2-- |
3-- Module    : Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic
4-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
5-- License   : BSD3
6-- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com
7-- Stability : experimental
9-- Symbolic values
12{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
16{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
17{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
18{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
19{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies     #-}
20{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
21{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
22{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns             #-}
23{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
24{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
25{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                 #-}
26{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
27{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
28{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
29{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-} -- for undetermined s in MonadState
30{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}
32{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-orphans #-}
34module Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic
35  ( NodeId(..)
36  , SV(..), swKind, trueSV, falseSV
37  , Op(..), PBOp(..), OvOp(..), FPOp(..), NROp(..), StrOp(..), SeqOp(..), SetOp(..)
38  , RegExp(..), regExpToSMTString
39  , Quantifier(..), needsExistentials, VarContext(..)
40  , RoundingMode(..)
41  , SBVType(..), svUninterpreted, newUninterpreted
42  , SVal(..)
43  , svMkSymVar, sWordN, sWordN_, sIntN, sIntN_
44  , ArrayContext(..), ArrayInfo
45  , svToSV, svToSymSV, forceSVArg
46  , SBVExpr(..), newExpr, isCodeGenMode, isSafetyCheckingIStage, isRunIStage, isSetupIStage
47  , Cached, cache, uncache, modifyState, modifyIncState
48  , ArrayIndex(..), FArrayIndex(..), uncacheAI, uncacheFAI
49  , NamedSymVar(..), Name, UserInputs, Inputs(..), getSV, swNodeId, namedNodeId, getUniversals
50  , prefixExistentials, prefixUniversals, onUserInputs, onInternInputs, onAllInputs
51  , addInternInput, addUserInput, getInputs, inputsFromListWith, userInputsToList
52  , getUserName', internInputsToList, inputsToList, quantifier, namedSymVar, getUserName
53  , lookupInput , getSValPathCondition, extendSValPathCondition
54  , getTableIndex
55  , SBVPgm(..), MonadSymbolic(..), SymbolicT, Symbolic, runSymbolic, State(..), withNewIncState, IncState(..), incrementInternalCounter
56  , inSMTMode, SBVRunMode(..), IStage(..), Result(..)
57  , registerKind, registerLabel, recordObservable
58  , addAssertion, addNewSMTOption, imposeConstraint, internalConstraint, internalVariable
59  , SMTLibPgm(..), SMTLibVersion(..), smtLibVersionExtension
60  , SolverCapabilities(..)
61  , extractSymbolicSimulationState, CnstMap
62  , OptimizeStyle(..), Objective(..), Penalty(..), objectiveName, addSValOptGoal
63  , MonadQuery(..), QueryT(..), Query, Queriable(..), Fresh(..), QueryState(..), QueryContext(..)
64  , SMTScript(..), Solver(..), SMTSolver(..), SMTResult(..), SMTModel(..), SMTConfig(..), SMTEngine
65  , validationRequested, outputSVal
66  ) where
68import Control.Arrow               ((***))
69import Control.DeepSeq             (NFData(..))
70import Control.Monad               (when)
71import Control.Monad.Except        (MonadError, ExceptT)
72import Control.Monad.Reader        (MonadReader(..), ReaderT, runReaderT,
73                                    mapReaderT)
74import Control.Monad.State.Lazy    (MonadState)
75import Control.Monad.Trans         (MonadIO(liftIO), MonadTrans(lift))
76import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe   (MaybeT)
77import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (MonadWriter)
78import Data.Char                   (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, toLower)
79import Data.IORef                  (IORef, newIORef, readIORef)
80import Data.List                   (intercalate, sortBy)
81import Data.Maybe                  (isJust, fromJust, fromMaybe)
82import Data.String                 (IsString(fromString))
84import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime)
86import GHC.Stack
87import GHC.Generics (Generic)
89import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy    as LS
90import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict  as SS
91import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy   as LW
92import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as SW
93import qualified Data.IORef                  as R    (modifyIORef')
94import qualified Data.Generics               as G    (Data(..))
95import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict          as IMap (IntMap, empty, toAscList, lookup, insertWith)
96import qualified Data.Map.Strict             as Map  (Map, empty, toList, lookup, insert, size)
97import qualified Data.Set                    as Set  (Set, empty, toList, insert, member)
98import qualified Data.Foldable               as F    (toList)
99import qualified Data.Sequence               as S    (Seq, empty, (|>), (<|), filter, takeWhileL, fromList, lookup, elemIndexL)
100import qualified Data.Text                   as T
102import System.Mem.StableName
104import Data.SBV.Core.Kind
105import Data.SBV.Core.Concrete
106import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLibNames
107import Data.SBV.Utils.TDiff (Timing)
108import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib   (stringToQFS)
110import Data.SBV.Control.Types
112#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
113import Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
116-- | A symbolic node id
117newtype NodeId = NodeId { getId :: Int }
118  deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
120-- | A symbolic word, tracking it's signedness and size.
121data SV = SV !Kind !NodeId
122        deriving G.Data
124-- | For equality, we merely use the node-id
125instance Eq SV where
126  SV _ n1 == SV _ n2 = n1 == n2
128-- | Again, simply use the node-id for ordering
129instance Ord SV where
130  SV _ n1 `compare` SV _ n2 = n1 `compare` n2
132instance HasKind SV where
133  kindOf (SV k _) = k
135instance Show SV where
136  show (SV _ (NodeId n)) = case n of
137                             -2 -> "false"
138                             -1 -> "true"
139                             _  -> 's' : show n
141-- | Kind of a symbolic word.
142swKind :: SV -> Kind
143swKind (SV k _) = k
145-- | retrieve the node id of a symbolic word
146swNodeId :: SV -> NodeId
147swNodeId (SV _ nid) = nid
149-- | Forcing an argument; this is a necessary evil to make sure all the arguments
150-- to an uninterpreted function are evaluated before called; the semantics of uinterpreted
151-- functions is necessarily strict; deviating from Haskell's
152forceSVArg :: SV -> IO ()
153forceSVArg (SV k n) = k `seq` n `seq` return ()
155-- | Constant False as an 'SV'. Note that this value always occupies slot -2.
156falseSV :: SV
157falseSV = SV KBool $ NodeId (-2)
159-- | Constant True as an 'SV'. Note that this value always occupies slot -1.
160trueSV :: SV
161trueSV  = SV KBool $ NodeId (-1)
163-- | Symbolic operations
164data Op = Plus
165        | Times
166        | Minus
167        | UNeg
168        | Abs
169        | Quot
170        | Rem
171        | Equal
172        | NotEqual
173        | LessThan
174        | GreaterThan
175        | LessEq
176        | GreaterEq
177        | Ite
178        | And
179        | Or
180        | XOr
181        | Not
182        | Shl
183        | Shr
184        | Rol Int
185        | Ror Int
186        | Extract Int Int                       -- Extract i j: extract bits i to j. Least significant bit is 0 (big-endian)
187        | Join                                  -- Concat two words to form a bigger one, in the order given
188        | LkUp (Int, Kind, Kind, Int) !SV !SV   -- (table-index, arg-type, res-type, length of the table) index out-of-bounds-value
189        | ArrEq   ArrayIndex ArrayIndex         -- Array equality
190        | ArrRead ArrayIndex
191        | KindCast Kind Kind
192        | Uninterpreted String
193        | Label String                          -- Essentially no-op; useful for code generation to emit comments.
194        | IEEEFP FPOp                           -- Floating-point ops, categorized separately
195        | NonLinear NROp                        -- Non-linear ops (mostly trigonometric), categorized separately
196        | OverflowOp    OvOp                    -- Overflow-ops, categorized separately
197        | PseudoBoolean PBOp                    -- Pseudo-boolean ops, categorized separately
198        | StrOp StrOp                           -- String ops, categorized separately
199        | SeqOp SeqOp                           -- Sequence ops, categorized separately
200        | SetOp SetOp                           -- Set operations, categorized separately
201        | TupleConstructor Int                  -- Construct an n-tuple
202        | TupleAccess Int Int                   -- Access element i of an n-tuple; second argument is n
203        | EitherConstructor Kind Kind Bool      -- Construct a sum; False: left, True: right
204        | EitherIs Kind Kind Bool               -- Either branch tester; False: left, True: right
205        | EitherAccess Bool                     -- Either branch access; False: left, True: right
206        | MaybeConstructor Kind Bool            -- Construct a maybe value; False: Nothing, True: Just
207        | MaybeIs Kind Bool                     -- Maybe tester; False: nothing, True: just
208        | MaybeAccess                           -- Maybe branch access; grab the contents of the just
209        deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
211-- | Floating point operations
212data FPOp = FP_Cast        Kind Kind SV   -- From-Kind, To-Kind, RoundingMode. This is "value" conversion
213          | FP_Reinterpret Kind Kind      -- From-Kind, To-Kind. This is bit-reinterpretation using IEEE-754 interchange format
214          | FP_Abs
215          | FP_Neg
216          | FP_Add
217          | FP_Sub
218          | FP_Mul
219          | FP_Div
220          | FP_FMA
221          | FP_Sqrt
222          | FP_Rem
223          | FP_RoundToIntegral
224          | FP_Min
225          | FP_Max
226          | FP_ObjEqual
227          | FP_IsNormal
228          | FP_IsSubnormal
229          | FP_IsZero
230          | FP_IsInfinite
231          | FP_IsNaN
232          | FP_IsNegative
233          | FP_IsPositive
234          deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
236-- Note that the show instance maps to the SMTLib names. We need to make sure
237-- this mapping stays correct through SMTLib changes. The only exception
238-- is FP_Cast; where we handle different source/origins explicitly later on.
239instance Show FPOp where
240   show (FP_Cast f t r)      = "(FP_Cast: " ++ show f ++ " -> " ++ show t ++ ", using RM [" ++ show r ++ "])"
241   show (FP_Reinterpret f t) = case t of
242                                  KFloat    -> "(_ to_fp 8 24)"
243                                  KDouble   -> "(_ to_fp 11 53)"
244                                  KFP eb sb -> "(_ to_fp " ++ show eb ++ " " ++ show sb ++ ")"
245                                  _         -> error $ "SBV.FP_Reinterpret: Unexpected conversion: " ++ show f ++ " to " ++ show t
246   show FP_Abs               = "fp.abs"
247   show FP_Neg               = "fp.neg"
248   show FP_Add               = "fp.add"
249   show FP_Sub               = "fp.sub"
250   show FP_Mul               = "fp.mul"
251   show FP_Div               = "fp.div"
252   show FP_FMA               = "fp.fma"
253   show FP_Sqrt              = "fp.sqrt"
254   show FP_Rem               = "fp.rem"
255   show FP_RoundToIntegral   = "fp.roundToIntegral"
256   show FP_Min               = "fp.min"
257   show FP_Max               = "fp.max"
258   show FP_ObjEqual          = "="
259   show FP_IsNormal          = "fp.isNormal"
260   show FP_IsSubnormal       = "fp.isSubnormal"
261   show FP_IsZero            = "fp.isZero"
262   show FP_IsInfinite        = "fp.isInfinite"
263   show FP_IsNaN             = "fp.isNaN"
264   show FP_IsNegative        = "fp.isNegative"
265   show FP_IsPositive        = "fp.isPositive"
267-- | Non-linear operations
268data NROp = NR_Sin
269          | NR_Cos
270          | NR_Tan
271          | NR_ASin
272          | NR_ACos
273          | NR_ATan
274          | NR_Sqrt
275          | NR_Sinh
276          | NR_Cosh
277          | NR_Tanh
278          | NR_Exp
279          | NR_Log
280          | NR_Pow
281          deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
283-- | The show instance carefully arranges for these to be printed as it can be understood by dreal
284instance Show NROp where
285  show NR_Sin  = "sin"
286  show NR_Cos  = "cos"
287  show NR_Tan  = "tan"
288  show NR_ASin = "asin"
289  show NR_ACos = "acos"
290  show NR_ATan = "atan"
291  show NR_Sinh = "sinh"
292  show NR_Cosh = "cosh"
293  show NR_Tanh = "tanh"
294  show NR_Sqrt = "sqrt"
295  show NR_Exp  = "exp"
296  show NR_Log  = "log"
297  show NR_Pow  = "pow"
299-- | Pseudo-boolean operations
300data PBOp = PB_AtMost  Int        -- ^ At most k
301          | PB_AtLeast Int        -- ^ At least k
302          | PB_Exactly Int        -- ^ Exactly k
303          | PB_Le      [Int] Int  -- ^ At most k,  with coefficients given. Generalizes PB_AtMost
304          | PB_Ge      [Int] Int  -- ^ At least k, with coefficients given. Generalizes PB_AtLeast
305          | PB_Eq      [Int] Int  -- ^ Exactly k,  with coefficients given. Generalized PB_Exactly
306          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, G.Data)
308-- | Overflow operations
309data OvOp = Overflow_SMul_OVFL   -- ^ Signed multiplication overflow
310          | Overflow_SMul_UDFL   -- ^ Signed multiplication underflow
311          | Overflow_UMul_OVFL   -- ^ Unsigned multiplication overflow
312          deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
314-- | Show instance. It's important that these follow the internal z3 names
315instance Show OvOp where
316  show Overflow_SMul_OVFL = "bvsmul_noovfl"
317  show Overflow_SMul_UDFL = "bvsmul_noudfl"
318  show Overflow_UMul_OVFL = "bvumul_noovfl"
320-- | String operations. Note that we do not define @StrAt@ as it translates to 'StrSubstr' trivially.
