1{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
15import Test.Tasty
16import Test.Tasty.HUnit
19import           Control.Exception (bracket, try, finally, SomeException)
20import           Control.Monad (void)
21import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
22import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
23import qualified Data.Map as Map
24import           Data.Foldable
26import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
27import           Data.Parameterized.Nonce
28import           Data.Parameterized.Some
29import           System.IO
30import           LibBF
32import What4.BaseTypes
33import What4.Config
34import What4.Expr
35import What4.Interface
36import What4.InterpretedFloatingPoint
37import What4.Protocol.Online
38import What4.Protocol.SMTLib2
39import What4.SatResult
40import What4.Solver.Adapter
41import qualified What4.Solver.CVC4 as CVC4
42import qualified What4.Solver.Z3 as Z3
43import qualified What4.Solver.Yices as Yices
44import What4.Utils.StringLiteral
45import What4.Utils.Versions (ver, SolverBounds(..), emptySolverBounds)
47data State t = State
48data SomePred = forall t . SomePred (BoolExpr t)
49deriving instance Show SomePred
50type SimpleExprBuilder t fs = ExprBuilder t State fs
53debugOutputFiles :: Bool
54debugOutputFiles = False
55--debugOutputFiles = True
57maybeClose :: Maybe Handle -> IO ()
58maybeClose Nothing = return ()
59maybeClose (Just h) = hClose h
62userSymbol' :: String -> SolverSymbol
63userSymbol' s = case userSymbol s of
64  Left e       -> error $ show e
65  Right symbol -> symbol
67withSym :: FloatModeRepr fm -> (forall t . SimpleExprBuilder t (Flags fm) -> IO a) -> IO a
68withSym floatMode pred_gen = withIONonceGenerator $ \gen ->
69  pred_gen =<< newExprBuilder floatMode State gen
71withYices :: (forall t. SimpleExprBuilder t (Flags FloatReal) -> SolverProcess t Yices.Connection -> IO ()) -> IO ()
72withYices action = withSym FloatRealRepr $ \sym ->
73  do extendConfig Yices.yicesOptions (getConfiguration sym)
74     bracket
75       (do h <- if debugOutputFiles then Just <$> openFile "yices.out" WriteMode else return Nothing
76           s <- startSolverProcess Yices.yicesDefaultFeatures h sym
77           return (h,s))
78       (\(h,s) -> void $ try @SomeException (shutdownSolverProcess s `finally` maybeClose h))
79       (\(_,s) -> action sym s)
81withZ3 :: (forall t . SimpleExprBuilder t (Flags FloatIEEE) -> Session t Z3.Z3 -> IO ()) -> IO ()
82withZ3 action = withIONonceGenerator $ \nonce_gen -> do
83  sym <- newExprBuilder FloatIEEERepr State nonce_gen
84  extendConfig Z3.z3Options (getConfiguration sym)
85  Z3.withZ3 sym "z3" defaultLogData { logCallbackVerbose = (\_ -> putStrLn) } (action sym)
88  :: (forall t . SimpleExprBuilder t (Flags FloatIEEE) -> SolverProcess t (Writer Z3.Z3) -> IO a)
89  -> IO a
90withOnlineZ3 action = withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
91  extendConfig Z3.z3Options (getConfiguration sym)
92  bracket
93    (do h <- if debugOutputFiles then Just <$> openFile "z3.out" WriteMode else return Nothing
94        s <- startSolverProcess (defaultFeatures Z3.Z3) h sym
95        return (h,s))
96    (\(h,s) -> void $ try @SomeException (shutdownSolverProcess s `finally` maybeClose h))
97    (\(_,s) -> action sym s)
100  :: (forall t . SimpleExprBuilder t (Flags FloatReal) -> SolverProcess t (Writer CVC4.CVC4) -> IO a)
101  -> IO a
102withCVC4 action = withSym FloatRealRepr $ \sym -> do
103  extendConfig CVC4.cvc4Options (getConfiguration sym)
104  bracket
105    (do h <- if debugOutputFiles then Just <$> openFile "cvc4.out" WriteMode else return Nothing
106        s <- startSolverProcess (defaultFeatures CVC4.CVC4) h sym
107        return (h,s))
108    (\(h,s) -> void $ try @SomeException (shutdownSolverProcess s `finally` maybeClose h))
109    (\(_,s) -> action sym s)
112  :: Session t Z3.Z3
113  -> BoolExpr t
114  -> ((forall tp . What4.Expr.Expr t tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> IO ())
115  -> IO ()
116withModel s p action = do
117  assume (sessionWriter s) p
118  runCheckSat s $ \case
119    Sat (GroundEvalFn {..}, _) -> action groundEval
120    Unsat _                    -> "unsat" @?= ("sat" :: String)
121    Unknown                    -> "unknown" @?= ("sat" :: String)
123-- exists y . (x + 2.0) + (x + 2.0) < y
125  :: (  forall t
126      . (IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (SimpleExprBuilder t fs))
127     => SimpleExprBuilder t fs
128     -> IO SomePred
129     )
130iFloatTestPred sym = do
131  x  <- freshFloatConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") SingleFloatRepr
132  e0 <- iFloatLitSingle sym 2.0
133  e1 <- iFloatAdd @_ @SingleFloat sym RNE x e0
134  e2 <- iFloatAdd @_ @SingleFloat sym RTZ e1 e1
135  y  <- freshFloatBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "y") SingleFloatRepr
136  e3 <- iFloatLt @_ @SingleFloat sym e2 $ varExpr sym y
137  SomePred <$> existsPred sym y e3
