2 #include "../digestpp.hpp"
3 #include <numeric>
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <iomanip>
6 #include <fstream>
8 using namespace std;
9 using namespace digestpp;
12 // Calculate BLAKE2b digest from a double quoted string and output it in hex format
example1()13 void example1()
14 {
15 	cout << blake2b().absorb("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").hexdigest() << endl;
16 }
18 // Calculate BLAKE2b-256 digest from an std::string and output it in hex format
example2()19 void example2()
20 {
21 	string str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
22 	cout << blake2b(256).absorb(str).hexdigest() << endl;
23 }
25 // Calculate SHA-512 digest of a vector and output it in hex format
example3()26 void example3()
27 {
28 	vector<unsigned char> v(100);
29 	iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
31 	cout << sha512().absorb(v.begin(), v.end()).hexdigest() << endl;
32 }
34 // Calculate SHA-512/256 digest of a C array and output it in hex format
example4()35 void example4()
36 {
37 	unsigned char c[32];
38 	iota(c, c + sizeof(c), 0);
40 	cout << sha512(256).absorb(c, sizeof(c)).hexdigest() << endl;
41 }
43 // Calculate SHA-256 digest of a file and output it in hex format
example5()44 void example5()
45 {
46 	ifstream file("filename", ios_base::in|ios_base::binary);
47 	cout << sha256().absorb(file).hexdigest() << endl;
48 }
50 // Generate SHA3-224 digest using multiple calls to absorb()
example6()51 void example6()
52 {
53 	cout << sha3(224).absorb("The quick brown fox ").absorb("jumps over the lazy dog").hexdigest() << endl;
54 }
56 // Output binary digest to a vector
example7()57 void example7()
58 {
59 	vector<unsigned char> v;
60 	sha3(256).absorb("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").digest(back_inserter(v));
61 }
63 // Output binary digest to a raw C array
example8()64 void example8()
65 {
66 	unsigned char buf[32];
67 	sha3(256).absorb("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").digest(buf, sizeof(buf));
68 }
70 // Output binary digest to a stream
example9()71 void example9()
72 {
73 	string str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
74 	string output;
75 	ostringstream os(output);
76 	sha3(256).absorb(str).digest(ostream_iterator<char>(os, ""));
77 }
79 // Generate long output using SHAKE-256 extendable output function using multiple calls to squeeze()
example10()80 void example10()
81 {
82 	vector<unsigned char> v;
83 	shake256 xof;
84 	xof.absorb("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
85 	xof.squeeze(1000, back_inserter(v));
86 	xof.squeeze(1000, back_inserter(v));
87 	xof.squeeze(1000, back_inserter(v));
88 	cout << "Squeezed " << v.size() << " bytes." << endl;
89 }
91 // Generate 64-byte digest using customizable cSHAKE-256 algorithm and print it in hex format
example11()92 void example11()
93 {
94 	cshake256 xof;
95 	xof.set_customization("Customization");
96 	cout << xof.absorb("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").hexsqueeze(64) << endl;
97 }
main()100 int main()
101 {
102 	example1();
103 	example2();
104 	example3();
105 	example4();
106 	example5();
107 	example6();
108 	example7();
109 	example8();
110 	example9();
111 	example10();
112 	example11();
113 }