321data StrOp = StrConcat       -- ^ Concatenation of one or more strings
322           | StrLen          -- ^ String length
323           | StrUnit         -- ^ Unit string
324           | StrNth          -- ^ Nth element
325           | StrSubstr       -- ^ Retrieves substring of @s@ at @offset@
326           | StrIndexOf      -- ^ Retrieves first position of @sub@ in @s@, @-1@ if there are no occurrences
327           | StrContains     -- ^ Does @s@ contain the substring @sub@?
328           | StrPrefixOf     -- ^ Is @pre@ a prefix of @s@?
329           | StrSuffixOf     -- ^ Is @suf@ a suffix of @s@?
330           | StrReplace      -- ^ Replace the first occurrence of @src@ by @dst@ in @s@
331           | StrStrToNat     -- ^ Retrieve integer encoded by string @s@ (ground rewriting only)
332           | StrNatToStr     -- ^ Retrieve string encoded by integer @i@ (ground rewriting only)
333           | StrToCode       -- ^ Equivalent to Haskell's ord
334           | StrFromCode     -- ^ Equivalent to Haskell's chr
335           | StrInRe RegExp  -- ^ Check if string is in the regular expression
336           deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
338-- | Regular expressions. Note that regular expressions themselves are
339-- concrete, but the 'Data.SBV.RegExp.match' function from the 'Data.SBV.RegExp.RegExpMatchable' class
340-- can check membership against a symbolic string/character. Also, we
341-- are preferring a datatype approach here, as opposed to coming up with
342-- some string-representation; there are way too many alternatives
343-- already so inventing one isn't a priority. Please get in touch if you
344-- would like a parser for this type as it might be easier to use.
345data RegExp = Literal String       -- ^ Precisely match the given string
346            | All                  -- ^ Accept every string
347            | None                 -- ^ Accept no strings
348            | Range Char Char      -- ^ Accept range of characters
349            | Conc  [RegExp]       -- ^ Concatenation
350            | KStar RegExp         -- ^ Kleene Star: Zero or more
351            | KPlus RegExp         -- ^ Kleene Plus: One or more
352            | Opt   RegExp         -- ^ Zero or one
353            | Loop  Int Int RegExp -- ^ From @n@ repetitions to @m@ repetitions
354            | Union [RegExp]       -- ^ Union of regular expressions
355            | Inter RegExp RegExp  -- ^ Intersection of regular expressions
356            deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
358-- | With overloaded strings, we can have direct literal regular expressions.
359instance IsString RegExp where
360  fromString = Literal
362-- | Regular expressions as a 'Num' instance. Note that
363-- only `+` (union) and `*` (concatenation) make sense.
364instance Num RegExp where
365  -- flatten the concats to make them simpler
366  Conc xs * y = Conc (xs ++ [y])
367  x * Conc ys = Conc (x  :  ys)
368  x * y       = Conc [x, y]
370  -- flatten the unions to make them simpler
371  Union xs + y = Union (xs ++ [y])
372  x + Union ys = Union (x  : ys)
373  x + y        = Union [x, y]
375  abs         = error "Num.RegExp: no abs method"
376  signum      = error "Num.RegExp: no signum method"
378  fromInteger x
379    | x == 0    = None
380    | x == 1    = Literal ""   -- Unit for concatenation is the empty string
381    | True      = error $ "Num.RegExp: Only 0 and 1 makes sense as a reg-exp, no meaning for: " ++ show x
383  negate      = error "Num.RegExp: no negate method"
385-- | Convert a reg-exp to a Haskell-like string
386instance Show RegExp where
387  show = regExpToString show
389-- | Convert a reg-exp to a SMT-lib acceptable representation
390regExpToSMTString :: RegExp -> String
391regExpToSMTString = regExpToString (\s -> '"' : stringToQFS s ++ "\"")
393-- | Convert a RegExp to a string, parameterized by how strings are converted
394regExpToString :: (String -> String) -> RegExp -> String
395regExpToString fs (Literal s)       = "(str.to.re " ++ fs s ++ ")"
396regExpToString _  All               = "re.allchar"
397regExpToString _  None              = "re.nostr"
398regExpToString fs (Range ch1 ch2)   = "(re.range " ++ fs [ch1] ++ " " ++ fs [ch2] ++ ")"
399regExpToString _  (Conc [])         = show (1 :: Integer)
400regExpToString fs (Conc [x])        = regExpToString fs x
401regExpToString fs (Conc xs)         = "(re.++ " ++ unwords (map (regExpToString fs) xs) ++ ")"
402regExpToString fs (KStar r)         = "(re.* " ++ regExpToString fs r ++ ")"
403regExpToString fs (KPlus r)         = "(re.+ " ++ regExpToString fs r ++ ")"
404regExpToString fs (Opt   r)         = "(re.opt " ++ regExpToString fs r ++ ")"
405regExpToString fs (Loop  lo hi r)
406   | lo >= 0, hi >= lo = "((_ re.loop " ++ show lo ++ " " ++ show hi ++ ") " ++ regExpToString fs r ++ ")"
407   | True              = error $ "Invalid regular-expression Loop with arguments: " ++ show (lo, hi)
408regExpToString fs (Inter r1 r2)     = "(re.inter " ++ regExpToString fs r1 ++ " " ++ regExpToString fs r2 ++ ")"
409regExpToString _  (Union [])        = "re.nostr"
410regExpToString fs (Union [x])       = regExpToString fs x
411regExpToString fs (Union xs)        = "(re.union " ++ unwords (map (regExpToString fs) xs) ++ ")"
413-- | Show instance for @StrOp@. Note that the mapping here is
414-- important to match the SMTLib equivalents, see here: <http://rise4fun.com/z3/tutorialcontent/sequences>
415instance Show StrOp where
416  show StrConcat   = "str.++"
417  show StrLen      = "str.len"
418  show StrUnit     = "str.unit"      -- NB. This is actually a no-op, since in SMTLib characters are the same as strings.
419  show StrNth      = "str.at"
420  show StrSubstr   = "str.substr"
421  show StrIndexOf  = "str.indexof"
422  show StrContains = "str.contains"
423  show StrPrefixOf = "str.prefixof"
424  show StrSuffixOf = "str.suffixof"
425  show StrReplace  = "str.replace"
426  show StrStrToNat = "str.to.int"    -- NB. SMTLib uses "int" here though only nats are supported
427  show StrNatToStr = "int.to.str"    -- NB. SMTLib uses "int" here though only nats are supported
428  show StrToCode   = "str.to_code"
429  show StrFromCode = "str.from_code"
430  -- Note the breakage here with respect to argument order. We fix this explicitly later.
431  show (StrInRe s) = "str.in.re " ++ regExpToSMTString s
433-- | Sequence operations.
434data SeqOp = SeqConcat    -- ^ See StrConcat
435           | SeqLen       -- ^ See StrLen
436           | SeqUnit      -- ^ See StrUnit
437           | SeqNth       -- ^ See StrNth
438           | SeqSubseq    -- ^ See StrSubseq
439           | SeqIndexOf   -- ^ See StrIndexOf
440           | SeqContains  -- ^ See StrContains
441           | SeqPrefixOf  -- ^ See StrPrefixOf
442           | SeqSuffixOf  -- ^ See StrSuffixOf
443           | SeqReplace   -- ^ See StrReplace
444  deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
446-- | Show instance for SeqOp. Again, mapping is important.
447instance Show SeqOp where
448  show SeqConcat   = "seq.++"
449  show SeqLen      = "seq.len"
450  show SeqUnit     = "seq.unit"
451  show SeqNth      = "seq.nth"
452  show SeqSubseq   = "seq.extract"
453  show SeqIndexOf  = "seq.indexof"
454  show SeqContains = "seq.contains"
455  show SeqPrefixOf = "seq.prefixof"
456  show SeqSuffixOf = "seq.suffixof"
457  show SeqReplace  = "seq.replace"
459-- | Set operations.
460data SetOp = SetEqual
461           | SetMember
462           | SetInsert
463           | SetDelete
464           | SetIntersect
465           | SetUnion
466           | SetSubset
467           | SetDifference
468           | SetComplement
469           | SetHasSize
470        deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
472-- The show instance for 'SetOp' is merely for debugging, we map them separately so
473-- the mapped strings are less important here.
474instance Show SetOp where
475  show SetEqual      = "=="
476  show SetMember     = "Set.member"
477  show SetInsert     = "Set.insert"
478  show SetDelete     = "Set.delete"
479  show SetIntersect  = "Set.intersect"
480  show SetUnion      = "Set.union"
481  show SetSubset     = "Set.subset"
482  show SetDifference = "Set.difference"
483  show SetComplement = "Set.complement"
484  show SetHasSize    = "Set.setHasSize"
486-- Show instance for 'Op'. Note that this is largely for debugging purposes, not used
487-- for being read by any tool.
488instance Show Op where
489  show Shl    = "<<"
490  show Shr    = ">>"
492  show (Rol i) = "<<<" ++ show i
493  show (Ror i) = ">>>" ++ show i
495  show (Extract i j) = "choose [" ++ show i ++ ":" ++ show j ++ "]"
497  show (LkUp (ti, at, rt, l) i e)
498        = "lookup(" ++ tinfo ++ ", " ++ show i ++ ", " ++ show e ++ ")"
499        where tinfo = "table" ++ show ti ++ "(" ++ show at ++ " -> " ++ show rt ++ ", " ++ show l ++ ")"
501  show (ArrEq i j)          = "array_" ++ show i ++ " == array_" ++ show j
502  show (ArrRead i)          = "select array_" ++ show i
504  show (KindCast fr to)     = "cast_" ++ show fr ++ "_" ++ show to
505  show (Uninterpreted i)    = "[uninterpreted] " ++ i
507  show (Label s)            = "[label] " ++ s
509  show (IEEEFP w)           = show w
511  show (NonLinear w)        = show w
513  show (PseudoBoolean p)    = show p
515  show (OverflowOp o)       = show o
517  show (StrOp s)            = show s
518  show (SeqOp s)            = show s
519  show (SetOp s)            = show s
521  show (TupleConstructor   0) = "mkSBVTuple0"
522  show (TupleConstructor   n) = "mkSBVTuple" ++ show n
523  show (TupleAccess      i n) = "proj_" ++ show i ++ "_SBVTuple" ++ show n
525  -- Remember, while we try to maintain SMTLib compabitibility here, these output
526  -- is merely for debugging purposes. For how we actually render these in SMTLib,
527  -- look at the file SBV/SMT/SMTLib2.hs for these constructors.
528  show (EitherConstructor k1 k2  False) = "(_ left_SBVEither "  ++ show (KEither k1 k2) ++ ")"
529  show (EitherConstructor k1 k2  True ) = "(_ right_SBVEither " ++ show (KEither k1 k2) ++ ")"
530  show (EitherIs          k1 k2  False) = "(_ is (left_SBVEither ("  ++ show k1 ++ ") " ++ show (KEither k1 k2) ++ "))"
531  show (EitherIs          k1 k2  True ) = "(_ is (right_SBVEither (" ++ show k2 ++ ") " ++ show (KEither k1 k2) ++ "))"
532  show (EitherAccess             False) = "get_left_SBVEither"
533  show (EitherAccess             True ) = "get_right_SBVEither"
534  show (MaybeConstructor k False)       = "(_ nothing_SBVMaybe " ++ show (KMaybe k) ++ ")"
535  show (MaybeConstructor k True)        = "(_ just_SBVMaybe "    ++ show (KMaybe k) ++ ")"
536  show (MaybeIs          k False)       = "(_ is (nothing_SBVMaybe () "              ++ show (KMaybe k) ++ "))"
537  show (MaybeIs          k True )       = "(_ is (just_SBVMaybe (" ++ show k ++ ") " ++ show (KMaybe k) ++ "))"
538  show MaybeAccess                      = "get_just_SBVMaybe"
540  show op
541    | Just s <- op `lookup` syms = s
542    | True                       = error "impossible happened; can't find op!"
543    where syms = [ (Plus, "+"), (Times, "*"), (Minus, "-"), (UNeg, "-"), (Abs, "abs")
544                 , (Quot, "quot")
545                 , (Rem,  "rem")
546                 , (Equal, "=="), (NotEqual, "/=")
547                 , (LessThan, "<"), (GreaterThan, ">"), (LessEq, "<="), (GreaterEq, ">=")
548                 , (Ite, "if_then_else")
549                 , (And, "&"), (Or, "|"), (XOr, "^"), (Not, "~")
550                 , (Join, "#")
551                 ]
553-- | Quantifiers: forall or exists. Note that we allow
554-- arbitrary nestings.
555data Quantifier = ALL | EX deriving Eq
557-- | Show instance for 'Quantifier'
558instance Show Quantifier where
559  show ALL = "Forall"
560  show EX  = "Exists"
562-- | Which context is this variable being created?
