1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
4 /* Thse functions are stub functions which will get replaced with calls through
5  * PKCS #11.
6  */
8 #include "pk11func.h"
9 #include "secmod.h"
10 #include "secmodi.h"
11 #include "secmodti.h"
12 #include "pkcs11t.h"
13 #include "pk11pqg.h"
14 #include "secerr.h"
16 /* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
17  * Length of P specified by L.
18  *   if L is greater than 1024 then the resulting verify parameters will be
19  *   DSA2.
20  * Length of Q specified by N. If zero, The PKCS #11 module will
21  *   pick an appropriately sized Q for P. If N is specified and L = 1024, then
22  *   the resulting verify parameters will be DSA2, Otherwise DSA1 parameters
23  *   will be returned.
24  * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
25  *
26  * The underlying PKCS #11 module will check the values for L, N,
27  * and seedBytes. The rules for softoken are:
28  *
29  * If L <= 1024, then L must be between 512 and 1024 in increments of 64 bits.
30  * If L <= 1024, then N must be 0 or 160.
31  * If L >= 1024, then L and N must match the following table:
32  *   L=1024   N=0 or 160
33  *   L=2048   N=0 or 224
34  *   L=2048   N=256
35  *   L=3072   N=0 or 256
36  * if L <= 1024
37  *   seedBbytes must be in the range [20..256].
38  * if L >= 1024
39  *   seedBbytes must be in the range [20..L/16].
40  */
41 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(unsigned int L,unsigned int N,unsigned int seedBytes,PQGParams ** pParams,PQGVerify ** pVfy)42 PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(unsigned int L, unsigned int N,
43                     unsigned int seedBytes, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
44 {
45     PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
46     CK_ATTRIBUTE genTemplate[5];
47     CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = genTemplate;
48     int count = sizeof(genTemplate) / sizeof(genTemplate[0]);
49     CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
51     CK_RV crv;
52     CK_ATTRIBUTE pTemplate[] = {
53         { CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 },
54         { CKA_SUBPRIME, NULL, 0 },
55         { CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 },
56     };
57     CK_ATTRIBUTE vTemplate[] = {
58         { CKA_NSS_PQG_COUNTER, NULL, 0 },
59         { CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED, NULL, 0 },
60         { CKA_NSS_PQG_H, NULL, 0 },
61     };
62     CK_ULONG primeBits = L;
63     CK_ULONG subPrimeBits = N;
64     int pTemplateCount = sizeof(pTemplate) / sizeof(pTemplate[0]);
65     int vTemplateCount = sizeof(vTemplate) / sizeof(vTemplate[0]);
66     PLArenaPool *parena = NULL;
67     PLArenaPool *varena = NULL;
68     PQGParams *params = NULL;
69     PQGVerify *verify = NULL;
70     CK_ULONG seedBits = seedBytes * 8;
72     *pParams = NULL;
73     *pVfy = NULL;
75     if (primeBits == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
77         goto loser;
78     }
79     PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME_BITS, &primeBits, sizeof(primeBits));
80     attrs++;
81     if (subPrimeBits != 0) {
82         PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUB_PRIME_BITS,
83                       &subPrimeBits, sizeof(subPrimeBits));
84         attrs++;
85     }
86     if (seedBits != 0) {
87         PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED_BITS,
88                       &seedBits, sizeof(seedBits));
89         attrs++;
90     }
91     count = attrs - genTemplate;
92     PR_ASSERT(count <= sizeof(genTemplate) / sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
94     slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
95     if (slot == NULL) {
96         /* set error */
97         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); /* shouldn't happen */
98         goto loser;
99     }
101     /* make sure the internal slot can handle DSA2 type parameters. */
102     if (primeBits > 1024) {
103         CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
105         if (!slot->isThreadSafe)
106             PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
107         crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,
108                                                     CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN,
109                                                     &mechanism_info);
110         if (!slot->isThreadSafe)
111             PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
112         /* a bug in the old softoken left CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN off of the
113          * mechanism List. If we get a failure asking for this value, we know
114          * it can't handle DSA2 */
115         if ((crv != CKR_OK) || (mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize < primeBits)) {
116             PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
117             slot = PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN, 0,
118                                                   primeBits, NULL);
119             if (slot == NULL) {
120                 PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN); /* can happen */
121                 goto loser;
