1 /*!
2  * \file  src/Math/FactorizedKriging1D1D.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \brief 19 mai 2010
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include"TFEL/Raise.hxx"
15 #include"TFEL/Math/FactorizedKriging1D1D.hxx"
17 namespace tfel
18 {
20   namespace math
21   {
FactorizedKriging1D1D(const std::vector<double> & vx,const std::vector<double> & vy,const std::vector<double> & vz)23     FactorizedKriging1D1D::FactorizedKriging1D1D(const std::vector<double>& vx,
24 						 const std::vector<double>& vy,
25 						 const std::vector<double>& vz)
26     {
27       raise_if<KrigingErrorInvalidLength>((vx.size()!=vy.size())||
28 					  (vx.size()!=vz.size()));
29       const auto n0 = KrigingUtilities::normalize(vx);
30       this->a0 = n0.first;
31       this->b0 = n0.second;
32       const auto n1 = KrigingUtilities::normalize(vy);
33       this->a1 = n1.first;
34       this->b1 = n1.second;
35       auto px = vx.cbegin();
36       auto py = vy.cbegin();
37       auto pz = vz.cbegin();
38       for(;px!=vx.end();++px,++py,++pz){
39 	FK::addValue(this->a0*(*px)+this->b0,
40 		     this->a1*(*py)+this->b1,*pz);
41       }
42       FK::buildInterpolation();
43     }
FactorizedKriging1D1D(const tfel::math::vector<double> & vx,const tfel::math::vector<double> & vy,const tfel::math::vector<double> & vz)45     FactorizedKriging1D1D::FactorizedKriging1D1D(const tfel::math::vector<double>& vx,
46 						 const tfel::math::vector<double>& vy,
47 						 const tfel::math::vector<double>& vz)
48     {
49       raise_if<KrigingErrorInvalidLength>((vx.size()!=vy.size())||
50 					  (vx.size()!=vz.size()));
51       const auto n0 = KrigingUtilities::normalize(vx);
52       this->a0 = n0.first;
53       this->b0 = n0.second;
54       const auto n1 = KrigingUtilities::normalize(vy);
55       this->a1 = n1.first;
56       this->b1 = n1.second;
57       auto px = vx.cbegin();
58       auto py = vy.cbegin();
59       auto pz = vz.cbegin();
60       for(;px!=vx.end();++px,++py,++pz){
61 	FK::addValue(this->a0*(*px)+this->b0,
62 		     this->a1*(*py)+this->b1,*pz);
63       }
64       FK::buildInterpolation();
65     }
operator ()(const double vx,const double vy) const67     double FactorizedKriging1D1D::operator()(const double vx,
68 					     const double vy) const
69     {
70       return FK::operator()(this->a0*(vx)+this->b0,
71 			    this->a1*(vy)+this->b1);
72     } // end of FactorizedKriging1D1D::operator()
74     FactorizedKriging1D1D::~FactorizedKriging1D1D() = default;
76   } // end of namespace math
78 } // end of namespace tfel