3# File:         exiftool
5# Description:  Read/write meta information
7# Revisions:    Nov. 12/03 - P. Harvey Created
8#               (See html/history.html for revision history)
10# References:   ATV - Alexander Vonk, private communication
13# Copyright 2003-2017, Phil Harvey
15# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
16# same terms as Perl itself.
18# "pdf2john.pl" was glued together by Dhiru Kholia.
20use warnings;
21use strict;
22require 5.004;
24my $version = '8.99';
26# add our 'lib' directory to the include list BEFORE 'use ExifTool'
27my $exeDir;
29    # get exe directory
30    $exeDir = ($0 =~ /(.*)[\\\/]/) ? $1 : '.';
31    # add lib directory at start of include path
32    unshift @INC, "$exeDir/lib";
33    # load or disable config file if specified
34    if (@ARGV and lc($ARGV[0]) eq '-config') {
35        shift;
36        $ExifTool::configFile = shift;
37    }
39use ExifTool qw{:Public Open};
41# function prototypes
42sub SigInt();
43sub SigCont();
44sub Cleanup();
45sub GetImageInfo($$);
46sub SetImageInfo($$$);
47sub CleanXML($);
48sub EncodeXML($);
49sub FormatXML($$$);
50sub EscapeJSON($;$);
51sub FormatJSON($$$);
52sub PrintCSV();
53sub ConvertBinary($);
54sub AddSetTagsFile($;$);
55sub DoSetFromFile($$$);
56sub CleanFilename($);
57sub ProcessFiles($;$);
58sub ScanDir($$;$);
59sub PreserveTime();
60sub LoadPrintFormat($);
61sub FilenameSPrintf($;$);
62sub NextUnusedFilename($;$);
63sub CreateDirectory($);
64sub OpenOutputFile($);
65sub AcceptFile($);
66sub SlurpFile($$);
67sub Rename($$);
68sub ReadStayOpen($);
69sub PrintTagList($@);
70sub PrintErrors($$$);
72$SIG{INT}  = 'SigInt';  # do cleanup on Ctrl-C
73$SIG{CONT} = 'SigCont'; # (allows break-out of delays)
74END {
75    Cleanup();
78# declare all static file-scope variables
79my @commonArgs;     # arguments common to all commands
80my @csvFiles;       # list of files when reading with CSV option
81my @csvTags;        # order of tags for first file with CSV option (lower case)
82my @delFiles;       # list of files to delete
83my @dynamicFiles;   # list of -tagsFromFile files with dynamic names and -TAG<=FMT pairs
84my @exclude;        # list of excluded tags
85my @files;          # list of files and directories to scan
86my @moreArgs;       # more arguments to process after -stay_open -@
87my @newValues;      # list of new tag values to set
88my @srcFmt;         # source file name format strings
89my @tags;           # list of tags to extract
90my %csvTags;        # lookup for all found tags with CSV option (lower case keys)
91my %database;       # lookup for database information based on file name
92my %filterExt;      # lookup for filtered extensions
93my %ignore;         # directory names to ignore
94my %preserveTime;   # preserved timestamps for files
95my %printFmt;       # the contents of the print format file
96my %setTags;        # hash of list references for tags to set from files
97my %setTagsList;    # list of other tag lists for multiple -tagsFromFile from the same file
98my %warnedOnce;     # lookup for once-only warnings
99my $allGroup;       # show group name for all tags
100my $argFormat;      # use exiftool argument-format output
101my $binaryOutput;   # flag for binary output (undef or 1, or 0 for binary XML/PHP)
102my $binaryStdout;   # flag set if we output binary to stdout
103my $comma;          # flag set if we need a comma in JSON output
104my $condition;      # conditional processing of files
105my $count;          # count of files scanned
106my $countBad;       # count of files with errors
107my $countBadCr;     # count files not created due to errors
108my $countBadWr;     # count write errors
109my $countCopyWr;    # count of files copied without being changed
110my $countCreated;   # count output files created
111my $countDir;       # count of directories scanned
112my $countFailed;    # count files that failed condition
113my $countGoodCr;    # count files created OK
114my $countGoodWr;    # count files written OK
115my $countNewDir;    # count of directories created
116my $countSameWr;    # count files written OK but not changed
117my $critical;       # flag for critical operations (disable CTRL-C)
118my $csv;            # flag for CSV option (set to "CSV", or maybe "JSON" when writing)
119my $csvAdd;         # flag to add CSV information to existing lists
120my $csvSaveCount;   # save counter for last CSV file loaded
121my $deleteOrig;     # 0=restore original files, 1=delete originals, 2=delete w/o asking
122my $disableOutput;  # flag to disable normal output
123my $doSetFileName;  # flag set if FileName may be written
124my $doUnzip;        # flag to extract info from .gz and .bz2 files
125my $escapeHTML;     # flag to escape printed values for html
126my $evalWarning;    # warning from eval
127my $executeID;      # -execute ID number
128my $fileHeader;     # header to print to output file (or console, once)
129my $fileTrailer;    # trailer for output file
130my $filtered;       # flag indicating file was filtered by name
131my $filterFlag;     # file filter flag (0x01=deny extensions, 0x02=allow extensions)
132my $fixLen;         # flag to fix description lengths when writing alternate languages
133my $forcePrint;     # force printing of tags whose values weren't found
134my $helped;         # flag to avoid printing help if no tags specified
135my $html;           # flag for html-formatted output (2=html dump)
136my $interrupted;    # flag set if CTRL-C is pressed during a critical process
137my $isWriting;      # flag set if we are writing tags
138my $joinLists;      # flag set to join list values into a single string
139my $json;           # flag for JSON/PHP output format (1=JSON, 2=PHP)
140my $listItem;       # item number for extracting single item from a list
141my $listSep;        # list item separator (', ' by default)
142my $mainTool;       # main ExifTool object
143my $multiFile;      # non-zero if we are scanning multiple files
144my $outFormat;      # -1=Canon format, 0=same-line, 1=tag names, 2=values only
145my $outOpt;         # output file or directory name
146my $overwriteOrig;  # flag to overwrite original file
147my $pause;          # pause before returning
148my $preserveTime;   # flag to preserve times of updated files
149my $progress;       # progress cound
150my $progressMax;    # total number of files to process
151my $progStr;        # progress message string
152my $quiet;          # flag to disable printing of informational messages / warnings
153my $recurse;        # recurse into subdirectories
154my $rtnVal;         # command return value (0=success)
155my $saveCount;      # count the number of times we will/did call SaveNewValues()
156my $scanWritable;   # flag to process only writable file types
157my $seqFileNum;     # sequential file number used for %C
158my $showGroup;      # number of group to show (may be zero or '')
159my $showTagID;      # non-zero to show tag ID's
160my $stayOpenBuff='';# buffer for -stay_open file
161my $stayOpenFile;   # name of the current -stay_open argfile
162my $structOpt;      # output structured XMP information (JSON and XML output only)
163my $tabFormat;      # non-zero for tab output format
164my $textOut;        # extension for text output file (or undef for no output)
165my $textOverwrite;  # flag to overwrite existing text output file
166my $tmpFile;        # temporary file to delete on exit
167my $tmpText;        # temporary text file
168my $utf8;           # flag set if we are using UTF-8 encoding
169my $validFile;      # flag indicating we processed a valid file
170my $verbose;        # verbose setting
171my $xml;            # flag for XML-formatted output
173# flag to keep the input -@ argfile open:
174# 0 = normal behaviour
175# 1 = received "-stay_open true" and waiting for argfile to keep open
176# 2 = currently reading from STAYOPEN argfile
177# 3 = waiting for -@ to switch to a new STAYOPEN argfile
178my $stayOpen = 0;
180# lookup for O/S names which may use a backslash as a directory separator
181# (ref File::Spec of PathTools-3.2701)
182my %hasBackslash = ( MSWin32 => 1, os2 => 1, dos => 1, NetWare => 1, symbian => 1, cygwin => 1 );
184# lookup for O/S names which use CR/LF newlines
185my $isCRLF = { MSWin32 => 1, os2 => 1, dos => 1 }->{$^O};
187# lookup for JSON characters that we escape specially
188my %jsonChar = ( '"'=>'"', '\\'=>'\\', "\t"=>'t', "\n"=>'n', "\r"=>'r' );
190# options requiring additional arguments
191# (used only to skip over these arguments when reading -stay_open ARGFILE)
192my %optArgs = (
193    '-tagsfromfile' => 1, '-addtagsfromfile' => 1, '-alltagsfromfile' => 1,
194    '-@' => 1,
195    '-c' => 1, '-coordformat' => 1,
196    '-charset' => 0, # (optional arg; OK because arg cannot begin with "-")
197    '-config' => 1,
198    '-d' => 1, '-dateformat' => 1,
199    '-D' => 0, # nececessary to avoid matching lower-case equivalent
200    '-echo' => 1, '-echo2' => 1,
201    '-ext' => 1, '--ext' => 1, '-extension' => 1, '--extension' => 1,
202    '-fileorder' => 1,
203    '-geotag' => 1,
204    '-i' => 1, '-ignore' => 1,
205    '-if' => 1,
206    '-lang' => 0, # (optional arg; cannot begin with "-")
207    '-listitem' => 1,
208    '-o' => 1, '-out' => 1,
209    '-p' => 1, '-printformat' => 1,
210    '-P' => 0,
211    '-password' => 1,
212    '-require' => 1,
213    '-sep' => 1, '-separator' => 1,
214    '-srcfile' => 1,
215    '-stay_open' => 1,
216    '-use' => 1,
217    '-w' => 1, '-w!' => 1, '-textout' => 1, '-textout!' => 1,
218    '-x' => 1, '-exclude' => 1,
219    '-X' => 0,
222# exit routine
223sub Exit {
224    if ($pause) {
225        if (eval 'require Term::ReadKey') {
226            print STDERR "-- press any key --";
227            Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('cbreak');
228            Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0);
229            Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0);
230            print STDERR "\b \b" x 20;
231        } else {
232            print STDERR "-- press RETURN --\n";
233            <STDIN>;
234        }
235    }
236    exit shift;
238# my warning and error routines (NEVER say "die"!)
