1 /* Copyright (C) 2012-2019 IBM Corp.
2  * This program is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
3  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
4  * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
5  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10  * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
11  */
13 /* Test_Permutations.cpp - Applying plaintext permutation to encrypted vector
14  */
15 #include <NTL/ZZ.h>
18 #include <helib/NumbTh.h>
19 #include <helib/timing.h>
20 #include <helib/permutations.h>
21 #include <helib/EncryptedArray.h>
22 #include <helib/ArgMap.h>
24 using namespace helib;
26 static bool noPrint = true;
28 void testCtxt(long m, long p, long widthBound=0, long L=0, long r=1);
30 // OLD CODE
31 //void usage(char *prog)
32 //{
33 //  cout << "Usage: "<<prog<<" [test=? [optional parameters...]]\n";
34 //  cout << "  optional parameters have the form 'attr1=val1 attr2=val2 ...'\n";
35 //  cout << "  e.g, 'test=1 m=108 p=2 r=1\n";
36 //  cout << "  test is either 0 (plaintext) or 1 (ciphertext)[default=1]\n\n";
37 //  cout << "test=0, permuting plaintext hypercubes (dimension upto 4):\n";
38 //  cout << "  ord1,ord2,ord3,ord4 size of dimensions 1..4 [default ord1=30, ord2,3,4=0]\n";
39 //  cout << "  good1,good2,good3,good4 native rotation flags (0/1) [default=1]\n";
40 //  cout << "  depth bounds the depth of permutation network [default=5]\n";
41 //  cout << "\ntest=1, permuting ciphertext slots:\n";
42 //  cout << "  m is the cyclotomic field [default=4369]\n";
43 //  cout << "  p,r define the plaintext space p^r [default p=2,r=1]\n";
44 //  cout << "  depth bounds the depth of permutation network [default=5]\n";
45 //  cout << "  L is number of bits in chain [default=30*depth]\n\n";
46 //  cout << "dry=1 for dry run [default=0]\n";
47 //  exit(0);
48 //}
testCube(Vec<GenDescriptor> & vec,long widthBound)50 void testCube(Vec<GenDescriptor>& vec, long widthBound)
51 {
52   GeneratorTrees trees;
53   long cost = trees.buildOptimalTrees(vec, widthBound);
54   if (!noPrint) {
55     cout << "@TestCube: trees=" << trees << endl;
56     cout << " cost =" << cost << endl;
57   }
58   Vec<long> dims;
59   trees.getCubeDims(dims);
60   CubeSignature sig(dims);
62   for (long cnt=0; cnt<3; cnt++) {
63     Permut pi;
64     randomPerm(pi, trees.getSize());
66     PermNetwork net;
67     net.buildNetwork(pi, trees);
69     HyperCube<long> cube1(sig), cube2(sig);
70     for (long i=0; i<cube1.getSize(); i++) cube1[i] = i;
71     HyperCube<long> cube3 = cube1;
72     applyPermToVec(cube2.getData(), cube1.getData(), pi); // direct application
73     net.applyToCube(cube3); // applying permutation netwrok
74     if (cube2==cube3) cout << "GOOD\n";
75     else {
76       cout << "BAD\n";
77       if (cube1.getSize()<100 && !noPrint) {
78 	cout << "in="<<cube1.getData() << endl;
79 	cout << "out1="<<cube2.getData()<<", out2="
80 	     << cube3.getData()<<endl<<endl;
81       }
82     }
83   }
84 }
testCtxt(long m,long p,long widthBound,long L,long r)86 void testCtxt(long m, long p, long widthBound, long L, long r)
87 {
88   if (!noPrint)
89     cout << "@testCtxt(m="<<m<<",p="<<p<<",depth="<<widthBound<< ",r="<<r<<")";
91   Context context(m,p,r);
92   EncryptedArray ea(context); // Use G(X)=X for this ea object
94   // Some arbitrary initial plaintext array
95   vector<long> in(ea.size());
96   for (long i=0; i<ea.size(); i++) in[i] = i % p;
98   // Setup generator-descriptors for the PAlgebra generators
99   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, ea.dimension());
100   for (long i=0; i<ea.dimension(); i++)
101     vec[i] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/ea.sizeOfDimension(i),
102 			   /*good=*/ ea.nativeDimension(i), /*genIdx=*/i);
104   // Some default for the width-bound, if not provided
105   if (widthBound<=0) widthBound = 1+log2((double)ea.size());