139floatSinglePrecision :: FloatPrecisionRepr Prec32
140floatSinglePrecision = knownRepr
142floatDoublePrecision :: FloatPrecisionRepr Prec64
143floatDoublePrecision = knownRepr
145floatSingleType :: BaseTypeRepr (BaseFloatType Prec32)
146floatSingleType = BaseFloatRepr floatSinglePrecision
148floatDoubleType :: BaseTypeRepr (BaseFloatType Prec64)
149floatDoubleType = BaseFloatRepr floatDoublePrecision
151testInterpretedFloatReal :: TestTree
152testInterpretedFloatReal = testCase "Float interpreted as real" $ do
153  actual   <- withSym FloatRealRepr iFloatTestPred
154  expected <- withSym FloatRealRepr $ \sym -> do
155    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
156    e0 <- realLit sym 2.0
157    e1 <- realAdd sym x e0
158    e2 <- realAdd sym e1 e1
159    y  <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "y") knownRepr
160    e3 <- realLt sym e2 $ varExpr sym y
161    SomePred <$> existsPred sym y e3
162  show actual @?= show expected
164testFloatUninterpreted :: TestTree
165testFloatUninterpreted = testCase "Float uninterpreted" $ do
166  actual   <- withSym FloatUninterpretedRepr iFloatTestPred
167  expected <- withSym FloatUninterpretedRepr $ \sym -> do
168    let bvtp = BaseBVRepr $ knownNat @32
169    rne_rm           <- intLit sym $ toInteger $ fromEnum RNE
170    rtz_rm           <- intLit sym $ toInteger $ fromEnum RTZ
171    x                <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
173    -- Floating point literal: 2.0
174    e1 <- bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownRepr (bfToBits (float32 NearEven) (bfFromInt 2)))
176    add_fn <- freshTotalUninterpFn
177      sym
178      (userSymbol' "uninterpreted_float_add")
179      (Ctx.empty Ctx.:> BaseIntegerRepr Ctx.:> bvtp Ctx.:> bvtp)
180      bvtp
181    e2    <- applySymFn sym add_fn $ Ctx.empty Ctx.:> rne_rm Ctx.:> x Ctx.:> e1
182    e3    <- applySymFn sym add_fn $ Ctx.empty Ctx.:> rtz_rm Ctx.:> e2 Ctx.:> e2
183    y     <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "y") knownRepr
184    lt_fn <- freshTotalUninterpFn sym
185                                  (userSymbol' "uninterpreted_float_lt")
186                                  (Ctx.empty Ctx.:> bvtp Ctx.:> bvtp)
187                                  BaseBoolRepr
188    e4 <- applySymFn sym lt_fn $ Ctx.empty Ctx.:> e3 Ctx.:> varExpr sym y
189    SomePred <$> existsPred sym y e4
190  show actual @?= show expected
192testInterpretedFloatIEEE :: TestTree
193testInterpretedFloatIEEE = testCase "Float interpreted as IEEE float" $ do
194  actual   <- withSym FloatIEEERepr iFloatTestPred
195  expected <- withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
196    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
197    e0 <- floatLitRational sym floatSinglePrecision 2.0
198    e1 <- floatAdd sym RNE x e0
199    e2 <- floatAdd sym RTZ e1 e1
200    y  <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "y") knownRepr
201    e3 <- floatLt sym e2 $ varExpr sym y
202    SomePred <$> existsPred sym y e3
203  show actual @?= show expected
205-- x <= 0.5 && x >= 1.5
206testFloatUnsat0 :: TestTree
207testFloatUnsat0 = testCase "Unsat float formula" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
208  x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
209  e0 <- floatLitRational sym floatSinglePrecision 0.5
210  e1 <- floatLitRational sym knownRepr 1.5
211  p0 <- floatLe sym x e0
212  p1 <- floatGe sym x e1
213  assume (sessionWriter s) p0
214  assume (sessionWriter s) p1
215  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isUnsat res @? "unsat"
217-- x * x < 0
218testFloatUnsat1 :: TestTree
219testFloatUnsat1 = testCase "Unsat float formula" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
220  x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") floatSingleType
221  e0 <- floatMul sym RNE x x
222  p0 <- floatIsNeg sym e0
223  assume (sessionWriter s) p0
224  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isUnsat res @? "unsat"
226-- x + y >= x && x != infinity && y > 0 with rounding to +infinity
227testFloatUnsat2 :: TestTree
228testFloatUnsat2 = testCase "Sat float formula" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
229  x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") floatSingleType
230  y  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "y") knownRepr
231  p0 <- notPred sym =<< floatIsInf sym x
232  p1 <- floatIsPos sym y
233  p2 <- notPred sym =<< floatIsZero sym y
234  e0 <- floatAdd sym RTP x y
235  p3 <- floatGe sym x e0
236  p4 <- foldlM (andPred sym) (truePred sym) [p1, p2, p3]
237  assume (sessionWriter s) p4
238  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
239  assume (sessionWriter s) p0
240  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isUnsat res @? "unsat"
242-- x == 2.5 && y == +infinity
243testFloatSat0 :: TestTree
244testFloatSat0 = testCase "Sat float formula" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