239sub Warn  { warn(@_) if $quiet < 2 or $_[0] =~ /^Error/; }
240sub Error { Warn @_; $rtnVal = 1; }
241sub WarnOnce($) {
242    Warn(@_) and $warnedOnce{$_[0]} = 1 unless $warnedOnce{$_[0]};
245# define signal handlers and cleanup routine
246sub SigInt()  {
247    $critical and $interrupted = 1, return;
248    Cleanup();
249    exit 1;
251sub SigCont() { }
252sub Cleanup() {
253    unlink $tmpFile if defined $tmpFile;
254    unlink $tmpText if defined $tmpText;
255    undef $tmpFile;
256    undef $tmpText;
257    PreserveTime() if %preserveTime;
261# main script
264# isolate arguments common to all commands
265if (grep /^-common_args$/i, @ARGV) {
266    my (@newArgs, $common);
267    foreach (@ARGV) {
268        if (/^-common_args$/i) {
269            $common = 1;
270        } elsif ($common) {
271            push @commonArgs, $_;
272        } else {
273            push @newArgs, $_;
274        }
275    }
276    @ARGV = @newArgs if $common;
280# loop over sets of command-line arguments separated by "-execute"
281Command: while (@ARGV or not defined $rtnVal or $stayOpen >= 2 or @commonArgs)
284# attempt to restore text mode for STDOUT if necessary
285if ($binaryStdout) {
286    binmode(STDOUT,':crlf') if $] >= 5.006 and $isCRLF;
287    $binaryStdout = 0;
290# flush console and print "{ready}" message if -stay_open is in effect
291if ($stayOpen >= 2 and not $quiet) {
292    eval 'require IO::Handle' and STDERR->flush();
293    my $id = defined $executeID ? $executeID : '';
294    my $save = $|;
295    $| = 1;     # turn on output autoflush for stdout
296    print "{ready$id}\n";
297    $| = $save; # restore original autoflush setting
300$rtnVal = 0 unless defined $rtnVal;
302# initialize necessary static file-scope variables
303# (not done: @commonArgs, @moreArgs, $critical, $binaryStdout, $helped,
304#  $interrupted, $mainTool, $pause, $rtnVal, $stayOpen, $stayOpenBuff, $stayOpenFile)
305undef @dynamicFiles;
306undef @exclude;
307undef @files;
308undef @newValues;
309undef @srcFmt;
310undef @tags;
311undef %database;
312undef %filterExt;
313undef %ignore;
314undef %printFmt;
315undef %preserveTime;
316undef %setTags;
317undef %setTagsList;
318undef %warnedOnce;
319undef $allGroup;
320undef $argFormat;
321undef $binaryOutput;
322undef $comma;
323undef $condition;
324undef $deleteOrig;
325undef $disableOutput;
326undef $doSetFileName;
327undef $escapeHTML;
328undef $evalWarning;
329undef $executeID;
330undef $fileHeader;
331undef $fileTrailer;
332undef $filtered;
333undef $fixLen;
334undef $forcePrint;
335undef $joinLists;
336undef $listItem;
337undef $multiFile;
338undef $outOpt;
339undef $preserveTime;
340undef $progress;
341undef $progressMax;
342undef $recurse;
343undef $scanWritable;
344undef $showGroup;
345undef $showTagID;
346undef $structOpt;
347undef $textOut;
348undef $textOverwrite;
349undef $tmpFile;
350undef $tmpText;
351undef $validFile;
352undef $verbose;
354$count = 0;
355$countBad = 0;
356$countBadCr = 0;
357$countBadWr = 0;
358$countCopyWr = 0;
359$countCreated = 0;
360$countDir = 0;
361$countFailed = 0;
362$countGoodCr = 0;
363$countGoodWr = 0;
364$countNewDir = 0;
365$countSameWr = 0;
366$csvSaveCount = 0;
367$filterFlag = 0;
368$html = 0;
369$isWriting = 0;
370$json = 0;
371$listSep = ', ';
372$outFormat = 0;
373$overwriteOrig = 0;
374$progStr = '';
375$quiet = 0;
376$saveCount = 0;
377$seqFileNum = 0;
378$tabFormat = 0;
379$utf8 = 1;
380$xml = 0;
382# define local variables used only in this command loop
383my @fileOrder;      # tags to use for ordering of input files
384my %excludeGrp;     # hash of tags excluded by group
385my $addGeotime;     # automatically added geotime argument
386my $allInGroup;     # flag to show all tags in a group
387my $doGlob;         # flag set to do filename wildcard expansion
388my $escapeXML;      # flag to escape printed values for xml
389my $setTagsFile;    # filename for last TagsFromFile option
390my $sortOpt;        # sort option is used
391my $useMWG;         # flag set if we are using any MWG tag
393my ($argsLeft, @nextPass);
394my $pass = 0;
396# for Windows, use globbing for wildcard expansion if available - MK/20061010
397if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval 'require File::Glob') {
398    # override the core glob forcing case insensitivity
399    import File::Glob qw(:globally :nocase);
400    $doGlob = 1;
403$mainTool = new ExifTool;        # create ExifTool object
405# don't extract duplicates by default unless set by UserDefined::Options
406$mainTool->Options(Duplicates => 0) unless %ExifTool::UserDefined::Options
407    and defined $ExifTool::UserDefined::Options{Duplicates};
409# parse command-line options in 2 passes...
