1 // Voro++, a 3D cell-based Voronoi library
2 //
3 // Author   : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
4 // Email    : chr@alum.mit.edu
5 // Date     : August 30th 2011
7 /** \file container_prd.hh
8  * \brief Header file for the container_periodic_base and related classes. */
13 #include <cstdio>
14 #include <vector>
16 #include "config.hh"
17 #include "common.hh"
18 #include "v_base.hh"
19 #include "cell.hh"
20 #include "c_loops.hh"
21 #include "v_compute.hh"
22 #include "unitcell.hh"
23 #include "rad_option.hh"
25 namespace voro {
27 /** \brief Class for representing a particle system in a 3D periodic
28  * non-orthogonal periodic domain.
29  *
30  * This class represents a particle system in a three-dimensional
31  * non-orthogonal periodic domain. The domain is defined by three periodicity
32  * vectors (bx,0,0), (bxy,by,0), and (bxz,byz,bz) that represent a
33  * parallelepiped. Internally, the class stores particles in the box 0<x<bx,
34  * 0<y<by, 0<z<bz, and constructs periodic images of particles that displaced
35  * by the three periodicity vectors when they are necessary for the
36  * computation. The internal memory structure for this class is significantly
37  * different from the container_base class in order to handle the dynamic
38  * construction of these periodic images.
39  *
40  * The class is derived from the unitcell class, which encapsulates information
41  * about the domain geometry, and the voro_base class, which encapsulates
42  * information about the underlying computational grid. */
43 class container_periodic_base : public unitcell, public voro_base {
44 	public:
45 		/** The lower y index (inclusive) of the primary domain within
46 		 * the block structure. */
47 		int ey;
48 		/** The lower z index (inclusive) of the primary domain within
49 		 * the block structure. */
50 		int ez;
51 		/** The upper y index (exclusive) of the primary domain within
52 		 * the block structure. */
53 		int wy;
54 		/** The upper z index (exclusive) of the primary domain within
55 		 * the block structure. */
56 		int wz;
57 		/** The total size of the block structure (including images) in
58 		 * the y direction. */
59 		int oy;
60 		/** The total size of the block structure (including images) in
61 		 * the z direction. */
62 		int oz;
63 		/** The total number of blocks. */
64 		int oxyz;
65 		/** This array holds the numerical IDs of each particle in each
66 		 * computational box. */
67 		int **id;
68 		/** A two dimensional array holding particle positions. For the
69 		 * derived container_poly class, this also holds particle
70 		 * radii. */
71 		double **p;
72 		/** This array holds the number of particles within each
73 		 * computational box of the container. */
74 		int *co;
75 		/** This array holds the maximum amount of particle memory for
76 		 * each computational box of the container. If the number of
77 		 * particles in a particular box ever approaches this limit,
78 		 * more is allocated using the add_particle_memory() function.
79 		 */
80 		int *mem;
81 		/** An array holding information about periodic image
82 		 * construction at a given location. */
83 		char *img;
84 		/** The initial amount of memory to allocate for particles
85 		 * for each block. */
86 		const int init_mem;
87 		/** The amount of memory in the array structure for each
88 		 * particle. This is set to 3 when the basic class is
89 		 * initialized, so that the array holds (x,y,z) positions. If
90 		 * the container class is initialized as part of the derived
91 		 * class container_poly, then this is set to 4, to also hold
92 		 * the particle radii. */
93 		const int ps;
94 		container_periodic_base(double bx_,double bxy_,double by_,double bxz_,double byz_,double bz_,
95 				int nx_,int ny_,int nz_,int init_mem_,int ps);
96 		~container_periodic_base();
97 		/** Prints all particles in the container, including those that
98 		 * have been constructed in image blocks. */
print_all_particles()99 		inline void print_all_particles() {
100 			int ijk,q;
101 			for(ijk=0;ijk<oxyz;ijk++) for(q=0;q<co[ijk];q++)
102 				printf("%d %g %g %g\n",id[ijk][q],p[ijk][ps*q],p[ijk][ps*q+1],p[ijk][ps*q+2]);
103 		}
104 		void region_count();
105 		/** Initializes the Voronoi cell prior to a compute_cell
106 		 * operation for a specific particle being carried out by a
107 		 * voro_compute class. The cell is initialized to be the
108 		 * pre-computed unit Voronoi cell based on planes formed by
109 		 * periodic images of the particle.
