1!-*- mode: F90 -*-!
3! This file is distributed as part of the Wannier90 code and !
4! under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the !
5! file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the Wannier90      !
6! distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt       !
7!                                                            !
8! The webpage of the Wannier90 code is www.wannier.org       !
9!                                                            !
10! The Wannier90 code is hosted on GitHub:                    !
11!                                                            !
12! https://github.com/wannier-developers/wannier90            !
15module w90_parameters
16  !! This module contains parameters to control the actions of wannier90.
17  !! Also routines to read the parameters and write them out again.
19  use w90_constants, only: dp
20  use w90_io, only: stdout, maxlen
22  implicit none
24  private
26  !Input
27  integer, public, save :: iprint
28  !! Controls the verbosity of the output
29  character(len=20), public, save :: energy_unit
30  !! Units for energy
31  character(len=20), public, save :: length_unit
32  !! Units for length
33  logical, public, save :: wvfn_formatted
34  !! Read the wvfn from fortran formatted file
35  logical, public, save :: spn_formatted
36  !! Read the spin from fortran formatted file
37  logical, public, save :: uHu_formatted
38  logical, public, save :: berry_uHu_formatted
39  !! Read the uHu from fortran formatted file
40  integer, public, save :: spin
41  !! Spin up=1 down=2
42  integer, public, save :: num_bands
43  !! Number of bands
44  integer, public, save :: num_dump_cycles
45  !! Number of steps before writing checkpoint
46  integer, public, save :: num_print_cycles
47  !! Number of steps between writing output
48  integer, public, save :: slwf_num
49  !! Number of objective Wannier functions (others excluded from spread functional)
50  logical, public, save :: selective_loc
51  !! Selective localization
52  logical, public, save :: slwf_constrain
53  !! Constrained centres
54  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: ccentres_frac(:, :)
55  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: ccentres_cart(:, :)
56  real(kind=dp), public, save :: slwf_lambda
57  !! Centre constraints for each Wannier function. Co-ordinates of centre constraint defaults
58  !! to centre of trial orbital. Individual Lagrange multipliers, lambdas, default to global Lagrange multiplier.
59  character(len=50), public, save :: devel_flag
60  ! Adaptive vs. fixed smearing stuff [GP, Jul 12, 2012]
61  ! Only internal, always use the local variables defined by each module
62  ! that take this value as default
63  logical                         :: adpt_smr
64  real(kind=dp)                   :: adpt_smr_fac
65  real(kind=dp)                   :: adpt_smr_max
66  real(kind=dp)                   :: smr_fixed_en_width
67  ! GP: added a flag to check if this is the first run of param_read in library mode or not
68  logical, public, save :: library_param_read_first_pass
69  !IVO
70  logical, public, save :: spin_moment
71  real(kind=dp), public, save :: spin_axis_polar
72  real(kind=dp), public, save :: spin_axis_azimuth
73  logical, public, save :: use_degen_pert
74  real(kind=dp), public, save :: degen_thr
75  logical, public, save :: spin_decomp
76  integer, public, save :: num_valence_bands
77  logical                                  :: found_fermi_energy
78  real(kind=dp), public, save :: scissors_shift
79  !IVO_END
80  ! [gp-begin, Apr 20, 2012] Smearing type
81  ! The prefactor is given with the above parameters smr_...
82  ! This is an internal variable, obtained from the input string smr_type
83  ! Only internal, always use the local variables defined by each module
84  ! that take this value as default
85  integer                          :: smr_index
86  ! [gp-end]
87  integer, allocatable, public, save :: exclude_bands(:)
88  integer, public, save :: num_wann
89  !! number of wannier functions
90  integer, public, save :: mp_grid(3)
91  !! Dimensions of the Monkhorst-Pack grid
92!  logical,           public, save :: automatic_mp_grid
93  logical, public, save :: gamma_only
94  !! Use the special Gamma-point routines
95  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dis_win_min
96  !! lower bound of the disentanglement outer window
97  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dis_win_max
98  !! upper bound of the disentanglement outer window
99  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dis_froz_min
100  !! lower bound of the disentanglement inner (frozen) window
101  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dis_froz_max
102  !! upper bound of the disentanglement inner (frozen) window
103  integer, public, save :: dis_num_iter
104  !! number of disentanglement iteration steps
105  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dis_mix_ratio
106  !! Mixing ratio for the disentanglement routine
107  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dis_conv_tol
108  !! Convergence tolerance for the disentanglement
109  integer, public, save :: dis_conv_window
110  !! Size of the convergence window for disentanglement
111  ! GS-start
112  integer, public, save :: dis_spheres_first_wann
113  integer, public, save :: dis_spheres_num
114  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: dis_spheres(:, :)
115  ! GS-end
116  integer, public, save :: num_iter
117  !! Number of wannierisation iterations
118  integer, public, save :: num_cg_steps
119  !! Number of Conjugate Gradient steps
120  real(kind=dp), public, save :: conv_tol
121  integer, public, save :: conv_window
122  logical, public, save :: wannier_plot
123  integer, allocatable, public, save :: wannier_plot_list(:)
124  integer, public, save :: wannier_plot_supercell(3)
125  character(len=20), public, save :: wannier_plot_format
126  character(len=20), public, save :: wannier_plot_mode
127  character(len=20), public, save :: wannier_plot_spinor_mode
128  logical, public, save :: wannier_plot_spinor_phase
129  logical, public, save :: write_u_matrices
130  logical, public, save :: bands_plot
131  logical, public, save :: write_bvec
132  integer, public, save :: bands_num_points
133  character(len=20), public, save :: bands_plot_format
134  character(len=20), public, save :: bands_plot_mode
135  integer, allocatable, public, save :: bands_plot_project(:)
136  integer, public, save :: bands_plot_dim
137  logical, public, save :: write_hr
138  logical, public, save :: write_rmn
139  logical, public, save :: write_tb
140  real(kind=dp), public, save :: hr_cutoff
141  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dist_cutoff
142  character(len=20), public, save :: dist_cutoff_mode
143  real(kind=dp), public, save :: dist_cutoff_hc
144  character(len=20), public, save :: one_dim_axis
145  logical, public, save :: use_ws_distance
146  real(kind=dp), public, save :: ws_distance_tol
147  !! absolute tolerance for the distance to equivalent positions
148  integer, public, save :: ws_search_size(3)
149  !! maximum extension in each direction of the supercell of the BvK cell
150  !! to search for points inside the Wigner-Seitz cell
151  logical, public, save :: fermi_surface_plot
152  integer, public, save :: fermi_surface_num_points
153  character(len=20), public, save :: fermi_surface_plot_format
154  real(kind=dp), save :: fermi_energy
156  ! module  k p a t h
157  logical, public, save :: kpath
158  character(len=20), public, save :: kpath_task
159  integer, public, save :: kpath_num_points
160  character(len=20), public, save :: kpath_bands_colour
162  ! module  k s l i c e
163  logical, public, save :: kslice
164  character(len=20), public, save :: kslice_task
165  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kslice_corner(3)
166  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kslice_b1(3)
167  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kslice_b2(3)
168  integer, public, save :: kslice_2dkmesh(2)
169  character(len=20), public, save :: kslice_fermi_lines_colour
171  ! module  d o s
172  logical, public, save    :: dos
173! No need to save 'dos_plot', only used here (introduced 'dos_task')
174  logical, public          :: dos_plot
175  character(len=20), public, save    :: dos_task
176  logical, public, save    :: dos_adpt_smr
177  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_adpt_smr_fac
178  integer, public, save    :: dos_smr_index
179  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_smr_fixed_en_width
180  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_adpt_smr_max
181  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_energy_max
182  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_energy_min
183  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_energy_step
184  integer, public, save    :: num_dos_project
185  integer, allocatable, public, save :: dos_project(:)
186!  character(len=20), public, save    :: dos_plot_format
187  real(kind=dp), public, save    :: dos_kmesh_spacing
188  integer, public, save    :: dos_kmesh(3)
189!  real(kind=dp),     public, save :: dos_gaussian_width
191! Module  b e r r y
192  logical, public, save :: berry
193  character(len=120), public, save :: berry_task
194  real(kind=dp), public, save :: berry_kmesh_spacing
195  integer, public, save :: berry_kmesh(3)
196  ! --------------remove eventually----------------
197!  integer,           public, save :: alpha
198!  integer,           public, save :: beta
199!  integer,           public, save :: gamma
200  ! --------------remove eventually----------------
201  integer, public, save :: berry_curv_adpt_kmesh
202  real(kind=dp), public, save :: berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh
203  character(len=20), public, save :: berry_curv_unit
204  logical, public, save :: kubo_adpt_smr
205  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kubo_adpt_smr_fac
206  integer, public, save :: kubo_smr_index
207  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kubo_smr_fixed_en_width
208  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kubo_adpt_smr_max
209  integer, public, save :: sc_phase_conv
210  real(kind=dp), public, save :: sc_eta
211  real(kind=dp), public, save :: sc_w_thr
212  logical, public, save :: wanint_kpoint_file
213!  logical,           public, save :: sigma_abc_onlyorb
214  logical, public, save :: transl_inv
216  ! spin Hall conductivity
217  logical, public, save :: shc_freq_scan
218  integer, public, save :: shc_alpha
219  integer, public, save :: shc_beta
220  integer, public, save :: shc_gamma
221  logical, public, save :: shc_bandshift
222  integer, public, save :: shc_bandshift_firstband
223  real(kind=dp), public, save :: shc_bandshift_energyshift
225  logical, public, save :: gyrotropic
226  character(len=120), public, save :: gyrotropic_task
227  integer, public, save :: gyrotropic_kmesh(3)
228  real(kind=dp), public, save :: gyrotropic_kmesh_spacing
229  integer, public, save :: gyrotropic_smr_index
230  real(kind=dp), public, save :: gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width
231  real(kind=dp)                               :: gyrotropic_freq_min
232  real(kind=dp)                               :: gyrotropic_freq_max
233  real(kind=dp)                               :: gyrotropic_freq_step
234  integer, public, save :: gyrotropic_nfreq
235  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: gyrotropic_freq_list(:)
236  real(kind=dp), public, save :: gyrotropic_box_corner(3), gyrotropic_box(3, 3)
237  real(kind=dp)                   :: gyrotropic_box_tmp(3)
238  real(kind=dp), public, save :: gyrotropic_degen_thresh
239  integer, allocatable, public, save :: gyrotropic_band_list(:)
240  integer, public, save :: gyrotropic_num_bands
241  real(kind=dp)                   :: smr_max_arg
242  real(kind=dp), public, save :: gyrotropic_smr_max_arg
243  real(kind=dp), public, save :: gyrotropic_eigval_max
245  logical                                  :: fermi_energy_scan
246  real(kind=dp)                            :: fermi_energy_min
247  real(kind=dp)                            :: fermi_energy_max
248  real(kind=dp)                            :: fermi_energy_step
249  integer, public, save :: nfermi
250  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: fermi_energy_list(:)
252  real(kind=dp)                               :: kubo_freq_min
253  real(kind=dp)                               :: kubo_freq_max
254  real(kind=dp)                               :: kubo_freq_step
255  integer, public, save :: kubo_nfreq
256  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: kubo_freq_list(:)
257  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kubo_eigval_max
259! Module  s p i n
260  real(kind=dp), public, save :: spin_kmesh_spacing
261  integer, public, save :: spin_kmesh(3)
263  ! [gp-begin, Apr 13, 2012]
264  ! Global interpolation k mesh variables
265  ! These don't need to be public, since their values are copied in the variables of the
266  ! local interpolation meshes. JRY: added save attribute
267  real(kind=dp), save             :: kmesh_spacing
268  integer, save                   :: kmesh(3)
269  logical, save                   :: global_kmesh_set
270  ! [gp-end]
272  ! [gp-begin, Jun 1, 2012]
273  ! GeneralInterpolator variables
274  logical, public, save :: geninterp
275  logical, public, save :: geninterp_alsofirstder
276  logical, public, save :: geninterp_single_file
277  ! [gp-end, Jun 1, 2012]
279  ! [gp-begin, Apr 12, 2012]
280  ! BoltzWann variables
281  logical, public, save :: boltzwann
282  logical, public, save :: boltz_calc_also_dos
283  integer, public, save :: boltz_2d_dir_num
284  character(len=4), save :: boltz_2d_dir
285  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_dos_energy_step
286  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_dos_energy_min
287  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_dos_energy_max
288  logical, public, save :: boltz_dos_adpt_smr
289  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width
290  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac
291  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max
292  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_mu_min
293  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_mu_max
294  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_mu_step
295  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_temp_min
296  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_temp_max
297  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_temp_step
298  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_kmesh_spacing
299  integer, public, save :: boltz_kmesh(3)
300  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_tdf_energy_step
301  integer, public, save :: boltz_TDF_smr_index
302  integer, public, save :: boltz_dos_smr_index
303  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_relax_time
304  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width
305  logical, public, save :: boltz_bandshift
306  integer, public, save :: boltz_bandshift_firstband
307  real(kind=dp), public, save :: boltz_bandshift_energyshift
308  ! [gp-end, Apr 12, 2012]
310  logical, public, save :: transport
311  logical, public, save :: tran_easy_fix
312  character(len=20), public, save :: transport_mode
313  real(kind=dp), public, save :: tran_win_min
314  real(kind=dp), public, save :: tran_win_max
315  real(kind=dp), public, save :: tran_energy_step
316  integer, public, save :: tran_num_bb
317  integer, public, save :: tran_num_ll
318  integer, public, save :: tran_num_rr
319  integer, public, save :: tran_num_cc
320  integer, public, save :: tran_num_lc
321  integer, public, save :: tran_num_cr
322  integer, public, save :: tran_num_bandc
323  logical, public, save :: tran_write_ht
324  logical, public, save :: tran_read_ht
325  logical, public, save :: tran_use_same_lead
326  integer, public, save :: tran_num_cell_ll
327  integer, public, save :: tran_num_cell_rr
328  real(kind=dp), public, save :: tran_group_threshold
329  real(kind=dp), public, save :: translation_centre_frac(3)
330  integer, public, save :: num_shells
331  !! no longer an input keyword
332  logical, public, save :: skip_B1_tests
333  !! do not check the B1 condition
334  logical, public, save :: explicit_nnkpts
335  !! nnkpts block is in the input file (allowed only for post-proc setup)
336  integer, allocatable, public, save :: shell_list(:)
337  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: kpt_latt(:, :)
338  !! kpoints in lattice vecs
339  real(kind=dp), public, save :: real_lattice(3, 3)
340  logical, public, save :: postproc_setup
341  logical, public, save :: cp_pp
342  !! Car-Parinello post-proc flag/transport
344  logical, public, save :: calc_only_A
345  logical, public, save :: use_bloch_phases
346  character(len=20), public, save :: restart
347  logical, public, save :: write_r2mn
348  logical, public, save :: guiding_centres
349  integer, public, save :: num_guide_cycles
350  integer, public, save :: num_no_guide_iter
351  real(kind=dp), public, save :: fixed_step
352  real(kind=dp), public, save :: trial_step
353  logical, public, save :: precond
354  logical, public, save :: write_proj
355  integer, public, save :: timing_level
356  logical, public, save :: spinors   !are our WF spinors?
357  integer, public, save :: num_elec_per_state
358  logical, public, save :: translate_home_cell
359  logical, public, save :: write_xyz
360  logical, public, save :: write_hr_diag
361  real(kind=dp), public, save :: conv_noise_amp
362  integer, public, save :: conv_noise_num
363  real(kind=dp), public, save :: wannier_plot_radius
364  real(kind=dp), public, save :: wannier_plot_scale
365  integer, public, save :: search_shells   !for kmesh
366  real(kind=dp), public, save :: kmesh_tol
367  integer, public, save :: optimisation
368  ! aam: for WF-based calculation of vdW C6 coefficients
369  logical, public, save :: write_vdw_data
371  ! Restarts
372  real(kind=dp), public, save :: omega_invariant
373  character(len=20), public, save :: checkpoint
374  logical, public, save :: have_disentangled
376  ! Atom sites
377  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: atoms_pos_frac(:, :, :)
378  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: atoms_pos_cart(:, :, :)
379  integer, allocatable, public, save :: atoms_species_num(:)
380  character(len=maxlen), allocatable, public, save :: atoms_label(:)
381  character(len=2), allocatable, public, save :: atoms_symbol(:)
382  integer, public, save :: num_atoms
383  integer, public, save :: num_species
385  ! Projections
386  logical, public, save :: lhasproj
387  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_site(:, :)
388  integer, allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_l(:)
389  integer, allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_m(:)
390  integer, allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_s(:)
391  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_s_qaxis(:, :)
392  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_z(:, :)
393  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_x(:, :)
394  integer, allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_radial(:)
395  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: input_proj_zona(:)
396  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: proj_site(:, :)
397  integer, allocatable, public, save :: proj_l(:)
398  integer, allocatable, public, save :: proj_m(:)
399  integer, allocatable, public, save :: proj_s(:)
400  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: proj_s_qaxis(:, :)
401  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: proj_z(:, :)
402  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: proj_x(:, :)
403  integer, allocatable, public, save :: proj_radial(:)
404  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save :: proj_zona(:)
405  integer, public, save :: num_proj
406  ! projections selection
407  logical, public, save :: lselproj
408  integer, public, save :: num_select_projections
409  integer, allocatable, public, save :: select_projections(:)
410  integer, allocatable, public, save :: proj2wann_map(:)
411  ! a u t o m a t i c   p r o j e c t i o n s
412  ! vv: Writes a new block in .nnkp
413  logical, public, save :: auto_projections
415  !parameters dervied from input
416  integer, public, save :: num_kpts
417  real(kind=dp), public, save :: recip_lattice(3, 3)
418  real(kind=dp), public, save :: cell_volume
419  real(kind=dp), public, save :: real_metric(3, 3)
420  real(kind=dp), public, save :: recip_metric(3, 3)
421  integer, public, save :: bands_num_spec_points
422  character(len=20), allocatable, public, save ::bands_label(:)
423  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save ::bands_spec_points(:, :)
424  real(kind=dp), allocatable, public, save ::kpt_cart(:, :) !kpoints in cartesians
425  logical, public, save :: disentanglement
426  real(kind=dp), public, save :: lenconfac
427  integer, public, save :: num_wannier_plot
428  integer, public, save :: num_bands_project
429  integer, public, save :: num_exclude_bands
430  logical, public, save :: lfixstep
432  ! kmesh parameters (set in kmesh)
434  integer, public, save              :: nnh           ! the number of b-directions (bka)
435  integer, public, save              :: nntot         ! total number of neighbours for each k-point
436  integer, public, save, allocatable :: nnlist(:, :)   ! list of neighbours for each k-point
437  integer, public, save, allocatable :: neigh(:, :)
438  integer, public, save, allocatable :: nncell(:, :, :) ! gives BZ of each neighbour of each k-point
439  real(kind=dp), public, save              :: wbtot
440  real(kind=dp), public, save, allocatable :: wb(:)         ! weights associated with neighbours of each k-point
441  real(kind=dp), public, save, allocatable :: bk(:, :, :)     ! the b-vectors that go from each k-point to its neighbours
442  real(kind=dp), public, save, allocatable :: bka(:, :)      ! the b-directions from 1st k-point to its neighbours
444  ! disentangle parameters
445  integer, public, save, allocatable :: ndimwin(:)
446  logical, public, save, allocatable :: lwindow(:, :)
447  logical, public, save :: frozen_states
449  ! a_matrix and m_matrix_orig can be calculated internally from bloch states
450  ! or read in from an ab-initio grid
451  ! a_matrix      = projection of trial orbitals on bloch states
452  ! m_matrix_orig = overlap of bloch states
454  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: a_matrix(:, :, :)
455  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: m_matrix_orig(:, :, :, :)
456  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: m_matrix_orig_local(:, :, :, :)
457  real(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: eigval(:, :)
458  logical, save, public :: eig_found
460! $![ysl-b]
461! $  ! ph_g = phase factor of Bloch functions at Gamma
462! $  !  assuming that Bloch functions at Gamma are real except this phase factor
463! $  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: ph_g(:)
464! $![ysl-e]
466  ! u_matrix_opt gives the num_wann dimension optimal subspace from the
467  ! original bloch states
469  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: u_matrix_opt(:, :, :)
471  ! u_matrix gives the unitary rotations from the optimal subspace to the
472  ! optimally smooth states.
473  ! m_matrix we store here, becuase it is needed for restart of wannierise
475  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: u_matrix(:, :, :)
476  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: m_matrix(:, :, :, :)
477  complex(kind=dp), allocatable, save, public :: m_matrix_local(:, :, :, :)
479  ! RS: symmetry-adapted Wannier functions
480  logical, public, save :: lsitesymmetry = .false.
481  real(kind=dp), public, save :: symmetrize_eps = 1.d-3
483  ! The maximum number of shells we need to satisfy B1 condition in kmesh
484  integer, parameter, public :: max_shells = 6
485  integer, parameter, public :: num_nnmax = 12
487  ! Are we running as a library
488  logical, save, public :: library = .false.
490  ! Are we running postw90?
491  logical, save, public :: ispostw90 = .false.
493  ! IVO
494  ! Are we running postw90 starting from an effective model?
495  logical, save, public :: effective_model = .false.
497  ! Wannier centres and spreads
498  real(kind=dp), public, save, allocatable :: wannier_centres(:, :)
499  real(kind=dp), public, save, allocatable :: wannier_spreads(:)
500  real(kind=dp), public, save :: omega_total
501  real(kind=dp), public, save :: omega_tilde
502  ! [ omega_invariant is declared above ]
504  ! For Hamiltonian matrix in WF representation
505  logical, public, save              :: automatic_translation
506  integer, public, save              :: one_dim_dir
508  ! Private data
509  integer                            :: num_lines
510  character(len=maxlen), allocatable :: in_data(:)
511  character(len=maxlen)              :: ctmp
512  logical                            :: ltmp
513  ! AAM_2016-09-15: hr_plot is a deprecated input parameter. Replaced by write_hr.
514  logical                            :: hr_plot
516  public :: param_read
517  public :: param_write
518  public :: param_postw90_write
519  public :: param_dealloc
520  public :: param_write_header
521  public :: param_write_chkpt
522  public :: param_read_chkpt
523  public :: param_lib_set_atoms
524  public :: param_memory_estimate
525  public :: param_get_smearing_type
526  public :: param_get_convention_type
527  public :: param_dist
528  public :: param_chkpt_dist
532  !==================================================================!
533  subroutine param_read()
534    !==================================================================!
535    !                                                                  !
536    !! Read parameters and calculate derived values
537    !!
538    !! Note on parallelization: this function should be called
539    !! from the root node only!
540    !!
541    !                                                                  !
542    !===================================================================
543    use w90_constants, only: bohr, eps6, cmplx_i
544    use w90_utility, only: utility_recip_lattice, utility_metric
545    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, seedname, post_proc_flag
546    implicit none
548    !local variables
549    real(kind=dp)  :: real_lattice_tmp(3, 3)
550    integer :: nkp, i, j, n, k, itmp, i_temp, i_temp2, eig_unit, loop, ierr, iv_temp(3), rows
551    logical :: found, found2, lunits, chk_found
552    character(len=6) :: spin_str
553    real(kind=dp) :: cosa(3), rv_temp(3)
554    integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :) :: nnkpts_block
555    integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: nnkpts_idx
557    call param_in_file
559    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
560    ! Site symmetry
561    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
563    ! default value is lsitesymmetry=.false.
564    call param_get_keyword('site_symmetry', found, l_value=lsitesymmetry)!YN:
566    ! default value is symmetrize_eps=0.001
567    call param_get_keyword('symmetrize_eps', found, r_value=symmetrize_eps)!YN:
569    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
570    ! Transport
571    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
573    transport = .false.
574    call param_get_keyword('transport', found, l_value=transport)
576    tran_read_ht = .false.
577    call param_get_keyword('tran_read_ht', found, l_value=tran_read_ht)
579    tran_easy_fix = .false.
580    call param_get_keyword('tran_easy_fix', found, l_value=tran_easy_fix)
582    if (transport .and. tran_read_ht) restart = ' '
584    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
585    !System variables
586    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
588    timing_level = 1             ! Verbosity of timing output info
589    call param_get_keyword('timing_level', found, i_value=timing_level)
591    iprint = 1             ! Verbosity
592    call param_get_keyword('iprint', found, i_value=iprint)
594    optimisation = 3             ! Verbosity
595    call param_get_keyword('optimisation', found, i_value=optimisation)
597    if (transport .and. tran_read_ht) goto 301
599    !ivo
600    call param_get_keyword('effective_model', found, l_value=effective_model)
602    energy_unit = 'ev'          !
603    call param_get_keyword('energy_unit', found, c_value=energy_unit)
605    length_unit = 'ang'         !
606    lenconfac = 1.0_dp
607    call param_get_keyword('length_unit', found, c_value=length_unit)
608    if (length_unit .ne. 'ang' .and. length_unit .ne. 'bohr') &
609      call io_error('Error: value of length_unit not recognised in param_read')
610    if (length_unit .eq. 'bohr') lenconfac = 1.0_dp/bohr
612    wvfn_formatted = .false.       ! formatted or "binary" file
613    call param_get_keyword('wvfn_formatted', found, l_value=wvfn_formatted)
615    spn_formatted = .false.       ! formatted or "binary" file
616    call param_get_keyword('spn_formatted', found, l_value=spn_formatted)
618    uHu_formatted = .false.       ! formatted or "binary" file
619    call param_get_keyword('uhu_formatted', found, l_value=uHu_formatted)
621    spin = 1
622    call param_get_keyword('spin', found, c_value=spin_str)
623    if (found) then
624      if (index(spin_str, 'up') > 0) then
625        spin = 1
626      elseif (index(spin_str, 'down') > 0) then
627        spin = 2
628      else
629        call io_error('Error: unrecognised value of spin found: '//trim(spin_str))
630      end if
631    end if
633    num_wann = -99
634    call param_get_keyword('num_wann', found, i_value=num_wann)
635    if (.not. found) call io_error('Error: You must specify num_wann')
636    if (num_wann <= 0) call io_error('Error: num_wann must be greater than zero')
638    num_exclude_bands = 0
639    call param_get_range_vector('exclude_bands', found, num_exclude_bands, lcount=.true.)
640    if (found) then
641      if (num_exclude_bands < 1) call io_error('Error: problem reading exclude_bands')
642      if (allocated(exclude_bands)) deallocate (exclude_bands)
643      allocate (exclude_bands(num_exclude_bands), stat=ierr)
644      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating exclude_bands in param_read')
645      call param_get_range_vector('exclude_bands', found, num_exclude_bands, .false., exclude_bands)
646      if (any(exclude_bands < 1)) &
647        call io_error('Error: exclude_bands must contain positive numbers')
648    end if
650    ! AAM_2016-09-16: some changes to logic to patch a problem with uninitialised num_bands in library mode
651!    num_bands       =   -1
652    call param_get_keyword('num_bands', found, i_value=i_temp)
653    if (found .and. library) write (stdout, '(/a)') ' Ignoring <num_bands> in input file'
654    if (.not. library .and. .not. effective_model) then
655      if (found) num_bands = i_temp
656      if (.not. found) num_bands = num_wann
657    end if
658    ! GP: I subtract it here, but only the first time when I pass the total number of bands
659    ! In later calls, I need to pass instead num_bands already subtracted.
660    if (library .and. library_param_read_first_pass) num_bands = num_bands - num_exclude_bands
661    if (.not. effective_model) then
662      if (found .and. num_bands < num_wann) then
663        write (stdout, *) 'num_bands', num_bands
664        write (stdout, *) 'num_wann', num_wann
665        call io_error('Error: num_bands must be greater than or equal to num_wann')
666      endif
667    endif
669    num_dump_cycles = 100          ! frequency to write backups at
670    call param_get_keyword('num_dump_cycles', found, i_value=num_dump_cycles)
671    if (num_dump_cycles < 0) call io_error('Error: num_dump_cycles must be positive')
673    num_print_cycles = 1          ! frequency to write at
674    call param_get_keyword('num_print_cycles', found, i_value=num_print_cycles)
675    if (num_print_cycles < 0) call io_error('Error: num_print_cycles must be positive')
677    devel_flag = ' '          !
678    call param_get_keyword('devel_flag', found, c_value=devel_flag)
680!    mp_grid=-99
681    call param_get_keyword_vector('mp_grid', found, 3, i_value=iv_temp)
682    if (found .and. library) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <mp_grid> in input file'
683    if (.not. library .and. .not. effective_model) then
684      if (found) mp_grid = iv_temp
685      if (.not. found) then
686        call io_error('Error: You must specify dimensions of the Monkhorst-Pack grid by setting mp_grid')
687      elseif (any(mp_grid < 1)) then
688        call io_error('Error: mp_grid must be greater than zero')
689      end if
690      num_kpts = mp_grid(1)*mp_grid(2)*mp_grid(3)
691    end if
694    ltmp = .false.
695    call param_get_keyword('gamma_only', found, l_value=ltmp)
696    if (.not. library) then
697      gamma_only = ltmp
698      if (gamma_only .and. (num_kpts .ne. 1)) &
699        call io_error('Error: gamma_only is true, but num_kpts > 1')
700    else
701      if (found) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <gamma_only> in input file'
702    endif
705!    aam: automatic_mp_grid no longer used
706!    automatic_mp_grid = .false.
707!    call param_get_keyword('automatic_mp_grid',found,l_value=automatic_mp_grid)
709    postproc_setup = .false.            ! set to true to write .nnkp file and exit
710    call param_get_keyword('postproc_setup', found, l_value=postproc_setup)
711    ! We allow this keyword to be overriden by a command line arg -pp
712    if (post_proc_flag) postproc_setup = .true.
714    cp_pp = .false.                  ! set to true if doing CP post-processing
715    call param_get_keyword('cp_pp', found, l_value=cp_pp)
717    calc_only_A = .false.
718    call param_get_keyword('calc_only_A', found, l_value=calc_only_A)
720    restart = ' '
721    call param_get_keyword('restart', found, c_value=restart)
722    if (found) then
723      if ((restart .ne. 'default') .and. (restart .ne. 'wannierise') &
724          .and. (restart .ne. 'plot') .and. (restart .ne. 'transport')) then
725        call io_error('Error in input file: value of restart not recognised')
726      else
727        inquire (file=trim(seedname)//'.chk', exist=chk_found)
728        if (.not. chk_found) &
729          call io_error('Error: restart requested but '//trim(seedname)//'.chk file not found')
730      endif
731    endif
732    !post processing takes priority (user is not warned of this)
733    if (postproc_setup) restart = ' '
735    write_r2mn = .false.
736    call param_get_keyword('write_r2mn', found, l_value=write_r2mn)
738    write_proj = .false.
739    call param_get_keyword('write_proj', found, l_value=write_proj)
741    ltmp = .false.  ! by default our WF are not spinors
742    call param_get_keyword('spinors', found, l_value=ltmp)
743    if (.not. library) then
744      spinors = ltmp
745    else
746      if (found) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <spinors> in input file'
747    endif
748!    if(spinors .and. (2*(num_wann/2))/=num_wann) &
749!       call io_error('Error: For spinor WF num_wann must be even')
751    ! We need to know if the bands are double degenerate due to spin, e.g. when
752    ! calculating the DOS
753    if (spinors) then
754      num_elec_per_state = 1
755    else
756      num_elec_per_state = 2
757    endif
758    call param_get_keyword('num_elec_per_state', found, i_value=num_elec_per_state)
759    if ((num_elec_per_state /= 1) .and. (num_elec_per_state /= 2)) &
760      call io_error('Error: num_elec_per_state can be only 1 or 2')
761    if (spinors .and. num_elec_per_state /= 1) &
762      call io_error('Error: when spinors = T num_elec_per_state must be 1')
764    translate_home_cell = .false.
765    call param_get_keyword('translate_home_cell', found, l_value=translate_home_cell)
767    write_xyz = .false.
768    call param_get_keyword('write_xyz', found, l_value=write_xyz)
770    write_hr_diag = .false.
771    call param_get_keyword('write_hr_diag', found, l_value=write_hr_diag)
773    !%%%%%%%%%%%
774    ! Wannierise
775    !%%%%%%%%%%%
777    num_iter = 100
778    call param_get_keyword('num_iter', found, i_value=num_iter)
779    if (num_iter < 0) call io_error('Error: num_iter must be positive')
781    num_cg_steps = 5
782    call param_get_keyword('num_cg_steps', found, i_value=num_cg_steps)
783    if (num_cg_steps < 0) call io_error('Error: num_cg_steps must be positive')
785    conv_tol = 1.0e-10_dp
786    call param_get_keyword('conv_tol', found, r_value=conv_tol)
787    if (conv_tol < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: conv_tol must be positive')
789    conv_noise_amp = -1.0_dp
790    call param_get_keyword('conv_noise_amp', found, r_value=conv_noise_amp)
792    conv_window = -1
793    if (conv_noise_amp > 0.0_dp) conv_window = 5
794    call param_get_keyword('conv_window', found, i_value=conv_window)
796    conv_noise_num = 3
797    call param_get_keyword('conv_noise_num', found, i_value=conv_noise_num)
798    if (conv_noise_num < 0) call io_error('Error: conv_noise_num must be positive')
800    guiding_centres = .false.
801    call param_get_keyword('guiding_centres', found, l_value=guiding_centres)
803    num_guide_cycles = 1
804    call param_get_keyword('num_guide_cycles', found, i_value=num_guide_cycles)
805    if (num_guide_cycles < 0) call io_error('Error: num_guide_cycles must be >= 0')
807    num_no_guide_iter = 0
808    call param_get_keyword('num_no_guide_iter', found, i_value=num_no_guide_iter)
809    if (num_no_guide_iter < 0) call io_error('Error: num_no_guide_iter must be >= 0')
811    fixed_step = -999.0_dp; lfixstep = .false.
812    call param_get_keyword('fixed_step', found, r_value=fixed_step)
813    if (found .and. (fixed_step < 0.0_dp)) call io_error('Error: fixed_step must be > 0')
814    if (fixed_step > 0.0_dp) lfixstep = .true.
816    trial_step = 2.0_dp
817    call param_get_keyword('trial_step', found, r_value=trial_step)
818    if (found .and. lfixstep) call io_error('Error: cannot specify both fixed_step and trial_step')
820    precond = .false.
821    call param_get_keyword('precond', found, l_value=precond)
823    slwf_num = num_wann
824    selective_loc = .false.
825    call param_get_keyword('slwf_num', found, i_value=slwf_num)
826    if (found) then
827      if (slwf_num .gt. num_wann .or. slwf_num .lt. 1) then
828        call io_error('Error: slwf_num must be an integer between 1 and num_wann')
829      end if
830      if (slwf_num .lt. num_wann) selective_loc = .true.
831    end if
833    slwf_constrain = .false.
834    call param_get_keyword('slwf_constrain', found, l_value=slwf_constrain)
835    if (found .and. slwf_constrain) then
836      if (selective_loc) then
837        allocate (ccentres_frac(num_wann, 3), stat=ierr)
838        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ccentres_frac in param_get_centre_constraints')
839        allocate (ccentres_cart(num_wann, 3), stat=ierr)
840        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ccentres_cart in param_get_centre_constraints')
841      else
842        write (stdout, *) ' No selective localisation requested. Ignoring constraints on centres'
843        slwf_constrain = .false.
844      end if
845    end if
847    slwf_lambda = 1.0_dp
848    call param_get_keyword('slwf_lambda', found, r_value=slwf_lambda)
849    if (found) then
850      if (slwf_lambda < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: slwf_lambda  must be positive.')