245  x <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
246  e0 <- floatLitRational sym floatSinglePrecision 2.5
247  p0 <- floatEq sym x e0
248  y <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "y") knownRepr
249  e1 <- floatPInf sym floatSinglePrecision
250  p1 <- floatEq sym y e1
251  p2 <- andPred sym p0 p1
252  withModel s p2 $ \groundEval -> do
253    (@?=) (bfFromDouble 2.5) =<< groundEval x
254    y_val <- groundEval y
255    assertBool ("expected y = +infinity, actual y = " ++ show y_val) $
256      bfIsInf y_val && bfIsPos y_val
258-- x >= 0.5 && x <= 1.5
259testFloatSat1 :: TestTree
260testFloatSat1 = testCase "Sat float formula" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
261  x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
262  e0 <- floatLitRational sym floatSinglePrecision 0.5
263  e1 <- floatLitRational sym knownRepr 1.5
264  p0 <- floatGe sym x e0
265  p1 <- floatLe sym x e1
266  p2 <- andPred sym p0 p1
267  withModel s p2 $ \groundEval -> do
268    x_val <- groundEval x
269    assertBool ("expected x in [0.5, 1.5], actual x = " ++ show x_val) $
270      bfFromDouble 0.5 <= x_val && x_val <= bfFromDouble 1.5
272testFloatToBinary :: TestTree
273testFloatToBinary = testCase "float to binary" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
274  x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
275  y  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "y") knownRepr
276  e0 <- floatToBinary sym x
277  e1 <- bvAdd sym e0 y
278  e2 <- floatFromBinary sym floatSinglePrecision e1
279  p0 <- floatNe sym x e2
280  assume (sessionWriter s) p0
281  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
282  p1 <- notPred sym =<< bvIsNonzero sym y
283  assume (sessionWriter s) p1
284  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isUnsat res @? "unsat"
286testFloatFromBinary :: TestTree
287testFloatFromBinary = testCase "float from binary" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
288  x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
289  e0 <- floatFromBinary sym floatSinglePrecision x
290  e1 <- floatToBinary sym e0
291  p0 <- bvNe sym x e1
292  assume (sessionWriter s) p0
293  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
294  p1 <- notPred sym =<< floatIsNaN sym e0
295  assume (sessionWriter s) p1
296  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isUnsat res @? "unsat"
298testFloatBinarySimplification :: TestTree
299testFloatBinarySimplification = testCase "float binary simplification" $
300  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
301    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
302    e0 <- floatToBinary sym x
303    e1 <- floatFromBinary sym floatSinglePrecision e0
304    e1 @?= x
306testRealFloatBinarySimplification :: TestTree
307testRealFloatBinarySimplification =
308  testCase "real float binary simplification" $
309    withSym FloatRealRepr $ \sym -> do
310      x  <- freshFloatConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") SingleFloatRepr
311      e0 <- iFloatToBinary sym SingleFloatRepr x
312      e1 <- iFloatFromBinary sym SingleFloatRepr e0
313      e1 @?= x
315testFloatCastSimplification :: TestTree
316testFloatCastSimplification = testCase "float cast simplification" $
317  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
318    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") floatSingleType
319    e0 <- floatCast sym floatDoublePrecision RNE x
320    e1 <- floatCast sym floatSinglePrecision RNE e0
321    e1 @?= x
323testFloatCastNoSimplification :: TestTree
324testFloatCastNoSimplification = testCase "float cast no simplification" $
325  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
326    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") floatDoubleType
327    e0 <- floatCast sym floatSinglePrecision RNE x
328    e1 <- floatCast sym floatDoublePrecision RNE e0
329    e1 /= x @? ""
331testBVSelectShl :: TestTree
332testBVSelectShl = testCase "select shl simplification" $
333  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
334    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
335    e0 <- bvLit sym (knownNat @64) (BV.zero knownNat)
336    e1 <- bvConcat sym e0 x
337    e2 <- bvShl sym e1 =<< bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 64)
338    e3 <- bvSelect sym (knownNat @64) (knownNat @64) e2
339    e3 @?= x
341testBVSelectLshr :: TestTree
342testBVSelectLshr = testCase "select lshr simplification" $
343  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
344    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") knownRepr
345    e0 <- bvConcat sym x =<< bvLit sym (knownNat @64) (BV.zero knownNat)
346    e1 <- bvLshr sym e0 =<< bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 64)
347    e2 <- bvSelect sym (knownNat @0) (knownNat @64) e1
348    e2 @?= x
350testBVOrShlZext :: TestTree
351testBVOrShlZext = testCase "bv or-shl-zext -> concat simplification" $
352  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