110 		 * \param[in,out] c a reference to a voronoicell object.
111 		 * \param[in] ijk the block that the particle is within.
112 		 * \param[in] q the index of the particle within its block.
113 		 * \param[in] (ci,cj,ck) the coordinates of the block in the
114 		 * 			 container coordinate system.
115 		 * \param[out] (i,j,k) the coordinates of the test block
116 		 * 		       relative to the voro_compute
117 		 * 		       coordinate system.
118 		 * \param[out] (x,y,z) the position of the particle.
119 		 * \param[out] disp a block displacement used internally by the
120 		 *		    compute_cell routine.
121 		 * \return False if the plane cuts applied by walls completely
122 		 * removed the cell, true otherwise. */
123 		template<class v_cell>
initialize_voronoicell(v_cell & c,int ijk,int q,int ci,int cj,int ck,int & i,int & j,int & k,double & x,double & y,double & z,int & disp)124 		inline bool initialize_voronoicell(v_cell &c,int ijk,int q,int ci,int cj,int ck,int &i,int &j,int &k,double &x,double &y,double &z,int &disp) {
125 			c=unit_voro;
126 			double *pp=p[ijk]+ps*q;
127 			x=*(pp++);y=*(pp++);z=*pp;
128 			i=nx;j=ey;k=ez;
129 			return true;
130 		}
131 		/** Initializes parameters for a find_voronoi_cell call within
132 		 * the voro_compute template.
133 		 * \param[in] (ci,cj,ck) the coordinates of the test block in
134 		 * 			 the container coordinate system.
135 		 * \param[in] ijk the index of the test block
136 		 * \param[out] (i,j,k) the coordinates of the test block
137 		 * 		       relative to the voro_compute
138 		 * 		       coordinate system.
139 		 * \param[out] disp a block displacement used internally by the
140 		 *		    find_voronoi_cell routine (but not needed
141 		 *		    in this instance.) */
initialize_search(int ci,int cj,int ck,int ijk,int & i,int & j,int & k,int & disp)142 		inline void initialize_search(int ci,int cj,int ck,int ijk,int &i,int &j,int &k,int &disp) {
143 			i=nx;j=ey;k=ez;
144 		}
145 		/** Returns the position of a particle currently being computed
146 		 * relative to the computational block that it is within. It is
147 		 * used to select the optimal worklist entry to use.
148 		 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the position of the particle.
149 		 * \param[in] (ci,cj,ck) the block that the particle is within.
150 		 * \param[out] (fx,fy,fz) the position relative to the block.
151 		 */
frac_pos(double x,double y,double z,double ci,double cj,double ck,double & fx,double & fy,double & fz)152 		inline void frac_pos(double x,double y,double z,double ci,double cj,double ck,double &fx,double &fy,double &fz) {
153 			fx=x-boxx*ci;
154 			fy=y-boxy*(cj-ey);
155 			fz=z-boxz*(ck-ez);
156 		}
157 		/** Calculates the index of block in the container structure
158 		 * corresponding to given coordinates.
159 		 * \param[in] (ci,cj,ck) the coordinates of the original block
160 		 * 			 in the current computation, relative
161 		 * 			 to the container coordinate system.
162 		 * \param[in] (ei,ej,ek) the displacement of the current block
163 		 * 			 from the original block.
164 		 * \param[in,out] (qx,qy,qz) the periodic displacement that
165 		 * 			     must be added to the particles
166 		 * 			     within the computed block.
167 		 * \param[in] disp a block displacement used internally by the
168 		 * 		    find_voronoi_cell and compute_cell routines
169 		 * 		    (but not needed in this instance.)