122             }
123             /* ditch seedBits in this case, they are NSS specific and at
124              * this point we have a token that claims to handle DSA2 */
125             if (seedBits) {
126                 attrs--;
127             }
128         }
129     }
131     /* Initialize the Key Gen Mechanism */
132     mechanism.mechanism = CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN;
133     mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
134     mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
136     PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
137     crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GenerateKey(slot->session,
138                                            &mechanism, genTemplate, count, &objectID);
139     PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
141     if (crv != CKR_OK) {
142         PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
143         goto loser;
144     }
146     parena = PORT_NewArena(60);
147     if (!parena) {
148         goto loser;
149     }
151     crv = PK11_GetAttributes(parena, slot, objectID, pTemplate, pTemplateCount);
152     if (crv != CKR_OK) {
153         PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
154         goto loser;
155     }
157     params = (PQGParams *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(parena, sizeof(PQGParams));
158     if (params == NULL) {
159         goto loser;
160     }
162     /* fill in Params */
163     params->arena = parena;
164     params->prime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
165     params->prime.data = pTemplate[0].pValue;
166     params->prime.len = pTemplate[0].ulValueLen;
167     params->subPrime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
168     params->subPrime.data = pTemplate[1].pValue;
169     params->subPrime.len = pTemplate[1].ulValueLen;
170     params->base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
171     params->base.data = pTemplate[2].pValue;
172     params->base.len = pTemplate[2].ulValueLen;
174     varena = PORT_NewArena(60);
175     if (!varena) {
176         goto loser;
177     }
179     crv = PK11_GetAttributes(varena, slot, objectID, vTemplate, vTemplateCount);
180     if (crv != CKR_OK) {
181         PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
182         goto loser;
183     }
185     verify = (PQGVerify *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(varena, sizeof(PQGVerify));
186     if (verify == NULL) {
187         goto loser;
188     }
189     /* fill in Params */
190     verify->arena = varena;
191     verify->counter = (unsigned int)(*(CK_ULONG *)vTemplate[0].pValue);
192     verify->seed.type = siUnsignedInteger;
193     verify->seed.data = vTemplate[1].pValue;
194     verify->seed.len = vTemplate[1].ulValueLen;
195     verify->h.type = siUnsignedInteger;
196     verify->h.data = vTemplate[2].pValue;
197     verify->h.len = vTemplate[2].ulValueLen;
199     PK11_DestroyObject(slot, objectID);
200     PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
202     *pParams = params;
203     *pVfy = verify;
205     return SECSuccess;
207 loser:
208     if (objectID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
209         PK11_DestroyObject(slot, objectID);
210     }
211     if (parena != NULL) {
212         PORT_FreeArena(parena, PR_FALSE);
213     }
214     if (varena != NULL) {
215         PORT_FreeArena(varena, PR_FALSE);
216     }
217     if (slot) {
218         PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
219     }
220     return SECFailure;
221 }
223 /* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
224  * Length of P specified by j.  Length of h will match length of P.
225  * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
226  * seedBbytes must be in the range [20..255] or an error will result.
227  */
228 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_ParamGenSeedLen(unsigned int j,unsigned int seedBytes,PQGParams ** pParams,PQGVerify ** pVfy)229 PK11_PQG_ParamGenSeedLen(unsigned int j, unsigned int seedBytes,
230                          PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
231 {
232     unsigned int primeBits = PQG_INDEX_TO_PBITS(j);
233     return PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(primeBits, 0, seedBytes, pParams, pVfy);
234 }
236 /* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
237  * Length of seed and length of h both equal length of P.
238  * All lengths are specified by "j", according to the table above.
239  */
240 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_ParamGen(unsigned int j,PQGParams ** pParams,PQGVerify ** pVfy)241 PK11_PQG_ParamGen(unsigned int j, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
242 {
243     unsigned int primeBits = PQG_INDEX_TO_PBITS(j);
244     return PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(primeBits, 0, 0, pParams, pVfy);
245 }
247 /*  Test PQGParams for validity as DSS PQG values.
248  *  If vfy is non-NULL, test PQGParams to make sure they were generated
249  *       using the specified seed, counter, and h values.
250  *
251  *  Return value indicates whether Verification operation ran successfully
252  *  to completion, but does not indicate if PQGParams are valid or not.