353    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") (BaseBVRepr $ knownNat @8)
354    y  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "y") (BaseBVRepr $ knownNat @8)
355    e0 <- bvZext sym (knownNat @16) x
356    e1 <- bvShl sym e0 =<< bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 8)
357    e2 <- bvZext sym (knownNat @16) y
358    e3 <- bvOrBits sym e1 e2
359    show e3 @?= "bvConcat cx@0:bv cy@1:bv"
360    e4 <- bvOrBits sym e2 e1
361    show e4 @?= show e3
363testUninterpretedFunctionScope :: TestTree
364testUninterpretedFunctionScope = testCase "uninterpreted function scope" $
365  withOnlineZ3 $ \sym s -> do
366    fn <- freshTotalUninterpFn sym (userSymbol' "f") knownRepr BaseIntegerRepr
367    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") BaseIntegerRepr
368    y  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "y") BaseIntegerRepr
369    e0 <- applySymFn sym fn (Ctx.empty Ctx.:> x)
370    e1 <- applySymFn sym fn (Ctx.empty Ctx.:> y)
371    p0 <- intEq sym x y
372    p1 <- notPred sym =<< intEq sym e0 e1
373    p2 <- andPred sym p0 p1
374    res1 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" p2
375    isUnsat res1 @? "unsat"
376    res2 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" p2
377    isUnsat res2 @? "unsat"
379testBVIteNesting :: TestTree
380testBVIteNesting = testCase "nested bitvector ites" $ withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
381  bv0 <- bvLit sym (knownNat @32) (BV.zero knownNat)
382  let setSymBit bv idx = do
383        c1 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("c1_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
384        c2 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("c2_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
385        c3 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("c3_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
386        tt1 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("tt1_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
387        tt2 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("tt2_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
388        tt3 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("tt3_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
389        tt4 <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' ("tt4_" ++ show idx)) knownRepr
390        ite1 <- itePred sym c1 tt1 tt2
391        ite2 <- itePred sym c2 tt3 tt4
392        ite3 <- itePred sym c3 ite1 ite2
393        bvSet sym bv idx ite3
394  bv1 <- foldlM setSymBit bv0 [0..31]
395  p <- testBitBV sym 0 bv1
396  assume (sessionWriter s) p
397  runCheckSat s $ \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
399testRotate1 :: TestTree
400testRotate1 = testCase "rotate test1" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \sym s -> do
401  bv <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "bv") (BaseBVRepr (knownNat @32))
403  bv1 <- bvRol sym bv =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 8)
404  bv2 <- bvRol sym bv1 =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 16)
405  bv3 <- bvRol sym bv2 =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 8)
406  bv4 <- bvRor sym bv2 =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 24)
407  bv5 <- bvRor sym bv2 =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 28)
409  res <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv3
410  isUnsat res @? "unsat1"
412  res1 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv4
413  isUnsat res1 @? "unsat2"
415  res2 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv5
416  isSat res2 @? "sat"
418testRotate2 :: TestTree
419testRotate2 = testCase "rotate test2" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \sym s -> do
420  bv  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "bv") (BaseBVRepr (knownNat @32))
421  amt <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "amt") (BaseBVRepr (knownNat @32))
423  bv1 <- bvRol sym bv amt
424  bv2 <- bvRor sym bv1 amt
425  bv3 <- bvRol sym bv =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 20)
427  bv == bv2 @? "syntactic equality"
429  res1 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv2
430  isUnsat res1 @? "unsat"
432  res2 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv3
433  isSat res2 @? "sat"
435testRotate3 :: TestTree
436testRotate3 = testCase "rotate test3" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \sym s -> do
437  bv  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "bv") (BaseBVRepr (knownNat @7))
438  amt <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "amt") (BaseBVRepr (knownNat @7))
440  bv1 <- bvRol sym bv amt
441  bv2 <- bvRor sym bv1 amt
442  bv3 <- bvRol sym bv =<< bvLit sym knownNat (BV.mkBV knownNat 3)
444  -- Note, because 7 is not a power of two, this simplification doesn't quite
445  -- work out... it would probably be significant work to make it do so.