851    endif
853    !%%%%%%%%%
854    ! Plotting
855    !%%%%%%%%%
857    wannier_plot = .false.
858    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot', found, l_value=wannier_plot)
860    wannier_plot_supercell = 2
862    call param_get_vector_length('wannier_plot_supercell', found, length=i)
863    if (found) then
864      if (i .eq. 1) then
865        call param_get_keyword_vector('wannier_plot_supercell', found, 1, &
866                                      i_value=wannier_plot_supercell)
867        wannier_plot_supercell(2) = wannier_plot_supercell(1)
868        wannier_plot_supercell(3) = wannier_plot_supercell(1)
869      elseif (i .eq. 3) then
870        call param_get_keyword_vector('wannier_plot_supercell', found, 3, &
871                                      i_value=wannier_plot_supercell)
872      else
873        call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_supercell must be provided as either one integer or a vector of three integers')
874      end if
875      if (any(wannier_plot_supercell <= 0)) &
876        call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_supercell elements must be greater than zero')
877    end if
879    wannier_plot_format = 'xcrysden'
880    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot_format', found, c_value=wannier_plot_format)
882    wannier_plot_mode = 'crystal'
883    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot_mode', found, c_value=wannier_plot_mode)
885    wannier_plot_spinor_mode = 'total'
886    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot_spinor_mode', found, c_value=wannier_plot_spinor_mode)
887    wannier_plot_spinor_phase = .true.
888    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot_spinor_phase', found, l_value=wannier_plot_spinor_phase)
890    call param_get_range_vector('wannier_plot_list', found, num_wannier_plot, lcount=.true.)
891    if (found) then
892      if (num_wannier_plot < 1) call io_error('Error: problem reading wannier_plot_list')
893      if (allocated(wannier_plot_list)) deallocate (wannier_plot_list)
894      allocate (wannier_plot_list(num_wannier_plot), stat=ierr)
895      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating wannier_plot_list in param_read')
896      call param_get_range_vector('wannier_plot_list', found, num_wannier_plot, .false., wannier_plot_list)
897      if (any(wannier_plot_list < 1) .or. any(wannier_plot_list > num_wann)) &
898        call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_list asks for a non-valid wannier function to be plotted')
899    else
900      ! we plot all wannier functions
901      num_wannier_plot = num_wann
902      if (allocated(wannier_plot_list)) deallocate (wannier_plot_list)
903      allocate (wannier_plot_list(num_wannier_plot), stat=ierr)
904      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating wannier_plot_list in param_read')
905      do loop = 1, num_wann
906        wannier_plot_list(loop) = loop
907      end do
908    end if
910    wannier_plot_radius = 3.5_dp
911    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot_radius', found, r_value=wannier_plot_radius)
913    wannier_plot_scale = 1.0_dp
914    call param_get_keyword('wannier_plot_scale', found, r_value=wannier_plot_scale)
916    ! checks
917    if (wannier_plot) then
918      if ((index(wannier_plot_format, 'xcrys') .eq. 0) .and. (index(wannier_plot_format, 'cub') .eq. 0)) &
919        call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_format not recognised')
920      if ((index(wannier_plot_mode, 'crys') .eq. 0) .and. (index(wannier_plot_mode, 'mol') .eq. 0)) &
921        call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_mode not recognised')
922      if ((index(wannier_plot_spinor_mode, 'total') .eq. 0) .and. (index(wannier_plot_spinor_mode, 'up') .eq. 0) &
923          .and. (index(wannier_plot_spinor_mode, 'down') .eq. 0)) &
924        call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_spinor_mode not recognised')
925      if (wannier_plot_radius < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_radius must be positive')
926      if (wannier_plot_scale < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: wannier_plot_scale must be positive')
927    endif
929    write_u_matrices = .false.
930    call param_get_keyword('write_u_matrices', found, l_value=write_u_matrices)
932    bands_plot = .false.
933    call param_get_keyword('bands_plot', found, l_value=bands_plot)
935    write_bvec = .false.
936    call param_get_keyword('write_bvec', found, l_value=write_bvec)
938    bands_num_points = 100
939    call param_get_keyword('bands_num_points', found, i_value=bands_num_points)
941    bands_plot_format = 'gnuplot'
942    call param_get_keyword('bands_plot_format', found, c_value=bands_plot_format)
944    bands_plot_mode = 's-k'
945    call param_get_keyword('bands_plot_mode', found, c_value=bands_plot_mode)
947    bands_plot_dim = 3
948    call param_get_keyword('bands_plot_dim', found, i_value=bands_plot_dim)
950    num_bands_project = 0
951    call param_get_range_vector('bands_plot_project', found, num_bands_project, lcount=.true.)
952    if (found) then
953      if (num_bands_project < 1) call io_error('Error: problem reading bands_plot_project')
954      if (allocated(bands_plot_project)) deallocate (bands_plot_project)
955      allocate (bands_plot_project(num_bands_project), stat=ierr)
956      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating bands_plot_project in param_read')
957      call param_get_range_vector('bands_plot_project', found, num_bands_project, .false., bands_plot_project)
958      if (any(bands_plot_project < 1) .or. any(bands_plot_project > num_wann)) &
959        call io_error('Error: bands_plot_project asks for a non-valid wannier function to be projected')
960    endif
962    bands_num_spec_points = 0
963    call param_get_block_length('kpoint_path', found, i_temp)
964    if (found) then
965      bands_num_spec_points = i_temp*2
966      if (allocated(bands_label)) deallocate (bands_label)
967      allocate (bands_label(bands_num_spec_points), stat=ierr)
968      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating bands_label in param_read')
969      if (allocated(bands_spec_points)) deallocate (bands_spec_points)
970      allocate (bands_spec_points(3, bands_num_spec_points), stat=ierr)
971      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating bands_spec_points in param_read')
972      call param_get_keyword_kpath
973    end if
974    if (.not. found .and. bands_plot) &
975      call io_error('A bandstructure plot has been requested but there is no kpoint_path block')
977    ! checks
978    if (bands_plot) then
979      if ((index(bands_plot_format, 'gnu') .eq. 0) .and. (index(bands_plot_format, 'xmgr') .eq. 0)) &
980        call io_error('Error: bands_plot_format not recognised')
981      if ((index(bands_plot_mode, 's-k') .eq. 0) .and. (index(bands_plot_mode, 'cut') .eq. 0)) &
982        call io_error('Error: bands_plot_mode not recognised')
983      if (bands_num_points < 0) call io_error('Error: bands_num_points must be positive')
984    endif
986    fermi_surface_plot = .false.
987    call param_get_keyword('fermi_surface_plot', found, l_value=fermi_surface_plot)
989    fermi_surface_num_points = 50
990    call param_get_keyword('fermi_surface_num_points', found, i_value=fermi_surface_num_points)
992    fermi_surface_plot_format = 'xcrysden'
993    call param_get_keyword('fermi_surface_plot_format', &
994                           found, c_value=fermi_surface_plot_format)
996    nfermi = 0
997    found_fermi_energy = .false.
998    call param_get_keyword('fermi_energy', found, r_value=fermi_energy)
999    if (found) then
1000      found_fermi_energy = .true.
1001      nfermi = 1
1002    endif
1003    !
1004    fermi_energy_scan = .false.
1005    call param_get_keyword('fermi_energy_min', found, r_value=fermi_energy_min)
1006    if (found) then
1007      if (found_fermi_energy) call io_error( &
1008        'Error: Cannot specify both fermi_energy and fermi_energy_min')
1009      fermi_energy_scan = .true.
1010      fermi_energy_max = fermi_energy_min + 1.0_dp
1011      call param_get_keyword('fermi_energy_max', found, &
1012                             r_value=fermi_energy_max)
1013      if (found .and. fermi_energy_max <= fermi_energy_min) call io_error( &
1014        'Error: fermi_energy_max must be larger than fermi_energy_min')
1015      fermi_energy_step = 0.01_dp
1016      call param_get_keyword('fermi_energy_step', found, &
1017                             r_value=fermi_energy_step)
1018      if (found .and. fermi_energy_step <= 0.0_dp) call io_error( &
1019        'Error: fermi_energy_step must be positive')
1020      nfermi = nint(abs((fermi_energy_max - fermi_energy_min)/fermi_energy_step)) + 1
1021    endif
1022    !
1023    if (found_fermi_energy) then
1024      if (allocated(fermi_energy_list)) deallocate (fermi_energy_list)
1025      allocate (fermi_energy_list(1), stat=ierr)
1026      fermi_energy_list(1) = fermi_energy
1027    elseif (fermi_energy_scan) then
1028      if (nfermi .eq. 1) then
1029        fermi_energy_step = 0.0_dp
1030      else
1031        fermi_energy_step = (fermi_energy_max - fermi_energy_min)/real(nfermi - 1, dp)
1032      endif
1033      if (allocated(fermi_energy_list)) deallocate (fermi_energy_list)
1034      allocate (fermi_energy_list(nfermi), stat=ierr)
1035      do i = 1, nfermi
1036        fermi_energy_list(i) = fermi_energy_min + (i - 1)*fermi_energy_step
1037      enddo
1038!!    elseif(nfermi==0) then
1039!!        ! This happens when both found_fermi_energy=.false. and
1040!!        ! fermi_energy_scan=.false. Functionalities that require
1041!!        ! specifying a Fermi level should give an error message
1042!!        allocate(fermi_energy_list(1),stat=ierr) ! helps streamline things
1044!! AAM_2017-03-27: if nfermi is zero (ie, fermi_energy* parameters are not set in input file)
1045!! then allocate fermi_energy_list with length 1 and set to zero as default.
1046    else
1047      if (allocated(fermi_energy_list)) deallocate (fermi_energy_list)
1048      allocate (fermi_energy_list(1), stat=ierr)
1049      fermi_energy_list(1) = 0.0_dp
1050    endif
1051    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
1052      'Error allocating fermi_energy_list in param_read')
1054    ! checks
1055    if (fermi_surface_plot) then
1056      if ((index(fermi_surface_plot_format, 'xcrys') .eq. 0)) &
1057        call io_error('Error: fermi_surface_plot_format not recognised')
1058      if (fermi_surface_num_points < 0) &
1059        call io_error('Error: fermi_surface_num_points must be positive')
1060    endif
1062    kslice = .false.
1063    call param_get_keyword('kslice', found, l_value=kslice)
1065    kslice_task = 'fermi_lines'
1066    call param_get_keyword('kslice_task', found, c_value=kslice_task)
1067    if (kslice .and. index(kslice_task, 'fermi_lines') == 0 .and. &
1068        index(kslice_task, 'curv') == 0 .and. &
1069        index(kslice_task, 'morb') == 0 .and. &
1070        index(kslice_task, 'shc') == 0) call io_error &
1071      ('Error: value of kslice_task not recognised in param_read')
1072    if (kslice .and. index(kslice_task, 'curv') > 0 .and. &
1073        index(kslice_task, 'morb') > 0) call io_error &
1074      ("Error: kslice_task cannot include both 'curv' and 'morb'")
1075    if (kslice .and. index(kslice_task, 'shc') > 0 .and. &
1076        index(kslice_task, 'morb') > 0) call io_error &
1077      ("Error: kslice_task cannot include both 'shc' and 'morb'")
1078    if (kslice .and. index(kslice_task, 'shc') > 0 .and. &
1079        index(kslice_task, 'curv') > 0) call io_error &
1080      ("Error: kslice_task cannot include both 'shc' and 'curv'")
1082    kslice_2dkmesh(1:2) = 50
1083    call param_get_vector_length('kslice_2dkmesh', found, length=i)
1084    if (found) then
1085      if (i == 1) then
1086        call param_get_keyword_vector('kslice_2dkmesh', found, 1, &
1087                                      i_value=kslice_2dkmesh)
1088        kslice_2dkmesh(2) = kslice_2dkmesh(1)
1089      elseif (i == 2) then
1090        call param_get_keyword_vector('kslice_2dkmesh', found, 2, &
1091                                      i_value=kslice_2dkmesh)
1092      else
1093        call io_error('Error: kslice_2dkmesh must be provided as either' &
1094                      //' one integer or a vector of two integers')
1095      endif
1096      if (any(kslice_2dkmesh <= 0)) &
1097        call io_error('Error: kslice_2dkmesh elements must be' &
1098                      //' greater than zero')
1099    endif
1101    kslice_corner = 0.0_dp
1102    call param_get_keyword_vector('kslice_corner', found, 3, r_value=kslice_corner)
1104    kslice_b1(1) = 1.0_dp
1105    kslice_b1(2) = 0.0_dp
1106    kslice_b1(3) = 0.0_dp
1107    call param_get_keyword_vector('kslice_b1', found, 3, r_value=kslice_b1)
1109    kslice_b2(1) = 0.0_dp
1110    kslice_b2(2) = 1.0_dp
1111    kslice_b2(3) = 0.0_dp
1112    call param_get_keyword_vector('kslice_b2', found, 3, r_value=kslice_b2)
1114    kslice_fermi_lines_colour = 'none'
1115    call param_get_keyword('kslice_fermi_lines_colour', found, &
1116                           c_value=kslice_fermi_lines_colour)
1117    if (kslice .and. index(kslice_fermi_lines_colour, 'none') == 0 .and. &
1118        index(kslice_fermi_lines_colour, 'spin') == 0) call io_error &
1119      ('Error: value of kslice_fermi_lines_colour not recognised ' &
1120       //'in param_read')
1122!    slice_plot_format         = 'plotmv'
1123!    call param_get_keyword('slice_plot_format',found,c_value=slice_plot_format)
1125    ! [gp-begin, Apr 20, 2012]
1127    ! By default: Gaussian
1128    smr_index = 0
1129    call param_get_keyword('smr_type', found, c_value=ctmp)
1130    if (found) smr_index = get_smearing_index(ctmp, 'smr_type')
1132    ! By default: adaptive smearing
1133    adpt_smr = .true.
1134    call param_get_keyword('adpt_smr', found, l_value=adpt_smr)
1136    ! By default: a=sqrt(2)
1137    adpt_smr_fac = sqrt(2.0_dp)
1138    call param_get_keyword('adpt_smr_fac', found, r_value=adpt_smr_fac)
1139    if (found .and. (adpt_smr_fac <= 0._dp)) &
1140      call io_error('Error: adpt_smr_fac must be greater than zero')
1142    ! By default: 1 eV
1143    adpt_smr_max = 1.0_dp
1144    call param_get_keyword('adpt_smr_max', found, r_value=adpt_smr_max)
1145    if (adpt_smr_max <= 0._dp) &
1146      call io_error('Error: adpt_smr_max must be greater than zero')
1148    ! By default: if adpt_smr is manually set to false by the user, but he/she doesn't
1149    ! define smr_fixed_en_width: NO smearing, i.e. just the histogram
1150    smr_fixed_en_width = 0.0_dp
1151    call param_get_keyword('smr_fixed_en_width', found, r_value=smr_fixed_en_width)
1152    if (found .and. (smr_fixed_en_width < 0._dp)) &
1153      call io_error('Error: smr_fixed_en_width must be greater than or equal to zero')
1154    ! [gp-end]
1156    !IVO
1158    dos = .false.
1159    call param_get_keyword('dos', found, l_value=dos)
1161    berry = .false.
1162    call param_get_keyword('berry', found, l_value=berry)
1164    transl_inv = .false.
1165    call param_get_keyword('transl_inv', found, l_value=transl_inv)
1167    berry_task = ' '
1168    call param_get_keyword('berry_task', found, c_value=berry_task)
1169    if (berry .and. .not. found) call io_error &
1170      ('Error: berry=T and berry_task is not set')
1171    if (berry .and. index(berry_task, 'ahc') == 0 .and. index(berry_task, 'morb') == 0 &
1172        .and. index(berry_task, 'kubo') == 0 .and. index(berry_task, 'sc') == 0 &
1173        .and. index(berry_task, 'shc') == 0) call io_error &
1174      ('Error: value of berry_task not recognised in param_read')
1176    ! Stepan
1177    gyrotropic = .false.
1178    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic', found, l_value=gyrotropic)
1179    gyrotropic_task = 'all'
1180    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_task', found, c_value=gyrotropic_task)
1181    gyrotropic_box(:, :) = 0.0
1182    gyrotropic_degen_thresh = 0.0_dp
1183    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_degen_thresh', found, r_value=gyrotropic_degen_thresh)
1185    do i = 1, 3
1186      gyrotropic_box(i, i) = 1.0_dp
1187      gyrotropic_box_tmp(:) = 0.0_dp
1188      call param_get_keyword_vector('gyrotropic_box_b'//achar(48 + i), found, 3, r_value=gyrotropic_box_tmp)
1189      if (found) gyrotropic_box(i, :) = gyrotropic_box_tmp(:)
1190    enddo
1191    gyrotropic_box_corner(:) = 0.0_dp
1192    call param_get_keyword_vector('gyrotropic_box_center', found, 3, r_value=gyrotropic_box_tmp)
1193    if (found) gyrotropic_box_corner(:) = &
1194      gyrotropic_box_tmp(:) - 0.5*(gyrotropic_box(1, :) + gyrotropic_box(2, :) + gyrotropic_box(3, :))
1196    call param_get_range_vector('gyrotropic_band_list', found, gyrotropic_num_bands, lcount=.true.)
1197    if (found) then
1198      if (gyrotropic_num_bands < 1) call io_error('Error: problem reading gyrotropic_band_list')
1199      if (allocated(gyrotropic_band_list)) deallocate (gyrotropic_band_list)
1200      allocate (gyrotropic_band_list(gyrotropic_num_bands), stat=ierr)
1201      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating gyrotropic_band_list in param_read')
1202      call param_get_range_vector('gyrotropic_band_list', found, gyrotropic_num_bands, .false., gyrotropic_band_list)
1203      if (any(gyrotropic_band_list < 1) .or. any(gyrotropic_band_list > num_wann)) &
1204        call io_error('Error: gyrotropic_band_list asks for a non-valid bands')
1205    else
1206      ! include all bands in the calculation
1207      gyrotropic_num_bands = num_wann
1208      if (allocated(gyrotropic_band_list)) deallocate (gyrotropic_band_list)
1209      allocate (gyrotropic_band_list(gyrotropic_num_bands), stat=ierr)
1210      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating gyrotropic_band_list in param_read')
1211      do loop = 1, num_wann
1212        gyrotropic_band_list(loop) = loop
1213      end do
1214    end if
1216    smr_max_arg = 5.0
1217    call param_get_keyword('smr_max_arg', found, r_value=smr_max_arg)
1218    if (found .and. (smr_max_arg <= 0._dp)) &
1219      call io_error('Error: smr_max_arg must be greater than zero')
1221    gyrotropic_smr_max_arg = smr_max_arg
1222    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_smr_max_arg', found, &
1223                           r_value=gyrotropic_smr_max_arg)
1224    if (found .and. (gyrotropic_smr_max_arg <= 0._dp)) call io_error &
1225      ('Error: gyrotropic_smr_max_arg must be greater than zero')
1228!    alpha=0
1229!    call param_get_keyword('alpha',found,i_value=alpha)
1231!    beta=0
1232!    call param_get_keyword('beta',found,i_value=beta)
1234!    gamma=0
1235!    call param_get_keyword('gamma',found,i_value=gamma)
1238    berry_curv_adpt_kmesh = 1
1239    call param_get_keyword('berry_curv_adpt_kmesh', found, &
1240                           i_value=berry_curv_adpt_kmesh)
1241    if (berry_curv_adpt_kmesh < 1) &
1242      call io_error( &
1243      'Error:  berry_curv_adpt_kmesh must be a positive integer')
1245    berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh = 100.0_dp
1246    call param_get_keyword('berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh', found, &
1247                           r_value=berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh)
1249    berry_curv_unit = 'ang2'
1250    call param_get_keyword('berry_curv_unit', found, c_value=berry_curv_unit)
1251    if (berry_curv_unit .ne. 'ang2' .and. berry_curv_unit .ne. 'bohr2') &
1252      call io_error &
1253      ('Error: value of berry_curv_unit not recognised in param_read')
1255    wanint_kpoint_file = .false.
1256    call param_get_keyword('wanint_kpoint_file', found, &
1257                           l_value=wanint_kpoint_file)
1259!    smear_temp = -1.0_dp
1260!    call param_get_keyword('smear_temp',found,r_value=smear_temp)
1262    kubo_adpt_smr = adpt_smr
1263    call param_get_keyword('kubo_adpt_smr', found, l_value=kubo_adpt_smr)
1265    kubo_adpt_smr_fac = adpt_smr_fac
1266    call param_get_keyword('kubo_adpt_smr_fac', found, &
1267                           r_value=kubo_adpt_smr_fac)
1268    if (found .and. (kubo_adpt_smr_fac <= 0._dp)) call io_error &
1269      ('Error: kubo_adpt_smr_fac must be greater than zero')
1271    kubo_adpt_smr_max = adpt_smr_max
1272    call param_get_keyword('kubo_adpt_smr_max', found, &
1273                           r_value=kubo_adpt_smr_max)
1274    if (kubo_adpt_smr_max <= 0._dp) call io_error &
1275      ('Error: kubo_adpt_smr_max must be greater than zero')
1277    kubo_smr_fixed_en_width = smr_fixed_en_width
1278    call param_get_keyword('kubo_smr_fixed_en_width', found, &
1279                           r_value=kubo_smr_fixed_en_width)
1280    if (found .and. (kubo_smr_fixed_en_width < 0._dp)) call io_error &
1281      ('Error: kubo_smr_fixed_en_width must be greater than or equal to zero')
1283    gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width = smr_fixed_en_width
1284    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width', found, &
1285                           r_value=gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width)
1286    if (found .and. (gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width < 0._dp)) call io_error &
1287      ('Error: gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width must be greater than or equal to zero')
1289    sc_phase_conv = 1
1290    call param_get_keyword('sc_phase_conv', found, i_value=sc_phase_conv)
1291    if ((sc_phase_conv .ne. 1) .and. ((sc_phase_conv .ne. 2))) call io_error('Error: sc_phase_conv must be either 1 or 2')
1293    scissors_shift = 0.0_dp
1294    call param_get_keyword('scissors_shift', found, &
1295                           r_value=scissors_shift)
1297    shc_freq_scan = .false.
1298    call param_get_keyword('shc_freq_scan', found, l_value=shc_freq_scan)
1300    shc_alpha = 1
1301    call param_get_keyword('shc_alpha', found, i_value=shc_alpha)
1302    if (found .and. (shc_alpha < 1 .or. shc_alpha > 3)) call io_error &
1303      ('Error:  shc_alpha must be 1, 2 or 3')
1305    shc_beta = 2
1306    call param_get_keyword('shc_beta', found, i_value=shc_beta)
1307    if (found .and. (shc_beta < 1 .or. shc_beta > 3)) call io_error &
1308      ('Error:  shc_beta must be 1, 2 or 3')
1310    shc_gamma = 3
1311    call param_get_keyword('shc_gamma', found, i_value=shc_gamma)
1312    if (found .and. (shc_gamma < 1 .or. shc_gamma > 3)) call io_error &
1313      ('Error:  shc_gamma must be 1, 2 or 3')
1315    shc_bandshift = .false.
1316    call param_get_keyword('shc_bandshift', found, l_value=shc_bandshift)
1317    shc_bandshift = shc_bandshift .and. berry .and. .not. (index(berry_task, 'shc') == 0)
1318    if ((abs(scissors_shift) > 1.0e-7_dp) .and. shc_bandshift) &
1319      call io_error('Error: shc_bandshift and scissors_shift cannot be used simultaneously')
1321    shc_bandshift_firstband = 0
1322    call param_get_keyword('shc_bandshift_firstband', found, i_value=shc_bandshift_firstband)
1323    if (shc_bandshift .and. (.not. found)) &
1324      call io_error('Error: shc_bandshift required but no shc_bandshift_firstband provided')
1325    if ((shc_bandshift_firstband < 1) .and. found) &
1326      call io_error('Error: shc_bandshift_firstband must >= 1')
1328    shc_bandshift_energyshift = 0._dp
1329    call param_get_keyword('shc_bandshift_energyshift', found, r_value=shc_bandshift_energyshift)
1330    if (shc_bandshift .and. (.not. found)) &
1331      call io_error('Error: shc_bandshift required but no shc_bandshift_energyshift provided')
1333    spin_moment = .false.
1334    call param_get_keyword('spin_moment', found, &
1335                           l_value=spin_moment)
1337    spin_axis_polar = 0.0_dp
1338    call param_get_keyword('spin_axis_polar', found, &
1339                           r_value=spin_axis_polar)
1341    spin_axis_azimuth = 0.0_dp
1342    call param_get_keyword('spin_axis_azimuth', found, &
1343                           r_value=spin_axis_azimuth)
1345    spin_decomp = .false.
1346    call param_get_keyword('spin_decomp', found, l_value=spin_decomp)
1348    if (spin_decomp .and. (num_elec_per_state .ne. 1)) then
1349      call io_error('spin_decomp can be true only if num_elec_per_state is 1')
1350    end if
1352    use_degen_pert = .false.
1353    call param_get_keyword('use_degen_pert', found, &
1354                           l_value=use_degen_pert)
1356    degen_thr = 1.0d-4
1357    call param_get_keyword('degen_thr', found, r_value=degen_thr)
1359    kpath = .false.
1360    call param_get_keyword('kpath', found, l_value=kpath)
1362    kpath_task = 'bands'
1363    call param_get_keyword('kpath_task', found, c_value=kpath_task)
1364    if (kpath .and. index(kpath_task, 'bands') == 0 .and. &
1365        index(kpath_task, 'curv') == 0 .and. &
1366        index(kpath_task, 'morb') == 0 .and. &
1367        index(kpath_task, 'shc') == 0) call io_error &
1368      ('Error: value of kpath_task not recognised in param_read')
1369    if (bands_num_spec_points == 0 .and. kpath) &
1370      call io_error('Error: a kpath plot has been requested but there is no kpoint_path block')
1372    kpath_num_points = 100
1373    call param_get_keyword('kpath_num_points', found, &
1374                           i_value=kpath_num_points)
1375    if (kpath_num_points < 0) &
1376      call io_error('Error: kpath_num_points must be positive')
1378    kpath_bands_colour = 'none'
1379    call param_get_keyword('kpath_bands_colour', found, &
1380                           c_value=kpath_bands_colour)
1381    if (kpath .and. index(kpath_bands_colour, 'none') == 0 .and. &
1382        index(kpath_bands_colour, 'spin') == 0 .and. &
1383        index(kpath_bands_colour, 'shc') == 0) call io_error &
1384      ('Error: value of kpath_bands_colour not recognised in param_read')
1385    if (kpath .and. index(kpath_task, 'shc') > 0 .and. &
1386        index(kpath_task, 'spin') > 0) call io_error &
1387      ("Error: kpath_task cannot include both 'shc' and 'spin'")
1389    ! set to a negative default value
1390    num_valence_bands = -99
1391    call param_get_keyword('num_valence_bands', found, i_value=num_valence_bands)
1392    if (found .and. (num_valence_bands .le. 0)) &
1393      call io_error('Error: num_valence_bands should be greater than zero')
1394    ! there is a check on this parameter later
1396    dos_task = 'dos_plot'
1397    if (dos) then
1398      dos_plot = .true.
1399    else
1400      dos_plot = .false.
1401    endif
1402    call param_get_keyword('dos_task', found, c_value=dos_task)
1403    if (dos) then
1404      if (index(dos_task, 'dos_plot') == 0 .and. &
1405          index(dos_task, 'find_fermi_energy') == 0) call io_error &
1406        ('Error: value of dos_task not recognised in param_read')
1407      if (index(dos_task, 'dos_plot') > 0) dos_plot = .true.
1408      if (index(dos_task, 'find_fermi_energy') > 0 .and. found_fermi_energy) &
1409        call io_error &
1410        ('Error: Cannot set "dos_task = find_fermi_energy" and give a value to "fermi_energy"')
1411    end if
1413!    sigma_abc_onlyorb=.false.
1414!    call param_get_keyword('sigma_abc_onlyorb',found,l_value=sigma_abc_onlyorb)
1416! -------------------------------------------------------------------
1418    !IVO_END
1420    dos_energy_step = 0.01_dp
1421    call param_get_keyword('dos_energy_step', found, r_value=dos_energy_step)
1423    dos_adpt_smr = adpt_smr
1424    call param_get_keyword('dos_adpt_smr', found, l_value=dos_adpt_smr)
1426    dos_adpt_smr_fac = adpt_smr_fac
1427    call param_get_keyword('dos_adpt_smr_fac', found, r_value=dos_adpt_smr_fac)
1428    if (found .and. (dos_adpt_smr_fac <= 0._dp)) &
1429      call io_error('Error: dos_adpt_smr_fac must be greater than zero')
1431    dos_adpt_smr_max = adpt_smr_max
1432    call param_get_keyword('dos_adpt_smr_max', found, r_value=dos_adpt_smr_max)
1433    if (dos_adpt_smr_max <= 0._dp) call io_error &
1434      ('Error: dos_adpt_smr_max must be greater than zero')
1436    dos_smr_fixed_en_width = smr_fixed_en_width
1437    call param_get_keyword('dos_smr_fixed_en_width', found, r_value=dos_smr_fixed_en_width)
1438    if (found .and. (dos_smr_fixed_en_width < 0._dp)) &
1439      call io_error('Error: dos_smr_fixed_en_width must be greater than or equal to zero')
1441!    dos_gaussian_width        = 0.1_dp
1442!    call param_get_keyword('dos_gaussian_width',found,r_value=dos_gaussian_width)
1444!    dos_plot_format           = 'gnuplot'
1445!    call param_get_keyword('dos_plot_format',found,c_value=dos_plot_format)
1447    call param_get_range_vector('dos_project', found, num_dos_project, &
1448                                lcount=.true.)
1449    if (found) then
1450      if (num_dos_project < 1) call io_error('Error: problem reading dos_project')
1451      if (allocated(dos_project)) deallocate (dos_project)
1452      allocate (dos_project(num_dos_project), stat=ierr)
1453      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating dos_project in param_read')
1454      call param_get_range_vector('dos_project', found, num_dos_project, &
1455                                  .false., dos_project)
1456      if (any(dos_project < 1) .or. any(dos_project > num_wann)) call io_error &
1457        ('Error: dos_project asks for out-of-range Wannier functions')
1458    else
1459      ! by default plot all
1460      num_dos_project = num_wann
1461      if (allocated(dos_project)) deallocate (dos_project)
1462      allocate (dos_project(num_dos_project), stat=ierr)
1463      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating dos_project in param_read')
1464      do i = 1, num_dos_project
1465        dos_project(i) = i
1466      end do
1467    endif
1469    hr_plot = .false.
1470    call param_get_keyword('hr_plot', found, l_value=hr_plot)
1471    if (found) call io_error('Input parameter hr_plot is no longer used. Please use write_hr instead.')
1472    write_hr = .false.
1473    call param_get_keyword('write_hr', found, l_value=write_hr)
1475    write_rmn = .false.
1476    call param_get_keyword('write_rmn', found, l_value=write_rmn)
1478    write_tb = .false.
1479    call param_get_keyword('write_tb', found, l_value=write_tb)
1481    hr_cutoff = 0.0_dp
1482    call param_get_keyword('hr_cutoff', found, r_value=hr_cutoff)
1484    dist_cutoff_mode = 'three_dim'
1485    call param_get_keyword('dist_cutoff_mode', found, c_value=dist_cutoff_mode)
1486    if ((index(dist_cutoff_mode, 'three_dim') .eq. 0) &
1487        .and. (index(dist_cutoff_mode, 'two_dim') .eq. 0) &
1488        .and. (index(dist_cutoff_mode, 'one_dim') .eq. 0)) &
1489      call io_error('Error: dist_cutoff_mode not recognised')
1491! aam_2012-04-13: moved later
1492!    dist_cutoff                 = 1000.0_dp
1493!    call param_get_keyword('dist_cutoff',found,r_value=dist_cutoff)
1495    one_dim_axis = 'none'
1496    call param_get_keyword('one_dim_axis', found, c_value=one_dim_axis)
1497    one_dim_dir = 0
1498    if (index(one_dim_axis, 'x') > 0) one_dim_dir = 1
1499    if (index(one_dim_axis, 'y') > 0) one_dim_dir = 2
1500    if (index(one_dim_axis, 'z') > 0) one_dim_dir = 3
1501    if (transport .and. .not. tran_read_ht .and. (one_dim_dir .eq. 0)) call io_error('Error: one_dim_axis not recognised')
1502    if (bands_plot .and. (index(bands_plot_mode, 'cut') .ne. 0)&
1503       & .and. ((bands_plot_dim .ne. 3) .or. (index(dist_cutoff_mode, 'three_dim') .eq. 0))&
1504       & .and. (one_dim_dir .eq. 0)) &
1505         call io_error('Error: one_dim_axis not recognised')
1507301 continue
1509    use_ws_distance = .true.
1510    call param_get_keyword('use_ws_distance', found, l_value=use_ws_distance)
1512    ws_distance_tol = 1.e-5_dp
1513    call param_get_keyword('ws_distance_tol', found, r_value=ws_distance_tol)
1515    ws_search_size = 2
1517    call param_get_vector_length('ws_search_size', found, length=i)
1518    if (found) then
1519      if (i .eq. 1) then
1520        call param_get_keyword_vector('ws_search_size', found, 1, &
1521                                      i_value=ws_search_size)
1522        ws_search_size(2) = ws_search_size(1)
1523        ws_search_size(3) = ws_search_size(1)
1524      elseif (i .eq. 3) then
1525        call param_get_keyword_vector('ws_search_size', found, 3, &
1526                                      i_value=ws_search_size)
1527      else
1528        call io_error('Error: ws_search_size must be provided as either one integer or a vector of three integers')
1529      end if
1530      if (any(ws_search_size <= 0)) &
1531        call io_error('Error: ws_search_size elements must be greater than zero')
1532    end if
1534    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1535    ! Transport
1536    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1538    transport_mode = 'bulk'
1539    call param_get_keyword('transport_mode', found, c_value=transport_mode)
1541!    if ( .not.tran_read_ht  .and. (index(transport_mode,'lcr').ne.0) ) &
1542!       call io_error('Error: transport_mode.eq.lcr not compatible with tran_read_ht.eq.false')
1544    tran_win_min = -3.0_dp
1545    call param_get_keyword('tran_win_min', found, r_value=tran_win_min)
1547    tran_win_max = 3.0_dp
1548    call param_get_keyword('tran_win_max', found, r_value=tran_win_max)
1550    tran_energy_step = 0.01_dp
1551    call param_get_keyword('tran_energy_step', found, r_value=tran_energy_step)
1553    tran_num_bb = 0
1554    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_bb', found, i_value=tran_num_bb)
1556    tran_num_ll = 0
1557    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_ll', found, i_value=tran_num_ll)
1559    tran_num_rr = 0
1560    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_rr', found, i_value=tran_num_rr)
1562    tran_num_cc = 0
1563    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_cc', found, i_value=tran_num_cc)
1565    tran_num_lc = 0
1566    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_lc', found, i_value=tran_num_lc)
1568    tran_num_cr = 0
1569    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_cr', found, i_value=tran_num_cr)
1571    tran_num_bandc = 0
1572    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_bandc', found, i_value=tran_num_bandc)
1574    tran_write_ht = .false.
1575    call param_get_keyword('tran_write_ht', found, l_value=tran_write_ht)
1577    tran_use_same_lead = .true.