253  *  If return value is SECSuccess, then *pResult has these meanings:
254  *       SECSuccess: PQGParams are valid.
255  *       SECFailure: PQGParams are invalid.
256  */
258 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_VerifyParams(const PQGParams * params,const PQGVerify * vfy,SECStatus * result)259 PK11_PQG_VerifyParams(const PQGParams *params, const PQGVerify *vfy,
260                       SECStatus *result)
261 {
262     CK_ATTRIBUTE keyTempl[] = {
263         { CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
264         { CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, 0 },
265         { CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 },
266         { CKA_SUBPRIME, NULL, 0 },
267         { CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 },
268         { CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
269         { CKA_NSS_PQG_COUNTER, NULL, 0 },
270         { CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED, NULL, 0 },
271         { CKA_NSS_PQG_H, NULL, 0 },
272     };
273     CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
274     CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
276     CK_KEY_TYPE keyType = CKK_DSA;
277     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
278     PK11SlotInfo *slot;
279     int keyCount;
280     CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID;
281     CK_ULONG counter;
282     CK_RV crv;
284     attrs = keyTempl;
285     PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &class, sizeof(class));
286     attrs++;
287     PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType));
288     attrs++;
289     PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME, params->prime.data,
290                   params->prime.len);
291     attrs++;
292     PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBPRIME, params->subPrime.data,
293                   params->subPrime.len);
294     attrs++;
295     if (params->base.len) {
296         PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE, params->base.data, params->base.len);
297         attrs++;
298     }
299     PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ckfalse, sizeof(ckfalse));
300     attrs++;
301     if (vfy) {
302         if (vfy->counter != -1) {
303             counter = vfy->counter;
304             PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NSS_PQG_COUNTER,
305                           &counter, sizeof(counter));
306             attrs++;
307         }
308         PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED,
309                       vfy->seed.data, vfy->seed.len);
310         attrs++;
311         if (vfy->h.len) {
312             PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NSS_PQG_H,
313                           vfy->h.data, vfy->h.len);
314             attrs++;
315         }
316     }
318     keyCount = attrs - keyTempl;
319     PORT_Assert(keyCount <= sizeof(keyTempl) / sizeof(keyTempl[0]));
321     slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
322     if (slot == NULL) {
323         return SECFailure;
324     }
326     PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
327     crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CreateObject(slot->session, keyTempl, keyCount,
328                                             &objectID);
329     PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
331     /* throw away the keys, we only wanted the return code */
332     PK11_DestroyObject(slot, objectID);
333     PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
335     *result = SECSuccess;
336     if (crv == CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID) {
337         *result = SECFailure;
338     } else if (crv != CKR_OK) {
339         PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
340         rv = SECFailure;
341     }
342     return rv;
343 }
345 /**************************************************************************
346  *  Free the PQGParams struct and the things it points to.                *
347  **************************************************************************/
348 extern void
PK11_PQG_DestroyParams(PQGParams * params)349 PK11_PQG_DestroyParams(PQGParams *params)
350 {
351     if (params == NULL)
352         return;
353     if (params->arena != NULL) {
354         PORT_FreeArena(params->arena, PR_FALSE); /* don't zero it */
355     } else {
356         SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->prime, PR_FALSE);    /* don't free prime */
357         SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->subPrime, PR_FALSE); /* don't free subPrime */
358         SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->base, PR_FALSE);     /* don't free base */
359         PORT_Free(params);
360     }
361 }
363 /**************************************************************************
364  *  Free the PQGVerify struct and the things it points to.                *
365  **************************************************************************/
366 extern void
PK11_PQG_DestroyVerify(PQGVerify * vfy)367 PK11_PQG_DestroyVerify(PQGVerify *vfy)
368 {
369     if (vfy == NULL)
370         return;
371     if (vfy->arena != NULL) {
372         PORT_FreeArena(vfy->arena, PR_FALSE); /* don't zero it */
373     } else {
374         SECITEM_FreeItem(&vfy->seed, PR_FALSE); /* don't free seed */
375         SECITEM_FreeItem(&vfy->h, PR_FALSE);    /* don't free h */
376         PORT_Free(vfy);
377     }
378 }
380 #define PQG_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE 2048 /* bytes */
382 /**************************************************************************
383  *  Return a pointer to a new PQGParams struct that is constructed from   *
384  *  copies of the arguments passed in.                                    *
385  *  Return NULL on failure.                                               *
386  **************************************************************************/
387 extern PQGParams *
PK11_PQG_NewParams(const SECItem * prime,const SECItem * subPrime,const SECItem * base)388 PK11_PQG_NewParams(const SECItem *prime, const SECItem *subPrime,
389                    const SECItem *base)
390 {
391     PLArenaPool *arena;
392     PQGParams *dest;
393     SECStatus status;
395     arena = PORT_NewArena(PQG_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
396     if (arena == NULL)
397         goto loser;
399     dest = (PQGParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGParams));
400     if (dest == NULL)
401         goto loser;
403     dest->arena = arena;
405     status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->prime, prime);
406     if (status != SECSuccess)
407         goto loser;
409     status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->subPrime, subPrime);
410     if (status != SECSuccess)
411         goto loser;
413     status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->base, base);
414     if (status != SECSuccess)
415         goto loser;
417     return dest;
419 loser:
420     if (arena != NULL)
421         PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
422     return NULL;
423 }
425 /**************************************************************************
426  * Fills in caller's "prime" SECItem with the prime value in params.