170 		 * \return The block index. */
region_index(int ci,int cj,int ck,int ei,int ej,int ek,double & qx,double & qy,double & qz,int & disp)171 		inline int region_index(int ci,int cj,int ck,int ei,int ej,int ek,double &qx,double &qy,double &qz,int &disp) {
172 			int qi=ci+(ei-nx),qj=cj+(ej-ey),qk=ck+(ek-ez);
173 			int iv(step_div(qi,nx));if(iv!=0) {qx=iv*bx;qi-=nx*iv;} else qx=0;
174 			create_periodic_image(qi,qj,qk);
175 			return qi+nx*(qj+oy*qk);
176 		}
177 		void create_all_images();
178 		void check_compartmentalized();
179 	protected:
180 		void add_particle_memory(int i);
181 		void put_locate_block(int &ijk,double &x,double &y,double &z);
182 		void put_locate_block(int &ijk,double &x,double &y,double &z,int &ai,int &aj,int &ak);
183 		/** Creates particles within an image block by copying them
184 		 * from the primary domain and shifting them. If the given
185 		 * block is aligned with the primary domain in the z-direction,
186 		 * the routine calls the simpler create_side_image routine
187 		 * where the image block may comprise of particles from up to
188 		 * two primary blocks. Otherwise is calls the more complex
189 		 * create_vertical_image where the image block may comprise of
190 		 * particles from up to four primary blocks.
191 		 * \param[in] (di,dj,dk) the coordinates of the image block to
192 		 *                       create. */
create_periodic_image(int di,int dj,int dk)193 		inline void create_periodic_image(int di,int dj,int dk) {
194 			if(di<0||di>=nx||dj<0||dj>=oy||dk<0||dk>=oz)
195 				voro_fatal_error("Constructing periodic image for nonexistent point",VOROPP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
196 			if(dk>=ez&&dk<wz) {
197 				if(dj<ey||dj>=wy) create_side_image(di,dj,dk);
198 			} else create_vertical_image(di,dj,dk);
199 		}
200 		void create_side_image(int di,int dj,int dk);
201 		void create_vertical_image(int di,int dj,int dk);
202 		void put_image(int reg,int fijk,int l,double dx,double dy,double dz);
203 		inline void remap(int &ai,int &aj,int &ak,int &ci,int &cj,int &ck,double &x,double &y,double &z,int &ijk);
204 };
206 /** \brief Extension of the container_periodic_base class for computing regular
207  * Voronoi tessellations.
208  *
209  * This class is an extension of the container_periodic_base that has routines
210  * specifically for computing the regular Voronoi tessellation with no
211  * dependence on particle radii. */
212 class container_periodic : public container_periodic_base, public radius_mono {
213 	public:
214 		container_periodic(double bx_,double bxy_,double by_,double bxz_,double byz_,double bz_,
215 				int nx_,int ny_,int nz_,int init_mem_);
216 		void clear();
217 		void put(int n,double x,double y,double z);
218 		void put(int n,double x,double y,double z,int &ai,int &aj,int &ak);
219 		void put(particle_order &vo,int n,double x,double y,double z);
220 		void import(FILE *fp=stdin);
221 		void import(particle_order &vo,FILE *fp=stdin);
222 		/** Imports a list of particles from an open file stream into
223 		 * the container. Entries of four numbers (Particle ID, x
224 		 * position, y position, z position) are searched for. If the
225 		 * file cannot be successfully read, then the routine causes a
226 		 * fatal error.
227 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to open and read
228 		 *                     from. */
import(const char * filename)229 		inline void import(const char* filename) {
230 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"r");
231 			import(fp);
232 			fclose(fp);
233 		}
234 		/** Imports a list of particles from an open file stream into
235 		 * the container. Entries of four numbers (Particle ID, x
236 		 * position, y position, z position) are searched for. In
237 		 * addition, the order in which particles are read is saved
238 		 * into an ordering class. If the file cannot be successfully
239 		 * read, then the routine causes a fatal error.
240 		 * \param[in,out] vo the ordering class to use.
241 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to open and read
242 		 *                     from. */
import(particle_order & vo,const char * filename)243 		inline void import(particle_order &vo,const char* filename) {
244 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"r");
245 			import(vo,fp);
246 			fclose(fp);
247 		}
248 		void compute_all_cells();
249 		double sum_cell_volumes();
250 		/** Dumps particle IDs and positions to a file.
251 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
252 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
253 		template<class c_loop>
draw_particles(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)254 		void draw_particles(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
255 			double *pp;
256 			if(vl.start()) do {
257 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+3*vl.q;
258 				fprintf(fp,"%d %g %g %g\n",id[vl.ijk][vl.q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2]);
259 			} while(vl.inc());
260 		}
261 		/** Dumps all of the particle IDs and positions to a file.
262 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_particles(FILE * fp=stdout)263 		inline void draw_particles(FILE *fp=stdout) {
264 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
265 			draw_particles(vl,fp);
266 		}
267 		/** Dumps all of the particle IDs and positions to a file.