1578    call param_get_keyword('tran_use_same_lead', found, l_value=tran_use_same_lead)
1580    tran_num_cell_ll = 0
1581    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_cell_ll', found, i_value=tran_num_cell_ll)
1583    tran_num_cell_rr = 0
1584    call param_get_keyword('tran_num_cell_rr', found, i_value=tran_num_cell_rr)
1586    tran_group_threshold = 0.15_dp
1587    call param_get_keyword('tran_group_threshold', found, r_value=tran_group_threshold)
1589    dist_cutoff = 1000.0_dp
1590    call param_get_keyword('dist_cutoff', found, r_value=dist_cutoff)
1592    dist_cutoff_hc = dist_cutoff
1593    call param_get_keyword('dist_cutoff_hc', found, r_value=dist_cutoff_hc)
1595    ! checks
1596    if (transport) then
1597      if ((index(transport_mode, 'bulk') .eq. 0) .and. (index(transport_mode, 'lcr') .eq. 0)) &
1598        call io_error('Error: transport_mode not recognised')
1599      if (tran_num_bb < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_bb < 0')
1600      if (tran_num_ll < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_ll < 0')
1601      if (tran_num_rr < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_rr < 0')
1602      if (tran_num_cc < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_cc < 0')
1603      if (tran_num_lc < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_lc < 0')
1604      if (tran_num_cr < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_cr < 0')
1605      if (tran_num_bandc < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_bandc < 0')
1606      if (tran_num_cell_ll < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_cell_ll < 0')
1607      if (tran_num_cell_rr < 0) call io_error('Error: tran_num_cell_rr < 0')
1608      if (tran_group_threshold < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: tran_group_threshold < 0')
1609    endif
1611    if (transport .and. tran_read_ht) goto 302
1613    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1614    ! Disentanglement
1615    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1617    disentanglement = .false.
1618    if (num_bands > num_wann) disentanglement = .true.
1620    ! These must be read here, before the check on the existence of the .eig file!
1621    geninterp = .false.
1622    call param_get_keyword('geninterp', found, l_value=geninterp)
1623    boltzwann = .false.
1624    call param_get_keyword('boltzwann', found, l_value=boltzwann)
1626    ! Read the eigenvalues from wannier.eig
1627    eig_found = .false.
1628    if (.not. library .and. .not. effective_model) then
1630      if (.not. postproc_setup) then
1631        inquire (file=trim(seedname)//'.eig', exist=eig_found)
1632        if (.not. eig_found) then
1633          if (disentanglement) then
1634            call io_error('No '//trim(seedname)//'.eig file found. Needed for disentanglement')
1635          else if ((bands_plot .or. dos_plot .or. fermi_surface_plot .or. write_hr .or. boltzwann &
1636                    .or. geninterp)) then
1637            call io_error('No '//trim(seedname)//'.eig file found. Needed for interpolation')
1638          end if
1639        else
1640          ! Allocate only here
1641          allocate (eigval(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
1642          if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating eigval in param_read')
1644          eig_unit = io_file_unit()
1645          open (unit=eig_unit, file=trim(seedname)//'.eig', form='formatted', status='old', err=105)
1646          do k = 1, num_kpts
1647            do n = 1, num_bands
1648              read (eig_unit, *, err=106, end=106) i, j, eigval(n, k)
1649              if ((i .ne. n) .or. (j .ne. k)) then
1650                write (stdout, '(a)') 'Found a mismatch in '//trim(seedname)//'.eig'
1651                write (stdout, '(a,i0,a,i0)') 'Wanted band  : ', n, ' found band  : ', i
1652                write (stdout, '(a,i0,a,i0)') 'Wanted kpoint: ', k, ' found kpoint: ', j
1653                write (stdout, '(a)') ' '
1654                write (stdout, '(a)') 'A common cause of this error is using the wrong'
1655                write (stdout, '(a)') 'number of bands. Check your input files.'
1656                write (stdout, '(a)') 'If your pseudopotentials have shallow core states remember'
1657                write (stdout, '(a)') 'to account for these electrons.'
1658                write (stdout, '(a)') ' '
1659                call io_error('param_read: mismatch in '//trim(seedname)//'.eig')
1660              end if
1661            enddo
1662          end do
1663          close (eig_unit)
1664        end if
1665      end if
1666    end if
1668    if (library .and. allocated(eigval)) eig_found = .true.
1670    dis_win_min = -1.0_dp; dis_win_max = 0.0_dp
1671    if (eig_found) dis_win_min = minval(eigval)
1672    call param_get_keyword('dis_win_min', found, r_value=dis_win_min)
1674    if (eig_found) dis_win_max = maxval(eigval)
1675    call param_get_keyword('dis_win_max', found, r_value=dis_win_max)
1676    if (eig_found .and. (dis_win_max .lt. dis_win_min)) &
1677      call io_error('Error: param_read: check disentanglement windows')
1679    dis_froz_min = -1.0_dp; dis_froz_max = 0.0_dp
1680    ! no default for dis_froz_max
1681    frozen_states = .false.
1682    call param_get_keyword('dis_froz_max', found, r_value=dis_froz_max)
1683    if (found) then
1684      frozen_states = .true.
1685      dis_froz_min = dis_win_min ! default value for the bottom of frozen window
1686    end if
1687    call param_get_keyword('dis_froz_min', found2, r_value=dis_froz_min)
1688    if (eig_found) then
1689      if (dis_froz_max .lt. dis_froz_min) &
1690        call io_error('Error: param_read: check disentanglement frozen windows')
1691      if (found2 .and. .not. found) &
1692        call io_error('Error: param_read: found dis_froz_min but not dis_froz_max')
1693    endif
1695    dis_num_iter = 200
1696    call param_get_keyword('dis_num_iter', found, i_value=dis_num_iter)
1697    if (dis_num_iter < 0) call io_error('Error: dis_num_iter must be positive')
1699    dis_mix_ratio = 0.5_dp
1700    call param_get_keyword('dis_mix_ratio', found, r_value=dis_mix_ratio)
1701    if (dis_mix_ratio <= 0.0_dp .or. dis_mix_ratio > 1.0_dp) &
1702      call io_error('Error: dis_mix_ratio must be greater than 0.0 but not greater than 1.0')
1704    dis_conv_tol = 1.0e-10_dp
1705    call param_get_keyword('dis_conv_tol', found, r_value=dis_conv_tol)
1706    if (dis_conv_tol < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: dis_conv_tol must be positive')
1708    dis_conv_window = 3
1709    call param_get_keyword('dis_conv_window', found, i_value=dis_conv_window)
1710    if (dis_conv_window < 0) call io_error('Error: dis_conv_window must be positive')
1712    ! GS-start
1713    dis_spheres_first_wann = 1
1714    call param_get_keyword('dis_spheres_first_wann', found, i_value=dis_spheres_first_wann)
1715    if (dis_spheres_first_wann < 1) call io_error('Error: dis_spheres_first_wann must be greater than 0')
1716    if (dis_spheres_first_wann > num_bands - num_wann + 1) &
1717      call io_error('Error: dis_spheres_first_wann is larger than num_bands-num_wann+1')
1718    dis_spheres_num = 0
1719    call param_get_keyword('dis_spheres_num', found, i_value=dis_spheres_num)
1720    if (dis_spheres_num < 0) call io_error('Error: dis_spheres_num cannot be negative')
1721    if (dis_spheres_num > 0) then
1722      allocate (dis_spheres(4, dis_spheres_num), stat=ierr)
1723      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating dis_spheres in param_read')
1724      call param_get_keyword_block('dis_spheres', found, dis_spheres_num, 4, r_value=dis_spheres)
1725      if (.not. found) call io_error('Error: Did not find dis_spheres in the input file')
1726      do nkp = 1, dis_spheres_num
1727        if (dis_spheres(4, nkp) < 1.0e-15_dp) &
1728          call io_error('Error: radius for dis_spheres must be > 0')
1729      enddo
1730    endif
1731    ! GS-end
1733    ! [gp-begin, Jun 1, 2012]
1734    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1735    ! General band interpolator (geninterp)
1736    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1737    geninterp_alsofirstder = .false.
1738    call param_get_keyword('geninterp_alsofirstder', found, l_value=geninterp_alsofirstder)
1739    geninterp_single_file = .true.
1740    call param_get_keyword('geninterp_single_file', found, l_value=geninterp_single_file)
1741    ! [gp-end, Jun 1, 2012]
1743    ! [gp-begin, Apr 12, 2012]
1744    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1745    ! Boltzmann transport
1746    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1747    ! Note: to be put AFTER the disentanglement routines!
1749    boltz_calc_also_dos = .false.
1750    call param_get_keyword('boltz_calc_also_dos', found, l_value=boltz_calc_also_dos)
1752    boltz_calc_also_dos = boltz_calc_also_dos .and. boltzwann
1754    ! 0 means the normal 3d case for the calculation of the Seebeck coefficient
1755    ! The other valid possibilities are 1,2,3 for x,y,z respectively
1756    boltz_2d_dir_num = 0
1757    call param_get_keyword('boltz_2d_dir', found, c_value=boltz_2d_dir)
1758    if (found) then
1759      if (trim(boltz_2d_dir) == 'no') then
1760        boltz_2d_dir_num = 0
1761      elseif (trim(boltz_2d_dir) == 'x') then
1762        boltz_2d_dir_num = 1
1763      elseif (trim(boltz_2d_dir) == 'y') then
1764        boltz_2d_dir_num = 2
1765      elseif (trim(boltz_2d_dir) == 'z') then
1766        boltz_2d_dir_num = 3
1767      else
1768        call io_error('Error: boltz_2d_dir can only be "no", "x", "y" or "z".')
1769      end if
1770    end if
1772    boltz_dos_energy_step = 0.001_dp
1773    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_energy_step', found, r_value=boltz_dos_energy_step)
1774    if (found .and. (boltz_dos_energy_step <= 0._dp)) &
1775      call io_error('Error: boltz_dos_energy_step must be positive')
1777    if (allocated(eigval)) then
1778      boltz_dos_energy_min = minval(eigval) - 0.6667_dp
1779    else
1780      ! Boltz_dos cannot run if eigval is not allocated.
1781      ! We just set here a default numerical value.
1782      boltz_dos_energy_min = -1.0_dp
1783    end if
1784    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_energy_min', found, r_value=boltz_dos_energy_min)
1785    if (allocated(eigval)) then
1786      boltz_dos_energy_max = maxval(eigval) + 0.6667_dp
1787    else
1788      ! Boltz_dos cannot run if eigval is not allocated.
1789      ! We just set here a default numerical value.
1790      boltz_dos_energy_max = 0.0_dp
1791    end if
1792    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_energy_max', found, r_value=boltz_dos_energy_max)
1793    if (boltz_dos_energy_max <= boltz_dos_energy_min) &
1794      call io_error('Error: boltz_dos_energy_max must be greater than boltz_dos_energy_min')
1796    boltz_dos_adpt_smr = adpt_smr
1797    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_adpt_smr', found, l_value=boltz_dos_adpt_smr)
1799    boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac = adpt_smr_fac
1800    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac', found, r_value=boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac)
1801    if (found .and. (boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac <= 0._dp)) &
1802      call io_error('Error: boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac must be greater than zero')
1804    boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max = adpt_smr_max
1805    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max', found, r_value=boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max)
1806    if (boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max <= 0._dp) call io_error &
1807      ('Error: boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max must be greater than zero')
1809    boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width = smr_fixed_en_width
1810    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width', found, r_value=boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width)
1811    if (found .and. (boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width < 0._dp)) &
1812      call io_error('Error: boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width must be greater than or equal to zero')
1814    boltz_mu_min = -999._dp
1815    call param_get_keyword('boltz_mu_min', found, r_value=boltz_mu_min)
1816    if ((.not. found) .and. boltzwann) &
1817      call io_error('Error: BoltzWann required but no boltz_mu_min provided')
1818    boltz_mu_max = -999._dp
1819    call param_get_keyword('boltz_mu_max', found2, r_value=boltz_mu_max)
1820    if ((.not. found2) .and. boltzwann) &
1821      call io_error('Error: BoltzWann required but no boltz_mu_max provided')
1822    if (found .and. found2 .and. (boltz_mu_max < boltz_mu_min)) &
1823      call io_error('Error: boltz_mu_max must be greater than boltz_mu_min')
1824    boltz_mu_step = 0._dp
1825    call param_get_keyword('boltz_mu_step', found, r_value=boltz_mu_step)
1826    if ((.not. found) .and. boltzwann) &
1827      call io_error('Error: BoltzWann required but no boltz_mu_step provided')
1828    if (found .and. (boltz_mu_step <= 0._dp)) &
1829      call io_error('Error: boltz_mu_step must be greater than zero')
1831    boltz_temp_min = -999._dp
1832    call param_get_keyword('boltz_temp_min', found, r_value=boltz_temp_min)
1833    if ((.not. found) .and. boltzwann) &
1834      call io_error('Error: BoltzWann required but no boltz_temp_min provided')
1835    boltz_temp_max = -999._dp
1836    call param_get_keyword('boltz_temp_max', found2, r_value=boltz_temp_max)
1837    if ((.not. found2) .and. boltzwann) &
1838      call io_error('Error: BoltzWann required but no boltz_temp_max provided')
1839    if (found .and. found2 .and. (boltz_temp_max < boltz_temp_min)) &
1840      call io_error('Error: boltz_temp_max must be greater than boltz_temp_min')
1841    if (found .and. (boltz_temp_min <= 0._dp)) &
1842      call io_error('Error: boltz_temp_min must be greater than zero')
1843    boltz_temp_step = 0._dp
1844    call param_get_keyword('boltz_temp_step', found, r_value=boltz_temp_step)
1845    if ((.not. found) .and. boltzwann) &
1846      call io_error('Error: BoltzWann required but no boltz_temp_step provided')
1847    if (found .and. (boltz_temp_step <= 0._dp)) &
1848      call io_error('Error: boltz_temp_step must be greater than zero')
1850    ! The interpolation mesh is read later on
1852    ! By default, the energy step for the TDF is 1 meV
1853    boltz_tdf_energy_step = 0.001_dp
1854    call param_get_keyword('boltz_tdf_energy_step', found, r_value=boltz_tdf_energy_step)
1855    if (boltz_tdf_energy_step <= 0._dp) &
1856      call io_error('Error: boltz_tdf_energy_step must be greater than zero')
1858    ! For TDF: TDF smeared in a NON-adaptive way; value in eV, default = 0._dp
1859    ! (i.e., no smearing)
1860    boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width = smr_fixed_en_width
1861    call param_get_keyword('boltz_tdf_smr_fixed_en_width', found, r_value=boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width)
1862    if (found .and. (boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width < 0._dp)) &
1863      call io_error('Error: boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width must be greater than or equal to zero')
1865    ! By default: use the "global" smearing index
1866    boltz_TDF_smr_index = smr_index
1867    call param_get_keyword('boltz_tdf_smr_type', found, c_value=ctmp)
1868    if (found) boltz_TDF_smr_index = get_smearing_index(ctmp, 'boltz_tdf_smr_type')
1870    ! By default: use the "global" smearing index
1871    boltz_dos_smr_index = smr_index
1872    call param_get_keyword('boltz_dos_smr_type', found, c_value=ctmp)
1873    if (found) boltz_dos_smr_index = get_smearing_index(ctmp, 'boltz_dos_smr_type')
1875    ! By default: use the "global" smearing index
1876    dos_smr_index = smr_index
1877    call param_get_keyword('dos_smr_type', found, c_value=ctmp)
1878    if (found) dos_smr_index = get_smearing_index(ctmp, 'dos_smr_type')
1880    ! By default: use the "global" smearing index
1881    kubo_smr_index = smr_index
1882    call param_get_keyword('kubo_smr_type', found, c_value=ctmp)
1883    if (found) kubo_smr_index = get_smearing_index(ctmp, 'kubo_smr_type')
1885    ! By default: use the "global" smearing index
1886    gyrotropic_smr_index = smr_index
1887    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_smr_type', found, c_value=ctmp)
1888    if (found) gyrotropic_smr_index = get_smearing_index(ctmp, 'gyrotropic_smr_type')
1890    ! By default: 10 fs relaxation time
1891    boltz_relax_time = 10._dp
1892    call param_get_keyword('boltz_relax_time', found, r_value=boltz_relax_time)
1894    boltz_bandshift = .false.
1895    call param_get_keyword('boltz_bandshift', found, l_value=boltz_bandshift)
1896    boltz_bandshift = boltz_bandshift .and. boltzwann
1898    boltz_bandshift_firstband = 0
1899    call param_get_keyword('boltz_bandshift_firstband', found, i_value=boltz_bandshift_firstband)
1900    if (boltz_bandshift .and. (.not. found)) &
1901      call io_error('Error: boltz_bandshift required but no boltz_bandshift_firstband provided')
1902    boltz_bandshift_energyshift = 0._dp
1903    call param_get_keyword('boltz_bandshift_energyshift', found, r_value=boltz_bandshift_energyshift)
1904    if (boltz_bandshift .and. (.not. found)) &
1905      call io_error('Error: boltz_bandshift required but no boltz_bandshift_energyshift provided')
1906    ! [gp-end, Apr 12, 2012]
1908    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1909    !  Other Stuff
1910    !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1912    ! aam: vdW
1913    write_vdw_data = .false.
1914    call param_get_keyword('write_vdw_data', found, l_value=write_vdw_data)
1915    if (write_vdw_data) then
1916      if ((.not. gamma_only) .or. (num_kpts .ne. 1)) &
1917        call io_error('Error: write_vdw_data may only be used with a single k-point at Gamma')
1918    endif
1919    if (write_vdw_data .and. disentanglement .and. num_valence_bands .le. 0) &
1920      call io_error('If writing vdw data and disentangling then num_valence_bands must be defined')
1922    if (frozen_states) then
1923      dos_energy_max = dis_froz_max + 0.6667_dp
1924    elseif (allocated(eigval)) then
1925      dos_energy_max = maxval(eigval) + 0.6667_dp
1926    else
1927      dos_energy_max = dis_win_max + 0.6667_dp
1928    end if
1929    call param_get_keyword('dos_energy_max', found, r_value=dos_energy_max)
1931    if (allocated(eigval)) then
1932      dos_energy_min = minval(eigval) - 0.6667_dp
1933    else
1934      dos_energy_min = dis_win_min - 0.6667_dp
1935    end if
1936    call param_get_keyword('dos_energy_min', found, r_value=dos_energy_min)
1938    kubo_freq_min = 0.0_dp
1939    gyrotropic_freq_min = kubo_freq_min
1940    call param_get_keyword('kubo_freq_min', found, r_value=kubo_freq_min)
1941    !
1942    if (frozen_states) then
1943      kubo_freq_max = dis_froz_max - fermi_energy_list(1) + 0.6667_dp
1944    elseif (allocated(eigval)) then
1945      kubo_freq_max = maxval(eigval) - minval(eigval) + 0.6667_dp
1946    else
1947      kubo_freq_max = dis_win_max - dis_win_min + 0.6667_dp
1948    end if
1949    gyrotropic_freq_max = kubo_freq_max
1950    call param_get_keyword('kubo_freq_max', found, r_value=kubo_freq_max)
1952    !
1953    kubo_freq_step = 0.01_dp
1954    call param_get_keyword('kubo_freq_step', found, r_value=kubo_freq_step)
1955    if (found .and. kubo_freq_step < 0.0_dp) call io_error( &
1956      'Error: kubo_freq_step must be positive')
1957    !
1958    kubo_nfreq = nint((kubo_freq_max - kubo_freq_min)/kubo_freq_step) + 1
1959    if (kubo_nfreq <= 1) kubo_nfreq = 2
1960    kubo_freq_step = (kubo_freq_max - kubo_freq_min)/(kubo_nfreq - 1)
1961    !
1962    if (allocated(kubo_freq_list)) deallocate (kubo_freq_list)
1963    allocate (kubo_freq_list(kubo_nfreq), stat=ierr)
1964    if (ierr /= 0) &
1965      call io_error('Error allocating kubo_freq_list in param_read')
1966    do i = 1, kubo_nfreq
1967      kubo_freq_list(i) = kubo_freq_min &
1968                          + (i - 1)*(kubo_freq_max - kubo_freq_min)/(kubo_nfreq - 1)
1969    enddo
1970    !
1971    ! TODO: Alternatively, read list of (complex) frequencies; kubo_nfreq is
1972    !       the length of the list
1974    gyrotropic_freq_step = 0.01_dp
1975    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_freq_min', found, r_value=gyrotropic_freq_min)
1976    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_freq_max', found, r_value=gyrotropic_freq_max)
1977    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_freq_step', found, r_value=gyrotropic_freq_step)
1978    gyrotropic_nfreq = nint((gyrotropic_freq_max - gyrotropic_freq_min)/gyrotropic_freq_step) + 1
1979    if (gyrotropic_nfreq <= 1) gyrotropic_nfreq = 2
1980    gyrotropic_freq_step = (gyrotropic_freq_max - gyrotropic_freq_min)/(gyrotropic_nfreq - 1)
1981    if (allocated(gyrotropic_freq_list)) deallocate (gyrotropic_freq_list)
1982    allocate (gyrotropic_freq_list(gyrotropic_nfreq), stat=ierr)
1983    if (ierr /= 0) &
1984      call io_error('Error allocating gyrotropic_freq_list in param_read')
1985    do i = 1, gyrotropic_nfreq
1986      gyrotropic_freq_list(i) = gyrotropic_freq_min &
1987                                + (i - 1)*(gyrotropic_freq_max - gyrotropic_freq_min)/(gyrotropic_nfreq - 1) &
1988                                + cmplx_i*gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width
1989    enddo
1991    if (frozen_states) then
1992      kubo_eigval_max = dis_froz_max + 0.6667_dp
1993    elseif (allocated(eigval)) then
1994      kubo_eigval_max = maxval(eigval) + 0.6667_dp
1995    else
1996      kubo_eigval_max = dis_win_max + 0.6667_dp
1997    end if
1998    gyrotropic_eigval_max = kubo_eigval_max
2000    call param_get_keyword('kubo_eigval_max', found, r_value=kubo_eigval_max)
2001    call param_get_keyword('gyrotropic_eigval_max', found, r_value=gyrotropic_eigval_max)
2003    automatic_translation = .true.
2004    translation_centre_frac = 0.0_dp
2005    call param_get_keyword_vector('translation_centre_frac', found, 3, r_value=rv_temp)
2006    if (found) then
2007      translation_centre_frac = rv_temp
2008      automatic_translation = .false.
2009    endif
2011    sc_eta = 0.04
2012    call param_get_keyword('sc_eta', found, r_value=sc_eta)
2014    sc_w_thr = 5.0d0
2015    call param_get_keyword('sc_w_thr', found, r_value=sc_w_thr)
2017    use_bloch_phases = .false.
2018    call param_get_keyword('use_bloch_phases', found, l_value=use_bloch_phases)
2019    if (disentanglement .and. use_bloch_phases) &
2020      call io_error('Error: Cannot use bloch phases for disentanglement')
2022    search_shells = 36
2023    call param_get_keyword('search_shells', found, i_value=search_shells)
2024    if (search_shells < 0) call io_error('Error: search_shells must be positive')
2026    kmesh_tol = 0.000001_dp
2027    call param_get_keyword('kmesh_tol', found, r_value=kmesh_tol)
2028    if (kmesh_tol < 0.0_dp) call io_error('Error: kmesh_tol must be positive')
2030    num_shells = 0
2031    call param_get_range_vector('shell_list', found, num_shells, lcount=.true.)
2032    if (found) then
2033      if (num_shells < 0 .or. num_shells > max_shells) &
2034        call io_error('Error: number of shell in shell_list must be between zero and six')
2035      if (allocated(shell_list)) deallocate (shell_list)
2036      allocate (shell_list(num_shells), stat=ierr)
2037      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating shell_list in param_read')
2038      call param_get_range_vector('shell_list', found, num_shells, .false., shell_list)
2039      if (any(shell_list < 1)) &
2040        call io_error('Error: shell_list must contain positive numbers')
2041    else
2042      if (allocated(shell_list)) deallocate (shell_list)
2043      allocate (shell_list(max_shells), stat=ierr)
2044      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating shell_list in param_read')
2045    end if
2047    call param_get_keyword('num_shells', found, i_value=itmp)
2048    if (found .and. (itmp /= num_shells)) &
2049      call io_error('Error: Found obsolete keyword num_shells. Its value does not agree with shell_list')
2051    ! If .true., does not perform the check of B1 of
2052    ! Marzari, Vanderbild, PRB 56, 12847 (1997)
2053    ! in kmesh.F90
2054    ! mainly needed for the interaction with Z2PACK
2055    ! By default: .false. (perform the tests)
2056    skip_B1_tests = .false.
2057    call param_get_keyword('skip_b1_tests', found, l_value=skip_B1_tests)
2059    call param_get_keyword_block('unit_cell_cart', found, 3, 3, r_value=real_lattice_tmp)
2060    if (found .and. library) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <unit_cell_cart> in input file'
2061    if (.not. library) then
2062      real_lattice = transpose(real_lattice_tmp)
2063      if (.not. found) call io_error('Error: Did not find the cell information in the input file')
2064    end if
2066    if (.not. library) &
2067      call utility_recip_lattice(real_lattice, recip_lattice, cell_volume)
2068    call utility_metric(real_lattice, recip_lattice, real_metric, recip_metric)
2070    if (.not. effective_model) allocate (kpt_cart(3, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
2071    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating kpt_cart in param_read')
2072    if (.not. library .and. .not. effective_model) then
2073      allocate (kpt_latt(3, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
2074      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating kpt_latt in param_read')
2075    end if
2077    call param_get_keyword_block('kpoints', found, num_kpts, 3, r_value=kpt_cart)
2078    if (found .and. library) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <kpoints> in input file'
2079    if (.not. library .and. .not. effective_model) then
2080      kpt_latt = kpt_cart
2081      if (.not. found) call io_error('Error: Did not find the kpoint information in the input file')
2082    end if
2084    ! Calculate the kpoints in cartesian coordinates
2085    if (.not. effective_model) then
2086      do nkp = 1, num_kpts
2087        kpt_cart(:, nkp) = matmul(kpt_latt(:, nkp), recip_lattice(:, :))
2088      end do
2089    endif
2091    ! get the nnkpts block -- this is allowed only in postproc-setup mode
2092    call param_get_block_length('nnkpts', explicit_nnkpts, rows)
2093    if (explicit_nnkpts) then
2094      nntot = rows/num_kpts
2095      if (modulo(rows, num_kpts) /= 0) then
2096        call io_error('The number of rows in nnkpts must be a multiple of num_kpts')
2097      end if
2098      if (allocated(nnkpts_block)) deallocate (nnkpts_block)
2099      allocate (nnkpts_block(5, rows), stat=ierr)
2100      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating nnkpts_block in param_read')
2101      call param_get_keyword_block('nnkpts', found, rows, 5, i_value=nnkpts_block)
2102      ! check that postproc_setup is true
2103      if (.not. postproc_setup) &
2104        call io_error('Input parameter nnkpts_block is allowed only if postproc_setup = .true.')
2105      ! assign the values in nnkpts_block to nnlist and nncell
2106      ! this keeps track of how many neighbours have been seen for each k-point
2107      if (allocated(nnkpts_idx)) deallocate (nnkpts_idx)
2108      allocate (nnkpts_idx(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
2109      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating nnkpts_idx in param_read')
2110      nnkpts_idx = 1
2111      ! allocating "global" nnlist & nncell
2112      ! These are deallocated in kmesh_dealloc
2113      if (allocated(nnlist)) deallocate (nnlist)
2114      allocate (nnlist(num_kpts, nntot), stat=ierr)
2115      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating nnlist in param_read')
2116      if (allocated(nncell)) deallocate (nncell)
2117      allocate (nncell(3, num_kpts, nntot), stat=ierr)
2118      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating nncell in param_read')
2119      do i = 1, num_kpts*nntot
2120        k = nnkpts_block(1, i)
2121        nnlist(k, nnkpts_idx(k)) = nnkpts_block(2, i)
2122        nncell(:, k, nnkpts_idx(k)) = nnkpts_block(3:, i)
2123        nnkpts_idx(k) = nnkpts_idx(k) + 1
2124      end do
2125      ! check that all k-points have the same number of neighbours
2126      if (any(nnkpts_idx /= (/(nntot + 1, i=1, num_kpts)/))) then
2127        call io_error('Inconsistent number of nearest neighbours.')
2128      end if
2129      deallocate (nnkpts_idx, stat=ierr)
2130      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating nnkpts_idx in param_read')
2131      deallocate (nnkpts_block, stat=ierr)
2132      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating nnkpts_block in param_read')
2133    end if
2135    !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
2136    ! k meshes                                                                                 !
2137    !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
2138    ! [GP-begin, Apr13, 2012]
2139    ! Global interpolation k-mesh; this is overridden by "local" meshes of a given submodule
2140    ! This bit of code must appear *before* all other codes for the local interpolation meshes,
2141    ! BUT *after* having calculated the reciprocal-space vectors.
2142    global_kmesh_set = .false.
2143    kmesh_spacing = -1._dp
2144    kmesh = 0
2145    call param_get_keyword('kmesh_spacing', found, r_value=kmesh_spacing)
2146    if (found) then
2147      if (kmesh_spacing .le. 0._dp) &
2148        call io_error('Error: kmesh_spacing must be greater than zero')
2149      global_kmesh_set = .true.
2151      call internal_set_kmesh(kmesh_spacing, recip_lattice, kmesh)
2152    end if
2153    call param_get_vector_length('kmesh', found, length=i)
2154    if (found) then
2155      if (global_kmesh_set) &
2156        call io_error('Error: cannot set both kmesh and kmesh_spacing')
2157      if (i .eq. 1) then
2158        global_kmesh_set = .true.
2159        call param_get_keyword_vector('kmesh', found, 1, i_value=kmesh)
2160        kmesh(2) = kmesh(1)
2161        kmesh(3) = kmesh(1)
2162      elseif (i .eq. 3) then
2163        global_kmesh_set = .true.
2164        call param_get_keyword_vector('kmesh', found, 3, i_value=kmesh)
2165      else
2166        call io_error('Error: kmesh must be provided as either one integer or a vector of three integers')
2167      end if
2168      if (any(kmesh <= 0)) &
2169        call io_error('Error: kmesh elements must be greater than zero')
2170    end if
2171    ! [GP-end]
2173    ! To be called after having read the global flag
2174    call get_module_kmesh(moduleprefix='boltz', &
2175                          should_be_defined=boltzwann, &
2176                          module_kmesh=boltz_kmesh, &
2177                          module_kmesh_spacing=boltz_kmesh_spacing)
2179    call get_module_kmesh(moduleprefix='berry', &
2180                          should_be_defined=berry, &
2181                          module_kmesh=berry_kmesh, &
2182                          module_kmesh_spacing=berry_kmesh_spacing)
2184    call get_module_kmesh(moduleprefix='gyrotropic', &
2185                          should_be_defined=gyrotropic, &
2186                          module_kmesh=gyrotropic_kmesh, &
2187                          module_kmesh_spacing=gyrotropic_kmesh_spacing)
2189    call get_module_kmesh(moduleprefix='spin', &
2190                          should_be_defined=spin_moment, &
2191                          module_kmesh=spin_kmesh, &
2192                          module_kmesh_spacing=spin_kmesh_spacing)
2194    call get_module_kmesh(moduleprefix='dos', &
2195                          should_be_defined=dos, &
2196                          module_kmesh=dos_kmesh, &
2197                          module_kmesh_spacing=dos_kmesh_spacing)
2199    ! Atoms
2200    if (.not. library) num_atoms = 0
2201    call param_get_block_length('atoms_frac', found, i_temp)
2202    if (found .and. library) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <atoms_frac> in input file'
2203    call param_get_block_length('atoms_cart', found2, i_temp2, lunits)
2204    if (found2 .and. library) write (stdout, '(a)') ' Ignoring <atoms_cart> in input file'
2205    if (.not. library) then
2206      if (found .and. found2) call io_error('Error: Cannot specify both atoms_frac and atoms_cart')
2207      if (found .and. i_temp > 0) then
2208        lunits = .false.
2209        num_atoms = i_temp
2210      elseif (found2 .and. i_temp2 > 0) then
2211        num_atoms = i_temp2
2212        if (lunits) num_atoms = num_atoms - 1
2213      end if
2214      if (num_atoms > 0) then
2215        call param_get_atoms(lunits)
2216      end if
2217    endif
2219    ! Projections
2220    auto_projections = .false.
2221    call param_get_keyword('auto_projections', found, l_value=auto_projections)
2222    num_proj = 0
2223    call param_get_block_length('projections', found, i_temp)
2224    ! check to see that there are no unrecognised keywords
2225    if (found) then
2226      if (auto_projections) call io_error('Error: Cannot specify both auto_projections and projections block')
2227      lhasproj = .true.
2228      call param_get_projections(num_proj, lcount=.true.)
2229    else
2230      if (guiding_centres .and. .not. (gamma_only .and. use_bloch_phases)) &
2231        call io_error('param_read: Guiding centres requested, but no projection block found')
2232      lhasproj = .false.
2233      num_proj = num_wann
2234    end if
2236    lselproj = .false.
2237    num_select_projections = 0
2238    call param_get_range_vector('select_projections', found, num_select_projections, lcount=.true.)
2239    if (found) then
2240      if (num_select_projections < 1) call io_error('Error: problem reading select_projections')
2241      if (allocated(select_projections)) deallocate (select_projections)
2242      allocate (select_projections(num_select_projections), stat=ierr)
2243      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating select_projections in param_read')
2244      call param_get_range_vector('select_projections', found, num_select_projections, .false., select_projections)
2245      if (any(select_projections < 1)) &
2246        call io_error('Error: select_projections must contain positive numbers')
2247      if (num_select_projections < num_wann) &
2248        call io_error('Error: too few projections selected')
2249      if (num_select_projections > num_wann) &
2250        call io_error('Error: too many projections selected')
2251      if (.not. lhasproj) &
2252        call io_error('Error: select_projections cannot be used without defining the projections')
2253      if (maxval(select_projections(:)) > num_proj) &
2254        call io_error('Error: select_projections contains a number greater than num_proj')
2255      lselproj = .true.
2256    end if
2258    if (allocated(proj2wann_map)) deallocate (proj2wann_map)
2259    allocate (proj2wann_map(num_proj), stat=ierr)
2260    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj2wann_map in param_read')
2261    proj2wann_map = -1
2263    if (lselproj) then
2264      do i = 1, num_proj
2265        do j = 1, num_wann
2266          if (select_projections(j) == i) proj2wann_map(i) = j
2267        enddo
2268      enddo
2269    else
2270      do i = 1, num_wann
2271        proj2wann_map(i) = i
2272      enddo
2273    endif
2275    if (lhasproj) call param_get_projections(num_proj, lcount=.false.)
2277    ! Constrained centres
2278    call param_get_block_length('slwf_centres', found, i_temp)
2279    if (found) then
2280      if (slwf_constrain) then
2281        ! Allocate array for constrained centres
2282        call param_get_centre_constraints
2283      else
2284        write (stdout, '(a)') ' slwf_constrain set to false. Ignoring <slwf_centres> block '
2285      end if
2286      ! Check that either projections or constrained centres are specified if slwf_constrain=.true.
2287    elseif (.not. found) then
2288      if (slwf_constrain) then
2289        if (.not. allocated(proj_site)) then
2290          call io_error('Error: slwf_constrain = true, but neither &
2291               & <slwf_centre> block  nor &
2292               & <projection_block> are specified.')