410# pass 1: set all of our ExifTool options
411# pass 2: print all of our help and informational output (-list, -ver, etc)
412for (;;) {
414  # execute the command now if no more arguments or -execute is used
415  if (not @ARGV or $ARGV[0] =~ /^-execute(\d*)$/i) {
416    if (@ARGV) {
417        $executeID = $1;        # save -execute number for "{ready}" response
418        $helped = 1;            # don't show help if we used -execute
419    } elsif ($stayOpen >= 2) {
420        ReadStayOpen(\@ARGV);   # read more arguments from -stay_open file
421        next;
422    }
423    if ($pass == 0) {
424        # insert common arguments now if not done already
425        if (@commonArgs and not defined $argsLeft) {
426            # count the number of arguments remaining for subsequent commands
427            $argsLeft = scalar(@ARGV) + scalar(@moreArgs);
428            unshift @ARGV, @commonArgs;
429            # all done with commonArgs if this is the end of the command
430            undef @commonArgs unless $argsLeft;
431            next;
432        }
433        # check if we have more arguments now than we did before we processed
434        # the common arguments.  If so, then we have an infinite processing loop
435        if (defined $argsLeft and $argsLeft < scalar(@ARGV) + scalar(@moreArgs)) {
436            Warn "Ignoring -common_args from $ARGV[0] onwards to avoid infinite recursion\n";
437            while ($argsLeft < scalar(@ARGV) + scalar(@moreArgs)) {
438                @ARGV and shift(@ARGV), next;
439                shift @moreArgs;
440            }
441        }
442        # require MWG module if used in any argument
443        # (note: this also covers the -p option because these tags were added to @tags)
444        $useMWG = 1 if not $useMWG and grep /^mwg:/i, @tags;
445        require ExifTool::MWG if $useMWG;
446    }
447    if (@nextPass) {
448        # process arguments which were deferred to the next pass
449        unshift @ARGV, @nextPass;
450        undef @nextPass;
451        ++$pass;
452        next;
453    }
454    @ARGV and shift;    # remove -execute from argument list
455    last;               # process the command now
456  }
457  $_ = shift;
458  if (s/^(-|\xe2\x88\x92)//) {  # allow funny dashes (nroff dash bug for cut-n-paste from pod)
459    s/^\xe2\x88\x92/-/;         # translate double-dash too
460    my $a = lc $_;
461    if (/^list([wfrdx]|wf|g(\d*))?$/i) {
462        $pass or push(@nextPass,"-$_");
463        my $type = lc($1 || '');
464        if (not $type or $type eq 'w' or $type eq 'x') {
465            my $group;
466            if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^(-|\xe2\x88\x92)(.+):(all|\*)$/i) {
467                if ($pass == 0) {
468                    $useMWG = 1 if lc($2) eq 'mwg';
469                    push(@nextPass, shift);
470                    next;
471                }
472                $group = $2;
473                shift;
474                $group =~ /IFD/i and Warn("Can't list tags for specific IFD\n"), next;
475                $group =~ /^(all|\*)$/ and undef $group;
476            } else {
477                $pass or next;
478            }
479            $helped = 1;
480            if ($type eq 'x') {
481                require ExifTool::TagInfoXML;
482                my %opts;
483                $opts{Flags} = 1 if $forcePrint;
484                $opts{NoDesc} = 1 if $outFormat > 0;
485                ExifTool::TagInfoXML::Write(undef, $group, %opts);
486                next;
487            }
488            my $wr = ($type eq 'w');
489            my $msg = ($wr ? 'Writable' : 'Available') . ($group ? " $group" : '') . ' tags';
490            PrintTagList($msg, $wr ? GetWritableTags($group) : GetAllTags($group));
491            # also print shortcuts if listing all tags
492            next if $group or $wr;
493            my @tagList = GetShortcuts();
494            PrintTagList('Command-line shortcuts', @tagList) if @tagList;
495            next;
496        }
497        $pass or next;
498        $helped = 1;
499        if ($type eq 'wf') {
500            my @wf;
501            CanWrite($_) and push @wf, $_ foreach GetFileType();
502            PrintTagList('Writable file extensions', @wf);
503        } elsif ($type eq 'f') {
504            PrintTagList('Supported file extensions', GetFileType());
505        } elsif ($type eq 'r') {
506            PrintTagList('Recognized file extensions', GetFileType(undef, 0));
507        } elsif ($type eq 'd') {
508            PrintTagList('Deletable groups', GetDeleteGroups());
509        } else { # 'g(\d*)'
510            # list all groups in specified family
511            my $family = $2 || 0;
512            PrintTagList("Groups in family $family", GetAllGroups($family));
513        }
514        next;
515    }
516    if (/^(all|add)?tagsfromfile(=.*)?$/i) {
517        $setTagsFile = $2 ? substr($2,1) : (@ARGV ? shift : '');
518        if ($setTagsFile eq '') {
519            Error("File must be specified for -tagsFromFile option\n");
520            next Command;
521        }
522        # create necessary lists, etc for this new -tagsFromFile file
523        AddSetTagsFile($setTagsFile, { Replace => ($1 and lc($1) eq 'add') ? 0 : 1 } );
524        next;
525    }
526    if ($a eq '@') {
527        my $argFile = shift or Error("Expecting filename for -\@ option\n"), next Command;
528        # switch to new ARGFILE if using chained -stay_open options
529        if ($stayOpen == 1) {
530            # defer remaining arguments until we close this argfile
531            @moreArgs = @ARGV;
532            undef @ARGV;
533        } elsif ($stayOpen == 3) {
534            if ($stayOpenFile and $stayOpenFile ne '-' and $argFile eq $stayOpenFile) {
535                # don't allow user to switch to the same -stay_open argfile
536                # because it will result in endless recursion
537                $stayOpen = 2;
538                Warn "Ignoring request to switch to the same -stay_open ARGFILE ($argFile)\n";
539                next;
540            }
541            close STAYOPEN;
542            $stayOpen = 1;  # switch to this -stay_open file
543        }
544        my $fp = ($stayOpen == 1 ? \*STAYOPEN : \*ARGFILE);
545        unless (Open($fp, $argFile)) {
546            unless ($argFile !~ /^\// and Open($fp, "$exeDir/$argFile")) {
547                Error "Error opening arg file $argFile\n";
548                next Command;
549            }
550        }
551        if ($stayOpen == 1) {
552            $stayOpenFile = $argFile;   # remember the name of the file we have open
553            $stayOpenBuff = '';         # initialize buffer for reading this file
554            $stayOpen = 2;
555            $helped = 1;
556            ReadStayOpen(\@ARGV);
557            next;
558        }
559        my (@newArgs, $didBOM);
560        foreach (<ARGFILE>) {
561            # filter Byte Order Mark if it exists from start of UTF-8 text file
562            unless ($didBOM) {
563                s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//;
564                $didBOM = 1;
565            }
566            s/^\s+//; s/[\x0d\x0a]+$//s; # remove leading white space and trailing newline
567            # remove white space before, and single space after '=', '+=', '-=' or '<='
568            s/^(-[-:\w]+#?)\s*([-+<]?=) ?/$1$2/;
569            push @newArgs, $_ unless $_ eq '' or /^#/;
570        }
571        close ARGFILE;
572        unshift @ARGV, @newArgs;
573        next;
574    }
575    /^(-?)(a|duplicates)$/i and $mainTool->Options(Duplicates => ($1 ? 0 : 1)), next;
576    /^arg(s|format)$/i and $argFormat = 1, next;
577    /^b(inary)?$/i and $mainTool->Options(Binary => 1), $binaryOutput = 1,  next;
578    if (/^c(oordFormat)?$/i) {
579        my $fmt = shift;
580        $fmt or Error("Expecting coordinate format for -c option\n"), next Command;
581        $mainTool->Options('CoordFormat', $fmt);
582        next;
583    }
584    if ($a eq 'charset') {
585        my $charset = (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] !~ /^(-|\xe2\x88\x92)/) ? shift : undef;
586        if (not $charset) {
587            $pass or push(@nextPass, '-charset'), next;
588            my %charsets;