563data VarContext = NonQueryVar (Maybe Quantifier)  -- in this case, it can be quantified
564                | QueryVar                        -- in this case, it is always existential
566-- | Are there any existential quantifiers?
567needsExistentials :: [Quantifier] -> Bool
568needsExistentials = (EX `elem`)
570-- | A simple type for SBV computations, used mainly for uninterpreted constants.
571-- We keep track of the signedness/size of the arguments. A non-function will
572-- have just one entry in the list.
573newtype SBVType = SBVType [Kind]
574             deriving (Eq, Ord)
576instance Show SBVType where
577  show (SBVType []) = error "SBV: internal error, empty SBVType"
578  show (SBVType xs) = intercalate " -> " $ map show xs
580-- | A symbolic expression
581data SBVExpr = SBVApp !Op ![SV]
582             deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
584-- | To improve hash-consing, take advantage of commutative operators by
585-- reordering their arguments.
586reorder :: SBVExpr -> SBVExpr
587reorder s = case s of
588              SBVApp op [a, b] | isCommutative op && a > b -> SBVApp op [b, a]
589              _ -> s
590  where isCommutative :: Op -> Bool
591        isCommutative o = o `elem` [Plus, Times, Equal, NotEqual, And, Or, XOr]
593-- Show instance for 'SBVExpr'. Again, only for debugging purposes.
594instance Show SBVExpr where
595  show (SBVApp Ite [t, a, b])             = unwords ["if", show t, "then", show a, "else", show b]
596  show (SBVApp Shl     [a, i])            = unwords [show a, "<<", show i]
597  show (SBVApp Shr     [a, i])            = unwords [show a, ">>", show i]
598  show (SBVApp (Rol i) [a])               = unwords [show a, "<<<", show i]
599  show (SBVApp (Ror i) [a])               = unwords [show a, ">>>", show i]
600  show (SBVApp (PseudoBoolean pb) args)   = unwords (show pb : map show args)
601  show (SBVApp (OverflowOp op)    args)   = unwords (show op : map show args)
602  show (SBVApp op                 [a, b]) = unwords [show a, show op, show b]
603  show (SBVApp op                 args)   = unwords (show op : map show args)
605-- | A program is a sequence of assignments
606newtype SBVPgm = SBVPgm {pgmAssignments :: S.Seq (SV, SBVExpr)}
608-- | Helper synonym for text, in case we switch to something else later.
609type Name = T.Text
611-- | 'NamedSymVar' pairs symbolic values and user given/automatically generated names
612data NamedSymVar = NamedSymVar !SV !Name
613                 deriving (Show,Generic)
615-- | For comparison purposes, we simply use the SV and ignore the name
616instance Eq NamedSymVar where
617  (==) (NamedSymVar l _) (NamedSymVar r _) = l == r
619instance Ord NamedSymVar where
620  compare (NamedSymVar l _) (NamedSymVar r _) = compare l r
622-- | Convert to a named symvar, from string
623toNamedSV' :: SV -> String -> NamedSymVar
624toNamedSV' s = NamedSymVar s . T.pack
626-- | Convert to a named symvar, from text
627toNamedSV :: SV -> Name -> NamedSymVar
628toNamedSV = NamedSymVar
630-- | Get the node id from a named sym var
631namedNodeId :: NamedSymVar -> NodeId
632namedNodeId = swNodeId . getSV
634-- | Get the SV from a named sym var
635getSV :: NamedSymVar -> SV
636getSV (NamedSymVar s _) = s
638-- | Get the user-name typed value from named sym var
639getUserName :: NamedSymVar -> Name
640getUserName (NamedSymVar _ nm) = nm
642-- | Get the string typed value from named sym var
643getUserName' :: NamedSymVar -> String
644getUserName' = T.unpack . getUserName
646-- | Style of optimization. Note that in the pareto case the user is allowed
647-- to specify a max number of fronts to query the solver for, since there might
648-- potentially be an infinite number of them and there is no way to know exactly
649-- how many ahead of time. If 'Nothing' is given, SBV will possibly loop forever
650-- if the number is really infinite.
651data OptimizeStyle = Lexicographic      -- ^ Objectives are optimized in the order given, earlier objectives have higher priority.
652                   | Independent        -- ^ Each objective is optimized independently.
653                   | Pareto (Maybe Int) -- ^ Objectives are optimized according to pareto front: That is, no objective can be made better without making some other worse.
654                   deriving (Eq, Show)
656-- | Penalty for a soft-assertion. The default penalty is @1@, with all soft-assertions belonging
657-- to the same objective goal. A positive weight and an optional group can be provided by using
658-- the 'Penalty' constructor.
659data Penalty = DefaultPenalty                  -- ^ Default: Penalty of @1@ and no group attached
660             | Penalty Rational (Maybe String) -- ^ Penalty with a weight and an optional group
661             deriving Show
663-- | Objective of optimization. We can minimize, maximize, or give a soft assertion with a penalty
664-- for not satisfying it.
665data Objective a = Minimize          String a         -- ^ Minimize this metric
666                 | Maximize          String a         -- ^ Maximize this metric
667                 | AssertWithPenalty String a Penalty -- ^ A soft assertion, with an associated penalty
668                 deriving (Show, Functor)
670-- | The name of the objective
671objectiveName :: Objective a -> String
672objectiveName (Minimize          s _)   = s
673objectiveName (Maximize          s _)   = s
674objectiveName (AssertWithPenalty s _ _) = s
676-- | The state we keep track of as we interact with the solver
677data QueryState = QueryState { queryAsk                 :: Maybe Int -> String -> IO String
678                             , querySend                :: Maybe Int -> String -> IO ()
679                             , queryRetrieveResponse    :: Maybe Int -> IO String
680                             , queryConfig              :: SMTConfig
681                             , queryTerminate           :: IO ()
682                             , queryTimeOutValue        :: Maybe Int
683                             , queryAssertionStackDepth :: Int
684                             }
686-- | Computations which support query operations.
687class Monad m => MonadQuery m where
688  queryState :: m State
690  default queryState :: (MonadTrans t, MonadQuery m', m ~ t m') => m State
691  queryState = lift queryState
693instance MonadQuery m             => MonadQuery (ExceptT e m)
694instance MonadQuery m             => MonadQuery (MaybeT m)
695instance MonadQuery m             => MonadQuery (ReaderT r m)
696instance MonadQuery m             => MonadQuery (SS.StateT s m)
697instance MonadQuery m             => MonadQuery (LS.StateT s m)
698instance (MonadQuery m, Monoid w) => MonadQuery (SW.WriterT w m)
699instance (MonadQuery m, Monoid w) => MonadQuery (LW.WriterT w m)
701-- | A query is a user-guided mechanism to directly communicate and extract
702-- results from the solver. A generalization of 'Data.SBV.Query'.
703newtype QueryT m a = QueryT { runQueryT :: ReaderT State m a }
704    deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans,
705              MonadError e, MonadState s, MonadWriter w)
707instance Monad m => MonadQuery (QueryT m) where
708  queryState = QueryT ask
710mapQueryT :: (ReaderT State m a -> ReaderT State n b) -> QueryT m a -> QueryT n b
711mapQueryT f = QueryT . f . runQueryT
712{-# INLINE mapQueryT #-}
714-- | Create a fresh variable of some type in the underlying query monad transformer.
715-- For further control on how these variables are projected and embedded, see the
716-- 'Queriable' class.
717class Fresh m a where
718  fresh :: QueryT m a
720-- | An queriable value. This is a generalization of the 'Fresh' class, in case one needs
721-- to be more specific about how projections/embeddings are done.
722class Queriable m a b | a -> b where
723  -- | ^ Create a new symbolic value of type @a@
724  create  :: QueryT m a
725  -- | ^ Extract the current value in a SAT context
726  project :: a -> QueryT m b
727  -- | ^ Create a literal value. Morally, 'embed' and 'project' are inverses of each other
728  -- via the 'QueryT' monad transformer.
729  embed   :: b -> QueryT m a
731-- Have to define this one by hand, because we use ReaderT in the implementation
732instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (QueryT m) where
733  ask = lift ask
734  local f = mapQueryT $ mapReaderT $ local f
736-- | A query is a user-guided mechanism to directly communicate and extract
737-- results from the solver.
738type Query = QueryT IO
740instance MonadSymbolic Query where
741   symbolicEnv = queryState
743instance NFData OptimizeStyle where
744   rnf x = x `seq` ()
746instance NFData Penalty where
747   rnf DefaultPenalty  = ()
748   rnf (Penalty p mbs) = rnf p `seq` rnf mbs
750instance NFData a => NFData (Objective a) where
751   rnf (Minimize          s a)   = rnf s `seq` rnf a
752   rnf (Maximize          s a)   = rnf s `seq` rnf a
753   rnf (AssertWithPenalty s a p) = rnf s `seq` rnf a `seq` rnf p
755-- | Result of running a symbolic computation
756data Result = Result { reskinds       :: Set.Set Kind                                 -- ^ kinds used in the program
757                     , resTraces      :: [(String, CV)]                               -- ^ quick-check counter-example information (if any)
758                     , resObservables :: [(String, CV -> Bool, SV)]                   -- ^ observable expressions (part of the model)
759                     , resUISegs      :: [(String, [String])]                         -- ^ uninterpeted code segments
760                     , resInputs      :: ([(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)], [NamedSymVar]) -- ^ inputs (possibly existential) + tracker vars
761                     , resConsts      :: (CnstMap, [(SV, CV)])                        -- ^ constants
762                     , resTables      :: [((Int, Kind, Kind), [SV])]                  -- ^ tables (automatically constructed) (tableno, index-type, result-type) elts
763                     , resArrays      :: [(Int, ArrayInfo)]                           -- ^ arrays (user specified)
764                     , resUIConsts    :: [(String, SBVType)]                          -- ^ uninterpreted constants
765                     , resAxioms      :: [(String, [String])]                         -- ^ axioms
766                     , resAsgns       :: SBVPgm                                       -- ^ assignments
767                     , resConstraints :: S.Seq (Bool, [(String, String)], SV)         -- ^ additional constraints (boolean)
768                     , resAssertions  :: [(String, Maybe CallStack, SV)]              -- ^ assertions
769                     , resOutputs     :: [SV]                                         -- ^ outputs
770                     }
772-- Show instance for 'Result'. Only for debugging purposes.
773instance Show Result where
774  -- If there's nothing interesting going on, just print the constant. Note that the
775  -- definiton of interesting here is rather subjective; but essentially if we reduced
776  -- the result to a single constant already, without any reference to anything.
777  show Result{resConsts=(_, cs), resOutputs=[r]}
778    | Just c <- r `lookup` cs
779    = show c
780  show (Result kinds _ _ cgs is (_, cs) ts as uis axs xs cstrs asserts os) = intercalate "\n" $
781                   (if null usorts then [] else "SORTS" : map ("  " ++) usorts)
782                ++ ["INPUTS"]
783                ++ map shn (fst is)
784                ++ (if null (snd is) then [] else "TRACKER VARS" : map (shn . (EX,)) (snd is))
785                ++ ["CONSTANTS"]
786                ++ concatMap shc cs
787                ++ ["TABLES"]
788                ++ map sht ts
789                ++ ["ARRAYS"]
790                ++ map sha as
791                ++ ["UNINTERPRETED CONSTANTS"]
792                ++ map shui uis
793                ++ ["USER GIVEN CODE SEGMENTS"]
794                ++ concatMap shcg cgs
795                ++ ["AXIOMS"]
796                ++ map shax axs
797                ++ ["DEFINE"]
798                ++ map (\(s, e) -> "  " ++ shs s ++ " = " ++ show e) (F.toList (pgmAssignments xs))
799                ++ ["CONSTRAINTS"]
800                ++ map (("  " ++) . shCstr) (F.toList cstrs)
801                ++ ["ASSERTIONS"]
802                ++ map (("  "++) . shAssert) asserts
803                ++ ["OUTPUTS"]
804                ++ sh2 os
805    where sh2 :: Show a => [a] -> [String]
806          sh2 = map (("  "++) . show)
808          usorts = [sh s t | KUserSort s t <- Set.toList kinds]
809                   where sh s Nothing   = s
810                         sh s (Just es) = s ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " es ++ ")"
812          shs sv = show sv ++ " :: " ++ show (swKind sv)
814          sht ((i, at, rt), es)  = "  Table " ++ show i ++ " : " ++ show at ++ "->" ++ show rt ++ " = " ++ show es
816          shc (sv, cv)
817            | sv == falseSV || sv == trueSV
818            = []
819            | True
820            = ["  " ++ show sv ++ " = " ++ show cv]
822          shcg (s, ss) = ("Variable: " ++ s) : map ("  " ++) ss
824          shn (q, NamedSymVar sv nm) = "  " <> ni <> " :: " ++ show (swKind sv) ++ ex ++ alias
825            where ni = show sv
826                  ex    | q == ALL          = ""
827                        | True              = ", existential"
829                  alias | ni == T.unpack nm = ""
830                        | True              = ", aliasing " ++ show nm
832          sha (i, (nm, (ai, bi), ctx)) = "  " ++ ni ++ " :: " ++ show ai ++ " -> " ++ show bi ++ alias
833                                       ++ "\n     Context: "     ++ show ctx
834            where ni = "array_" ++ show i
835                  alias | ni == nm = ""
836                        | True     = ", aliasing " ++ show nm
838          shui (nm, t) = "  [uninterpreted] " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ show t
840          shax (nm, ss) = "  -- user defined axiom: " ++ nm ++ "\n  " ++ intercalate "\n  " ss
842          shCstr (isSoft, [], c)               = soft isSoft ++ show c
843          shCstr (isSoft, [(":named", nm)], c) = soft isSoft ++ nm ++ ": " ++ show c
844          shCstr (isSoft, attrs, c)            = soft isSoft ++ show c ++ " (attributes: " ++ show attrs ++ ")"
846          soft True  = "[SOFT] "
847          soft False = ""
849          shAssert (nm, stk, p) = "  -- assertion: " ++ nm ++ " " ++ maybe "[No location]"
850#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
851                prettyCallStack
853                showCallStack
855                stk ++ ": " ++ show p
857-- | The context of a symbolic array as created
858data ArrayContext = ArrayFree (Maybe SV)                   -- ^ A new array, the contents are initialized with the given value, if any
859                  | ArrayMutate ArrayIndex SV SV           -- ^ An array created by mutating another array at a given cell
860                  | ArrayMerge  SV ArrayIndex ArrayIndex   -- ^ An array created by symbolically merging two other arrays
862instance Show ArrayContext where
863  show (ArrayFree Nothing)   = " initialized with random elements"
864  show (ArrayFree (Just sv)) = " initialized with " ++ show sv
865  show (ArrayMutate i a b)   = " cloned from array_" ++ show i ++ " with " ++ show a ++ " :: " ++ show (swKind a) ++ " |-> " ++ show b ++ " :: " ++ show (swKind b)
866  show (ArrayMerge  s i j)   = " merged arrays " ++ show i ++ " and " ++ show j ++ " on condition " ++ show s
868-- | Expression map, used for hash-consing
869type ExprMap = Map.Map SBVExpr SV
871-- | Constants are stored in a map, for hash-consing.