446  -- bv == bv2 @? "syntactic equality"
448  res1 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv2
449  isUnsat res1 @? "unsat"
451  res2 <- checkSatisfiable s "test" =<< notPred sym =<< bvEq sym bv bv3
452  isSat res2 @? "sat"
454testSymbolPrimeCharZ3 :: TestTree
455testSymbolPrimeCharZ3 = testCase "z3 symbol prime (') char" $
456  withZ3 $ \sym s -> do
457    x <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x'") knownRepr
458    y <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "y'") knownRepr
459    p <- intLt sym x y
460    assume (sessionWriter s) p
461    runCheckSat s $ \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
463expectFailure :: IO a -> IO ()
464expectFailure f = try @SomeException f >>= \case
465  Left _ -> return ()
466  Right _ -> assertFailure "expectFailure"
468testBoundVarAsFree :: TestTree
469testBoundVarAsFree = testCase "boundvarasfree" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \sym s -> do
470  x <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "x") BaseBoolRepr
471  y <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "y") BaseBoolRepr
472  pz <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "pz") BaseBoolRepr
474  let px = varExpr sym x
475  let py = varExpr sym y
477  expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" px
478  expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" py
479  checkSatisfiable s "test" pz >>= \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
481  inNewFrameWithVars s [Some x] $ do
482    checkSatisfiable s "test" px >>= \res -> isSat res @? "sat"
483    expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" py
485  -- Outside the scope of inNewFrameWithVars we can no longer
486  -- use the bound variable as free
487  expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" px
488  expectFailure $ checkSatisfiable s "test" py
491roundingTest ::
492  OnlineSolver solver =>
493  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
494  SolverProcess t solver ->
495  IO ()
496roundingTest sym solver =
497  do r <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "r") BaseRealRepr
499     let runErrTest nm op errOp =
500           do diff <- realAbs sym =<< realSub sym r =<< integerToReal sym =<< op sym r
501              p'   <- notPred sym =<< errOp diff
502              res  <- checkSatisfiable solver nm p'
503              isUnsat res @? nm
505     runErrTest "floor"   realFloor (\diff -> realLt sym diff =<< realLit sym 1)
506     runErrTest "ceiling" realCeil  (\diff -> realLt sym diff =<< realLit sym 1)
507     runErrTest "trunc"   realTrunc (\diff -> realLt sym diff =<< realLit sym 1)
508     runErrTest "rna"     realRound (\diff -> realLe sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5)
509     runErrTest "rne"     realRoundEven (\diff -> realLe sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5)
511     -- floor test
512     do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realFloor sym r
513        p  <- realLe sym ri r
515        res <- checkSatisfiable solver "floorTest" =<< notPred sym p
516        isUnsat res @? "floorTest"
518     -- ceiling test
519     do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realCeil sym r
520        p  <- realLe sym r ri
522        res <- checkSatisfiable solver "ceilingTest" =<< notPred sym p
523        isUnsat res @? "ceilingTest"
525     -- truncate test
526     do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realTrunc sym r
527        rabs  <- realAbs sym r
528        riabs <- realAbs sym ri
529        p  <- realLe sym riabs rabs
531        res <- checkSatisfiable solver "truncateTest" =<< notPred sym p
532        isUnsat res @? "truncateTest"
534     -- round away test
535     do ri <- integerToReal sym =<< realRound sym r
536        diff <- realAbs sym =<< realSub sym r ri
537        ptie <- realEq sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5
538        rabs <- realAbs sym r
539        iabs <- realAbs sym ri
540        plarge <- realGt sym iabs rabs
542        res <- checkSatisfiable solver "rnaTest" =<<
543                  andPred sym ptie =<< notPred sym plarge
544        isUnsat res @? "rnaTest"
546     -- round-to-even test
547     do i <- realRoundEven sym r
548        ri <- integerToReal sym i
549        diff <- realAbs sym =<< realSub sym r ri
550        ptie <- realEq sym diff =<< realLit sym 0.5
551        ieven <- intDivisible sym i 2
553        res <- checkSatisfiable solver "rneTest" =<<
554                 andPred sym ptie =<< notPred sym ieven
555        isUnsat res @? "rneTest"
558zeroTupleTest ::
559  OnlineSolver solver =>
560  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
561  SolverProcess t solver ->
562  IO ()
563zeroTupleTest sym solver =
564    do u <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "u") (BaseStructRepr Ctx.Empty)
565       s <- mkStruct sym Ctx.Empty
567       f <- freshTotalUninterpFn sym (userSymbol' "f")
568             (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseStructRepr Ctx.Empty)
569             BaseBoolRepr
571       fu <- applySymFn sym f (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> u)
572       fs <- applySymFn sym f (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> s)
574       p <- eqPred sym fu fs
576       res1 <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" p
577       isSat res1 @? "sat"
579       res2 <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" =<< notPred sym p
580       isUnsat res2 @? "unsat"
582oneTupleTest ::
583  OnlineSolver solver =>