2293        else
2294          ! Allocate array for constrained centres
2295          call param_get_centre_constraints
2296        end if
2297      end if
2298    end if
2299    ! Warning
2300    if (slwf_constrain .and. allocated(proj_site) .and. .not. found) &
2301         & write (stdout, '(a)') ' Warning: No <slwf_centres> block found, but slwf_constrain set to true. &
2302           & Desired centres for SLWF same as projection centres.'
2304302 continue
2306    if (any(len_trim(in_data(:)) > 0)) then
2307      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') 'The following section of file '//trim(seedname)//'.win contained unrecognised keywords'
2308      write (stdout, *)
2309      do loop = 1, num_lines
2310        if (len_trim(in_data(loop)) > 0) then
2311          write (stdout, '(1x,a)') trim(in_data(loop))
2312        end if
2313      end do
2314      write (stdout, *)
2315      call io_error('Unrecognised keyword(s) in input file, see also output file')
2316    end if
2318    if (transport .and. tran_read_ht) goto 303
2320    ! For aesthetic purposes, convert some things to uppercase
2321    call param_uppercase()
2323303 continue
2325    deallocate (in_data, stat=ierr)
2326    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating in_data in param_read')
2328    if (transport .and. tran_read_ht) return
2330    ! =============================== !
2331    ! Some checks and initialisations !
2332    ! =============================== !
2334!    if (restart.ne.' ') disentanglement=.false.
2336    if (disentanglement) then
2337      if (allocated(ndimwin)) deallocate (ndimwin)
2338      allocate (ndimwin(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
2339      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ndimwin in param_read')
2340      if (allocated(lwindow)) deallocate (lwindow)
2341      allocate (lwindow(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
2342      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating lwindow in param_read')
2343    endif
2345!    if ( wannier_plot .and. (index(wannier_plot_format,'cub').ne.0) ) then
2346!       cosa(1)=dot_product(real_lattice(1,:),real_lattice(2,:))
2347!       cosa(2)=dot_product(real_lattice(1,:),real_lattice(3,:))
2348!       cosa(3)=dot_product(real_lattice(2,:),real_lattice(3,:))
2349!       cosa = abs(cosa)
2350!       if (any(cosa.gt.eps6)) &
2351!            call io_error('Error: plotting in cube format requires orthogonal lattice vectors')
2352!    endif
2354    ! Initialise
2355    omega_total = -999.0_dp
2356    omega_tilde = -999.0_dp
2357    omega_invariant = -999.0_dp
2358    have_disentangled = .false.
2360    if (allocated(wannier_centres)) deallocate (wannier_centres)
2361    allocate (wannier_centres(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
2362    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating wannier_centres in param_read')
2363    wannier_centres = 0.0_dp
2364    if (allocated(wannier_spreads)) deallocate (wannier_spreads)
2365    allocate (wannier_spreads(num_wann), stat=ierr)
2366    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating wannier_spreads in param_read')
2367    wannier_spreads = 0.0_dp
2369    return
2371105 call io_error('Error: Problem opening eigenvalue file '//trim(seedname)//'.eig')
2372106 call io_error('Error: Problem reading eigenvalue file '//trim(seedname)//'.eig')
2374  end subroutine param_read
2376  subroutine internal_set_kmesh(spacing, reclat, mesh)
2377    !! This routines returns the three integers that define the interpolation k-mesh, satisfying
2378    !! the condition that the spacing between two neighboring points along each of the three
2379    !! k_x, k_y and k_z directions is at smaller than a given spacing.
2380    !!
2381    !! The reclat is defined as:
2382    !!   * 'b_1' = (recip_lattice(1,I), i=1,3)
2383    !!   * 'b_2' = (recip_lattice(2,I), i=1,3)
2384    !!   * 'b_3' = (recip_lattice(3,I), i=1,3)
2385    !!
2386    !!  spacing must be > 0 (and in particular different from zero). We don't check this here.
2387    !!
2388    implicit none
2389    real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: spacing
2390    !! Minimum spacing between neighboring points, in angstrom^(-1)
2391    real(kind=dp), dimension(3, 3), intent(in) :: reclat
2392    !! Matrix of the reciprocal lattice vectors in cartesian coordinates, in angstrom^(-1)
2393    integer, dimension(3), intent(out) :: mesh
2394    !! Will contain the three integers defining the interpolation k-mesh
2396    real(kind=dp), dimension(3) :: blen
2397    integer :: i
2399    do i = 1, 3
2400      blen(i) = sqrt(sum(reclat(i, :)**2))
2401    end do
2403    do i = 1, 3
2404      mesh(i) = int(floor(blen(i)/spacing)) + 1
2405    end do
2407  end subroutine internal_set_kmesh
2409  subroutine get_module_kmesh(moduleprefix, should_be_defined, module_kmesh, module_kmesh_spacing)
2410    !! This function reads and sets the interpolation mesh variables needed by a given module
2411    !>
2412    !!  This function MUST be called after having read the global kmesh and kmesh_spacing!!
2413    !!  if the user didn't provide an interpolation_mesh_spacing, it is set to -1, so that
2414    !!       one can check in the code what the user asked for
2415    !!  The function takes care also of setting the default value to the global one if no local
2416    !!       keyword is defined
2417    use w90_io, only: io_error
2418    character(len=*), intent(in)       :: moduleprefix
2419    !!The prefix that is appended before the name of the variables. In particular,
2420    !!if the prefix is for instance XXX, the two variables that are read from the
2421    !!input file are XXX_kmesh and XXX_kmesh_spacing.
2422    logical, intent(in)                :: should_be_defined
2423    !! A logical flag: if it is true, at the end the code stops if no value is specified.
2424    !! Define it to .false. if no check should be performed.
2425    !! Often, you can simply pass the flag that activates the module itself.
2426    integer, dimension(3), intent(out) :: module_kmesh
2427    !! the integer array (length 3) where the interpolation mesh will be saved
2428    real(kind=dp), intent(out)         :: module_kmesh_spacing
2429    !! the real number on which the min mesh spacing is saved. -1 if it the
2430    !!user specifies in input the mesh and not the mesh_spacing
2432    logical :: found, found2
2433    integer :: i
2435    ! Default values
2436    module_kmesh_spacing = -1._dp
2437    module_kmesh = 0
2438    call param_get_keyword(trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh_spacing', found, r_value=module_kmesh_spacing)
2439    if (found) then
2440      if (module_kmesh_spacing .le. 0._dp) &
2441        call io_error('Error: '//trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh_spacing must be greater than zero')
2443      call internal_set_kmesh(module_kmesh_spacing, recip_lattice, module_kmesh)
2444    end if
2445    call param_get_vector_length(trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh', found2, length=i)
2446    if (found2) then
2447      if (found) &
2448        call io_error('Error: cannot set both '//trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh and ' &
2449                      //trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh_spacing')
2450      if (i .eq. 1) then
2451        call param_get_keyword_vector(trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh', found2, 1, i_value=module_kmesh)
2452        module_kmesh(2) = module_kmesh(1)
2453        module_kmesh(3) = module_kmesh(1)
2454      elseif (i .eq. 3) then
2455        call param_get_keyword_vector(trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh', found2, 3, i_value=module_kmesh)
2456      else
2457        call io_error('Error: '//trim(moduleprefix)// &
2458                      '_kmesh must be provided as either one integer or a vector of 3 integers')
2459      end if
2460      if (any(module_kmesh <= 0)) &
2461        call io_error('Error: '//trim(moduleprefix)//'_kmesh elements must be greater than zero')
2462    end if
2464    if ((found .eqv. .false.) .and. (found2 .eqv. .false.)) then
2465      ! This is the case where no  "local" interpolation k-mesh is provided in the input
2466      if (global_kmesh_set) then
2467        module_kmesh = kmesh
2468        ! I set also boltz_kmesh_spacing so that I can check if it is < 0 or not, and if it is
2469        ! > 0 I can print on output the mesh spacing that was chosen
2470        module_kmesh_spacing = kmesh_spacing
2471      else
2472        if (should_be_defined) &
2473          call io_error('Error: '//trim(moduleprefix)//' module required, but no interpolation mesh given.')
2474      end if
2475    end if
2476  end subroutine get_module_kmesh
2478  function param_get_smearing_type(smearing_index)
2479    !! This function returns a string describing the type of smearing
2480    !! associated to a given smr_index integer value.
2481    integer, intent(in) :: smearing_index
2482    !! The integer index for which we want to get the string
2483    character(len=80)   :: param_get_smearing_type
2485    character(len=4)   :: orderstr
2487    if (smearing_index > 0) then
2488      write (orderstr, '(I0)') smearing_index
2489      param_get_smearing_type = "Methfessel-Paxton of order "//trim(orderstr)
2490    else if (smearing_index .eq. 0) then
2491      param_get_smearing_type = "Gaussian"
2492    else if (smearing_index .eq. -1) then
2493      param_get_smearing_type = "Marzari-Vanderbilt cold smearing"
2494    else if (smearing_index .eq. -99) then
2495      param_get_smearing_type = "Fermi-Dirac smearing"
2496    else
2497      param_get_smearing_type = "Unknown type of smearing"
2498    end if
2500  end function param_get_smearing_type
2502  function param_get_convention_type(sc_phase_conv)
2503    !! This function returns a string describing the convention
2504    !! associated to a sc_phase_conv integer value.
2505    integer, intent(in) :: sc_phase_conv
2506    !! The integer index for which we want to get the string
2507    character(len=80)   :: param_get_convention_type
2509    character(len=4)   :: orderstr
2511    if (sc_phase_conv .eq. 1) then
2512      param_get_convention_type = "Tight-binding convention"
2513    else if (sc_phase_conv .eq. 2) then
2514      param_get_convention_type = "Wannier90 convention"
2515    else
2516      param_get_convention_type = "Unknown type of convention"
2517    end if
2519  end function param_get_convention_type
2521  function get_smearing_index(string, keyword)
2522    !! This function parses a string containing the type of
2523    !! smearing and returns the correct index for the smearing_index variable
2524    !
2525    !! If the string is not valid, an io_error is issued
2526    use w90_io, only: io_error
2527    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
2528    !! The string read from input
2529    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyword
2530    !! The keyword that was read (e.g., smr_type), so that we can print a more useful error message
2531    integer :: get_smearing_index
2533    integer :: pos
2535    get_smearing_index = 0 ! To avoid warnings of unset variables
2537    if (index(string, 'm-v') > 0) then
2538      get_smearing_index = -1
2539    elseif (index(string, 'm-p') > 0) then
2540      pos = index(string, 'm-p')
2541      if (len(trim(string(pos + 3:))) .eq. 0) then
2542        ! If the string is only 'm-p', we assume that 'm-p1' was intended
2543        get_smearing_index = 1
2544      else
2545        read (string(pos + 3:), *, err=337) get_smearing_index
2546        if (get_smearing_index < 0) &
2547          call io_error('Wrong m-p smearing order in keyword '//trim(keyword))
2548      end if
2549    elseif (index(string, 'f-d') > 0) then
2550      get_smearing_index = -99
2551      ! Some aliases
2552    elseif (index(string, 'cold') > 0) then
2553      get_smearing_index = -1
2554    elseif (index(string, 'gauss') > 0) then
2555      get_smearing_index = 0
2556      ! Unrecognised keyword
2557    else
2558      call io_error('Unrecognised value for keyword '//trim(keyword))
2559    end if
2561    return
2563337 call io_error('Wrong m-p smearing order in keyword '//trim(keyword))
2565  end function get_smearing_index
2568  subroutine param_uppercase
2569    !===================================================================
2570    !                                                                  !
2571    !! Convert a few things to uppercase to look nice in the output
2572    !                                                                  !
2573    !===================================================================
2575    implicit none
2577    integer :: nsp, ic, loop, inner_loop
2579    ! Atom labels (eg, si --> Si)
2580    do nsp = 1, num_species
2581      ic = ichar(atoms_label(nsp) (1:1))
2582      if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
2583        atoms_label(nsp) (1:1) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
2584    enddo
2586    do nsp = 1, num_species
2587      ic = ichar(atoms_symbol(nsp) (1:1))
2588      if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
2589        atoms_symbol(nsp) (1:1) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
2590    enddo
2592    ! Bands labels (eg, x --> X)
2593    do loop = 1, bands_num_spec_points
2594      do inner_loop = 1, len(bands_label(loop))
2595        ic = ichar(bands_label(loop) (inner_loop:inner_loop))
2596        if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
2597          bands_label(loop) (inner_loop:inner_loop) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
2598      enddo
2599    enddo
2601    ! Length unit (ang --> Ang, bohr --> Bohr)
2602    ic = ichar(length_unit(1:1))
2603    if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
2604      length_unit(1:1) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
2606    return
2608  end subroutine param_uppercase
2611  subroutine param_write
2612    !==================================================================!
2613    !                                                                  !
2614    !! write wannier90 parameters to stdout
2615    !                                                                  !
2616    !===================================================================
2618    implicit none
2620    integer :: i, nkp, loop, nat, nsp
2622    if (transport .and. tran_read_ht) goto 401
2624    ! System
2625    write (stdout, *)
2626    write (stdout, '(36x,a6)') '------'
2627    write (stdout, '(36x,a6)') 'SYSTEM'
2628    write (stdout, '(36x,a6)') '------'
2629    write (stdout, *)
2630    if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2631      write (stdout, '(30x,a21)') 'Lattice Vectors (Ang)'
2632    else
2633      write (stdout, '(28x,a22)') 'Lattice Vectors (Bohr)'
2634    endif
2635    write (stdout, 101) 'a_1', (real_lattice(1, I)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2636    write (stdout, 101) 'a_2', (real_lattice(2, I)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2637    write (stdout, 101) 'a_3', (real_lattice(3, I)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2638    write (stdout, *)
2639    write (stdout, '(19x,a17,3x,f11.5)', advance='no') &
2640      'Unit Cell Volume:', cell_volume*lenconfac**3
2641    if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2642      write (stdout, '(2x,a7)') '(Ang^3)'
2643    else
2644      write (stdout, '(2x,a8)') '(Bohr^3)'
2645    endif
2646    write (stdout, *)
2647    if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2648      write (stdout, '(24x,a33)') 'Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Ang^-1)'
2649    else
2650      write (stdout, '(22x,a34)') 'Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Bohr^-1)'
2651    endif
2652    write (stdout, 101) 'b_1', (recip_lattice(1, I)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2653    write (stdout, 101) 'b_2', (recip_lattice(2, I)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2654    write (stdout, 101) 'b_3', (recip_lattice(3, I)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2655    write (stdout, *) ' '
2656    ! Atoms
2657    if (num_atoms > 0) then
2658      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2659      if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2660        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate (Ang)     |'
2661      else
2662        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate (Bohr)    |'
2663      endif
2664      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2665      do nsp = 1, num_species
2666        do nat = 1, atoms_species_num(nsp)
2667          write (stdout, '(1x,a1,1x,a2,1x,i3,3F10.5,3x,a1,1x,3F10.5,4x,a1)') &
2668  &                 '|', atoms_symbol(nsp), nat, atoms_pos_frac(:, nat, nsp),&
2669  &                 '|', atoms_pos_cart(:, nat, nsp)*lenconfac, '|'
2670        end do
2671      end do
2672      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2673    else
2674      write (stdout, '(25x,a)') 'No atom positions specified'
2675    end if
2676    ! Constrained centres
2677    if (selective_loc .and. slwf_constrain) then
2678      write (stdout, *) ' '
2679      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2680      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| Wannier#        Original Centres              Constrained centres          |'
2681      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2682      do i = 1, slwf_num
2683        write (stdout, '(1x,a1,2x,i3,2x,3F10.5,3x,a1,1x,3F10.5,4x,a1)') &
2684  &                    '|', i, ccentres_frac(i, :), '|', wannier_centres(:, i), '|'
2685      end do
2686      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2687    end if
2688    ! Projections
2689    if (iprint > 1 .and. allocated(input_proj_site)) then
2690      write (stdout, '(32x,a)') '-----------'
2691      write (stdout, '(32x,a)') 'PROJECTIONS'
2692      write (stdout, '(32x,a)') '-----------'
2693      write (stdout, *) ' '
2694      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2695      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|     Frac. Coord.   l mr  r        z-axis               x-axis          Z/a |'
2696      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2697      do nsp = 1, num_proj
2698        write (stdout, '(1x,a1,3(1x,f5.2),1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,3(1x,f6.3),3(1x,f6.3),2x,f4.1,1x,a1)')&
2699  &              '|', input_proj_site(1, nsp), input_proj_site(2, nsp), &
2700             input_proj_site(3, nsp), input_proj_l(nsp), input_proj_m(nsp), input_proj_radial(nsp), &
2701             input_proj_z(1, nsp), input_proj_z(2, nsp), input_proj_z(3, nsp), input_proj_x(1, nsp), &
2702             input_proj_x(2, nsp), input_proj_x(3, nsp), input_proj_zona(nsp), '|'
2703      end do
2704      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2705      write (stdout, *) ' '
2706    end if
2708    if (iprint > 1 .and. lselproj .and. allocated(proj_site)) then
2709      write (stdout, '(30x,a)') '--------------------'
2710      write (stdout, '(30x,a)') 'SELECTED PROJECTIONS'
2711      write (stdout, '(30x,a)') '--------------------'
2712      write (stdout, *) ' '
2713      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2714      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|     Frac. Coord.   l mr  r        z-axis               x-axis          Z/a |'
2715      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2716      do nsp = 1, num_wann
2717        if (proj2wann_map(nsp) < 0) cycle
2718        write (stdout, '(1x,a1,3(1x,f5.2),1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,3(1x,f6.3),3(1x,f6.3),2x,f4.1,1x,a1)')&
2719  &              '|', proj_site(1, nsp), proj_site(2, nsp), &
2720             proj_site(3, nsp), proj_l(nsp), proj_m(nsp), proj_radial(nsp), &
2721             proj_z(1, nsp), proj_z(2, nsp), proj_z(3, nsp), proj_x(1, nsp), &
2722             proj_x(2, nsp), proj_x(3, nsp), proj_zona(nsp), '|'
2723      end do
2724      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2725      write (stdout, *) ' '
2726    end if
2728    ! K-points
2729    write (stdout, '(32x,a)') '------------'
2730    write (stdout, '(32x,a)') 'K-POINT GRID'
2731    write (stdout, '(32x,a)') '------------'
2732    write (stdout, *) ' '
2733    write (stdout, '(13x,a,i3,1x,a1,i3,1x,a1,i3,6x,a,i5)') 'Grid size =', mp_grid(1), 'x', mp_grid(2), 'x', mp_grid(3), &
2734      'Total points =', num_kpts
2735    write (stdout, *) ' '
2736    if (iprint > 1) then
2737      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2738      if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2739        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| k-point      Fractional Coordinate        Cartesian Coordinate (Ang^-1)    |'
2740      else
2741        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| k-point      Fractional Coordinate        Cartesian Coordinate (Bohr^-1)   |'
2742      endif
2743      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
2744      do nkp = 1, num_kpts
2745        write (stdout, '(1x,a1,i6,1x,3F10.5,3x,a1,1x,3F10.5,4x,a1)') '|', nkp, kpt_latt(:, nkp), '|', &
2746          kpt_cart(:, nkp)/lenconfac, '|'
2747      end do
2748      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2749      write (stdout, *) ' '
2750    end if
2751    ! Main
2752    write (stdout, *) ' '
2753    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*---------------------------------- MAIN ------------------------------------*'
2754    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of Wannier Functions               :', num_wann, '|'
2755    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of Objective Wannier Functions     :', slwf_num, '|'
2756    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of input Bloch states              :', num_bands, '|'
2757    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Output verbosity (1=low, 5=high)          :', iprint, '|'
2758    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Timing Level (1=low, 5=high)              :', timing_level, '|'
2759    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Optimisation (0=memory, 3=speed)          :', optimisation, '|'
2760    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Length Unit                               :', trim(length_unit), '|'
2761    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Post-processing setup (write *.nnkp)      :', postproc_setup, '|'
2762    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Using Gamma-only branch of algorithms     :', gamma_only, '|'
2763    !YN: RS:
2764    if (lsitesymmetry) then
2765      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Using symmetry-adapted WF mode            :', lsitesymmetry, '|'
2766      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,8x,E10.3,13x,a1)') '|  Tolerance for symmetry condition on U     :', symmetrize_eps, '|'
2767    endif
2769    if (cp_pp .or. iprint > 2) &
2770      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  CP code post-processing                   :', cp_pp, '|'
2771    if (wannier_plot .or. iprint > 2) then
2772      if (wvfn_formatted) then
2773        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,9x,a9,13x,a1)') '|  Wavefunction (UNK) file-type              :', 'formatted', '|'
2774      else
2775        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,7x,a11,13x,a1)') '|  Wavefunction (UNK) file-type              :', 'unformatted', '|'
2776      endif
2777      if (spin == 1) then
2778        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,16x,a2,13x,a1)') '|  Wavefunction spin channel                 :', 'up', '|'
2779      else
2780        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,14x,a4,13x,a1)') '|  Wavefunction spin channel                 :', 'down', '|'
2781      endif
2782    endif
2784    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2786    ! Wannierise
2787    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*------------------------------- WANNIERISE ---------------------------------*'
2788    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Total number of iterations                :', num_iter, '|'
2789    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of CG steps before reset           :', num_cg_steps, '|'
2790    if (lfixstep) then
2791      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Fixed step length for minimisation        :', fixed_step, '|'
2792    else
2793      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Trial step length for line search         :', trial_step, '|'
2794    endif
2795    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,8x,E10.3,13x,a1)') '|  Convergence tolerence                     :', conv_tol, '|'
2796    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Convergence window                        :', conv_window, '|'
2797    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Iterations between writing output         :', num_print_cycles, '|'
2798    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Iterations between backing up to disk     :', num_dump_cycles, '|'
2799    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Write r^2_nm to file                      :', write_r2mn, '|'
2800    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Write xyz WF centres to file              :', write_xyz, '|'
2801    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Write on-site energies <0n|H|0n> to file  :', write_hr_diag, '|'
2802    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Use guiding centre to control phases      :', guiding_centres, '|'
2803    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Use phases for initial projections        :', use_bloch_phases, '|'
2804    if (guiding_centres .or. iprint > 2) then
2805      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Iterations before starting guiding centres:', num_no_guide_iter, '|'
2806      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Iterations between using guiding centres  :', num_guide_cycles, '|'
2807    end if
2808    if (selective_loc .or. iprint > 2) then
2809      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Perform selective localization            :', selective_loc, '|'
2810    end if
2811    if (slwf_constrain .or. iprint > 2) then
2812      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Use constrains in selective localization  :', slwf_constrain, '|'
2813      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,8x,E10.3,13x,a1)') '|  Value of the Lagrange multiplier          :',&
2814           &slwf_lambda, '|'
2815    end if
2816    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2817    !
2818    ! Disentanglement
2819    !
2820    if (disentanglement .or. iprint > 2) then
2821      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*------------------------------- DISENTANGLE --------------------------------*'
2822      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Using band disentanglement                :', disentanglement, '|'
2823      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Total number of iterations                :', dis_num_iter, '|'
2824      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,F8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Mixing ratio                              :', dis_mix_ratio, '|'
2825      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,8x,ES10.3,13x,a1)') '|  Convergence tolerence                     :', dis_conv_tol, '|'
2826      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Convergence window                        :', dis_conv_window, '|'
2827      ! GS-start
2828      if (dis_spheres_num .gt. 0) then
2829        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of spheres in k-space              :', dis_spheres_num, '|'
2830        do nkp = 1, dis_spheres_num
2831          write (stdout, '(1x,a13,I4,a2,2x,3F8.3,a15,F8.3,9x,a1)') &
2832            '|   center n.', nkp, ' :', dis_spheres(1:3, nkp), ',    radius   =', dis_spheres(4, nkp), '|'
2833        enddo
2834        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Index of first Wannier band               :', dis_spheres_first_wann, '|'
2835      endif
2836      ! GS-end
2837      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2838    end if
2839    !
2840    ! Plotting
2841    !
2842    if (wannier_plot .or. bands_plot .or. fermi_surface_plot .or. kslice &
2843        .or. dos_plot .or. write_hr .or. iprint > 2) then
2844      !
2845      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*-------------------------------- PLOTTING ----------------------------------*'
2846      !
2847      if (wannier_plot .or. iprint > 2) then
2848        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plotting Wannier functions                :', wannier_plot, '|'
2849        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,1x,I5,a1,I5,a1,I5,13x,a1)') &
2850          '|   Size of supercell for plotting           :', &
2851          wannier_plot_supercell(1), 'x', wannier_plot_supercell(2), 'x', &
2852          wannier_plot_supercell(3), '|'
2854        if (translate_home_cell) then
2855          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') &
2856            '|  Translating WFs to home cell              :', translate_home_cell, '|'
2857        end if
2859        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Plotting mode (molecule or crystal)      :', trim(wannier_plot_mode), '|'
2860        if (spinors) then
2861          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Plotting mode for spinor WFs             :', &
2862            trim(wannier_plot_spinor_mode), '|'
2863          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|   Include phase for spinor WFs             :', &
2864            wannier_plot_spinor_phase, '|'
2865        end if
2866        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Plotting format                          :', trim(wannier_plot_format), '|'
2867        if (index(wannier_plot_format, 'cub') > 0 .or. iprint > 2) then
2868          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,F8.3,13x,a1)') '|   Plot radius                              :', wannier_plot_radius, '|'
2869          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,F8.3,13x,a1)') '|   Plot scale                               :', wannier_plot_scale, '|'
2870        endif
2871        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2872      end if
2873      !
2874      if (fermi_surface_plot .or. iprint > 2) then
2875        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plotting Fermi surface                    :', fermi_surface_plot, '|'
2876        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|   Number of plotting points (along b_1)    :', fermi_surface_num_points, '|'
2877        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Plotting format                          :' &
2878          , trim(fermi_surface_plot_format), '|'
2879        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2880      end if
2881      !
2882      if (bands_plot .or. iprint > 2) then
2883        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plotting interpolated bandstructure       :', bands_plot, '|'
2884        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|   Number of K-path sections                :', bands_num_spec_points/2, '|'
2885        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|   Divisions along first K-path section     :', bands_num_points, '|'
2886        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Output format                            :', trim(bands_plot_format), '|'
2887        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Output mode                              :', trim(bands_plot_mode), '|'
2888        if (index(bands_plot_mode, 'cut') .ne. 0) then
2889          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|   Dimension of the system                  :', bands_plot_dim, '|'
2890          if (bands_plot_dim .eq. 1) &
2891            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   System extended in                       :', trim(one_dim_axis), '|'
2892          if (bands_plot_dim .eq. 2) &
2893            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   System confined in                       :', trim(one_dim_axis), '|'
2894          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,F8.3,13x,a1)') '|   Hamiltonian cut-off value                :', hr_cutoff, '|'
2895          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,F8.3,13x,a1)') '|   Hamiltonian cut-off distance             :', dist_cutoff, '|'
2896          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Hamiltonian cut-off distance mode        :', trim(dist_cutoff_mode), '|'
2897        endif
2898        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2899        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|   K-space path sections:                                                   |'
2900        if (bands_num_spec_points == 0) then
2901          write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|     None defined                                                           |'
2902        else
2903          do loop = 1, bands_num_spec_points, 2
2904            write (stdout, '(1x,a10,1x,a5,1x,3F7.3,5x,a3,1x,a5,1x,3F7.3,3x,a1)') '|    From:', bands_label(loop), &
2905              (bands_spec_points(i, loop), i=1, 3), 'To:', bands_label(loop + 1), (bands_spec_points(i, loop + 1), i=1, 3), '|'
2906          end do
2907        end if
2908        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2909      end if
2910      !
2911      if (write_hr .or. iprint > 2) then
2912        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plotting Hamiltonian in WF basis          :', write_hr, '|'
2913        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2914      endif
2915      if (write_vdw_data .or. iprint > 2) then
2916        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Writing data for Van der Waals post-proc  :', write_vdw_data, '|'
2917        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2918      endif
2919      !
2920    endif
2922401 continue
2923    !
2924    ! Transport
2925    !
2926    if (transport .or. iprint > 2) then
2927      !
2928      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*------------------------------- TRANSPORT ----------------------------------*'
2929      !
2930      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Transport mode                            :', trim(transport_mode), '|'
2931      !
2932      if (tran_read_ht) then
2933        !
2934        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Hamiltonian from external files          :', 'T', '|'
2935        !
2936      else
2937        !
2938        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   Hamiltonian from external files          :', 'F', '|'
2939        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|   System extended in                       :', trim(one_dim_axis), '|'
2940        !
2941      end if
2943      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|   Centre of the unit cell to which WF are translated (fract. coords):      |'
2944      write (stdout, '(1x,a1,35x,F12.6,a1,F12.6,a1,F12.6,3x,a1)') '|', translation_centre_frac(1), ',', &
2945        translation_centre_frac(2), ',', &
2946        translation_centre_frac(3), '|'
2948      if (size(fermi_energy_list) == 1) then
2949        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Fermi energy (eV)                         :', fermi_energy_list(1), '|'
2950      else
2951        write (stdout, '(1x,a21,I8,a12,f8.3,a4,f8.3,a3,13x,a1)') '|  Fermi energy     :', size(fermi_energy_list), &
2952          ' steps from ', fermi_energy_list(1), ' to ', &
2953          fermi_energy_list(size(fermi_energy_list)), ' eV', '|'
2954      end if
2955      !
2956      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
2957      !
2958    endif
2960101 format(20x, a3, 2x, 3F11.6)
2962  end subroutine param_write
2965  subroutine param_postw90_write
2966    !==================================================================!
2967    !                                                                  !
2968    !! write postw90 parameters to stdout
2969    !                                                                  !
