1// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5// Package urlesc implements query escaping as per RFC 3986.
6// It contains some parts of the net/url package, modified so as to allow
7// some reserved characters incorrectly escaped by net/url.
8// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/5684
9package urlesc
11import (
12	"bytes"
13	"net/url"
14	"strings"
17type encoding int
19const (
20	encodePath encoding = 1 + iota
21	encodeUserPassword
22	encodeQueryComponent
23	encodeFragment
26// Return true if the specified character should be escaped when
27// appearing in a URL string, according to RFC 3986.
28func shouldEscape(c byte, mode encoding) bool {
29	// §2.3 Unreserved characters (alphanum)
30	if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
31		return false
32	}
34	switch c {
35	case '-', '.', '_', '~': // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
36		return false
38	// §2.2 Reserved characters (reserved)
39	case ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@', // gen-delims
40		'!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=': // sub-delims
41		// Different sections of the URL allow a few of
42		// the reserved characters to appear unescaped.
43		switch mode {
44		case encodePath: // §3.3
45			// The RFC allows sub-delims and : @.
46			// '/', '[' and ']' can be used to assign meaning to individual path
47			// segments.  This package only manipulates the path as a whole,
48			// so we allow those as well.  That leaves only ? and # to escape.
49			return c == '?' || c == '#'
51		case encodeUserPassword: // §3.2.1
52			// The RFC allows : and sub-delims in
53			// userinfo.  The parsing of userinfo treats ':' as special so we must escape
54			// all the gen-delims.
55			return c == ':' || c == '/' || c == '?' || c == '#' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '@'
57		case encodeQueryComponent: // §3.4
58			// The RFC allows / and ?.
59			return c != '/' && c != '?'
61		case encodeFragment: // §4.1
62			// The RFC text is silent but the grammar allows
63			// everything, so escape nothing but #
64			return c == '#'
65		}
66	}
68	// Everything else must be escaped.
69	return true
72// QueryEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed
73// inside a URL query.
74func QueryEscape(s string) string {
75	return escape(s, encodeQueryComponent)
78func escape(s string, mode encoding) string {
79	spaceCount, hexCount := 0, 0
80	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
81		c := s[i]
82		if shouldEscape(c, mode) {
83			if c == ' ' && mode == encodeQueryComponent {
84				spaceCount++
85			} else {
86				hexCount++
87			}
88		}
89	}
91	if spaceCount == 0 && hexCount == 0 {
92		return s
93	}
95	t := make([]byte, len(s)+2*hexCount)
96	j := 0
97	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
98		switch c := s[i]; {
99		case c == ' ' && mode == encodeQueryComponent:
100			t[j] = '+'
101			j++
102		case shouldEscape(c, mode):
103			t[j] = '%'
104			t[j+1] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c>>4]
105			t[j+2] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c&15]
106			j += 3
107		default:
108			t[j] = s[i]
109			j++
110		}
111	}
112	return string(t)
115var uiReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
116	"%21", "!",
117	"%27", "'",
118	"%28", "(",
119	"%29", ")",
120	"%2A", "*",
123// unescapeUserinfo unescapes some characters that need not to be escaped as per RFC3986.
124func unescapeUserinfo(s string) string {
125	return uiReplacer.Replace(s)
128// Escape reassembles the URL into a valid URL string.
129// The general form of the result is one of:
131//	scheme:opaque
132//	scheme://userinfo@host/path?query#fragment
134// If u.Opaque is non-empty, String uses the first form;
135// otherwise it uses the second form.
137// In the second form, the following rules apply:
138//	- if u.Scheme is empty, scheme: is omitted.
139//	- if u.User is nil, userinfo@ is omitted.
140//	- if u.Host is empty, host/ is omitted.
141//	- if u.Scheme and u.Host are empty and u.User is nil,
142//	   the entire scheme://userinfo@host/ is omitted.
143//	- if u.Host is non-empty and u.Path begins with a /,
144//	   the form host/path does not add its own /.
145//	- if u.RawQuery is empty, ?query is omitted.
146//	- if u.Fragment is empty, #fragment is omitted.
147func Escape(u *url.URL) string {
148	var buf bytes.Buffer
149	if u.Scheme != "" {
150		buf.WriteString(u.Scheme)
151		buf.WriteByte(':')
152	}
153	if u.Opaque != "" {
154		buf.WriteString(u.Opaque)
155	} else {
156		if u.Scheme != "" || u.Host != "" || u.User != nil {
157			buf.WriteString("//")
158			if ui := u.User; ui != nil {
159				buf.WriteString(unescapeUserinfo(ui.String()))
160				buf.WriteByte('@')
161			}
162			if h := u.Host; h != "" {
163				buf.WriteString(h)
164			}
165		}
166		if u.Path != "" && u.Path[0] != '/' && u.Host != "" {
167			buf.WriteByte('/')
168		}
169		buf.WriteString(escape(u.Path, encodePath))
170	}
171	if u.RawQuery != "" {
172		buf.WriteByte('?')
173		buf.WriteString(u.RawQuery)
174	}
175	if u.Fragment != "" {
176		buf.WriteByte('#')
177		buf.WriteString(escape(u.Fragment, encodeFragment))
178	}
179	return buf.String()