1 /* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
2 /* lib/crypto/builtin/des/f_tables.h */
3 /*
4  * Copyright (C) 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
5  * All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * Export of this software from the United States of America may
8  *   require a specific license from the United States Government.
9  *   It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
10  *   export to obtain such a license before exporting.
11  *
12  * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
13  * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
14  * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
15  * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
16  * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
17  * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
18  * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
19  * permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
20  * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
21  * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
22  * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
23  * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
24  * or implied warranty.
25  */
27 /*
28  * DES implementation donated by Dennis Ferguson
29  */
31 /*
32  * des_tables.h - declarations to import the DES tables, used internally
33  *                by some of the library routines.
34  */
35 #ifndef __DES_TABLES_H__
36 #define __DES_TABLES_H__        /* nothing */
38 #include "k5-platform.h"
39 /*
40  * These may be declared const if you wish.  Be sure to change the
41  * declarations in des_tables.c as well.
42  */
43 extern const unsigned DES_INT32 des_IP_table[256];
44 extern const unsigned DES_INT32 des_FP_table[256];
45 extern const unsigned DES_INT32 des_SP_table[8][64];
47 /*
48  * Use standard shortforms to reference these to save typing
49  */
50 #define IP      des_IP_table
51 #define FP      des_FP_table
52 #define SP      des_SP_table
54 #ifdef DEBUG
55 #define DEB(foofraw)    printf foofraw
56 #else
57 #define DEB(foofraw)    /* nothing */
58 #endif
60 /*
61  * Code to do a DES round using the tables.  Note that the E expansion
62  * is easy to compute algorithmically, especially if done out-of-order.
63  * Take a look at its form and compare it to everything involving temp
64  * below.  Since SP[0-7] don't have any bits in common set it is okay
65  * to do the successive xor's.
66  *
67  * Note too that the SP table has been reordered to match the order of
68  * the keys (if the original order of SP was 12345678, the reordered
69  * table is 71354682).  This is unnecessary, but was done since some
70  * compilers seem to like you going through the matrix from beginning
71  * to end.
72  *
73  * There is a difference in the best way to do this depending on whether
74  * one is encrypting or decrypting.  If encrypting we move forward through
75  * the keys and hence should move forward through the table.  If decrypting
76  * we go back.  Part of the need for this comes from trying to emulate
77  * existing software which generates a single key schedule and uses it
78  * both for encrypting and decrypting.  Generating separate encryption
79  * and decryption key schedules would allow one to use the same code
80  * for both.
81  *
82  * left, right and temp should be unsigned DES_INT32 values.  left and right
83  * should be the high and low order parts of the cipher block at the
84  * current stage of processing (this makes sense if you read the spec).
85  * kp should be an unsigned DES_INT32 pointer which points at the current
86  * set of subkeys in the key schedule.  It is advanced to the next set
87  * (i.e. by 8 bytes) when this is done.
88  *
89  * This occurs in the innermost loop of the DES function.  The four
90  * variables should really be in registers.
91  *
92  * When using this, the inner loop of the DES function might look like:
93  *
94  *      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
95  *              DES_SP_{EN,DE}CRYPT_ROUND(left, right, temp, kp);
96  *              DES_SP_{EN,DE}CRYPT_ROUND(right, left, temp, kp);
97  *      }
98  *
99  * Note the trick above.  You are supposed to do 16 rounds, swapping
100  * left and right at the end of each round.  By doing two rounds at
101  * a time and swapping left and right in the code we can avoid the
102  * swaps altogether.