584  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
585  SolverProcess t solver ->
586  IO ()
587oneTupleTest sym solver =
588    do u <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "u") (BaseStructRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseBoolRepr))
589       s <- mkStruct sym (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> backendPred sym False)
591       f <- freshTotalUninterpFn sym (userSymbol' "f")
592             (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseStructRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseBoolRepr))
593             BaseBoolRepr
595       fu <- applySymFn sym f (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> u)
596       fs <- applySymFn sym f (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> s)
598       p <- eqPred sym fu fs
600       res1 <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" p
601       isSat res1 @? "sat"
603       res2 <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" =<< notPred sym p
604       isSat res2 @? "neg sat"
607pairTest ::
608  OnlineSolver solver =>
609  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
610  SolverProcess t solver ->
611  IO ()
612pairTest sym solver =
613    do u <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "u") (BaseStructRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseBoolRepr Ctx.:> BaseRealRepr))
614       r <- realLit sym 42.0
615       s <- mkStruct sym (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> backendPred sym True Ctx.:> r )
617       p <- structEq sym u s
619       res1 <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" p
620       isSat res1 @? "sat"
622       res2 <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" =<< notPred sym p
623       isSat res2 @? "neg sat"
625stringTest1 ::
626  OnlineSolver solver =>
627  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
628  SolverProcess t solver ->
629  IO ()
630stringTest1 sym solver =
631  do let bsx = "asdf\nasdf"
632     let bsz = "qwe\x1crty"
633     let bsw = "QQ\"QQ"
635     x <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsx)
636     y <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "str") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
637     z <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsz)
638     w <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsw)
640     s <- stringConcat sym x =<< stringConcat sym y z
641     s' <- stringConcat sym s w
643     l <- stringLength sym s'
645     n <- intLit sym 25
646     p <- intEq sym n l
648     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p $ \case
649       Sat fn ->
650         do Char8Literal slit <- groundEval fn s'
651            llit <- groundEval fn n
653            (fromIntegral (BS.length slit) == llit) @? "model string length"
654            BS.isPrefixOf bsx slit @? "prefix check"
655            BS.isSuffixOf (bsz <> bsw) slit @? "suffix check"
657       _ -> fail "expected satisfiable model"
659     p2 <- intEq sym l =<< intLit sym 20
660     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p2 $ \case
661       Unsat () -> return ()
662       _ -> fail "expected unsatifiable model"
665stringTest2 ::
666  OnlineSolver solver =>
667  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
668  SolverProcess t solver ->
669  IO ()
670stringTest2 sym solver =
671  do let bsx = "asdf\nasdf"
672     let bsz = "qwe\x1crty"
673     let bsw = "QQ\"QQ"
675     q <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "q") BaseBoolRepr
677     x <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsx)
678     z <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsz)
679     w <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsw)
681     a <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "stra") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
682     b <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "strb") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
684     ax <- stringConcat sym x a
686     zw <- stringIte sym q z w
687     bzw <- stringConcat sym b zw
689     l <- stringLength sym zw
690     n <- intLit sym 7
692     p1 <- stringEq sym ax bzw
693     p2 <- intLt sym l n
694     p  <- andPred sym p1 p2
696     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p $ \case
697       Sat fn ->
698         do axlit <- groundEval fn ax
699            bzwlit <- groundEval fn bzw
700            qlit <- groundEval fn q
702            qlit == False @? "correct ite"
703            axlit == bzwlit @? "equal strings"
705       _ -> fail "expected satisfable model"
707stringTest3 ::
708  OnlineSolver solver =>
709  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
710  SolverProcess t solver ->
711  IO ()
712stringTest3 sym solver =
713  do let bsz = "qwe\x1crtyQQ\"QQ"
714     z <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsz)
716     a <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "stra") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
717     b <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "strb") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
718     c <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "strc") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
720     pfx <- stringIsPrefixOf sym a z
721     sfx <- stringIsSuffixOf sym b z
723     cnt1 <- stringContains sym z c
724     cnt2 <- notPred sym =<< stringContains sym c =<< stringLit sym (Char8Literal "Q")
725     cnt3 <- notPred sym =<< stringContains sym c =<< stringLit sym (Char8Literal "q")