268 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_particles(const char * filename)269 		inline void draw_particles(const char *filename) {
270 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
271 			draw_particles(fp);
272 			fclose(fp);
273 		}
274 		/** Dumps particle positions in POV-Ray format.
275 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
276 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
277 		template<class c_loop>
draw_particles_pov(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)278 		void draw_particles_pov(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
279 			double *pp;
280 			if(vl.start()) do {
281 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+3*vl.q;
282 				fprintf(fp,"// id %d\nsphere{<%g,%g,%g>,s}\n",
283 						id[vl.ijk][vl.q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2]);
284 			} while(vl.inc());
285 		}
286 		/** Dumps all particle positions in POV-Ray format.
287 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_particles_pov(FILE * fp=stdout)288 		inline void draw_particles_pov(FILE *fp=stdout) {
289 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
290 			draw_particles_pov(vl,fp);
291 		}
292 		/** Dumps all particle positions in POV-Ray format.
293 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_particles_pov(const char * filename)294 		inline void draw_particles_pov(const char *filename) {
295 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
296 			draw_particles_pov(fp);
297 			fclose(fp);
298 		}
299 		/** Computes Voronoi cells and saves the output in gnuplot
300 		 * format.
301 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
302 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
303 		template<class c_loop>
draw_cells_gnuplot(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)304 		void draw_cells_gnuplot(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
305 			voronoicell c;double *pp;
306 			if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
307 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+ps*vl.q;
308 				c.draw_gnuplot(*pp,pp[1],pp[2],fp);
309 			} while(vl.inc());
310 		}
311 		/** Computes all Voronoi cells and saves the output in gnuplot
312 		 * format.
313 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_cells_gnuplot(FILE * fp=stdout)314 		inline void draw_cells_gnuplot(FILE *fp=stdout) {
315 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
316 			draw_cells_gnuplot(vl,fp);
317 		}
318 		/** Compute all Voronoi cells and saves the output in gnuplot
319 		 * format.
320 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_cells_gnuplot(const char * filename)321 		inline void draw_cells_gnuplot(const char *filename) {
322 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
323 			draw_cells_gnuplot(fp);
324 			fclose(fp);
325 		}
326 		/** Computes Voronoi cells and saves the output in POV-Ray
327 		 * format.
328 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
329 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
330 		template<class c_loop>
draw_cells_pov(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)331 		void draw_cells_pov(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
332 			voronoicell c;double *pp;
333 			if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
334 				fprintf(fp,"// cell %d\n",id[vl.ijk][vl.q]);
335 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+ps*vl.q;
336 				c.draw_pov(*pp,pp[1],pp[2],fp);
337 			} while(vl.inc());
338 		}
339 		/** Computes all Voronoi cells and saves the output in POV-Ray
340 		 * format.
341 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_cells_pov(FILE * fp=stdout)342 		inline void draw_cells_pov(FILE *fp=stdout) {
343 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
344 			draw_cells_pov(vl,fp);
345 		}
346 		/** Computes all Voronoi cells and saves the output in POV-Ray
347 		 * format.
348 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_cells_pov(const char * filename)349 		inline void draw_cells_pov(const char *filename) {
350 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
351 			draw_cells_pov(fp);
352 			fclose(fp);
353 		}
354 		/** Computes the Voronoi cells and saves customized information
355 		 * about them.
356 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
357 		 * \param[in] format the custom output string to use.
358 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
359 		template<class c_loop>
print_custom(c_loop & vl,const char * format,FILE * fp)360 		void print_custom(c_loop &vl,const char *format,FILE *fp) {
361 			int ijk,q;double *pp;
362 			if(contains_neighbor(format)) {
363 				voronoicell_neighbor c;
364 				if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
365 					ijk=vl.ijk;q=vl.q;pp=p[ijk]+ps*q;
366 					c.output_custom(format,id[ijk][q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2],default_radius,fp);
367 				} while(vl.inc());
368 			} else {
369 				voronoicell c;
370 				if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
371 					ijk=vl.ijk;q=vl.q;pp=p[ijk]+ps*q;
372 					c.output_custom(format,id[ijk][q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2],default_radius,fp);
373 				} while(vl.inc());
374 			}
375 		}
376 		void print_custom(const char *format,FILE *fp=stdout);
377 		void print_custom(const char *format,const char *filename);
378 		bool find_voronoi_cell(double x,double y,double z,double &rx,double &ry,double &rz,int &pid);
379 		/** Computes the Voronoi cell for a particle currently being
380 		 * referenced by a loop class.
