1Package: ROAuth
2Title: R Interface For OAuth
3Description: Provides an interface to the OAuth 1.0 specification
4        allowing users to authenticate via OAuth to the
5        server of their choice.
6Version: 0.9.6
7Author: Jeff Gentry <geoffjentry@gmail.com>, Duncan Temple Lang
8        <duncan@r-project.org>
9Maintainer: Pablo Barbera <pablo.barbera@nyu.edu>
10Depends: R (>= 2.12.0)
11Imports: RCurl, digest, methods
12License: Artistic-2.0
13Packaged: 2015-02-12 03:57:04 UTC; pablobarbera
14Repository: CRAN
15Date/Publication: 2015-02-13 20:32:47
16NeedsCompilation: no