872type CnstMap = Map.Map CV SV
874-- | Kinds used in the program; used for determining the final SMT-Lib logic to pick
875type KindSet = Set.Set Kind
877-- | Tables generated during a symbolic run
878type TableMap = Map.Map (Kind, Kind, [SV]) Int
880-- | Representation for symbolic arrays
881type ArrayInfo = (String, (Kind, Kind), ArrayContext)
883-- | SMT Arrays generated during a symbolic run
884type ArrayMap  = IMap.IntMap ArrayInfo
886-- | Functional Arrays generated during a symbolic run
887type FArrayMap  = IMap.IntMap (SVal -> SVal, IORef (IMap.IntMap SV))
889-- | Uninterpreted-constants generated during a symbolic run
890type UIMap     = Map.Map String SBVType
892-- | Code-segments for Uninterpreted-constants, as given by the user
893type CgMap     = Map.Map String [String]
895-- | Cached values, implementing sharing
896type Cache a   = IMap.IntMap [(StableName (State -> IO a), a)]
898-- | Stage of an interactive run
899data IStage = ISetup        -- Before we initiate contact.
900            | ISafe         -- In the context of a safe/safeWith call
901            | IRun          -- After the contact is started
903-- | Are we cecking safety
904isSafetyCheckingIStage :: IStage -> Bool
905isSafetyCheckingIStage s = case s of
906                             ISetup -> False
907                             ISafe  -> True
908                             IRun   -> False
910-- | Are we in setup?
911isSetupIStage :: IStage -> Bool
912isSetupIStage s = case s of
913                   ISetup -> True
914                   ISafe  -> False
915                   IRun   -> True
917-- | Are we in a run?
918isRunIStage :: IStage -> Bool
919isRunIStage s = case s of
920                  ISetup -> False
921                  ISafe  -> False
922                  IRun   -> True
924-- | Different means of running a symbolic piece of code
925data SBVRunMode = SMTMode QueryContext IStage Bool SMTConfig                        -- ^ In regular mode, with a stage. Bool is True if this is SAT.
926                | CodeGen                                                           -- ^ Code generation mode.
927                | Concrete (Maybe (Bool, [((Quantifier, NamedSymVar), Maybe CV)]))  -- ^ Concrete simulation mode, with given environment if any. If Nothing: Random.
929-- Show instance for SBVRunMode; debugging purposes only
930instance Show SBVRunMode where
931   show (SMTMode qc ISetup True  _)  = "Satisfiability setup (" ++ show qc ++ ")"
932   show (SMTMode qc ISafe  True  _)  = "Safety setup (" ++ show qc ++ ")"
933   show (SMTMode qc IRun   True  _)  = "Satisfiability (" ++ show qc ++ ")"
934   show (SMTMode qc ISetup False _)  = "Proof setup (" ++ show qc ++ ")"
935   show (SMTMode qc ISafe  False _)  = error $ "ISafe-False is not an expected/supported combination for SBVRunMode! (" ++ show qc ++ ")"
936   show (SMTMode qc IRun   False _)  = "Proof (" ++ show qc ++ ")"
937   show CodeGen                      = "Code generation"
938   show (Concrete Nothing)           = "Concrete evaluation with random values"
939   show (Concrete (Just (True, _)))  = "Concrete evaluation during model validation for sat"
940   show (Concrete (Just (False, _))) = "Concrete evaluation during model validation for prove"
942-- | Is this a CodeGen run? (i.e., generating code)
943isCodeGenMode :: State -> IO Bool
944isCodeGenMode State{runMode} = do rm <- readIORef runMode
945                                  return $ case rm of
946                                             Concrete{} -> False
947                                             SMTMode{}  -> False
948                                             CodeGen    -> True
950-- | The state in query mode, i.e., additional context
951data IncState = IncState { rNewInps        :: IORef [NamedSymVar]   -- always existential!
952                         , rNewKinds       :: IORef KindSet
953                         , rNewConsts      :: IORef CnstMap
954                         , rNewArrs        :: IORef ArrayMap
955                         , rNewTbls        :: IORef TableMap
956                         , rNewUIs         :: IORef UIMap
957                         , rNewAsgns       :: IORef SBVPgm
958                         , rNewConstraints :: IORef (S.Seq (Bool, [(String, String)], SV))
959                         }
961-- | Get a new IncState
962newIncState :: IO IncState
963newIncState = do
964        is    <- newIORef []
965        ks    <- newIORef Set.empty
966        nc    <- newIORef Map.empty
967        am    <- newIORef IMap.empty
968        tm    <- newIORef Map.empty
969        ui    <- newIORef Map.empty
970        pgm   <- newIORef (SBVPgm S.empty)
971        cstrs <- newIORef S.empty
972        return IncState { rNewInps        = is
973                        , rNewKinds       = ks
974                        , rNewConsts      = nc
975                        , rNewArrs        = am
976                        , rNewTbls        = tm
977                        , rNewUIs         = ui
978                        , rNewAsgns       = pgm
979                        , rNewConstraints = cstrs
980                        }
982-- | Get a new IncState
983withNewIncState :: State -> (State -> IO a) -> IO (IncState, a)
984withNewIncState st cont = do
985        is <- newIncState
986        R.modifyIORef' (rIncState st) (const is)
987        r  <- cont st
988        finalIncState <- readIORef (rIncState st)
989        return (finalIncState, r)
992-- | User defined, with proper quantifiers
993type UserInputs = S.Seq (Quantifier, NamedSymVar)
995-- | Internally declared, always existential
996type InternInps = S.Seq NamedSymVar
998-- | Entire set of names, for faster lookup
999type AllInps = Set.Set Name
1001-- | Inputs as a record of maps and sets. See above type-synonyms for their roles.
1002data Inputs = Inputs { userInputs   :: !UserInputs
1003                     , internInputs :: !InternInps
1004                     , allInputs    :: !AllInps
1005                     } deriving (Eq,Show)
1007-- | Semigroup instance; combining according to indexes.
1008instance Semigroup Inputs where
1009  (Inputs lui lii lai) <> (Inputs rui rii rai) = Inputs (lui <> rui) (lii <> rii) (lai <> rai)
1011-- | Monoid instance, we start with no maps.
1012instance Monoid Inputs where
1013  mempty = Inputs { userInputs   = mempty
1014                  , internInputs = mempty
1015                  , allInputs    = mempty
1016                  }
1018-- | Get the quantifier
1019quantifier :: (Quantifier, NamedSymVar) -> Quantifier
1020quantifier = fst
1022-- | Get the named symbolic variable
1023namedSymVar :: (Quantifier, NamedSymVar) -> NamedSymVar
1024namedSymVar = snd
1026-- | Modify the user-inputs field
1027onUserInputs :: (UserInputs -> UserInputs) -> Inputs -> Inputs
1028onUserInputs f inp@Inputs{userInputs} = inp{userInputs = f userInputs}
1030-- | Modify the internal-inputs field
1031onInternInputs :: (InternInps -> InternInps) -> Inputs -> Inputs
1032onInternInputs f inp@Inputs{internInputs} = inp{internInputs = f internInputs}
1034-- | Modify the all-inputs field
1035onAllInputs :: (AllInps -> AllInps) -> Inputs -> Inputs
1036onAllInputs f inp@Inputs{allInputs} = inp{allInputs = f allInputs}
1038-- | Add a new internal input
1039addInternInput :: SV -> Name -> Inputs -> Inputs
1040addInternInput sv nm = goAll . goIntern
1041  where !new = toNamedSV sv nm
1042        goIntern = onInternInputs (S.|> new)
1043        goAll    = onAllInputs    (Set.insert nm)
1045-- | Add a new user input
1046addUserInput :: Quantifier -> SV -> Name -> Inputs -> Inputs
1047addUserInput q sv nm = goAll . goUser
1048  where new = toNamedSV sv nm
1049        goUser = onUserInputs (S.|> (q, new)) -- add to the end of the sequence
1050        goAll  = onAllInputs  (Set.insert nm)
1052-- | Return user and internal inputs
1053getInputs :: Inputs -> (UserInputs, InternInps)
1054getInputs Inputs{userInputs, internInputs} = (userInputs, internInputs)
1056-- | Find a user-input from its SV
1057lookupInput :: Eq a => (a -> SV) -> SV -> S.Seq a -> Maybe a
1058lookupInput f sv ns = res
1059  where
1060    i   = getId (swNodeId sv)
1061    svs = fmap f ns
1062    res = case S.lookup i ns of -- Nothing on negative Int or Int > length seq
1063            Nothing    -> secondLookup
1064            x@(Just e) -> if sv == f e then x else secondLookup
1065              -- we try the fast lookup first, if the node ids don't match then
1066              -- we use the more expensive O (n) to find the index and the elem
1067    secondLookup = S.elemIndexL sv svs >>= flip S.lookup ns
1069-- | Extract universals
1070getUniversals :: UserInputs -> S.Seq NamedSymVar
1071getUniversals = fmap namedSymVar . S.filter ((== ALL) . quantifier)
1073-- | Get a prefix of the user inputs by a predicate. Note that we could not rely
1074-- on fusion here but this is cheap and easy until there is an observable slow down from not fusing.
1075userInpsPrefixBy :: ((Quantifier, NamedSymVar) -> Bool) -> UserInputs -> UserInputs
1076userInpsPrefixBy = S.takeWhileL
1078-- | Find prefix existentials, i.e., those that are at skolem positions and have valid model values.
1079prefixExistentials :: UserInputs -> UserInputs
1080prefixExistentials = userInpsPrefixBy ((/= ALL) . quantifier)
1082-- | Find prefix universals. Corresponds to the above in a proof context.
1083prefixUniversals :: UserInputs -> UserInputs
1084prefixUniversals = userInpsPrefixBy ((== ALL) . quantifier)
1086-- | Conversion from named-symvars to user-inputs
1087inputsFromListWith :: (NamedSymVar -> Quantifier) -> [NamedSymVar] -> UserInputs
1088inputsFromListWith f = S.fromList . fmap go
1089  where go n = (f n, n)
1091-- | Helper functions around inputs.
1092-- TODO: remove these functions once lists have been pushed to edges of code base.