381 		 * \param[out] c a Voronoi cell class in which to store the
382 		 * 		 computed cell.
383 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
384 		 * \return True if the cell was computed. If the cell cannot be
385 		 * computed because it was removed entirely for some reason,
386 		 * then the routine returns false. */
387 		template<class v_cell,class c_loop>
compute_cell(v_cell & c,c_loop & vl)388 		inline bool compute_cell(v_cell &c,c_loop &vl) {
389 			return vc.compute_cell(c,vl.ijk,vl.q,vl.i,vl.j,vl.k);
390 		}
391 		/** Computes the Voronoi cell for given particle.
392 		 * \param[out] c a Voronoi cell class in which to store the
393 		 * 		 computed cell.
394 		 * \param[in] ijk the block that the particle is within.
395 		 * \param[in] q the index of the particle within the block.
396 		 * \return True if the cell was computed. If the cell cannot be
397 		 * computed because it was removed entirely for some reason,
398 		 * then the routine returns false. */
399 		template<class v_cell>
compute_cell(v_cell & c,int ijk,int q)400 		inline bool compute_cell(v_cell &c,int ijk,int q) {
401 			int k(ijk/(nx*oy)),ijkt(ijk-(nx*oy)*k),j(ijkt/nx),i(ijkt-j*nx);
402 			return vc.compute_cell(c,ijk,q,i,j,k);
403 		}
404 		/** Computes the Voronoi cell for a ghost particle at a given
405 		 * location.
406 		 * \param[out] c a Voronoi cell class in which to store the
407 		 * 		 computed cell.
408 		 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the location of the ghost particle.
409 		 * \return True if the cell was computed. If the cell cannot be
410 		 * computed, if it is removed entirely by a wall or boundary
411 		 * condition, then the routine returns false. */
412 		template<class v_cell>
compute_ghost_cell(v_cell & c,double x,double y,double z)413 		inline bool compute_ghost_cell(v_cell &c,double x,double y,double z) {
414 			int ijk;
415 			put_locate_block(ijk,x,y,z);
416 			double *pp=p[ijk]+3*co[ijk]++;
417 			*(pp++)=x;*(pp++)=y;*(pp++)=z;
418 			bool q=compute_cell(c,ijk,co[ijk]-1);
419 			co[ijk]--;
420 			return q;
421 		}
422 	private:
423 		voro_compute<container_periodic> vc;
424 		friend class voro_compute<container_periodic>;
425 };
427 /** \brief Extension of the container_periodic_base class for computing radical
428  * Voronoi tessellations.
429  *
430  * This class is an extension of container_periodic_base that has routines
431  * specifically for computing the radical Voronoi tessellation that depends
432  * on the particle radii. */
433 class container_periodic_poly : public container_periodic_base, public radius_poly {
434 	public:
435 		container_periodic_poly(double bx_,double bxy_,double by_,double bxz_,double byz_,double bz_,
436 				int nx_,int ny_,int nz_,int init_mem_);
437 		void clear();
438 		void put(int n,double x,double y,double z,double r);
439 		void put(int n,double x,double y,double z,double r,int &ai,int &aj,int &ak);
440 		void put(particle_order &vo,int n,double x,double y,double z,double r);
441 		void import(FILE *fp=stdin);
442 		void import(particle_order &vo,FILE *fp=stdin);
443 		/** Imports a list of particles from an open file stream into
444 		 * the container_poly class. Entries of five numbers (Particle
445 		 * ID, x position, y position, z position, radius) are searched
446 		 * for. If the file cannot be successfully read, then the
447 		 * routine causes a fatal error.
448 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to open and read
449 		 *                     from. */
import(const char * filename)450 		inline void import(const char* filename) {
451 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"r");
452 			import(fp);
453 			fclose(fp);
454 		}
455 		/** Imports a list of particles from an open file stream into
456 		 * the container_poly class. Entries of five numbers (Particle
457 		 * ID, x position, y position, z position, radius) are searched
458 		 * for. In addition, the order in which particles are read is
459 		 * saved into an ordering class. If the file cannot be
460 		 * successfully read, then the routine causes a fatal error.