2970    !===================================================================
2972    implicit none
2974    integer :: i, loop, nat, nsp
2976    ! System
2977    write (stdout, *)
2978    write (stdout, '(36x,a6)') '------'
2979    write (stdout, '(36x,a6)') 'SYSTEM'
2980    write (stdout, '(36x,a6)') '------'
2981    write (stdout, *)
2982    if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2983      write (stdout, '(30x,a21)') 'Lattice Vectors (Ang)'
2984    else
2985      write (stdout, '(28x,a22)') 'Lattice Vectors (Bohr)'
2986    endif
2987    write (stdout, 101) 'a_1', (real_lattice(1, I)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2988    write (stdout, 101) 'a_2', (real_lattice(2, I)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2989    write (stdout, 101) 'a_3', (real_lattice(3, I)*lenconfac, i=1, 3)
2990    write (stdout, *)
2991    write (stdout, '(19x,a17,3x,f11.5)', advance='no') &
2992      'Unit Cell Volume:', cell_volume*lenconfac**3
2993    if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
2994      write (stdout, '(2x,a7)') '(Ang^3)'
2995    else
2996      write (stdout, '(2x,a8)') '(Bohr^3)'
2997    endif
2998    write (stdout, *)
2999    if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
3000      write (stdout, '(24x,a33)') 'Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Ang^-1)'
3001    else
3002      write (stdout, '(22x,a34)') 'Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Bohr^-1)'
3003    endif
3004    write (stdout, 101) 'b_1', (recip_lattice(1, I)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
3005    write (stdout, 101) 'b_2', (recip_lattice(2, I)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
3006    write (stdout, 101) 'b_3', (recip_lattice(3, I)/lenconfac, i=1, 3)
3007    write (stdout, *) ' '
3008    ! Atoms
3009    if (num_atoms > 0) then
3010      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3011      if (lenconfac .eq. 1.0_dp) then
3012        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate (Ang)     |'
3013      else
3014        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate (Bohr)    |'
3015      endif
3016      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'
3017      do nsp = 1, num_species
3018        do nat = 1, atoms_species_num(nsp)
3019          write (stdout, '(1x,a1,1x,a2,1x,i3,3F10.5,3x,a1,1x,3F10.5,4x,a1)') &
3020  &                 '|', atoms_symbol(nsp), nat, atoms_pos_frac(:, nat, nsp),&
3021  &                 '|', atoms_pos_cart(:, nat, nsp)*lenconfac, '|'
3022        end do
3023      end do
3024      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3025    else
3026      write (stdout, '(25x,a)') 'No atom positions specified'
3027    end if
3028    write (stdout, *) ' '
3029    ! Main
3030    write (stdout, *) ' '
3032    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*-------------------------------- POSTW90 -----------------------------------*'
3033    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of Wannier Functions               :', num_wann, '|'
3034    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of electrons per state             :', num_elec_per_state, '|'
3035    if (abs(scissors_shift) > 1.0e-7_dp .or. iprint > 0) then
3036      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Scissor shift applied to conduction bands :', scissors_shift, '|'
3037      if (num_valence_bands > 0) then
3038        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,i8,13x,a1)') '|  Number of valence bands                   :', num_valence_bands, '|'
3039      else
3040        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Number of valence bands                   :       not defined             |'
3041      endif
3042    endif
3043    if (spin_decomp .or. iprint > 2) &
3044      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Spin decomposition                        :', spin_decomp, '|'
3045    if (spin_moment .or. iprint > 2) &
3046      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Spin moment                       :', spin_moment, '|'
3047    if (spin_decomp .or. spin_moment .or. iprint > 2) then
3048      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Polar angle of spin quantisation axis     :', spin_axis_polar, '|'
3049      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Azimuthal angle of spin quantisation axis :', spin_axis_azimuth, '|'
3050      if (spn_formatted) then
3051        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,9x,a9,13x,a1)') '|  Spn file-type                   :', 'formatted', '|'
3052      else
3053        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,7x,a11,13x,a1)') '|  Spn file-type                   :', 'unformatted', '|'
3054      endif
3055      if (uHu_formatted) then
3056        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,9x,a9,13x,a1)') '|  uHu file-type                   :', 'formatted', '|'
3057      else
3058        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,7x,a11,13x,a1)') '|  uHu file-type                   :', 'unformatted', '|'
3059      endif
3060    end if
3062    if (size(fermi_energy_list) == 1) then
3063      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Fermi energy (eV)                         :', fermi_energy_list(1), '|'
3064    else
3065      write (stdout, '(1x,a21,I8,a12,f8.3,a4,f8.3,a3,13x,a1)') '|  Fermi energy     :', size(fermi_energy_list), &
3066        ' steps from ', fermi_energy_list(1), ' to ', &
3067        fermi_energy_list(size(fermi_energy_list)), ' eV', '|'
3068    end if
3070    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Output verbosity (1=low, 5=high)          :', iprint, '|'
3071    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Timing Level (1=low, 5=high)              :', timing_level, '|'
3072    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Optimisation (0=memory, 3=speed)          :', optimisation, '|'
3073    write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Length Unit                               :', trim(length_unit), '|'
3074    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3075    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*------------------------ Global Smearing Parameters ------------------------*'
3076    if (adpt_smr) then
3077      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive width smearing                   :', '       T', '|'
3078      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive smearing factor                  :', adpt_smr_fac, '|'
3079      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum allowed smearing width (eV)       :', adpt_smr_max, '|'
3081    else
3082      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Fixed width smearing                      :', '       T', '|'
3083      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Smearing width                            :', smr_fixed_en_width, '|'
3084    endif
3085    write (stdout, '(1x,a21,5x,a47,4x,a1)') '|  Smearing Function ', trim(param_get_smearing_type(smr_index)), '|'
3086    if (global_kmesh_set) then
3087      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Global interpolation k-points defined     :', '       T', '|'
3088      if (kmesh_spacing > 0.0_dp) then
3089        write (stdout, '(1x,a15,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,16x,a11,f8.3,11x,1a)') '|  Grid size = ', &
3090          kmesh(1), 'x', kmesh(2), 'x', kmesh(3), ' Spacing = ', kmesh_spacing, '|'
3091      else
3092        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,2x,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,13x,1a)') '|  Grid size                                 :' &
3093          , kmesh(1), 'x', kmesh(2), 'x', kmesh(3), '|'
3094      endif
3095    else
3096      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Global interpolation k-points defined     :', '       F', '|'
3097    endif
3098    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3100    ! DOS
3101    if (dos .or. iprint > 2) then
3102      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*---------------------------------- DOS -------------------------------------*'
3103      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plotting Density of States                :', dos, '|'
3104      if (num_dos_project > 1) then
3105        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Wannier Projected DOS             :', '       T', '|'
3106      else
3107        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Wannier Projected DOS             :', '       F', '|'
3108      endif
3109      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Minimum energy range for DOS plot         :', dos_energy_min, '|'
3110      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum energy range for DOS plot         :', dos_energy_max, '|'
3111      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Energy step for DOS plot                  :', dos_energy_step, '|'
3112      if (dos_adpt_smr .eqv. adpt_smr .and. dos_adpt_smr_fac == adpt_smr_fac .and. dos_adpt_smr_max == adpt_smr_max &
3113          .and. dos_smr_fixed_en_width == smr_fixed_en_width .and. smr_index == dos_smr_index) then
3114        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global smearing parameters                                          |'
3115      else
3116        if (dos_adpt_smr) then
3117          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive width smearing                   :', '       T', '|'
3118          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive smearing factor                  :', dos_adpt_smr_fac, '|'
3119          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum allowed smearing width            :', dos_adpt_smr_max, '|'
3120        else
3121          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Fixed width smearing                      :', '       T', '|'
3122          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Smearing width                            :', dos_smr_fixed_en_width, '|'
3123        endif
3124        write (stdout, '(1x,a21,5x,a47,4x,a1)') '|  Smearing Function ', trim(param_get_smearing_type(dos_smr_index)), '|'
3125      endif
3126      if (kmesh(1) == dos_kmesh(1) .and. kmesh(2) == dos_kmesh(2) .and. kmesh(3) == dos_kmesh(3)) then
3127        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global k-point set for interpolation                                |'
3128      else
3129        if (dos_kmesh_spacing > 0.0_dp) then
3130          write (stdout, '(1x,a15,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,16x,a11,f8.3,11x,1a)') '|  Grid size = ', &
3131            dos_kmesh(1), 'x', dos_kmesh(2), 'x', dos_kmesh(3), ' Spacing = ', dos_kmesh_spacing, '|'
3132        else
3133          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,2x,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,13x,1a)') '|  Grid size                                 :' &
3134            , dos_kmesh(1), 'x', dos_kmesh(2), 'x', dos_kmesh(3), '|'
3135        endif
3136      endif
3137    endif
3138    write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3140    if (kpath .or. iprint > 2) then
3141      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*--------------------------------- KPATH ------------------------------------*'
3142      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot Properties along a path in k-space   :', kpath, '|'
3143      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Divisions along first kpath section       :', kpath_num_points, '|'
3144      if (index(kpath_task, 'bands') > 0) then
3145        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot energy bands                         :', '       T', '|'
3146      else
3147        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot energy bands                         :', '       F', '|'
3148      endif
3149      if (index(kpath_task, 'curv') > 0) then
3150        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot Berry curvature                      :', '       T', '|'
3151      else
3152        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot Berry curvature                      :', '       F', '|'
3153      endif
3154      if (index(kpath_task, 'morb') > 0) then
3155        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot orbital magnetisation contribution   :', '       T', '|'
3156      else
3157        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot orbital magnetisation contribution   :', '       F', '|'
3158      endif
3159      if (index(kpath_task, 'shc') > 0) then
3160        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot spin Hall conductivity contribution  :', '       T', '|'
3161      else
3162        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot spin Hall conductivity contribution  :', '       F', '|'
3163      endif
3164      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Property used to colour code the bands    :', trim(kpath_bands_colour), '|'
3165      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3166      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|   K-space path sections:                                                   |'
3167      if (bands_num_spec_points == 0) then
3168        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|     None defined                                                           |'
3169      else
3170        do loop = 1, bands_num_spec_points, 2
3171          write (stdout, '(1x,a10,2x,a1,2x,3F7.3,5x,a3,2x,a1,2x,3F7.3,7x,a1)') '|    From:', bands_label(loop), &
3172            (bands_spec_points(i, loop), i=1, 3), 'To:', bands_label(loop + 1), (bands_spec_points(i, loop + 1), i=1, 3), '|'
3173        end do
3174      end if
3175      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3176    endif
3178    if (kslice .or. iprint > 2) then
3179      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*--------------------------------- KSLICE -----------------------------------*'
3180      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot Properties along a slice in k-space  :', kslice, '|'
3181      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Fermi level used for slice                :', fermi_energy_list(1), '|'
3182      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,I8,13x,a1)') '|  Divisions along first kpath section       :', kpath_num_points, '|'
3183      if (index(kslice_task, 'fermi_lines') > 0) then
3184        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot energy contours (fermi lines)        :', '       T', '|'
3185      else
3186        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot energy contours (fermi lines)        :', '       F', '|'
3187      endif
3188      if (index(kslice_task, 'curv') > 0) then
3189        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot Berry curvature (sum over occ states):', '       T', '|'
3190      else
3191        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot Berry curvature (sum over occ states):', '       F', '|'
3192      endif
3193      if (index(kslice_task, 'morb') > 0) then
3194        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot orbital magnetisation contribution   :', '       T', '|'
3195      else
3196        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot orbital magnetisation contribution   :', '       F', '|'
3197      endif
3198      if (index(kslice_task, 'shc') > 0) then
3199        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot spin Hall conductivity contribution  :', '       T', '|'
3200      else
3201        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Plot spin Hall conductivity contribution  :', '       F', '|'
3202      endif
3203      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Property used to colour code the lines    :', &
3204        trim(kslice_fermi_lines_colour), '|'
3205      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  2D slice parameters (in reduced coordinates):                             |'
3206      write (stdout, '(1x,a14,2x,3F8.3,37x,a1)') '|     Corner: ', (kslice_corner(i), i=1, 3), '|'
3207      write (stdout, '(1x,a14,2x,3F8.3,10x,a12,2x,i4,9x,a1)') &
3208        '|    Vector1: ', (kslice_b1(i), i=1, 3), ' Divisions:', kslice_2dkmesh(1), '|'
3209      write (stdout, '(1x,a14,2x,3F8.3,10x,a12,2x,i4,9x,a1)') &
3210        '|    Vector2: ', (kslice_b2(i), i=1, 3), ' Divisions:', kslice_2dkmesh(1), '|'
3211      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3212    endif
3214    if (berry .or. iprint > 2) then
3215      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*--------------------------------- BERRY ------------------------------------*'
3216      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Berry Phase related properties    :', berry, '|'
3217      if (index(berry_task, 'kubo') > 0) then
3218        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Optical Conductivity and JDOS     :', '       T', '|'
3219      else
3220        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Optical Conductivity and JDOS     :', '       F', '|'
3221      endif
3222      if (index(berry_task, 'ahc') > 0) then
3223        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Anomalous Hall Conductivity       :', '       T', '|'
3224      else
3225        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Anomalous Hall Conductivity       :', '       F', '|'
3226      endif
3227      if (index(berry_task, 'sc') > 0) then
3228        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Shift Current                     :', '       T', '|'
3229      else
3230        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Shift Current                     :', '       F', '|'
3231      endif
3232      if (index(berry_task, 'morb') > 0) then
3233        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Orbital Magnetisation             :', '       T', '|'
3234      else
3235        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Orbital Magnetisation             :', '       F', '|'
3236      endif
3237      if (index(berry_task, 'shc') > 0) then
3238        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Spin Hall Conductivity            :', '       T', '|'
3239      else
3240        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Spin Hall Conductivity            :', '       F', '|'
3241      endif
3242      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Lower frequency for optical responses     :', kubo_freq_min, '|'
3243      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Upper frequency for optical responses     :', kubo_freq_max, '|'
3244      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Step size for optical responses           :', kubo_freq_step, '|'
3245      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Upper eigenvalue for optical responses    :', kubo_eigval_max, '|'
3246      if (index(berry_task, 'sc') > 0) then
3247        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Smearing factor for shift current         :', sc_eta, '|'
3248        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Frequency theshold for shift current      :', sc_w_thr, '|'
3249        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,1x,a27,3x,a1)') '|  Bloch sums                                :', &
3250          trim(param_get_convention_type(sc_phase_conv)), '|'
3251      end if
3252      if (kubo_adpt_smr .eqv. adpt_smr .and. kubo_adpt_smr_fac == adpt_smr_fac .and. kubo_adpt_smr_max == adpt_smr_max &
3253          .and. kubo_smr_fixed_en_width == smr_fixed_en_width .and. smr_index == kubo_smr_index) then
3254        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global smearing parameters                                          |'
3255      else
3256        if (kubo_adpt_smr) then
3257          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive width smearing                   :', '       T', '|'
3258          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive smearing factor                  :', kubo_adpt_smr_fac, '|'
3259          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum allowed smearing width            :', kubo_adpt_smr_max, '|'
3260        else
3261          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Fixed width smearing                      :', '       T', '|'
3262          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Smearing width                            :', kubo_smr_fixed_en_width, '|'
3263        endif
3264        write (stdout, '(1x,a21,5x,a47,4x,a1)') '|  Smearing Function ', trim(param_get_smearing_type(kubo_smr_index)), '|'
3265      endif
3266      if (kmesh(1) == berry_kmesh(1) .and. kmesh(2) == berry_kmesh(2) .and. kmesh(3) == berry_kmesh(3)) then
3267        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global k-point set for interpolation                                |'
3268      else
3269        if (berry_kmesh_spacing > 0.0_dp) then
3270          write (stdout, '(1x,a15,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,16x,a11,f8.3,11x,1a)') '|  Grid size = ', &
3271            berry_kmesh(1), 'x', berry_kmesh(2), 'x', berry_kmesh(3), ' Spacing = ', berry_kmesh_spacing, '|'
3272        else
3273          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,2x,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,13x,1a)') '|  Grid size                                 :' &
3274            , berry_kmesh(1), 'x', berry_kmesh(2), 'x', berry_kmesh(3), '|'
3275        endif
3276      endif
3277      if (berry_curv_adpt_kmesh > 1) then
3278        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,i8,13x,a1)') '|  Using an adaptive refinement mesh of size :', berry_curv_adpt_kmesh, '|'
3279        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Threshold for adaptive refinement         :', &
3280          berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh, '|'
3281      else
3282        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive refinement                       :', '    none', '|'
3283      endif
3284      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3285    endif
3287    if (gyrotropic .or. iprint > 2) then
3288      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*--------------------------------- GYROTROPIC   ------------------------------------*'
3289      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '| Compute Gyrotropic properties              :', gyrotropic, '|'
3290      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a20,1x,a1)') '| gyrotropic_task                            :', gyrotropic_task, '|'
3291      call parameters_gyro_write_task(gyrotropic_task, '-d0', 'calculate the D tensor')
3292      call parameters_gyro_write_task(gyrotropic_task, '-dw', 'calculate the tildeD tensor')
3293      call parameters_gyro_write_task(gyrotropic_task, '-c', 'calculate the C tensor')
3294      call parameters_gyro_write_task(gyrotropic_task, '-k', 'calculate the K tensor')
3295      call parameters_gyro_write_task(gyrotropic_task, '-noa', 'calculate the interbad natural optical activity')
3296      call parameters_gyro_write_task(gyrotropic_task, '-dos', 'calculate the density of states')
3298      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Lower frequency for tildeD,NOA            :', gyrotropic_freq_min, '|'
3299      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Upper frequency                           :', gyrotropic_freq_max, '|'
3300      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Step size for frequency                   :', gyrotropic_freq_step, '|'
3301      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Upper eigenvalue                          :', gyrotropic_eigval_max, '|'
3302      if (gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width == smr_fixed_en_width .and. smr_index == gyrotropic_smr_index) then
3303        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global smearing parameters                                          |'
3304      else
3305        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using local  smearing parameters                                          |'
3306      endif
3307      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Fixed width smearing                      :', '       T', '|'
3308      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Smearing width                            :', &
3309        gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width, '|'
3310      write (stdout, '(1x,a21,5x,a47,4x,a1)') '|  Smearing Function                         :', &
3311        trim(param_get_smearing_type(gyrotropic_smr_index)), '|'
3312      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  degen_thresh                              :', gyrotropic_degen_thresh, '|'
3314      if (kmesh(1) == gyrotropic_kmesh(1) .and. kmesh(2) == gyrotropic_kmesh(2) .and. kmesh(3) == gyrotropic_kmesh(3)) then
3315        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global k-point set for interpolation                                |'
3316      elseif (gyrotropic_kmesh_spacing > 0.0_dp) then
3317        write (stdout, '(1x,a15,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,16x,a11,f8.3,11x,1a)') '|  Grid size = ', &
3318          gyrotropic_kmesh(1), 'x', gyrotropic_kmesh(2), 'x', gyrotropic_kmesh(3), ' Spacing = ', gyrotropic_kmesh_spacing, '|'
3319      else
3320        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,2x,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,13x,1a)') '|  Grid size                                 :' &
3321          , gyrotropic_kmesh(1), 'x', gyrotropic_kmesh(2), 'x', gyrotropic_kmesh(3), '|'
3322      endif
3323      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  Adaptive refinement                       :', '    not implemented', '|'
3324      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3325    endif
3327    if (boltzwann .or. iprint > 2) then
3328      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*------------------------------- BOLTZWANN ----------------------------------*'
3329      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Boltzmann transport properties    :', boltzwann, '|'
3330      if (boltz_2d_dir_num > 0) then
3331        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  2d structure: non-periodic dimension  :', trim(boltz_2d_dir), '|'
3332      else
3333        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  3d Structure                              :                 T             |'
3334      endif
3335      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Relaxation Time (fs)                      :', boltz_relax_time, '|'
3336      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Minimum Value of Chemical Potential (eV)  :', boltz_mu_min, '|'
3337      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum Value of Chemical Potential (eV)  :', boltz_mu_max, '|'
3338      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Step size for Chemical Potential (eV)     :', boltz_mu_step, '|'
3339      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Minimum Value of Temperature (K)          :', boltz_temp_min, '|'
3340      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum Value of Temperature (K)          :', boltz_temp_max, '|'
3341      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Step size for Temperature (K)             :', boltz_temp_step, '|'
3343      if (kmesh(1) == boltz_kmesh(1) .and. kmesh(2) == boltz_kmesh(2) .and. kmesh(3) == boltz_kmesh(3)) then
3344        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global k-point set for interpolation                                |'
3345      else
3346        if (boltz_kmesh_spacing > 0.0_dp) then
3347          write (stdout, '(1x,a15,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,16x,a11,f8.3,11x,1a)') '|  Grid size = ', &
3348            boltz_kmesh(1), 'x', boltz_kmesh(2), 'x', boltz_kmesh(3), ' Spacing = ', boltz_kmesh_spacing, '|'
3349        else
3350          write (stdout, '(1x,a46,2x,i4,1x,a1,i4,1x,a1,i4,13x,1a)') '|  Grid size                                 :' &
3351            , boltz_kmesh(1), 'x', boltz_kmesh(2), 'x', boltz_kmesh(3), '|'
3352        endif
3353      endif
3354      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Step size for TDF (eV)                    :', boltz_tdf_energy_step, '|'
3355      write (stdout, '(1x,a25,5x,a43,4x,a1)') '|  TDF Smearing Function ', trim(param_get_smearing_type(boltz_tdf_smr_index)), '|'
3356      if (boltz_tdf_smr_fixed_en_width > 0.0_dp) then
3357        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') &
3358          '|  TDF fixed Smearing width (eV)             :', boltz_tdf_smr_fixed_en_width, '|'
3359      else
3360        write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  TDF fixed Smearing width                  :         unsmeared             |'
3361      endif
3362      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute DOS at same time                  :', boltz_calc_also_dos, '|'
3363      if (boltz_calc_also_dos .and. iprint > 2) then
3364        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Minimum energy range for DOS plot         :', boltz_dos_energy_min, '|'
3365        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Maximum energy range for DOS plot         :', boltz_dos_energy_max, '|'
3366        write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  Energy step for DOS plot                  :', boltz_dos_energy_step, '|'
3367        if (boltz_dos_adpt_smr .eqv. adpt_smr .and. boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac == adpt_smr_fac &
3368            .and. boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max == adpt_smr_max &
3369            .and. boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width == smr_fixed_en_width .and. smr_index == boltz_dos_smr_index) then
3370          write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '|  Using global smearing parameters                                          |'
3371        else
3372          if (boltz_dos_adpt_smr) then
3373            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  DOS Adaptive width smearing               :', '       T', '|'
3374            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') &
3375              '|  DOS Adaptive smearing factor              :', boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac, '|'
3376            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') &
3377              '|  DOS Maximum allowed smearing width        :', boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max, '|'
3378          else
3379            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '|  DOS Fixed width smearing                  :', '       T', '|'
3380            write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,f8.3,13x,a1)') '|  DOS Smearing width                         :', &
3381              boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width, '|'
3382          endif
3383          write (stdout, '(1x,a21,5x,a47,4x,a1)') '|  Smearing Function ', trim(param_get_smearing_type(boltz_dos_smr_index)), '|'
3384        endif
3385      endif
3386      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3387    endif
3389    if (geninterp .or. iprint > 2) then
3390      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*------------------------Generic Band Interpolation--------------------------*'
3391      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Compute Properties at given k-points      :', geninterp, '|'
3392      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Calculate band gradients                  :', geninterp_alsofirstder, '|'
3393      write (stdout, '(1x,a46,10x,L8,13x,a1)') '|  Write data into a single file             :', geninterp_single_file, '|'
3394      write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
3395    endif
3397101 format(20x, a3, 2x, 3F11.6)
3399  end subroutine param_postw90_write
3401  subroutine param_write_header
3402    !! Write a suitable header for the calculation - version authors etc
3403    use w90_io, only: io_date, w90_version
3404    use w90_constants, only: bohr_version_str, constants_version_str1, constants_version_str2
3405    implicit none
3407    character(len=9) :: cdate, ctime
3409    call io_date(cdate, ctime)
3411    write (stdout, *)
3412    write (stdout, *) '            +---------------------------------------------------+'
3413    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3414    write (stdout, *) '            |                   WANNIER90                       |'
3415    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3416    write (stdout, *) '            +---------------------------------------------------+'
3417    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3418    write (stdout, *) '            |        Welcome to the Maximally-Localized         |'
3419    write (stdout, *) '            |        Generalized Wannier Functions code         |'
3420    write (stdout, *) '            |            http://www.wannier.org                 |'
3421    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3422    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3423    write (stdout, *) '            |  Wannier90 Developer Group:                       |'
3424    write (stdout, *) '            |    Giovanni Pizzi    (EPFL)                       |'
3425    write (stdout, *) '            |    Valerio Vitale    (Cambridge)                  |'
3426    write (stdout, *) '            |    David Vanderbilt  (Rutgers University)         |'
3427    write (stdout, *) '            |    Nicola Marzari    (EPFL)                       |'
3428    write (stdout, *) '            |    Ivo Souza         (Universidad del Pais Vasco) |'
3429    write (stdout, *) '            |    Arash A. Mostofi  (Imperial College London)    |'
3430    write (stdout, *) '            |    Jonathan R. Yates (University of Oxford)       |'
3431    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3432    write (stdout, *) '            |  For the full list of Wannier90 3.x authors,      |'
3433    write (stdout, *) '            |  please check the code documentation and the      |'
3434    write (stdout, *) '            |  README on the GitHub page of the code            |'
3435    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3436    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3437    write (stdout, *) '            |  Please cite                                      |'
3438    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3439    write (stdout, *) '            |  [ref] "Wannier90 as a community code:            |'
3440    write (stdout, *) '            |        new features and applications",            |'
3441    write (stdout, *) '            |        G. Pizzi et al., J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 32,  |'
3442    write (stdout, *) '            |        165902 (2020).                             |'
3443    write (stdout, *) '            |        http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ab51ff    |'
3444    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3445    write (stdout, *) '            |  in any publications arising from the use of      |'
3446    write (stdout, *) '            |  this code. For the method please cite            |'
3447    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3448    write (stdout, *) '            |  [ref] "Maximally Localized Generalised Wannier   |'
3449    write (stdout, *) '            |         Functions for Composite Energy Bands"     |'
3450    write (stdout, *) '            |         N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt              |'
3451    write (stdout, *) '            |         Phys. Rev. B 56 12847 (1997)              |'
3452    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3453    write (stdout, *) '            |  [ref] "Maximally Localized Wannier Functions     |'
3454    write (stdout, *) '            |         for Entangled Energy Bands"               |'
3455    write (stdout, *) '            |         I. Souza, N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt    |'
3456    write (stdout, *) '            |         Phys. Rev. B 65 035109 (2001)             |'
3457    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3458    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3459    write (stdout, *) '            | Copyright (c) 1996-2020                           |'
3460    write (stdout, *) '            |        The Wannier90 Developer Group and          |'
3461    write (stdout, *) '            |        individual contributors                    |'
3462    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3463    write (stdout, *) '            |      Release: ', adjustl(w90_version), '   5th March    2020      |'
3464    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3465    write (stdout, *) '            | This program is free software; you can            |'
3466    write (stdout, *) '            | redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms  |'
3467    write (stdout, *) '            | of the GNU General Public License as published by |'
3468    write (stdout, *) '            | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of |'
3469    write (stdout, *) '            | the License, or (at your option) any later version|'
3470    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3471    write (stdout, *) '            | This program is distributed in the hope that it   |'
3472    write (stdout, *) '            | will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without |'
3473    write (stdout, *) '            | even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or   |'
3474    write (stdout, *) '            | FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU     |'
3475    write (stdout, *) '            | General Public License for more details.          |'
3476    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3477    write (stdout, *) '            | You should have received a copy of the GNU General|'
3478    write (stdout, *) '            | Public License along with this program; if not,   |'
3479    write (stdout, *) '            | write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,      |'
3480    write (stdout, *) '            | 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.           |'
3481    write (stdout, *) '            |                                                   |'
3482    write (stdout, *) '            +---------------------------------------------------+'
3483    write (stdout, *) '            |    Execution started on ', cdate, ' at ', ctime, '    |'
3484    write (stdout, *) '            +---------------------------------------------------+'
3485    write (stdout, *) ''
3486    write (stdout, '(1X,A)') '******************************************************************************'
3487    write (stdout, '(1X,A)') '* '//constants_version_str1//'*'
3488    write (stdout, '(1X,A)') '* '//constants_version_str2//'*'
3489    write (stdout, '(1X,A)') '* '//bohr_version_str//'*'
3490    write (stdout, '(1X,A)') '******************************************************************************'
3491    write (stdout, *) ''
3493  end subroutine param_write_header
3496  subroutine param_dealloc
3497    !==================================================================!
3498    !                                                                  !
3499    !! release memory from allocated parameters
3500    !                                                                  !
3501    !===================================================================
3502    use w90_io, only: io_error
3504    implicit none
3505    integer :: ierr
3507    if (allocated(ndimwin)) then
3508      deallocate (ndimwin, stat=ierr)
3509      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating ndimwin in param_dealloc')
3510    end if
3511    if (allocated(lwindow)) then
3512      deallocate (lwindow, stat=ierr)
3513      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating lwindow in param_dealloc')
3514    end if
3515    if (allocated(eigval)) then
3516      deallocate (eigval, stat=ierr)
3517      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating eigval in param_dealloc')
3518    endif
3519    if (allocated(shell_list)) then
3520      deallocate (shell_list, stat=ierr)
3521      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating shell_list in param_dealloc')
3522    endif
3523    if (allocated(kpt_latt)) then
3524      deallocate (kpt_latt, stat=ierr)
3525      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating kpt_latt in param_dealloc')
3526    endif
3527    if (allocated(kpt_cart)) then
3528      deallocate (kpt_cart, stat=ierr)
3529      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating kpt_cart in param_dealloc')
3530    endif
3531    if (allocated(bands_label)) then
3532      deallocate (bands_label, stat=ierr)
3533      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating bands_label in param_dealloc')
3534    end if
3535    if (allocated(bands_spec_points)) then
3536      deallocate (bands_spec_points, stat=ierr)
3537      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating bands_spec_points in param_dealloc')
3538    end if
3539    if (allocated(atoms_label)) then
3540      deallocate (atoms_label, stat=ierr)
3541      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating atoms_label in param_dealloc')
3542    end if
3543    if (allocated(atoms_symbol)) then
3544      deallocate (atoms_symbol, stat=ierr)
3545      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating atoms_symbol in param_dealloc')
3546    end if
3547    if (allocated(atoms_pos_frac)) then
3548      deallocate (atoms_pos_frac, stat=ierr)
3549      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating atom_pos_frac in param_dealloc')
3550    end if
3551    if (allocated(atoms_pos_cart)) then
3552      deallocate (atoms_pos_cart, stat=ierr)
3553      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating atoms_pos_cart in param_dealloc')
3554    end if
3555    if (allocated(atoms_species_num)) then
3556      deallocate (atoms_species_num, stat=ierr)
3557      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating atoms_species_num in param_dealloc')
3558    end if
3559    if (allocated(input_proj_site)) then
3560      deallocate (input_proj_site, stat=ierr)
3561      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_site in param_dealloc')
3562    end if
3563    if (allocated(input_proj_l)) then
3564      deallocate (input_proj_l, stat=ierr)
3565      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_l in param_dealloc')
3566    end if
3567    if (allocated(input_proj_m)) then
3568      deallocate (input_proj_m, stat=ierr)
3569      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_m in param_dealloc')
3570    end if
3571    if (allocated(input_proj_s)) then
3572      deallocate (input_proj_s, stat=ierr)
3573      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_s in param_dealloc')
3574    end if
3575    if (allocated(input_proj_s_qaxis)) then
3576      deallocate (input_proj_s_qaxis, stat=ierr)
3577      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_s_qaxis in param_dealloc')
3578    end if
3579    if (allocated(input_proj_z)) then
3580      deallocate (input_proj_z, stat=ierr)
3581      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_z in param_dealloc')
3582    end if
3583    if (allocated(input_proj_x)) then
3584      deallocate (input_proj_x, stat=ierr)
3585      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_x in param_dealloc')
3586    end if
3587    if (allocated(input_proj_radial)) then
3588      deallocate (input_proj_radial, stat=ierr)
3589      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_radial in param_dealloc')
3590    end if
3591    if (allocated(input_proj_zona)) then
3592      deallocate (input_proj_zona, stat=ierr)
3593      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating input_proj_zona in param_dealloc')
3594    end if
3595    if (allocated(proj_site)) then
3596      deallocate (proj_site, stat=ierr)
3597      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_site in param_dealloc')
3598    end if
3599    if (allocated(proj_l)) then
3600      deallocate (proj_l, stat=ierr)
3601      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_l in param_dealloc')
3602    end if
3603    if (allocated(proj_m)) then
3604      deallocate (proj_m, stat=ierr)
3605      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_m in param_dealloc')
3606    end if
3607    if (allocated(proj_s)) then
3608      deallocate (proj_s, stat=ierr)
3609      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_s in param_dealloc')
3610    end if
3611    if (allocated(proj_s_qaxis)) then
3612      deallocate (proj_s_qaxis, stat=ierr)
3613      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_s_qaxis in param_dealloc')
3614    end if
3615    if (allocated(proj_z)) then
3616      deallocate (proj_z, stat=ierr)
3617      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_z in param_dealloc')
3618    end if
3619    if (allocated(proj_x)) then
3620      deallocate (proj_x, stat=ierr)
3621      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_x in param_dealloc')
3622    end if
3623    if (allocated(proj_radial)) then
3624      deallocate (proj_radial, stat=ierr)
3625      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_radial in param_dealloc')
3626    end if
3627    if (allocated(proj_zona)) then
3628      deallocate (proj_zona, stat=ierr)
3629      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating proj_zona in param_dealloc')
3630    end if
3631    if (allocated(wannier_plot_list)) then
3632      deallocate (wannier_plot_list, stat=ierr)
3633      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating wannier_plot_list in param_dealloc')
3634    end if
3635    if (allocated(exclude_bands)) then
3636      deallocate (exclude_bands, stat=ierr)
3637      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating exclude_bands in param_dealloc')
3638    end if
3639    if (allocated(wannier_centres)) then
3640      deallocate (wannier_centres, stat=ierr)
3641      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating wannier_centres in param_dealloc')
3642    end if
3643    if (allocated(wannier_spreads)) then
3644      deallocate (wannier_spreads, stat=ierr)
3645      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating wannier_spreads in param_dealloc')
3646    endif
3647    if (allocated(bands_plot_project)) then
3648      deallocate (bands_plot_project, stat=ierr)
3649      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating bands_plot_project in param_dealloc')
3650    endif
3651    if (allocated(dos_project)) then
3652      deallocate (dos_project, stat=ierr)
3653      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating dos_project in param_dealloc')
3654    endif
3655    if (allocated(fermi_energy_list)) then
3656      deallocate (fermi_energy_list, stat=ierr)
3657      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating fermi_energy_list in param_dealloc')
3658    endif
3659    if (allocated(kubo_freq_list)) then
3660      deallocate (kubo_freq_list, stat=ierr)
3661      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating kubo_freq_list in param_dealloc')
3662    endif
3663    if (allocated(dis_spheres)) then
3664      deallocate (dis_spheres, stat=ierr)
3665      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating dis_spheres in param_dealloc')
3666    endif
3667    if (allocated(ccentres_frac)) then
3668      deallocate (ccentres_frac, stat=ierr)
3669      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating ccentres_frac in param_dealloc')
3670    endif
3671    if (allocated(ccentres_cart)) then
3672      deallocate (ccentres_cart, stat=ierr)
3673      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating ccentres_cart in param_dealloc')
3674    end if
3675    return
3677  end subroutine param_dealloc
3679!~  !================================!
3680!~  subroutine param_write_um
3681!~    !================================!
3682!~    !                                !
3683!~    ! Dump the U and M to *_um.dat   !
3684!~    !                                !
3685!~    !================================!
3688!~    use w90_io,        only : io_file_unit,io_error,seedname,io_date
3689!~    implicit none
3691!~    integer :: i,j,k,l,um_unit
3692!~    character (len=9) :: cdate, ctime
3693!~    character(len=33) :: header
3695!~    call io_date(cdate, ctime)
3696!~    header='written on '//cdate//' at '//ctime
3698!~    um_unit=io_file_unit()
3699!~    open(unit=um_unit,file=trim(seedname)//'_um.dat',form='unformatted')
3700!~    write(um_unit) header
3701!~    write(um_unit) omega_invariant
3702!~    write(um_unit) num_wann,num_kpts,num_nnmax
3703!~    write(um_unit) (((u_matrix(i,j,k),i=1,num_wann),j=1,num_wann),k=1,num_kpts)
3704!~    write(um_unit) ((((m_matrix(i,j,k,l),i=1,num_wann),j=1,num_wann),k=1,nntot),l=1,num_kpts)
3705!~    close(um_unit)
3707!~    return
3709!~  end subroutine param_write_um
3711!~  !================================!
3712!~  subroutine param_read_um
3713!~    !================================!
3714!~    !                                !
3715!~    ! Restore U and M from file      !
3716!~    !                                !
3717!~    !================================!
3719!~    use w90_io,        only : io_file_unit,io_error,seedname
3720!~    implicit none
3722!~    integer       :: tmp_num_wann,tmp_num_kpts,tmp_num_nnmax
3723!~    integer       :: i,j,k,l,um_unit,ierr
3724!~    character(len=33) :: header
3725!~    real(kind=dp) :: tmp_omi
3727!~    um_unit=io_file_unit()
3728!~    open(unit=um_unit,file=trim(seedname)//'_um.dat',status="old",form='unformatted',err=105)
3729!~    read(um_unit) header
3730!~    write(stdout,'(1x,4(a))') 'Reading U and M from file ',trim(seedname),'_um.dat ', header
3731!~    read(um_unit) tmp_omi
3732!~    if ( have_disentangled ) then
3733!~       if ( abs(tmp_omi-omega_invariant).gt.1.0e-10_dp )  &
3734!~            call io_error('Error in restart: omega_invariant in .chk and um.dat files do not match')
3735!~    endif
3736!~    read(um_unit) tmp_num_wann,tmp_num_kpts,tmp_num_nnmax
3737!~    if(tmp_num_wann/=num_wann) call io_error('Error in param_read_um: num_wann mismatch')
3738!~    if(tmp_num_kpts/=num_kpts) call io_error('Error in param_read_um: num_kpts mismatch')
3739!~    if(tmp_num_nnmax/=num_nnmax) call io_error('Error in param_read_um: num_nnmax mismatch')
3740!~    if (.not.allocated(u_matrix)) then
3741!~       allocate(u_matrix(num_wann,num_wann,num_kpts),stat=ierr)
3742!~       if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix in param_read_um')
3743!~    endif
3744!~    read(um_unit) (((u_matrix(i,j,k),i=1,num_wann),j=1,num_wann),k=1,num_kpts)
3745!~    if (.not.allocated(m_matrix)) then
3746!~       allocate(m_matrix(num_wann,num_wann,nntot,num_kpts),stat=ierr)
3747!~       if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error allocating m_matrix in param_read_um')
3748!~    endif
3749!~    read(um_unit) ((((m_matrix(i,j,k,l),i=1,num_wann),j=1,num_wann),k=1,nntot),l=1,num_kpts)
3750!~    close(um_unit)
3752!~    return
3754!~105 call io_error('Error: Problem opening file '//trim(seedname)//'_um.dat in param_read_um')
3756! $  end subroutine param_read_um
3759  subroutine param_write_chkpt(chkpt)
3760    !=================================================!
3761    !! Write checkpoint file
3762    !! IMPORTANT! If you change the chkpt format, adapt
3763    !! accordingly also the w90chk2chk.x utility!
3764    !! Also, note that this routine writes the u_matrix and the m_matrix - in parallel
3765    !! mode these are however stored in distributed form in, e.g., u_matrix_loc only, so
3766    !! if you are changing the u_matrix, remember to gather it from u_matrix_loc first!
3767    !=================================================!
3769    use w90_io, only: io_file_unit, io_date, seedname
3771    implicit none
3773    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chkpt
3775    integer :: chk_unit, nkp, i, j, k, l
3776    character(len=9) :: cdate, ctime
3777    character(len=33) :: header
3778    character(len=20) :: chkpt1
3780    write (stdout, '(/1x,3a)', advance='no') 'Writing checkpoint file ', trim(seedname), '.chk...'