103  */
104 #define DES_SP_ENCRYPT_ROUND(left, right, temp, kp) do {        \
105         (temp) = (((right) >> 11) | ((right) << 21)) ^ *(kp)++; \
106         (left) ^= SP[0][((temp) >> 24) & 0x3f]                  \
107             | SP[1][((temp) >> 16) & 0x3f]                      \
108             | SP[2][((temp) >>  8) & 0x3f]                      \
109             | SP[3][((temp)      ) & 0x3f];                     \
110         (temp) = (((right) >> 23) | ((right) << 9)) ^ *(kp)++;  \
111         (left) ^= SP[4][((temp) >> 24) & 0x3f]                  \
112             | SP[5][((temp) >> 16) & 0x3f]                      \
113             | SP[6][((temp) >>  8) & 0x3f]                      \
114             | SP[7][((temp)      ) & 0x3f];                     \
115     } while(0);
117 #define DES_SP_DECRYPT_ROUND(left, right, temp, kp) do {                \
118         (temp) = (((right) >> 23) | ((right) << 9)) ^ *(--(kp));        \
119         (left) ^= SP[7][((temp)      ) & 0x3f]                          \
120             | SP[6][((temp) >>  8) & 0x3f]                              \
121             | SP[5][((temp) >> 16) & 0x3f]                              \
122             | SP[4][((temp) >> 24) & 0x3f];                             \
123         (temp) = (((right) >> 11) | ((right) << 21)) ^ *(--(kp));       \
124         (left) ^= SP[3][((temp)      ) & 0x3f]                          \
125             | SP[2][((temp) >>  8) & 0x3f]                              \
126             | SP[1][((temp) >> 16) & 0x3f]                              \
127             | SP[0][((temp) >> 24) & 0x3f];                             \
128     } while (0);
130 /*
131  * Macros to help deal with the initial permutation table.  Note
132  * the IP table only deals with 32 bits at a time, allowing us to
133  * collect the bits we need to deal with each half into an unsigned
134  * DES_INT32.  By carefully selecting how the bits are ordered we also
135  * take advantages of symmetries in the table so that we can use a
136  * single table to compute the permutation of all bytes.  This sounds
137  * complicated, but if you go through the process of designing the
138  * table you'll find the symmetries fall right out.
139  *
140  * The follow macros compute the set of bits used to index the
141  * table for produce the left and right permuted result.
142  *
143  * The inserted cast to unsigned DES_INT32 circumvents a bug in
144  * the Macintosh MPW 3.2 C compiler which loses the unsignedness and
145  * propagates the high-order bit in the shift.
146  */
147 #define DES_IP_LEFT_BITS(left, right)                           \
148     ((((left) & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((right) & 0x55555555))
149 #define DES_IP_RIGHT_BITS(left, right)                          \
150     (((left) & 0xaaaaaaaa) |                                    \
151      ( ( (unsigned DES_INT32) ((right) & 0xaaaaaaaa) ) >> 1))
153 /*
154  * The following macro does an in-place initial permutation given
155  * the current left and right parts of the block and a single
156  * temporary.  Use this more as a guide for rolling your own, though.
157  * The best way to do the IP depends on the form of the data you
158  * are dealing with.  If you use this, though, try to make left,
159  * right and temp unsigned DES_INT32s.
160  */
161 #define DES_INITIAL_PERM(left, right, temp) do {        \
162         (temp) = DES_IP_RIGHT_BITS((left), (right));    \
163         (right) = DES_IP_LEFT_BITS((left), (right));    \
164         (left) = IP[((right) >> 24) & 0xff]             \
165             | (IP[((right) >> 16) & 0xff] << 1)         \
166             | (IP[((right) >>  8) & 0xff] << 2)         \
167             | (IP[(right) & 0xff] << 3);                \
168         (right) = IP[((temp) >> 24) & 0xff]             \
169             | (IP[((temp) >> 16) & 0xff] << 1)          \
170             | (IP[((temp) >>  8) & 0xff] << 2)          \
171             | (IP[(temp) & 0xff] << 3);                 \
172     } while(0);
174 /*
175  * Now the final permutation stuff.  The same comments apply to
176  * this as to the initial permutation, except that we use different
177  * bits and shifts.
178  *
179  * The inserted cast to unsigned DES_INT32 circumvents a bug in
180  * the Macintosh MPW 3.2 C compiler which loses the unsignedness and
181  * propagates the high-order bit in the shift.
182  */
183 #define DES_FP_LEFT_BITS(left, right)                           \
184     ((((left) & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4) | ((right) & 0x0f0f0f0f))
185 #define DES_FP_RIGHT_BITS(left, right)                          \
186     (((left) & 0xf0f0f0f0) |                                    \
187      ( ( (unsigned DES_INT32) ((right) & 0xf0f0f0f0) ) >> 4))
190 /*
191  * Here is a sample final permutation.  Note that there is a trick
192  * here.  DES requires swapping the left and right parts after the
193  * last cipher round but before the final permutation.  We do this
194  * swapping internally, which is why left and right are confused
195  * at the beginning.