589            $charsets{$_} = 1 foreach values %ExifTool::charsetName;
590            PrintTagList('Available character sets', sort keys %charsets);
591            $helped = 1;
592        } elsif ($charset !~ s/^(\w+)=// or lc($1) eq 'exiftool') {
593            $mainTool->Options(Charset => $charset);
594            $utf8 = ($mainTool->Options('Charset') eq 'UTF8');
595        } else {
596            # set internal encoding of specified metadata type
597            my $type = { id3 => 'ID3', iptc => 'IPTC', exif => 'EXIF',
598                         photoshop => 'Photoshop', quicktime => 'QuickTime' }->{lc $1};
599            $type or Warn("Unknown type for -charset option: $1\n"), next;
600            $mainTool->Options("Charset$type" => $charset);
601        }
602        next;
603    }
604    /^config$/i and Warn("Ignored -config option (not first on command line)\n"), shift, next;
605    if (/^csv(\+?=.*)?/i) {
606        my $csvFile = $1;
607        # must process on 2nd pass so -f option is available
608        unless ($pass) {
609            push(@nextPass,"-$_");
610            if ($csvFile) {
611                push @newValues, { SaveCount => ++$saveCount }; # marker to save new values now
612                $csvSaveCount = $saveCount;
613            }
614            next;
615        }
616        if ($csvFile) {
617            $csvFile =~ s/^(\+?=)//;
618            $csvAdd = 2 if $1 eq '+=';
619            $verbose and print "Reading CSV file $csvFile\n";
620            require ExifTool::Import;
621            my $msg = ExifTool::Import::ReadCSV($csvFile, \%database, $forcePrint);
622            $msg and Warn("$msg\n");
623            $isWriting = 1;
624        }
625        $csv = 'CSV';
626        next;
627    }
628    if (/^d$/ or $a eq 'dateformat') {
629        my $fmt = shift;
630        $fmt or Error("Expecting date format for -d option\n"), next Command;
631        $mainTool->Options('DateFormat', $fmt);
632        next;
633    }
634    (/^D$/ or $a eq 'decimal') and $showTagID = 'D', next;
635    /^delete_original(!?)$/i and $deleteOrig = ($1 ? 2 : 1), next;
636    (/^e$/ or $a eq '-composite') and $mainTool->Options(Composite => 0), next;
637    (/^-e$/ or $a eq 'composite') and $mainTool->Options(Composite => 1), next;
638    (/^E$/ or $a eq 'escapehtml') and require ExifTool::HTML and $escapeHTML = 1, next;
639    ($a eq 'ex' or $a eq 'escapexml') and $escapeXML = 1, next;
640    if (/^echo(2)?$/i) {
641        next unless @ARGV;
642        $pass or push(@nextPass, "-$_", shift), next;
643        print {$1 ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT} shift, "\n";
644        $helped = 1;
645        next;
646    }
647    if (/^(ee|extractembedded)$/i) {
648        $mainTool->Options(ExtractEmbedded => 1);
649        $mainTool->Options(Duplicates => 1);
650        next;
651    }
652    # (-execute handled at top of loop)
653    if (/^-?ext(ension)?$/i) {
654        my $ext = shift;
655        defined $ext or Error("Expecting extension for -ext option\n"), next Command;
656        $ext =~ s/^\.//;    # remove leading '.' if it exists
657        my $flag = /^-/ ? 0 : 1;
658        $filterFlag |= (0x01 << $flag);
659        $filterExt{uc($ext)} = $flag;
660        next;
661    }
662    if (/^f$/ or $a eq 'forceprint') {
663        $forcePrint = 1;
664        $mainTool->Options(MissingTagValue => '-');
665        next;
666    }
667    if (/^F([-+]?\d*)$/ or /^fixbase([-+]?\d*)$/i) {
668        $mainTool->Options(FixBase => $1);
669        next;
670    }
671    if (/^fast(\d*)$/i) {
672        $mainTool->Options(FastScan => (length $1 ? $1 : 1));
673        next;
674    }
675    if ($a eq 'fileorder') {
676        push @fileOrder, shift if @ARGV;
677        next;
678    }
679    $a eq 'globaltimeshift' and $mainTool->Options(GlobalTimeShift => shift), next;
680    if (/^(g)(roupHeadings|roupNames)?([\d:]*)$/i) {
681        $showGroup = $3 || 0;
682        $allGroup = ($2 ? lc($2) eq 'roupnames' : $1 eq 'G');
683        $mainTool->Options(SavePath => 1) if $showGroup =~ /\b5\b/;
684        next;
685    }
686    if ($a eq 'geotag') {
687        my $trkfile = shift;
688        $trkfile or Error("Expecting file name for -geotag option\n"), next Command;
689        # allow wildcards in filename
690        if ($trkfile =~ /[*?]/) {
691            # CORE::glob() splits on white space, so use File::Glob if possible
692            my @trks = eval('require File::Glob') ? File::Glob::bsd_glob($trkfile) : glob($trkfile);
693            @trks or Error("No matching file found for -geotag option\n"), next Command;
694            push @newValues, 'geotag='.shift(@trks) while @trks > 1;
695            $trkfile = pop(@trks);
696        }
697        $_ = "geotag=$trkfile";
698        # (fall through!)
699    }
700    if (/^h$/ or $a eq 'htmlformat') {
701        require ExifTool::HTML;
702        $html = $escapeHTML = 1;
703        $json = $xml = 0;
704        next;
705    }
706    (/^H$/ or $a eq 'hex') and $showTagID = 'H', next;
707    if (/^htmldump([-+]?\d+)?$/i) {
708        $verbose = ($verbose || 0) + 1;
709        $html = 2;
710        $mainTool->Options(HtmlDumpBase => $1) if defined $1;
711        next;
712    }
713    if (/^i(gnore)?$/i) {
714        my $dir = shift;
715        defined $dir or Error("Expecting directory name for -i option\n"), next Command;
716        $ignore{$dir} = 1;
717        next;
718    }
719    if ($a eq 'if') {
720        my $cond = shift;
721        defined $cond or Error("Expecting expression for -if option\n"), next Command;
722        $useMWG = 1 if $cond =~ /\$\{?mwg:/i;
723        if (defined $condition) {
724            $condition .= " and ($cond)";
725        } else {
726            $condition = "($cond)";
727        }
728        next;
729    }
730    if (/^j(son)?(\+?=.*)?$/i) {
731        if ($2) {
732            # must process on 2nd pass because we need -f and -charset options
733            unless ($pass) {
734                push(@nextPass,"-$_");
735                push @newValues, { SaveCount => ++$saveCount }; # marker to save new values now
736                $csvSaveCount = $saveCount;
737                next;
738            }
739            my $jsonFile = $2;
740            $jsonFile =~ s/^(\+?=)//;
741            $csvAdd = 2 if $1 eq '+=';
742            $verbose and print "Reading JSON file $jsonFile\n";
743            my $chset = $mainTool->Options('Charset');
744            require ExifTool::Import;
745            my $msg = ExifTool::Import::ReadJSON($jsonFile, \%database, $forcePrint, $chset);
746            $msg and Warn("$msg\n");
747            $isWriting = 1;
748            $csv = 'JSON';
749        } else {
750            $json = 1;
751            $html = $xml = 0;
752            $mainTool->Options(Duplicates => 1);
753            require ExifTool::XMP;   # for FixUTF8()
754        }
755        next;
756    }
757    /^(k|pause)$/i and $pause = 1, next;
758    (/^l$/ or $a eq 'long') and --$outFormat, next;
759    (/^L$/ or $a eq 'latin') and $utf8 = 0, $mainTool->Options(Charset => 'Latin'), next;
760    if ($a eq 'lang') {
761        my $lang = (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) ? shift : undef;
762        if ($lang) {
763            # make lower case and use underline as a separator (ie. 'en_ca')
764            $lang =~ tr/-A-Z/_a-z/;
765            $mainTool->Options(Lang => $lang);
766            next if $lang eq $mainTool->Options('Lang');
767        } else {
768            $pass or push(@nextPass, '-lang'), next;
769        }
770        my $langs = "Available languages:\n";
771        $langs .= "  $_ - $ExifTool::langName{$_}\n" foreach @ExifTool::langs;
772        $langs =~ tr/_/-/;  # display dashes instead of underlines in language codes
773        $langs = $mainTool->Decode($langs, 'UTF8');
774        $langs = ExifTool::HTML::EscapeHTML($langs) if $escapeHTML;
775        $lang and Error("Invalid or unsupported language '$lang'.\n$langs"), next Command;
776        print $langs;
777        $helped = 1;
778        next;
779    }
780    if ($a eq 'listitem') {
781        $listItem = shift;
782        defined $listItem or Warn("Expecting index for -listItem option\n");
783        next;
784    }