3782    call io_date(cdate, ctime)
3783    header = 'written on '//cdate//' at '//ctime
3785    chk_unit = io_file_unit()
3786    open (unit=chk_unit, file=trim(seedname)//'.chk', form='unformatted')
3788    write (chk_unit) header                                   ! Date and time
3789    write (chk_unit) num_bands                                ! Number of bands
3790    write (chk_unit) num_exclude_bands                        ! Number of excluded bands
3791    write (chk_unit) (exclude_bands(i), i=1, num_exclude_bands) ! Excluded bands
3792    write (chk_unit) ((real_lattice(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, 3)        ! Real lattice
3793    write (chk_unit) ((recip_lattice(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, 3)       ! Reciprocal lattice
3794    write (chk_unit) num_kpts                                 ! Number of k-points
3795    write (chk_unit) (mp_grid(i), i=1, 3)                       ! M-P grid
3796    write (chk_unit) ((kpt_latt(i, nkp), i=1, 3), nkp=1, num_kpts) ! K-points
3797    write (chk_unit) nntot                  ! Number of nearest k-point neighbours
3798    write (chk_unit) num_wann               ! Number of wannier functions
3799    chkpt1 = adjustl(trim(chkpt))
3800    write (chk_unit) chkpt1                 ! Position of checkpoint
3801    write (chk_unit) have_disentangled      ! Whether a disentanglement has been performed
3802    if (have_disentangled) then
3803      write (chk_unit) omega_invariant     ! Omega invariant
3804      ! lwindow, ndimwin and U_matrix_opt
3805      write (chk_unit) ((lwindow(i, nkp), i=1, num_bands), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3806      write (chk_unit) (ndimwin(nkp), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3807      write (chk_unit) (((u_matrix_opt(i, j, nkp), i=1, num_bands), j=1, num_wann), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3808    endif
3809    write (chk_unit) (((u_matrix(i, j, k), i=1, num_wann), j=1, num_wann), k=1, num_kpts)               ! U_matrix
3810    write (chk_unit) ((((m_matrix(i, j, k, l), i=1, num_wann), j=1, num_wann), k=1, nntot), l=1, num_kpts) ! M_matrix
3811    write (chk_unit) ((wannier_centres(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, num_wann)
3812    write (chk_unit) (wannier_spreads(i), i=1, num_wann)
3813    close (chk_unit)
3815    write (stdout, '(a/)') ' done'
3817    return
3819  end subroutine param_write_chkpt
3822  subroutine param_read_chkpt()
3823    !=================================================!
3824    !! Read checkpoint file
3825    !! IMPORTANT! If you change the chkpt format, adapt
3826    !! accordingly also the w90chk2chk.x utility!
3827    !!
3828    !! Note on parallelization: this function should be called
3829    !! from the root node only!
3830    !!
3831    !! This function should be called
3832    !=================================================!
3834    use w90_constants, only: eps6
3835    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, stdout, seedname
3837    implicit none
3839    integer :: chk_unit, nkp, i, j, k, l, ntmp, ierr
3840    character(len=33) :: header
3841    real(kind=dp) :: tmp_latt(3, 3), tmp_kpt_latt(3, num_kpts)
3842    integer :: tmp_excl_bands(1:num_exclude_bands), tmp_mp_grid(1:3)
3844    write (stdout, '(1x,3a)') 'Reading restart information from file ', trim(seedname), '.chk :'
3846    chk_unit = io_file_unit()
3847    open (unit=chk_unit, file=trim(seedname)//'.chk', status='old', form='unformatted', err=121)
3849    ! Read comment line
3850    read (chk_unit) header
3851    write (stdout, '(1x,a)', advance='no') trim(header)
3853    ! Consistency checks
3854    read (chk_unit) ntmp                           ! Number of bands
3855    if (ntmp .ne. num_bands) call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in num_bands')
3856    read (chk_unit) ntmp                           ! Number of excluded bands
3857    if (ntmp .ne. num_exclude_bands) &
3858      call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in num_exclude_bands')
3859    read (chk_unit) (tmp_excl_bands(i), i=1, num_exclude_bands) ! Excluded bands
3860    do i = 1, num_exclude_bands
3861      if (tmp_excl_bands(i) .ne. exclude_bands(i)) &
3862        call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in exclude_bands')
3863    enddo
3864    read (chk_unit) ((tmp_latt(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, 3)  ! Real lattice
3865    do j = 1, 3
3866      do i = 1, 3
3867        if (abs(tmp_latt(i, j) - real_lattice(i, j)) .gt. eps6) &
3868          call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in real_lattice')
3869      enddo
3870    enddo
3871    read (chk_unit) ((tmp_latt(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, 3)  ! Reciprocal lattice
3872    do j = 1, 3
3873      do i = 1, 3
3874        if (abs(tmp_latt(i, j) - recip_lattice(i, j)) .gt. eps6) &
3875          call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in recip_lattice')
3876      enddo
3877    enddo
3878    read (chk_unit) ntmp                ! K-points
3879    if (ntmp .ne. num_kpts) &
3880      call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in num_kpts')
3881    read (chk_unit) (tmp_mp_grid(i), i=1, 3)         ! M-P grid
3882    do i = 1, 3
3883      if (tmp_mp_grid(i) .ne. mp_grid(i)) &
3884        call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in mp_grid')
3885    enddo
3886    read (chk_unit) ((tmp_kpt_latt(i, nkp), i=1, 3), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3887    do nkp = 1, num_kpts
3888      do i = 1, 3
3889        if (abs(tmp_kpt_latt(i, nkp) - kpt_latt(i, nkp)) .gt. eps6) &
3890          call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in kpt_latt')
3891      enddo
3892    enddo
3893    read (chk_unit) ntmp                ! nntot
3894    if (ntmp .ne. nntot) &
3895      call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in nntot')
3896    read (chk_unit) ntmp                ! num_wann
3897    if (ntmp .ne. num_wann) &
3898      call io_error('param_read_chk: Mismatch in num_wann')
3899    ! End of consistency checks
3901    read (chk_unit) checkpoint             ! checkpoint
3902    checkpoint = adjustl(trim(checkpoint))
3904    read (chk_unit) have_disentangled      ! whether a disentanglement has been performed
3906    if (have_disentangled) then
3908      read (chk_unit) omega_invariant     ! omega invariant
3910      ! lwindow
3911      if (.not. allocated(lwindow)) then
3912        allocate (lwindow(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
3913        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating lwindow in param_read_chkpt')
3914      endif
3915      read (chk_unit, err=122) ((lwindow(i, nkp), i=1, num_bands), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3917      ! ndimwin
3918      if (.not. allocated(ndimwin)) then
3919        allocate (ndimwin(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
3920        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ndimwin in param_read_chkpt')
3921      endif
3922      read (chk_unit, err=123) (ndimwin(nkp), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3924      ! U_matrix_opt
3925      if (.not. allocated(u_matrix_opt)) then
3926        allocate (u_matrix_opt(num_bands, num_wann, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
3927        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix_opt in param_read_chkpt')
3928      endif
3929      read (chk_unit, err=124) (((u_matrix_opt(i, j, nkp), i=1, num_bands), j=1, num_wann), nkp=1, num_kpts)
3931    endif
3933    ! U_matrix
3934    if (.not. allocated(u_matrix)) then
3935      allocate (u_matrix(num_wann, num_wann, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
3936      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix in param_read_chkpt')
3937    endif
3938    read (chk_unit, err=125) (((u_matrix(i, j, k), i=1, num_wann), j=1, num_wann), k=1, num_kpts)
3940    ! M_matrix
3941    if (.not. allocated(m_matrix)) then
3942      allocate (m_matrix(num_wann, num_wann, nntot, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
3943      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating m_matrix in param_read_chkpt')
3944    endif
3945    read (chk_unit, err=126) ((((m_matrix(i, j, k, l), i=1, num_wann), j=1, num_wann), k=1, nntot), l=1, num_kpts)
3947    ! wannier_centres
3948    read (chk_unit, err=127) ((wannier_centres(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, num_wann)
3950    ! wannier spreads
3951    read (chk_unit, err=128) (wannier_spreads(i), i=1, num_wann)
3953    close (chk_unit)
3955    write (stdout, '(a/)') ' ... done'
3957    return
3959121 if (ispostw90) then
3960      call io_error('Error opening '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt: did you run wannier90.x first?')
3961    else
3962      call io_error('Error opening '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3963    end if
3964122 call io_error('Error reading lwindow from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3965123 call io_error('Error reading ndimwin from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3966124 call io_error('Error reading u_matrix_opt from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3967125 call io_error('Error reading u_matrix from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3968126 call io_error('Error reading m_matrix from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3969127 call io_error('Error reading wannier_centres from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3970128 call io_error('Error reading wannier_spreads from '//trim(seedname)//'.chk in param_read_chkpt')
3972  end subroutine param_read_chkpt
3975  subroutine param_chkpt_dist
3976    !===========================================================!
3977    !                                                           !
3978    !! Distribute the chk files
3979    !                                                           !
3980    !===========================================================!
3982    use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi
3983    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, &
3984      io_date, io_time, io_stopwatch
3985    use w90_comms, only: on_root, comms_bcast
3987    implicit none
3989    integer :: ierr, loop_kpt, m, i, j
3991    call comms_bcast(checkpoint, len(checkpoint))
3993    if (.not. on_root .and. .not. allocated(u_matrix)) then
3994      allocate (u_matrix(num_wann, num_wann, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
3995      if (ierr /= 0) &
3996        call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix in param_chkpt_dist')
3997    endif
3998    call comms_bcast(u_matrix(1, 1, 1), num_wann*num_wann*num_kpts)
4000!    if (.not.on_root .and. .not.allocated(m_matrix)) then
4001!       allocate(m_matrix(num_wann,num_wann,nntot,num_kpts),stat=ierr)
4002!       if (ierr/=0)&
4003!            call io_error('Error allocating m_matrix in param_chkpt_dist')
4004!    endif
4005!    call comms_bcast(m_matrix(1,1,1,1),num_wann*num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)
4007    call comms_bcast(have_disentangled, 1)
4009    if (have_disentangled) then
4010      if (.not. on_root) then
4012        if (.not. allocated(u_matrix_opt)) then
4013          allocate (u_matrix_opt(num_bands, num_wann, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
4014          if (ierr /= 0) &
4015            call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix_opt in param_chkpt_dist')
4016        endif
4018        if (.not. allocated(lwindow)) then
4019          allocate (lwindow(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
4020          if (ierr /= 0) &
4021            call io_error('Error allocating lwindow in param_chkpt_dist')
4022        endif
4024        if (.not. allocated(ndimwin)) then
4025          allocate (ndimwin(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
4026          if (ierr /= 0) &
4027            call io_error('Error allocating ndimwin in param_chkpt_dist')
4028        endif
4030      end if
4032      call comms_bcast(u_matrix_opt(1, 1, 1), num_bands*num_wann*num_kpts)
4033      call comms_bcast(lwindow(1, 1), num_bands*num_kpts)
4034      call comms_bcast(ndimwin(1), num_kpts)
4035      call comms_bcast(omega_invariant, 1)
4036    end if
4037    call comms_bcast(wannier_centres(1, 1), 3*num_wann)
4038    call comms_bcast(wannier_spreads(1), num_wann)
4040  end subroutine param_chkpt_dist
4043  subroutine param_in_file
4044    !=======================================!
4045    !! Load the *.win file into a character
4046    !! array in_file, ignoring comments and
4047    !! blank lines and converting everything
4048    !! to lowercase characters
4049    !=======================================!
4051    use w90_io, only: io_file_unit, io_error, seedname
4052    use w90_utility, only: utility_lowercase
4054    implicit none
4056    integer           :: in_unit, tot_num_lines, ierr, line_counter, loop, in1, in2
4057    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy
4058    integer           :: pos
4059    character, parameter :: TABCHAR = char(9)
4061    in_unit = io_file_unit()
4062    open (in_unit, file=trim(seedname)//'.win', form='formatted', status='old', err=101)
4064    num_lines = 0; tot_num_lines = 0
4065    do
4066      read (in_unit, '(a)', iostat=ierr, err=200, end=210) dummy
4067      ! [GP-begin, Apr13, 2012]: I convert all tabulation characters to spaces
4068      pos = index(dummy, TABCHAR)
4069      do while (pos .ne. 0)
4070        dummy(pos:pos) = ' '
4071        pos = index(dummy, TABCHAR)
4072      end do
4073      ! [GP-end]
4074      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4075      tot_num_lines = tot_num_lines + 1
4076      if (.not. dummy(1:1) == '!' .and. .not. dummy(1:1) == '#') then
4077        if (len(trim(dummy)) > 0) num_lines = num_lines + 1
4078      endif
4080    end do
4082101 call io_error('Error: Problem opening input file '//trim(seedname)//'.win')
4083200 call io_error('Error: Problem reading input file '//trim(seedname)//'.win')
4084210 continue
4085    rewind (in_unit)
4087    allocate (in_data(num_lines), stat=ierr)
4088    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating in_data in param_in_file')
4090    line_counter = 0
4091    do loop = 1, tot_num_lines
4092      read (in_unit, '(a)', iostat=ierr, err=200) dummy
4093      ! [GP-begin, Apr13, 2012]: I convert all tabulation characters to spaces
4094      pos = index(dummy, TABCHAR)
4095      do while (pos .ne. 0)
4096        dummy(pos:pos) = ' '
4097        pos = index(dummy, TABCHAR)
4098      end do
4099      ! [GP-end]
4100      dummy = utility_lowercase(dummy)
4101      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4102      if (dummy(1:1) == '!' .or. dummy(1:1) == '#') cycle
4103      if (len(trim(dummy)) == 0) cycle
4104      line_counter = line_counter + 1
4105      in1 = index(dummy, '!')
4106      in2 = index(dummy, '#')
4107      if (in1 == 0 .and. in2 == 0) in_data(line_counter) = dummy
4108      if (in1 == 0 .and. in2 > 0) in_data(line_counter) = dummy(:in2 - 1)
4109      if (in2 == 0 .and. in1 > 0) in_data(line_counter) = dummy(:in1 - 1)
4110      if (in2 > 0 .and. in1 > 0) in_data(line_counter) = dummy(:min(in1, in2) - 1)
4111    end do
4113    close (in_unit)
4115  end subroutine param_in_file
4118  subroutine param_get_keyword(keyword, found, c_value, l_value, i_value, r_value)
4119    !===========================================================================!
4120    !                                                                           !
4121    !! Finds the value of the required keyword.
4122    !                                                                           !
4123    !===========================================================================!
4125    use w90_io, only: io_error
4127    implicit none
4129    character(*), intent(in)  :: keyword
4130    !! Keyword to examine
4131    logical, intent(out) :: found
4132    !! Is keyword present
4133    character(*), optional, intent(inout) :: c_value
4134    !! Keyword value
4135    logical, optional, intent(inout) :: l_value
4136    !! Keyword value
4137    integer, optional, intent(inout) :: i_value
4138    !! Keyword value
4139    real(kind=dp), optional, intent(inout) :: r_value
4140    !! Keyword value
4142    integer           :: kl, in, loop, itmp
4143    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy
4145    kl = len_trim(keyword)
4147    found = .false.
4149    do loop = 1, num_lines
4150      in = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4151      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4152      itmp = in + len(trim(keyword))
4153      if (in_data(loop) (itmp:itmp) /= '=' &
4154          .and. in_data(loop) (itmp:itmp) /= ':' &
4155          .and. in_data(loop) (itmp:itmp) /= ' ') cycle
4156      if (found) then
4157        call io_error('Error: Found keyword '//trim(keyword)//' more than once in input file')
4158      endif
4159      found = .true.
4160      dummy = in_data(loop) (kl + 1:)
4161      in_data(loop) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4162      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4163      if (dummy(1:1) == '=' .or. dummy(1:1) == ':') then
4164        dummy = dummy(2:)
4165        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4166      end if
4167    end do
4169    if (found) then
4170      if (present(c_value)) c_value = dummy
4171      if (present(l_value)) then
4172        if (index(dummy, 't') > 0) then
4173          l_value = .true.
4174        elseif (index(dummy, 'f') > 0) then
4175          l_value = .false.
4176        else
4177          call io_error('Error: Problem reading logical keyword '//trim(keyword))
4178        endif
4179      endif
4180      if (present(i_value)) read (dummy, *, err=220, end=220) i_value
4181      if (present(r_value)) read (dummy, *, err=220, end=220) r_value
4182    end if
4184    return
4186220 call io_error('Error: Problem reading keyword '//trim(keyword))
4188  end subroutine param_get_keyword
4191  subroutine param_get_keyword_vector(keyword, found, length, c_value, l_value, i_value, r_value)
4192    !=========================================================================================!
4193    !                                                                                         !
4194    !! Finds the values of the required keyword vector
4195    !                                                                                         !
4196    !=========================================================================================!
4198    use w90_io, only: io_error
4200    implicit none
4202    character(*), intent(in)  :: keyword
4203    !! Keyword to examine
4204    logical, intent(out) :: found
4205    !! Is keyword present
4206    integer, intent(in)  :: length
4207    !! Length of vecotr to read
4208    character(*), optional, intent(inout) :: c_value(length)
4209    !! Keyword data
4210    logical, optional, intent(inout) :: l_value(length)
4211    !! Keyword data
4212    integer, optional, intent(inout) :: i_value(length)
4213    !! Keyword data
4214    real(kind=dp), optional, intent(inout) :: r_value(length)
4215    !! Keyword data
4217    integer           :: kl, in, loop, i
4218    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy
4220    kl = len_trim(keyword)
4222    found = .false.
4224    do loop = 1, num_lines
4225      in = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4226      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4227      if (found) then
4228        call io_error('Error: Found keyword '//trim(keyword)//' more than once in input file')
4229      endif
4230      found = .true.
4231      dummy = in_data(loop) (kl + 1:)
4232      in_data(loop) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4233      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4234      if (dummy(1:1) == '=' .or. dummy(1:1) == ':') then
4235        dummy = dummy(2:)
4236        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4237      end if
4238    end do
4240    if (found) then
4241      if (present(c_value)) read (dummy, *, err=230, end=230) (c_value(i), i=1, length)
4242      if (present(l_value)) then
4243        ! I don't think we need this. Maybe read into a dummy charater
4244        ! array and convert each element to logical
4245        call io_error('param_get_keyword_vector unimplemented for logicals')
4246      endif
4247      if (present(i_value)) read (dummy, *, err=230, end=230) (i_value(i), i=1, length)
4248      if (present(r_value)) read (dummy, *, err=230, end=230) (r_value(i), i=1, length)
4249    end if
4251    return
4253230 call io_error('Error: Problem reading keyword '//trim(keyword)//' in param_get_keyword_vector')
4255  end subroutine param_get_keyword_vector
4258  subroutine param_get_vector_length(keyword, found, length)
4259    !======================================================!
4260    !                                                      !
4261    !! Returns the length of a keyword vector
4262    !                                                      !
4263    !======================================================!
4265    use w90_io, only: io_error
4267    implicit none
4269    character(*), intent(in)  :: keyword
4270    !! Keyword to examine
4271    logical, intent(out) :: found
4272    !! Is keyword present
4273    integer, intent(out)  :: length
4274    !! length of vector
4276    integer           :: kl, in, loop, pos
4277    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy
4279    kl = len_trim(keyword)
4281    found = .false.
4283    do loop = 1, num_lines
4284      in = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4285      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4286      if (found) then
4287        call io_error('Error: Found keyword '//trim(keyword)//' more than once in input file')
4288      endif
4289      found = .true.
4290      dummy = in_data(loop) (kl + 1:)
4291      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4292      if (dummy(1:1) == '=' .or. dummy(1:1) == ':') then
4293        dummy = dummy(2:)
4294        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4295      end if
4296    end do
4298    length = 0
4299    if (found) then
4300      if (len_trim(dummy) == 0) call io_error('Error: keyword '//trim(keyword)//' is blank')
4301      length = 1
4302      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4303      do
4304        pos = index(dummy, ' ')
4305        dummy = dummy(pos + 1:)
4306        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4307        if (len_trim(dummy) > 0) then
4308          length = length + 1
4309        else
4310          exit
4311        endif
4313      end do
4315    end if
4317    return
4319  end subroutine param_get_vector_length
4322  subroutine param_get_keyword_block(keyword, found, rows, columns, c_value, l_value, i_value, r_value)
4323    !==============================================================================================!
4324    !                                                                                              !
4325    !!   Finds the values of the required data block
4326    !                                                                                              !
4327    !==============================================================================================!
4329    use w90_constants, only: bohr
4330    use w90_io, only: io_error
4332    implicit none
4334    character(*), intent(in)  :: keyword
4335    !! Keyword to examine
4336    logical, intent(out) :: found
4337    !! Is keyword present
4338    integer, intent(in)  :: rows
4339    !! Number of rows
4340    integer, intent(in)  :: columns
4341    !! Number of columns
4342    character(*), optional, intent(inout) :: c_value(columns, rows)
4343    !! keyword block data
4344    logical, optional, intent(inout) :: l_value(columns, rows)
4345    !! keyword block data
4346    integer, optional, intent(inout) :: i_value(columns, rows)
4347    !! keyword block data
4348    real(kind=dp), optional, intent(inout) :: r_value(columns, rows)
4349    !! keyword block data
4351    integer           :: in, ins, ine, loop, i, line_e, line_s, counter, blen
4352    logical           :: found_e, found_s, lconvert
4353    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy, end_st, start_st
4355    found_s = .false.
4356    found_e = .false.
4358    start_st = 'begin '//trim(keyword)
4359    end_st = 'end '//trim(keyword)
4361    do loop = 1, num_lines
4362      ins = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4363      if (ins == 0) cycle
4364      in = index(in_data(loop), 'begin')
4365      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4366      line_s = loop
4367      if (found_s) then
4368        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' more than once in input file')
4369      endif
4370      found_s = .true.
4371    end do
4373    if (.not. found_s) then
4374      found = .false.
4375      return
4376    end if
4378    do loop = 1, num_lines
4379      ine = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4380      if (ine == 0) cycle
4381      in = index(in_data(loop), 'end')
4382      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4383      line_e = loop
4384      if (found_e) then
4385        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(end_st)//' more than once in input file')
4386      endif
4387      found_e = .true.
4388    end do
4390    if (.not. found_e) then
4391      call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' but no '//trim(end_st)//' in input file')
4392    end if
4394    if (line_e <= line_s) then
4395      call io_error('Error: '//trim(end_st)//' comes before '//trim(start_st)//' in input file')
4396    end if
4398    ! number of lines of data in block
4399    blen = line_e - line_s - 1
4401    !    if( blen /= rows) then
4402    !       if ( index(trim(keyword),'unit_cell_cart').ne.0 ) then
4403    !          if ( blen /= rows+1 ) call io_error('Error: Wrong number of lines in block '//trim(keyword))
4404    !       else
4405    !          call io_error('Error: Wrong number of lines in block '//trim(keyword))
4406    !       endif
4407    !    endif
4409    if ((blen .ne. rows) .and. (blen .ne. rows + 1)) &
4410      call io_error('Error: Wrong number of lines in block '//trim(keyword))
4412    if ((blen .eq. rows + 1) .and. (index(trim(keyword), 'unit_cell_cart') .eq. 0)) &
4413      call io_error('Error: Wrong number of lines in block '//trim(keyword))
4415    found = .true.
4417    lconvert = .false.
4418    if (blen == rows + 1) then
4419      dummy = in_data(line_s + 1)
4420      if (index(dummy, 'ang') .ne. 0) then
4421        lconvert = .false.
4422      elseif (index(dummy, 'bohr') .ne. 0) then
4423        lconvert = .true.
4424      else
4425        call io_error('Error: Units in block '//trim(keyword)//' not recognised')
4426      endif
4427      in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4428      line_s = line_s + 1
4429    endif
4431!    r_value=1.0_dp
4432    counter = 0
4433    do loop = line_s + 1, line_e - 1
4434      dummy = in_data(loop)
4435      counter = counter + 1
4436      if (present(c_value)) read (dummy, *, err=240, end=240) (c_value(i, counter), i=1, columns)
4437      if (present(l_value)) then
4438        ! I don't think we need this. Maybe read into a dummy charater
4439        ! array and convert each element to logical
4440        call io_error('param_get_keyword_block unimplemented for logicals')
4441      endif
4442      if (present(i_value)) read (dummy, *, err=240, end=240) (i_value(i, counter), i=1, columns)
4443      if (present(r_value)) read (dummy, *, err=240, end=240) (r_value(i, counter), i=1, columns)
4444    end do
4446    if (lconvert) then
4447      if (present(r_value)) then
4448        r_value = r_value*bohr
4449      endif
4450    endif
4452    in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4454    return
4456240 call io_error('Error: Problem reading block keyword '//trim(keyword))
4458  end subroutine param_get_keyword_block
4461  subroutine param_get_block_length(keyword, found, rows, lunits)
4462    !=====================================================!
4463    !                                                     !
4464    !! Finds the length of the data block
4465    !                                                     !
4466    !=====================================================!
4468    use w90_io, only: io_error
4470    implicit none
4472    character(*), intent(in)  :: keyword
4473    !! Keyword to examine
4474    logical, intent(out) :: found
4475    !! Is keyword present
4476    integer, intent(out) :: rows
4477    !! Number of rows
4478    logical, optional, intent(out) :: lunits
4479    !! Have we found a unit specification
4481    integer           :: i, in, ins, ine, loop, line_e, line_s
4482    logical           :: found_e, found_s
4483    character(len=maxlen) :: end_st, start_st, dummy
4484    character(len=2)  :: atsym
4485    real(kind=dp)     :: atpos(3)
4487    rows = 0
4488    found_s = .false.
4489    found_e = .false.
4491    start_st = 'begin '//trim(keyword)
4492    end_st = 'end '//trim(keyword)
4494    do loop = 1, num_lines
4495      ins = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4496      if (ins == 0) cycle
4497      in = index(in_data(loop), 'begin')
4498      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4499      line_s = loop
4500      if (found_s) then
4501        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' more than once in input file')
4502      endif
4503      found_s = .true.
4504    end do
4506    if (.not. found_s) then
4507      found = .false.
4508      return
4509    end if
4511    do loop = 1, num_lines
4512      ine = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4513      if (ine == 0) cycle
4514      in = index(in_data(loop), 'end')
4515      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4516      line_e = loop
4517      if (found_e) then
4518        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(end_st)//' more than once in input file')
4519      endif
4520      found_e = .true.
4521    end do
4523    if (.not. found_e) then
4524      call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' but no '//trim(end_st)//' in input file')
4525    end if
4527    if (line_e <= line_s) then
4528      call io_error('Error: '//trim(end_st)//' comes before '//trim(start_st)//' in input file')
4529    end if
4531    rows = line_e - line_s - 1
4533    found = .true.
4535    ! Ignore atoms_cart and atoms_frac blocks if running in library mode
4536    if (library) then
4537      if (trim(keyword) .eq. 'atoms_cart' .or. trim(keyword) .eq. 'atoms_frac') then
4538        in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4539      endif
4540    endif
4542    if (present(lunits)) then
4543      dummy = in_data(line_s + 1)
4544      !       write(stdout,*) dummy
4545      !       write(stdout,*) trim(dummy)
4546      read (dummy, *, end=555) atsym, (atpos(i), i=1, 3)
4547      lunits = .false.
4548    endif
4550    if (rows <= 0) then !cope with empty blocks
4551      found = .false.
4552      in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4553    end if
4555    return
4557555 lunits = .true.
4559    if (rows <= 1) then !cope with empty blocks
4560      found = .false.
4561      in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4562    end if
4564    return
4566  end subroutine param_get_block_length
4569  subroutine param_get_atoms(lunits)
4570    !===================================!
4571    !                                   !
4572    !!   Fills the atom data block
4573    !                                   !
4574    !===================================!
4576    use w90_constants, only: bohr
4577    use w90_utility, only: utility_frac_to_cart, utility_cart_to_frac
4578    use w90_io, only: io_error
4579    implicit none
4581    logical, intent(in) :: lunits
4582    !! Do we expect a first line with the units
4584    real(kind=dp)     :: atoms_pos_frac_tmp(3, num_atoms)
4585    real(kind=dp)     :: atoms_pos_cart_tmp(3, num_atoms)
4586    character(len=20) :: keyword
4587    integer           :: in, ins, ine, loop, i, line_e, line_s, counter
4588    integer           :: i_temp, loop2, max_sites, ierr, ic
4589    logical           :: found_e, found_s, found, frac
4590    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy, end_st, start_st
4591    character(len=maxlen) :: ctemp(num_atoms)
4592    character(len=maxlen) :: atoms_label_tmp(num_atoms)
4593    logical           :: lconvert
4595    keyword = "atoms_cart"
4596    frac = .false.
4597    call param_get_block_length("atoms_frac", found, i_temp)
4598    if (found) then
4599      keyword = "atoms_frac"
4600      frac = .true.
4601    end if
4603    found_s = .false.
4604    found_e = .false.
4606    start_st = 'begin '//trim(keyword)
4607    end_st = 'end '//trim(keyword)
4609    do loop = 1, num_lines
4610      ins = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4611      if (ins == 0) cycle
4612      in = index(in_data(loop), 'begin')
4613      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4614      line_s = loop
4615      if (found_s) then
4616        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' more than once in input file')
4617      endif
4618      found_s = .true.
4619    end do
4621    do loop = 1, num_lines
4622      ine = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4623      if (ine == 0) cycle
4624      in = index(in_data(loop), 'end')
4625      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4626      line_e = loop
4627      if (found_e) then
4628        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(end_st)//' more than once in input file')
4629      endif
4630      found_e = .true.
4631    end do
4633    if (.not. found_e) then
4634      call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' but no '//trim(end_st)//' in input file')
4635    end if
4637    if (line_e <= line_s) then
4638      call io_error('Error: '//trim(end_st)//' comes before '//trim(start_st)//' in input file')
4639    end if
4641    lconvert = .false.
4642    if (lunits) then
4643      dummy = in_data(line_s + 1)
4644      if (index(dummy, 'ang') .ne. 0) then
4645        lconvert = .false.
4646      elseif (index(dummy, 'bohr') .ne. 0) then
4647        lconvert = .true.
4648      else
4649        call io_error('Error: Units in block atoms_cart not recognised in param_get_atoms')
4650      endif
4651      in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4652      line_s = line_s + 1
4653    endif
4655    counter = 0
4656    do loop = line_s + 1, line_e - 1
4657      dummy = in_data(loop)
4658      counter = counter + 1
4659      if (frac) then
4660        read (dummy, *, err=240, end=240) atoms_label_tmp(counter), (atoms_pos_frac_tmp(i, counter), i=1, 3)
4661      else
4662        read (dummy, *, err=240, end=240) atoms_label_tmp(counter), (atoms_pos_cart_tmp(i, counter), i=1, 3)
4663      end if
4664    end do
4666    if (lconvert) atoms_pos_cart_tmp = atoms_pos_cart_tmp*bohr
4668    in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4670    if (frac) then
4671      do loop = 1, num_atoms
4672        call utility_frac_to_cart(atoms_pos_frac_tmp(:, loop), atoms_pos_cart_tmp(:, loop), real_lattice)
4673      end do
4674    else
4675      do loop = 1, num_atoms
4676        call utility_cart_to_frac(atoms_pos_cart_tmp(:, loop), atoms_pos_frac_tmp(:, loop), recip_lattice)
4677      end do
4678    end if
4680    ! Now we sort the data into the proper structures
4681    num_species = 1
4682    ctemp(1) = atoms_label_tmp(1)
4683    do loop = 2, num_atoms
4684      do loop2 = 1, loop - 1
4685        if (trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop)) == trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop2))) exit
4686        if (loop2 == loop - 1) then
4687          num_species = num_species + 1
4688          ctemp(num_species) = atoms_label_tmp(loop)
4689        end if
4690      end do
4691    end do
4693    allocate (atoms_species_num(num_species), stat=ierr)
4694    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_species_num in param_get_atoms')
4695    allocate (atoms_label(num_species), stat=ierr)
4696    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_label in param_get_atoms')
4697    allocate (atoms_symbol(num_species), stat=ierr)
4698    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_symbol in param_get_atoms')
4699    atoms_species_num(:) = 0
4701    do loop = 1, num_species
4702      atoms_label(loop) = ctemp(loop)
4703      do loop2 = 1, num_atoms
4704        if (trim(atoms_label(loop)) == trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop2))) then
4705          atoms_species_num(loop) = atoms_species_num(loop) + 1
4706        end if
4707      end do
4708    end do
4710    max_sites = maxval(atoms_species_num)
4711    allocate (atoms_pos_frac(3, max_sites, num_species), stat=ierr)
4712    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_pos_frac in param_get_atoms')
4713    allocate (atoms_pos_cart(3, max_sites, num_species), stat=ierr)
4714    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_pos_cart in param_get_atoms')
4716    do loop = 1, num_species
4717      counter = 0
4718      do loop2 = 1, num_atoms
4719        if (trim(atoms_label(loop)) == trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop2))) then
4720          counter = counter + 1
4721          atoms_pos_frac(:, counter, loop) = atoms_pos_frac_tmp(:, loop2)
4722          atoms_pos_cart(:, counter, loop) = atoms_pos_cart_tmp(:, loop2)
4723        end if
4724      end do
4725    end do
4727    ! Strip any numeric characters from atoms_label to get atoms_symbol
4728    do loop = 1, num_species
4729      atoms_symbol(loop) (1:2) = atoms_label(loop) (1:2)
4730      ic = ichar(atoms_symbol(loop) (2:2))
4731      if ((ic .lt. ichar('a')) .or. (ic .gt. ichar('z'))) &
4732        atoms_symbol(loop) (2:2) = ' '
4733    end do
4735    return
4737240 call io_error('Error: Problem reading block keyword '//trim(keyword))
4739  end subroutine param_get_atoms
4742  subroutine param_lib_set_atoms(atoms_label_tmp, atoms_pos_cart_tmp)
4743    !=====================================================!
4744    !                                                     !
4745    !!   Fills the atom data block during a library call
4746    !                                                     !
4747    !=====================================================!
4749    use w90_utility, only: utility_cart_to_frac, utility_lowercase
4750    use w90_io, only: io_error
4752    implicit none
4754    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atoms_label_tmp(num_atoms)
4755    !! Atom labels
4756    real(kind=dp), intent(in)      :: atoms_pos_cart_tmp(3, num_atoms)
4757    !! Atom positions
4759    real(kind=dp)     :: atoms_pos_frac_tmp(3, num_atoms)
4760    integer           :: loop2, max_sites, ierr, ic, loop, counter
4761    character(len=maxlen) :: ctemp(num_atoms)
4762    character(len=maxlen) :: tmp_string
4764    do loop = 1, num_atoms
4765      call utility_cart_to_frac(atoms_pos_cart_tmp(:, loop), &
4766                                atoms_pos_frac_tmp(:, loop), recip_lattice)
4767    enddo
4769    ! Now we sort the data into the proper structures
4770    num_species = 1
4771    ctemp(1) = atoms_label_tmp(1)
4772    do loop = 2, num_atoms
4773      do loop2 = 1, loop - 1
4774        if (trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop)) == trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop2))) exit
4775        if (loop2 == loop - 1) then
4776          num_species = num_species + 1
4777          ctemp(num_species) = atoms_label_tmp(loop)
4778        end if
4779      end do
4780    end do
4782    allocate (atoms_species_num(num_species), stat=ierr)
4783    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_species_num in param_lib_set_atoms')
4784    allocate (atoms_label(num_species), stat=ierr)
4785    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_label in param_lib_set_atoms')
4786    allocate (atoms_symbol(num_species), stat=ierr)
4787    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_symbol in param_lib_set_atoms')
4788    atoms_species_num(:) = 0
4790    do loop = 1, num_species
4791      atoms_label(loop) = ctemp(loop)
4792      do loop2 = 1, num_atoms
4793        if (trim(atoms_label(loop)) == trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop2))) then
4794          atoms_species_num(loop) = atoms_species_num(loop) + 1
4795        end if
4796      end do
4797    end do
4799    max_sites = maxval(atoms_species_num)
4800    allocate (atoms_pos_frac(3, max_sites, num_species), stat=ierr)
4801    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_pos_frac in param_lib_set_atoms')
4802    allocate (atoms_pos_cart(3, max_sites, num_species), stat=ierr)
4803    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating atoms_pos_cart in param_lib_set_atoms')
4805    do loop = 1, num_species
4806      counter = 0
4807      do loop2 = 1, num_atoms
4808        if (trim(atoms_label(loop)) == trim(atoms_label_tmp(loop2))) then
4809          counter = counter + 1
4810          atoms_pos_frac(:, counter, loop) = atoms_pos_frac_tmp(:, loop2)
4811          atoms_pos_cart(:, counter, loop) = atoms_pos_cart_tmp(:, loop2)
4812        end if
4813      end do
4814    end do
4816    ! Strip any numeric characters from atoms_label to get atoms_symbol
4817    do loop = 1, num_species
4818      atoms_symbol(loop) (1:2) = atoms_label(loop) (1:2)
4819      ic = ichar(atoms_symbol(loop) (2:2))
4820      if ((ic .lt. ichar('a')) .or. (ic .gt. ichar('z'))) &
4821        atoms_symbol(loop) (2:2) = ' '
4822      tmp_string = trim(adjustl(utility_lowercase(atoms_symbol(loop))))
4823      atoms_symbol(loop) (1:2) = tmp_string(1:2)
4824      tmp_string = trim(adjustl(utility_lowercase(atoms_label(loop))))
4825      atoms_label(loop) (1:2) = tmp_string(1:2)
4826    end do
4828    return
4830  end subroutine param_lib_set_atoms
4833  subroutine param_get_range_vector(keyword, found, length, lcount, i_value)
4834    !====================================================================!
