1 /*!
2  * \file  mfront/src/PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \brief 22 août 2014
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include<iostream>
15 #include<sstream>
17 #include"TFEL/Raise.hxx"
18 #include"TFEL/Utilities/StringAlgorithms.hxx"
19 #include"MFront/BehaviourDescription.hxx"
20 #include"MFront/NonLinearSystemSolverBase.hxx"
21 #include"MFront/PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase.hxx"
23 namespace mfront{
25   std::vector<std::string>
getReservedNames()26   PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::getReservedNames()
27   {
28     return {"pdl_g","pdl_g2","pdl_0",
29 	"pdl_1","pdl_2","pdl_3",
30 	"pdl_alpha","pdl_cste",
31 	"powell_dogleg_trust_region_size_inv"};
32   } // end of PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::getReservedNames
34   std::pair<bool,PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::tokens_iterator>
treatSpecificKeywords(BehaviourDescription & mb,const std::string & key,const tokens_iterator p,const tokens_iterator pe)35   PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::treatSpecificKeywords(BehaviourDescription& mb,
36 						   const std::string& key,
37 						   const tokens_iterator p,
38 						   const tokens_iterator pe)
39   {
40     using namespace tfel::material;
41     using namespace tfel::utilities;
42     const auto h = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
43     if(key=="@PowellDogLegTrustRegionSize"){
44       CxxTokenizer::TokensContainer::const_iterator current = p;
45       CxxTokenizer::checkNotEndOfLine("PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::treatSpecificKeywords",current,pe);
46       CxxTokenizer::checkNotEndOfLine("ImplicitDSLBase::treatPowellDogLegTrustRegionSize"
47 				      "Cannot read pdl_trs value.",current,pe);
48       const auto pdl_trs = convert<double>(current->value);
49       tfel::raise_if(pdl_trs<0,"ImplicitDSLBase::treatPowellDogLegTrustRegionSize: "
50 		     "region size must be positive.");
51       ++current;
52       CxxTokenizer::readSpecifiedToken("ImplicitDSLBase::treatPowellDogLegTrustRegionSize",";",current,pe);
53       mb.addParameter(h,VariableDescription("real","powell_dogleg_trust_region_size",1u,0u));
54       mb.setParameterDefaultValue(h,"powell_dogleg_trust_region_size",pdl_trs);
55       return {true,current};
56     }
57     return {false,p};
58   } // end of PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::treatSpecificKeywords
completeVariableDeclaration(BehaviourDescription & mb)61   void PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::completeVariableDeclaration(BehaviourDescription& mb)
62   {
63     using namespace tfel::material;
64     const auto h = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
65     if(!mb.hasParameter(h,"powell_dogleg_trust_region_size")){
66       mb.addParameter(h,VariableDescription("real","powell_dogleg_trust_region_size",1u,0u));
67       mb.setParameterDefaultValue(h,"powell_dogleg_trust_region_size",1.e-4);
68     }
69   } // end of PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::completeVariableDeclaration
71   void
writePowellDogLegStep(std::ostream & out,const BehaviourDescription & mb,const Hypothesis h,const std::string & B,const std::string & f,const std::string & pn)72   PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::writePowellDogLegStep(std::ostream& out,
73 							 const BehaviourDescription& mb,
74 							 const Hypothesis h,
75 							 const std::string& B,
76 							 const std::string& f,
77 							 const std::string& pn)
78   {
79     const auto& d = mb.getBehaviourData(h);
80     const auto n = d.getIntegrationVariables().getTypeSize();
81     out << "if(abs(" << pn<< ")<(" << n << ")*(this->powell_dogleg_trust_region_size)){\n"
82 	<< "// using the newton method only\n";
83     NonLinearSystemSolverBase::writeLimitsOnIncrementValues(out,mb,h,pn);
84     out << "this->zeros -= " << pn<< ";\n"
85 	<< "} else { \n"
86 	<< "// computing the steepest descent step\n"
87 	<< "tvector<" << n << ",real> pdl_g;\n"
88 	<< "tvector<" << n << ",real> pdl_g2;\n"
89 	<< "for(unsigned short idx=0;idx!=" << n << ";++idx){\n"
90 	<< "pdl_g[idx]=real(0);\n"
91 	<< "for(unsigned short idx2=0;idx2!=" << n << ";++idx2){\n"
92 	<< "pdl_g[idx] += (" << B << "(idx2,idx)) * (" << f << "(idx2));\n"
93 	<< "}\n"
94 	<< "}\n"
95 	<< "for(unsigned short idx=0;idx!=" << n << ";++idx){\n"
96 	<< "pdl_g2[idx]=real(0);\n"
97 	<< "for(unsigned short idx2=0;idx2!=" << n << ";++idx2){\n"
98 	<< "pdl_g2[idx] += (" << B << "(idx,idx2)) * pdl_g(idx2);\n"
99 	<< "}\n"
100 	<< "}\n"
101 	<< "const real pdl_cste = (pdl_g|pdl_g)/(pdl_g2|pdl_g2);\n"
102 	<< "pdl_g *= pdl_cste;\n"
103 	<< "if(abs(pdl_g)<(" << n << ")*(this->powell_dogleg_trust_region_size)){\n"
104 	<< "const real pdl_0 = (this->powell_dogleg_trust_region_size)*(this->powell_dogleg_trust_region_size);\n"
105 	<< "const real pdl_1 = (pdl_g|pdl_g);\n"
106 	<< "const real pdl_2 = ((" << pn << ")|pdl_g);\n"
107 	<< "const real pdl_3 = ((" << pn << ")|(" << pn << "));\n"
108 	<< "const real pdl_alpha = "
109 	<< "(pdl_0-pdl_1)/((pdl_2-pdl_1)+sqrt(max((pdl_2-pdl_0)*(pdl_2-pdl_0)+(pdl_3-pdl_0)*(pdl_0-pdl_1),real(0))));\n"
110 	<< "pdl_g = pdl_alpha*(" << pn<< ") + (1-pdl_alpha)*pdl_g;\n"
111 	<< "} else {\n"
112 	<< "const real pdl_alpha = (this->powell_dogleg_trust_region_size)/(norm(pdl_g));\n"
113 	<< "pdl_g *= pdl_alpha;\n"
114 	<< "}\n";
115     NonLinearSystemSolverBase::writeLimitsOnIncrementValues(out,mb,h,"pdl_g");
116     out << "this->zeros -= pdl_g;\n"
117 	<< "}\n";
118   } // end of ImplicitDSLBase::writePowellDogLegStep
120   PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase::~PowellDogLegAlgorithmBase() = default;
122 } // end of namespace mfront