785    /^(m|ignoreminorerrors)$/i and $mainTool->Options(IgnoreMinorErrors => 1), next;
786    /^(n|-printconv)$/i and $mainTool->Options(PrintConv => 0), next;
787    /^(-n|printconv)$/i and $mainTool->Options(PrintConv => 1), next;
788    if (/^o(ut)?$/i) {
789        $outOpt = shift;
790        defined $outOpt or Error("Expected output file or directory name for -o option\n"), next Command;
791        CleanFilename($outOpt);
792        next;
793    }
794    /^overwrite_original$/i and $overwriteOrig = 1, next;
795    /^overwrite_original_in_place$/i and $overwriteOrig = 2, next;
796    (/^p$/ or $a eq 'printformat') and LoadPrintFormat(shift), next;
797    (/^P$/ or $a eq 'preserve') and $preserveTime = 1, next;
798    /^password$/i and $mainTool->Options(Password => shift), next;
799    if ($a eq 'progress') {
800        $progress = 0;
801        $verbose = 0 unless defined $verbose;
802        next;
803    }
804    /^q(uiet)?$/i and ++$quiet, next;
805    /^r(ecurse)?$/i and $recurse = 1, next;
806    if ($a eq 'require') { # undocumented, added in version 8.65
807        my $ver = shift;
808        unless (defined $ver and ExifTool::IsFloat($ver)) {
809            Error("Expecting version number for -require option\n");
810            next Command;
811        }
812        unless ($ExifTool::VERSION >= $ver) {
813            Error("Requires ExifTool version $ver or later\n");
814            next Command;
815        }
816        next;
817    }
818    /^restore_original$/i and $deleteOrig = 0, next;
819    (/^S$/ or $a eq 'veryshort') and $outFormat+=2, next;
820    /^s(hort)?(\d*)$/i and $outFormat = $2 eq '' ? $outFormat + 1 : $2, next;
821    /^scanforxmp$/i and $mainTool->Options(ScanForXMP => 1), next;
822    if (/^sep(arator)?$/i) {
823        $listSep = shift;
824        defined $listSep or Error("Expecting list item separator for -sep option\n"), next Command;
825        $mainTool->Options(ListSep => $listSep);
826        $joinLists = 1;
827        # also split when writing values
828        my $listSplit = quotemeta $listSep;
829        # a space in the string matches zero or more whitespace characters
830        $listSplit =~ s/(\\ )+/\\s\*/g;
831        # but a single space alone matches one or more whitespace characters
832        $listSplit = '\\s+' if $listSplit eq '\\s*';
833        $mainTool->Options(ListSplit => $listSplit);
834        next;
835    }
836    /^sort$/i and $sortOpt = 1, next;
837    if ($a eq 'srcfile') {
838        @ARGV or Warn("Expecting FMT for -srcfile option\n"), next;
839        push @srcFmt, shift;
840        next;
841    }
842    if ($a eq 'stay_open') {
843        my $arg = shift;
844        defined $arg or Warn("Expecting argument for -stay_open option\n"), next;
845        if ($arg =~ /^(1|true)$/i) {
846            if (not $stayOpen) {
847                $stayOpen = 1;
848            } elsif ($stayOpen == 2) {
849                $stayOpen = 3;  # chained -stay_open options
850            } else {
851                Warn "-stay_open already active\n";
852            }
853        } elsif ($arg =~ /^(0|false)$/i) {
854            if ($stayOpen >= 2) {
855                # close -stay_open argfile and process arguments up to this point
856                close STAYOPEN;
857                push @ARGV, @moreArgs;
858                undef @moreArgs;
859            } elsif (not $stayOpen) {
860                Warn("-stay_open wasn't active\n");
861            }
862            $stayOpen = 0;
863        } else {
864            Warn "Invalid argument for -stay_open\n";
865        }
866        next;
867    }
868    if (/^(-)?struct$/i) {
869        $structOpt = $1 ? 0 : 1;
870        $mainTool->Options(Struct => $structOpt);
871        # require XMPStruct in case we need to serialize a structure
872        require 'Image/ExifTool/XMPStruct.pl' if $structOpt;
873        next;
874    }
875    /^t(ab)?$/  and $tabFormat = 1, next;
876    if (/^T$/ or $a eq 'table') {
877        $tabFormat = 1; $outFormat+=2; ++$quiet; $forcePrint = 1;
878        $mainTool->Options(MissingTagValue => '-');
879        next;
880    }
881    if (/^(u)(nknown(2)?)?$/i) {
882        my $inc = ($3 or (not $2 and $1 eq 'U')) ? 2 : 1;
883        $mainTool->Options(Unknown => $mainTool->Options('Unknown') + $inc);
884        next;
885    }
886    if ($a eq 'use') {
887        my $module = shift;
888        $module or Error("Expecting module name for -use option\n"), next Command;
889        lc $module eq 'mwg' and $useMWG = 1, next;
890        local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] };
891        unless (eval "require ExifTool::$module" or
892                eval "require $module" or
893                eval "require '$module'")
894        {
895            delete $SIG{'__WARN__'};
896            Error("Error using module $module\n");
897            next Command;
898        }
899        next;
900    }
901    if (/^v(erbose)?(\d*)$/i) {
902        $verbose = ($2 eq '') ? ($verbose || 0) + 1 : $2;
903        next;
904    }
905    if (/^(w|textout)(!?)$/i) {
906        $textOut = shift || Warn("Expecting output extension for -$_ option\n");
907        $textOverwrite = $2;
908        next;
909    }
910    if (/^x$/ or $a eq 'exclude') {
911        my $tag = shift;
912        defined $tag or Error("Expecting tag name for -x option\n"), next Command;
913        $tag =~ s/\ball\b/\*/ig;    # replace 'all' with '*' in tag names
914        if ($setTagsFile) {
915            push @{$setTags{$setTagsFile}}, "-$tag";
916        } else {
917            push @exclude, $tag;
918        }
919        next;
920    }
921    (/^X$/ or $a eq 'xmlformat') and $xml = 1, $html = $json = 0, $mainTool->Options(Duplicates => 1), next;
922    if (/^php$/i) {
923        $json = 2;
924        $html = $xml = 0;
925        $mainTool->Options(Duplicates=>1);
926        next;
927    }
928    /^z(ip)?$/i and $doUnzip = 1, $mainTool->Options(Compress => 1, Compact => 1), next;
929    $_ eq '' and push(@files, '-'), next;   # read STDIN
930    length $_ eq 1 and $_ ne '*' and Error("Unknown option -$_\n"), next Command;
931    if (/^[^<]+(<?)=(.*)/s) {
932        my $val = $2;
933        if ($1 and length($val) and ($val eq '@' or not defined FilenameSPrintf($val))) {
934            # save count of new values before a dynamic value
935            push @newValues, { SaveCount => ++$saveCount };
936        }
937        push @newValues, $_;
938        if (/^mwg:/i) {
939            $useMWG = 1;
940        } elsif (/^([-\w]+:)*(filename|directory)\b/i) {
941            $doSetFileName = 1;
942        } elsif (/^([-\w]+:)*(geotag|geotime)\b/i) {
943            if (lc $2 eq 'geotag') {
944                if ((not defined $addGeotime or $addGeotime) and length $val) {
945                    $addGeotime = ($1 || '') . 'Geotime<DateTimeOriginal';
946                }
947            } else {
948                $addGeotime = '';
949            }
950        }
951    } else {
952        # assume '-tagsFromFile @' if tags are being redirected
953        # and -tagsFromFile hasn't already been specified
954        AddSetTagsFile($setTagsFile = '@') if not $setTagsFile and /(<|>)/;
955        if ($setTagsFile) {
956            push @{$setTags{$setTagsFile}}, $_;
957            if (/>/) {
958                $useMWG = 1 if /^(.*>\s*)?mwg:/si;
959                if (/\b(filename|directory)#?$/i) {
960                    $doSetFileName = 1;
961                } elsif (/\bgeotime#?$/i) {
962                    $addGeotime = '';
963                }
964            } else {
965                $useMWG = 1 if /^([^<]+<\s*(.*\$\{?)?)?mwg:/si;
966                if (/^([-\w]+:)*(filename|directory)\b/i) {
967                    $doSetFileName = 1;
968                } elsif (/^([-\w]+:)*geotime\b/i) {
969                    $addGeotime = '';
970                }
971            }
972        } elsif (/^-(.*)/) {
973            push @exclude, $1;
974        } else {
975            push @tags, $_;
976        }
977    }
978  } elsif ($doGlob and /[*?]/) {
979    # glob each filespec if necessary - MK/20061010
980    push @files, File::Glob::bsd_glob($_);
981    $doGlob = 2;
982  } else {
983    push @files, $_;
984  }
987# change default EXIF string encoding if MWG used