196  */
197 #define DES_FINAL_PERM(left, right, temp) do {          \
198         (temp) = DES_FP_RIGHT_BITS((right), (left));    \
199         (right) = DES_FP_LEFT_BITS((right), (left));    \
200         (left) = (FP[((right) >> 24) & 0xff] << 6)      \
201             | (FP[((right) >> 16) & 0xff] << 4)         \
202             | (FP[((right) >>  8) & 0xff] << 2)         \
203             |  FP[(right) & 0xff];                      \
204         (right) = (FP[((temp) >> 24) & 0xff] << 6)      \
205             | (FP[((temp) >> 16) & 0xff] << 4)          \
206             | (FP[((temp) >>  8) & 0xff] << 2)          \
207             |  FP[temp & 0xff];                         \
208     } while(0);
211 /*
212  * Finally, as a sample of how all this might be held together, the
213  * following two macros do in-place encryptions and decryptions.  left
214  * and right are two unsigned DES_INT32 variables which at the beginning
215  * are expected to hold the clear (encrypted) block in host byte order
216  * (left the high order four bytes, right the low order).  At the end
217  * they will contain the encrypted (clear) block.  temp is an unsigned DES_INT32
218  * used as a temporary.  kp is an unsigned DES_INT32 pointer pointing at
219  * the start of the key schedule.  All these should be in registers.
220  *
221  * You can probably do better than these by rewriting for particular
222  * situations.  These aren't bad, though.
223  *
224  * The DEB macros enable debugging when this code breaks (typically
225  * when a buggy compiler breaks it), by printing the intermediate values
226  * at each stage of the encryption, so that by comparing the output to
227  * a known good machine, the location of the first error can be found.
228  */
229 #define DES_DO_ENCRYPT_1(left, right, kp)                               \
230     do {                                                                \
231         int i;                                                          \
232         unsigned DES_INT32 temp1;                                       \
233         DEB (("do_encrypt %8lX %8lX \n", left, right));                 \
234         DES_INITIAL_PERM((left), (right), (temp1));                     \
235         DEB (("  after IP %8lX %8lX\n", left, right));                  \
236         for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {                                       \
237             DES_SP_ENCRYPT_ROUND((left), (right), (temp1), (kp));       \
238             DEB (("  round %2d %8lX %8lX \n", i*2, left, right));       \
239             DES_SP_ENCRYPT_ROUND((right), (left), (temp1), (kp));       \
240             DEB (("  round %2d %8lX %8lX \n", 1+i*2, left, right));     \
241         }                                                               \
242         DES_FINAL_PERM((left), (right), (temp1));                       \
243         (kp) -= (2 * 16);                                               \
244         DEB (("  after FP %8lX %8lX \n", left, right));                 \
245     } while (0)
247 #define DES_DO_DECRYPT_1(left, right, kp)                               \
248     do {                                                                \
249         int i;                                                          \
250         unsigned DES_INT32 temp2;                                       \
251         DES_INITIAL_PERM((left), (right), (temp2));                     \
252         (kp) += (2 * 16);                                               \
253         for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {                                       \
254             DES_SP_DECRYPT_ROUND((left), (right), (temp2), (kp));       \
255             DES_SP_DECRYPT_ROUND((right), (left), (temp2), (kp));       \
256         }                                                               \
257         DES_FINAL_PERM((left), (right), (temp2));                       \
258     } while (0)
260 #if defined(CONFIG_SMALL) && !defined(CONFIG_SMALL_NO_CRYPTO)
261 extern void krb5int_des_do_encrypt_2(unsigned DES_INT32 *l,
262                                      unsigned DES_INT32 *r,
263                                      const unsigned DES_INT32 *k);
264 extern void krb5int_des_do_decrypt_2(unsigned DES_INT32 *l,
265                                      unsigned DES_INT32 *r,
266                                      const unsigned DES_INT32 *k);
267 #define DES_DO_ENCRYPT(L,R,K) krb5int_des_do_encrypt_2(&(L), &(R), (K))
268 #define DES_DO_DECRYPT(L,R,K) krb5int_des_do_decrypt_2(&(L), &(R), (K))
269 #else
272 #endif
274 /*
275  * These are handy dandy utility thingies for straightening out bytes.
276  * Included here because they're used a couple of places.
277  */
278 #define GET_HALF_BLOCK(lr, ip)  ((lr) = load_32_be(ip), (ip) += 4)
279 #define PUT_HALF_BLOCK(lr, op)  (store_32_be(lr, op), (op) += 4)
281 /* Shorthand that we'll need in several places, for creating values that
282    really can hold 32 bits regardless of the prevailing int size.  */
283 #define FF_UINT32       ((unsigned DES_INT32) 0xFF)
285 #endif  /* __DES_TABLES_H__ */