1093userInputsToList :: UserInputs -> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)]
1094userInputsToList = F.toList
1096-- | Conversion from internal-inputs to list of named sym vars
1097internInputsToList :: InternInps -> [NamedSymVar]
1098internInputsToList = F.toList
1100-- | Convert to regular lists
1101inputsToList :: Inputs -> ([(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)], [NamedSymVar])
1102inputsToList =  (userInputsToList *** internInputsToList) . getInputs
1104-- | The state of the symbolic interpreter
1105data State  = State { pathCond     :: SVal                             -- ^ kind KBool
1106                    , startTime    :: UTCTime
1107                    , runMode      :: IORef SBVRunMode
1108                    , rIncState    :: IORef IncState
1109                    , rCInfo       :: IORef [(String, CV)]
1110                    , rObservables :: IORef (S.Seq (Name, CV -> Bool, SV))
1111                    , rctr         :: IORef Int
1112                    , rUsedKinds   :: IORef KindSet
1113                    , rUsedLbls    :: IORef (Set.Set String)
1114                    , rinps        :: IORef Inputs
1115                    , rConstraints :: IORef (S.Seq (Bool, [(String, String)], SV))
1116                    , routs        :: IORef [SV]
1117                    , rtblMap      :: IORef TableMap
1118                    , spgm         :: IORef SBVPgm
1119                    , rconstMap    :: IORef CnstMap
1120                    , rexprMap     :: IORef ExprMap
1121                    , rArrayMap    :: IORef ArrayMap
1122                    , rFArrayMap   :: IORef FArrayMap
1123                    , rUIMap       :: IORef UIMap
1124                    , rCgMap       :: IORef CgMap
1125                    , raxioms      :: IORef [(String, [String])]
1126                    , rSMTOptions  :: IORef [SMTOption]
1127                    , rOptGoals    :: IORef [Objective (SV, SV)]
1128                    , rAsserts     :: IORef [(String, Maybe CallStack, SV)]
1129                    , rSVCache     :: IORef (Cache SV)
1130                    , rAICache     :: IORef (Cache ArrayIndex)
1131                    , rFAICache    :: IORef (Cache FArrayIndex)
1132                    , rQueryState  :: IORef (Maybe QueryState)
1133                    }
1135-- NFData is a bit of a lie, but it's sufficient, most of the content is iorefs that we don't want to touch
1136instance NFData State where
1137   rnf State{} = ()
1139-- | Get the current path condition
1140getSValPathCondition :: State -> SVal
1141getSValPathCondition = pathCond
1143-- | Extend the path condition with the given test value.
1144extendSValPathCondition :: State -> (SVal -> SVal) -> State
1145extendSValPathCondition st f = st{pathCond = f (pathCond st)}
1147-- | Are we running in proof mode?
1148inSMTMode :: State -> IO Bool
1149inSMTMode State{runMode} = do rm <- readIORef runMode
1150                              return $ case rm of
1151                                         CodeGen    -> False
1152                                         Concrete{} -> False
1153                                         SMTMode{}  -> True
1155-- | The "Symbolic" value. Either a constant (@Left@) or a symbolic
1156-- value (@Right Cached@). Note that caching is essential for making
1157-- sure sharing is preserved.
1158data SVal = SVal !Kind !(Either CV (Cached SV))
1160instance HasKind SVal where
1161  kindOf (SVal k _) = k
1163-- Show instance for 'SVal'. Not particularly "desirable", but will do if needed
1164-- NB. We do not show the type info on constant KBool values, since there's no
1165-- implicit "fromBoolean" applied to Booleans in Haskell; and thus a statement
1166-- of the form "True :: SBool" is just meaningless. (There should be a fromBoolean!)
1167instance Show SVal where
1168  show (SVal KBool (Left c))  = showCV False c
1169  show (SVal k     (Left c))  = showCV False c ++ " :: " ++ show k
1170  show (SVal k     (Right _)) =         "<symbolic> :: " ++ show k
1172-- | This instance is only defined so that we can define an instance for
1173-- 'Data.Bits.Bits'. '==' and '/=' simply throw an error.
1174-- We really don't want an 'Eq' instance for 'Data.SBV.Core.SBV' or 'SVal'. As it really makes no sense.
1175-- But since we do want the 'Data.Bits.Bits' instance, we're forced to define equality. See
1176-- <http://github.com/LeventErkok/sbv/issues/301>. We simply error out.
1177instance Eq SVal where
1178  a == b = noEquals "==" ".==" (show a, show b)
1179  a /= b = noEquals "/=" "./=" (show a, show b)
1181-- Bail out nicely.
1182noEquals :: String -> String -> (String, String) -> a
1183noEquals o n (l, r) = error $ unlines [ ""
1184                                      , "*** Data.SBV: Comparing symbolic values using Haskell's Eq class!"
1185                                      , "***"
1186                                      , "*** Received:    " ++ l ++ "  " ++ o ++ " " ++ r
1187                                      , "*** Instead use: " ++ l ++ " "  ++ n ++ " " ++ r
1188                                      , "***"
1189                                      , "*** The Eq instance for symbolic values are necessiated only because"
1190                                      , "*** of the Bits class requirement. You must use symbolic equality"
1191                                      , "*** operators instead. (And complain to Haskell folks that they"
1192                                      , "*** remove the 'Eq' superclass from 'Bits'!.)"
1193                                      ]
1195-- | Things we do not support in interactive mode, at least for now!
1196noInteractive :: [String] -> a
1197noInteractive ss = error $ unlines $  ""
1198                                   :  "*** Data.SBV: Unsupported interactive/query mode feature."
1199                                   :  map ("***  " ++) ss
1200                                   ++ ["*** Data.SBV: Please report this as a feature request!"]
1202-- | Things we do not support in interactive mode, nor we ever intend to
1203noInteractiveEver :: [String] -> a
1204noInteractiveEver ss = error $ unlines $  ""
1205                                       :  "*** Data.SBV: Unsupported interactive/query mode feature."
1206                                       :  map ("***  " ++) ss
1208-- | Modification of the state, but carefully handling the interactive tasks.
1209-- Note that the state is always updated regardless of the mode, but we get
1210-- to also perform extra operation in interactive mode. (Typically error out, but also simply
1211-- ignore if it has no impact.)
1212modifyState :: State -> (State -> IORef a) -> (a -> a) -> IO () -> IO ()
1213modifyState st@State{runMode} field update interactiveUpdate = do
1214        R.modifyIORef' (field st) update
1215        rm <- readIORef runMode
1216        case rm of
1217          SMTMode _ IRun _ _ -> interactiveUpdate
1218          _                  -> return ()
1220-- | Modify the incremental state
1221modifyIncState  :: State -> (IncState -> IORef a) -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
1222modifyIncState State{rIncState} field update = do
1223        incState <- readIORef rIncState
1224        R.modifyIORef' (field incState) update
1226-- | Add an observable
1227-- notice that we cons like a list, we should build at the end of the seq, but cons to preserve semantics for now
1228recordObservable :: State -> String -> (CV -> Bool) -> SV -> IO ()
1229recordObservable st (T.pack -> nm) chk sv = modifyState st rObservables ((nm, chk, sv) S.<|) (return ())
1231-- | Increment the variable counter
1232incrementInternalCounter :: State -> IO Int
1233incrementInternalCounter st = do ctr <- readIORef (rctr st)
1234                                 modifyState st rctr (+1) (return ())
1235                                 return ctr
1237-- | Uninterpreted constants and functions. An uninterpreted constant is
1238-- a value that is indexed by its name. The only property the prover assumes
1239-- about these values are that they are equivalent to themselves; i.e., (for
1240-- functions) they return the same results when applied to same arguments.
1241-- We support uninterpreted-functions as a general means of black-box'ing
1242-- operations that are /irrelevant/ for the purposes of the proof; i.e., when
1243-- the proofs can be performed without any knowledge about the function itself.
1244svUninterpreted :: Kind -> String -> Maybe [String] -> [SVal] -> SVal
1245svUninterpreted k nm code args = SVal k $ Right $ cache result
1246  where result st = do let ty = SBVType (map kindOf args ++ [k])
1247                       newUninterpreted st nm ty code
1248                       sws <- mapM (svToSV st) args
1249                       mapM_ forceSVArg sws
1250                       newExpr st k $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) sws
1252-- | Create a new uninterpreted symbol, possibly with user given code
1253newUninterpreted :: State -> String -> SBVType -> Maybe [String] -> IO ()
1254newUninterpreted st nm t mbCode
1255  | null nm || not enclosed && (not (isAlpha (head nm)) || not (all validChar (tail nm)))
1256  = error $ "Bad uninterpreted constant name: " ++ show nm ++ ". Must be a valid identifier."
1257  | True = do uiMap <- readIORef (rUIMap st)
1258              case nm `Map.lookup` uiMap of
1259                Just t' -> checkType t' (return ())
1260                Nothing -> do modifyState st rUIMap (Map.insert nm t)
1261                                        $ modifyIncState st rNewUIs (\newUIs -> case nm `Map.lookup` newUIs of
1262                                                                                  Just t' -> checkType t' newUIs
1263                                                                                  Nothing -> Map.insert nm t newUIs)
1265                              -- No need to record the code in interactive mode: CodeGen doesn't use interactive
1266                              when (isJust mbCode) $ modifyState st rCgMap (Map.insert nm (fromJust mbCode)) (return ())
1267  where checkType :: SBVType -> r -> r
1268        checkType t' cont
1269          | t /= t' = error $  "Uninterpreted constant " ++ show nm ++ " used at incompatible types\n"
1270                            ++ "      Current type      : " ++ show t ++ "\n"
1271                            ++ "      Previously used at: " ++ show t'
1272          | True    = cont
1274        validChar x = isAlphaNum x || x `elem` ("_" :: String)
1275        enclosed    = head nm == '|' && last nm == '|' && length nm > 2 && not (any (`elem` ("|\\" :: String)) (tail (init nm)))
1277-- | Add a new sAssert based constraint
1278addAssertion :: State -> Maybe CallStack -> String -> SV -> IO ()
1279addAssertion st cs msg cond = modifyState st rAsserts ((msg, cs, cond):)
1280                                        $ noInteractive [ "Named assertions (sAssert):"
1281                                                        , "  Tag: " ++ msg
1282                                                        , "  Loc: " ++ maybe "Unknown" show cs
1283                                                        ]
1285-- | Create an internal variable, which acts as an input but isn't visible to the user.
1286-- Such variables are existentially quantified in a SAT context, and universally quantified
1287-- in a proof context.
1288internalVariable :: State -> Kind -> IO SV
1289internalVariable st k = do (NamedSymVar sv nm) <- newSV st k
1290                           rm <- readIORef (runMode st)
1291                           let q = case rm of
1292                                     SMTMode  _ _ True  _ -> EX
1293                                     SMTMode  _ _ False _ -> ALL
1294                                     CodeGen              -> ALL
1295                                     Concrete{}           -> ALL
1296                               n = "__internal_sbv_" <> nm
1297                               v = NamedSymVar sv n
1298                           modifyState st rinps (addUserInput q sv n)
1299                                     $ modifyIncState st rNewInps (\newInps -> case q of
1300                                                                                 EX -> v : newInps
1301                                                                                 -- I don't think the following can actually happen
1302                                                                                 -- but just be safe:
1303                                                                                 ALL  -> noInteractive [ "Internal universally quantified variable creation:"
1304                                                                                                       , "  Named: " <> T.unpack nm
1305                                                                                                       ])
1306                           return sv
1307{-# INLINE internalVariable #-}
1309-- | Create a new SV
1310newSV :: State -> Kind -> IO NamedSymVar
1311newSV st k = do ctr <- incrementInternalCounter st
1312                let sv = SV k (NodeId ctr)
1313                registerKind st k
1314                return $ NamedSymVar sv $ 's' `T.cons` T.pack (show ctr)
1315{-# INLINE newSV #-}
1317-- | Register a new kind with the system, used for uninterpreted sorts.
1318-- NB: Is it safe to have new kinds in query mode? It could be that
1319-- the new kind might introduce a constraint that effects the logic. For
1320-- instance, if we're seeing 'Double' for the first time and using a BV
1321-- logic, then things would fall apart. But this should be rare, and hopefully
1322-- the success-response checking mechanism will catch the rare cases where this
1323-- is an issue. In either case, the user can always arrange for the right
1324-- logic by calling 'Data.SBV.setLogic' appropriately, so it seems safe to just
1325-- allow for this.
1326registerKind :: State -> Kind -> IO ()
1327registerKind st k
1328  | KUserSort sortName _ <- k, map toLower sortName `elem` smtLibReservedNames
1329  = error $ "SBV: " ++ show sortName ++ " is a reserved sort; please use a different name."
1330  | True
1331  = do -- Adding a kind to the incState is tricky; we only need to add it
1332       --     *    If it's an uninterpreted sort that's not already in the general state
1333       --     * OR If it's a tuple-sort whose cardinality isn't already in the general state
1334       --     * OR If it's a list that's not already in the general state (so we can send the flatten commands)
1336       existingKinds <- readIORef (rUsedKinds st)
1338       modifyState st rUsedKinds (Set.insert k) $ do
1340                          -- Why do we discriminate here? Because the incremental context is sensitive to the
1341                          -- order: In particular, if an uninterpreted kind is already in there, we don't
1342                          -- want to re-add because double-declaration would be wrong. See 'cvtInc' for details.
1343                          let needsAdding = case k of
1344                                              KUserSort{} -> k `notElem` existingKinds
1345                                              KList{}     -> k `notElem` existingKinds
1346                                              KTuple nks  -> length nks `notElem` [length oks | KTuple oks <- Set.toList existingKinds]
1347                                              KMaybe{}    -> k `notElem` existingKinds
1348                                              KEither{}   -> k `notElem` existingKinds
1349                                              _           -> False
1351                          when needsAdding $ modifyIncState st rNewKinds (Set.insert k)
1353       -- Don't forget to register subkinds!