988if ($useMWG and not defined $mainTool->Options('CharsetEXIF')) {
989    $mainTool->Options(CharsetEXIF => 'UTF8');
992# print help
993unless ((@tags and not $outOpt) or @files or @newValues) {
994    if ($doGlob and $doGlob == 2) {
995        Warn "No matching files\n";
996        $rtnVal = 1;
997        next;
998    }
999    if ($outOpt) {
1000        Warn "Nothing to write\n";
1001        $rtnVal = 1;
1002        next;
1003    }
1004    unless ($helped) {
1005        # catch warnings if we have problems running perldoc
1006        local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] };
1007        my $dummy = \*SAVEERR;  # avoid "used only once" warning
1008        unless ($^O eq 'os2') {
1009            open SAVEERR, ">&STDERR";
1010            open STDERR, '>/dev/null';
1011        }
1012        if (system('perldoc',$0)) {
1013            print "Syntax:  pdf2john.pl <.pdf file(s)>\n";
1014            # print "Consult the exiftool documentation for a full list of options.\n";
1015        }
1016        unless ($^O eq 'os2') {
1017            close STDERR;
1018            open STDERR, '>&SAVEERR';
1019        }
1020    }
1021    next;
1024# do sanity check on -delete_original and -restore_original
1025if (defined $deleteOrig and (@newValues or @tags)) {
1026    if (not @newValues) {
1027        my $verb = $deleteOrig ? 'deleting' : 'restoring from';
1028        Warn "Can't specify tags when $verb originals\n";
1029    } elsif ($deleteOrig) {
1030        Warn "Can't use -delete_original when writing.\n";
1031        Warn "Maybe you meant -overwrite_original ?\n";
1032    } else {
1033        Warn "It makes no sense to use -restore_original when writing\n";
1034    }
1035    $rtnVal = 1;
1036    next;
1039if ($overwriteOrig > 1 and $outOpt) {
1040    Warn "Can't overwrite in place when -o option is used\n";
1041    $rtnVal = 1;
1042    next;
1045if ($escapeHTML or $json) {
1046    # must be UTF8 for HTML conversion and JSON output
1047    $mainTool->Options(Charset => 'UTF8');
1048    # use Escape option to do our HTML escaping unless XML output
1049    $mainTool->Options(Escape => 'HTML') if $escapeHTML and not $xml;
1050} elsif ($escapeXML and not $xml) {
1051    $mainTool->Options(Escape => 'XML');
1054# set sort option
1055if ($sortOpt) {
1056    # (note that -csv sorts alphabetically by default anyway if more than 1 file)
1057    my $sort = ($outFormat > 0 or $xml or $json or $csv) ? 'Tag' : 'Descr';
1058    $mainTool->Options(Sort => $sort, Sort2 => $sort);
1061# set up for RDF/XML, JSON and PHP output formats
1062if ($xml) {
1063    require ExifTool::XMP;   # for EscapeXML()
1064    my $charset = $mainTool->Options('Charset');
1065    # standard XML encoding names for supported Charset settings
1066    # (ref http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets)
1067    my %encoding = (
1068        UTF8     => 'UTF-8',
1069        Latin    => 'windows-1252',
1070        Latin2   => 'windows-1250',
1071        Cyrillic => 'windows-1251',
1072        Greek    => 'windows-1253',
1073        Turkish  => 'windows-1254',
1074        Hebrew   => 'windows-1255',
1075        Arabic   => 'windows-1256',
1076        Baltic   => 'windows-1257',
1077        Vietnam  => 'windows-1258',
1078        MacRoman => 'macintosh',
1079    );
1080    # switch to UTF-8 if we don't have a standard encoding name
1081    unless ($encoding{$charset}) {
1082        $charset = 'UTF8';
1083        $mainTool->Options(Charset => $charset);
1084    }
1085    # set file header/trailer for XML output
1086    $fileHeader = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='$encoding{$charset}'?>\n" .
1087                  "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'>\n";
1088    $fileTrailer = "</rdf:RDF>\n";
1089    # extract as a list unless short output format
1090    $joinLists = 1 if $outFormat > 0;
1091    $mainTool->Options(List => 1) unless $joinLists;
1092    $showGroup = $allGroup = 1;         # always show group 1
1093    # set binaryOutput flag to 0 or undef (0 = output encoded binary in XML)
1094    $binaryOutput = ($outFormat > 0 ? undef : 0) if $binaryOutput;
1095    $showTagID = 'D' if $tabFormat and not $showTagID;
1096} elsif ($json) {
1097    if ($json == 1) { # JSON
1098        $fileHeader = '[';
1099        $fileTrailer = "]\n";
1100        undef $binaryOutput; # can't currently use -b with -json
1101    } else { # PHP
1102        $fileHeader = 'Array(';
1103        $fileTrailer = ");\n";
1104        # allow binary output in a text-mode file when -php and -b used together
1105        # (this works because PHP strings are simple arrays of bytes, and CR/LF
1106        #  won't be messed up in the text mode output because they are converted
1107        #  to escape sequences in the strings)
1108        $binaryOutput = 0 if $binaryOutput;
1109    }
1110    $mainTool->Options(List => 1) unless $joinLists;
1111    $mainTool->Options(Duplicates => 0) unless defined $showGroup;
1112} elsif ($structOpt) {
1113    $mainTool->Options(List => 1);
1114} else {
1115    $joinLists = 1;     # join lists for all other unstructured output formats
1118if ($argFormat) {
1119    $outFormat = 3;
1120    $allGroup = 1 if defined $showGroup;
1123# change to forward slashes if necessary in all filenames (like CleanFilename)
1124if ($hasBackslash{$^O}) {
1125    tr/\\/\// foreach @files;
1128# can't do anything if no file specified
1129unless (@files) {
1130    unless ($outOpt) {
1131        Warn "No file specified\n";
1132        $rtnVal = 1;
1133        next;
1134    }
1135    push @files, '';    # create file from nothing
1138# set Verbose and HtmlDump options
1139if ($verbose) {
1140    $disableOutput = 1 unless @tags or @exclude;
1141    undef $binaryOutput;    # disable conflicting option
1142    if ($html) {
1143        $html = 2;    # flag for html dump
1144        $mainTool->Options(HtmlDump => $verbose);
1145    } else {
1146        $mainTool->Options(Verbose => $verbose);
1147    }
1148} elsif (defined $verbose) {
1149    # auto-flush output when -v0 is used
1150    require FileHandle;
1151    STDOUT->autoflush(1);
1152    STDERR->autoflush(1);
1155# validate all tags we're writing
1156my $needSave = 1;
1157if (@newValues) {
1158    # assume -geotime value if -geotag specified without -geotime
1159    if ($addGeotime) {
1160        AddSetTagsFile($setTagsFile = '@') unless $setTagsFile and $setTagsFile eq '@';
1161        push @{$setTags{$setTagsFile}}, $addGeotime;
1162        $verbose and print qq{Argument "-$addGeotime" is assumed\n};
1163    }
1164    my %setTagsIndex;
1165    # add/delete option lookup
1166    my %addDelOpt = ( '+' => 'AddValue', '-' => 'DelValue', "\xe2\x88\x92" => 'DelValue' );
1167    $saveCount = 0;
1168    foreach (@newValues) {
1169        if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') {
1170            # save new values now if we stored a "SaveCount" marker
1171            if ($$_{SaveCount}) {
1172                $saveCount = $mainTool->SaveNewValues();
1173                $needSave = 0;
1174                # insert marker to load values from CSV file now if this was the CSV file
1175                push @dynamicFiles, \$csv if $$_{SaveCount} == $csvSaveCount;
1176            }
1177            next;
1178        }
1179        /(.*?)=(.*)/s or next;
1180        my ($tag, $newVal) = ($1, $2);
1181        $tag =~ s/\ball\b/\*/ig;    # replace 'all' with '*' in tag names
1182        $newVal eq '' and undef $newVal;    # undefined to delete tag
1183        if ($tag =~ /^(All)?TagsFromFile$/i) {
1184            defined $newVal or Error("Need file name for -tagsFromFile\n"), next Command;
1185            ++$isWriting;
1186            if ($newVal eq '@' or not defined FilenameSPrintf($newVal)) {
1187                push @dynamicFiles, $newVal;
1188                next;   # set tags from dynamic file later
1189            }
1190            unless (-e $newVal) {
1191                Warn "File '$newVal' does not exist for -tagsFromFile option\n";
1192                $rtnVal = 1;
1193                next Command;
1194            }
1195            my $setTags = $setTags{$newVal};
1196            # do we have multiple -tagsFromFile options with this file?
