name
283    case (2)
284      select case (ispin)
285         case (1)
286           getFileNameRoot = trim(root)//"_up"
287         case (2)
288           getFileNameRoot = trim(root)//"_dn"
289      end select
290!   If more than two spin components, stop the program
291!   and print and error message
292    case default
293      call die("getFileNameRoot: non-collinear spin not implemented yet")
294  end select
295end function getFileNameRoot
297endmodule m_siesta2wannier90