1354       case k of
1355         KBool     {}    -> return ()
1356         KBounded  {}    -> return ()
1357         KUnbounded{}    -> return ()
1358         KReal     {}    -> return ()
1359         KUserSort {}    -> return ()
1360         KFloat    {}    -> return ()
1361         KDouble   {}    -> return ()
1362         KFP       {}    -> return ()
1363         KChar     {}    -> return ()
1364         KString   {}    -> return ()
1365         KList     ek    -> registerKind st ek
1366         KSet      ek    -> registerKind st ek
1367         KTuple    eks   -> mapM_ (registerKind st) eks
1368         KMaybe    ke    -> registerKind st ke
1369         KEither   k1 k2 -> mapM_ (registerKind st) [k1, k2]
1371-- | Register a new label with the system, making sure they are unique and have no '|'s in them
1372registerLabel :: String -> State -> String -> IO ()
1373registerLabel whence st nm
1374  | map toLower nm `elem` smtLibReservedNames
1375  = err "is a reserved string; please use a different name."
1376  | '|' `elem` nm
1377  = err "contains the character `|', which is not allowed!"
1378  | '\\' `elem` nm
1379  = err "contains the character `\\', which is not allowed!"
1380  | True
1381  = do old <- readIORef $ rUsedLbls st
1382       if nm `Set.member` old
1383          then err "is used multiple times. Please do not use duplicate names!"
1384          else modifyState st rUsedLbls (Set.insert nm) (return ())
1386  where err w = error $ "SBV (" ++ whence ++ "): " ++ show nm ++ " " ++ w
1388-- | Create a new constant; hash-cons as necessary
1389newConst :: State -> CV -> IO SV
1390newConst st c = do
1391  constMap <- readIORef (rconstMap st)
1392  case c `Map.lookup` constMap of
1393    -- NB. Unlike in 'newExpr', we don't have to make sure the returned sv
1394    -- has the kind we asked for, because the constMap stores the full CV
1395    -- which already has a kind field in it.
1396    Just sv -> return sv
1397    Nothing -> do (NamedSymVar sv _) <- newSV st (kindOf c)
1398                  let ins = Map.insert c sv
1399                  modifyState st rconstMap ins $ modifyIncState st rNewConsts ins
1400                  return sv
1401{-# INLINE newConst #-}
1403-- | Create a new table; hash-cons as necessary
1404getTableIndex :: State -> Kind -> Kind -> [SV] -> IO Int
1405getTableIndex st at rt elts = do
1406  let key = (at, rt, elts)
1407  tblMap <- readIORef (rtblMap st)
1408  case key `Map.lookup` tblMap of
1409    Just i -> return i
1410    _      -> do let i   = Map.size tblMap
1411                     upd = Map.insert key i
1412                 modifyState st rtblMap upd $ modifyIncState st rNewTbls upd
1413                 return i
1415-- | Create a new expression; hash-cons as necessary
1416newExpr :: State -> Kind -> SBVExpr -> IO SV
1417newExpr st k app = do
1418   let e = reorder app
1419   exprMap <- readIORef (rexprMap st)
1420   case e `Map.lookup` exprMap of
1421     -- NB. Check to make sure that the kind of the hash-consed value
1422     -- is the same kind as we're requesting. This might look unnecessary,
1423     -- at first, but `svSign` and `svUnsign` rely on this as we can
1424     -- get the same expression but at a different type. See
1425     -- <http://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol/issues/566> as an example.
1426     Just sv | kindOf sv == k -> return sv
1427     _                        -> do (NamedSymVar sv _) <- newSV st k
1428                                    let append (SBVPgm xs) = SBVPgm (xs S.|> (sv, e))
1429                                    modifyState st spgm append $ modifyIncState st rNewAsgns append
1430                                    modifyState st rexprMap (Map.insert e sv) (return ())
1431                                    return sv
1432{-# INLINE newExpr #-}
1434-- | Convert a symbolic value to an internal SV
1435svToSV :: State -> SVal -> IO SV
1436svToSV st (SVal _ (Left c))  = newConst st c
1437svToSV st (SVal _ (Right f)) = uncache f st
1439-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.svToSymSV'
1440svToSymSV :: MonadSymbolic m => SVal -> m SV
1441svToSymSV sbv = do st <- symbolicEnv
1442                   liftIO $ svToSV st sbv
1445-- * Symbolic Computations
1447-- | A Symbolic computation. Represented by a reader monad carrying the
1448-- state of the computation, layered on top of IO for creating unique
1449-- references to hold onto intermediate results.
1451-- | Computations which support symbolic operations
1452class MonadIO m => MonadSymbolic m where
1453  symbolicEnv :: m State
1455  default symbolicEnv :: (MonadTrans t, MonadSymbolic m', m ~ t m') => m State
1456  symbolicEnv = lift symbolicEnv
1458instance MonadSymbolic m             => MonadSymbolic (ExceptT e m)
1459instance MonadSymbolic m             => MonadSymbolic (MaybeT m)
1460instance MonadSymbolic m             => MonadSymbolic (ReaderT r m)
1461instance MonadSymbolic m             => MonadSymbolic (SS.StateT s m)
1462instance MonadSymbolic m             => MonadSymbolic (LS.StateT s m)
1463instance (MonadSymbolic m, Monoid w) => MonadSymbolic (SW.WriterT w m)
1464instance (MonadSymbolic m, Monoid w) => MonadSymbolic (LW.WriterT w m)
1466-- | A generalization of 'Data.SBV.Symbolic'.
1467newtype SymbolicT m a = SymbolicT { runSymbolicT :: ReaderT State m a }
1468                   deriving ( Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans
1469                            , MonadError e, MonadState s, MonadWriter w
1470#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
1471                            , Fail.MonadFail
1473                            )
1475-- | `MonadSymbolic` instance for `SymbolicT m`
1476instance MonadIO m => MonadSymbolic (SymbolicT m) where
1477  symbolicEnv = SymbolicT ask
1479-- | Map a computation over the symbolic transformer.
1480mapSymbolicT :: (ReaderT State m a -> ReaderT State n b) -> SymbolicT m a -> SymbolicT n b
1481mapSymbolicT f = SymbolicT . f . runSymbolicT
1482{-# INLINE mapSymbolicT #-}
1484-- Have to define this one by hand, because we use ReaderT in the implementation
1485instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (SymbolicT m) where
1486  ask = lift ask
1487  local f = mapSymbolicT $ mapReaderT $ local f
1489-- | `Symbolic` is specialization of `SymbolicT` to the `IO` monad. Unless you are using
1490-- transformers explicitly, this is the type you should prefer.
1491type Symbolic = SymbolicT IO
1493-- | Create a symbolic value, based on the quantifier we have. If an
1494-- explicit quantifier is given, we just use that. If not, then we
1495-- pick the quantifier appropriately based on the run-mode.
1496-- @randomCV@ is used for generating random values for this variable
1497-- when used for @quickCheck@ or 'Data.SBV.Tools.GenTest.genTest' purposes.
1498svMkSymVar :: VarContext -> Kind -> Maybe String -> State -> IO SVal
1499svMkSymVar = svMkSymVarGen False
1501-- | Create an existentially quantified tracker variable
1502svMkTrackerVar :: Kind -> String -> State -> IO SVal
1503svMkTrackerVar k nm = svMkSymVarGen True (NonQueryVar (Just EX)) k (Just nm)
1505-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.sWordN'
1506sWordN :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> String -> m SVal
1507sWordN w nm = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (NonQueryVar Nothing) (KBounded False w) (Just nm)
1509-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.sWordN_'
1510sWordN_ :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> m SVal
1511sWordN_ w = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (NonQueryVar Nothing) (KBounded False w) Nothing
1513-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.sIntN'
1514sIntN :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> String -> m SVal
1515sIntN w nm = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (NonQueryVar Nothing) (KBounded True w) (Just nm)
1517-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.sIntN_'
1518sIntN_ :: MonadSymbolic m => Int -> m SVal
1519sIntN_ w = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (NonQueryVar Nothing) (KBounded True w) Nothing
1521-- | Create a symbolic value, based on the quantifier we have. If an
1522-- explicit quantifier is given, we just use that. If not, then we
1523-- pick the quantifier appropriately based on the run-mode.
1524-- @randomCV@ is used for generating random values for this variable
1525-- when used for @quickCheck@ or 'Data.SBV.Tools.GenTest.genTest' purposes.
1526svMkSymVarGen :: Bool -> VarContext -> Kind -> Maybe String -> State -> IO SVal
1527svMkSymVarGen isTracker varContext k mbNm st = do
1528        rm <- readIORef (runMode st)
1530        let varInfo = case mbNm of
1531                        Nothing -> ", of type " ++ show k
1532                        Just nm -> ", while defining " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ show k
1534            disallow what  = error $ "Data.SBV: Unsupported: " ++ what ++ varInfo ++ " in mode: " ++ show rm
1536            noUI cont
1537              | isUserSort k  = disallow "User defined sorts"
1538              | True          = cont
1540            (isQueryVar, mbQ) = case varContext of
1541                                  NonQueryVar mq -> (False, mq)
1542                                  QueryVar       -> (True,  Just EX)
1544            mkS q = do (NamedSymVar sv internalName) <- newSV st k
1545                       let nm = fromMaybe (T.unpack internalName) mbNm
1546                       introduceUserName st (isQueryVar, isTracker) nm k q sv
1548            mkC cv = do registerKind st k
1549                        modifyState st rCInfo ((fromMaybe "_" mbNm, cv):) (return ())
1550                        return $ SVal k (Left cv)
1552        case (mbQ, rm) of
1553          (Just q,  SMTMode{}          ) -> mkS q
1554          (Nothing, SMTMode _ _ isSAT _) -> mkS (if isSAT then EX else ALL)
1556          (Just EX, CodeGen{})           -> disallow "Existentially quantified variables"
1557          (_      , CodeGen)             -> noUI $ mkS ALL  -- code generation, pick universal
1559          (Just EX, Concrete Nothing)    -> disallow "Existentially quantified variables"
1560          (_      , Concrete Nothing)    -> noUI (randomCV k >>= mkC)
1562          -- Model validation:
1563          (_      , Concrete (Just (_isSat, env))) -> do
1564                        let bad why conc = error $ unlines [ ""
1565                                                           , "*** Data.SBV: " ++ why
1566                                                           , "***"
1567                                                           , "***   To turn validation off, use `cfg{validateModel = False}`"
1568                                                           , "***"
1569                                                           , "*** " ++ conc
1570                                                           ]
1572                            cant   = "Validation engine is not capable of handling this case. Failed to validate."
1573                            report = "Please report this as a bug in SBV!"
1575                        case () of
1576                          () | isUserSort k -> bad ("Cannot validate models in the presence of user defined kinds, saw: "             ++ show k) cant
1578                          _  -> do (NamedSymVar sv internalName) <- newSV st k
1580                                   let nm = fromMaybe (T.unpack internalName) mbNm
1581                                       nsv = toNamedSV' sv nm
1583                                       cv = case [(q, v) | ((q, nsv'), v) <- env, nsv == nsv'] of
1584                                              []              -> if isTracker
1585                                                                 then  -- The sole purpose of a tracker variable is to send the optimization
1586                                                                       -- directive to the solver, so we can name "expressions" that are minimized
1587                                                                       -- or maximized. There will be no constraints on these when we are doing
1588                                                                       -- the validation; in fact they will not even be used anywhere during a
1589                                                                       -- validation run. So, simply push a zero value that inhabits all metrics.
1590                                                                       mkConstCV k (0::Integer)
1591                                                                 else bad ("Cannot locate variable: " ++ show (nsv, k)) report
1592                                              [(ALL, _)]      -> -- We can stop here, as we can't really validate in the presence of a universal quantifier:
1593                                                                 -- we'd have to validate for each possible value. But that's more or less useless. Instead,
1594                                                                 -- just issue a warning and use 0 for this value.
1595                                                                 mkConstCV k (0::Integer)
1596                                              [(EX, Nothing)] -> bad ("Cannot locate model value of variable: " ++ show (getUserName' nsv)) report
1597                                              [(EX, Just c)]  -> c
1598                                              r               -> bad (   "Found multiple matching values for variable: " ++ show nsv
1599                                                                      ++ "\n*** " ++ show r) report
1601                                   mkC cv
1603-- | Introduce a new user name. We simply append a suffix if we have seen this variable before.
1604introduceUserName :: State -> (Bool, Bool) -> String -> Kind -> Quantifier -> SV -> IO SVal
1605introduceUserName st@State{runMode} (isQueryVar, isTracker) nmOrig k q sv = do
1606        old <- allInputs <$> readIORef (rinps st)
1608        let nm  = mkUnique (T.pack nmOrig) old
1610        -- If this is not a query variable and we're in a query, reject it.
1611        -- See https://github.com/LeventErkok/sbv/issues/554 for the rationale.
1612        -- In theory, it should be possible to support this, but fixing it is
1613        -- rather costly as we'd have to track the regular updates and sync the
1614        -- incremental state appropriately. Instead, we issue an error message
1615        -- and ask the user to obey the query mode rules.
1616        rm <- readIORef runMode
1617        case rm of
1618          SMTMode _ IRun _ _ | not isQueryVar -> noInteractiveEver [ "Adding a new input variable in query mode: " ++ show nm
1619                                                                   , ""
1620                                                                   , "Hint: Use freshVar/freshVar_ for introducing new inputs in query mode."