1197            if ($setTagsList{$newVal}) {
1198                # use the tags set in the i-th occurrence
1199                my $i = $setTagsIndex{$newVal} || 0;
1200                $setTagsIndex{$newVal} = $i + 1;
1201                $setTags = $setTagsList{$newVal}[$i] if $setTagsList{$newVal}[$i];
1202            }
1203            # set specified tags from this file
1204            unless (DoSetFromFile($mainTool, $newVal, $setTags)) {
1205                $rtnVal = 1;
1206                next Command;
1207            }
1208            $needSave = 1;
1209            next;
1210        }
1211        my %opts = (
1212            Protected => 1, # allow writing of 'unsafe' tags
1213            Shift => 0,     # shift values if possible instead of adding/deleting
1214        );
1215        if ($tag =~ s/<// and defined $newVal) {
1216            if (defined FilenameSPrintf($newVal)) {
1217                SlurpFile($newVal, \$newVal) or next;
1218            } else {
1219                $tag =~ s/([-+]|\xe2\x88\x92)$// and $opts{$addDelOpt{$1}} = 1;
1220                # verify that this tag can be written
1221                my $result = ExifTool::IsWritable($tag);
1222                if ($result) {
1223                    $opts{ProtectSaved} = $saveCount;   # protect new values set after this
1224                    # add to list of dynamic tag values
1225                    push @dynamicFiles, [ $tag, $newVal, \%opts ];
1226                    ++$isWriting;
1227                } elsif (defined $result) {
1228                    Warn "Tag '$tag' is not writable\n";
1229                } else {
1230                    Warn "Tag '$tag' does not exist\n";
1231                }
1232                next;
1233            }
1234        }
1235        if ($tag =~ s/([-+]|\xe2\x88\x92)$//) {
1236            $opts{$addDelOpt{$1}} = 1;  # set AddValue or DelValue option
1237            # set $newVal to '' if deleting nothing
1238            $newVal = '' if $1 eq '-' and not defined $newVal;
1239        }
1240        my ($rtn, $wrn) = $mainTool->SetNewValue($tag, $newVal, %opts);
1241        $needSave = 1;
1242        ++$isWriting if $rtn;
1243        $wrn and Warn "Warning: $wrn\n";
1244    }
1245    # exclude specified tags
1246    foreach (@exclude) {
1247        $mainTool->SetNewValue($_, undef, Replace => 2);
1248        $needSave = 1;
1249    }
1250    unless ($isWriting or $outOpt or @tags) {
1251        Warn "Nothing to do.\n";
1252        $rtnVal = 1;
1253        next;
1254    }
1255} elsif (grep /^(\*:)?\*$/, @exclude) {
1256    Warn "All tags excluded -- nothing to do.\n";
1257    $rtnVal = 1;
1258    next;
1260if ($isWriting and @tags and not $outOpt) {
1261    my ($tg, $s) = @tags > 1 ? ("$tags[0] ...", 's') : ($tags[0], '');
1262    Warn "Ignored superfluous tag name$s or invalid option$s: -$tg\n";
1264# save current state of new values if setting values from target file
1265# or if we may be translating to a different format
1266$mainTool->SaveNewValues() if $outOpt or (@dynamicFiles and $needSave);
1268$multiFile = 1 if @files > 1;
1269@exclude and $mainTool->Options(Exclude => \@exclude);
1271# set flag to fix description lengths if necessary
1272$fixLen = ($utf8 and $mainTool->Options('Lang') ne 'en' and eval 'require Encode');
1274# sort input files if specified
1275if (@fileOrder) {
1276    my @allFiles;
1277    ProcessFiles(undef, \@allFiles);
1278    my $sortTool = new ExifTool;
1279    $sortTool->Options(PrintConv => $mainTool->Options('PrintConv'));
1280    $sortTool->Options(Duplicates => 0);
1281    my (%sortBy, %isFloat, @rev, $file);
1282    # save reverse sort flags
1283    push @rev, (s/^-// ? 1 : 0) foreach @fileOrder;
1284    foreach $file (@allFiles) {
1285        my @tags;
1286        my $info = $sortTool->ImageInfo($file, @fileOrder, \@tags);
1287        # get values of all tags (or '~' to sort last if not defined)
1288        foreach (@tags) {
1289            $_ = $$info{$_};
1290            defined $_ or $_ = '~', next;
1291            $isFloat{$_} = 1 if /^[+-]?(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/;
1292        }
1293        $sortBy{$file} = \@tags;    # save tag values for each file
1294    }
1295    # sort in specified order
1296    @files = sort {
1297        my ($i, $cmp);
1298        for ($i=0; $i<@rev; ++$i) {
1299            my $u = $sortBy{$a}[$i];
1300            my $v = $sortBy{$b}[$i];
1301            if (not $isFloat{$u} and not $isFloat{$v}) {
1302                $cmp = $u cmp $v;               # alphabetically
1303            } elsif ($isFloat{$u} and $isFloat{$v}) {
1304                $cmp = $u <=> $v;               # numerically
1305            } else {
1306                $cmp = $isFloat{$u} ? -1 : 1;   # numbers first
1307            }
1308            return $rev[$i] ? -$cmp : $cmp if $cmp;
1309        }
1310        return $a cmp $b;   # default to sort by name
1311    } @allFiles;
1312} elsif (defined $progress) {
1313    # expand FILE argument to count the number of files to process
1314    my @allFiles;
1315    ProcessFiles(undef, \@allFiles);
1316    @files = @allFiles;
1318# set file count for progress message
1319$progressMax = scalar @files if defined $progress;
1321# store duplicate database information under canonical filenames
1322my @dbKeys = keys %database;
1323if (@dbKeys and require Cwd) {
1324    foreach (@dbKeys) {
1325        my $canonFile = Cwd::abs_path($_);
1326        if (defined $canonFile) {
1327            $database{$canonFile} = $database{$_} unless $database{$canonFile};
1328        } else {
1329            # (may happen on Mac if the filename encoding is incorrect in the database)
1330            Warn "Error generating canonical filename for $_\n";
1331        }
1332    }
1335# process all specified files
1338if ($filtered and not $validFile) {
1339    Warn "No file with specified extension\n";
1340    $rtnVal = 1;
1343# print file trailer if necessary
1344print $fileTrailer if $fileTrailer and not $textOut and not $fileHeader;
1346if (defined $deleteOrig) {
1348    # print summary and delete requested files
1349    unless ($quiet) {
1350        printf "%5d directories scanned\n", $countDir if $countDir;
1351        printf "%5d directories created\n", $countNewDir if $countNewDir;
1352        printf "%5d files failed condition\n", $countFailed if $countFailed;
1353        printf "%5d image files found\n", $count;
1354    }
1355    if (@delFiles) {
1356        # verify deletion unless "-delete_original!" was specified
1357        if ($deleteOrig == 1) {
1358            printf '%5d originals will be deleted!  Are you sure [y/n]? ', scalar(@delFiles);
1359            my $response = <STDIN>;
1360            unless ($response =~ /^(y|yes)\s*$/i) {
1361                Warn "Originals not deleted.\n";
1362                next;
1363            }
1364        }
1365        $countGoodWr = unlink @delFiles;
1366        $countBad = scalar(@delFiles) - $countGoodWr;
1367    }
1368    if ($quiet) {
1369        # no more messages
1370    } elsif ($count and not $countGoodWr and not $countBad) {
1371        printf "%5d original files found\n", $countGoodWr;
1372    } elsif ($deleteOrig) {
1373        printf "%5d original files deleted\n", $countGoodWr if $count;
1374        printf "%5d originals not deleted due to errors\n", $countBad if $countBad;
1375    } else {
1376        printf "%5d image files restored from original\n", $countGoodWr if $count;
1377        printf "%5d files not restored due to errors\n", $countBad if $countBad;
1378    }
1380} elsif (not $binaryStdout and not $quiet) {
1384# set error status if we had any errors or if all files failed the "-if" condition
1385$rtnVal = 1 if $countBadWr or $countBadCr or $countBad or ($countFailed and not $count);
1387# last ditch effort to preserve filemodifydate
1388PreserveTime() if %preserveTime;
1390} # end "Command" loop ........................................................