726     cnt  <- andPred sym cnt1 =<< andPred sym cnt2 cnt3
728     lena <- stringLength sym a
729     lenb <- stringLength sym b
730     lenc <- stringLength sym c
732     n <- intLit sym 9
734     rnga <- intEq sym lena n
735     rngb <- intEq sym lenb n
736     rngc <- intEq sym lenc =<< intLit sym 6
737     rng  <- andPred sym rnga =<< andPred sym rngb rngc
739     p <- andPred sym pfx =<<
740          andPred sym sfx =<<
741          andPred sym cnt rng
743     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p $ \case
744       Sat fn ->
745         do alit <- fromChar8Lit <$> groundEval fn a
746            blit <- fromChar8Lit <$> groundEval fn b
747            clit <- fromChar8Lit <$> groundEval fn c
749            alit == (BS.take 9 bsz) @? "correct prefix"
750            blit == (BS.drop (BS.length bsz - 9) bsz) @? "correct suffix"
751            clit == (BS.take 6 (BS.drop 1 bsz)) @? "correct middle"
753       _ -> fail "expected satisfable model"
756stringTest4 ::
757  OnlineSolver solver =>
758  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
759  SolverProcess t solver ->
760  IO ()
761stringTest4 sym solver =
762  do let bsx = "str"
763     x <- stringLit sym (Char8Literal bsx)
764     a <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "stra") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
765     i <- stringIndexOf sym a x =<< intLit sym 5
767     zero <- intLit sym 0
768     p <- intLe sym zero i
770     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p $ \case
771       Sat fn ->
772          do alit <- fromChar8Lit <$> groundEval fn a
773             ilit <- groundEval fn i
775             BS.isPrefixOf bsx (BS.drop (fromIntegral ilit) alit) @? "correct index"
776             ilit >= 5 @? "index large enough"
778       _ -> fail "expected satisfable model"
780     np <- notPred sym p
781     lena <- stringLength sym a
782     fv <- intLit sym 10
783     plen <- intLe sym fv lena
784     q <- andPred sym np plen
786     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" q $ \case
787       Sat fn ->
788          do alit <- fromChar8Lit <$> groundEval fn a
789             ilit <- groundEval fn i
791             not (BS.isInfixOf bsx (BS.drop 5 alit)) @? "substring not found"
792             ilit == (-1) @? "expected neg one"
794       _ -> fail "expected satisfable model"
796stringTest5 ::
797  OnlineSolver solver =>
798  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
799  SolverProcess t solver ->
800  IO ()
801stringTest5 sym solver =
802  do a <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "a") (BaseStringRepr Char8Repr)
803     off <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "off") BaseIntegerRepr
804     len <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "len") BaseIntegerRepr
806     n5 <- intLit sym 5
807     n20 <- intLit sym 20
809     let qlit = "qwerty"
811     sub <- stringSubstring sym a off len
812     p1 <- stringEq sym sub =<< stringLit sym (Char8Literal qlit)
813     p2 <- intLe sym n5 off
814     p3 <- intLe sym n20 =<< stringLength sym a
816     p <- andPred sym p1 =<< andPred sym p2 p3
818     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p $ \case
819       Sat fn ->
820         do alit <- fromChar8Lit <$> groundEval fn a
821            offlit <- groundEval fn off
822            lenlit <- groundEval fn len
824            let q = BS.take (fromIntegral lenlit) (BS.drop (fromIntegral offlit) alit)
826            q == qlit @? "correct substring"
828       _ -> fail "expected satisfable model"
831forallTest ::
832  OnlineSolver solver =>
833  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
834  SolverProcess t solver ->
835  IO ()
836forallTest sym solver =
837    do x <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") BaseBoolRepr
838       y <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "y") BaseBoolRepr
839       p <- forallPred sym y =<< orPred sym x (varExpr sym y)
840       np <- notPred sym p
842       checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" p $ \case
843         Sat fn ->
844           do b <- groundEval fn x
845              (b == True) @? "true result"
847         _ -> fail "expected satisfible model"
849       checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" np $ \case
850         Sat fn ->
851           do b <- groundEval fn x
852              (b == False) @? "false result"
854         _ -> fail "expected satisfible model"
856binderTupleTest1 ::
857  OnlineSolver solver =>
858  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
859  SolverProcess t solver ->
860  IO ()
861binderTupleTest1 sym solver =
862 do var <- freshBoundVar sym (safeSymbol "v")
863               (BaseStructRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseBoolRepr))
864    p0 <- existsPred sym var (truePred sym)
865    res <- checkSatisfiable solver "test" p0
866    isSat res  @? "sat"
868binderTupleTest2 ::
869  OnlineSolver solver =>
870  SimpleExprBuilder t fs ->
871  SolverProcess t solver ->
872  IO ()
873binderTupleTest2 sym solver =
874  do x <- freshBoundVar sym (userSymbol' "x")
875              (BaseStructRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> BaseIntegerRepr Ctx.:> BaseBoolRepr))
876     p <- forallPred sym x =<< structEq sym (varExpr sym x) (varExpr sym x)
877     np <- notPred sym p
878     checkSatisfiableWithModel solver "test" np $ \case
879       Unsat _ -> return ()
880       _ -> fail "expected UNSAT"
882-- | These tests simply ensure that no exceptions are raised.