427  * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(prime, PR_FALSE);
428  **************************************************************************/
429 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_GetPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams * params,SECItem * prime)430 PK11_PQG_GetPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams *params, SECItem *prime)
431 {
432     return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, prime, &params->prime);
433 }
435 /**************************************************************************
436  * Fills in caller's "subPrime" SECItem with the prime value in params.
437  * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(subPrime, PR_FALSE);
438  **************************************************************************/
439 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_GetSubPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams * params,SECItem * subPrime)440 PK11_PQG_GetSubPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams *params, SECItem *subPrime)
441 {
442     return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, subPrime, &params->subPrime);
443 }
445 /**************************************************************************
446  * Fills in caller's "base" SECItem with the base value in params.
447  * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(base, PR_FALSE);
448  **************************************************************************/
449 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_GetBaseFromParams(const PQGParams * params,SECItem * base)450 PK11_PQG_GetBaseFromParams(const PQGParams *params, SECItem *base)
451 {
452     return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, base, &params->base);
453 }
455 /**************************************************************************
456  *  Return a pointer to a new PQGVerify struct that is constructed from   *
457  *  copies of the arguments passed in.                                    *
458  *  Return NULL on failure.                                               *
459  **************************************************************************/
460 extern PQGVerify *
PK11_PQG_NewVerify(unsigned int counter,const SECItem * seed,const SECItem * h)461 PK11_PQG_NewVerify(unsigned int counter, const SECItem *seed,
462                    const SECItem *h)
463 {
464     PLArenaPool *arena;
465     PQGVerify *dest;
466     SECStatus status;
468     arena = PORT_NewArena(PQG_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
469     if (arena == NULL)
470         goto loser;
472     dest = (PQGVerify *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGVerify));
473     if (dest == NULL)
474         goto loser;
476     dest->arena = arena;
477     dest->counter = counter;
479     status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->seed, seed);
480     if (status != SECSuccess)
481         goto loser;
483     status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->h, h);
484     if (status != SECSuccess)
485         goto loser;
487     return dest;
489 loser:
490     if (arena != NULL)
491         PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
492     return NULL;
493 }
495 /**************************************************************************
496  * Returns "counter" value from the PQGVerify.
497  **************************************************************************/
498 extern unsigned int
PK11_PQG_GetCounterFromVerify(const PQGVerify * verify)499 PK11_PQG_GetCounterFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify)
500 {
501     return verify->counter;
502 }
504 /**************************************************************************
505  * Fills in caller's "seed" SECItem with the seed value in verify.
506  * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(seed, PR_FALSE);
507  **************************************************************************/
508 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_GetSeedFromVerify(const PQGVerify * verify,SECItem * seed)509 PK11_PQG_GetSeedFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify, SECItem *seed)
510 {
511     return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, seed, &verify->seed);
512 }
514 /**************************************************************************
515  * Fills in caller's "h" SECItem with the h value in verify.
516  * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(h, PR_FALSE);
517  **************************************************************************/
518 extern SECStatus
PK11_PQG_GetHFromVerify(const PQGVerify * verify,SECItem * h)519 PK11_PQG_GetHFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify, SECItem *h)
520 {
521     return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, h, &verify->h);
522 }