1392close STAYOPEN if $stayOpen >= 2;
1394Exit $rtnVal;   # all done
1398# Get image information from EXIF data in file
1399# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) file name
1400sub GetImageInfo($$)
1402    my ($exifTool, $orig) = @_;
1403    my (@foundTags, $info, $file, $ind);
1405    # determine the name of the source file based on the original input file name
1406    if (@srcFmt) {
1407        my ($fmt, $first);
1408        foreach $fmt (@srcFmt) {
1409            $file = $fmt eq '@' ? $orig : FilenameSPrintf($fmt, $orig);
1410            # use this file if it exists
1411            -e $file and undef($first), last;
1412            $verbose and print "Source file $file does not exist\n";
1413            $first = $file unless defined $first;
1414        }
1415        $file = $first if defined $first;
1416    } else {
1417        $file = $orig;
1418    }
1419    printf("%s:", $file);
1421    my $pipe = $file;
1422    if ($doUnzip) {
1423        # pipe through gzip or bzip2 if necessary
1424        if ($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
1425            $pipe = qq{gzip -dc "$file" |};
1426        } elsif ($file =~ /\.bz2$/i) {
1427            $pipe = qq{bzip2 -dc "$file" |};
1428        }
1429    }
1430    # evaluate -if expression for conditional processing
1431    if (defined $condition) {
1432        unless ($file eq '-' or -e $file) {
1433            Warn "File not found: $file\n";
1434            ++$countBad;
1435            return;
1436        }
1437        # catch run time errors as well as compile errors
1438        undef $evalWarning;
1439        local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] };
1441        my %info;
1442        # extract information and build expression for evaluation
1443        my $opts = { Duplicates => 1, Verbose => 0, HtmlDump => 0 };
1444        # return all tags but explicitly mention tags on command line so
1445        # requested images will generate the appropriate warnings
1446        @foundTags = ('*', @tags) if @tags;
1447        $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($pipe, \@foundTags, $opts);
1448        my $cond = $exifTool->InsertTagValues(\@foundTags, $condition, \%info);
1450        #### eval "-if" condition (%info)
1451        my $result = eval $cond;
1453        $@ and $evalWarning = $@;
1454        if ($evalWarning) {
1455            # fail condition if warning is issued
1456            undef $result;
1457            if ($verbose) {
1458                chomp $evalWarning;
1459                $evalWarning =~ s/ at \(eval .*//s;
1460                delete $SIG{'__WARN__'};
1461                Warn "Condition: $evalWarning - $file\n";
1462            }
1463        }
1464        unless ($result) {
1465            $verbose and print "-------- $file (failed condition)$progStr\n";
1466            ++$countFailed;
1467            return;
1468        }
1469        # can't make use of $info if verbose because we must reprocess
1470        # the file anyway to generate the verbose output
1471        undef $info if $verbose;
1472    }
1473    if (defined $deleteOrig) {
1474        #print "======== $file$progStr\n" if defined $verbose;
1475        ++$count;
1476        my $original = "${file}_original";
1477        -e $original or return;
1478        if ($deleteOrig) {
1479            $verbose and print "Scheduled for deletion: $original\n";
1480            push @delFiles, $original;
1481        } elsif (rename $original, $file) {
1482            $verbose and print "Restored from $original\n";
1483            ++$countGoodWr;
1484        } else {
1485            Warn "Error renaming $original\n";
1486            ++$countBad;
1487        }
1488        return;
1489    }
1490    my $lineCount = 0;
1491    my ($fp, $outfile);
1492    #if ($textOut and $verbose) {
1493    #    ($fp, $outfile) = OpenOutputFile($orig);
1494    #    $fp or ++$countBad, return;
1495    #    $tmpText = $outfile;    # deletes file if we exit prematurely
1496    #    $exifTool->Options(TextOut => $fp);
1497    #}
1499    if ($isWriting) {
1500        #print "======== $file$progStr\n" if defined $verbose;
1501        SetImageInfo($exifTool, $file, $orig);
1502        $info = $exifTool->GetInfo('Warning', 'Error');
1503        PrintErrors($exifTool, $info, $file);
1504        # close output text file if necessary
1505        if ($outfile) {
1506            undef $tmpText;
1507            close($fp);
1508            $exifTool->Options(TextOut => \*STDOUT);
1509            if ($info->{Error}) {
1510                unlink $outfile;    # erase bad file
1511            } else {
1512                ++$countCreated;
1513            }
1514        }
1515        return;
1516    }
1518    # extract information from this file
1519    unless ($file eq '-' or -e $file) {
1520        Warn "File not found: $file\n";
1521        $outfile and close($fp), undef($tmpText), unlink($outfile);
1522        ++$countBad;
1523        return;
1524    }
1525    # print file/progress message
1526    my $o;
1527    unless ($binaryOutput or $textOut or %printFmt or $html > 1 or $csv) {
1528        if ($html) {
1529            require ExifTool::HTML;
1530            my $f = ExifTool::HTML::EscapeHTML($file);
1531            print "<!-- $f -->\n";
1532        } elsif (not ($json or $xml)) {
1533            $o = \*STDOUT if ($multiFile and not $quiet) or $progress;
1534        }
1535    }
1536    $o = \*STDERR if $progress and not $o;
1537    #$o and print $o "======== $file$progStr\n";
1538    if ($info) {
1539        # get the information we wanted
1540        if (@tags and not %printFmt) {
1541            @foundTags = @tags;
1542            $info = $exifTool->GetInfo(\@foundTags);
1543        }
1544    } else {
1545        # request specified tags unless using print format option
1546        my $oldDups = $exifTool->Options('Duplicates');
1547        if (%printFmt) {
1548            $exifTool->Options(Duplicates => 1);
1549        } else {
1550            @foundTags = @tags;
1551        }
1552        # extract the information
1553        $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($pipe, \@foundTags);
1554        $exifTool->Options(Duplicates => $oldDups);
1555    }
1556    # all done now if we already wrote output text file (ie. verbose option)
1557    if ($fp) {
1558        if ($outfile) {
1559            $exifTool->Options(TextOut => \*STDOUT);
1560            undef $tmpText;
1561            if ($info->{Error}) {
1562                close($fp);
1563                unlink $outfile;    # erase bad file
1564            } else {
1565                ++$lineCount;       # output text file (likely) is not empty
1566            }
1567        }
1568        if ($info->{Error}) {
1569            Warn "Error: $info->{Error} - $file\n";
1570            ++$countBad;
1571            return;
1572        }
1573    }
1575    # print warnings to stderr if using binary output
1576    # (because we are likely ignoring them and piping stdout to file)
1577    # or if there is none of the requested information available
1578    if ($binaryOutput or not %$info) {
1579        my $errs = $exifTool->GetInfo('Warning', 'Error');
1580        PrintErrors($exifTool, $errs, $file);
1581    }
1583    ++$count;
1587# Translate backslashes to forward slashes in filename if necessary
1588# Inputs: 0) Filename
1589# Returns: nothing, but changes filename if necessary
1590sub CleanFilename($)
1592    $_[0] =~ tr/\\/\// if $hasBackslash{$^O};
1596# process files in our @files list
1597# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) list ref to just return full file names
1598# Notes: arg 0 is not used if arg 1 is defined
1599sub ProcessFiles($;$)
1601    my ($exifTool, $list) = @_;
1602    my $file;
1603    foreach $file (@files) {
1604        if (defined $progressMax) {
1605            ++$progress;
1606            $progStr = " [$progress/$progressMax]";
1607        }
1608        if (-d $file) {
1609            $multiFile = $validFile = 1;
1610            ScanDir($mainTool, $file, $list);
1611        } elsif ($filterFlag and not AcceptFile($file)) {
1612            if (-e $file) {
1613                $filtered = 1;
1614                $verbose and print "-------- $file (wrong extension)$progStr\n";
1615            } else {
1616                Warn "File not found: $file\n";
1617                $rtnVal = 1;
1618            }
1619        } else {
1620            $validFile = 1;
1621            $list and push(@$list, $file), next;
1622            GetImageInfo($exifTool, $file);
1623        }
1624    }