883testSolverInfo :: TestTree
884testSolverInfo = testGroup "solver info queries" $
885  [ testCase "test get solver version" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \_ proc -> do
886      let conn = solverConn proc
887      getVersion conn
888      _ <- versionResult conn (solverResponse proc)
889      pure ()
890  , testCase "test get solver name" $ withOnlineZ3 $ \_ proc -> do
891      let conn = solverConn proc
892      getName conn
893      nm <- nameResult conn (solverResponse proc)
894      nm @?= "Z3"
895  ]
897testSolverVersion :: TestTree
898testSolverVersion = testCase "test solver version bounds" $
899  withOnlineZ3 $ \_ proc -> do
900    let bnd = emptySolverBounds{ lower = Just $(ver "0") }
901    checkSolverVersion' (Map.singleton "Z3" bnd) proc >> return ()
903testBVDomainArithScale :: TestTree
904testBVDomainArithScale = testCase "bv domain arith scale" $
905  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
906    x  <- freshConstant sym (userSymbol' "x") (BaseBVRepr $ knownNat @8)
907    e0 <- bvZext sym (knownNat @16) x
908    e1 <- bvNeg sym e0
909    e2 <- bvSub sym e1 =<< bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 1)
910    e3 <- bvUgt sym e2 =<< bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 256)
911    e3 @?= truePred sym
913testBVSwap :: TestTree
914testBVSwap = testCase "test bvSwap" $
915  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
916    e0 <- bvSwap sym (knownNat @2) =<< bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 1)
917    e1 <- bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 256)
918    e0 @?= e1
920testBVBitreverse :: TestTree
921testBVBitreverse = testCase "test bvBitreverse" $
922  withSym FloatIEEERepr $ \sym -> do
923    e0 <- bvBitreverse sym =<< bvLit sym (knownNat @8) (BV.mkBV knownNat 1)
924    e1 <- bvLit sym knownRepr (BV.mkBV knownNat 128)
925    e0 @?= e1
927main :: IO ()
928main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests"
929  [ testInterpretedFloatReal
930  , testFloatUninterpreted
931  , testInterpretedFloatIEEE
932  , testFloatUnsat0
933  , testFloatUnsat1
934  , testFloatUnsat2
935  , testFloatSat0
936  , testFloatSat1
937  , testFloatToBinary
938  , testFloatFromBinary
939  , testFloatBinarySimplification
940  , testRealFloatBinarySimplification
941  , testFloatCastSimplification
942  , testFloatCastNoSimplification
943  , testBVSelectShl
944  , testBVSelectLshr
945  , testBVOrShlZext
946  , testUninterpretedFunctionScope
947  , testBVIteNesting
948  , testRotate1
949  , testRotate2
950  , testRotate3
951  , testSymbolPrimeCharZ3
952  , testBoundVarAsFree
953  , testSolverInfo
954  , testSolverVersion
955  , testBVDomainArithScale
956  , testBVSwap
957  , testBVBitreverse
959  , testCase "Yices 0-tuple" $ withYices zeroTupleTest
960  , testCase "Yices 1-tuple" $ withYices oneTupleTest
961  , testCase "Yices pair"    $ withYices pairTest
963  , testCase "Z3 0-tuple" $ withOnlineZ3 zeroTupleTest
964  , testCase "Z3 1-tuple" $ withOnlineZ3 oneTupleTest
965  , testCase "Z3 pair"    $ withOnlineZ3 pairTest
967  -- TODO, enable this test when we figure out why it
968  -- doesnt work...
969  --  , testCase "CVC4 0-tuple" $ withCVC4 zeroTupleTest
970  , testCase "CVC4 1-tuple" $ withCVC4 oneTupleTest
971  , testCase "CVC4 pair"    $ withCVC4 pairTest
973  , testCase "Z3 forall binder" $ withOnlineZ3 forallTest
974  , testCase "CVC4 forall binder" $ withCVC4 forallTest
976  , testCase "Z3 string1" $ withOnlineZ3 stringTest1
977  , testCase "Z3 string2" $ withOnlineZ3 stringTest2
978  , testCase "Z3 string3" $ withOnlineZ3 stringTest3
979  , testCase "Z3 string4" $ withOnlineZ3 stringTest4
980  , testCase "Z3 string5" $ withOnlineZ3 stringTest5
982  , testCase "CVC4 string1" $ withCVC4 stringTest1
983  , testCase "CVC4 string2" $ withCVC4 stringTest2
985  -- TODO, reenable this test, or a similar one, once the following is fixed
986  -- https://github.com/GaloisInc/what4/issues/56
987  -- , testCase "CVC4 string3" $ withCVC4 stringTest3
988  , testCase "CVC4 string4" $ withCVC4 stringTest4
989  , testCase "CVC4 string5" $ withCVC4 stringTest5
991  , testCase "Z3 binder tuple1" $ withOnlineZ3 binderTupleTest1
992  , testCase "Z3 binder tuple2" $ withOnlineZ3 binderTupleTest2
994  , testCase "CVC4 binder tuple1" $ withCVC4 binderTupleTest1
995  , testCase "CVC4 binder tuple2" $ withCVC4 binderTupleTest2
997  , testCase "Z3 rounding" $ withOnlineZ3 roundingTest
998  , testCase "Yices rounding" $ withYices roundingTest
999  , testCase "CVC4 rounding" $ withCVC4 roundingTest
1000  ]