1621                                                                   ]
1622          _                                   -> pure ()
1624        if isTracker && q == ALL
1625           then error $ "SBV: Impossible happened! A universally quantified tracker variable is being introduced: " ++ show nm
1626           else do let newInp olds = case q of
1627                                      EX  -> toNamedSV sv nm : olds
1628                                      ALL -> noInteractive [ "Adding a new universally quantified variable: "
1629                                                           , "  Name      : " ++ show nm
1630                                                           , "  Kind      : " ++ show k
1631                                                           , "  Quantifier: Universal"
1632                                                           , "  Node      : " ++ show sv
1633                                                           , "Only existential variables are supported in query mode."
1634                                                           ]
1635                   if isTracker
1636                      then modifyState st rinps (addInternInput sv nm)
1637                                     $ noInteractive ["Adding a new tracker variable in interactive mode: " ++ show nm]
1638                      else modifyState st rinps (addUserInput q sv nm)
1639                                     $ modifyIncState st rNewInps newInp
1640                   return $ SVal k $ Right $ cache (const (return sv))
1642   where -- The following can be rather slow if we keep reusing the same prefix, but I doubt it'll be a problem in practice
1643         -- Also, the following will fail if we span the range of integers without finding a match, but your computer would
1644         -- die way ahead of that happening if that's the case!
1645         mkUnique :: T.Text -> Set.Set Name -> T.Text
1646         mkUnique prefix names = head $ dropWhile (`Set.member` names) (prefix : [prefix <> "_" <> T.pack (show i) | i <- [(0::Int)..]])
1648-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.runSymbolic'
1649runSymbolic :: MonadIO m => SBVRunMode -> SymbolicT m a -> m (a, Result)
1650runSymbolic currentRunMode (SymbolicT c) = do
1651   st <- liftIO $ do
1652     currTime  <- getCurrentTime
1653     rm        <- newIORef currentRunMode
1654     ctr       <- newIORef (-2) -- start from -2; False and True will always occupy the first two elements
1655     cInfo     <- newIORef []
1656     observes  <- newIORef mempty
1657     pgm       <- newIORef (SBVPgm S.empty)
1658     emap      <- newIORef Map.empty
1659     cmap      <- newIORef Map.empty
1660     inps      <- newIORef mempty
1661     outs      <- newIORef []
1662     tables    <- newIORef Map.empty
1663     arrays    <- newIORef IMap.empty
1664     fArrays   <- newIORef IMap.empty
1665     uis       <- newIORef Map.empty
1666     cgs       <- newIORef Map.empty
1667     axioms    <- newIORef []
1668     swCache   <- newIORef IMap.empty
1669     aiCache   <- newIORef IMap.empty
1670     faiCache  <- newIORef IMap.empty
1671     usedKinds <- newIORef Set.empty
1672     usedLbls  <- newIORef Set.empty
1673     cstrs     <- newIORef S.empty
1674     smtOpts   <- newIORef []
1675     optGoals  <- newIORef []
1676     asserts   <- newIORef []
1677     istate    <- newIORef =<< newIncState
1678     qstate    <- newIORef Nothing
1679     pure $ State { runMode      = rm
1680                  , startTime    = currTime
1681                  , pathCond     = SVal KBool (Left trueCV)
1682                  , rIncState    = istate
1683                  , rCInfo       = cInfo
1684                  , rObservables = observes
1685                  , rctr         = ctr
1686                  , rUsedKinds   = usedKinds
1687                  , rUsedLbls    = usedLbls
1688                  , rinps        = inps
1689                  , routs        = outs
1690                  , rtblMap      = tables
1691                  , spgm         = pgm
1692                  , rconstMap    = cmap
1693                  , rArrayMap    = arrays
1694                  , rFArrayMap   = fArrays
1695                  , rexprMap     = emap
1696                  , rUIMap       = uis
1697                  , rCgMap       = cgs
1698                  , raxioms      = axioms
1699                  , rSVCache     = swCache
1700                  , rAICache     = aiCache
1701                  , rFAICache    = faiCache
1702                  , rConstraints = cstrs
1703                  , rSMTOptions  = smtOpts
1704                  , rOptGoals    = optGoals
1705                  , rAsserts     = asserts
1706                  , rQueryState  = qstate
1707                  }
1708   _ <- liftIO $ newConst st falseCV -- s(-2) == falseSV
1709   _ <- liftIO $ newConst st trueCV  -- s(-1) == trueSV
1710   r <- runReaderT c st
1711   res <- liftIO $ extractSymbolicSimulationState st
1713   -- Clean-up after ourselves
1714   qs <- liftIO $ readIORef $ rQueryState st
1715   case qs of
1716     Nothing                         -> return ()
1717     Just QueryState{queryTerminate} -> liftIO queryTerminate
1719   return (r, res)
1721-- | Grab the program from a running symbolic simulation state.
1722extractSymbolicSimulationState :: State -> IO Result
1723extractSymbolicSimulationState st@State{ spgm=pgm, rinps=inps, routs=outs, rtblMap=tables, rArrayMap=arrays, rUIMap=uis, raxioms=axioms
1724                                       , rAsserts=asserts, rUsedKinds=usedKinds, rCgMap=cgs, rCInfo=cInfo, rConstraints=cstrs
1725                                       , rObservables=observes
1726                                       } = do
1727   SBVPgm rpgm  <- readIORef pgm
1728   inpsO <- inputsToList <$> readIORef inps
1729   outsO <- reverse <$> readIORef outs
1731   let swap  (a, b)              = (b, a)
1732       cmp   (a, _) (b, _)       = a `compare` b
1733       arrange (i, (at, rt, es)) = ((i, at, rt), es)
1735   constMap <- readIORef (rconstMap st)
1736   let cnsts = sortBy cmp . map swap . Map.toList $ constMap
1738   tbls  <- map arrange . sortBy cmp . map swap . Map.toList <$> readIORef tables
1739   arrs  <- IMap.toAscList <$> readIORef arrays
1740   unint <- Map.toList <$> readIORef uis
1741   axs   <- reverse <$> readIORef axioms
1742   knds  <- readIORef usedKinds
1743   cgMap <- Map.toList <$> readIORef cgs
1745   traceVals   <- reverse <$> readIORef cInfo
1746   observables <- reverse . fmap (\(n,f,sv) -> (T.unpack n, f, sv)) . F.toList
1747                  <$> readIORef observes
1748   extraCstrs  <- readIORef cstrs
1749   assertions  <- reverse <$> readIORef asserts
1751   return $ Result knds traceVals observables cgMap inpsO (constMap, cnsts) tbls arrs unint axs (SBVPgm rpgm) extraCstrs assertions outsO
1753-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.addNewSMTOption'
1754addNewSMTOption :: MonadSymbolic m => SMTOption -> m ()
1755addNewSMTOption o = do st <- symbolicEnv
1756                       liftIO $ modifyState st rSMTOptions (o:) (return ())
1758-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.imposeConstraint'
1759imposeConstraint :: MonadSymbolic m => Bool -> [(String, String)] -> SVal -> m ()
1760imposeConstraint isSoft attrs c = do st <- symbolicEnv
1761                                     rm <- liftIO $ readIORef (runMode st)
1763                                     case rm of
1764                                       CodeGen -> error "SBV: constraints are not allowed in code-generation"
1765                                       _       -> liftIO $ do mapM_ (registerLabel "Constraint" st) [nm | (":named",  nm) <- attrs]
1766                                                              internalConstraint st isSoft attrs c
1768-- | Require a boolean condition to be true in the state. Only used for internal purposes.
1769internalConstraint :: State -> Bool -> [(String, String)] -> SVal -> IO ()
1770internalConstraint st isSoft attrs b = do v <- svToSV st b
1772                                          rm <- liftIO $ readIORef (runMode st)
1774                                          -- Are we running validation? If so, we always want to
1775                                          -- add the constraint for debug purposes. Otherwie
1776                                          -- we only add it if it's interesting; i.e., not directly
1777                                          -- true or has some attributes.
1778                                          let isValidating = case rm of
1779                                                               SMTMode _ _ _ cfg -> validationRequested cfg
1780                                                               CodeGen           -> False
1781                                                               Concrete Nothing  -> False
1782                                                               Concrete (Just _) -> True   -- The case when we *are* running the validation
1784                                          let c           = (isSoft, attrs, v)
1785                                              interesting = v /= trueSV || not (null attrs)
1787                                          when (isValidating || interesting) $
1788                                               modifyState st rConstraints (S.|> c)
1789                                                            $ modifyIncState st rNewConstraints (S.|> c)
1791-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.addSValOptGoal'
1792addSValOptGoal :: MonadSymbolic m => Objective SVal -> m ()
1793addSValOptGoal obj = do st <- symbolicEnv
1795                        -- create the tracking variable here for the metric
1796                        let mkGoal nm orig = liftIO $ do origSV  <- svToSV st orig
1797                                                         track   <- svMkTrackerVar (kindOf orig) nm st
1798                                                         trackSV <- svToSV st track
1799                                                         return (origSV, trackSV)
1801                        let walk (Minimize          nm v)     = Minimize nm                     <$> mkGoal nm v
1802                            walk (Maximize          nm v)     = Maximize nm                     <$> mkGoal nm v
1803                            walk (AssertWithPenalty nm v mbP) = flip (AssertWithPenalty nm) mbP <$> mkGoal nm v
1805                        !obj' <- walk obj
1806                        liftIO $ modifyState st rOptGoals (obj' :)
1807                                           $ noInteractive [ "Adding an optimization objective:"
1808                                                           , "  Objective: " ++ show obj
1809                                                           ]
1811-- | Generalization of 'Data.SBV.outputSVal'
1812outputSVal :: MonadSymbolic m => SVal -> m ()
1813outputSVal (SVal _ (Left c)) = do
1814  st <- symbolicEnv
1815  sv <- liftIO $ newConst st c
1816  liftIO $ modifyState st routs (sv:) (return ())
1817outputSVal (SVal _ (Right f)) = do
1818  st <- symbolicEnv
1819  sv <- liftIO $ uncache f st
1820  liftIO $ modifyState st routs (sv:) (return ())
1823-- * Cached values
1826-- | We implement a peculiar caching mechanism, applicable to the use case in
1827-- implementation of SBV's.  Whenever we do a state based computation, we do
1828-- not want to keep on evaluating it in the then-current state. That will
1829-- produce essentially a semantically equivalent value. Thus, we want to run
1830-- it only once, and reuse that result, capturing the sharing at the Haskell
1831-- level. This is similar to the "type-safe observable sharing" work, but also
1832-- takes into the account of how symbolic simulation executes.
1834-- See Andy Gill's type-safe observable sharing trick for the inspiration behind
1835-- this technique: <http://ku-fpg.github.io/files/Gill-09-TypeSafeReification.pdf>
1837-- Note that this is *not* a general memo utility!
1838newtype Cached a = Cached (State -> IO a)
1840-- | Cache a state-based computation
1841cache :: (State -> IO a) -> Cached a
1842cache = Cached
1844-- | Uncache a previously cached computation
1845uncache :: Cached SV -> State -> IO SV
1846uncache = uncacheGen rSVCache
1848-- | An SMT array index is simply an int value
1849newtype ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex { unArrayIndex :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data)
1851-- | We simply show indexes as the underlying integer
1852instance Show ArrayIndex where
1853  show (ArrayIndex i) = show i
1855-- | A functional array index is simply an int value
1856newtype FArrayIndex = FArrayIndex { unFArrayIndex :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
1858-- | We simply show indexes as the underlying integer
1859instance Show FArrayIndex where
1860  show (FArrayIndex i) = show i
1862-- | Uncache, retrieving SMT array indexes
1863uncacheAI :: Cached ArrayIndex -> State -> IO ArrayIndex
1864uncacheAI = uncacheGen rAICache
1866-- | Uncache, retrieving Functional array indexes
1867uncacheFAI :: Cached FArrayIndex -> State -> IO FArrayIndex
1868uncacheFAI = uncacheGen rFAICache
1870-- | Generic uncaching. Note that this is entirely safe, since we do it in the IO monad.
1871uncacheGen :: (State -> IORef (Cache a)) -> Cached a -> State -> IO a
1872uncacheGen getCache (Cached f) st = do
1873        let rCache = getCache st
1874        stored <- readIORef rCache
1875        sn <- f `seq` makeStableName f
1876        let h = hashStableName sn
1877        case (h `IMap.lookup` stored) >>= (sn `lookup`) of
1878          Just r  -> return r
1879          Nothing -> do r <- f st
1880                        r `seq` R.modifyIORef' rCache (IMap.insertWith (++) h [(sn, r)])
1881                        return r
1883-- | Representation of SMTLib Program versions. As of June 2015, we're dropping support
1884-- for SMTLib1, and supporting SMTLib2 only. We keep this data-type around in case
1885-- SMTLib3 comes along and we want to support 2 and 3 simultaneously.