107   // Get the generator-tree structures and the corresponding hypercube
108   GeneratorTrees trees;
109   long cost = trees.buildOptimalTrees(vec, widthBound);
110   if (!noPrint) {
111     context.zMStar.printout();
112     cout << ": trees=" << trees << endl;
113     cout << " cost =" << cost << endl;
114   }
115   //  Vec<long> dims;
116   //  trees.getCubeDims(dims);
117   //  CubeSignature sig(dims);
119   // 1/2 prime per level should be more or less enough, here we use 1 per layer
120   if (L<=0) L = (1+trees.numLayers())*context.BPL();
121   buildModChain(context, /*nLevels=*/L, /*nDigits=*/3);
122   if (!noPrint) cout << "**Using "<<L<<" and "
123 		     << context.ctxtPrimes.card() << " Ctxt-primes\n";
125   // Generate a sk/pk pair
126   SecKey secretKey(context);
127   const PubKey& publicKey = secretKey;
128   secretKey.GenSecKey(); // A +-1/0 secret key
129   Ctxt ctxt(publicKey);
131   for (long cnt=0; cnt<3; cnt++) {
132     resetAllTimers();
133     // Choose a random permutation
134     Permut pi;
135     randomPerm(pi, trees.getSize());
137     // Build a permutation network for pi
138     PermNetwork net;
139     net.buildNetwork(pi, trees);
141     // make sure we have the key-switching matrices needed for this network
142     addMatrices4Network(secretKey, net);
144     // Apply the permutation pi to the plaintext
145     vector<long> out1(ea.size());
146     vector<long> out2(ea.size());
147     applyPermToVec(out1, in, pi); // direct application
149     // Encrypt plaintext array, then apply permutation network to ciphertext
150     ea.encrypt(ctxt, publicKey, in);
151     if (!noPrint)
152       cout << "  ** applying permutation network to ciphertext... " << flush;
153     double t = GetTime();
154     net.applyToCtxt(ctxt, ea); // applying permutation netwrok
155     t = GetTime() -t;
156     if (!noPrint)
157       cout << "done in " << t << " seconds" << endl;
158     ea.decrypt(ctxt, secretKey, out2);
160     if (out1==out2) cout << "GOOD\n";
161     else {
162       cout << "************ BAD\n";
163     }
164     // printAllTimers();
165   }
166 }
169 /* m = 31, p = 2, phi(m) = 30
170   ord(p)=5
171   generator 6 has order (== Z_m^*) of 6
172   T = [1 6 5 30 25 26 ]
174   m = 61, p = 3, phi(m) = 60
175   ord(p)=10
176   generator 13 has order (== Z_m^*) of 3
177   generator 2 has order (!= Z_m^*) of 2
178   T = [1 2 13 26 47 33 ]
180   m = 683, p = 2, phi(m) = 682
181   ord(p)=22
182   generator 3 has order (== Z_m^*) of 31
184   m = 47127, p = 2, phi(m) = 30008
185   ord(p)=22
186   generator 5 has order (== Z_m^*) of 682
187   generator 13661 has order (== Z_m^*) of 2
188 */
main(int argc,char * argv[])190 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
191 {
192   long test = 1;
193   long p = 2;
194   long r = 1;
195   long m = 4369;
196   long depth = 5;
197   long L = 0;
199   long ord1 = 30;
200   long ord2 = 0;
201   long ord3 = 0;
202   long ord4 = 0;
203   long good1 = 1;
204   long good2 = 1;
205   long good3 = 1;
206   long good4 = 1;
208   bool dry = 0;
209   noPrint = 1;
211   ArgMap amap;
212   amap.arg("test", test);
213   amap.arg("p", p);
214   amap.arg("r", r);
215   amap.arg("m", m);
216   amap.arg("depth", depth);
217   amap.arg("L", L);
218   amap.arg("ord1", ord1);
219   amap.arg("ord2", ord2);
220   amap.arg("ord3", ord3);
221   amap.arg("ord4", ord4);
222   amap.arg("good1", good1);
223   amap.arg("good2", good2);
224   amap.arg("good3", good3);
225   amap.arg("good4", good4);
226   amap.arg("dry", dry);
227   amap.arg("noPrint", noPrint);
228   amap.parse(argc, argv);
230   // get parameters from the command line
231   //if (!parseArgs(argc, argv, argmap)) usage(argv[0]);
233   setDryRun(dry);
234   if (test==0 || dry!=0) {
235     Vec<GenDescriptor> vec;
236     long nGens;
237     if (ord2<=1) nGens=1;
238     else if (ord3<=1) nGens=2;
239     else if (ord4<=1) nGens=3;
240     else nGens=4;