461 		 * \param[in,out] vo the ordering class to use.
462 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to open and read
463 		 *                     from. */
import(particle_order & vo,const char * filename)464 		inline void import(particle_order &vo,const char* filename) {
465 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"r");
466 			import(vo,fp);
467 			fclose(fp);
468 		}
469 		void compute_all_cells();
470 		double sum_cell_volumes();
471 		/** Dumps particle IDs, positions and radii to a file.
472 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
473 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
474 		template<class c_loop>
draw_particles(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)475 		void draw_particles(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
476 			double *pp;
477 			if(vl.start()) do {
478 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+4*vl.q;
479 				fprintf(fp,"%d %g %g %g %g\n",id[vl.ijk][vl.q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2],pp[3]);
480 			} while(vl.inc());
481 		}
482 		/** Dumps all of the particle IDs, positions and radii to a
483 		 * file.
484 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_particles(FILE * fp=stdout)485 		inline void draw_particles(FILE *fp=stdout) {
486 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
487 			draw_particles(vl,fp);
488 		}
489 		/** Dumps all of the particle IDs, positions and radii to a
490 		 * file.
491 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_particles(const char * filename)492 		inline void draw_particles(const char *filename) {
493 			FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
494 			draw_particles(fp);
495 			fclose(fp);
496 		}
497 		/** Dumps particle positions in POV-Ray format.
498 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
499 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
500 		template<class c_loop>
draw_particles_pov(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)501 		void draw_particles_pov(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
502 			double *pp;
503 			if(vl.start()) do {
504 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+4*vl.q;
505 				fprintf(fp,"// id %d\nsphere{<%g,%g,%g>,%g}\n",
506 						id[vl.ijk][vl.q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2],pp[3]);
507 			} while(vl.inc());
508 		}
509 		/** Dumps all the particle positions in POV-Ray format.
510 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_particles_pov(FILE * fp=stdout)511 		inline void draw_particles_pov(FILE *fp=stdout) {
512 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
513 			draw_particles_pov(vl,fp);
514 		}
515 		/** Dumps all the particle positions in POV-Ray format.
516 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_particles_pov(const char * filename)517 		inline void draw_particles_pov(const char *filename) {
518 			FILE *fp(safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
519 			draw_particles_pov(fp);
520 			fclose(fp);
521 		}
522 		/** Computes Voronoi cells and saves the output in gnuplot
523 		 * format.
524 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
525 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
526 		template<class c_loop>
draw_cells_gnuplot(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)527 		void draw_cells_gnuplot(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
528 			voronoicell c;double *pp;
529 			if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
530 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+ps*vl.q;
531 				c.draw_gnuplot(*pp,pp[1],pp[2],fp);
532 			} while(vl.inc());
533 		}
534 		/** Compute all Voronoi cells and saves the output in gnuplot
535 		 * format.
536 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_cells_gnuplot(FILE * fp=stdout)537 		inline void draw_cells_gnuplot(FILE *fp=stdout) {
538 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
539 			draw_cells_gnuplot(vl,fp);
540 		}
541 		/** Compute all Voronoi cells and saves the output in gnuplot
542 		 * format.
543 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_cells_gnuplot(const char * filename)544 		inline void draw_cells_gnuplot(const char *filename) {
545 			FILE *fp(safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
546 			draw_cells_gnuplot(fp);
547 			fclose(fp);
548 		}
549 		/** Computes Voronoi cells and saves the output in POV-Ray
550 		 * format.
551 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
552 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
553 		template<class c_loop>
draw_cells_pov(c_loop & vl,FILE * fp)554 		void draw_cells_pov(c_loop &vl,FILE *fp) {
555 			voronoicell c;double *pp;
556 			if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
557 				fprintf(fp,"// cell %d\n",id[vl.ijk][vl.q]);
558 				pp=p[vl.ijk]+ps*vl.q;
559 				c.draw_pov(*pp,pp[1],pp[2],fp);
560 			} while(vl.inc());
561 		}
562 		/** Computes all Voronoi cells and saves the output in POV-Ray
563 		 * format.
564 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
draw_cells_pov(FILE * fp=stdout)565 		inline void draw_cells_pov(FILE *fp=stdout) {
566 			c_loop_all_periodic vl(*this);
567 			draw_cells_pov(vl,fp);
568 		}
569 		/** Computes all Voronoi cells and saves the output in POV-Ray
570 		 * format.