4835    !!   Read a range vector eg. 1,2,3,4-10  or 1 3 400:100
4836    !!   if(lcount) we return the number of states in length
4837    !====================================================================!
4838    use w90_io, only: io_error
4840    implicit none
4842    character(*), intent(in)    :: keyword
4843    !! Keyword to examine
4844    logical, intent(out)   :: found
4845    !! Is keyword found
4846    integer, intent(inout) :: length
4847    !! Number of states
4848    logical, intent(in)    :: lcount
4849    !! If T only count states
4850    integer, optional, intent(out)   :: i_value(length)
4851    !! States specified in range vector
4853    integer   :: kl, in, loop, num1, num2, i_punc
4854    integer   :: counter, i_digit, loop_r, range_size
4855    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy
4856    character(len=10), parameter :: c_digit = "0123456789"
4857    character(len=2), parameter :: c_range = "-:"
4858    character(len=3), parameter :: c_sep = " ,;"
4859    character(len=5), parameter :: c_punc = " ,;-:"
4860    character(len=5)  :: c_num1, c_num2
4862    if (lcount .and. present(i_value)) call io_error('param_get_range_vector: incorrect call')
4864    kl = len_trim(keyword)
4866    found = .false.
4868    do loop = 1, num_lines
4869      in = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
4870      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
4871      if (found) then
4872        call io_error('Error: Found keyword '//trim(keyword)//' more than once in input file')
4873      endif
4874      found = .true.
4875      dummy = in_data(loop) (kl + 1:)
4876      dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4877      if (.not. lcount) in_data(loop) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4878      if (dummy(1:1) == '=' .or. dummy(1:1) == ':') then
4879        dummy = dummy(2:)
4880        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4881      end if
4882    end do
4884    if (.not. found) return
4886    counter = 0
4887    if (len_trim(dummy) == 0) call io_error('Error: keyword '//trim(keyword)//' is blank')
4888    dummy = adjustl(dummy)
4889    do
4890      i_punc = scan(dummy, c_punc)
4891      if (i_punc == 0) call io_error('Error parsing keyword '//trim(keyword))
4892      c_num1 = dummy(1:i_punc - 1)
4893      read (c_num1, *, err=101, end=101) num1
4894      dummy = adjustl(dummy(i_punc:))
4895      !look for range
4896      if (scan(dummy, c_range) == 1) then
4897        i_digit = scan(dummy, c_digit)
4898        dummy = adjustl(dummy(i_digit:))
4899        i_punc = scan(dummy, c_punc)
4900        c_num2 = dummy(1:i_punc - 1)
4901        read (c_num2, *, err=101, end=101) num2
4902        dummy = adjustl(dummy(i_punc:))
4903        range_size = abs(num2 - num1) + 1
4904        do loop_r = 1, range_size
4905          counter = counter + 1
4906          if (.not. lcount) i_value(counter) = min(num1, num2) + loop_r - 1
4907        end do
4908      else
4909        counter = counter + 1
4910        if (.not. lcount) i_value(counter) = num1
4911      end if
4913      if (scan(dummy, c_sep) == 1) dummy = adjustl(dummy(2:))
4914      if (scan(dummy, c_range) == 1) call io_error('Error parsing keyword '//trim(keyword)//' incorrect range')
4915      if (index(dummy, ' ') == 1) exit
4916    end do
4918    if (lcount) length = counter
4919    if (.not. lcount) then
4920      do loop = 1, counter - 1
4921        do loop_r = loop + 1, counter
4922          if (i_value(loop) == i_value(loop_r)) &
4923            call io_error('Error parsing keyword '//trim(keyword)//' duplicate values')
4924        end do
4925      end do
4926    end if
4928    return
4930101 call io_error('Error parsing keyword '//trim(keyword))
4932  end subroutine param_get_range_vector
4934  subroutine param_get_centre_constraints
4935    !=============================================================================!
4936    !                                                                             !
4937    !!  assigns projection centres as default centre constraints and global
4938    !!  Lagrange multiplier as individual Lagrange multipliers then reads
4939    !!  the centre_constraints block for individual centre constraint parameters
4940    !                                                                             !
4941    !=============================================================================!
4942    use w90_io, only: io_error
4943    use w90_utility, only: utility_frac_to_cart
4944    integer           :: loop1, index1, constraint_num, index2, loop2
4945    integer           :: column, start, finish, wann, ierr
4946    !logical           :: found
4947    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy
4949    do loop1 = 1, num_wann
4950      do loop2 = 1, 3
4951        ccentres_frac(loop1, loop2) = proj_site(loop2, loop1)
4952      end do
4953    end do
4955    constraint_num = 0
4956    do loop1 = 1, num_lines
4957      dummy = in_data(loop1)
4958      if (constraint_num > 0) then
4959        if (trim(dummy) == '') cycle
4960        index1 = index(dummy, 'begin')
4961        if (index1 > 0) call io_error("slwf_centres block hasn't ended yet")
4962        index1 = index(dummy, 'end')
4963        if (index1 > 0) then
4964          index1 = index(dummy, 'slwf_centres')
4965          if (index1 == 0) call io_error('Wrong ending of block (need to end slwf_centres)')
4966          in_data(loop1) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4967          exit
4968        end if
4969        column = 0
4970        start = 1
4971        finish = 1
4972        do loop2 = 1, len_trim(dummy)
4973          if (start == loop2 .and. dummy(loop2:loop2) == ' ') then
4974            start = loop2 + 1
4975          end if
4976          if (start < loop2) then
4977            if (dummy(loop2:loop2) == ' ') then
4978              finish = loop2 - 1
4979              call param_get_centre_constraint_from_column(column, start, finish, wann, dummy)
4980              start = loop2 + 1
4981              finish = start
4982            end if
4983          end if
4984          if (loop2 == len_trim(dummy) .and. dummy(loop2:loop2) /= ' ') then
4985            finish = loop2
4986            call param_get_centre_constraint_from_column(column, start, finish, wann, dummy)
4987            start = loop2 + 1
4988            finish = start
4989          end if
4990        end do
4991        in_data(loop1) (1:maxlen) = ' '
4992        constraint_num = constraint_num + 1
4993      end if
4994      index1 = index(dummy, 'slwf_centres')
4995      if (index1 > 0) then
4996        index1 = index(dummy, 'begin')
4997        if (index1 > 0) then
4998          constraint_num = 1
4999          in_data(loop1) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5000        end if
5001      end if
5002    end do
5003    do loop1 = 1, num_wann
5004      call utility_frac_to_cart(ccentres_frac(loop1, :), ccentres_cart(loop1, :), real_lattice)
5005    end do
5006  end subroutine param_get_centre_constraints
5008  subroutine param_get_centre_constraint_from_column(column, start, finish, wann, dummy)
5009    !===================================!
5010    !                                   !
5011    !!  assigns value read to constraint
5012    !!  parameters based on column
5013    !                                   !
5014    !===================================!
5015    use w90_io, only: io_error
5016    integer, intent(inout):: column, start, finish, wann
5017    character(len=maxlen), intent(inout):: dummy
5018    if (column == 0) then
5019      read (dummy(start:finish), '(i3)') wann
5020    end if
5021    if (column > 0) then
5022      if (column > 4) call io_error("Didn't expect anything else after Lagrange multiplier")
5023      if (column < 4) read (dummy(start:finish), '(f10.10)') ccentres_frac(wann, column)
5024    end if
5025    column = column + 1
5026  end subroutine param_get_centre_constraint_from_column
5029  subroutine param_get_projections(num_proj, lcount)
5030    !===================================!
5031    !                                   !
5032    !!  Fills the projection data block
5033    !                                   !
5034    !===================================!
5036    use w90_constants, only: bohr, eps6, eps2
5037    use w90_utility, only: utility_cart_to_frac, &
5038      utility_string_to_coord, utility_strip
5039    use w90_io, only: io_error
5041    implicit none
5043    integer, intent(inout) :: num_proj
5044    logical, intent(in)    :: lcount
5046    real(kind=dp)     :: pos_frac(3)
5047    real(kind=dp)     :: pos_cart(3)
5048    character(len=20) :: keyword
5049    integer           :: in, ins, ine, loop, line_e, line_s, counter
5050    integer           :: sites, species, line, pos1, pos2, pos3, m_tmp, l_tmp, mstate
5051    integer           :: loop_l, loop_m, loop_sites, ierr, loop_s, spn_counter
5052    logical           :: found_e, found_s
5053    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy, end_st, start_st
5054    character(len=maxlen) :: ctemp, ctemp2, ctemp3, ctemp4, ctemp5, m_string
5055    !
5056    integer, parameter :: min_l = -5
5057    integer, parameter :: max_l = 3
5058    integer, parameter :: min_m = 1
5059    integer, parameter :: max_m = 7
5060    integer            :: ang_states(min_m:max_m, min_l:max_l)
5061    ! default values for the optional part of the projection definitions
5062    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_z_def(3) = (/0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp/)
5063    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_x_def(3) = (/1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp/)
5064    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_s_qaxis_def(3) = (/0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp/)
5065    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_zona_def = 1.0_dp
5066    integer, parameter       :: proj_radial_def = 1
5067    !
5068    real(kind=dp) :: proj_z_tmp(3)
5069    real(kind=dp) :: proj_x_tmp(3)
5070    real(kind=dp) :: proj_s_qaxis_tmp(3)
5071    real(kind=dp) :: proj_zona_tmp
5072    integer       :: proj_radial_tmp
5073    logical       :: lconvert, lrandom, proj_u_tmp, proj_d_tmp
5074    logical       :: lpartrandom
5075    !
5076    real(kind=dp) :: xnorm, znorm, cosphi, sinphi, xnorm_new, cosphi_new
5078    keyword = "projections"
5080    found_s = .false.
5081    found_e = .false.
5083    start_st = 'begin '//trim(keyword)
5084    end_st = 'end '//trim(keyword)
5086!     if(spinors) num_proj=num_wann/2
5088    if (.not. lcount) then
5089      allocate (input_proj_site(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
5090      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_site in param_get_projections')
5091      allocate (input_proj_l(num_proj), stat=ierr)
5092      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_l in param_get_projections')
5093      allocate (input_proj_m(num_proj), stat=ierr)
5094      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_m in param_get_projections')
5095      allocate (input_proj_z(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
5096      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_z in param_get_projections')
5097      allocate (input_proj_x(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
5098      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_x in param_get_projections')
5099      allocate (input_proj_radial(num_proj), stat=ierr)
5100      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_radial in param_get_projections')
5101      allocate (input_proj_zona(num_proj), stat=ierr)
5102      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_zona in param_get_projections')
5103      if (spinors) then
5104        allocate (input_proj_s(num_proj), stat=ierr)
5105        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_s in param_get_projections')
5106        allocate (input_proj_s_qaxis(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
5107        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_s_qaxis in param_get_projections')
5108      endif
5110      allocate (proj_site(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
5111      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_site in param_get_projections')
5112      allocate (proj_l(num_wann), stat=ierr)
5113      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_l in param_get_projections')
5114      allocate (proj_m(num_wann), stat=ierr)
5115      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_m in param_get_projections')
5116      allocate (proj_z(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
5117      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_z in param_get_projections')
5118      allocate (proj_x(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
5119      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_x in param_get_projections')
5120      allocate (proj_radial(num_wann), stat=ierr)
5121      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_radial in param_get_projections')
5122      allocate (proj_zona(num_wann), stat=ierr)
5123      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_zona in param_get_projections')
5124      if (spinors) then
5125        allocate (proj_s(num_wann), stat=ierr)
5126        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_s in param_get_projections')
5127        allocate (proj_s_qaxis(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
5128        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_s_qaxis in param_get_projections')
5129      endif
5130    endif
5132    do loop = 1, num_lines
5133      ins = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
5134      if (ins == 0) cycle
5135      in = index(in_data(loop), 'begin')
5136      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
5137      line_s = loop
5138      if (found_s) then
5139        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' more than once in input file')
5140      endif
5141      found_s = .true.
5142    end do
5144    do loop = 1, num_lines
5145      ine = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
5146      if (ine == 0) cycle
5147      in = index(in_data(loop), 'end')
5148      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
5149      line_e = loop
5150      if (found_e) then
5151        call io_error('param_get_projections: Found '//trim(end_st)//' more than once in input file')
5152      endif
5153      found_e = .true.
5154    end do
5156    if (.not. found_e) then
5157      call io_error('param_get_projections: Found '//trim(start_st)//' but no '//trim(end_st)//' in input file')
5158    end if
5160    if (line_e <= line_s) then
5161      call io_error('param_get_projections: '//trim(end_st)//' comes before '//trim(start_st)//' in input file')
5162    end if
5164    dummy = in_data(line_s + 1)
5165    lconvert = .false.
5166    lrandom = .false.
5167    lpartrandom = .false.
5168    if (index(dummy, 'ang') .ne. 0) then
5169      if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5170      line_s = line_s + 1
5171    elseif (index(dummy, 'bohr') .ne. 0) then
5172      if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5173      line_s = line_s + 1
5174      lconvert = .true.
5175    elseif (index(dummy, 'random') .ne. 0) then
5176      if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5177      line_s = line_s + 1
5178      if (index(in_data(line_s + 1), end_st) .ne. 0) then
5179        lrandom = .true.     ! all projections random
5180      else
5181        lpartrandom = .true. ! only some projections random
5182        if (index(in_data(line_s + 1), 'ang') .ne. 0) then
5183          if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5184          line_s = line_s + 1
5185        elseif (index(in_data(line_s + 1), 'bohr') .ne. 0) then
5186          if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5187          line_s = line_s + 1
5188          lconvert = .true.
5189        endif
5190      endif
5191    endif
5193    counter = 0
5194    if (.not. lrandom) then
5195      do line = line_s + 1, line_e - 1
5196        ang_states = 0
5197        !Assume the default values
5198        proj_z_tmp = proj_z_def
5199        proj_x_tmp = proj_x_def
5200        proj_zona_tmp = proj_zona_def
5201        proj_radial_tmp = proj_radial_def
5202        if (spinors) then
5203          proj_s_qaxis_tmp = proj_s_qaxis_def
5204          spn_counter = 2
5205          proj_u_tmp = .true.
5206          proj_d_tmp = .true.
5207        else
5208          spn_counter = 1
5209        endif
5210        ! Strip input line of all spaces
5211        dummy = utility_strip(in_data(line))
5212        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
5213        pos1 = index(dummy, ':')
5214        if (pos1 == 0) &
5215          call io_error('param_read_projection: malformed projection definition: '//trim(dummy))
5216        sites = 0
5217        ctemp = dummy(:pos1 - 1)
5218        ! Read the atomic site
5219        if (index(ctemp, 'c=') > 0) then
5220          sites = -1
5221          ctemp = ctemp(3:)
5222          call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, pos_cart)
5223          if (lconvert) pos_cart = pos_cart*bohr
5224          call utility_cart_to_frac(pos_cart(:), pos_frac(:), recip_lattice)
5225        elseif (index(ctemp, 'f=') > 0) then
5226          sites = -1
5227          ctemp = ctemp(3:)
5228          call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, pos_frac)
5229        else
5230          if (num_species == 0) &
5231            call io_error('param_get_projection: Atom centred projection requested but no atoms defined')
5232          do loop = 1, num_species
5233            if (trim(ctemp) == atoms_label(loop)) then
5234              species = loop
5235              sites = atoms_species_num(loop)
5236              exit
5237            end if
5238            if (loop == num_species) call io_error('param_get_projection: Atom site not recognised '//trim(ctemp))
5239          end do
5240        end if
5242        dummy = dummy(pos1 + 1:)
5244        ! scan for quantisation direction
5245        pos1 = index(dummy, '[')
5246        if (spinors) then
5247          if (pos1 > 0) then
5248            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 1:))
5249            pos2 = index(ctemp, ']')
5250            if (pos2 == 0) call io_error &
5251              ('param_get_projections: no closing square bracket for spin quantisation dir')
5252            ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
5253            call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, proj_s_qaxis_tmp)
5254            dummy = dummy(:pos1 - 1) ! remove [ ] section
5255          endif
5256        else
5257          if (pos1 > 0) call io_error('param_get_projections: spin qdir is defined but spinors=.false.')
5258        endif
5260        ! scan for up or down
5261        pos1 = index(dummy, '(')
5262        if (spinors) then
5263          if (pos1 > 0) then
5264            proj_u_tmp = .false.; proj_d_tmp = .false.
5265            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 1:))
5266            pos2 = index(ctemp, ')')
5267            if (pos2 == 0) call io_error('param_get_projections: no closing bracket for spin')
5268            ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
5269            if (index(ctemp, 'u') > 0) proj_u_tmp = .true.
5270            if (index(ctemp, 'd') > 0) proj_d_tmp = .true.
5271            if (proj_u_tmp .and. proj_d_tmp) then
5272              spn_counter = 2
5273            elseif (.not. proj_u_tmp .and. .not. proj_d_tmp) then
5274              call io_error('param_get_projections: found brackets but neither u or d')
5275            else
5276              spn_counter = 1
5277            endif
5278            dummy = dummy(:pos1 - 1) ! remove ( ) section
5279          endif
5280        else
5281          if (pos1 > 0) call io_error('param_get_projections: spin is defined but spinors=.false.')
5282        endif
5284        !Now we know the sites for this line. Get the angular momentum states
5285        pos1 = index(dummy, ':')
5286        if (pos1 > 0) then
5287          ctemp = dummy(:pos1 - 1)
5288        else
5289          ctemp = dummy
5290        end if
5291        ctemp2 = ctemp
5292        do
5293          pos2 = index(ctemp2, ';')
5294          if (pos2 == 0) then
5295            ctemp3 = ctemp2
5296          else
5297            ctemp3 = ctemp2(:pos2 - 1)
5298          endif
5299          if (index(ctemp3, 'l=') == 1) then
5300            mstate = index(ctemp3, ',')
5301            if (mstate > 0) then
5302              read (ctemp3(3:mstate - 1), *, err=101, end=101) l_tmp
5303            else
5304              read (ctemp3(3:), *, err=101, end=101) l_tmp
5305            end if
5306            if (l_tmp < -5 .or. l_tmp > 3) call io_error('param_get_projection: Incorrect l state requested')
5307            if (mstate == 0) then
5308              if (l_tmp >= 0) then
5309                do loop_m = 1, 2*l_tmp + 1
5310                  ang_states(loop_m, l_tmp) = 1
5311                end do
5312              elseif (l_tmp == -1) then !sp
5313                ang_states(1:2, l_tmp) = 1
5314              elseif (l_tmp == -2) then !sp2
5315                ang_states(1:3, l_tmp) = 1
5316              elseif (l_tmp == -3) then !sp3
5317                ang_states(1:4, l_tmp) = 1
5318              elseif (l_tmp == -4) then !sp3d
5319                ang_states(1:5, l_tmp) = 1
5320              elseif (l_tmp == -5) then !sp3d2
5321                ang_states(1:6, l_tmp) = 1
5322              endif
5323            else
5324              if (index(ctemp3, 'mr=') /= mstate + 1) &
5325                call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading m state')
5326              ctemp4 = ctemp3(mstate + 4:)
5327              do
5328                pos3 = index(ctemp4, ',')
5329                if (pos3 == 0) then
5330                  ctemp5 = ctemp4
5331                else
5332                  ctemp5 = ctemp4(:pos3 - 1)
5333                endif
5334                read (ctemp5(1:), *, err=102, end=102) m_tmp
5335                if (l_tmp >= 0) then
5336                  if ((m_tmp > 2*l_tmp + 1) .or. (m_tmp <= 0)) call io_error('param_get_projection: m is > l !')
5337                elseif (l_tmp == -1 .and. (m_tmp > 2 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
5338                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (1)')
5339                elseif (l_tmp == -2 .and. (m_tmp > 3 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
5340                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (2)')
5341                elseif (l_tmp == -3 .and. (m_tmp > 4 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
5342                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (3)')
5343                elseif (l_tmp == -4 .and. (m_tmp > 5 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
5344                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (4)')
5345                elseif (l_tmp == -5 .and. (m_tmp > 6 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
5346                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (5)')
5347                endif
5348                ang_states(m_tmp, l_tmp) = 1
5349                if (pos3 == 0) exit
5350                ctemp4 = ctemp4(pos3 + 1:)
5351              enddo
5352            end if
5353          else
5354            do
5355              pos3 = index(ctemp3, ',')
5356              if (pos3 == 0) then
5357                ctemp4 = ctemp3
5358              else
5359                ctemp4 = ctemp3(:pos3 - 1)
5360              endif
5361              read (ctemp4(1:), *, err=106, end=106) m_string
5362              select case (trim(adjustl(m_string)))
5363              case ('s')
5364                ang_states(1, 0) = 1
5365              case ('p')
5366                ang_states(1:3, 1) = 1
5367              case ('pz')
5368                ang_states(1, 1) = 1
5369              case ('px')
5370                ang_states(2, 1) = 1
5371              case ('py')
5372                ang_states(3, 1) = 1
5373              case ('d')
5374                ang_states(1:5, 2) = 1
5375              case ('dz2')
5376                ang_states(1, 2) = 1
5377              case ('dxz')
5378                ang_states(2, 2) = 1
5379              case ('dyz')
5380                ang_states(3, 2) = 1
5381              case ('dx2-y2')
5382                ang_states(4, 2) = 1
5383              case ('dxy')
5384                ang_states(5, 2) = 1
5385              case ('f')
5386                ang_states(1:7, 3) = 1
5387              case ('fz3')
5388                ang_states(1, 3) = 1
5389              case ('fxz2')
5390                ang_states(2, 3) = 1
5391              case ('fyz2')
5392                ang_states(3, 3) = 1
5393              case ('fxyz')
5394                ang_states(4, 3) = 1
5395              case ('fz(x2-y2)')
5396                ang_states(5, 3) = 1
5397              case ('fx(x2-3y2)')
5398                ang_states(6, 3) = 1
5399              case ('fy(3x2-y2)')
5400                ang_states(7, 3) = 1
5401              case ('sp')
5402                ang_states(1:2, -1) = 1
5403              case ('sp-1')
5404                ang_states(1, -1) = 1
5405              case ('sp-2')
5406                ang_states(2, -1) = 1
5407              case ('sp2')
5408                ang_states(1:3, -2) = 1
5409              case ('sp2-1')
5410                ang_states(1, -2) = 1
5411              case ('sp2-2')
5412                ang_states(2, -2) = 1
5413              case ('sp2-3')
5414                ang_states(3, -2) = 1
5415              case ('sp3')
5416                ang_states(1:4, -3) = 1
5417              case ('sp3-1')
5418                ang_states(1, -3) = 1
5419              case ('sp3-2')
5420                ang_states(2, -3) = 1
5421              case ('sp3-3')
5422                ang_states(3, -3) = 1
5423              case ('sp3-4')
5424                ang_states(4, -3) = 1
5425              case ('sp3d')
5426                ang_states(1:5, -4) = 1
5427              case ('sp3d-1')
5428                ang_states(1, -4) = 1
5429              case ('sp3d-2')
5430                ang_states(2, -4) = 1
5431              case ('sp3d-3')
5432                ang_states(3, -4) = 1
5433              case ('sp3d-4')
5434                ang_states(4, -4) = 1
5435              case ('sp3d-5')
5436                ang_states(5, -4) = 1
5437              case ('sp3d2')
5438                ang_states(1:6, -5) = 1
5439              case ('sp3d2-1')
5440                ang_states(1, -5) = 1
5441              case ('sp3d2-2')
5442                ang_states(2, -5) = 1
5443              case ('sp3d2-3')
5444                ang_states(3, -5) = 1
5445              case ('sp3d2-4')
5446                ang_states(4, -5) = 1
5447              case ('sp3d2-5')
5448                ang_states(5, -5) = 1
5449              case ('sp3d2-6')
5450                ang_states(6, -5) = 1
5451              case default
5452                call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading l state '//trim(ctemp3))
5453              end select
5454              if (pos3 == 0) exit
5455              ctemp3 = ctemp3(pos3 + 1:)
5456            enddo
5457          endif
5458          if (pos2 == 0) exit
5459          ctemp2 = ctemp2(pos2 + 1:)
5460        enddo
5461        ! check for non-default values
5462        if (pos1 > 0) then
5463          dummy = dummy(pos1 + 1:)
5464          ! z axis
5465          pos1 = index(dummy, 'z=')
5466          if (pos1 > 0) then
5467            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 2:))
5468            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
5469            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
5470            call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, proj_z_tmp)
5471          endif
5472          ! x axis
5473          pos1 = index(dummy, 'x=')
5474          if (pos1 > 0) then
5475            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 2:))
5476            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
5477            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
5478            call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, proj_x_tmp)
5479          endif
5480          ! diffusivity of orbital
5481          pos1 = index(dummy, 'zona=')
5482          if (pos1 > 0) then
5483            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 5:))
5484            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
5485            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
5486            read (ctemp, *, err=104, end=104) proj_zona_tmp
5487          endif
5488          ! nodes for the radial part
5489          pos1 = index(dummy, 'r=')
5490          if (pos1 > 0) then
5491            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 2:))
5492            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
5493            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
5494            read (ctemp, *, err=105, end=105) proj_radial_tmp
5495          endif
5496        end if
5497        ! if (sites == -1) then
5498        !   if (counter + spn_counter*sum(ang_states) > num_proj) &
5499        !     call io_error('param_get_projection: too many projections defined')
5500        ! else
5501        !   if (counter + spn_counter*sites*sum(ang_states) > num_proj) &
5502        !     call io_error('param_get_projection: too many projections defined')
5503        ! end if
5504        !
5505        if (sites == -1) then
5506          do loop_l = min_l, max_l
5507            do loop_m = min_m, max_m
5508              if (ang_states(loop_m, loop_l) == 1) then
5509                do loop_s = 1, spn_counter
5510                  counter = counter + 1
5511                  if (lcount) cycle
5512                  input_proj_site(:, counter) = pos_frac
5513                  input_proj_l(counter) = loop_l
5514                  input_proj_m(counter) = loop_m
5515                  input_proj_z(:, counter) = proj_z_tmp
5516                  input_proj_x(:, counter) = proj_x_tmp
5517                  input_proj_radial(counter) = proj_radial_tmp
5518                  input_proj_zona(counter) = proj_zona_tmp
5519                  if (spinors) then
5520                    if (spn_counter == 1) then
5521                      if (proj_u_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
5522                      if (proj_d_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
5523                    else
5524                      if (loop_s == 1) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
5525                      if (loop_s == 2) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
5526                    endif
5527                    input_proj_s_qaxis(:, counter) = proj_s_qaxis_tmp
5528                  endif
5529                end do
5530              endif
5531            end do
5532          end do
5533        else
5534          do loop_sites = 1, sites
5535            do loop_l = min_l, max_l
5536              do loop_m = min_m, max_m
5537                if (ang_states(loop_m, loop_l) == 1) then
5538                  do loop_s = 1, spn_counter
5539                    counter = counter + 1
5540                    if (lcount) cycle
5541                    input_proj_site(:, counter) = atoms_pos_frac(:, loop_sites, species)
5542                    input_proj_l(counter) = loop_l
5543                    input_proj_m(counter) = loop_m
5544                    input_proj_z(:, counter) = proj_z_tmp
5545                    input_proj_x(:, counter) = proj_x_tmp
5546                    input_proj_radial(counter) = proj_radial_tmp
5547                    input_proj_zona(counter) = proj_zona_tmp
5548                    if (spinors) then
5549                      if (spn_counter == 1) then
5550                        if (proj_u_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
5551                        if (proj_d_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
5552                      else
5553                        if (loop_s == 1) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
5554                        if (loop_s == 2) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
5555                      endif
5556                      input_proj_s_qaxis(:, counter) = proj_s_qaxis_tmp
5557                    endif
5558                  end do
5559                end if
5560              end do
5561            end do
5562          end do
5563        end if
5565      end do !end loop over projection block
5567      ! check there are enough projections and add random projections if required
5568      if (.not. lpartrandom) then
5569        if (counter .lt. num_wann) call io_error( &
5570          'param_get_projections: too few projection functions defined')
5571      end if
5572    end if ! .not. lrandom
5574    if (lcount) then
5575      if (counter .lt. num_wann) then
5576        num_proj = num_wann
5577      else
5578        num_proj = counter
5579      endif
5580      return
5581    endif
5583    if (lpartrandom .or. lrandom) then
5584      call random_seed()  ! comment out this line for reproducible random positions!
5585      do loop = counter + 1, num_wann
5586        call random_number(input_proj_site(:, loop))
5587        input_proj_l(loop) = 0
5588        input_proj_m(loop) = 1
5589        input_proj_z(:, loop) = proj_z_def
5590        input_proj_x(:, loop) = proj_x_def
5591        input_proj_zona(loop) = proj_zona_def
5592        input_proj_radial(loop) = proj_radial_def
5593        if (spinors) then
5594          if (modulo(loop, 2) == 1) then
5595            input_proj_s(loop) = 1
5596          else
5597            input_proj_s(loop) = -1
5598          end if
5599          input_proj_s_qaxis(1, loop) = 0.
5600          input_proj_s_qaxis(2, loop) = 0.
5601          input_proj_s_qaxis(3, loop) = 1.
5602        end if
5603      enddo
5604    endif
5606    ! I shouldn't get here, but just in case
5607    if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5609!~     ! Check
5610!~     do loop=1,num_wann
5611!~        if ( abs(sum(proj_z(:,loop)*proj_x(:,loop))).gt.1.0e-6_dp ) then
5612!~           write(stdout,*) ' Projection:',loop
5613!~           call io_error(' Error in projections: z and x axes are not orthogonal')
5614!~        endif
5615!~     enddo
5617    ! Normalise z-axis and x-axis and check/fix orthogonality
5618    do loop = 1, num_proj
5620      znorm = sqrt(sum(input_proj_z(:, loop)*input_proj_z(:, loop)))
5621      xnorm = sqrt(sum(input_proj_x(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop)))
5622      input_proj_z(:, loop) = input_proj_z(:, loop)/znorm             ! normalise z
5623      input_proj_x(:, loop) = input_proj_x(:, loop)/xnorm             ! normalise x
5624      cosphi = sum(input_proj_z(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop))
5626      ! Check whether z-axis and z-axis are orthogonal
5627      if (abs(cosphi) .gt. eps6) then
5629        ! Special case of circularly symmetric projections (pz, dz2, fz3)
5630        ! just choose an x-axis that is perpendicular to the given z-axis
5631        if ((input_proj_l(loop) .ge. 0) .and. (input_proj_m(loop) .eq. 1)) then
5632          proj_x_tmp(:) = input_proj_x(:, loop)            ! copy of original x-axis
5633          call random_seed()
5634          call random_number(proj_z_tmp(:))         ! random vector
5635          ! calculate new x-axis as the cross (vector) product of random vector with z-axis
5636          input_proj_x(1, loop) = proj_z_tmp(2)*input_proj_z(3, loop) - proj_z_tmp(3)*input_proj_z(2, loop)
5637          input_proj_x(2, loop) = proj_z_tmp(3)*input_proj_z(1, loop) - proj_z_tmp(1)*input_proj_z(3, loop)
5638          input_proj_x(3, loop) = proj_z_tmp(1)*input_proj_z(2, loop) - proj_z_tmp(2)*input_proj_z(1, loop)
5639          xnorm_new = sqrt(sum(input_proj_x(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop)))
5640          input_proj_x(:, loop) = input_proj_x(:, loop)/xnorm_new   ! normalise
5641          goto 555
5642        endif
5644        ! If projection axes non-orthogonal enough, then
5645        ! user may have made a mistake and should check
5646        if (abs(cosphi) .gt. eps2) then
5647          write (stdout, *) ' Projection:', loop
5648          call io_error(' Error in projections: z and x axes are not orthogonal')
5649        endif
5651        ! If projection axes are "reasonably orthogonal", project x-axis
5652        ! onto plane perpendicular to z-axis to make them more so
5653        sinphi = sqrt(1 - cosphi*cosphi)
5654        proj_x_tmp(:) = input_proj_x(:, loop)               ! copy of original x-axis
5655        ! calculate new x-axis:
5656        ! x = z \cross (x_tmp \cross z) / sinphi = ( x_tmp - z(z.x_tmp) ) / sinphi
5657        input_proj_x(:, loop) = (proj_x_tmp(:) - cosphi*input_proj_z(:, loop))/sinphi
5659        ! Final check
5660555     cosphi_new = sum(input_proj_z(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop))
5661        if (abs(cosphi_new) .gt. eps6) then
5662          write (stdout, *) ' Projection:', loop
5663          call io_error(' Error: z and x axes are still not orthogonal after projection')
5664        endif
5666      endif
5668    enddo
5670    do loop = 1, num_proj
5671      if (proj2wann_map(loop) < 0) cycle
5672      proj_site(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_site(:, loop)
5673      proj_l(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_l(loop)
5674      proj_m(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_m(loop)
5675      proj_z(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_z(:, loop)
5676      proj_x(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_x(:, loop)
5677      proj_radial(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_radial(loop)
5678      proj_zona(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_zona(loop)
5679    enddo
5681    if (spinors) then
5682      do loop = 1, num_proj
5683        if (proj2wann_map(loop) < 0) cycle
5684        proj_s(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_s(loop)
5685        proj_s_qaxis(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_s_qaxis(:, loop)
5686      enddo
5687    endif
5689    return
5691101 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading l state into integer '//trim(ctemp3))
5692102 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading m state into integer '//trim(ctemp3))
5693104 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading zona into real '//trim(ctemp))
5694105 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading radial state into integer '//trim(ctemp))
5695106 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading m state into string '//trim(ctemp3))
5697  end subroutine param_get_projections
5700  subroutine param_get_keyword_kpath
5701    !===================================!
5702    !                                   !
5703    !!  Fills the kpath data block
5704    !                                   !
5705    !===================================!
5706    use w90_io, only: io_error
5708    implicit none
5710    character(len=20) :: keyword
5711    integer           :: in, ins, ine, loop, i, line_e, line_s, counter
5712    logical           :: found_e, found_s
5713    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy, end_st, start_st
5715    keyword = "kpoint_path"
5717    found_s = .false.
5718    found_e = .false.