1886data SMTLibVersion = SMTLib2
1887                   deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Show)
1889-- | The extension associated with the version
1890smtLibVersionExtension :: SMTLibVersion -> String
1891smtLibVersionExtension SMTLib2 = "smt2"
1893-- | Representation of an SMT-Lib program. In between pre and post goes the refuted models
1894data SMTLibPgm = SMTLibPgm SMTLibVersion [String]
1896instance NFData SMTLibVersion where rnf a               = a `seq` ()
1897instance NFData SMTLibPgm     where rnf (SMTLibPgm v p) = rnf v `seq` rnf p
1899instance Show SMTLibPgm where
1900  show (SMTLibPgm _ pre) = intercalate "\n" pre
1902-- Other Technicalities..
1903instance NFData CV where
1904  rnf (CV x y) = x `seq` y `seq` ()
1906instance NFData GeneralizedCV where
1907  rnf (ExtendedCV e) = e `seq` ()
1908  rnf (RegularCV  c) = c `seq` ()
1910#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
1912-- Can't really force this, but not a big deal
1913instance NFData CallStack where
1914  rnf _ = ()
1917instance NFData NamedSymVar where
1918  rnf (NamedSymVar s n) = rnf s `seq` rnf n
1920instance NFData Result where
1921  rnf (Result kindInfo qcInfo obs cgs inps consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstr asserts outs)
1922        = rnf kindInfo `seq` rnf qcInfo  `seq` rnf obs    `seq` rnf cgs
1923                       `seq` rnf inps    `seq` rnf consts `seq` rnf tbls
1924                       `seq` rnf arrs    `seq` rnf uis    `seq` rnf axs
1925                       `seq` rnf pgm     `seq` rnf cstr   `seq` rnf asserts
1926                       `seq` rnf outs
1927instance NFData Kind         where rnf a          = seq a ()
1928instance NFData ArrayContext where rnf a          = seq a ()
1929instance NFData SV           where rnf a          = seq a ()
1930instance NFData SBVExpr      where rnf a          = seq a ()
1931instance NFData Quantifier   where rnf a          = seq a ()
1932instance NFData SBVType      where rnf a          = seq a ()
1933instance NFData SBVPgm       where rnf a          = seq a ()
1934instance NFData (Cached a)   where rnf (Cached f) = f `seq` ()
1935instance NFData SVal         where rnf (SVal x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y
1937instance NFData SMTResult where
1938  rnf (Unsatisfiable _   m   ) = rnf m
1939  rnf (Satisfiable   _   m   ) = rnf m
1940  rnf (DeltaSat      _ p m   ) = rnf m `seq` rnf p
1941  rnf (SatExtField   _   m   ) = rnf m
1942  rnf (Unknown       _   m   ) = rnf m
1943  rnf (ProofError    _   m mr) = rnf m `seq` rnf mr
1945instance NFData SMTModel where
1946  rnf (SMTModel objs bndgs assocs uifuns) = rnf objs `seq` rnf bndgs `seq` rnf assocs `seq` rnf uifuns
1948instance NFData SMTScript where
1949  rnf (SMTScript b m) = rnf b `seq` rnf m
1951-- | Translation tricks needed for specific capabilities afforded by each solver
1952data SolverCapabilities = SolverCapabilities {
1953         supportsQuantifiers        :: Bool           -- ^ Supports SMT-Lib2 style quantifiers?
1954       , supportsDefineFun          :: Bool           -- ^ Supports define-fun construct?
1955       , supportsDistinct           :: Bool           -- ^ Supports calls to distinct?
1956       , supportsBitVectors         :: Bool           -- ^ Supports bit-vectors?
1957       , supportsUninterpretedSorts :: Bool           -- ^ Supports SMT-Lib2 style uninterpreted-sorts
1958       , supportsUnboundedInts      :: Bool           -- ^ Supports unbounded integers?
1959       , supportsInt2bv             :: Bool           -- ^ Supports int2bv?
1960       , supportsReals              :: Bool           -- ^ Supports reals?
1961       , supportsApproxReals        :: Bool           -- ^ Supports printing of approximations of reals?
1962       , supportsDeltaSat           :: Maybe String   -- ^ Supports delta-satisfiability? (With given precision query)
1963       , supportsIEEE754            :: Bool           -- ^ Supports floating point numbers?
1964       , supportsSets               :: Bool           -- ^ Supports set operations?
1965       , supportsOptimization       :: Bool           -- ^ Supports optimization routines?
1966       , supportsPseudoBooleans     :: Bool           -- ^ Supports pseudo-boolean operations?
1967       , supportsCustomQueries      :: Bool           -- ^ Supports interactive queries per SMT-Lib?
1968       , supportsGlobalDecls        :: Bool           -- ^ Supports global declarations? (Needed for push-pop.)
1969       , supportsDataTypes          :: Bool           -- ^ Supports datatypes?
1970       , supportsDirectAccessors    :: Bool           -- ^ Supports data-type accessors without full ascription?
1971       , supportsFlattenedModels    :: Maybe [String] -- ^ Supports flattened model output? (With given config lines.)
1972       }
1974-- | Solver configuration. See also 'Data.SBV.z3', 'Data.SBV.yices', 'Data.SBV.cvc4', 'Data.SBV.boolector', 'Data.SBV.mathSAT', etc.
1975-- which are instantiations of this type for those solvers, with reasonable defaults. In particular, custom configuration can be
1976-- created by varying those values. (Such as @z3{verbose=True}@.)
1978-- Most fields are self explanatory. The notion of precision for printing algebraic reals stems from the fact that such values does
1979-- not necessarily have finite decimal representations, and hence we have to stop printing at some depth. It is important to
1980-- emphasize that such values always have infinite precision internally. The issue is merely with how we print such an infinite
1981-- precision value on the screen. The field 'printRealPrec' controls the printing precision, by specifying the number of digits after
1982-- the decimal point. The default value is 16, but it can be set to any positive integer.
1984-- When printing, SBV will add the suffix @...@ at the and of a real-value, if the given bound is not sufficient to represent the real-value
1985-- exactly. Otherwise, the number will be written out in standard decimal notation. Note that SBV will always print the whole value if it
1986-- is precise (i.e., if it fits in a finite number of digits), regardless of the precision limit. The limit only applies if the representation
1987-- of the real value is not finite, i.e., if it is not rational.
1989-- The 'printBase' field can be used to print numbers in base 2, 10, or 16.
1991-- The 'crackNum' field can be used to display numbers in detail, all its bits and how they are laid out in memory. Works with all bounded number types
1992-- (i.e., SWord and SInt), but also with floats. It is particularly useful with floating-point numbers, as it shows you how they are laid out in
1993-- memory following the IEEE754 rules.
1994data SMTConfig = SMTConfig {
1995         verbose                     :: Bool           -- ^ Debug mode
1996       , timing                      :: Timing         -- ^ Print timing information on how long different phases took (construction, solving, etc.)
1997       , printBase                   :: Int            -- ^ Print integral literals in this base (2, 10, and 16 are supported.)
1998       , printRealPrec               :: Int            -- ^ Print algebraic real values with this precision. (SReal, default: 16)
1999       , crackNum                    :: Bool           -- ^ For each numeric value, show it in detail in the model with its bits spliced out. Good for floats.
2000       , satCmd                      :: String         -- ^ Usually "(check-sat)". However, users might tweak it based on solver characteristics.
2001       , allSatMaxModelCount         :: Maybe Int      -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, return at most this many models. If nothing, return all.
2002       , allSatPrintAlong            :: Bool           -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, print models as they are found.
2003       , satTrackUFs                 :: Bool           -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.sat' call, should we try to extract values of uninterpreted functions?
2004       , isNonModelVar               :: String -> Bool -- ^ When constructing a model, ignore variables whose name satisfy this predicate. (Default: (const False), i.e., don't ignore anything)
2005       , validateModel               :: Bool           -- ^ If set, SBV will attempt to validate the model it gets back from the solver.
2006       , optimizeValidateConstraints :: Bool           -- ^ Validate optimization results. NB: Does NOT make sure the model is optimal, just checks they satisfy the constraints.
2007       , transcript                  :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ If Just, the entire interaction will be recorded as a playable file (for debugging purposes mostly)
2008       , smtLibVersion               :: SMTLibVersion  -- ^ What version of SMT-lib we use for the tool
2009       , dsatPrecision               :: Maybe Double   -- ^ Delta-sat precision
2010       , solver                      :: SMTSolver      -- ^ The actual SMT solver.
2011       , extraArgs                   :: [String]       -- ^ Extra command line arguments to pass to the solver.
2012       , allowQuantifiedQueries      :: Bool           -- ^ Should we permit use of quantifiers in the query mode? (Default: False. See <http://github.com/LeventErkok/sbv/issues/459> for why.)
2013       , roundingMode                :: RoundingMode   -- ^ Rounding mode to use for floating-point conversions
2014       , solverSetOptions            :: [SMTOption]    -- ^ Options to set as we start the solver
2015       , ignoreExitCode              :: Bool           -- ^ If true, we shall ignore the exit code upon exit. Otherwise we require ExitSuccess.
2016       , redirectVerbose             :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Redirect the verbose output to this file if given. If Nothing, stdout is implied.
2017       }
2019-- | We show the name of the solver for the config. Arguably this is misleading, but better than nothing.
2020instance Show SMTConfig where
2021  show = show . name . solver
2023-- | Returns true if we have to perform validation
2024validationRequested :: SMTConfig -> Bool
2025validationRequested SMTConfig{validateModel, optimizeValidateConstraints} = validateModel || optimizeValidateConstraints
2027-- We're just seq'ing top-level here, it shouldn't really matter. (i.e., no need to go deeper.)
2028instance NFData SMTConfig where
2029  rnf SMTConfig{} = ()
2031-- | A model, as returned by a solver
2032data SMTModel = SMTModel {
2033       modelObjectives :: [(String, GeneralizedCV)]                     -- ^ Mapping of symbolic values to objective values.
2034     , modelBindings   :: Maybe [((Quantifier, NamedSymVar), Maybe CV)] -- ^ Mapping of input variables as reported by the solver. Only collected if model validation is requested.
2035     , modelAssocs     :: [(String, CV)]                                -- ^ Mapping of symbolic values to constants.
2036     , modelUIFuns     :: [(String, (SBVType, ([([CV], CV)], CV)))]     -- ^ Mapping of uninterpreted functions to association lists in the model.
2037                                                                        -- Note that an uninterpreted constant (function of arity 0) will be stored
2038                                                                        -- in the 'modelAssocs' field.
2039     }
2040     deriving Show
2042-- | The result of an SMT solver call. Each constructor is tagged with
2043-- the 'SMTConfig' that created it so that further tools can inspect it
2044-- and build layers of results, if needed. For ordinary uses of the library,
2045-- this type should not be needed, instead use the accessor functions on
2046-- it. (Custom Show instances and model extractors.)
2047data SMTResult = Unsatisfiable SMTConfig (Maybe [String])            -- ^ Unsatisfiable. If unsat-cores are enabled, they will be returned in the second parameter.
2048               | Satisfiable   SMTConfig SMTModel                    -- ^ Satisfiable with model
2049               | DeltaSat      SMTConfig (Maybe String) SMTModel     -- ^ Delta satisfiable with queried string if available and model
2050               | SatExtField   SMTConfig SMTModel                    -- ^ Prover returned a model, but in an extension field containing Infinite/epsilon
2051               | Unknown       SMTConfig SMTReasonUnknown            -- ^ Prover returned unknown, with the given reason
2052               | ProofError    SMTConfig [String] (Maybe SMTResult)  -- ^ Prover errored out, with possibly a bogus result
2054-- | A script, to be passed to the solver.
2055data SMTScript = SMTScript {
2056          scriptBody  :: String   -- ^ Initial feed
2057        , scriptModel :: [String] -- ^ Continuation script, to extract results
2058        }
2060-- | An SMT engine
2061type SMTEngine =  forall res.
2062                  SMTConfig         -- ^ current configuration
2063               -> State             -- ^ the state in which to run the engine
2064               -> String            -- ^ program
2065               -> (State -> IO res) -- ^ continuation
2066               -> IO res
2068-- | Solvers that SBV is aware of
2069data Solver = ABC
2070            | Boolector
2071            | CVC4
2072            | DReal
2073            | MathSAT
2074            | Yices
2075            | Z3
2076            deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
2078-- | An SMT solver
2079data SMTSolver = SMTSolver {
2080         name           :: Solver                -- ^ The solver in use
2081       , executable     :: String                -- ^ The path to its executable
2082       , preprocess     :: String -> String      -- ^ Each line sent to the solver will be passed through this function (typically id)
2083       , options        :: SMTConfig -> [String] -- ^ Options to provide to the solver
2084       , engine         :: SMTEngine             -- ^ The solver engine, responsible for interpreting solver output
2085       , capabilities   :: SolverCapabilities    -- ^ Various capabilities of the solver
2086       }
2088-- | Query execution context
2089data QueryContext = QueryInternal       -- ^ Triggered from inside SBV
2090                  | QueryExternal       -- ^ Triggered from user code
2092-- | Show instance for 'QueryContext', for debugging purposes
2093instance Show QueryContext where
2094   show QueryInternal = "Internal Query"
2095   show QueryExternal = "User Query"
2097{-# ANN type FPOp ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}
2098{-# ANN type PBOp ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}
2099{-# ANN type OvOp ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}
2100{-# ANN type NROp ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}