241     vec.SetLength(nGens);
243     switch (nGens) {
244     case 4:  vec[3] = GenDescriptor(ord4, good4, /*genIdx=*/3);
245     case 3:  vec[2] = GenDescriptor(ord3, good3, /*genIdx=*/2);
246     case 2:  vec[1] = GenDescriptor(ord2, good2, /*genIdx=*/1);
247     default: vec[0] = GenDescriptor(ord1, good1, /*genIdx=*/0);
248     }
249     if (!noPrint) {
250       cout << "***Testing ";
251       if (isDryRun()) cout << "(dry run) ";
252       for (long i=0; i<vec.length(); i++)
253 	cout << "("<<vec[i].order<<","<<vec[i].good<<")";
254       cout << ", depth="<<depth<<"\n";
255     }
256     testCube(vec, depth);
257   }
258   else {
259     setTimersOn();
260     if (!noPrint)
261       cout << "***Testing m="<<m<<", p="<<p<<", depth="<<depth<< endl;
262     testCtxt(m,p,depth,L,r);
263   }
264 }
268 #if 0
269   cout << "***Testing m=31, p=2, width=3\n"; // (6 good)
270   testCtxt(/*m=*/31, /*p=*/2, /*width=*/3);
272   cout << "\n***Testing m=61, p=3, width=3\n"; // (3 good), (2, bad)
273   testCtxt(/*m=*/61, /*p=*/3, /*width=*/3);
275   cout << "\n***Testing m=683, p=2, width=5\n"; // (31, good)
276   testCtxt(/*m=*/683, /*p=*/2, /*width=*/5);
278   //  cout << "\n***Testing m=47127, p=2, width=11\n"; // (682,good),(2,good)
279   //  testCtxt(/*m=*/47127, /*p=*/2, /*width=*/11);
281   // Test 1: a single good small prime-order generator (3)
282   {
283   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 1);
284   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/3, /*good=*/true, /*genIdx=*/0);
285   cout << "***Testing (3,good), width=1\n";
286   testCube(vec, /*width=*/1);
287   }
289   // Test 2: a single bad larger prime-order generator (31)
290   {
291   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 1);
292   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/31, /*good=*/false, /*genIdx=*/0);
293   cout << "\n***Testing (31,bad), width=5\n";
294   testCube(vec, /*width=*/5);
295   }
297   // Test 3: two generators with small prime orders (2,3), both bad
298   {
299   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 2);
300   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/2, /*good=*/false, /*genIdx=*/0);
301   vec[1] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/3, /*good=*/false, /*genIdx=*/1);
302   cout << "\n***Testing [(2,bad),(3,bad)], width=3\n";
303   testCube(vec, /*width=*/3);
304   }
306   // Test 4: two generators with small prime orders (2,3), one good
307   {
308   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 2);
309   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/3, /*good=*/true, /*genIdx=*/0);
310   vec[1] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/2, /*good=*/false, /*genIdx=*/1);
311   cout << "\n***Testing [(3,good),(2,bad)], width=3\n";
312   testCube(vec, /*width=*/3);
313   }
315   // Test 5: a single good composite-order generator (6)
316   {
317   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 1);
318   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/6, /*good=*/true, /*genIdx=*/0);
319   cout << "\n***Testing (6,good), width=3\n";
320   testCube(vec, /*width=*/3);
321   }
323   // Test 6: (6,good),(2,bad)
324   {
325   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 2);
326   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/6,/*good=*/true, /*genIdx=*/0);
327   vec[1] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/ 2, /*good=*/false,/*genIdx=*/1);
328   cout << "\n**Testing [(6,good),(2,bad)], width=5\n";
329   testCube(vec, /*width=*/5);
330   }
332   // Test 7: the "general case", (682,good),(2,bad)
333   {
334   Vec<GenDescriptor> vec(INIT_SIZE, 2);
335   vec[0] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/682,/*good=*/true, /*genIdx=*/0);
336   vec[1] = GenDescriptor(/*order=*/ 2, /*good=*/false,/*genIdx=*/1);
337   cout << "\n**Testing [(682,good),(2,bad)], width=11\n";
338   testCube(vec, /*width=*/11);
339   }
340 #endif