571 		 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
draw_cells_pov(const char * filename)572 		inline void draw_cells_pov(const char *filename) {
573 			FILE *fp(safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
574 			draw_cells_pov(fp);
575 			fclose(fp);
576 		}
577 		/** Computes the Voronoi cells and saves customized information
578 		 * about them.
579 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
580 		 * \param[in] format the custom output string to use.
581 		 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
582 		template<class c_loop>
print_custom(c_loop & vl,const char * format,FILE * fp)583 		void print_custom(c_loop &vl,const char *format,FILE *fp) {
584 			int ijk,q;double *pp;
585 			if(contains_neighbor(format)) {
586 				voronoicell_neighbor c;
587 				if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
588 					ijk=vl.ijk;q=vl.q;pp=p[ijk]+ps*q;
589 					c.output_custom(format,id[ijk][q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2],pp[3],fp);
590 				} while(vl.inc());
591 			} else {
592 				voronoicell c;
593 				if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) {
594 					ijk=vl.ijk;q=vl.q;pp=p[ijk]+ps*q;
595 					c.output_custom(format,id[ijk][q],*pp,pp[1],pp[2],pp[3],fp);
596 				} while(vl.inc());
597 			}
598 		}
599 		/** Computes the Voronoi cell for a particle currently being
600 		 * referenced by a loop class.
601 		 * \param[out] c a Voronoi cell class in which to store the
602 		 * 		 computed cell.
603 		 * \param[in] vl the loop class to use.
604 		 * \return True if the cell was computed. If the cell cannot be
605 		 * computed because it was removed entirely for some reason,
606 		 * then the routine returns false. */
607 		template<class v_cell,class c_loop>
compute_cell(v_cell & c,c_loop & vl)608 		inline bool compute_cell(v_cell &c,c_loop &vl) {
609 			return vc.compute_cell(c,vl.ijk,vl.q,vl.i,vl.j,vl.k);
610 		}
611 		/** Computes the Voronoi cell for given particle.
612 		 * \param[out] c a Voronoi cell class in which to store the
613 		 * 		 computed cell.
614 		 * \param[in] ijk the block that the particle is within.
615 		 * \param[in] q the index of the particle within the block.
616 		 * \return True if the cell was computed. If the cell cannot be
617 		 * computed because it was removed entirely for some reason,
618 		 * then the routine returns false. */
619 		template<class v_cell>
compute_cell(v_cell & c,int ijk,int q)620 		inline bool compute_cell(v_cell &c,int ijk,int q) {
621 			int k(ijk/(nx*oy)),ijkt(ijk-(nx*oy)*k),j(ijkt/nx),i(ijkt-j*nx);
622 			return vc.compute_cell(c,ijk,q,i,j,k);
623 		}
624 		/** Computes the Voronoi cell for a ghost particle at a given
625 		 * location.
626 		 * \param[out] c a Voronoi cell class in which to store the
627 		 * 		 computed cell.
628 		 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the location of the ghost particle.
629 		 * \param[in] r the radius of the ghost particle.
630 		 * \return True if the cell was computed. If the cell cannot be
631 		 * computed, if it is removed entirely by a wall or boundary
632 		 * condition, then the routine returns false. */
633 		template<class v_cell>
compute_ghost_cell(v_cell & c,double x,double y,double z,double r)634 		inline bool compute_ghost_cell(v_cell &c,double x,double y,double z,double r) {
635 			int ijk;
636 			put_locate_block(ijk,x,y,z);
637 			double *pp=p[ijk]+4*co[ijk]++,tm=max_radius;
638 			*(pp++)=x;*(pp++)=y;*(pp++)=z;*pp=r;
639 			if(r>max_radius) max_radius=r;
640 			bool q=compute_cell(c,ijk,co[ijk]-1);
641 			co[ijk]--;max_radius=tm;
642 			return q;
643 		}
644 		void print_custom(const char *format,FILE *fp=stdout);
645 		void print_custom(const char *format,const char *filename);
646 		bool find_voronoi_cell(double x,double y,double z,double &rx,double &ry,double &rz,int &pid);
647 	private:
648 		voro_compute<container_periodic_poly> vc;
649 		friend class voro_compute<container_periodic_poly>;
650 };
652 }
654 #endif