5720    start_st = 'begin '//trim(keyword)
5721    end_st = 'end '//trim(keyword)
5723    do loop = 1, num_lines
5724      ins = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
5725      if (ins == 0) cycle
5726      in = index(in_data(loop), 'begin')
5727      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
5728      line_s = loop
5729      if (found_s) then
5730        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' more than once in input file')
5731      endif
5732      found_s = .true.
5733    end do
5735    do loop = 1, num_lines
5736      ine = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
5737      if (ine == 0) cycle
5738      in = index(in_data(loop), 'end')
5739      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
5740      line_e = loop
5741      if (found_e) then
5742        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(end_st)//' more than once in input file')
5743      endif
5744      found_e = .true.
5745    end do
5747    if (.not. found_e) then
5748      call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' but no '//trim(end_st)//' in input file')
5749    end if
5751    if (line_e <= line_s) then
5752      call io_error('Error: '//trim(end_st)//' comes before '//trim(start_st)//' in input file')
5753    end if
5755    counter = 0
5756    do loop = line_s + 1, line_e - 1
5758      counter = counter + 2
5759      dummy = in_data(loop)
5760      read (dummy, *, err=240, end=240) bands_label(counter - 1), (bands_spec_points(i, counter - 1), i=1, 3) &
5761        , bands_label(counter), (bands_spec_points(i, counter), i=1, 3)
5762    end do
5764    in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '
5766    return
5768240 call io_error('param_get_keyword_kpath: Problem reading kpath '//trim(dummy))
5770  end subroutine param_get_keyword_kpath
5773  subroutine param_memory_estimate
5774    !===========================================!
5775    !                                           !
5776    !! Estimate how much memory we will allocate
5777    !                                           !
5778    !===========================================!
5780    use w90_comms, only: on_root
5782    implicit none
5784    real(kind=dp), parameter :: size_log = 1.0_dp
5785    real(kind=dp), parameter :: size_int = 4.0_dp
5786    real(kind=dp), parameter :: size_real = 8.0_dp
5787    real(kind=dp), parameter :: size_cmplx = 16.0_dp
5788    real(kind=dp) :: mem_wan, mem_wan1, mem_param, mem_dis, mem_dis2, mem_dis1
5789    real(kind=dp) :: mem_bw
5790    integer :: NumPoints1, NumPoints2, NumPoints3, ndim
5791    real(kind=dp) :: TDF_exceeding_energy
5793    mem_param = 0
5794    mem_dis = 0
5795    mem_dis1 = 0
5796    mem_dis2 = 0
5797    mem_wan = 0
5798    mem_wan1 = 0
5799    mem_bw = 0
5801    ! First the data stored in the parameters module
5802    mem_param = mem_param + num_wann*num_wann*num_kpts*size_cmplx                   !u_matrix
5803    if (.not. disentanglement) &
5804      mem_param = mem_param + num_wann*num_wann*nntot*num_kpts*size_cmplx       !m_matrix
5806    if (disentanglement) then
5807      mem_param = mem_param + num_bands*num_wann*num_kpts*size_cmplx             ! u_matrix_opt
5808    endif
5810    if (allocated(atoms_species_num)) then
5811      mem_param = mem_param + (num_species)*size_int                               !atoms_species_num
5812      mem_param = mem_param + (num_species)*size_real                              !atoms_label
5813      mem_param = mem_param + (num_species)*size_real                              !atoms_symbol
5814      mem_param = mem_param + (3*maxval(atoms_species_num)*num_species)*size_real  !atoms_pos_frac
5815      mem_param = mem_param + (3*maxval(atoms_species_num)*num_species)*size_real  !atoms_pos_cart
5816    endif
5818    if (allocated(input_proj_site)) then
5819      mem_param = mem_param + (3*num_proj)*size_real              !input_proj_site
5820      mem_param = mem_param + (num_proj)*size_int                !input_proj_l
5821      mem_param = mem_param + (num_proj)*size_int                 !input_proj_m
5822      mem_param = mem_param + (3*num_proj)*size_real             !input_proj_z
5823      mem_param = mem_param + (3*num_proj)*size_real             !input_proj_x
5824      mem_param = mem_param + (num_proj)*size_real                !input_proj_radial
5825      mem_param = mem_param + (num_proj)*size_real                !input_proj_zona
5826    endif
5828    if (allocated(proj_site)) then
5829      mem_param = mem_param + (3*num_wann)*size_real              !proj_site
5830      mem_param = mem_param + (num_wann)*size_int                !proj_l
5831      mem_param = mem_param + (num_wann)*size_int                 !proj_m
5832      mem_param = mem_param + (3*num_wann)*size_real             !proj_z
5833      mem_param = mem_param + (3*num_wann)*size_real             !proj_x
5834      mem_param = mem_param + (num_wann)*size_real                !proj_radial
5835      mem_param = mem_param + (num_wann)*size_real                !proj_zona
5836    endif
5838    mem_param = mem_param + num_kpts*nntot*size_int                  !nnlist
5839    mem_param = mem_param + num_kpts*nntot/2*size_int                !neigh
5840    mem_param = mem_param + 3*num_kpts*nntot*size_int                !nncell
5841    mem_param = mem_param + nntot*size_real                          !wb
5842    mem_param = mem_param + 3*nntot/2*size_real                      !bka
5843    mem_param = mem_param + 3*nntot*num_kpts*size_real               !bk
5845    mem_param = mem_param + num_bands*num_kpts*size_real             !eigval
5846    mem_param = mem_param + 3*num_kpts*size_real                     !kpt_cart
5847    mem_param = mem_param + 3*num_kpts*size_real                     !kpt_latt
5848    if (disentanglement) then
5849      mem_param = mem_param + num_kpts*size_int                     !ndimwin
5850      mem_param = mem_param + num_bands*num_kpts*size_log           !lwindow
5851    endif
5852    mem_param = mem_param + 3*num_wann*size_real                     !wannier_centres
5853    mem_param = mem_param + num_wann*size_real                       !wannier_spreads
5855    if (disentanglement) then
5856      ! Module vars
5857      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_bands*num_kpts*size_real              !eigval_opt
5858      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_kpts*size_int                         !nfirstwin
5859      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_kpts*size_int                         !ndimfroz
5860      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_bands*num_kpts*size_int               !indxfroz
5861      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_bands*num_kpts*size_int               !indxnfroz
5862      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_bands*num_kpts*size_log               !lfrozen
5864      !the memory high-water wiil occur in dis_extract or when we allocate m_matrix
5866      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_wann*num_bands*size_cmplx              !cwb
5867      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx               !cww
5868      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*num_wann*size_cmplx              !cbw
5869      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + 5*num_bands*size_int                       !iwork
5870      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*size_int                         !ifail
5871      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*size_real                        !w
5872      if (gamma_only) then
5873        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + (num_bands*(num_bands + 1))/2*size_real    !cap_r
5874        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + 8*num_bands*size_real                    !work
5875        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*num_bands*size_real            !rz
5876      else
5877        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + 7*num_bands*size_real                    !rwork
5878        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + (num_bands*(num_bands + 1))/2*size_cmplx   !cap
5879        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + 2*num_bands*size_cmplx                   !cwork
5880        mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*num_bands*size_cmplx           !cz
5881      end if
5882      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_kpts*size_real                         !wkomegai1
5883      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*num_bands*num_kpts*size_cmplx    !ceamp
5884      mem_dis1 = mem_dis1 + num_bands*num_bands*num_kpts*size_cmplx    !cham
5885      mem_dis2 = mem_dis2 + num_wann*num_wann*nntot*num_kpts*size_cmplx!m_matrix
5887      if (optimisation <= 0) then
5888        mem_dis = mem_dis + mem_dis1
5889      else
5890        mem_dis = mem_dis + max(mem_dis1, mem_dis2)
5891      endif
5893      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_bands*num_bands*nntot*num_kpts*size_cmplx      ! m_matrix_orig
5894      mem_dis = mem_dis + num_bands*num_wann*num_kpts*size_cmplx             ! a_matrix
5896    endif
5898    !Wannierise
5900    mem_wan1 = mem_wan1 + (num_wann*num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)*size_cmplx     !  'm0'
5901    if (optimisation > 0) then
5902      mem_wan = mem_wan + mem_wan1
5903    endif
5904    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann*num_kpts)*size_cmplx           !  'u0'
5905    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)*size_real               !  'rnkb'
5906    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)*size_real               !  'ln_tmp'
5907    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)*size_cmplx              !  'csheet'
5908    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)*size_real               !  'sheet'
5909    mem_wan = mem_wan + (3*num_wann)*size_real                             !  'rave'
5910    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann)*size_real                              !  'r2ave'
5911    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann)*size_real                               !  'rave2'
5912    mem_wan = mem_wan + (3*num_wann)*size_real                            !  'rguide'
5913    mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann)*size_cmplx                  !  'cz'
5914    if (gamma_only) then
5915      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*nntot*2*size_cmplx    ! m_w
5916      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx            ! uc_rot
5917      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*size_real             ! ur_rot
5918      !internal_svd_omega_i
5919      mem_wan = mem_wan + 10*num_wann*size_cmplx                   ! cw1
5920      mem_wan = mem_wan + 10*num_wann*size_cmplx                   ! cw2
5921      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx             ! cv1
5922      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx             ! cv2
5923      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*size_real              ! cpad1
5924      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*size_cmplx                      ! singvd
5925    else
5926      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann)*size_cmplx                              !  'cwschur1'
5927      mem_wan = mem_wan + (10*num_wann)*size_cmplx                        !  'cwschur2'
5928      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann)*size_cmplx                              !  'cwschur3'
5929      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann)*size_cmplx                             !  'cwschur4'
5930      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann*num_kpts)*size_cmplx         !  'cdq'
5931      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann)*size_cmplx                   !  'cmtmp'
5932      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann*num_kpts)*size_cmplx         !  'cdqkeep'
5933      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann)*size_cmplx                      !  'tmp_cdq'
5934      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann)*size_real                               !  'evals'
5935      mem_wan = mem_wan + (4*num_wann)*size_cmplx                            !  'cwork'
5936      mem_wan = mem_wan + (3*num_wann - 2)*size_real                           !  'rwork'
5937      !d_omega
5938      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann)*size_cmplx   !  'cr'
5939      mem_wan = mem_wan + (num_wann*num_wann)*size_cmplx    !  'crt'
5940    end if
5942    if (ispostw90) then
5943      if (boltzwann) then
5944        if (spin_decomp) then
5945          ndim = 3
5946        else
5947          ndim = 1
5948        end if
5950        ! I set a big value to have a rough estimate
5951        TDF_exceeding_energy = 2._dp
5952        NumPoints1 = int(floor((boltz_temp_max - boltz_temp_min)/boltz_temp_step)) + 1 ! temperature array
5953        NumPoints2 = int(floor((boltz_mu_max - boltz_mu_min)/boltz_mu_step)) + 1  ! mu array
5954        NumPoints3 = int(floor((dis_win_max - dis_win_min + 2._dp*TDF_exceeding_energy)/boltz_tdf_energy_step)) + 1 ! tdfenergyarray
5955        mem_bw = mem_bw + NumPoints1*size_real                         !TempArray
5956        mem_bw = mem_bw + NumPoints1*size_real                         !KTArray
5957        mem_bw = mem_bw + NumPoints2*size_real                         !MuArray
5958        mem_bw = mem_bw + NumPoints3*size_real                         !TDFEnergyArray
5959        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints3*ndim*size_real                  !TDFArray
5960        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints3*size_real                       !IntegrandArray
5961        mem_bw = mem_bw + (9*4 + 6)*size_real
5962        !ElCondTimesSeebeckFP,ThisElCond,ElCondInverse,ThisSeebeck,ElCondTimesSeebeck
5963        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints1*NumPoints2*size_real            !ElCond
5964        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints1*NumPoints2*size_real            !Seebeck
5965        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints1*NumPoints2*size_real            !ThermCond
5966        ! I put a upper bound here below (as if there was only 1 node), because I do not have any knowledge at this point
5967        ! of the number of processors, so I cannot have a correct estimate
5968        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints1*NumPoints2*size_real            !LocalElCond
5969        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints1*NumPoints2*size_real            !LocalSeebeck
5970        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*NumPoints1*NumPoints2*size_real            !LocalThermCond
5972        mem_bw = mem_bw + num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx                 !HH
5973        mem_bw = mem_bw + 3*num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx               !delHH
5974        mem_bw = mem_bw + num_wann*num_wann*size_cmplx                 !UU
5975        mem_bw = mem_bw + 3*num_wann*size_real                         !del_eig
5976        mem_bw = mem_bw + num_wann*size_real                           !eig
5977        mem_bw = mem_bw + num_wann*size_real                           !levelspacing_k
5979        NumPoints1 = int(floor((boltz_dos_energy_max - boltz_dos_energy_min)/boltz_dos_energy_step)) + 1!dosnumpoints
5980        mem_bw = mem_bw + NumPoints1*size_real                         !DOS_EnergyArray
5981        mem_bw = mem_bw + 6*ndim*NumPoints3*size_real                  !TDF_k
5982        mem_bw = mem_bw + ndim*NumPoints1*size_real                    !DOS_k
5983        mem_bw = mem_bw + ndim*NumPoints1*size_real                    !DOS_all
5984      end if
5985    end if
5987    if (disentanglement) &
5988      mem_wan = mem_wan + num_wann*num_wann*nntot*num_kpts*size_cmplx       !m_matrix
5990    if (on_root) then
5991      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*============================================================================*'
5992      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|                              MEMORY ESTIMATE                               |'
5993      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|         Maximum RAM allocated during each phase of the calculation         |'
5994      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*============================================================================*'
5995      if (disentanglement) &
5996        write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'Disentanglement:', (mem_param + mem_dis)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
5997      write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'Wannierise:', (mem_param + mem_wan)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
5998      if (optimisation > 0 .and. iprint > 1) then
5999        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|                                                                            |'
6000        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|   N.B. by setting optimisation=0 memory usage will be reduced to:          |'
6001        if (disentanglement) &
6002          write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'Disentanglement:', &
6003          (mem_param + mem_dis - max(mem_dis1, mem_dis2) + mem_dis1)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
6004        if (gamma_only) then
6005          write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'Wannierise:', (mem_param + mem_wan)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
6006        else
6007          write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'Wannierise:', &
6008            (mem_param + mem_wan - mem_wan1)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
6009        end if
6010        write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '|   However, this will result in more i/o and slow down the calculation      |'
6011      endif
6013      if (ispostw90) then
6014        if (boltzwann) &
6015          write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'BoltzWann:', (mem_param + mem_bw)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
6016      end if
6018      write (stdout, '(1x,"|",24x,a15,f16.2,a,18x,"|")') 'plot_wannier:', (mem_param + mem_wan)/(1024**2), ' Mb'
6019      write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
6020      write (stdout, *) ' '
6021    endif
6023!    if(disentanglement) then
6024!       write(*,'(a12,f12.4,a)') 'Disentangle',(mem_param+mem_dis)/(1024**2),' Mb'
6025!    end if
6026!    write(*,'(a12,f12.4,a)') 'Wannierise ',(mem_wan+mem_param)/(1024**2),' Mb'
6027!    write(*,'(a12,f12.4,a)') 'Module',(mem_param)/(1024**2),' Mb'
6029    return
6030  end subroutine param_memory_estimate
6033  subroutine param_dist
6034    !===========================================================!
6035    !                                                           !
6036    !! distribute the parameters across processors              !
6037    !                                                           !
6038    !===========================================================!
6040    use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi
6041    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, io_date, io_time, &
6042      io_stopwatch
6043    use w90_comms, only: comms_bcast, on_root
6045    integer :: ierr
6047    call comms_bcast(effective_model, 1)
6048    call comms_bcast(eig_found, 1)
6049    call comms_bcast(postproc_setup, 1)
6050    if (.not. effective_model) then
6051      call comms_bcast(mp_grid(1), 3)
6052      call comms_bcast(num_kpts, 1)
6053      call comms_bcast(num_bands, 1)
6054    endif
6055    call comms_bcast(num_wann, 1)
6056    call comms_bcast(timing_level, 1)
6057    call comms_bcast(iprint, 1)
6058    call comms_bcast(energy_unit, 1)
6059    call comms_bcast(length_unit, 1)
6060    call comms_bcast(wvfn_formatted, 1)
6061    call comms_bcast(spn_formatted, 1)
6062    call comms_bcast(uHu_formatted, 1)
6063    call comms_bcast(berry_uHu_formatted, 1)
6064    call comms_bcast(spin, 1)
6065    call comms_bcast(num_dump_cycles, 1)
6066    call comms_bcast(num_print_cycles, 1)
6067    call comms_bcast(num_atoms, 1)   ! Ivo: not used in postw90, right?
6068    call comms_bcast(num_species, 1) ! Ivo: not used in postw90, right?
6069    call comms_bcast(real_lattice(1, 1), 9)
6070    call comms_bcast(recip_lattice(1, 1), 9)
6071    call comms_bcast(real_metric(1, 1), 9)
6072    call comms_bcast(recip_metric(1, 1), 9)
6073    call comms_bcast(cell_volume, 1)
6074    call comms_bcast(dos_energy_step, 1)
6075    call comms_bcast(dos_adpt_smr, 1)
6076    call comms_bcast(dos_smr_index, 1)
6077    call comms_bcast(dos_kmesh_spacing, 1)
6078    call comms_bcast(dos_kmesh(1), 3)
6079    call comms_bcast(dos_adpt_smr_max, 1)
6080    call comms_bcast(dos_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
6081    call comms_bcast(dos_adpt_smr_fac, 1)
6082    call comms_bcast(num_dos_project, 1)
6083    call comms_bcast(num_exclude_bands, 1)
6084    if (num_exclude_bands > 0) then
6085      if (.not. on_root) then
6086        allocate (exclude_bands(num_exclude_bands), stat=ierr)
6087        if (ierr /= 0) &
6088          call io_error('Error in allocating exclude_bands in param_dist')
6089      endif
6090      call comms_bcast(exclude_bands(1), num_exclude_bands)
6091    end if
6093    call comms_bcast(gamma_only, 1)
6094    call comms_bcast(dis_win_min, 1)
6095    call comms_bcast(dis_win_max, 1)
6096    call comms_bcast(dis_froz_min, 1)
6097    call comms_bcast(dis_froz_max, 1)
6098    call comms_bcast(dis_num_iter, 1)
6099    call comms_bcast(dis_mix_ratio, 1)
6100    call comms_bcast(dis_conv_tol, 1)
6101    call comms_bcast(dis_conv_window, 1)
6102    call comms_bcast(dis_spheres_first_wann, 1)
6103    call comms_bcast(dis_spheres_num, 1)
6104    if (dis_spheres_num > 0) then
6105      if (.not. on_root) then
6106        allocate (dis_spheres(4, dis_spheres_num), stat=ierr)
6107        if (ierr /= 0) &
6108          call io_error('Error in allocating dis_spheres in param_dist')
6109      endif
6110      call comms_bcast(dis_spheres(1, 1), 4*dis_spheres_num)
6111    end if
6112    call comms_bcast(num_iter, 1)
6113    call comms_bcast(num_cg_steps, 1)
6114    call comms_bcast(conv_tol, 1)
6115    call comms_bcast(conv_window, 1)
6116    call comms_bcast(guiding_centres, 1)
6117    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot, 1)
6118    call comms_bcast(num_wannier_plot, 1)
6119    if (num_wannier_plot > 0) then
6120      if (.not. on_root) then
6121        allocate (wannier_plot_list(num_wannier_plot), stat=ierr)
6122        if (ierr /= 0) &
6123          call io_error('Error in allocating wannier_plot_list in param_dist')
6124      endif
6125      call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_list(1), num_wannier_plot)
6126    end if
6127    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_supercell(1), 3)
6128    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_format, len(wannier_plot_format))
6129    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_mode, len(wannier_plot_mode))
6130    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_spinor_mode, len(wannier_plot_spinor_mode))
6131    call comms_bcast(write_u_matrices, 1)
6132    call comms_bcast(bands_plot, 1)
6133    call comms_bcast(write_bvec, 1)
6134    call comms_bcast(bands_num_points, 1)
6135    call comms_bcast(bands_plot_format, len(bands_plot_format))
6136    call comms_bcast(bands_plot_mode, len(bands_plot_mode))
6137    call comms_bcast(num_bands_project, 1)
6139    if (num_bands_project > 0) then
6140      if (.not. on_root) then
6141        allocate (bands_plot_project(num_bands_project), stat=ierr)
6142        if (ierr /= 0) &
6143          call io_error('Error in allocating bands_plot_project in param_dist')
6144      endif
6145      call comms_bcast(bands_plot_project(1), num_bands_project)
6146    end if
6147    call comms_bcast(bands_plot_dim, 1)
6148    call comms_bcast(write_hr, 1)
6149    call comms_bcast(write_rmn, 1)
6150    call comms_bcast(write_tb, 1)
6151    call comms_bcast(hr_cutoff, 1)
6152    call comms_bcast(dist_cutoff, 1)
6153    call comms_bcast(dist_cutoff_mode, len(dist_cutoff_mode))
6154    call comms_bcast(dist_cutoff_hc, 1)
6155    call comms_bcast(one_dim_axis, len(one_dim_axis))
6156    call comms_bcast(use_ws_distance, 1)
6157    call comms_bcast(ws_distance_tol, 1)
6158    call comms_bcast(ws_search_size(1), 3)
6159    call comms_bcast(fermi_surface_plot, 1)
6160    call comms_bcast(fermi_surface_num_points, 1)
6161    call comms_bcast(fermi_surface_plot_format, len(fermi_surface_plot_format))
6162    call comms_bcast(fermi_energy, 1) !! used?
6164    call comms_bcast(berry, 1)
6165    call comms_bcast(berry_task, len(berry_task))
6166    call comms_bcast(berry_kmesh_spacing, 1)
6167    call comms_bcast(berry_kmesh(1), 3)
6168    call comms_bcast(berry_curv_adpt_kmesh, 1)
6169    call comms_bcast(berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh, 1)
6170    call comms_bcast(berry_curv_unit, len(berry_curv_unit))
6171!  Stepan Tsirkin
6172    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic, 1)
6173    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_task, len(gyrotropic_task))
6174    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_kmesh_spacing, 1)
6175    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_kmesh(1), 3)
6176    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
6177    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_index, 1)
6178    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_eigval_max, 1)
6179    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_nfreq, 1)
6180    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_degen_thresh, 1)
6181    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_num_bands, 1)
6182    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_box(1, 1), 9)
6183    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_box_corner(1), 3)
6184    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_max_arg, 1)
6185    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
6186    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_index, 1)
6188    call comms_bcast(kubo_adpt_smr, 1)
6189    call comms_bcast(kubo_adpt_smr_fac, 1)
6190    call comms_bcast(kubo_adpt_smr_max, 1)
6191    call comms_bcast(kubo_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
6192    call comms_bcast(kubo_smr_index, 1)
6193    call comms_bcast(kubo_eigval_max, 1)
6194    call comms_bcast(kubo_nfreq, 1)
6195    call comms_bcast(nfermi, 1)
6196    call comms_bcast(dos_energy_min, 1)
6197    call comms_bcast(dos_energy_max, 1)
6198    call comms_bcast(spin_kmesh_spacing, 1)
6199    call comms_bcast(spin_kmesh(1), 3)
6200    call comms_bcast(wanint_kpoint_file, 1)
6201! Junfeng Qiao
6202    call comms_bcast(shc_freq_scan, 1)
6203    call comms_bcast(shc_alpha, 1)
6204    call comms_bcast(shc_beta, 1)
6205    call comms_bcast(shc_gamma, 1)
6206    call comms_bcast(shc_bandshift, 1)
6207    call comms_bcast(shc_bandshift_firstband, 1)
6208    call comms_bcast(shc_bandshift_energyshift, 1)
6210    call comms_bcast(devel_flag, len(devel_flag))
6211    call comms_bcast(spin_moment, 1)
6212    call comms_bcast(spin_axis_polar, 1)
6213    call comms_bcast(spin_axis_azimuth, 1)
6214    call comms_bcast(spin_decomp, 1)
6215    call comms_bcast(use_degen_pert, 1)
6216    call comms_bcast(degen_thr, 1)
6217    call comms_bcast(num_valence_bands, 1)
6218    call comms_bcast(dos, 1)
6219    call comms_bcast(dos_task, len(dos_task))
6220    call comms_bcast(kpath, 1)
6221    call comms_bcast(kpath_task, len(kpath_task))
6222    call comms_bcast(kpath_bands_colour, len(kpath_bands_colour))
6223    call comms_bcast(kslice, 1)
6224    call comms_bcast(kslice_task, len(kslice_task))
6225    call comms_bcast(transl_inv, 1)
6226    call comms_bcast(num_elec_per_state, 1)
6227    call comms_bcast(scissors_shift, 1)
6228    !
6230! ----------------------------------------------
6231    call comms_bcast(geninterp, 1)
6232    call comms_bcast(geninterp_alsofirstder, 1)
6233    call comms_bcast(geninterp_single_file, 1)
6234    ! [gp-begin, Apr 12, 2012]
6235    ! BoltzWann variables
6236    call comms_bcast(boltzwann, 1)
6237    call comms_bcast(boltz_calc_also_dos, 1)
6238    call comms_bcast(boltz_2d_dir_num, 1)
6239    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_energy_step, 1)
6240    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_energy_min, 1)
6241    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_energy_max, 1)
6242    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_adpt_smr, 1)
6243    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
6244    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac, 1)
6245    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max, 1)
6246    call comms_bcast(boltz_mu_min, 1)
6247    call comms_bcast(boltz_mu_max, 1)
6248    call comms_bcast(boltz_mu_step, 1)
6249    call comms_bcast(boltz_temp_min, 1)
6250    call comms_bcast(boltz_temp_max, 1)
6251    call comms_bcast(boltz_temp_step, 1)
6252    call comms_bcast(boltz_kmesh_spacing, 1)
6253    call comms_bcast(boltz_kmesh(1), 3)
6254    call comms_bcast(boltz_tdf_energy_step, 1)
6255    call comms_bcast(boltz_relax_time, 1)
6256    call comms_bcast(boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
6257    call comms_bcast(boltz_TDF_smr_index, 1)
6258    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_smr_index, 1)
6259    call comms_bcast(boltz_bandshift, 1)
6260    call comms_bcast(boltz_bandshift_firstband, 1)
6261    call comms_bcast(boltz_bandshift_energyshift, 1)
6262    ! [gp-end]
6263    call comms_bcast(use_ws_distance, 1)
6264    call comms_bcast(disentanglement, 1)
6266    call comms_bcast(transport, 1)
6267    call comms_bcast(tran_easy_fix, 1)
6268    call comms_bcast(transport_mode, len(transport_mode))
6269    call comms_bcast(tran_win_min, 1)
6270    call comms_bcast(tran_win_max, 1)
6271    call comms_bcast(tran_energy_step, 1)
6272    call comms_bcast(tran_num_bb, 1)
6273    call comms_bcast(tran_num_ll, 1)
6274    call comms_bcast(tran_num_rr, 1)
6275    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cc, 1)
6276    call comms_bcast(tran_num_lc, 1)
6277    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cr, 1)
6278    call comms_bcast(tran_num_bandc, 1)
6279    call comms_bcast(tran_write_ht, 1)
6280    call comms_bcast(tran_read_ht, 1)
6281    call comms_bcast(tran_use_same_lead, 1)
6282    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cell_ll, 1)
6283    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cell_rr, 1)
6284    call comms_bcast(tran_group_threshold, 1)
6285    call comms_bcast(translation_centre_frac(1), 3)
6286    call comms_bcast(num_shells, 1)
6287    call comms_bcast(skip_B1_tests, 1)
6288    call comms_bcast(explicit_nnkpts, 1)
6290    call comms_bcast(calc_only_A, 1)
6291    call comms_bcast(use_bloch_phases, 1)
6292    call comms_bcast(restart, len(restart))
6293    call comms_bcast(write_r2mn, 1)
6294    call comms_bcast(num_guide_cycles, 1)
6295    call comms_bcast(num_no_guide_iter, 1)
6296    call comms_bcast(fixed_step, 1)
6297    call comms_bcast(trial_step, 1)
6298    call comms_bcast(precond, 1)
6299    call comms_bcast(write_proj, 1)
6300    call comms_bcast(timing_level, 1)
6301    call comms_bcast(spinors, 1)
6302    call comms_bcast(num_elec_per_state, 1)
6303    call comms_bcast(translate_home_cell, 1)
6304    call comms_bcast(write_xyz, 1)
6305    call comms_bcast(write_hr_diag, 1)
6306    call comms_bcast(conv_noise_amp, 1)
6307    call comms_bcast(conv_noise_num, 1)
6308    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_radius, 1)
6309    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_scale, 1)
6310    call comms_bcast(kmesh_tol, 1)
6311    call comms_bcast(optimisation, 1)
6312    call comms_bcast(write_vdw_data, 1)
6313    call comms_bcast(lenconfac, 1)
6314    call comms_bcast(lfixstep, 1)
6315    call comms_bcast(lsitesymmetry, 1)
6316    call comms_bcast(frozen_states, 1)
6317    call comms_bcast(symmetrize_eps, 1)
6319    !vv: Constrained centres
6320    call comms_bcast(slwf_num, 1)
6321    call comms_bcast(slwf_constrain, 1)
6322    call comms_bcast(slwf_lambda, 1)
6323    call comms_bcast(selective_loc, 1)
6324    if (selective_loc .and. slwf_constrain) then
6325      if (.not. on_root) then
6326        allocate (ccentres_frac(num_wann, 3), stat=ierr)
6327        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ccentres_frac in param_get_centre_constraints')
6328        allocate (ccentres_cart(num_wann, 3), stat=ierr)
6329        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ccentres_cart in param_get_centre_constraints')
6330      endif
6331      call comms_bcast(ccentres_frac(1, 1), 3*num_wann)
6332      call comms_bcast(ccentres_cart(1, 1), 3*num_wann)
6333    end if
6335    ! vv: automatic projections
6336    call comms_bcast(auto_projections, 1)
6338    call comms_bcast(num_proj, 1)
6339    call comms_bcast(lhasproj, 1)
6340    if (lhasproj) then
6341      if (.not. on_root) then
6342        allocate (input_proj_site(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
6343        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_site in param_dist')
6344        allocate (proj_site(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
6345        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_site in param_dist')
6346      endif
6347      call comms_bcast(input_proj_site(1, 1), 3*num_proj)
6348      call comms_bcast(proj_site(1, 1), 3*num_wann)
6349    endif
6351    ! These variables are different from the ones above in that they are
6352    ! allocatable, and in param_read they were allocated on the root node only
6353    !
6354    if (.not. on_root) then
6355      allocate (fermi_energy_list(nfermi), stat=ierr)
6356      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
6357        'Error allocating fermi_energy_read in postw90_param_dist')
6358      allocate (kubo_freq_list(kubo_nfreq), stat=ierr)
6359      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
6360        'Error allocating kubo_freq_list in postw90_param_dist')
6361      allocate (dos_project(num_dos_project), stat=ierr)
6362      if (ierr /= 0) &
6363        call io_error('Error allocating dos_project in postw90_param_dist')
6364      if (.not. effective_model) then
6365        if (eig_found) then
6366          allocate (eigval(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
6367          if (ierr /= 0) &
6368            call io_error('Error allocating eigval in postw90_param_dist')
6369        end if
6370        allocate (kpt_latt(3, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
6371        if (ierr /= 0) &
6372          call io_error('Error allocating kpt_latt in postw90_param_dist')
6373      endif
6374      allocate (gyrotropic_band_list(gyrotropic_num_bands), stat=ierr)
6375      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
6376        'Error allocating gyrotropic_num_bands in postw90_param_dist')
6377      allocate (gyrotropic_freq_list(gyrotropic_nfreq), stat=ierr)
6378      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
6379        'Error allocating gyrotropic_freq_list in postw90_param_dist')
6380    end if
6382    if (nfermi > 0) call comms_bcast(fermi_energy_list(1), nfermi)
6383    if (kubo_nfreq > 0) call comms_bcast(kubo_freq_list(1), kubo_nfreq)
6384    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_freq_list(1), gyrotropic_nfreq)
6385    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_band_list(1), gyrotropic_num_bands)
6386    if (num_dos_project > 0) call comms_bcast(dos_project(1), num_dos_project)
6387    if (.not. effective_model) then
6388      if (eig_found) then
6389        call comms_bcast(eigval(1, 1), num_bands*num_kpts)
6390      end if
6391      call comms_bcast(kpt_latt(1, 1), 3*num_kpts)
6392    endif
6394    if (.not. effective_model .and. .not. explicit_nnkpts) then
6396      call comms_bcast(nnh, 1)
6397      call comms_bcast(nntot, 1)
6398      call comms_bcast(wbtot, 1)
6400      if (.not. on_root) then
6401        allocate (nnlist(num_kpts, nntot), stat=ierr)
6402        if (ierr /= 0) &
6403          call io_error('Error in allocating nnlist in param_dist')
6404        allocate (neigh(num_kpts, nntot/2), stat=ierr)
6405        if (ierr /= 0) &
6406          call io_error('Error in allocating neigh in param_dist')
6407        allocate (nncell(3, num_kpts, nntot), stat=ierr)
6408        if (ierr /= 0) &
6409          call io_error('Error in allocating nncell in param_dist')
6410        allocate (wb(nntot), stat=ierr)
6411        if (ierr /= 0) &
6412          call io_error('Error in allocating wb in param_dist')
6413        allocate (bka(3, nntot/2), stat=ierr)
6414        if (ierr /= 0) &
6415          call io_error('Error in allocating bka in param_dist')
6416        allocate (bk(3, nntot, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
6417        if (ierr /= 0) &
6418          call io_error('Error in allocating bk in param_dist')
6419      end if
6421      call comms_bcast(nnlist(1, 1), num_kpts*nntot)
6422      call comms_bcast(neigh(1, 1), num_kpts*nntot/2)
6423      call comms_bcast(nncell(1, 1, 1), 3*num_kpts*nntot)
6424      call comms_bcast(wb(1), nntot)
6425      call comms_bcast(bka(1, 1), 3*nntot/2)
6426      call comms_bcast(bk(1, 1, 1), 3*nntot*num_kpts)
6428    endif
6430    call comms_bcast(omega_total, 1)
6431    call comms_bcast(omega_tilde, 1)
6432    call comms_bcast(omega_invariant, 1)
6433    call comms_bcast(have_disentangled, 1)
6435    if (.not. on_root) then
6436      allocate (wannier_centres(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
6437      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating wannier_centres in param_dist')
6438      wannier_centres = 0.0_dp
6439      allocate (wannier_spreads(num_wann), stat=ierr)
6440      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating wannier_spreads in param_dist')
6441      wannier_spreads = 0.0_dp
6442      if (disentanglement) then
6443        allocate (ndimwin(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
6444        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ndimwin in param_dist')
6445        allocate (lwindow(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
6446        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating lwindow in param_dist')
6447      endif
6448    endif
6450  end subroutine param_dist
6452  subroutine parameters_gyro_write_task(task, key, comment)
6453    use w90_io, only: stdout
6455    character(len=*), intent(in) :: task, key, comment
6456    character(len=42) :: comment1
6458    comment1 = comment
6459    if ((index(task, key) > 0) .or. (index(task, 'all') > 0)) then
6460      write (stdout, '(1x,a2,a42,a2,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '| ', comment1, ' :', '       T', '|'
6461    else
6462      write (stdout, '(1x,a2,a42,a2,10x,a8,13x,a1)') '| ', comment1, ' :', '       F', '|'
6463    endif
6464  end subroutine parameters_gyro_write_task
6466end module w90_parameters